#verse: main | iii
stageplayhero · 1 year
“Are you two still going on about the caterpillar plush thing? Didn’t that happen a century ago?”
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athl3tes · 2 months
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take two // @tvintedspvrk
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⸻   chalk   powder   dust   blown   away   by   a   waft   of   his   voice   ,   meandering   over   towards   the   center   of   gym   mats   laid   strategically   around   the   training   area   .   he’d   come   down   earlier   than   most   mornings   to   get   ahead   of   the   influx   of   olympians   who   likely   had   the   same   idea   .   fresh   off   the   pole   vault   ,   he’d   pondered   over   towards   the   spectator   area   .   gentle   hazel   hues   look   on   in   appreciation   .   broad   lats   rising   and   falling   with   deep   breaths   ,   palms   sat   atop   blonde   locks   in   an   effort   to   pull   in   more   air   .   ❝   y’know   ,   you   technically   aren’t   a   spectator   .   .   .   so   ,   ❞   gesture   made   inwards   to   waiting   mats   ,   grin   plastered   on   his   face   .   ❝   don’t   appreciate   from   too   far   .   i   thought   you   wanted   to   get   some   practice   in   ?   ❞
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tertiusdecimusfilius · 7 months
He looks tired.
He was discussing something with a Chapter Master. It was about the logistics of a battle happening in a far corner of the galaxy. Getting supplies, weapons, and more men to the fight. He's looking over the paperwork handed to him.
There's bags under his eyes.
There was an itemized list that needed to be reviewed and changed if need be. There was a list of ships and the contingent of Ultramarines to be approved. He makes quick work of it and returns the documentation with his marks of approval.
He's moving a little slower today.
Just as soon as the Chapter Master leaves, someone else enters with a small stack of intel documents pertaining to something going on entirely somewhere else. He takes the stack and starts to read through it, moving back to his desk.
His hands are shaking, aren't they?
The piles of papers on his desk are organized by priority and sector. His hand instinctively moves to one as he continues to read. He grabs something off the top of it and brings it in front of him. Roboute shook his head. He grabbed from the wrong pile.
His concentration and focus keep failing him.
He places the paperwork back on the pile and reaches for the correct one as he sits in the chair. He starts to cross-reference them, trying to corroborate the details or see if something had changed.
He's forgotten his brother is still in the room, looming off to the side.
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divinares · 1 month
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▩ ⤿ ✮ ⋆˙⊹ ❙  : @huntgrown  liked  for  a  one-liner  !
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❝  you  don’t  belong  here,  and  I  think  you  know  that.  you  shouldn’t  be  here,  you  shouldn’t  see  me  —  and  I  would  like  for  you  to  leave  my  doorstep   ❞
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ojamayellow · 1 year
i really want to talk about my tf fan verse but i'm worried like, despite the fact transformers media changes things up all the time? what if someone doesn't like the unique stuff ive written up :(
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midnightactual · 1 year
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Yoruichi's mouth movements were disjointed from her speech, as though she were in a badly dubbed kung-fu movie, despite being live and in-person. "You're wasting my time. You think you stand a chance? Your nightmare begins here. Show me your motivation."
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priwenshallprevail · 7 months
Continued from : ❛ today isn’ yer day, is it? ❜ @thejadedking
Sure, he was suspicious of the other male. He had to be. An outsider intrusively curious of their operations often concurred imminent disaster ; for either Priwen, or the stranger. Repetitive throughout history. Indoctrinated to memory. He hadn't much patience for the latter, even lesser care if he were truly being honest. Never could there be a middle ground -- Priwen held the better half of the Irishman. He was more than willing to let the stranger perish before ever allowing one of his men come to harm at his expense. Nor had the hunter been all that accommodating, or scarce for that matter , when reminding the darker haired male exactly that. Accentuating the goal of keeping them alive, or having them stay dead.
He caught glimpse of the fleeing creature in question, appointed by the other man's veering gaze. Or had the beast been baiting them ? Tiers pressed taught whilst he canted his head momentarily adrift such rumination, descending his gaze back onto the compound crossbow he was currently lacing to his arm by means of thick leather straps. His thoughts muddled from an intuitive spike that something wasn't right. Or was he simply buying into paranoia ? His countenance mirrored that contemplative spur. Bracing himself up against a crumbling lantern pole. Deserted by repair. When the American faced him, sapphires ascended to meet his gaze directly accost to a piercing residual.
