cosmopoliturtle · 5 hours
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Dune Lung - Vernorexia Bestiary
"Sand has been piling up in the wildlands lately. A sigh of Spring’s breath, billowing past ruins of old kingdoms, bringing us mementos in the form of scattered ash– roiled petals of the long dead. Folk say the sandy breeze carries the lost voices of ghosts, murmuring goodbyes to loved ones and last hymns to anyone who would hear them. Wherever the dust piles up most, the voices seem to be stronger and more numerous, and curious folk go missing.
The source of these uncanny utterances are Dune Lungs: once a deterrent of monsters, they have since joined their ranks. Kingdoms once further along than ours discovered certain sounds could be channeled through communication apparatuses to ward away or paralyze the angry beasts marching through the growing desert. It was trial and error to find the right frequencies, but once identified, they could be weaponized to great effect.
For many generations, sacred sounds kept these kingdoms safe, but Spring is a patient devil. The petals of the departed clogged the contraptions, and the lingering anguish within their essence animated them into hungry golems. With voices that bristle with electricity and heat, they speak false affirmations and sing melodies to lure prey into a sentimental stupor, knowing exactly what the desperate or the melancholic want to hear. I feel guilty admitting that when I find the night hours vexing, I have sat on the rim of their hunting grounds, the faint music under the sand helping me sleep. During dawn’s first light, regardless if a potential victim is near, I can hear them mumbling together: “the angels are coming, the angels are coming…”
Omens of Spring
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astropteryx · 10 months
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For @cosmopoliturtle!!!
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sarahtorribio-blog · 2 years
Epigram: "Vernorexia" (New Word Poem series)
Epigram: “Vernorexia” (New Word Poem series)
>>last post <<next post Vernorexia (new word poem) I’m suffering from vernorexia. I see you and burst into bloom. I wear love in my hair like a flower. Should we think about getting a room? –Sarah Torribio
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requiemofrebellion · 9 months
t a g d u m p
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starswish · 8 months
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❛  umm, is this seat taken ?  ❜ ( Xiao to Zhongli )
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Zhongli was sitting on a bench outside, admiring the scenery before him. The sun was high in the sky, shining its light upon the land of Liyue. A soft gentle breeze passed through here and there and overall, it was a peaceful afternoon. He was in a part of Liyue where there wasn’t much traffic of people, so he could enjoy the sounds of nature in peace.
Zhongli had felt the other’s presence but did not look over at him. Not until he spoke at least and Zhongli turned his head to look upon the yaksha. He offered him a soft smile to him and a soft nod to let him know it was okay. His eyes then moved back to the scenery. When he felt the other now beside him sitting, Zhongli finally opened his mouth to speak.
“ Isn’t it lovely? ” He questioned the other as he stared out. “ It’s even more so when it’s early morning with the sun rising but alas, I couldn’t make it out here this morning. ”
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evercenti · 6 months
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Vernorexia (n.) a romantic mood inspired by spring
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sapientiiae · 4 months
@swevene continued from x
Quite some time had passed since the Princess of Hyrule had last seen Princess Hildr. It was true that she’d taken a liking to the other princess years ago when they’d first met, having been thrown together and ushered off to another part of the castle to stay out of trouble while the “grown ups” focused on the important negotiations between the two kingdoms. 
Vernorexia and Hyrule had been allies for some time, and things remained peaceful between the two nations. Despite no serious changes or cause for concern, it never hurt to continue to meet face to face to reassess the trading and peace policies they had agreed upon — keep those that supported you close.
Of course Zelda had been there to greet Gunnarr, Hildr, and the rest of their entourage when they’d arrived in Hyrule. After exchanging the standard pleasantries, the humans from Vernorexia had been escorted to their bedchambers so they could freshen up before the banquet that night. Since then, the Hylian royal had really only spoken with Princess Hildr in passing — either acknowledging one another as they walked separate directions down the palace corridors, exchanging small talk across the table at dinner, or during other fleeting moments over those following days.
Now, however, the two groups had adjourned to tend to any other needs their kingdoms had. Hyrule and Vernorexia did not cease to exist or function just because their royal families were busy engaging in political discussions with each other.
When Zelda had completed everything that was required of her, she’d slipped into the castle’s garden, having heard from one of the maids that they’d seen Vernorexia’s princess there moments ago. Though the royal garden was on the bigger side and teeming with flowers, shrubs, and vines, it hadn’t taken the Hylian maiden long to stumble across the other woman.
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When Hildr accepted her companionship, Zelda offered a smile in return before moving to stand beside her fellow princess. “Thank you. Of all the places in Hyrule Castle, I think this may be my favorite — well, it is a tie between the gardens and the library, admittedly.” A soft, breathy laugh bubbled from the princess’s lips as she gave a casual shrug of her shoulders. “This garden was established by my great ancestors — a king and queen that ruled quite some time before my father. Some of the foliage and structures have changed over the years, but its magnificence has not diminished.”
