#verse; FFVII (escape)
holyguardian · 6 months
@soldier-lodbrok | convoluted raise my dottir AU
Their escape had been miraculous in more ways than one. The fact Professor Hojo's swarm of workers hadn't sniffed out Faz's escape plan, the fact Faz himself hadn't intercepted them in their desperate run from the Sector 4 container yard, the fact they skirted detection long enough to be welcomed into the home of Elmyra Gainsborough for a short respite.
Truthfully, much of that evening had been spent confiding her sorry tale to Elmyra. Without her painkillers there would have been little sleep regardless.
The following morning, Elmyra disappeared for a time. Nervous that she had decided to approach Shinra with information about the escapees in her home, Ifalna prepared for a discreet departure... only to meet Elmyra herself at the doorstep. She gifted them an adventure fund, she called it, when the reality was she had gifted them a future.
Elmyra went on to help them through to Sector 6, where a discreet crack in the wall acted as a funnel for thugs and other such ruffians to transport illicit goods into Midgar's metal dome. She asked if they were going to be alright on their own. Ifalna replied they had to be. Aerith promised to write to her every single day.
Part of their good luck stemmed from Shinra's own war. The ongoing conflict in Wutai meant most resources had been pulled from the undercity. What was once a densely guarded, or monitored population had been all but left to their own devices.
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As with all good luck though, it was bound to run out. That was what Ifalna believed when she and her daughter came face to face with someone in Shinra attire on the other side of the wall. She froze upon seeing him — her fear plain to see as she gripped onto Aerith's shoulders and pulled her in close. This was tragically unfair.
"My darling..." she spoke quietly to Aerith. Her fingers tightened a little more, though her grip was weak. She was a frail husk of what she had once been, so much life had been robbed of her. The command lingered on her tongue, to make her daughter run back to the kindly woman.
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phoenixfiiire · 5 months
Genetic Apostate ; FFVII
This verse is not really... super fleshed out, but the basics are that Joshua was another test subject of Hojo who was deemed a failure. The Phoenix materia was fused with his body. The results had him becoming incredibly frail and sickly, all while being able to use powerful fire and healing spells.
Going off of the timeline that Sera has put forth, Joshua is 16 in the events of Wutai/Nibelheim (i think Wutai was the same year?), and 23 during the events of the main 6.
He was 13 when Test Subject 001: Bahamut escaped. Being the second-most successful summon experiment, the procedures on Joshua were increased afterward.
something something placeholder for the time hojo told joshua they were putting him into another VR simulation before dropping him in wutai and he did kill civilians thinking that it was just part of the simulation and 'test' and didn't think twice about it until someone (a turk? low level SOLDIER) told him he was an idiot for thinking it was just a simulation and now joshua lives with a vague constant fear that he will never be able to tell what's real and what's fake around him.
Joshua is far more naive in his ffvii verse as he truly cannot recall memories before being an experiment. It's unclear if his mother abandoned him or if she offered him up due to how sickly he was as an infant. It's likely he would have died without the Phoenix materia become infused in his body.
Because of how he was essentially raised in the lab, there is some level of fondness for him from Hojo, but think of it like... the way you'd fondly view a family pet. Or a relative's pet you saw twice a year. It's not real affection.
Joshua does 'escape' the labs to explore Midgar. Hojo and the Turks know he does this. He's monitored the entire time. Joshua truly is unaware of this.
He does not have a friendly relationship with the Turks. It's not like he hates them; they just don't talk to him. He's not worth their time.
When using the powers of the materia, Joshua's body can grow flaming wings and his body starts becoming crystallized with fire. Beginning around the age of 12 he became used as a battle simulation for SOLDIER. Whenever his simulation was defeated, Hojo would work on trying to retune him to increase his strength in battle. This took an immense toll on him, resulting in Joshua becoming weak and sickly and deemed mostly a failure. The only thing he's good for is the creation of battle simulations and Hojo will keep pushing for stronger bursts until Joshua dies.
He grows flowers in the lab. His magic helps.
The Phoenix materia is, at its core, the essence of life itself. It is fire, it is death, it is rebirth, it is the act of living and the ability to perceive life.
Hojo's experiments had left Joshua with the strange ability to be able to really see people. In his own words, he can see them as they are or dimmed; ie: looking gray, blurry, or washed out.
People with a strong will of Life, people like Aerith, show in their full colors for him.
Drabble regarding the simulation battles
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fatetainted · 4 months
Just wanted to give an update about the future of the blog, if there even is one.
I'm sorry to those who followed for Final Fantasy but I will no longer be roleplaying them anywhere, not even on Discord. There is a pattern of behavior every time I attempt to on Tumblr that makes me extremely uncomfortable, it's something that keeps happening with different people every time I make a ffvii blog and it ruins it for me, this is something thats been happening for years every time I try and I'm just tired of it. I no longer wish to roleplay characters that people will make me uncomfortable roleplaying, and every single time it happens it kills my muse. This has been the final straw because I have made many attempts on this hellsite over the years that all end the same way, me uncomfortable and wishing I never picked them up to roleplay despite how much I love these characters.
I'm very sick and this should be an escape, not a place I come to to be made uncomfortable as my rules are consistently broken specifically for the ffvii muses and this time has been the fastest it has ever happened.
To those who I haven't interacted with, I'm very sorry we didn't get the chance but I may convert the blog to a Hazbin and Stardew Valley/something else multi if I get the energy back to do so and you're interested. I'd happily make ffvii verses for my muses but I understand if you no longer wish to follow or have no interest.
