#On the Grapevine [OOC]
escortingsecrets · 1 month
In FFVII, Shivan probably has Retinitis pigmentosa- it didn't hit him until his mid twenties, he didn't really think much of it until he realized one night that he just,,, Couldn't see (night blindness). It was a shock, and it thankfully takes a long time to really get to him after he learns what it is, but by the time of AC (35 roughly) he probably has lost quite of bit of peripheral vision, but Im still unsure how much he really does lose
In DnD though, after the Seige of Tavic, Shivan completely loses his vision. Those who attack the temple target the Cleric of Fate for his visions and such. He goes through quite a bit before they damage his eyes and toss him into the snow and leave him there. He thankfully has friends who take him in and heal his injuries, but he doesn't have any sight after, and often wears bandages around his eyes to hide the scars and damage
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talentforlying · 10 months
so there was that one uquiz i did where it decided that constantine's symphony was 'the nocturne' and i just realized during my reread earlier that the volume of sandman in which constantine's story shows up is called 'preludes & nocturnes'......i'm unwell
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celestialtrolls · 3 months
No one gets a favourite ship on celestialtrolls here unless you've been following me for at least 4 years because the amount of ship stuff I've done publicly since 2020 is negligible
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melonteee · 2 months
So I’m not actually caught up with the manga but I’m a nosy bitch and I gather one piece updates through the grapevine. Regarding the “Sanji calls Zoro a liability” moment, I’ve seen Chinese fans interpret it not as a “Sanji is acting ooc/mutating” moment but as Oda showing off the Zosan/wings dynamic yet again. Basically they say Sanji was having a Wife Moment aka “Zoro you have been dragging out this fight for way too long and I know you can do better and you’re also putting the entire crew in danger, I’m Actually Mad now and you should lock in.” Which is why Zoro didn’t talk back, he knew Sanji was right. Essentially Oda is telling us how zosan keep each other in check. Also these comments were made by Chinese dudebro readers so it’s not even a shipping goggles thing 🤣 Ofc they might not be reading the original Japanese and there’ll be translation misinterpretations yknow, I just like being delulu 🤭
Chinese fans are so fucking good with their analogies LMAO when Zoro was angry during Zou because Sanji left they compared it to being upset your wife has left the house without saying anything, and acting angry but actually being very worried about your wife FHJKSD like I am probably as delusional as you anon but the amount of times Chinese fans have compared Sanji to a frustrated wife is so funny because SOMETIMES...SOMETIMES IT MAKES SENSE DFJGHD
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taeiun · 7 months
just a little sick with love.
synopsis: it spills out too fast; hard to contain this blurted confession about you (in other words, txt when asked about you during an interview)
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who: txt's choi line x gn!reader
categories: a little smth extra fluffy, interview style scenarios
warnings: might be ooc here? reader is referred to as "pretty" and "beautiful" a few times (not in a physical appearance context really), love and babe and jagiya are used as petnames, use of "yn" in the fic, mentions of food and drinks
word count: 0.9k
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interviewer: ...but, while we’re on the topic of romance, i’ve heard through the grapevine that you’re currently in a relationship. now, i’m just dying to know, and i’m sure the viewers are too, about who you’ve been seeing so, what can you tell us about them?
yeonjun: well to start, they’re the love of my life. [he laughs and runs a hand through his hair with a hum] they understand me in ways no one else would, not even the other members. i can be choi yeonjun with them, you know? not just an idol on stage, not just yeonjun of tomorrow x together. being with them… it’s like walking into a cold room after being out in the sun all day. 
interviewer: aw, that’s sweet! how did you get to meet them? 
yeonjun: i spilt my drink on them. [he smiles sheepishly] i was in a rush and wasn’t looking where i was going. we bumped into each other and i ruined their shirt. i offered to pay for a new one but the thing about yn is that they’re stubborn. they refused so i asked if could take them out lunch instead. things kind of went from there.
yeonjun: now, they send me tiktoks and reels that remind them of me when we’re away on tour. they surprise me with roses after a show win and always welcome me with a smile, no matter how tired they are. yn is the best thing that’s happened to me and i can’t see myself without them. 
interviewer: wow sounds like i might need to sweep them off their feet for myself! [the interviewer laughs]
yeonjun: [he lets out a tense chuckle that ends in a sigh] ah… yeah no, tough luck buddy. they’re mine and always will be.