Breaking the silent induced stare with , " all ta same tu me. Devils preyin' over ta ignorant, weak and feeble folk. We are but shepherds of fire t'at will eventually cleanse t'em all. Let t'em run, " scoffing along a confident promise that teetered upon arrogance.
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" -- all ta more t'rillin' if t'ey provide chase. " An odd amusement trifled undertow of his explanation just then. " Yer beginnin' tu sound like an agent of ta Brotherhood. " Despite his amusement, there had been lesser thrill accountable concerning his stab toward the Brotherhood of Saint Paul's Stole. He on the other hand, certainly didn't seem too concerned about their rooftop sprinter. " T'ey all can run, but never succeed in hidin' from ta Guard for long. " He insinuated toward why he hadn't acted right then on springing onto their Ekon. To initiate the hunt they came there for. Pride easily settled into that statement however.
No sooner did headlights blare out from the distance. A smear of light which illuminated in rippled rays . Rumbling notes of an engine hot and accelerating towards them. Fumes of dirty exhaust carried with the visible presence of the truck pulling into their side street and banking onto a curb a mere fifteen feet from the two men. When the cargo truck settled with axle strain. The engine died, but the lights remained. The driver flung the door wide, hopping from the elevated height of the vehicle. Armed to the teeth, with more items being drug out from the cabin side. Two other militants emerged from the back end of the operation.
" Look , " he tarried with a heavy breath expressed through nostrils upon arrival of the cavalry. Straightening to stand. One violently exaggerated tug to each binding now finalized in securing the weapon in place." I don't trust ye, surely ye got ta memo. So it honestly shouldn' be any surprise tu ye t'at we won't be ta only date night duo tu grace t'ese streets, " it broke laconic, heralding truth but dripping with sarcasm. Corrupting a gaze that sought the stranger over with bitter scrutiny when concerning the extra company.
" Where did'ye say ye were from again ? " He pitched , nearly cutting the American's attempt on flattery off within idling the air rich into his dubiety. If not hopeful on the other slipping up at some account. " Not where ye stayin' now, lad , but yer place of birth ? Can't help but note different dialects peppered inte yer yank of an accent. "
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cambius · 9 months
@recitedemise cont. from here.
she asked because it seemed like he might want to ⸻ the cambion can sense it in the cool evening air , even now. his desire hangs heavy in the atmosphere , prickling her flesh with goosebumps as it begins to consume her own senses. and it isn’t just gale’s desire , she is reluctant to admit to even herself that she wants him to kiss her. and not so she might lure him into bed to lay claim to his soul as she has fantasized doing so many times before. this time , she only desires him. his yearning , his delicious wanting , is blindingly intoxicating. saccharine sweet , thick like honey on her tongue. but even that , the high his desire offers , the high that the demon craves ⸻ it pales in comparison to the man himself , somehow. yes , somehow gale , of all people , has wormed his way into the black void within her chest where her heart should be.
and though it didn’t happen out of the blue , though it’s been a slow - burning fuse ﹕ all of these desires seemed to sneak up on nepharia , quick and suddenly. he is the last person she expected to care about , and it’s not an easy thing to reconcile with , either. she believed him to be this weak , pathetic man for so long , stinking of desperation. she didn’t want to believe she was anything like him. but it’s been a long while now , of spending platonic evenings with gale of waterdeep , wallowing in self - pity together and analyzing their own hubris that have left them ultimately feeling so very alone.
nepharia is more like gale than she cares to admit , but even now she realizes that he is much better than her. and that is an even more difficult thing for her to reconcile with. one might argue that nepharia has been getting on well with the others , way better than when they started out , at least. she has found herself caring for each and every one of them , she can tell in the way she leaps into action when one of them is in danger , and in the way that she feels like her life is safe amongst them. she has never felt that before. but she can’t help but think that she doesn’t deserve it.
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and gale is making it very clear what he wants. crystal clear. and though his physical desire is strong , potent enough to cloud her better judgement , she still wills herself to focus on his words. he wants her. and not just for the evening. and he is trusting her with his eternal soul. to have him , to hold him , feels like a gift not meant for her. as though it’s far too precious for her bloodstained claws to be allowed to hold. why does he want her ? what does he see within her that she can’t ? but she can’t ask. he doesn’t sanction the time for her insecure questions , before claiming what he so desires. and it sets nepharia’s insides ablaze with her own wants. her own desperate yearning. her longing to be seen by someone , to be heard , to be loved. they are manifesting here and now within gale’s kiss , within his touch. clawed fingers finds themselves gripping at purple robes , gently trying to tug the wizard closer against her. and when the contact is broken , too soon , she almost finds her lips chasing the feeling.
for a moment , the cambion wonders if it is her own vulnerability she is feeling , as gale pulls away to look back at her with a gaze that makes her feel a way that is indescribable. she only hopes her expression isn’t as dumbstruck as she feels , as she stares back at him with plump lips slightly agape , eager to taste the wine on his tongue. she is practically salivating at the mouth at the notion , as her pulse thumps erratically within her chest. it has been so long since a man has made her feel this alive , with nothing more than a chaste kiss and a look.
and the words , are like nothing she’s ever heard before. and gale offers them , knowing what she is. knowing what she has done , and knowing what she is capable of doing. he’s offering more than he even knows. he is offering her hope , where there has been none before. not ever. and she looks back at him , with a gaze softer than anything that has ever graced her expression , ❛ what if i told you that i wanted nothing more than for you to be mine ? would you believe me if i told you that i wanted to be yours , too ? ❜ both genuine questions. does he believe her ? can he trust her , though she is a devil ? can he love her , though she is born of darkness and malevolence ?
a hand releases his robes to find the side of his face , a soft palm and fingers gently smoothing over the coarseness of his cheek , ❛ you’ve fucking ruined me , gale dekarios , ❜ a breath of a laugh escapes her against his face , though it is more humorless , as desperate eyes seek a soothing ailment in the wizard’s gaze , hoping to ease her troubled mind , ❛ but i welcome the destruction , because i feel like you’ve brought me back to life. ❜
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sasorikigai · 10 months
Hanzo DOES come with a relationship warning.
Part of the process of dealing with Hanzo/Scorpion's trauma is that the edges of him are rough and sharp and don’t allow a smooth approach at the beginning of the relationship. As such, people need to learn how to handle his reactivity and resistance in order to become intimate. For Hanzo, some of the hardest things to accept about himself are things that cause intense feelings of guilt and shame. Often the cover-up for these core feelings (mostly his intimidating allure and gruff and grumpy appearance) are masks that he uses to protect himself from allowing others to access those profound experiences he has lived that caused those feelings.
Resistance to change is like having a tight muscle; the more he works it out, the less tight it becomes and the more natural it feels to have more flexibility in that muscle or joint.
The feeling of freedom and loose pressure on something that used to bother him a lot is the result he gets from a lot of exposure and work on that particular issue to become less rigid and thus more flexible. Neurons and the mind are a flexible muscle as well. The more he stays in his rigid patterns, the less likely to form more flexible neuronal structures that allow him the neuroplasticity to completely reframe his entire reference systems. However, a very important aspect in the process of working out with such “tight muscles” is to give it the appropriate time to heal. Just like any physical injury, healing mental trauma has a time and pace to do it so it doesn’t overload him which ends up being the opposite of healing, but creating instead a new trauma from speeding up the process too much.
Trauma, just like an injury needs time to heal and an appropriate context in which resources are available to help in the healing process.
For Hanzo/Scorpion, the most important part of being intimate with him is the ability to share vulnerability and emotions together. As such, being able to express what he really feels without having to make a joke about it and create banter around the ideas he needs to share with his beloved. It may look more “masculine” and thus make him feel less vulnerable only creates longer journeys for discovering each other. Hanzo already knows, and as the relationship progresses, will grow exponentially comfortable and unashamed to identify what his emotional needs are, his thoughts and feelings, or to express how someone can help him fulfill these.
The practice of vulnerability is something that can’t be taught by any book. Not even therapy really enables him to get down from his head into your heart if he is not fully ready to take that commitment towards himself and work on his reactivity and get attuned to his real emotions. Mostly, the overarching message for warriors and men like him is that any weakness is shameful. And since vulnerability is often perceived as weakness, it is especially risky for men to practice vulnerability.
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graunblida · 10 months
lexa at @percentstardust 's leia: i can fix herrr
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stageplayhero · 2 years
@rabbitholewritten cued:
The Void, for a rare moment, is quiet.
It may be that, rather, Rue has learned to ignore the constant noise. It is entirely likely, with how long they have been trapped with it. In this moment, it may be that their thoughts are elsewhere.
Their desk and chair are surrounded by emptiness. They always have been. Nothing but a void of darkness on all sides, expanding endlessly. Rue has the capability to manipulate it, to create invisible objects and furniture and even structures, but it is still darkness.
Their chair feels confining. Standing, they leave the script open on their desk. Chest tight, their entire existence feeling constricted, they know that they must move. They need a moment away, even if only brief.
A short few strides bring them to something that the vision of Mark had led them to create. They know that it was there, before — the place where their window had been in their office, in relation to their desk. A window, letting in sunlight, letting them feel the illusion that they were outside, that they were not confined.
That feeling is so foreign, now ...
Palm against the nonexistent glass, they stand, observing the empty space where the window would have been. Escaping to nostalgia, allowing old memories to resurface. How many times had Mark dragged them away ? How many times had he shown up in their office to bring some light to their day ? How many times had he, unknowingly, brought the relief that they so desperately needed ? That he had provided the levity that kept them from snapping, and the reminder that they still had any life outside of their job ?
Those are times long past, they remind themself. Old memories.
This time he's going to do it. This time it's going to work.
Mark holds a handful of framed photos above the trash, brow furrowed as if it's genuinely causing him physical strain. He took them from Rue's old office. He's tried to get rid of them many times since.
The sentimentality has no purpose. He chose them to be his enemy.
He gives in to whatever's halting him, in the end. Returns the photos to a drawer that he slams shut, and returns himself to his seat at the desk in the middle of his study.
Memories threaten to overtake his thoughts. They get pushed aside, but he has no idea where they get pushed aside to.
"Am I interrupting some important mayoral pondering?" Mark teases, walking up to Harper at the window. He'd always been in the habit of dropping in on them, once.
If Rue needs levity, relief, a break away, the echo can easily adapt to that role.
He pauses to study them. To see if they're in need of distraction. Working away in an office like this all day, with no change of scenery, is something he can't imagine. He doesn't know the half of it.
"You know," he says, innocently. "I'm sure all of that paperwork wouldn't mind terribly if you stepped out for a minute or two. You look like a tragic hero lamenting over their lot in life."
They get so busy, of course, that they may not have the time, the capability. "Or, I could bring you up some ice cream. That would be a nice taste of the outside world."
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athl3tes · 1 month
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closed // movie night ! // @epigraphed
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⸻   no   hostilities   set   out   between   them   .   a   clean   slate   ,   moreso   an   opportunity   .   the   rookie   had   done   everything   necessary   to   ensure   the   night   went   smoothly   .   impromptu   cleaning   session   aided   by �� none   other   than   mutual   aid   in   the   form   of   the   younger   hamilton   .   snack   bowls   set   out   ,   gentle   blue   indigo   ambient   lights   set   a   calming   mood   .   even   the   movie   had   been   ready   to   go   by   the   time   the   elevator   ding   rang   out   .   penthouse   accessed   by   keycode   mara   had   free   will   and   access   to   .   comfortable   skylar   branded   jogging   pants   ,   and   white   tee   grace   his   form   .   rounding   corner   to   view   the   two   from   elevated   perch   .   ❝   hey—   welcome   .   ❞
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the   defenceman   had   his   own   reservations   ,   but   kept   them   to   himself   .   more   than   ever   ,   he   was   open   to   the   idea   .   of   three   together   ,   as   opposed   to   three   separate   .   figured   life   would   be   easier   ,   happier   that   way   .   hands   interlocked   as   they   entered   the   penthouse   ,   released   to   not   stir   the   centers   jealousy   .   ❝   hey   mav   ,   nice   place   you   got   here   .   ❞
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tertiusdecimusfilius · 6 months
@forgottnseccnd || X
Roboute had been called to speak to their father, unaware of what was to unfold. In secret he'd talked of so many things with Aurelius that would have made the Emperor furious. But the two brothers saw no harm in what they thought. Sure in some cases there was no way to make peace and call for mutual aid, like the orks, but most other xenos civilizations were so advanced and could be useful to the Imperium. But when Aurelius had gone to speak with father, he was angry, so very angry. And now he was being drug into the fight.
For what was maybe one of the few times in his life, he felt true fear. A fear that made it hard to breathe, his heart hammering in his chest like a bird trying to escape a cage. His older brother towered over him, shielding his view from their father entirely. It wasn't like he was trying to hide, but he couldn't make himself step out from behind him. Not when he could be faced with excommunication like Aurelius now was. To be thrown away, cast aside by their father, because they did not strictly adhere to what he wanted, scared him.
And now, he realized, Aurelius was defending him. Not only that, but he was lying for him; lying to hide the fact they shared views, that Roboute agreed more with his older brother than the Emperor. That scared him even more. What if father found out? What if he realized Aurelius had lied to him? What would happen then?
"You are trying my patience, child." Atlas pinched the bridge of his nose. "You are not the one I'm trying to speak to right now. Guilliman. Come here."
The command of his father's voice made him freeze up, hesitating to move out from his brother's shadow.
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sccruel · 2 years
      LINGERING MISERY SETTLED IN LIKE A BAG OF STONES    ;    clawing at the inside of his chest as he lay still in a coffin.    the morning sun    (    what was meant to be his demise    )    had instead been met with an empty roof.    human & vampire alike had drifted back into the crumbling building    ,    congregated to get their stories straightened out.    the ancient creature had been expected to become dust in the flames of the unending day    .    .    .    but how could he be so cruel to his child    ?    admittedly    ,    resolve faltered the moment crimson tears stained pale features.
      they were abominations.    walking through the night    ,    feeding off those who still lived    –    & yet    .    .    .    emotions could not compare.    the emptiness of losing a maker    –    it faired far worse than anything a human could muster up.    no    ,    a maker was like losing a child    ,    a sibling    ,    a parent.    it was the single most important being in the progeny’s entire universe    ,    nothing living could ever understand what that meant.
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      could he be blamed then    ?    that the moment he saw those reddening tears    ,    he could no longer go through with it    ?    was it so shocking or mysterious    ,    after feeling the pain his little one was enduring just knowing that his father would burn    ?
      nonetheless    ,    the trip to the bar in shreveport had been a long    ,    silent one.    after the incident of nearly meeting the sun    ,    a certain power had established that perhaps godric needed a break.    & to disappear from dallas for a while.    what better place than with his progeny    ?    he didn’t want to talk during their travel    ,    allowing eric to fill the air with whatever nonsense he wanted.    really he was just trying to help    .    .    .    make godric forget about the light & instead focus on what was to come next.
      footsteps were quiet in the moonlight    ,    the smaller of the pair following his progeny into the building.    head barely lifted    ,    overcast irises landing on a familiar figure.
      @sardonicbeauty asked to suffer.
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divineharc · 1 year
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@muutos sent an inquiry : ❛ when i was a child, i heard voices… some would sing and some would scream. ❜ my new oc Harlan if you want 👀 ━ ( meme. )
maternal instincts became apparent . the urge to reach forward , face cusped safely in her hands . expression twists from the usual balance of knowing and wickedness to one of worry . what did they say ? who spoke to him and why . there were countless questions that flooded her mind , golden eyes fixated upon him with brows furrowed together . he spoke so non-chantly about such things , as if it was normal to hear voices . it certainly was not normal .
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❛ that worries me . ❜ hands instinctively reach to grip his own . if in worlds long gone he would have been declared the mouthpiece of the gods , their oracle . another plaything . a strange familiarity they shared , a doomed fate to be eternal listeners of the voices . ❛ a troubling confession you give me , harlan . do these voices still speak to you ? what do they say ? ❜
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midnightactual · 1 year
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"Where's your motivation?"
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