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starvingtongue · 6 months
ooc; other verses I wanna write up/develop:
ffvii verse for Paine: something to do with the Crimson Squad being a test group for Shinra, similar to what they did with Jenova cells and Genesis, Zack, Sephiroth, and Angeal, and Shinra wanting them to be highly trained field agents. obviously it failed, most of the Squad died on a field mission similar to that of the Den of Woe, with only Paine, Nooj, Gippal, and Baralai escaping. they split up, go on the run, maybe something akin to Nooj betraying them due to Mako poisoning, etc. etc. Paine stays on the run for 2 years and maybe ends up joining a branch of Avalanche called the Gullwings, which focuses more on recon, materia, and weapons gathering than anything else? need to flesh this out, but it's an idea.
ffviii verse for Paine: spot the theme. secret group of soliders hidden by one of the gardens, trying to figure out a better way to train child soliders that ends up going horribly wrong for all involved. Paine, Nooj, Gippal, and Baralai are the only ones to survive and go their separate ways. I'm not too sure what Paine would do after this (maybe something similar to a group like Rinoa's?). I need to replay viii at some point to figure this out. maybe she'd still be affiliated with one of the gardens, but in a different area? who knows.
ffxii verse to Leblanc: runs a crime syndicate somewhere. takes in everybody, doesn't discriminate based on where they're from or what they've done. ???. profit. needs fleshing out (obvs.), but it's an idea.
if anyone wants a thread in any of these (or any ideas for how to flesh these out), hit me up, but deets might change if and/or when they get a proper thing done.
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myristicisms · 1 year
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Genesis's Verses;;
These are all still major wips and most are developed purely by myself therefore they're not as fleshed out as I'd like them to be. These are simply brief rundowns to make interactions a bit easier if the default verse isn't the one that's wanted/focused on. Extra verses and further elaborations will be added as I get more familiar and lean more into my portrayal of Genesis.
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verse;; the fate of a monster
( post ffvii / somewhere around advent children )
Resolving himself to somewhat of a nomadic role, Genesis has unsealed himself from his own confinement in an attempt to hunt down the remnants of his clones that managed to escape ShinRa's extermination attempts; It's an effort to right his wrongs of the past. This version of Genesis is still as dramatic and flamboyant as the one of Crisis Core however he's also got that golden heart he once had as a starry eyed teenager; On top of that, this version of Genesis is a lot more sentimental, willing to speak more openly on his feelings in a way that's not nearly as demeaning or patronizing.
…More info tba…
verse;; hero of the dawn
( non canon compliant Crisis Core/possibly FF:VII/Remake)
Rather than jumping ship and becoming a deserter of ShinRa after the beginning of his degradation kicks in, Genesis instead continues onwards in his attempts at making a much bigger name for himself; Despite being weakened by the degradation, he's still as loud, obnoxious, and boisterous as always. He makes a greater effort to support lower ranking SOLDIERS even if he comes off as judgemental and is more than willing to take those he deems as having great potential under his wing. Genesis is still attempting to work with Hollander to halt the degradation however he's come to accept that his time isn't nearly as long as he'd like for it to be, leaving him jaded and bitter at times.
…More info tba…
verse;; the worlds end
(Post Dirge of Cerberus)
Having woken from his self induced slumber after the defeat of Omega and death of Weiss, Genesis is back to roaming Gaia in search of those who might need his help, a begrudging and honor bound hero of sorts; Scarring taints the right side of his face, the edges of his shoulders and shoulder blades, as well as his abdomen. Despite the Goddess curing his degradation, it had not been kind upon his body. Additionally, the scars upon his chest are far too clean and precise to be from the degradation, something he'd unfortunately gained or rather lost during his time within the labs of Deepground. Genesis is far less trusting of those around him, especially those who approach him with little regard to his personal space or his privacy in part due to his experiences also within Deepground. He will approach those he deems worth his trust should he seek company however remains quite skittish and very cautious.
Genesis is far less flamboyant and boisterous, having seen far too much within the labs beneath ShinRa that very few even knew about and being tossed away like a broken doll upon having his cells forcefully taken from him had in turn left him tentative to feel comfortable in one spot. He's far more gaunt and exhausted looking in appearance, not quite thin but certainly not as well taken care of as he'd been during his days in SOLDIER in part from a lack of a proper diet to sustain his enhanced body and the forced acceleration of his healing capabilities. Comments regarding his physical appearance outside of the icy green hue of his eyes or the new length of his hair often will result in a shut down, Genesis being far from above stone walling someone should they offend him as a means of some sort of defense mechanism.
…More tba…
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annjiru · 2 years
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On the topic of Angeal’s biological father. 
This  blog  is  CANON  DIVERGENT  when  it  comes  to  the  identity  of  Angeal’s  biological  father.  
Gillian  is  far  too  proud  of  a  woman  to  undergo  such  a  personal  experiment  with  a  colleague  or  superior  as  her  donor.  In  my  blog’s  canon,  the  man  with  whom  Gillian  conceived  Angeal  was  her  long-term  partner  at  the  time.  This  man  is  Miguel  Ángel  Torres,  a  native  of  Costa  del  Sol  who  met  Gillian  while  she  visited  the  seaside  town  on  a  company  retreat.  He  is  of  Latino  heritage,  with  many  of  his  cultural  traditions  he  passes  on  to  Angeal  heavily  pulling  from  Mexican  folklore  and  culture.  I'm  Mexican  myself,  so  I  realize  I'm  taking  some  creative  liberties  by  making  Angeal  half-Latinx,  but  I  do  believe  it's  plausible  given  the  emphasis  of  duty  and  honor  in  Latinx  culture.  
Hollander  will  die  believing  that  he  was  the  sperm  donor  for  the  specimen  in  Project  ‘G’  that  produced  Angeal.    More  below  the  cut.
The  following  is  an  excerpt  from  the  Crisis  Core  Ultimania  Q&A:  
Q5-1:  Angeal  is  in  fact  Hollander  and  Gillian’s  son  by  blood,  which  makes  Hollander  and  Gillian  very  similiar  to  Hojo  and  Lucrecia,  but  were  they  married?  Or,  did  Gillian  only  provide  the  experiment  with  her  egg  and  womb,  which  means  that  they  were  only  working  together?  So,  in  truth  which  man  was  “Angeal’s  father”  in  terms  of  Gillian’s  actual  marital  status?