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soobin: hmm [he takes a moment to choose his words carefully] where do i begin? [the interviewers laughs] yn is my other half. i don’t really know how else to explain it other than that. they’re effortlessly kind and the nicest person i’ve ever met. they never fail to cheer me up after a long day and are so understanding of my needs. sometimes i think they know me better than i know myself. [he laughs]
interviewer: when did you know they were the one?
soobin: i think i knew we were going to work out for sure when the group and i first went on tour. yn took care of odi for me and sent me video updates. they don’t like recording their voice so i asked them why they sent videos instead of pictures and messages. they replied, “because i know you can’t sleep soundly without hearing my voice, soobin.” i was already in love before then but i think that only grew after hearing those words. 
interviewer: if you had to pick between your partner and your career, which would you choose?
soobin: i think that’s an unrealistic question to ask. yn made it clear that they’d never make me pick between our relationship and my idol life. they said i deserved to be happy, to receive the good things in life. for the longest time, i thought i could only have one or the other, a relationship or a successful career, and it wasn’t until i met them that i realized those things could coexist. they’re my biggest supporter and i couldn’t be more grateful for that.
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beomgyu: oh, y/nnie! [he visibly brightens] it’s crazy. even though we’ve been dating for a while now, sometimes i wake up and i’m like [beep]... i’m actually dating them. they’re so sweet to me. i’m starting to get cavities from just how kind they are. [he and the interviewer laugh]
interviewer: why them? what is it about your partner that caught your eye?
beomgyu: oh it had to have been their smile. they have the prettiest smile i’ve ever seen and their eyes crinkle in the corners when they do. their laugh is the most beautiful thing i’ve heard. i’d play it on loop twenty four seven if i could. their happiness is infectious. i’ll let you in on a little secret [he leans in, forearms resting on his thighs as he moves to fake whisper to the interviewer] sometimes, they’ll dance and sing around the kitchen when they think im not watching. [he laughs, leaning back in his seat] they probably have way more blackmail on me though. 
interviewer: would you say you’re happy?
beomgyu: i’m the happiest i’ve ever been. yn… they make everything i do worth it. i don’t know what i’d do without them. i wish they could see themselves through my own eyes because i think they’re the most stunning and beautiful, in every meaning of that word, person on the planet.
interviewer: is there anything you’d like to say to your partner back home?
yeonjun: hey, babe! i hope you haven’t forgotten about our one year anniversary coming up. [he says in a teasing voice] you better be taking care of yourself properly while i’ve been gone. [he smiles warmly] i miss you. tour is almost done, love. i’ll be seeing you very soon. 
soobin: i hope you’re doing well, love. you better be asleep when this program is airing and i don’t want to see a single text message from you until it’s morning in your time zone. you can get more work done when you’re well-rested. [he smiles] just a little longer, dear. i’ll be home soon.
beomgyu: yn! i can’t wait to see you again, jagiya. there’s so much to tell you and i miss stealing the blanket from you when we sleep. [his expression drops to a serious, but playful one] i’m cashing in that cuddling coupon you gave me for my birthday last year when i get back and expect top tier service.
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^ . _ . ^ !? hehe was inspired by a couple cute insta reels that came up on my for you. next txt post will be for ot5 hopefully as long as i have the time
© taeiun 2023. all rights reserved. do not copy, repost, translate, modify, or claim any of my writing as yours.
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mtchee · 18 days
Disdain, or Desire? - [Diluc Ragnvindr] GN
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Interpreting the Wine Master's unblinking stares and impassive features as a form of distain, you're in for a pleasurable surprise after the meddling of a few friends.
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cw: not edited, second-person-pov, [name] is an outlander but not traveller, you have a rip off paimon companion too, probably OOC diluc, not explicit but very spicy, 16+ suggestiveness
| masterlist | genshin impact collection |
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You had been residing in Mondstadt for a few months now, keeping a close line of contact with Lumine after she left to travel the rest of Teyvat. You'd decided to help clean up the mess after the whole 'Stormterror' incident, the abyss order still being heavily active on Mondstadt soil.
Although Lumine continued to travel, your own floaty mushroom companion, Kiko, continued to keep you company.
"Hey, Adelinde?" You approache from the road to Dawn Winery, a balloon crate following behind you, "I managed to find the supplies you needed. The merchant got chased off by some hilichurls, but he's safe now, just shaken. Um, where should I put it...?"
The head maid brightens up at the sight of you, "Outlander! Oh, thank you. Just leave it up in front of the manor, myself and a few others will get the rest sorted out. Thank you so much for your help!"
"Oh, no problem!" You wave her off as she leaves to get you the commision reward.
"Ooh, do you think she'll give us some primogems...?" Kiko wonders softly, floating by your shoulder.
You shrug with a light smile, leading the crates up the path towards the front of the manor, "I don't know, but Adelinde is very generous."
The balloon crate nearly nicks some of the grapevines in the vineyard, causing the two of you to panic. You use every ounce of your strength to shove the floating crate back on path, guiding it by hand as it no longer holds your trust.
You huff once the crate is sat down by the front door, leaning against the manor wall, "...archons, I hate those things."
The hair on the back of your neck stands up suddenly, and you gradually blink away your exhaustion.
"Hm? Oh," Kiko perks up, "hi, Master Diluc!" He waves towards the man stood by a few barrels after chatting to a butler.
The red haired male nods towards the blue fairy, eyes soon drawn towards the outlander. You immediately straighten at the name, turning around with warm cheeks. Diluc's hard gaze bores into your figure, causing you to shiver.
You gulp nervously.
"Uh, good morning, Master Diluc," You give him a shaky wave.
The male simply nods back, firm eyes remaining trained on your form without a single word leaving his mouth.
Perhaps he's mad you almost demolished a row of his grapevines...
Your eyes dart around, body almost quivering under the intensity of his gaze.
You send him a forced—albeit sheepish—smile before quickly bolting away, forgetting about waiting for the reward.
Kiko is left scrambling after you.
"Hu—hey! W-Wait..!"
Diluc's eyes soften as he watches you rush off elsewhere, a wave of disappointment washing over him, though his face remains indifferent.
Adelinde walks up with a generous sized pouch full of both mora and primogems, looking around before a confused frown makes its way into her face.
"Master Diluc?" She turns to the man, "have you seen the outlander? I thought they were here just a minute ago..."
Diluc hums, "I believe they were in a hurry," he holds out a hand for the bag, "I'll take those. I'll be sure to give these to them later on."
"Ah, of course, sir," Adelinde hands him the rewards bag with a nod before walking back to where she had come from, continuing with her duties.
Diluc glances at the rewards, brows furrowed in thought.
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"Kiko, he hates me—he hates me, I know it."
"He doesn't hate you," Kiko deadpans for the fifteenth time since they left Dawn Winery, "trust me, if he hated you like he hates Kaeya, we'd know."
"He hates me," You conclude, Kiko facepalming in the back, "why else does he just...stare? He must be so revolted by my presence that it's all he can do, oh archons—Kiko, what did I do?!"
You walk through the gates, entering Mondstadt city.
"He doesn't hate you!"
"But he looks so angryyyy..!" Comical tears slide down your cheeks as you whine, "Lumine talks to him all the time and he doesn't act like that! What's wrong with meeeee?"
"Oh, don't be that way. I, for one, think you're wonderful just how you are~" A sultry voice intervenes from behind.
Kiko whips around, startled.
"It's cyclops!"
"Captain Kaeya," The two you pay no mind to Kiko's outburst, you putting a momentary halt on your whining, "are you patrolling around here?"
"Actually, I'm on break. I just finished a whole stack of paperwork and decided to take a nice stroll around Mondstadt, and then I ran into you," Kaeya grins, "seems like my luck's turning up, hm? Also, how many times have I told you? Just Kaeya is fine."
"Oh, right. Sorry, Capta—uh, Kaeya..." You flush slightly, causing him to chuckle.
"Always so polite, aren't you, outlander?" The blue haired male chuckles, "now, what was it I heard you worrying about before I appeared?"
"[name] thinks your brother hates them." Kiko blurts out.
"Kiko, I'm gonna put a goddamn filter over your mouth-"
"Hating you? My brother?" Kaeya lets out a boisterous laugh, head thrown back as if it were the funniest he'd ever heard in his life, "certainly not! Me? Perhaps, but hating you? I've never heard such a thing. Especially Diluc."
"B-But he doesn't even talk to me anymore!" You fret, "ever since the vigilante thing he just... looks at me! I must've gotten in his way or something because he still talks to Lumine all the time! Maybe it was something I'd said? Was it because I forgot to tell him I was catching crystalflies at the winery? I didn't break anything then, did I? I made sure not to mess up the vineyard..."
"Oh, [name], our dear outlander," Kaeya tuts, wrapping an arm around your shoulders, "you worry too much! Have you finished your commissions for the day?"
He waits until he receives an affirmative nod, "Wonderful! How about a trip to the tavern then? To take your mind off things? My treat~"
"Oh, uh, I don't think—"
Yeah, it wasn't an offer.
You didn't have a choice.
And so there you sat later that evening, practically sweating bullets and quivering in your seat at the two red eyes burning holes into your soul.
Kiko sat on the table in front of you, a small glass of apple cider in his hands as he kicks his feet back and forth happily.
Kaeya sat beside you to the left, with sister Rosaria sitting on the opposite side.
Lumine had actually come in for the night as well and sat to your right, Paimon and Kiko chattering away whilst Kaeya, Rosaria and Lumine engaged in civil conversation.
From the corner of your eye, you could spy Diluc eyeing you down disdainfully from the bar. A near whimper escapes you as you slink down into your seat, nerves gripping at your chest and throat.
"[name]?" Lumine looks at you in concern, "are you alright?"
Glancing off to the side and seeing the bar owner preoccupied with another customer, you take the chance to whisper frantically at her.
"Lumine, I'm absolutely scared out of my wits—Master Diluc hates me and wants me out of this goddamn tavern but I'm terrified that if I do much as breath he'll take the chance and kick me out himself and kill me—"
"What?" Lumine blinks, confusion evident on her features, "wait, what are you talking about?"
"Lumine, he hates me!" You whisper shout, sitting up in your seat, "he always stares at me, ever since the dark night thing he's lowkey avoided me but now I'm pretty sure he'd stab me—look! Oh my archons, he's still staring."
You immediately freeze in your seat, shoulders tense and throat tight.
Diluc's hardened gaze has returned once more.
Lumine glances over her shoulder at the man before letting out a hushed laugh.
"[name], I think you've misunderstood something here—"
"Misunderstood what?!" Your mouth barely moves due from the fear, "he still talks to you! There's nothing to misunderstand!"
Lumine snorts.
"Well, do you know what we talk about?" A cheeky glint appears in her eyes as she glances between her friend's frozen figure and the nonchalant male cleaning the bar counter, "my archons, you are oblivious."
"What? What?"
You snap your head towards her in offense.
Kaeya and Rosaria's conversation had ceased, looks of bemusement plastered on their faces.
"Oh, come on, [name]. You're brighter than that," Rosaria huffs out a laugh, raising her glass to her lips.
"Wha—I'm not stupid," You glare at her, afterwards crossing your arms with a frown.
"You guys are playing down my fear because you know it's true."
"As if!" Paimon spits out, Kiko cackling beside her, somehow drunk on the apple cider, "literally everyone can see it except you! Even Paimon figured it out! Master Diluc's never like this with anyone."
"That's what I told them," Kiko hiccups, "and they still don't believe me. You wonder why Dawn Winery's commissions are so generous..."
You blink, "Huh?"
"You know what, if you don't talk to him, I will for you."
Lumine suddenly stands up and starts towards the bar.
You promptly panic.
"Whoa—WHA- a-ahem! Lumine! Lumine! What do you think you're doing?! Oh gods..."
You nearly topple over the chair at the sight of Lumine talking to Diluc.
"Oh, would you look at that," Kaeya suddenly whistles, "it's getting rather late, and I'm on patrol early tomorrow morning. I'll see you next time, then."
He grins mischievously, getting up from his seat and leisurely making his way towards the door.
Rosaria stands up next, "Mm, shame we had to do this for you. Though you'd never get the guts otherwise. Don't think we don't know about your little crush on him."
She knocks back the last of her wine.
You flush, reeling back, "UM!? I-It doesn't matter anyway!"
You hiss out, "He hates me—hey! No, wait, please don't leave!"
You're honestly in near tears in panic.
Rosaria stops in place, giving you an indifferent look before huffing, leaning down and patting you on the head roughly before finally leaving.
"You'll be fine."
You slump down in your seat, defeated. Glancing around the tavern quickly, you notice that the scarce number patrons left are either stumbling outside drunk or dead asleep--the remaining of which were situated upstairs.
You give a pitiful look to Kiko, who almost caves in.
"Nope! Nu-uh!" Paimon flies between you two, "not on Paimon's watch!"
She grabs her floaty mushroom friend before spinning and glittering out of the tavern. You shrink in your seat, noticing that Lumine finished up the conversation with Diluc and was making one last round at your table.
She places a hand on your shoulder and gives you a reassuring squeeze.
"You'll survive," She grins.
You narrow your eyes at her spitefully.
She giggles, "Trust me, you'll be thanking me soon," she heads off towards the door, waving with a gleeful smile before disappearing from sight.
The clothes on your shoulders feel heavy all of a sudden, forcing you to curl in on yourself as your nerves play up. You glance towards the bar—where Diluc's firm gaze continues to burn into your figure, and you whimper under your breath.
You avert your attention to your hands, though the feeling of being watched never dissipates. You grip your still full glass of grape juice anxiously, much too nervous to drink any of it for fear of somehow angering the bar owner any more than you already have.
You risk one last glance towards him.
He stands few feet behind you.
Your mind jumbles and scrambles for anything and absolutely nothing at the same time, panic causing your heart to race.
A shadow covers you from the right, and your throat closes up with a squeak.
Diluc looms over you with harsh red orbs and an indifferent look, brows furrowed ever so slightly. He spares a glance towards your untouched glass of grape juice before leaning down towards you.
You tense at the motion, eyes wide in fright as your anxiety and stress spike. You refrain from flinching as a light thud is resounded from the table.
You swallow slightly and look forwards.
You blink twice.
In front of you sits a decent sized rewards pouch, the draw string loose and slightly opened revealing it's contents of mora and primogems.
You nearly jump when a deep voice resonates from beside you.
"You forgot your reward earlier today by the Winery. Neither Adelinde nor I had the time to properly thank you for your efforts."
Your knee bounces at the sound of his voice, feeling jittery.
Your eyes dart around, looking anywhere but at the man beside you.
"Oh, u-um... don't even, uh, don't worry about it..." Your voice is shaky, and oddly quiet.
You take in a sharp breath, staring down the glass in your hands just as Diluc does to you.
It's silent for a few seconds, though it feels like years.
"[name]," You nearly shatter the glass in your grip.
The call of your name is a command, a command to look at the one whom had spoken it. Slowly, your eyes lift, trailing up the body of the one who glares you down constantly.
The one who's eyes bore searing holes into your back.
The one who you feared absolutely hated you.
The one who you stupidly fell for, and were still enraptured with, for all this this time.
Eventually, your eyes meet.
Archons, you've never wanted to run so much in your entire life.
And you hate running.
It took every ounce of your entire being not to look away again, and not to fucking book it out of that stupid tavern door.
You let out a shaky breath through your nose, body tense and mind rushing.
Diluc's eyes grow half lidded, gaze uncharacteristically tender as his eyebrows furrow in wonder.
He tilts his head slightly, "What is it exactly, that you think I'm going to do to you, hm?"
A light, barely noticeable, flush rests on his fair cheeks.
Your stomach tightens in knots when you refrain from letting out an anxious shriek. 
What the hell do you say to that?
'Kill me?' No. 'Hurt me?' No. 'Best case scenario, forever ban me from your vicinity?' Maybe. 'Possibly unalive me in which after my remains are never to be found?'
What the fuck, no.
Instead, your mouth opens and closes ever so slightly, unable to form any sort of response. Diluc hums lowly, stepping towards you until he's able to rest his hand on the table. You hate how your face warms at the proximity--he's not even that close!
You flinch and go to lean back, but Diluc catches your chin with his forefinger and thumb, bringing you closer to him.
Okay, now you can freak the fuck out.
He feels you tremble and gulp.
His breath touches your skin.
His next question causes your wits to go haywire, "Why is it that you avoid me so?"
You swear you were on the verge of embarrassed tears. Your voice wavers.
"...B-Because you hate me...?" Your already quiet tone grows even quieter as you trail off.
At your words Diluc's once tender gaze returns to a hard blazing glare, and your breathing falters.
"Hate you?" He nearly seems to growl, "what on teyvat gave you that idea?"
"...Um, w-well, you see, I—"
Your heart explodes in your chest, blood rushing up your neck and to your face at a record speed as Diluc dives in to kiss your lips.
The most shocked—and honestly unflattering—gasp escapes you, though it's forcibly turned into a high, lewd moan as his mouth covers yours, tongues meeting and teeth almost clashing.
You whimper loudly against him from the sudden movement, heart lurching when Diluc pushes back the chair to allow him to straddle your lap.
Archons, you can feel yourself burning.
Pulling back with slightly swollen lips, he gives you no time to breath before trailing kisses down your jaw and to your neck, nipping and sucking at the skin with an unbridled passion matched by a deep groan.
Your core throbs in nervous excitement, and you almost feel ashamed for the feeling.
You gasp at the sensation, both panicked and excited, with your hands clawing at his chest and back at the intensity. A series of noises—whimpers, whines, and moans—escape you, the rush of it all giving you little to no strength to be able to mask them.
Your chest heaves for breath, Diluc's touch rendering you unable to focus on anything.
A high pitched whine of weak protest leaves your lips and reaches the male's ears, causing his face to flush. His hips roll into yours and your eyes roll back in deliria, resulting in a louder and dirtier sound to resonate by his ear.
He feels his own body react to the feeling—abdomen contracting as his stomach does flips.
"O-Oh, archons..!" You whine, eyes clenched shut in both embarrassment and bliss—you could never seem to catch your breath, "ngh..! P-Please..!"
By morning, it was safe to say that you were, very evidently--and very much pleasurably--proven wrong.
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"Oh. My. God." A smug grin made its way onto Lumine's lips, a boisterous laugh threatening to escape her.
Standing on weak legs with a marked up neck and a fierce amount of blood rushing up to your face, you growl at her, already wallowing in your humiliation and embarrassment.
"Shut up!"
Off to the side floats Kiko and Paimon who dance in little circles singing, "we told you so, we told you so, we told you so~"
Kaeya had already pestered you earlier, laughing heartily and making fun of you for not having listened to anyone.
"And look where that got you," Kaeya snickered, "although, I don't think you were complaining now, were you?"
You would've kicked him if your legs weren't going to give out.
You let out an embarrassed sigh, "Just... just help me get home before Diluc finds me again... if I see him I'm going to—"
"What? Burst?" Lumine tries to contain her giggles, "like you did last night?" She cackles.
Your heart drops, "L-LUMINE, SHUT UP..!"
Although, you couldn't exactly deny it; feeling the slight pulsing pleasure of your lower half from the aftermath of the previous night.
And after it all, Diluc certainly wasn't going to let you go anytime soon.
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blanketorghost · 30 days
A taste of Something New (Pt. 3)
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
The new taste is heartbreak, actually <3
This third one was supposed to have the resolution included but I realized this chapter was already 3000 words, also the last part is written in both Azul and Yuu's perspectives so perchance it is best that its separate from this one. Anyways stay tuned for the fourth maybe fifth parts. I may take less than a whole six months this time to write it!
Summary: Against his better judgement, Yuu wants to bring Azul a meaningful souvenir from the scalding sands.
Pairing: Yuu Fujisaki x Azul Ashengrotto (one-sided?), Azul Ashengrotto x Jamil Viper (implied, one-sided)
Timeline: During/Post Al'ab Narya and Ch. 4. Pre Ch. 5
Notes: Azul may be OOC? Have never been good at writing him convincingly imho
With a pep in his step and a nervous smile, Yuu exited the light music club. He'd mulled over it in class, planned his speech during lunch, and agonized over the details after school. He didn't even play anything during club time, even after an eternity of Kalim whining and goading him to join in with the rest of the members.
The light music club was just right across the board game club, and even if he would've spent time in there anyway, today all he could do was anxiously look at the slightly ajar door a few steps away. Would it be too weird if he just came in and gave him the book?
Yeah... definitely.
Honestly, the best option here was to just hand it to him after club session's over. He just needed to casually greet him and give him the book as the guise of a souvenir. He could explain the details later.
But what if he came out with a friend? He didn't really trust on his guts enough to think he could give him the gift then, he'd have to brainstorm new possibilities for encounter.
He clutches the piece tightly against his chest, wrapping paper crinkling to his touch.
"Wat'cha looking at, Yuu-chan?"
Cater's voice takes him out of his trance, rudely interrupting that vicious cycle of what-ifs and but-thens he'd already crafted in his brain about optimal gift-giving times.
"Oh, uhm..." He hides the package under his blazer and looks at the ground, hoping to find a good excuse inside the cracks on the floor. "I needed to ask for Azul's help for something about the gourmet club. I was hoping if I gave him something in return, he might say yes more easily."
"Really? Well, good luck with that." Cater raises an eyebrow and crosses his arms. "I've heard around the grapevine that Azul-kun's been super stingy about creating his famous contracts now. It's a shame. I was totes hoping we could do some sponsorship deal where I advertised the lounge on Magicam for free meals..."
"Huh. I guess he really turned a whole new leaf with that whole..." Yuu trails off as he smiles in spite of himself. He wasn't very sure that that was the reason Azul had stopped, but he could at least pretend maybe he had caused a positive change. A bit of wishful thinking never hurts anybody. "Never mind, I mean- Thanks for the warning. But I think he would be really interested in what I have to offer." He waves Cater off.
"Well, I mean, if you wanna you can use the points I've been saving up at the lounge to get a meeting, I honestly get them mostly for the discounts on seasonal meals, but I don't min-"
"Oh, I already have enough points for a meeting." Yuu takes his loyalty card from his pocket. Usually, he used the points to get some tutoring sessions for Grim or get him a study guide. It was convenient, and Azul's teaching method was the only one that actually worked. Yet, he had decidedly started to save up for a private meeting right before the City of Silk trip. He knew Azul was busy and stingy with his time, but if all other attempts to talk to him failed, he had to at least hear him out If he used his points, right?
"Aw, you're all prepared and everything! Gotta give it to Yuu to always be one step ahead." Cater gives him a smile, then checks his phone and sighs, cheerful demeanor diminishing slightly. "Welp. I gotta go to my dorm now. It's my turn to feed the flamingos. Good luck with your Gourmet Club business stuff!"
"Yeah, thanks." Yuu waves at all the members of the light music club, and, one by one, the classroom was left empty.
It feels like an eternity before the classroom adjacent to him opens its door, and he waits and waits for the students inside to tidy up and put back everything in their shelves until finally, the members of the Board Game Club also say their goodbyes for the day.
He could hear someone ranting inside the classroom to seeminly no one in particular, some students groaning or shaking their heads as they left the room. Some time later, Azul's voice rises through the chatter to retort to that one ranting, most likely. He scans the crowd until he finally sees a white tuft of hair exit from the room, black gloved hand raising to say his goodbyes to the people that were still inside.
He was always so outwardly nice and polite, he really just had a way of charming people, really. If only he used that power of his for better purposes... still, he couldn't deny the fact that that scheming was also attractive. Very much so, in fact. There was a reason why Yuu ended up falling for him so fast, after all.
“Yuu-san?” Yuu doesn't even notice when Azul turns to see him, his eyebrows arching in surprise.
“Ah- Uh– Azul-” He can barely string out a coherent sentence as he scrambles to hide the package behind his back— wait, what was he doing?! “I just… wanted to say hi.”
“Well then, hi.” Azul flashes him a smile. “It's nice to see you. Perhaps we could talk more at length later, though. I have to get the lounge ready for openin-—”
Oh dear, that came out louder than what he intended.
Yuu clears his throat, taking a second to look down at the floor to compose himself. “Can't you spare a couple of minutes? It won't take long.”
“I'm sorry, Yuu-san. But I need to help Floyd prep the ingredients for today's menu and make sure Jade doesn't tamper with any of them, I'm sure you understand.”
“I see…”
“If you want, though, I could maybe clear up some time later?”
“I was actually hoping we could meet today… If you have time.” It's like Yuu's body was working on its own, completely overriding the script he'd had so carefully prepared. He was supposed to just give him the gift. “I wanted to talk to you about something important.”
Oh dear sevens, now he was making things sound way more serious than needed. Just give him the gift already!
“Ah.” … Did Azul just blush right now? Maybe he was seeing things. “I think I am free, but I'll ask Jade to schedule you.” He purses his lips. “I'll… Send you a text with the details later this evening.”
“Alright.” Yuu holds his breath as he hands Azul the card, who then rips it in half to signify it's been redeemed. “I’ll… Be waiting, then.”
With that, Azul flashes him another small smile and nods.”I’ll see you later, then.”
“Yeah… see you later.” 
Azul gives Yuu a small wave as he walks away, looking back just once to examine him before turning his heel towards the hallway at the left. And when Azul is out of view, he feels his nerves give out just a little bit…
just a little.
What... was he thinking?!
In his panic, he had used up what was supposed to be his hail mary. Sure, Azul was a busy guy and maybe he wouldn't be able to talk to him in a couple of days, but the recipe book could wait!
Giving the book to him after club activities was just a first option, he could've come up with others later. Save his points too!
Ugh, he really needed to learn not to blank when being alone with Azul.
It’s only 5:00 PM when Yuu receives that fabled message from Azul. 6:00 to 7:00 PM.
Huh, he thought meetings were only supposed to last 15 minutes. Perhaps Azul was feeling generous today. He wouldn’t be needing all that time, though.
Still, Yuu felt one hour to prepare was nearly not enough. Now that his initial courage waned after his first failed attempt, all he could feel was a growing pit in his stomach as he got ready. He didn’t want to keep Azul waiting, though. And before he knew it, he was already at the door of Mostro Lounge. Five minutes early, too.
“Good evening, Yuu. Here for your meeting?” Jade bows as he approaches, and Yuu reflexively bows to him as well. “I hope your conversation is productive.”
“Ah… yeah. Is Azul still in a meeting? I can wait if need be.”
“Oh, not really. Azul only accepted your request for today. You’re the only client he’ll be seeing.” