#verse: adventures in johto
askrockandfriends · 2 months
starter for @ask-ultimate-fashionista for adventures in the Johto region!
New Bark Town. The Fukumoto siblings, Rock and Anzu, await their friend and girlfriend Fujiko and Chouko! Together, the four were planning to go on a romp through the region of Johto, where history and tradition come alive!
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"You ready, brother?" Anzu asked, her Eevee by her side. She wasn't much for battling, but there was something called a Pokelathon in the region that caught her attention. Her Eevee was decorated with a bow to differentiate it from her brother's.
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"You bet. Johto region, here we come!" Rock replied. His Eevee had more of a spiky hairstyle compared to Anzu's. It romped happily around his ankles and tried to play with Anzu's Eevee.
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warden-melli · 9 months
Melli, please ? (And more preferably about his biological parents for the family headcanon).
Sure ^^ Sorry I took so long to get to your ask. My headcanons for his family and backstory are pretty extensive, so feel free to ask more headcanon stuff if you’re interested. I’ve developed a pretty detailed headcanon verse for the PLA world/characters, I’ve just never really had much of an opportunity to share them.
♥ - family headcanon
Melli’s mother’s name is Fiana, and she works as a jewellery/charm maker. She has a particular passion for memento mori, and assists her mother (Melli’s grandmother) in her role as the Diamond Clans funeral celebrant, death doula, and herbalist. While jewellery making is where she earns the majority of her income, her true passion is Kalosian literature, and cuisine, something she’s sadly only experienced sparingly, and solely vicariously through the rare Kalosian traveler that would occasionally visit the village in her youth. Equally as known for her beauty as she is her rebellious and often opinionated personality, she has developed quite the reputation as a trouble maker. Her hair is long and dark, and her eyes are the same shade of blue as her sons. Her partner is Dustox, whom she was raised with as a sister. Her childhood best friend is Adaman’s mother, Minette.
Melli’s father is a rather plain, shortish man with warm brown skin, thin dark hair, a sharp wit and a lax demeanour named Haru. He is a brewer by trade, though is often caught slacking off with his fishing pole in the water ways near the Diamond Clans village. His partner pokemon is (a particularly plump) Raichu who is far happier snoozing in the village than facing any form of battle. While Melli’s mothers side of the family has been living in Hisui for generations, Melli’s father’s family only made the journey from the Johto region to join the Diamond Clan village in Hisui when Haru was only a few years old. He quickly adapted to the Hisui lifestyle, befriending several other children including his future wife Fiana, as well as meeting his lifelong best friend, Nok (Adman’s father).
From their youth Melli’s parents and Adman’s parents were inseparable, often pushing the boundaries of the villages rules, and adventuring throughout the Hisui region, and even secretly making friends with some members of the Pearl Clan. They all developed reputations as slackers and troublemakers, with Melli’s parents seen as bad influences, especially to Nok, the son of the Diamond Clans then leader leader, who was expected to follow in his fathers footsteps. When Nok came of age and publicly declined the position of leader, it was Haru who was blamed for his decision, especially when the two teamed up to start their own brewery shortly after. Despite the controversy Noks father, Leader Solitaire, begrudgingly accepted his sons decision, choosing to stay Leader until Nok either changed his mind, or another candidate for Leader would put themselves forward for the position.
His parents became closer in their teens, before falling in love and marrying in their early 20’s, causing quite the stir in the village. Despite her reputation, her beauty, her brothers respected title as Warden, and her families long history with the Diamond Clan ensured that Melli’s mother was seen as an incredibly desirable marriage candidate, having turned down many suitors before announcing her engagement. Haru was the victim of jealous rumours and mean spirited remarks from many in the village, with some loudly declaring that he was “not good enough” to be Fiana’s husband. To many he was not considered handsome enough, or to have a high enough status to marry somebody like Fiana, and because of his families somewhat recent history in the Hisui region many considered him to be “barely not an outsider”. The two responded to this treatment as they always did. They ignored it and did what they wanted to do anyway.
They tried for children almost straight away, yet failed to receive “Sinnoh’s blessings”. Minette, who was pregnant with her son at the time, assured Fiana that Sinnoh would bless her “when it’s time”, with Nok insisting that the true cause of their troubles probably originated from a well placed Wydeer kick that Haru had taken during an adventure in their teens. Despite being incredibly overjoyed for their friends blessing, the couple couldn’t help but feel a little jealous when Minette gave birth to a baby boy, Adaman.
While they remained best friends, after Adaman’s arrival the two couples had less time to spend in each others company, as Nok and Minette were busy with their newborn. Adaman was only a week or so old when a mysterious traveller from the Kalos region made contact with their village. He was looking for guidance and a safe place to stay while he was in the region. The villagers, wary of outsiders, hesitantly allowed him to enter. This was not out of the goodness of their hearts, but because he was travelling with a trusted group of merchants with whom their Clan had traded with for years, when their ships would dock on Hisuain shores as they made their way to more populated lands.
The traveller was like no one that any of them had ever seen before. Toweringly tall, with intense eyes and and a frightening air of mystery about him, Fiana and Haru were intrigued, and with their friends busy, they volunteered to be his guide. Many in the village, but especially the Warden in the Fieldlands warned them to be careful travelling with the man, yet they saw it as a chance to have another adventure. The warden personally confronted the couple, warning of outsiders and their wicked ways, yet they ignored him taking on the role anyway.
The man was quiet at first, secretive and vague about what it was exactly he was after, yet regardless was eager to learn about the region and the pokemon that resided in it. Over the first few weeks after his arrival the traveler mostly stayed silent, listening to the couple banter as they traveled the region, before returning to the village at night and hiding away until it was time to venture out again in the morning. Slowly, as they adventured day after day, he slowly began joining in on their jokes, asking questions about them and their lives and slowly opening up tiny facts about himself. Pretty soon they had explored all that they could in a single day. The group then started taking trips that would last days away from the village. On these trips, alone in the Hisui wilds, the traveller and the young couple would bond quickly, the man apologising for his coldness towards them, and opening up about his true purpose in visiting the region. He was looking for a certain pokemon, one that he had heard rumours of being sighted in the area, as told to him by the very merchants that he had traveled to the region with in the first place. They reported seeing a small, mysterious flower pokemon, and the traveller desired to find it. Fiana and Haru were intrigued by the possibility, and after quickly ruling out the local Roselia’s as the pokemon in question, the group set out to find it.
What began as a cold, reserved and almost sorrowful man quickly turned to a charming, well spoken, and intensely interesting person who seemed to delight in telling the pair tales of his travels, bits about his home region of Kalos and who equally seemed just as interested by their stories of the almighty Sinnoh, the noble pokemon and of the land in which they called home. Over the months they grew closer, the man becoming more trusting of the Diamond Clan, and in turn, the Clan becoming more accepting of his presence among them. Their bond continued to grown until one night, when camping over night in the Fieldlands during one of their expeditions, all three of them decided to escalate their relationship, and they decided to sleep together. This was of course forbidden, as the two were married and this traveller was an outsider to their clan, and yet Fiana and Haru did what they always did. Whatever it is they wanted. And they had the best night.
Their bond only grew after that night, and the next few months were spent with many more nights like it as they continued their adventure to try and find the mysterious pokemon. Secretly, the couple wished the man would never find his prize so that he might stay with them in Hisui forever, yet one afternoon, in the Fieldlands not too far from where they all spent their first night together, they finally found what they were looking for. A field of previously dead flowers came to life as they watched a small green and white pokemon with flowers on it’s back frolic in the newly formed flower meadow. They looked to the man expecting him to be excited upon finally sighting the pokemon he had traveled all the way there to just to catch a glimpse of, yet he looked defeated instead. Tearfully he told them that that wasn’t the pokemon that he was hoping to find, and that that meant that it was time for him to leave Hisui, as he couldn’t rest until he found it. They tried to change his mind, urging him to join their clan, yet he refused to agree. Finally, they managed to get him to agree to at least return to the Clan overnight, but as the trio entered the village they were confronted by the then Warden of the fieldlands, the Diamond Clan leader and much of the village who seemed to be waiting for their return. It was then that the Warden revealed that as he had been mistrustful of the outsider had been trailing them, and that he had sighted the trio during one of their adventures engaging in forbidden behaviour. He had informed the entire Clan of the outsiders disrespect in leading two members of their clan astray.
Fiana and Haru tried to defend themselves, yet refused to deny the accusation. The traveller just stood, with a blank stare as the village turned on him, hurling insults and judgments before the leader silenced them so that he may talk. Leader Solitaire looked almost remorseful as he explained that his hands were tied, and as the rules were clear he had no choice to expel the man from the Clan immediately, banishing him from the village and forbidding any member of their Clan to speak to him from that moment on. The man told Haru and Fiana to cease their objections, and addressed the entire Clan. He confirmed that the fault was all his, that he had in fact lead the clan members astray, and that he would gladly leave this land. Fiana and Haru tired to argue, yet he would hear nothing of it as he left them there, his final words a bitter reflection about the state of humanity, and of what a fool he had been to think the Diamond Clan were any different. He left the pair with one final smile as he disappeared into the wilds.
Their reputation was in tatters after that, but their good relationship with the Clan leader, and his son ensured that the pair weren’t thrown from the village. Nok and Minette, who were well aware of the nature of their relationship, mourned their loss with them in private, passing no judgment on them and continuing to work and be seen with them in public. It was a few weeks later, approaching Adaman’s first birthday, that Fiana realised that she had fallen pregnant. The couples initial wave of joy was short lived, as when they shared the news with the rest of the Clan rampant speculation had begun about who the true father of the unborn child was. The two had considered this themselves, deciding that it didn’t matter to them who the “true” father had been, as despite being caught they didn’t regret the time they had spent with the traveller at all, and they welcomed any blessing that Sinnoh would grace them with.
When the baby was born it was clear immediately that the traveller had been the one, yet true to their word Haru and Fiana didn’t love the child any less, and were so proud and overjoyed by “her” birth. They named the baby “girl”, Camellia, after the flowers that grew in Haru’s homeland of Johto, the imagery of which Fiana had adopted and would often incorporate into her jewellery designs, and as an homage to the traveller and his quest to find his flower pokemon.
The Clan members could instantly tell that Camellia was the child of the traveller, yet due to the interference of the leader kept their judgments mostly to themselves, partially to avoid the Pearl Clan getting wind of the embarrassing scandal, and to shield the child from the truth. The families connection with the Leader also helped, and in time their reputation recovered slightly, although never recovered fully, to this day with the couple being the subjects of much speculations and gossip. Melli is their only child.
■ -  Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon
Melli for much of the year lives away from the rest of the Diamond Clan, up on Mt Coronet in the highlands near Moonview Arena. It’s a small wooden cabin that has served generations of Wardens, having previously been the home of his uncle before inheriting it after his death. While he ventures down to the rest if the Clan often during the warmer months, staying with his parents whenever he’s in the village, he spends much of the winter completely isolated up on the mountain to care for Lord Electrode during the harsh icy weather. Grass types and ice don’t mix.
For the most part he likes living alone. He can eat whenever he wants to, can sing as pound as he wants, and there’s no concerned Clan aunties to yell at him for staying up late. He does get extremely lonely though, and always looks forward to mail (as delivered by lord Braviary) or visits from friends when the weather is agreeable.
▼ - childhood headcanon
Gender non-conforming trans masc. Realised he was a boy extremely young, but was too shy to tell anyone but Adaman at first, who he bonded to after Adaman accepted him as a boy straight away. He and Adaman kept it as a secret for a few years, until, with much coaching from Adaman, Melli was finally ready to tell his parents, who accepted him straight away. I headcanon that being trans in this time period/universe is generally understood and accepted, yet still comes with its own sets of expectations and problems with expectations of trans peoples roles in society, and with transition having it’s own barriers due to the technology of the time.
As they were best friends, (and before Melli came out) Melli and Adaman’s parents had pipe dreams that one day the two may be husband and wife.
Melli made friends with Stunky after Adaman’s dad offered to take both kids out to befriend an eevee. Melli instantly thought he was adorable, but was emboldened to make friends with him after adults in the village insisted that “a stunky wasn’t a suitable partner for a little girl” encouraging him to befriend a eevee like Adaman. This awoke his stubborn streak, and he insisted on keeping the stunky around. His Grandmother with a Skuntank partner of her own, came to his defence, and with her blessing, he was allowed to keep the stunky around.
★ - sad headcanon
Melli, as a teenager, found his uncle dead up on the mountain when going to visit him while he was the Warden to Lord Electrode.
He could always tell that members of the Clan treated him differently, and that contributed to his shyness initially, but then also boosted his desire to prove himself. He often feels like the harder he tries to make people respect or like him, the more people pull away. Has developed his overly confident personality as a shield to both cover his shyness, and to try and emulate Adaman and be the type of person/friend who’s confident and capable enough to help Adaman become a great leader.
Due to some expectations placed on him as a child, and the response from certain members of the village, and changes to his relationships that occurred after he came out as trans, he often wonders if it would have been easier to “stay in the closet”, despite knowing he’d be absolutely miserable.
(This ended up being extremely long, and is likely very rough, so please excuse any mistakes lol, I’ve stayed up all night writing this and I need sleep. I’m always happy to elaborate/answer headcanon questions, both for my personal canon headcanons, and for more general canon stuff too. I love Melli so much, I could talk about him forever)
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enruiinas · 5 months
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𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐎𝐌 𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐓: for read/watch progress and AU/verse plotting purposes. I love AUs & verses in general and am always happy to use a fandom we're both familiar with as a starting point, whether it's borrowing the whole setting, elements we enjoyed or both recognize from a fandom, etc. This is a long post so I'll read-more after "currently reading/watching" - a full list of fandoms I'm familiar with or enjoy is available below the cut.
bold - fandoms i'm familiar enough to base an AU on, pull elements from, etc. italicized - fandoms i'm fairly confident on my grasp of. can base an AU on or pull elements from, but might need a tiny bit of time to revisit some things. ★ - muses from this fandom will likely feature on or will soon be tested on the multimuse i'm working on in the background.
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★ ONE PIECE. (manga re-read): ch. 339/????. I am technically "caught up" through the end of Wano and peep on spoilers for the ongoing arc, but as I speed-read the entire thing in a month last year, I'm not always super confident in my grasp on the second half of the series because I was so ready to be caught up. Wano grasp is particularly abysmal but I'm okay with exploring ongoing Egghead stuff with Law in interactions. [Potential muses: Baby 5, Mihawk, Usopp] ★ FAIRY TAIL. (manga first-time read): ch. 285/545.
★ POKEMON (mostly Kanto/Johto stuff though). I grew up on Pokémon and love lol things Kanto/Johto but haven’t watched, played, or read anything since Ruby and Sapphire were current content. I’m starting from scratch and working my way up again, beginning with Pokemon Adventures (manga) and Pokémon Origins + an original Kanto rewatch on Netflix.
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Anime / Manga:
★ ONE PIECE. see above. ★ FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST: BROTHERHOOD. I haven't watched FMA (2003) in years, but it's on my list to revisit. [Potential muses: Winry Rockbell] ★ DEMON SLAYER. Have dabbled in Demon Slayer muses and plan to bring them back after a rewatch to spark my muse again. [Potential muses: TBD pending revisit.] ★ FAIRY TAIL. Reading for the first time. Current progress: ch. 285/545. Potential muses (once I've completed my read only): Cana Alberona, Loke, Gray Fullbuster, Levy McGarden. CHARLOTTE. Anime. This is one I would love to explore AU plots based on. It's short (13 episodes?) and I would probably revisit before jumping into anything but highly recommend if you're looking for a short anime to watch sometimes. ★ NORAGAMI. I slacked off following the manga there for a bit at the end and would need to revisit, but might add muses after a re-read. [Potential muses: TBD pending revisit.] ★ TOILET-BOUND HANAKO-KUN. Need to revisit, but I loved what I'd read so far and would likely end up adding muses. ★ BUNGOU STRAY DOGS.
LABYRINTH. 1986 - the David Bowie movie. always a fave. ★ DISNEY MOVIES. Pretty much any, but my favorites are Hercules*, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, The Emperor's New Groove, Lilo & Stitch... HOWL'S MOVING CASTLE. (Also reading the book trilogy at the moment, currently on 2/3. Potential muses: Sophie Hatter, Lettie Hatter, Martha Hatter.) SPIRITED AWAY. BARBIE (2023).
A COURT OF THORNS AND ROSES. I loooove ACTOAR but it's admittedly been a while. I want to reread soon! (mun confession: after getting @climatact I realized the full extent to which Law is accidentally/unintentionally Rhys-coded. Oops.) ARTEMIS FOWL My all-time favorite book series. I re-read this at least once a year. I doubt I'll add muses, but I'm definitely familiar enough with it I feel like I could muse almost anyone. PRIDE & PREJUDICE. Won't add muses, but enjoy a lot of themes & character tropes/archetypes here. THE LAST UNICORN. [finished 2/19/2024.]
TV Shows:
★ Once Upon a Time. Other than the last season, probably my favorite TV show, but I'm due for a rewatch. [Potential muses: not sure yet but there will be some.]
Video Games:
* - I love Greek mythology (or any polytheistic belief system) in general. There are probably plenty of things i'd need to read up on but I am always up for Greek mythology or fairy tale (Disney-fied or original versions) inspired verses/themes.
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Pokemon (Anime? Manga? Games? Where do I wanna start?)
Kaoru Hana Wa Rin To Saku.
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musesbymeri · 2 years
Paldea Verse Update!
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Music played loudly from Mauville Hills, Apartment 15. An energetic, almost battle-ready sound as May scrambled around trying to finish packing her belongings.
To find May Takagi in a flurry as she packed wasn't an unusual thing. What was unusual in this case is the amount of stuff she was packing. Not just her clothing and toiletries and outdoor supplies, but the apartment had almost been completely stripped of artwork and photographs. Everything but the big furniture was packed away, most already shipped to May's new destination, and her cupboards and fridge were devoid of anything but a pitcher of water.
A letter lay open on the counter with an unexpected, but very exciting job offer - a guest lecturer position at the prestigious trainer academy in Paldea. She had a vague memory of meeting the League chairperson once or twice, but hadn't formed a relationship with the region like she had with some of the others she'd met in her tenure as Champion. To have been selected as a guest lecturer at Paldea's academy was a huge honor. She'd dreamed about going there once, until she'd realized how far from Johto Paldea was.
"Alright," May said quietly, moving Flash off her suitcase so she could zip it up. "I think that's everything. What do you say, Flash? Are you ready for a new adventure?"
Flash's cheeks sparked with excitement, and he jumped into her arms, making her laugh. "Alright. Let's head to Paldea."
tag: verse: paldean lecturer
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dire-straits-fn8ic · 1 year
What are some of your favourite Pokemon tracks? From the games, the anime, wherever really
Oh god, so many great choices! I'll go through Anime first because I can differentiate those way easier in my mind
My all-time GOAT is Unbeatable, the Advanced Battle theme.
It's basically been stuck in my head since forever, I love the power and passion, I love the lyrics.
"Walking down this endless highway, with nothing but my friends beside me"
"from the earth to land or sea and sky, they can never win but they sure can try" I love how this line flows musically and how it invokes a sense of a multifaceted challenger ready to take on everything the world throws at them.
"They come to play but they never last"
Also the guitar solo and second verse in the extended version are great too!
Master Quest is great too!
"There's no time to question my moves, I stick to the path that I choose"
Plus all of the lines about "I can be a champion if I just believe" and "I'm gonna be the very best, 'cause all I've got to do is believe in be"
It's an anthem about someone who's already immensely skilled and just needs to fight their hardest. Every battle's winnable, just trust in yourself and make the choices you know you can make
Realizing I like a lot of these for the same reasons I like the League of Legends music that drops at the start of the season and around Worlds, I like hype up songs about kicking ass through strategy and skill
I'll try to pare down the next few
Diamond and Pearl anime theme
I really love the flow and the lyrical sense of failure not being an option
"It's a brand new game and a brand new world, new rivals, as you fight for survival, nothing can stop you"
"you got to play smart, you've got to move faster. Behind every win is a chance to begin again, you gotta take 'em all if you want to be a master"
Johto Journeys
Totally different tonally from the last few I mentioned, it's pleasant and optimistic
"it's a whole new world that we're living in, but you still gotta catch em all"
Like it's saying you should take the time to smell the roses, you're not in danger and this isn't the world finals, explore the new place and enjoy the new adventure but the grind never stops so get back on it.
Also I'm a sucker for the "doo Doo Doo"
Pokemon Advanced Challenge
"You and I will be the best that the world's ever seen"
No other commentary, that's all the song needs
Many more great songs and lines, these are just some of the ones I'm obsessed with lately. Also the OG theme is amazing but I can't make any thoughts about it right now for some reason
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kokorowoutsu-a · 1 year
-- HC: Otherworldly Lore
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I should make a note of this on what lore is canon to this blog... so here it is. What other blogs are tied to this one’s overall arching pokemon verse and how it fits into the grand scheme of the Pokemon Multiverse!
DISCLAIMER: My characters will meet other characters in a first time basis in a setting where it’s a neutral verse, so to speak. There will be mentions of my verse overall here and there but not actually overall canon until we come to an agreement on where your blog’s lore and mine stand, or if any. It’s more of a ‘put our kids on a playground and see what happens’ sort of thing. If all else fails, our verses will be treated in an overarching multiverse that my characters are aware of and can travel with some help which will be explained further.
The Main Installments --
@skullboneandunown​ - Aspiring Archaeologist Donovan Bonhomme who hails from Johto gets influenced by the Unown and their psychic abilities. He ends up becoming a version of Sorcerer Supreme from Marvel Comics and a superhero more or less in my verse and ascends to be beyond a trainer with his pokemon. He’s also got some help in the form of Mewtwo (First Movie/Detective Pikachu), Mew (First Movie), and Flannery Burnes (Hoenn Gym Leader). Donovan is a longtime friend of Ashe’s since Johto and Morgan’s apprentice in psychic abilities as well as lowkey magic-wielding. (Played: Canon & OCs, Canon; Mewtwo, Mew, Gym Leader Flannery)
@aotoreiki​ - Pokemon Trainer Reisei ‘Rei’ Winters (also Ice in the distant past of Team Dim Sun) who is your average trainer with aura abilities and a interest in competitive battling (?). Hails from Sinnoh and tends to travel as he likes. A welcome sight to the Grandcrest Family and somehow puts up with the weirdness. (NOTE: This blog’s lore on the ‘Ranger Regions’ of Almia, Fiore, and Oblivia are canon to my blog.) (Played: Canon, Canon; Admin Ice)
@dimensionhoppinghybrids​ - A family of Demons from another dimension that have a more familial and romantic tie to the Grandcrest Family. Joseph, one of the sons of the King Consort of Demons, has taken to courting the Lady of the Grandcrest Household, Morgan, and is her soulmate, and in all intensive terms, Joseph is the Man of the Grandcrest Household and stepped up as father role to the ‘kids’ here. His siblings and father play a vital role here and there, mostly being in Desire and Ivy, but occasionally a passerby might stop in or two as well. A Zoroark Hybrid, Juno, and his family, also are considered close friends to Kianga in particular. Morgan has also adopted Juno by herself as her own child alongside his Zoroark mother, Nora. (Played: OCs)
@night-gladion-and-their-ghosts​ - Led by Night Shadowborn, Cynthia’s Heir and the Sinnoh Champion, this group consisting of Ashburn, Jasper, Gladion, Lillie, Cynthia, Sun/Moon Duo and the Creation Brothers, serve as the foil to the Grandcrest Family. Night, Gladion, and Lillie are adopted by Joseph himself and therefore are siblings to Ashe and Kianga. While Ashe and Kianga may not see eye to eye with most of those listed here, if family is needed, they’ll have their backs and vice versa. (Played: Canon & OCs, Canons; Champion Cynthia, Solgaleo/Lunala, Dialga/Palkia/Giratina, Gladion, Lillie)
@pokemon-experiments​ - Ruko, the young Lucario who showed up on the doorstep one day, has been taken in as a Grandcrest himself and now seen as family. Having travelled through several adventures with Ashe and Kianga and seen the return of his parents Arthuriel and Gwendolyn, Ruko is and always will be Ashe and Kianga’s brother and a dear friend to Leon. Also, the man who helped Ruko in the past as a Riolu, Jackson, serves as the owner of a partial off-shoot of a ranch to Grandcrest Ranch within Area Zero. (Played: OCs)
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pointlookout · 1 year
some rainbow rocket au notes cause that fic i posted got me thinking
it’s basically the universe where team rocket wins. like no red ruining everything and no other obstacles. maybe the other teams from different regions also win but idk yet cause some of them are crayzay
on the surface team rocket are a legitimate business that deals with shipping and stuff but behind it they’re the largest criminal organisation out of kanto, johto, hoenn and sinnoh (aka pokemon’s version of japan
have many links with the other teams from different regions, mainly team flare and marco cosmos. also aether foundation too from time to time.
giovanni is like this big business man and yasmine is a mostly philanthropist
the mewtwo experiment was actually a big success <3 its like giovanni’s second pet cat (second to his persian)
because giovanni wasn’t beat by red he had no reason to disband team rocket and go into hiding thus silver never ran away
by the time he hits his teens silver is being taught the ways of the family business, taken to galas with yasmine, joining giovanni on questionable business meetings and the executives showing him the ropes
suki also makes an appearance ! as she didn’t meet silver when she was younger in this verse she doesn’t go on many adventures (she still travels with ethan but their paths split them pretty quickly). she gives up her pokémon journey early on in favour of training to be an idol which eventually she gets picked to join a girl group with gym leaders whitney and jasmine (i thought it would be cute whatever!!! thanks perfect blue <3). also rumoured to be dating hottie johto champion lance
i’m still thinking of how she’d meet silver. i just know it would be a yandere situation (just maybe not as extreme). basically a “im going to run team rocket one day therefor i can have anyone i want” type of thing. idk!!!!
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gracifleur · 1 year
consider: pokémon adventures au shea
i’m answering this on mobile forgive me ive acquired a cold n are chillin afk but i love asks so i wanna answer them anyways— so funny u say that as the johto crew that is on my mains list are pokespe specifically ! @starmarkcd @gxldenstreak me homies Shea loves these two & she picks on them but she’s very proud of them & glad to know johto has capable heroes
but i do need to work down a specific pokespe style verse 🤔 the manga is very fun & i rlly like how involved it gets. i actually own the big sized volumes from when it first hit the us too. anyways i will put a more through pokespe verse on me list
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pupmusebox · 25 days
(Ethan’s info under the cut.)
Name: Ethan
Eye color: Grey(or Raven like his hair)/Gold(Amber) (Default color would be Grey(Raven) but you’re welcome to think of him having Gold/Amber looking eyes.)
Hair color: Black-blue(Raven like in color)
Age: 18 (Default. Age varies on verse.)
Gender: Trans Male
Orientation: Pansexual
Birthday: July 21
Blood type: B
Personality: Known for being on the peppy/cheery side even when trying to lift up the solemn mood or anything of the sort, may not admit it but he spooks a little easy when not paying attention (which is comical due to a high pitched squeaks he makes), a bit stubborn when it comes to sets his mind on things even when it comes to being friends with someone (even ones that are a bit rough around the edges), Ethan does cry get emotional especially while trying to keep things together with a smile only for a few tears to show when doing so, he’s also a tad hyper when perked up about any topic pertaining to Pokemon (Eggs, breeding, battles, etc.) and he does then to be a little bit on the forgetful side even when out on adventures leading to much wandering till remembering to read his map.
Appearance: Athletic and a bit slim side but toned from adventures, medium length hair and fluffy somewhat when he takes his cap off, always seen wearing his trusty hoodie when wandering about, tall but this be later on when his goes along on his adventures and being teased lightly by Lyra when seeing her, has a series of tiny faint scars from scrapes and scuffles he got into as a kid when used to be at school, his eyes tend to look like they shine a dark blue in the sunlight or moonlight as well(he gets flustered when hearing remarks on his color eye too).
Born to a pair of wonderful parents and earning that signature look of his father who enjoyed the young ravenette of a child, though one thing about Ethan was even back then that love for Pokemon shone bright especially when hugging his Johto starter plushies. Only small secret was Ethan was actually a little girl at first to much to his father’s surprise but still wanted to name the young raven Ethan since it was a name both parents settled on naming their child. Leading to his father in getting things prepared for his dear child who have a choice in whichever Ethan liked to be when the time came.
When Ethan was a young kid he was very much homeschooled for a few years mostly due that habit of disappearing from class via an open window or door when the teacher wasn’t watching or paying attention, he got scolded for that but his mother couldn’t help but shake her head at her son who had that adventurous side like his father whom was always working and away from home for long periods of time. Ethan always looked up to his father very much even looking forward to the various packages/letters/gifts he would get in the mail, most of them be of Pokemon items and clothes pertaining to that as well and most of the stuff Ethan got was saved and cherished dearly especially the cap he gotten as well.
Afterwards of few years of homeschooling and eager to start a journey to meet Pokemon and Ethan was quite excited when the Professor asked him to do something important though in the past he had his mood deflated when it was to move things about the Lab. On receiving the news of to escort an Egg from Mr. Pokemon’s house he was quite happy since he could venture further than what he was used to, in the excitement of this Ethan chosen Cyndaquil to be his partner and loved the bitty starter Pokemon since resembled one of three plushies of the starters.
On the way of New Bark Town he met up with his old childhood friend Lyra who was very excited to see him running about again but time with a Pokemon, after this Ethan couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow at a mysterious person who stood by a window of the Lab and got shooed away when too close leading Ethan to think the red head was just plain cranky. Shrugging off the red head’s words and racing off to do his chore of a mission as he called it to get the Egg and bring it back to the Lab, Ethan reached the destination safely with the precious cargo and met up with Professor Oak who was visiting at the time on arriving to the home.
Blinking with confusion till that grin shown on his face and jumping up with a loud squeal of joy, happy that the Professor given him a Pokedex along with the advice of to challenge the Gyms of Johto and to complete the new Pokedex. Leaving the home with a hyped up mood and racing back home but bumping into the cranky red head once again only to be challenged to a fight, though it was a close call he managed to win but also got pushed aside quite hard by the other trainer but finding out their name in the process due the ID card that fell out of their pocket. Returning back to the Lab and nearly taken away by a police officer but saved by Lyra who told the news to the officer, when finally done with the slight bump in the road and telling Elm of the news along with presenting the Egg that he was trusted to bring to the Professor and smiling when showing the Pokedex he gotten as well. The young ravenette of a trainer was very tuckered out from the trek then decided to head home to rest up before leaving the next day, on telling his mother of the string of events and getting a big hug from her with happy tears his eyes.
Prepping up for the long adventure and making sure to call his mother whenever he could thus beginning his journey along Cyndaquil, the pair were a funny duo and always brought a sense of safety and happiness wherever they went along with gaining more Pokemon partners to join them on their adventure. Ethan made sure to not reveal too much info on himself due to uneasiness of his appearance if someone were to see him without his hoodie, either way the young boy was happy in starting off his travels and made sure to check up with his mother so he didn’t forget his medicine and shots from a family doctor who stopped by the centers when he needed them.
Ethan being very energetic and like a light to who he enjoyed company of may it be random passerby or well known people too, his personality rubbed off on his partners as well which lead to very much fun while battling along the way leaving both sides satisfied with the battle outcome no matter who won or lost.
Traveling to various towns/cities with much curiosity of the areas beyond his town to say the least along with few misadventures as well, even occasionally bumping to the red head who he briefly met at the Lab in New Bark Town but managing to pull of wins against the other whenever the met. Most of the Gym Battles were tough when giving tries to tackle each challenge that were before him, also dealing the Grunts of Team Rocket who were thought to be gone but now were running about in the shadows.
Ethan slowly starts making a name of himself when tackling challenges and gaining few friends as well from people he met, from that goofy trainer of a beginner now turning to a fine trainer of great potential on somewhat keeping his chill through it all. Leading to the Kimono Girls to take interest of him from the sidelines whenever he come across them, Ethan couldn’t understand when they spoke to him and played it off at times he was just himself and no one of great specialty really.
With his trusty Pokemon along with everyone’s support he finally makes gets to where he always dreamed of being, battling with the Elite Four with much tough battles where he thought it be a close shave here and there but keeping his head up with a smile when managing a pull behind win when least expected of doing so. The last battle to put an end on his adventure chapter in Johto was quite an explosive one that being to the hard hitting action of both sides, Ethan practically was quite drained after all the fights and to tackle such a high hurdle with Lance was a good one to say the least.
His trusty Typholsion in the end was the one to win the fight but barely due to the way both trainers went all out in their battle, giving a good act of sportsmanship with Lance and smiling at the peak he managed to reach before flopping over quite tired but happy. Ethan was considered a wonderful trainer by all that kept track of his process leading to much bashfulness from him at the attention, he now took the opportunity to rest after all the adventures which was a good few days really when he got back home and conked out after hitting his bed.
[Main Team]
Typhlosion-Male Pidgeot-Male Espeon-Male Togekiss-Male Golduck-Male Bellossom-Male
(Egg Gift)Feralgatr-Male (Egg Gift)Meganium-Male Sunflora-Male Ambipom-Male Arcanine-Male Furret-Male Fearow-Male Gyarados-Male Ditto-Genderless Sudowoodo-Male Politoed-Male Talonflame-Male Florges-Female Gogoat-Male Aromatisse-Male Slurpuff-Male Sylveon-Male Cinderace-Male Dubwool-Male Boltund-Male Corviknight-Male Flappin-Male Appletun-Male Sandaconda-Male
Eevees-Male and Female Slowpoke-Female Pichu-Male Yamper-Male Applin-Male [ Verses ]
-A Gentle Child with an Adventurous Heart (Age 12-17): Ethan begins his journey across Johto after accepting a job from Professor Elm which kicks off his own adventure along with earning a Pokedex from the renowned Professor Oak of Pallet Town from the neighboring region of Kanto. Tackling Gym challenges and also being wrapped into much troubles from a group named Team Rocket, Ethan makes his own way and grows stronger during his journey along with helping much people and Pokemon along the way too.
Teaching Silver also to treat his partners with kindness and not to be so harsh to them as well whenever they met up on their separate travels about the region, winning his battles as well when challenged by the red head of a rival and softening the other’s heart after many fights. After all his traveling about and finally reaching the League after gathering his badges then tackling the Elite Four with his trusty partners, the Four was on a different level compared to the Gym Leaders that he faced but with much trust and hard work Ethan managed to work his way up to the Champion’s room.
In the end on winning by a mere bit and tucked out Ethan took his place as a new Champion but nervous when tackled and haggled by tv reporters, thankfully with Lance’s help the young trainer was able to avoid the nosy reporters and slip away to enjoy well earned rest back in New Bark Town. Shortly after becoming Champion Ethan decides to venture over to Kanto and to tackle the challenges there as well, much to his surprise the place wasn’t all that easy and he stumbled a bit but gets through the tough fights despite the knock downs at times. Happy with his progress he still tackles the Gyms while taking in the sights of Kanto with a smile.
-Taking Adventuring to the Next Level (Default verse, age varying 18-24): After spending time adventuring all over both Johto and Kanto along with earning all the badges he could from both regions, Ethan decides to let his adventurous spirit to take him own more unknown adventures to other regions also quite eager to do so as well. Upon leaving the region Ethan decides to relinquishing his Champion title even though it been a short time in his eyes he wishes to see the world and what it could offer to his restless spirit of adventure.
He occasionally makes his way back to Johto when he can and when a bit feeling homesick, Ethan does meet up with his father when doing so as well especially bringing a smile to both his parent’s faces on returning with interesting stories and more.
-New Worlds to Explore and More - Crossover Verse/AU :Letting his adventurous spirit get the better of him ends up leading Ethan to brand places and worlds, mostly due to small gates/portals that periodically open up when slight disturbances occur in the world he lives in. On discovering one of these that fire of adventure kicked up into a blaze which pretty much gets Ethan into a spot at times depends on where he ends up being really. -Lights of the Rainbow from Shining Feathers - Deity in Training AU: (More can be found here.) During his travels Ethan stumbles across an hidden glen in the forest that is away from human eyes, resulting in the curiosity from himself and the young Ho-Oh that warmed up to him due to them following Ethan about the woods much to the trainer’s flustered expression on having a Legendary that is considered a Deity of sorts in the Johto region.
Leading to the young Ho-Oh decide in tagging along but also bonding their essence Ethan’s which leads to a bit of mishaps here and there, only thing being now is that he has to figure out how to control those new powers along with other things such as shifting. Pretty much adds more excitement to his life that much is said especially with a curious Ho-Oh who is wondering about the Humans and other Pokemon too.
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pupmuseboxmoved · 6 months
(Ethan's info under the cut.)
Name: Ethan
Eye color: Grey(or Raven like his hair)/Gold(Amber) (Default color would be Grey(Raven) but you’re welcome to think of him having Gold/Amber looking eyes.)
Hair color: Black-blue(Raven like in color)
Age: 18 (Default. Age varies on verse.)
Gender: Trans Male
Orientation: Pansexual
Birthday: July 21
Blood type: B
Personality: Known for being on the peppy/cheery side even when trying to lift up the solemn mood or anything of the sort, may not admit it but he spooks a little easy when not paying attention (which is comical due to a high pitched squeaks he makes), a bit stubborn when it comes to sets his mind on things even when it comes to being friends with someone (even ones that are a bit rough around the edges), Ethan does cry get emotional especially while trying to keep things together with a smile only for a few tears to show when doing so, he’s also a tad hyper when perked up about any topic pertaining to Pokemon (Eggs, breeding, battles, etc.) and he does then to be a little bit on the forgetful side even when out on adventures leading to much wandering till remembering to read his map.
Appearance: Athletic and a bit slim side but toned from adventures, medium length hair and fluffy somewhat when he takes his cap off, always seen wearing his trusty hoodie when wandering about, tall but this be later on when his goes along on his adventures and being teased lightly by Lyra when seeing her, has a series of tiny faint scars from scrapes and scuffles he got into as a kid when used to be at school, his eyes tend to look like they shine a dark blue in the sunlight or moonlight as well(he gets flustered when hearing remarks on his color eye too).
Born to a pair of wonderful parents and earning that signature look of his father who enjoyed the young ravenette of a child, though one thing about Ethan was even back then that love for Pokemon shone bright especially when hugging his Johto starter plushies. Only small secret was Ethan was actually a little girl at first to much to his father’s surprise but still wanted to name the young raven Ethan since it was a name both parents settled on naming their child. Leading to his father in getting things prepared for his dear child who have a choice in whichever Ethan liked to be when the time came.
When Ethan was a young kid he was very much homeschooled for a few years mostly due that habit of disappearing from class via an open window or door when the teacher wasn’t watching or paying attention, he got scolded for that but his mother couldn’t help but shake her head at her son who had that adventurous side like his father whom was always working and away from home for long periods of time. Ethan always looked up to his father very much even looking forward to the various packages/letters/gifts he would get in the mail, most of them be of Pokemon items and clothes pertaining to that as well and most of the stuff Ethan got was saved and cherished dearly especially the cap he gotten as well.
Afterwards of few years of homeschooling and eager to start a journey to meet Pokemon and Ethan was quite excited when the Professor asked him to do something important though in the past he had his mood deflated when it was to move things about the Lab. On receiving the news of to escort an Egg from Mr. Pokemon’s house he was quite happy since he could venture further than what he was used to, in the excitement of this Ethan chosen Cyndaquil to be his partner and loved the bitty starter Pokemon since resembled one of three plushies of the starters.
On the way of New Bark Town he met up with his old childhood friend Lyra who was very excited to see him running about again but time with a Pokemon, after this Ethan couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow at a mysterious person who stood by a window of the Lab and got shooed away when too close leading Ethan to think the red head was just plain cranky. Shrugging off the red head’s words and racing off to do his chore of a mission as he called it to get the Egg and bring it back to the Lab, Ethan reached the destination safely with the precious cargo and met up with Professor Oak who was visiting at the time on arriving to the home.
Blinking with confusion till that grin shown on his face and jumping up with a loud squeal of joy, happy that the Professor given him a Pokedex along with the advice of to challenge the Gyms of Johto and to complete the new Pokedex. Leaving the home with a hyped up mood and racing back home but bumping into the cranky red head once again only to be challenged to a fight, though it was a close call he managed to win but also got pushed aside quite hard by the other trainer but finding out their name in the process due the ID card that fell out of their pocket. Returning back to the Lab and nearly taken away by a police officer but saved by Lyra who told the news to the officer, when finally done with the slight bump in the road and telling Elm of the news along with presenting the Egg that he was trusted to bring to the Professor and smiling when showing the Pokedex he gotten as well. The young ravenette of a trainer was very tuckered out from the trek then decided to head home to rest up before leaving the next day, on telling his mother of the string of events and getting a big hug from her with happy tears his eyes.
Prepping up for the long adventure and making sure to call his mother whenever he could thus beginning his journey along Cyndaquil, the pair were a funny duo and always brought a sense of safety and happiness wherever they went along with gaining more Pokemon partners to join them on their adventure. Ethan made sure to not reveal too much info on himself due to uneasiness of his appearance if someone were to see him without his hoodie, either way the young boy was happy in starting off his travels and made sure to check up with his mother so he didn’t forget his medicine and shots from a family doctor who stopped by the centers when he needed them.
Ethan being very energetic and like a light to who he enjoyed company of may it be random passerby or well known people too, his personality rubbed off on his partners as well which lead to very much fun while battling along the way leaving both sides satisfied with the battle outcome no matter who won or lost.
Traveling to various towns/cities with much curiosity of the areas beyond his town to say the least along with few misadventures as well, even occasionally bumping to the red head who he briefly met at the Lab in New Bark Town but managing to pull of wins against the other whenever the met. Most of the Gym Battles were tough when giving tries to tackle each challenge that were before him, also dealing the Grunts of Team Rocket who were thought to be gone but now were running about in the shadows.
Ethan slowly starts making a name of himself when tackling challenges and gaining few friends as well from people he met, from that goofy trainer of a beginner now turning to a fine trainer of great potential on somewhat keeping his chill through it all. Leading to the Kimono Girls to take interest of him from the sidelines whenever he come across them, Ethan couldn’t understand when they spoke to him and played it off at times he was just himself and no one of great specialty really.
With his trusty Pokemon along with everyone’s support he finally makes gets to where he always dreamed of being, battling with the Elite Four with much tough battles where he thought it be a close shave here and there but keeping his head up with a smile when managing a pull behind win when least expected of doing so. The last battle to put an end on his adventure chapter in Johto was quite an explosive one that being to the hard hitting action of both sides, Ethan practically was quite drained after all the fights and to tackle such a high hurdle with Lance was a good one to say the least.
His trusty Typholsion in the end was the one to win the fight but barely due to the way both trainers went all out in their battle, giving a good act of sportsmanship with Lance and smiling at the peak he managed to reach before flopping over quite tired but happy. Ethan was considered a wonderful trainer by all that kept track of his process leading to much bashfulness from him at the attention, he now took the opportunity to rest after all the adventures which was a good few days really when he got back home and conked out after hitting his bed.
[Main Team]
Typhlosion-Male Pidgeot-Male Espeon-Male Togekiss-Male Golduck-Male Bellossom-Male
(Egg Gift)Feralgatr-Male (Egg Gift)Meganium-Male Sunflora-Male Ambipom-Male Arcanine-Male Furret-Male Fearow-Male Gyarados-Male Ditto-Genderless Sudowoodo-Male Politoed-Male Talonflame-Male Florges-Female Gogoat-Male Aromatisse-Male Slurpuff-Male Sylveon-Male Cinderace-Male Dubwool-Male Boltund-Male Corviknight-Male Flappin-Male Appletun-Male Sandaconda-Male
Eevees-Male and Female Slowpoke-Female Pichu-Male Yamper-Male Applin-Male [ Verses ]
-A Gentle Child with an Adventurous Heart (Age 12-17): Ethan begins his journey across Johto after accepting a job from Professor Elm which kicks off his own adventure along with earning a Pokedex from the renowned Professor Oak of Pallet Town from the neighboring region of Kanto. Tackling Gym challenges and also being wrapped into much troubles from a group named Team Rocket, Ethan makes his own way and grows stronger during his journey along with helping much people and Pokemon along the way too.
Teaching Silver also to treat his partners with kindness and not to be so harsh to them as well whenever they met up on their separate travels about the region, winning his battles as well when challenged by the red head of a rival and softening the other’s heart after many fights. After all his traveling about and finally reaching the League after gathering his badges then tackling the Elite Four with his trusty partners, the Four was on a different level compared to the Gym Leaders that he faced but with much trust and hard work Ethan managed to work his way up to the Champion’s room.
In the end on winning by a mere bit and tucked out Ethan took his place as a new Champion but nervous when tackled and haggled by tv reporters, thankfully with Lance’s help the young trainer was able to avoid the nosy reporters and slip away to enjoy well earned rest back in New Bark Town. Shortly after becoming Champion Ethan decides to venture over to Kanto and to tackle the challenges there as well, much to his surprise the place wasn’t all that easy and he stumbled a bit but gets through the tough fights despite the knock downs at times. Happy with his progress he still tackles the Gyms while taking in the sights of Kanto with a smile.
-Taking Adventuring to the Next Level (Default verse, age varying 18-24): After spending time adventuring all over both Johto and Kanto along with earning all the badges he could from both regions, Ethan decides to let his adventurous spirit to take him own more unknown adventures to other regions also quite eager to do so as well. Upon leaving the region Ethan decides to relinquishing his Champion title even though it been a short time in his eyes he wishes to see the world and what it could offer to his restless spirit of adventure.
He occasionally makes his way back to Johto when he can and when a bit feeling homesick, Ethan does meet up with his father when doing so as well especially bringing a smile to both his parent’s faces on returning with interesting stories and more.
-New Worlds to Explore and More - Crossover Verse/AU :Letting his adventurous spirit get the better of him ends up leading Ethan to brand places and worlds, mostly due to small gates/portals that periodically open up when slight disturbances occur in the world he lives in. On discovering one of these that fire of adventure kicked up into a blaze which pretty much gets Ethan into a spot at times depends on where he ends up being really. -Lights of the Rainbow from Shining Feathers - Deity in Training AU: (More can be found here.) During his travels Ethan stumbles across an hidden glen in the forest that is away from human eyes, resulting in the curiosity from himself and the young Ho-Oh that warmed up to him due to them following Ethan about the woods much to the trainer’s flustered expression on having a Legendary that is considered a Deity of sorts in the Johto region.
Leading to the young Ho-Oh decide in tagging along but also bonding their essence Ethan’s which leads to a bit of mishaps here and there, only thing being now is that he has to figure out how to control those new powers along with other things such as shifting. Pretty much adds more excitement to his life that much is said especially with a curious Ho-Oh who is wondering about the Humans and other Pokemon too.
0 notes
kokorowoutsu · 1 year
-- HC: Otherworldly Lore
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I should make a note of this on what lore is canon to this blog... so here it is. What other blogs are tied to this one’s overall arching pokemon verse and how it fits into the grand scheme of the Pokemon Multiverse!
DISCLAIMER: My characters will meet other characters in a first time basis in a setting where it’s a neutral verse, so to speak. There will be mentions of my verse overall here and there but not actually overall canon until we come to an agreement on where your blog’s lore and mine stand, or if any. It’s more of a ‘put our kids on a playground and see what happens’ sort of thing. If all else fails, our verses will be treated in an overarching multiverse that my characters are aware of and can travel with some help which will be explained further.
The Main Installments --
@skullboneandunown​ - Aspiring Archaeologist Donovan Bonhomme who hails from Johto gets influenced by the Unown and their psychic abilities, becoming their Champion. He ends up becoming a version of Sorcerer Supreme from Marvel Comics and a superhero more or less in my verse and ascends to be beyond a trainer with his pokemon. He’s also got some help in the form of Mewtwo (First Movie/Detective Pikachu), Mew (First Movie), and Flannery Burnes (Hoenn Gym Leader). Donovan is a longtime friend of Ashe’s since Johto and Morgan’s apprentice in psychic abilities as well as lowkey magic-wielding. (Played: Canon & OCs, Canon; Mewtwo, Mew, Gym Leader Flannery)
@aotoreiki​ - Pokemon Trainer Reisei ‘Rei’ Winters (also Ice in the distant past of Team Dim Sun) who is your average trainer with aura abilities and an interest in competitive battling. Hails from Sinnoh and tends to travel as he likes. A welcome sight to the Grandcrest Family and somehow puts up with the weirdness. (NOTE: This blog’s lore on the ‘Ranger Regions’ of Almia, Fiore, and Oblivia are canon to my blog.) (Played: Canon, Canon; Admin Ice)
@dimensionhoppinghybrids​ - A family of Demons from another dimension that have a more familial and romantic tie to the Grandcrest Family. Joseph, one of the sons of the King Consort of Demons, has taken to courting the Lady of the Grandcrest Household, Morgan, and is her soulmate, and in all intensive terms, and now her husband. Joseph is the Man of the Grandcrest Household and stepped up as father role to the ‘kids’ here. His siblings and father play a vital role here and there, mostly being in Desire and Ivy, but occasionally a passerby might stop in or two as well. A Zoroark Hybrid, Juno, and his family, also are considered one of the many children of the Grandcrest home. (Played: OCs)
@night-gladion-and-their-ghosts​ - Led by Night Valkyrie, Cynthia’s Heir and the Sinnoh Champion, this group consisting of Ashburn, Jasper, Gladion, Lillie, Cynthia, Sun/Moon Duo and the Creation Brothers, serve as the foil to the Grandcrest Family. Night, Gladion, and Lillie were adopted by Joseph himself before meeting Morgan and therefore are siblings to Ashe and Kianga. While Ashe and Kianga may not see eye to eye with most of those listed here, if family is needed, they’ll have their backs and vice versa. (Played: Canon & OCs, Canons; Champion Cynthia, Solgaleo/Lunala, Dialga/Palkia/Giratina, Gladion, Lillie)
@pokemon-experiments​ - Ruko, the young Lucario who showed up on the doorstep one day, has been taken in as a Grandcrest himself and now seen as family. Having travelled through several adventures with Ashe and Kianga and seen the return of his parents Arthuriel and Gwendolyn, Ruko is and always will be Ashe and Kianga’s brother and a dear friend to Leon. Also, the man who helped Ruko in the past as a Riolu, Jackson, serves as the owner of a partial off-shoot of a ranch to Grandcrest Ranch within Area Zero. (Played: OCs)
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askrockandfriends · 2 months
And then there's the Johto journeys...
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"With Team Rocket gone, perhaps I can recruit their ex-grunts into my forces and give them a job helping me... help me make this entire regional territory bow down to Dr. Goh Yamashita!"
0 notes
What is something that was never addressed at all in the canon material that you have independently developed for your muse?
Also: What canon character do you wish your muse could interact more with?
Questions for Muns of Canon Muses : Accepting!
((For the first one, it would be Will's childhood and overall backstory. I did a version for both his game verse, and manga verse. The manga, PokeSpe/Pokemon Adventures gave us a little bit more info on his past, but not much, so I decided to fill in the gaps.
This backstory has, and is currently undergoing some revision from when I initially made it/wrote about it in fics.
As for canon characters: Any Johto characters, Koga, Bruno, Sabrina. Also would love to interact with more Lucian's than just mine, ngl.))
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timebranded · 5 years
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((Working up with teambuilding backstories is rough sometimes.))
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scatteredpokemuse · 4 years
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viola-stars · 2 years
do you have your own story for the pokemon verse? who are the ships :eye emojis:
Hello!! Thank you for sending an ask ;v; I really appreciate it!
I don’t really have a whole verse? At most I have a future version of Johto! It isn’t much, really, but I do have some thoughts to share! They’re mostly things about Johto League + Other Characters!
-Falker currently has Lugia and he’s still a gym leader! However, he is still trying to catch every bird Pokemon so he tends to have some breaks from gyms here and there, but he makes sure he keeps his schedule the same so he can still be able to do his gym tasks! He has travelled to different regions, having a Corviknight from Galar that he caught on his own! He has several new ones but I think that’s the most notable one because it’s the Pokemon that argues with his Skarmory. He also has a Staraptor, but it was given to him from Whitney when she travelled to Sinnoh once! It used to be a Starly, but it evolved.
-Bugsy is also currently a gym leader, but he also is an assistant professor of Professor Oak! In Pokemon Masters, it reveals he looks up to Professor Oak so I like thinking he’s having a step further into becoming a Pokemon professor! He sometimes has breaks as well, but it isn’t too much since Kanto is just a train away, so it isn’t too hard on Bugsy. He rarely goes to other regions, but when he does, he obviously gets new bug type pokemon!
-Whitney is still a gym leader, and she’s a bit more used to Pokemon battling! In my headcanons, the Nurse Joy in Goldernrod is her mom and she used to dream to be a Nurse Joy, but after getting used to Pokemon battling and wanting to be as great as her mentor [who I believe is Norman], she’s continuing her life as a gym leader! She doesn’t take too much breaks, but she likes hopping in her friends’ plans! She is also one of the main people who sponsors Pokeathlon, and her favorite region to visit is Galar, which she goes to with DJ Mary!
-Morty is still a gym leader as well, and he focuses more on Ecruteak city as a whole, wanting the city to be in good shape and he also goes around Johto sometimes with his best friend Eusine so they can look for Suicune. He also likes knowing more about ghost types, but he asks some information from other ghost gym leaders! I like thinking Morty is Somewhat friends with every ghost-type league member, most notably would be Fantina. He has yet to find where Ho-Oh went.
-Chuck is a gym leader and happily married to his wife and he’s being a great father to his kids! Now that he’s getting older, he probably gives more time to his family, but he also balances it with gym and training. He gets to also talk to several fighting league members, but I like thinking he’s the one closest to his “same-type league member” squad! He acts like a father figure to both Maylene and Bea, while the other fighting gym league members are basically like homies to each other!
-Jasmine may still be a gym leader, but she also wants to focus on contests now too! She actually plans on asking the current champion of the league to have a contest area in Johto and it has yet to be built, the area it will be built will most likely be Goldenrod, and Whitney is very happy about that! On the meantime, she takes breaks to go to different regions to win all the ribbons in contests! She sometimes goes to places with her friends so they can cheer her on while she does.
-Pryce is a gym leader, but he plans on retiring soon because he believes he’s getting old, but he also wants to stay to see how the league grows. I like thinking that he treats Will and Karen as his kids [bc of the Pokemon Adventures manga,,]! He’s actually the gym leader who stays the most in his area, but also he wants time to reflect over what he has done to Johto that one time, even if he was forgiven for what he did.
-Claire is still a gym leader as well, but she’s getting stronger and she can probably compete against Lance after a few years. She’s getting there! She is very proud of being that gym leader who can be measured next to an Elite Four and she is also the next clan head of her family. She’s actually really hardworking, and she likes showing how great of a dragon trainer she is sometimes, but she deserves to be praised for what she has done.
-Will is an Elite four member until now and he’s doing great at his job! People barely pass him because of how great he is, of course! What do you expect? He’s part of the Elite Four for a reason. He actually loves getting to know about more league members who are psychic, but he doesn’t really like going out too much. Currently, I like thinking he works as an actor as a sideline, but no one knows it’s him except Karen.
-Koga is still a great Elite Four member AND a great father to Janine. He barely has anyone even reach him in terms of Elite Four member duties. He’s very responsible and he also meets Janine frequently now too, wanting to see how his daughter is doing as a gym leader. Currently, he has no second job, but he does like getting called so he could test security system- and well, Janine joins sometimes too so stealing things, or well testing out security systems, sounds like a fun way to bond.
-Bruno is still an Elite Four member of Johto but it’s funny because he’s also in Kanto, and he has to run to the challenge area sometimes. He’s a professional martial artist and he is also a teacher in a dojo! He teaches people how to fight AND how to use fighting Pokemon! He’s a very well known person to martial artists world-wide, actually! He and Chuck vibe together, and also he joins the Fighting League meetings a lot!
-Karen is still a badass woman who is part of the Elite Four, and I like thinking that she’s really close to Will until now [i refer you to Pokemon Adventures again]! She barely gets any challenges, but she’s quite known because of how strong she is. I like thinking she works in the fashion industry as a second job, but I’m still unsure whether I am set in stone about her being a model. People do know she’s pretty popular and honestly- how can she not be?
-Lance is no longer champion after a few years from HGSS, but I’ll go into details about that one soon. He’s currently still in the Kanto league, though! He still buys capes and it’s funny that he has SO many and buys them in bulks. I think he travels around the different regions, but he stays a lot in Kanto/Johto since he is an Elite Four member but also he wants to make sure the place is safe. He was actually quite surprised by how the Johto league members was more open to try new things lately.
I will base this in Pokemon Adventures!
-Gold currently has a Day Care going on and he hatches a lot of eggs! He also takes care of several baby Pokemon- trust me, his house is FILLED with them. He just does his job as a hatcher and he’s very happy with how his life is. He’s currently taking care of the place of the Day Care couple since they moved elsewhere, so yeah! He has connections with them and he updates them about Johto a lot!
-Silver is the one who replaced Lance [see above he’s no longer champion in my verse ghdfgdfhg] but I think I wanted it to happen because Lance was sort of his mentor for years, and added to that, in game, it sorta hints?? Lance continued to mentor him. If someone wants to prove to Lance that he was wrong, it’s Silver [or Claire]! Also, I want Silver to go to the opposite side of Giovanni! He isn’t with Team Rocket, not following his footsteps, and as a Champion, he could fix the things his father did in the past. So yeah, that’s why!
-Crystal is the assistant of Professor Elm! The reason why she’s under Elm and not Oak now is because she’s actually going to be the next Professor of Johto! She’s caught a lot of Pokemon, and she travels a lot to perfect her Pokedex, but she’s also close to becoming a Professor! However, her side job is being a teacher in Violet City! She’s a teacher in Pokeschool!
-Eusine is a researcher on Legendary Pokemon lore! He’s the most well known researchers across the region, and he is highly wanted in different regions but he’s still focused on Johto for now, as he wants to figure everything out and get all the details before moving to another region. Also he will get to find Suicune much later, so that’s neat!
-DJ Mary is,, still a DJ ghfdgdfhg however! I like to think she’s a singer now because Gold called her idol of Goldenrod City in HGSS arc. She probably got too stressed over the idol life and balancing it with the radio was a bit too hard for her, so she’s now just a singer and a radio host! She’s very popular now, and Gold likes saying he was the biggest fan because he was there even before she became famous, but of course, Whitney wins best fan award.
SO SHIP,,, i have,,, only a few established ships ghdfghdfg because im a multishipper for a lot so only a few is smth im set on stone with orz
RollingWindShipping - Falkner & Whitney
JohtoShipping - Gold, Silver & Crystal
I have explanations i swear, but will only go into details if asked gdfgdfg and if there are ships with other characters you wanna know about,,, you can ask bc i can tell you what my thoughts are HDGDFGDFG
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