A5-1:  “Angeal’s  father”  was  Gillian’s  husband.  They  met  after  she  escaped  to  Banora  with  Angeal,  and  then  married.  Gillian  kept  the  truth  about  Angeal’s  birth  and  the  related  research  a  secret  from  her  husband.  Angeal,  being  young  and  having  no  memory  of  that  past,  considered  the  father  he  had  growing  up  to  be  his  real  father.
As  far  as  any  marital  relationship  between  Hollander  and  Gillian  is  concerned,  that  is  a  secret.
In  other  words,  canonically,  it  seems  that  Angeal’s  biological  father  is,  in  fact,  Hollander  (though  the  FFVII  wiki  merely  states  that  it’s  a  “possibility”).  This  blog  REJECTS  that  canon.  
To  be  clear:  Angeal’s  true  biological  father  is  also  the  father  who  raises  him.  Gillian  would  go  on  to  marry  the  man  she  conceived  Angeal  with  after  she  fled  to  Banora.  
The  Torres  last  name  is  a  reference  to  the  Tower  tarot  card,  which  symbolizes  sudden,  disruptive  revelation  and  potentially  destructive  change.  The  Tarot  Guide  describes  it  as  follows:  
The  Tower  Tarot  card  .  .  .  is  the  Major  Arcana  card  of  sudden  upheaval  and  unexpected  change.  This  change  usually  is  scary,  life  changing  and  often  unavoidable.  A  negative  Tower  event  can  be  akin  to  a  bomb  going  off  in  your  life.  You  don’t  know  how  you  will  survive  but  somehow  you  will  and  later  you  will  realise  that  while  it  was  a  tremendously  difficult  thing  to  go  through  and  you  wouldn’t  wish  it  on  your  worst  enemy,  it  has  made  you  into  the  person  you  are.
One  positive  aspect  of  The  Tower  is  that  the  destruction  it  brings  is  usually  directed  at  something  that  was  built  on  a  false  beliefs  and  foundations  or  unrealistic  goals  and  dreams.  Also  on  the  bright  side,  the  destruction  The  Tower  brings  is  always  followed  by  renewal  and  creation.  However,  The  Tower  with  a  negative  aspect  can  represent  a  whole  host  of  tragic,  traumatic  or  life-altering  events
I  feel  like  it's  a  direct  foil  to  Angeal's  strict  nature  and  foreshadows  the  revelations  that  the  cast  of  CC  undergo  as  the  story  progresses.  As  mentioned  above,  it  also  represents  the  shattering  of  false  beliefs,  which  is  certainly  true  especially  in  Angeal's  revival  verse.  
Miguel  Ángel  worked  as  a  mechanic  and  day-laborer,  but  once  the  family  relocated  to  Banora,  he  transitioned  to  working  in  the  Banora  White  fields  and  doing  odd  jobs  to  support  his  family.  
According  to  the  CC  Ultimania  Q&A,  Angeal’s  father  had  a  weak  constitution,  made  a  poor  wage,  and  acted  very  compulsively.  I  assume  the  "compulsive"  portion  may  be  a  mistranslation,  but  we  can  assume  that  he  was  an  idealist  that  was  prone  to  illnesses  and  was  not  good  at  managing  his  money.  
When  his  son  came  of  age  and  joined  SOLDIER,  he  had  the  the  Buster  Sword  forged,  borrowing  money  to  do  so.  Miguel  Ángel  worked  as  much  as  he  could  to  pay  back  the  debt,  eventually  falling  ill  and  passing  away.  Angeal  cares  for  the  sword  in  his  father's  memory,  refraining  from  using  it  in  order  to  conserve  the  sword  to  the  best  of  his  ability.  
EDIT:  Miguel  Ángel  will  die  before  Angeal  goes  off  to  Midgar  to  begin  his  SOLDIER  training,  but  also  shortly  after  the  Buster  Sword  is  completed  and  given  to  him.  
EDIT:  Angeal  is  named  after  his  father.  
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escortingsecrets · 6 months
Verse Tags
Main Verse; #Dancing As the World Falls Apart [Main] After the Plate Fall. Shivan has lost his home, his everything. All he has left is himself, and his newly adopted daughter, Rebecca.
#Honeybee Dancing [BC] A dancer, a performer, and happier than ever to be free of his past and dancing at the honeybee. Shivan's younger years, working at the Honeybee
Alternate Verse; #A Couple Gil Go a Long Way [Avalanche] After years of working in Sector Six, and seeing how the people there live, as well as the knowledge of how easily his mother could have been helped if she'd had even a small bit of funds, Shivan decides to begin helping Avalanche. He helps in every way possible, bringing any funds he can spare and any supplies he can bring to Avalanche. Spreading false rumours to throw people off, and gathering info on the latest.
#Cleric of Fate The next in line to accept the gift curse of immortality, and weave the threads of fate for the realm. Thousands of years of loss, of little attachment, and he's a distant shadow of his former self, putting up a front where it matters.
Other Verses; tba
#So Much for Pretending {Rufus} (@whitexdove) After Rufus needed a fake date to escape the threats of arranged marriages, Shivan is hired to pretend to be the man's partner. Who would have thought that underneath the layers, both of them would find the one person who would understand them?
#These Broken Pieces fit together Perfectly {Reno} (@umbral-stigmata-unbound) Childhood friends, when Shivan would slip down to the slums. Reunited during a mission to the Honeybee, Reno is determined to bring Shivan up and out of the slums and show him what he really, truly means and deserves.