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lovelylexis · 8 months
a romantic mood inspired by spring
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swevene · 7 months
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so i've had this idea for a little while of adding a bit more lore to my ocs world! since i've finished playing bramble it's given me some thought and i took a little inspiration from that! this will deal with several kingdoms but in particualr Adorellan (which is the land that Alv is from) and Vernorexia (Hildr's Kingdom)
basically a story in which how many of the royal families have magical abilities as i explained in another post magic is either through mixing of other creatures of magic (like elves) or granted from a guardian. it does mention some tw death and is a very rough idea of what i want. i'll have to think and ponder but i do like this thought process but may have to over it a few times. but figured it'd be better to put up now.
so there was this kingdom that had a king who i have not yet named. he was a good monarch and had a son. unfortunately his son was killed and it brought devastation not only on the king but the kingdom as a whole. he began to kill his own people accusing various groups of killing the young prince. eventually there was no one to blame and he planned on attacking other kingdoms. but in order to do that he needed to seek out power and so he was granted the dark power from the guardian of darkness and night (Zidsus x x). the king spent several years mastering and traveled to find those that knew of the forbidden magic that was only used through the gardian of darkness. once he had mastery he returned to his kingdom and raised all those he had slain to fight for him. they were under his trance a literal army of the dead.
the surrounding kingdoms hearing about this arm that would be approaching them decided to band together. chosen members of each royal family was sent out to ask the guardians to assist them or grant them the power needed to defeat this evil that was now upon them. each kingdom was granted a power by their chosen guardian as well as the knowledge in how to use it and how they may seal away the king of darkness.
humans and elves alike worked together and were able to overcome the army of the dead but there was no defeating them without making the king stop. if he was to die the dead with the magic would continue to roam they had to seal him away. and so working together they used the knowledge from the guardians to seal away the king. this sealment also sealed away the magic of the undead. they also each took parts of the land that once belonged to the king.
at the end of it all each of the leaders gathered together and made a truce. they would not use their magic against each other since it had been granted it would remain strong in their bloodline. and they would hide away how the king had been sealed for only a time if the king happen to escape. this is why in the generations that have passes since then their magic is mostly used for defense rather than offense.
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moribundmurdoch · 4 years
Vernorexia - a romantic mood inspired by spring
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I know the movie is called "Brighter Summer Day", but this gif has spring vibes.
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cosmopoliturtle · 10 days
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Red Dragon's Roost
"There was a time when Gloriosa was a forest of iron spires, overlooking a kingdom of sprawling steel. There was a time even older when it was humble woodland pastures, dotted by shrines tended to by kindly sages. 
The sages were a bridge between folk and fae, but once the fairies left these lands, it fell to the High Sage to carry those left behind. So vast was her wisdom and so gentle her hand that the people of Gloriosa couldn’t bear to lose their last link to a golden era so burned into their memories. They brought to her offerings of nectar, and she carried their love beyond natural years. 
As with all kingdoms, Springtide inevitably strolled in with fangs bared. Weald once shared peacefully became tar-laden wilds to be burned away. The warmth of the High Sage erupted into pitch, and she would see Gloriosa preserved in metal. Each time the fiends would come, the trees were felled and the towers grew skyward. Each time the soldiers fought, the furnaces roared and the streets grew quieter. 
A scholar, a hero; a myth come to an end. The High Sage let generations of nectar within her spoil and her body became bloated and malformed by tar. Now, from molten perches, she watches her fire dance, carrying the memories of a golden era forever passed."
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runehope · 7 years
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happy birthday to my two most favorite libras!! leander donnell belongs to @menderash in her webcomic I’m Strange And So Are You, please read it and love the good whale boy. he shares a birthday with my good death boy, enridian, so i drew them having birthday together!!
dorko rambling under the cut
aaaaAAAAAAA MY LIBRAS!! Enridian would be 21 this year! i’m unsure how old Leo would be, though that’s fine since birthdays for fictional characters are nebulous generally and idk why I even keep track of En’s Real Age.
i love this weird strange universe where Leo and En are Strictly Birthday Friends and just celebrate together for because ??? who knows? when did it start? do they talk outside of their birthday? do they meet up for the party and that’s it? do their friends know each other? they must, cause someone must help them set up?? what is this
i hope the cake looks okay! idk if anyone Other Than Me is into that whole split cake idea. i also didn’t know if leo would be ok w wearing denim? i guess thats a weird thing to worry about. i imagine this was taken right before they blow out the candles, En is asking like “are you ready?” or perhaps something less dorky. leo is just bashful to have a birthday friend. profiles are really difficult - i think En looks a little wonky, but Leo looks Beautiful which is most important i think
later i’ll post a version where it’s side-by-side with last years bday picture. i grew a lot artistically in the past year, it’s wild!
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shdwlss-blog · 7 years
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requiemofrebellion · 8 months
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❝ i know this might sound weird but, do you wanna stay over? i guess ‘sleepover’ sounds kind of childish but. i think it’d be nice. ❞ ( Izu to Baku )
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Katsuki shifted in Izuku’s room. When was the last time he had come to visit the other? He wasn’t exactly sure, for a long time he knew that before they became on good terms again in his book. Still, his hands were shoved into his pockets as he leaned against the bedroom wall. Red eye looking around the All Might decorated room before settling on Izuku when he asked about spending the night.
Katsuki gave a shrug in response at first. It’s not like he needed to head home, his parents were out of town on some fashion business. Nor did he think Inko would really care all too much either, as long as they were getting along, right? He let out a sigh and shook his head, but he wasn’t declining the offer, it was more directed at what Izuku was trying to call it, or rather not call it.
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“ It’s a damn sleepover, nerd. ” Katsuki replied as he pushed off the wall and walked towards the other. He moved to sit down on the floor next to Izuku’s bed. His back leaning against it as he turned his head to look at them. “ Yea, I can spend the night. I’ll take the floor, Deku. ”
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starswish · 8 months
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#𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐒𝐖𝐈𝐒𝐇. ⸻  independent and selective genshin impact multimuse. as loved by Ghost. est January 2024.
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𝐈𝐍𝐁𝐎𝐗 : seventeen. 𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐅𝐓𝐒 : two. 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒 : zero.
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𝐒𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐃𝐔𝐋𝐄 : semi-hiatus right now 𝐀𝐅𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 : @vernorexias & @momdstadt & @lunarscorned & @ofluminance
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fantasiavii · 6 years
My ideal is to live a life that has the same aesthetic and gives me the same warm, summery, comforting, gentle feeling evoked by Pride and Prejudice (2005) and its soundtrack.
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