OOC Tags
#On the Grapevine [OOC]
#Get Purpled [Memes]
Crack; tba
NSFW will be under #Such a Scandal We Cause [NSFT]
Queue; #Under the Stage lights [Queue]
Asks will be found under #Everyone Has Secrets [Answered]
There will be a few for this, for different points in Shivan's life for easy searching
#Buzzing gossip [Headcanons] Will be for any and all headcanons, more tags are below for specifics
#Trapped and Plated Shivan's childhood
#Freely Dancing Shivan's time at the Honeybee
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halchron · 1 year
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alright some minor verses details for youta below
as one of the last known cetra ( the other being aerith ), youta has isolated himself both to protect his bloodline and to stay out of the reaches of shinra and specifically hojo
having previously been hiding, the turks eventually tracked him down and took him to hojo to be experimented on where he met cloud and zack. while his cetra bloodline was unknown to shinra before them, it quickly became apparent when the mako injected into him had no affect. as such, they preformed many additional tests and injected him with numerous jenova cells. instead of turning into a monster though, he gained something akin to immortality and a small amount of telepathy.
he had helped cloud and zack escape, though he fled on his own soon after as to avoid being caught again by others. as such, he's unaware of what happened to them
after these events he settled at the junon for a small amount of time until shinra came in, causing him to settle at the chocobo ranch instead. during this time he realized that he was now immortal, or at least aged incredibly slowly as he physically didn't look past 24 when he was first captured by the turks, though this is yet to be proven as not enough time has passed for him to be totally certain
the small amount of telepathy he has allows him to talk to the chocobos, though he can use it with willing humans as well. he doesn't for obvious reasons, but he can
because of this and also because of his cetra ancestry, the area around the ranch flourishes with foliage and many different types of plant life
a college student that formed a bond with akira after making a deal with him. in exchange for akira helping him find a way to pay for his mother's hospital bills, youta teaches him how to grow various plants with numerous beneficial effects, as well as discounts at rafflesia
as a bioscience major, he's attending a prestigious university on a full ride scholarship. however, he might have to give it up in order to pay for his mother's hospital bills instead as well as take care of his two younger siblings in case anything happens to their mother. however during all this, he has a looming deadline for an incredibly important project that could propel his career forward, which could eliminate any of his monetary struggles if he succeeds. unable to choose what to do, he holds the hanged man arcana.
should he instead be a persona user, his starting persona is konohanasakuya-hime ( shortened to sakuya-hime ) and his awakened persona is fjörgyn. by maxing out his confidant, akira can summon / create gaia
as for persona 4, the same things apply but instead of being at tokyo, youta returns home to inaba to care for his mother / family while he's on break
demon slayer
could've sworn I had this written down somewhere but anyways he's the nature hashira ( a style derived from water breathing, and what flower and subsequently insect breathing stem from )
his weapon of choice is his polearm, and his techniques focus more on defense and poisoning / keeping his enemies back instead of pure offense.
this being said, he is among one of the strongest users of nature breathing that has existed, and he can kill high ranking demons should he have to go all out defense
ffxv / xvi
a member of the crownsguard / the undying respectfully
mostly focuses on intel gathering and recon, but is willing to help noctis / joshua out in combat if they need his help
besides his polearm, he has an affinity for using magic as well. though he must make his own spells as he doesn't have the capabilities to naturally use magic, so he's also a rather skilled spell / potion maker ( though he keeps the latter a closely gaurded secret in xvi for obvious reason )
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holyguardian · 6 months
@soldier-lodbrok | X
Though Ifalna told Glenn her and Aerith's troubled history, those were merely words. Words that couldn't convey the true weight of horror that befell an innocent mother and daughter. She could tell him what happened, she could go into excruciating detail, but he would never be the one who had been powerless and caged, knowing full well that help wasn't coming.
Words weren't enough. Her mind had been made up for days, that she would have to show him what she kept hidden. It was a massive step of courage on her behalf. When she could barely look at herself, it felt near impossible to show anyone else.
It wasn't an easy thing, to strip down to her underclothes. Eyes closed, her back turned to him, she gathered what scraps of strength she had left. She would have turned around to him when she collected that strength... but then she heard that loud clatter on the floor.
Ifalna opened her eyes and glanced over her shoulder. Slowly she stepped around and witnessed Glenn shedding those marked layers, and in turn she revealed more of the scattered history that marked her skin.
Words weren't enough. Their eyes locked and they spoke volumes to each another in the silence.
The weight of his dogtags didn't feel right. They aught to be much heavier, and her fingers shouldn't have been able to close around them so easily. It was his entire life between her fingers. Glenn would be ruined if they were found on her person.
Then came a warm embrace.
One that she didn't fight, nor did she tense. Instead she leaned forward and found her arms weakly circling him in kind. And she let out a great big breath — it was something like relief. Help hadn't come for her in the end. But here, and now, it felt like she was tangled around safety.
"I don't want to suffer a world where my daughter is in danger for simply existing." Ifalna spoke, her fingers gripped into the black knit uniform. "I want her to be safe."
It was a simple wish, and near impossible. Shinra was a juggernaut without chains.
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phoenixfiiire · 4 months
@foughtbelief asked:
headcanon question time! is there any person that joshua deeply regrets killing? not in the sense of 'i wish i didn't have to' or like that, but instead more along the lines of 'that was not needed' or 'this haunts me'?
Yes. In both main and FFVII, Joshua has a couple of murders that... keep him up at night.
In his main verse, there was an interrogation of a Dhalmekian merchant who had been trading in Rosarian relics. The man was not a good person, and had been complicit in aiding the black market trading and smuggling of ancient writings of the Phoenix, but that didn't mean he should lose his life. And he wasn't going to be killed, just shaken and roughed up by the Undying and released once they had gotten all the information they could from him.
Joshua slit his throat.
It happened after the man admitting to throwing out, not even selling, a book that contained the histories of the prior Phoenix's. The book was never recovered and it's likely there wouldn't have been anything inside of it to help locate Ultima, but it was his family's history that was lost. Hearing about how casually the man had decided it would be worthless and had tossed it aside had Joshua seeing red for a moment.
The worst part of it was that he didn't feel much of anything at all afterward. There was no guilt, no I shouldn't have done that, not until Jote chastised him. In private, of course. The ramifications of what he had done and how easily he had done it sank in over the next several days. The man was awful, but he didn't deserve death, and Joshua killed him all the same without hesitation or a second thought.
In his FFVII verse, there was a mother fleeing with her children from the battle in Wutai. Joshua watched her run, getting almost out of sight, and then lit her on fire to burn her alive. One of the children might have escaped, but he knows one of them was caught in the fire as well.
She had been an unarmed civilian trying to flee for her life.
At the time, Joshua had thought he had simply been participating in a VR simulation, and he's not entirely sure if it was a simulation or, as the unnamed grunt who likely died for telling him this had said, actually real and he was being an idiot for believing it wasn't. It was real, and he committed some pretty awful war crimes that his mind refuses to really come to terms with.
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starvingtongue · 2 years
FFVII verse info - Anima
trigger warning for medical experimentation & pregnancy.
‘Subject Anima’. That’s what Shinra called their experiment on her. Not too many people knew about it, as it was deemed a failure when one of the subjects went mad. The files burnt, and Shinra made sure there were no physical traces left. The only people that knew of it were Jyscal, Seymour and Anna (all believed to be deceased) and a handful of other Shinra scientists.
When Anna married Jyscal, she didn’t expect to have the baby she fell pregnant with to be experimented on, let alone in the womb and with Jenova cells. When the nurses at a Shinra owned hospital said the injections would help the baby develop, she thought nothing of it.  
The injections wasn’t aat first. Anna knew Jyscal’s job at Shinra was important to him, and the two clearly cared a great deal for each other. Even when they first met, Anna could tell that Jyscal had the air of importance about him. She had little idea the marriage between the two of them was arranged because of who her father was. The two moved in a few months before getting married, and it was a couple of years later that Anna found that she was pregnant. 
Perhaps it was when Jyscal first asked her about the experiment that should have sent her packing. Perhaps it was the change in doctors after the 3 month mark. Or maybe the mention of Jyscal's research into injecting Jenova cells into pregnant women to see what the effects were. Nobody knew. Maybe it was a combination of all of them. It was a routine thing, they said, to make sure the baby comes out healthy, to make sure they aren't affected by any latent Mako effects in the area. Which was inheritantly bullshit, considering the area Anna lived in was on one of the upper plates. It's something she deeply regrets not pushing harder on not having. 
Seymour was born a healthy baby, though he had some unique features. For one his eyes were purple, his fingers a little bit longer and his nails sharper. A side effect of the injections they said. 'But weren't the injections supposed to make sure this didn't happen?' Was what she retorted.
His hair, while soft as he grew up, certainly seemed spikier in places than other children’s. Also a side effect of the injections they said. When Seymour was born, both mother and son were confined to a special section of the hospital, privately owned by Shinra, so that they could be monitored for the side effects of Jenova cells. While they were implanted into Seymour, they were concerned that something could’ve happened to Anna too and wanted to keep track of it. 
They spent the next 8 years being brought in and out of the hospital, and later part of the Shinra building, with tests being run more on Seymour than Anna. Jyscal became more and more distant the more the tests were run. She tried to entertain Seymour as best she could, but she knew that Seymour wasn't stupid and would catch on eventually. They spent so much time in the Shinra building that Shinra eventually brought them in permenantly.
Not long after Seymour’s 8th birthday, they escaped. Though ‘escaped’ is a bit of a loose term as Jyscal snuck them out. Worried about what the constant testing and experimentation could do to Seymour and his mental state, he allowed them to leave. It caused some serious backlash, Jyscal was almost fired, and a manhunt was started.
For the next 2 years, Anna & Seymour were on the run. Somehow they managed to avoid capture by being constantly on the move. However, Anna had contracted something that the scientists hadn’t been able to fully identify back at Shinra. It sapped her strength to the point that it inevitably led to her & Seymour’s capture. They separated to two, considering Anna’s deterioration from her illness. It was this separation that started Seymour’s inevitable mental breakdown. Anna partially succumbed to whatever illness had taken over her and went into a coma. She was placed on a life support system somewhere in Shinra that neither Jyscal or Seymour could find or had the knowledge about. 
Without his mother’s companionship & reassure, the tests and experiments ended up doing more harm than good. Seymour displayed great intelligence, charisma and charm and seemed to have higher than average strength & magic usage. He was put out into the field multiple times and came back successful. However, over the years, his mental state deteriorated and he became very nihilistic and arrogant. Shinra dangled the possibility that if he behaved, they would let him see his mother again. He blamed his father for what had happened to him & to Anna and the experiments that came with it, which led to Seymour murdering his father one day and escaping not long after. Through some slip up, he managed to find out where they were keeping his mother and Seymour was able to force a scientist into getting her awake and healthy again. He escaped without her.
Seymour was able to get by, mostly due the facade he put on, which was charming and charismatic, despite being hunted by Shinra again. He was eventually caught up to and ‘put down’. When released, Anna had gone in a different direction and was unaware that her son had been put down until a few months later. By that point, however, she was in hiding. Shinra was stopping at nothing to ensure that all traces of ‘Project Anima’ were gone. It took a further 2 years for them to stop chasing her and eventually realise that maybe she was gone for good. If the illness that she’d contracted hadn’t gotten her, then the world probably had.
When she’d finally made sure that she wasn’t in danger, that Shinra wasn’t coming after her, she settled down. She’d moved around a lot by this point and was very much ready to settle down somewhere. Not fully trusting Midgar or it’s ruins yet, Anna makes a home a few miles outside of it. A few months down the line, she realises the amount of orphans in the city and that her home is a little bit too big for one person so invites any child to come and stay with her if they wish. Many children come and go, not all decide to stay, but they know that they had a bed to sleep in, a hot meal and someone to care over them should they choose. Anna, after hearing about the nice flower lady who helped save them, decided to try and start a garden. It took a while to get anything to grow, but she’s recently started seeing signs of life.
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twiceasfrustrating · 2 years
Naomi! 4 and 16 please 💕
4. Are there any writers that inspire you?
I wish I could write dark creeping fics like MadCitadel
I wish I could write poetry like @baalism
I wish I could write beautiful long-spanning fics like Elvishdork
I wish I could write mysteries like Kotaro Uchikoshi (Zero Escape series)
I wish I could write something that stays with me forever like Arina Tanemura did for me
And whoever came up with that ending to FFVII: Crisis Core? The final fight (which I won't describe because spoilers)? I want to be able to write something as gut-wrenching as them.
16. Any guilty pleasure trope(s)?
I think that implies I am guilty about the tropes I love. I am not. I love omegaverse, dom/sub verse, transmigration, monsters, the trope where the villain wants to kill the hero but is also deeply entranced by them and would kill anyone else that touched them, and more.
35 questions for fanfic writers
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buffaloborgine · 3 years
Of Zack Fair, Genesis Rhapsodos and the strange narrative POV of FFVII-Crisis Core (Part I)
Everyone will agree on one thing when talking about FFVII-Crisis Core: The plot line is so hard to understand, it even feels like the narration is badly executed.  I believe whether you love Crisis Core for the characters, or that you get to understand more about the beginning of FFVII compilation, you will still come to a point: find it very hard to grasp on what the heck is going on in Crisis Core. 
Why did Genesis become a deserter in the first place? What was his motives for that?  Why did Angeal become dramatic and seek a suicidal ending?  Why did Sephiroth mentally snapped into an unfathomable path? Why did anything happen in Crisis Core after all? Overall these questions are for the bigger picture. How about some smaller ones? How did Hojo know that the writings about Jenova in the underground library of Shinra mansion are false?  Why did Genesis choose to go after Hojo instead of after President Shinra if all he wants is to seek revenge? Did Genesis stalk Zack and Sephiroth as they come to Nibelheim?  Why did Hojo not try retrieving Sephiroth’s body from the Nibelheim’s Reactor?  Who actually helped Zack escape the mako tank?  Why would we only know that four years had already passed at the end of the game? Why could Shinra troops find out Zack and Cloud faster than the Turks did?  etc... 
These questions, after all, are normal, because, at least, we still have them instead of blindly following the narrative of Crisis Core. After I do rethink and retour on the storyline and narrative of Crisis Core, I think the director, the screenwriters and the plot writers actually did a very good work.  Because bamboozling the players is their true goal. 
Crisis Core’s narrative went with the point of view of Zack Fair, a kind-hearted, light-minded and naive young protagonist, following the trails of the enigmatic, deceitful antagonist, mainly by following his words.  The very frequent scene that you came across while you play Crisis Core is Genesis reciting a verse from LOVELESS and Zack will say “I don’t understand at all.”  The fact is, that’s our case as well. The whole time we played Crisis Core, we follow Zack’s POV, and for someone that’s too naive, Zack didn’t ask any questions. Instead of asking questions, he tended to assume how things went as the events progressed, or if he can’t find a way to assume things to his logic, he will say, “I don’t understand at all.” As we progressed the story through this kind of “forced” POV, for we don’t have the option to raise the questions, we slowly accept things at it is laid out in front of us. The more we follow this kind of narrative, the more we stop wanting to ask questions, because we know we don’t have that option no matter what.  That’s why we become more and more like Zack in Crisis Core, we accepted the story as told instead of seeking answers for the out-of-place details, which just, narrows our chance of understanding the story. 
So if you reach this part of the post, please let me suggest you a way to get out of the “foggy  Zack’s POV”. Just ask questions about things you don’t get in CC, and stop using the way Zack sees thing to explain for it. Also, like I said, Zack’s POV is one thing that make understanding Crisis Core very hard (because Zack himself is so dull), Genesis’s words are also misleading as we saw him said one thing did something else all the time.   Therefore, the best option is to stop seeing things the way Zack sees and stop trusting Genesis’s words totally. We can try to think out of the box, the narrative, and ask more questions so we can look for clues that can stitch things together.
For example, the first one, we can start with the case of Genesis murdering his parents.   As Zack and Tseng arrived in Banora for their investigation, the two came to Genesis’s old house. There, Tseng found a newly made grave, with gravestones, in which he found the corpses of Genesis’ adoptive parents along with some Shinra people. 
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When the two got to met with Genesis in the abandoned facility, Genesis got agressive as Tseng talked about his parents and processed to say “My parents betrayed me from the very beginning”, which sounds to have very much disdain and hatred, so Zack (and we too) assumed Genesis cold-bloodedly murdered his parents. 
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Let’s halt here for one second. Had Genesis really cold-bloodedly murdered his parents, why did he have to make them a grave? A grave is a location where a dead body (typically that of a human, although sometimes that of an animal) is buried or interred after a funeral; so the requirement to call burial place as a grave is to have a funeral ahead of it. You may ask “What if Genesis does that to hide the body?”, ho boi, he knows the Turks will come for investigation, and Tursk are like intelligent units, hiding dead bodies from them doesn’t really sound smart, does it? Besides the gravestones are quite blatant, no one make gravestone over a grave to hide dead bodies. That took out one possibility.  So the assumption that he really did murder his parents cold-bloodedly doesn’t really sound logical either, because he can totally just leave the corpses laying around there, why bother giving them one last rite and a proper grave if he just wants them dead? One other possibility out then. Now there’s one detail that I want to bring in for discussion: the “newly made” grave. This detail shows us one thing: the grave has just been made not long ago before Tseng’s and Zack’s arrival. Why should we take note of this detail? Because as we progress the story, we soon know that Shinra is about to bomb Banora into dust to erase all evidences of Genesis’ betrayal there. Therefore, why would there be a newly made grave just before the time the town getting bombed when Genesis surely had been in the town for quite a long time ago? He could have killed all the people and made them a grave a while ago. Or he could just not make them any grave at all. Or, being a SOLDIER for Shinra, he surely knows when the Turks come means the Shinra’s bombing planes is close, Genesis can totally leave the people of Banora die in the bombing. Or he could simply turn them all into the copies.  So why not any of those options above? Logically, if you know someone is going to die miserably and you choose to end them quickly then even make them a grave, that probably shows you are not a cold-blooded killer, because obviously, this kind of killing people is killing out of mercy.  This kind of explanation may help you change your view on Genesis and the narrative of Crisis Core, although it’s still just a theory. 
Thank you for coming to my Ted-talk, I will dissect other “dubious” events in Crisis Core in the next part.  Part IIa: https://buffaloborgine.tumblr.com/post/651997384235171840/of-zack-fair-genesis-rhapsodos-and-the-strange
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hercbled · 3 years
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                                                𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐄𝐓.
full name:  Zakkusu Fea  /  Zack Fair. 
nicknames / aliases: n/a
size: 6ft3
age:  16 - 24 + (He’s just turned 24 by the start of FFvii / FFvii remake) 
Zodiac:  His birthday is on NOVEMBER 27. Making him a Sagittarius. Sagittarius are part of the fire element and are known to be;
Honest / Tackless
Adventurous / Reckless
Optimistic / Naive
Independent / Unreliable
Spoken languages: Common language with a slight Gongaga accent && dialect. (Modern verse his primary language is Japanese but he can also speak some English. )
hair color: Black, thick && unruly. As a teen Zack wears it, so the bangs frame his face. Zack keeps this hairstyle post Angeal's death && only starts growing it out DURING his last mission for ShinRa before his desertion. 
eye color: Naturally Zack’s eyes are deep && black, the colour of coal. BUT due to the operations && Mako infusions once entering SOLDIER at the age of 13, Zack’s eyes are now a BRIGHT, unnatural Blue. He’d tell you that they are the colour of the sky, but in reality, they have an unnatural glow that could only be called, MAKO blue.
skin tone: tanned. 
body type:  Broad-shouldered && built, Zack’s body is toned && his muscles are defined. He is prone to exercising (particularly doing squats.) when stressed && / Or restless. Having been a member of ShinRa’s SOLDIER division, Zack was expected to keep himself at peak physical health. This includes regular exercises/workouts as well as extensive combat training. He also keeps a healthy diet, only indulging in junk food on the rare occurrence.
voice:  kenichi suzumura is my preferred voice actor for Zack. 
dominant hand: While Zack favours his right hand, he's able to use both. 
posture: Tends to be good, but can be slightly slouched, as he's very casual in the way he holds himself. 
scars: Reckless from youth, Zack’s body has always been littered with tiny scars. There's a whole lot && I go into further detail here
place of birth: Gongaga
siblings: n/a
parents: Mr && Mrs Fair. (currently unnamed in the canon content. ) 
occupation: From the age of thirteen, Zack is an employee of the electric company ShinRa. He’s part of ShinRa’s SOLDIER division && by seventeen he is promoted to FIRST CLASS SOLDIER. He later goes on to CUT ties with ShinRa after being forcibly detained && ~experimented~ on as a result of the cover up of the Nibelheim incident. During this time Zack is a fugitive && later becomes a MERCENARY.
Zack is willing to do ALMOST anything for money, prone to doing odd jobs in Midgar's undercity, he can go from monster hunting one day, to finding lost cats the next. When times are hard, he's known to enter in Walmarts UNDERGROUND FIGHTS. 
residence(s): Gongaga (Previously.) MIDGAR UPPER PLATE (previously.) Midgar under city / slums (currently.) 
close friends: ESSAI (deceased.) /  SEBASTIAN (deceased.) / ANGEAL HEWLEY (deceased.) /  GENESIS RHAPSODOS (M.I.A) / SEPHIROTH (No longer applicable.) KUNSEL ( estranged.) / LUXIERE ( Betrayed by.) / CISSINEI ( It's complicated.) / AERITH GAINSBOROUGH ( it's complicated.) / CLOUD STRIFE.  (verse dependent.)
relationship status: It's complicated. (verse dependent.)
financial status: Since his escape from ShinRa, Zack is living paycheck to paycheck. 
driver’s license: yes for both cars && motorbikes. 
criminal record: WANTED FUGITIVE from ShinRa. 
vices: Wanting to make that extra money / willing to do almost anything for it. 
sexual orientation: bisexual / pansexual
relationships preferred sexual role: Zack prefers to take a more dominant role BUT tends to be more of a swich. 
turn-ons: kindness, shorter partners / bright smiles / dependability / someone he feels comfortable with && is able to trust. 
turn-offs: mistreatment of any life, betrayal, freedom restrictions. (those who have a medical / scientist profession. ) cruelty.  
love language: touch (receive.) acts of service (giving) 
relationship tendencies: Despite being a ready friendly flirt, Zack has had limited relationship experiences. Whilst he's loyal to said partner he's not always the best at keeping up with communication especially when it's about his own vulnerabilities. He prefers to take things at an easier pace, ignoring issues, which can cause greater conflicts from time to time. 
character’s theme song: 
I. price of freedom by takeharu ishimoto
II.burn out by imagine dragons
III. found & lost by  Survive Said The Prophet
IV. Gone by RED. 
V.  Never Going Back by The Score
VI. Mars by sleeping at last. 
VII. So Far by Ólafur Arnalds 
hobbies to pass time: Here's the thing, Zack doesn't have many hobbies because he's given so much of his life / time to making it into SOLDIER. What he does in the rare spare time he does have is, going on dates / doing chores for Aerith. Exercising, but mostly Zack works a lot. 
mental illnesses:  Zack suffers from minor PTSD && is often seen to be incredibly restless when he has nothing to occupy his mind && / or body with. He counters with exercise (often in the form of squats.) or has been seen to use Angeal’s sword to centre him && to keep him from spiralling when his anxiety gets to be too much.
Falling victim to ShinRa’s grooming as a child. His worldview has been shaped on ShinRa’s terms. He was moulded into a child SOLDIER && while he’s often quite expressive, he struggles during downtime.
phobias: Loss of freedom, Death of loved ones, failure, losing his morals or sense of self, entrapment.
self-confidence level: High (Sometimes it sways lower.)
tagged by: Stolen from the dash tagging: @aicidos @firefated @hieshou @hiddensteel @strfd @seintels @kisumshi @krvla (FOR PAUL ! ) && ANYONE WHO WANTS TO, SAY I TAGGED YOU PLS <3
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scrawnytreedemon · 3 years
A character? How about Elena from the Turks?
God, this would have been a lovely pick, wouldn't it?
Unfortunately my memory is hazy, and I'm not particularly well-versed in Turk lore, so I fear this'll be a disappointment. Nevertheless, I'll do the best I can!
First impression: Like most FFVII characters, my first experience with her was in Advent Children. My memory is hazy, but I remember someone, I think Reno, going feral over what i think was Kadaj or the other Remnants taunting him and Rude about what they'd done to her-- Again though, five years, this memory's definitely fuzzy. I don't remember getting a good sense of her personality, but I maybe remember one of my siblings going "!!!" because her name sounded a bit like one of theirs.
Impression now: I think Elena's recklessness does a wonderful job in filling out the structure of the Turks! Because of course they'd have a zealous rookie running around and getting herself into trouble from being a little too eager in doing her duty. There's a lovely contrast between her and Reno, with the latter being laid-back to the point of almost seeming lackadaisical at times, but in reality being incredibly diligent and ruthless when need be-- In a way, it's through this experience that he's earned that outwardly easy-going attitude. He knows it'll do him more good, both in duty and personal life.
Favorite moment: Unfortunately, I don't think I really have one. Apologies :( Perhaps if I were inclined to read the novels, I'd have more material to work with, but as of now... Yeah :(
Idea for a story: Best I can think of is Tseng and Elena having a good, long chat over whiskey. A little peeling of the stony facade; maybe even beneath, a small plea that she'll leave before it's too late; she's bright, idealistic; the machine would only crush someone like her. Make her cold; barren. He'd know. He's seen it more times than he can count. But the words fall away as soon as they're uttered. The next day, he's sober as he's ever been; inscrutible. They continue like always. Continue until the very end.
Unpopular opinion: Again, can't say. I really wish I had more, but I don't have a good enough consensus. Let me know one of yours!
Favorite relationship: I think there's alot of interesting things you could do witht he contrast between Tseng and Elena, and how she idealises him as everything a Turk ought to be, while he's... He is. OG-period it'd be a tentative mentor-menteé dynamic, where Elena's ever-eager for his every insight and Tseng wants to be careful. If any romance were to blossom, I think it would post-AC; they've been through alot together, Elena's mellowed out, matured, Tseng's eased up; the whole world is no longer at their backs. Neither of them can really believe it, that they've done it; escaped Shinra, that it's all dead and gone; but the sun is warm, the picnic blanket soft, and the crook of the others' neck and the gentle grip of their hand both. Peace, at long last. I think there's also alot you can do with Reno occasionally telling her to dial it back, take it easy, but her huffing and rushing on ahead. He shrugs and moves on. Not his clown, not his circus. Over the years I could see it growing into a playful, pestering sort of bond, but with strong roots. I think both of them are deeply loyal, when it comes to it; Elena more overtly, perhaps, but Reno stands till the end. Her and Rude? They sit on the porch and drink ice-cola together.
Favorite headcanon: Again, nothing here, but! Do place one of yours, if you so desire! I'm curious 👀
Thank you as always, Enide! Always glad to see you :) You know how to challenge me on these :))) <33
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Reisi Munakata (FFVII Verse) - Wishlist, Character Dynamics
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Some relationships, dynamics, things I’d love to explore for this muse in his FFVII verse~
These are not listed in any particular order. Please refer to the canon Final Fantasy VII Timeline to determine muse age and occurring events.
Fuhito (years 1968-0007): Reisi’s childhood friend and rival, equal in genius and drive. Though their ambitions never end up converging, these two have a complex and deep bond that outsiders never quite understood. Great minds think alike, and people like Reisi and Fuhito inevitably keep to each other. While I do RP Fuhito in the megaverse this character belongs to, I’m definitely open to exploring their dynamic in spin-off threads for other Fuhito RPers.
ShinRa Company (years 1987-1997): Reisi spent many years working for ShinRa company and granting protection to many of its employees. This includes Rufus Shinra, Reeve Tuesti, Hojo, etc.
Aerith Gainsborough (age 2-7, years 1987-1992): Reisi’s arrival in ShinRa happens a couple years after baby Aerith and Ifalna are taken and brought to the facility to be raised within its walls, and he still works there at the time of their escape. It’d be interesting if maybe Reisi had the opportunity to witness this or participate to some degree.
SOLDIER (years 1987-1997): Being amongst the first officious SOLDIER members, Reisi will be tasked with training new recruits. This may include the new materia-transfusion enhanced warriors as well as the fruit of the secret Project Jenova: Genesis, Angeal and Sephiroth. He may even have had an occasional run-in with young 3rd-2nd Class Zack.
Yuffie Kisaragi (year 1997 and beyond): Yuffie was just a child when Reisi turned against ShinRa and rejoined his people in Wutai to fight against the company. After his defeat by Sephiroth’s hand, I could see him getting to know her better and maybe look after her a bit.
Reno, Rude, Tseng, other Turks (year 1987 and beyond): After the Wutai War, Reisi is rendered unable to fight and forced to spend the rest of his days in his home village. To make sure he no longer poses a threat, Turks will be periodically sent to check on him. I’d be also interested in developing relationships between him and Turk members prior to his desertion.
Sephiroth (age 12-20, year 1992-0000): Reisi’s trainee and protége. Their relationship is the main focus of this muse’s presence in this verse. Reisi is assigned to Sephiroth in a moment of great weakness and confusion, just after his surgery to become SOLDIER. How Reisi will interact with him will shape the man Sephiroth is bound to become. While I do RP Sephiroth in the megaverse this character belongs to, I’m definitely open to exploring their dynamic in spin-off threads for other Sephiroth RPers.
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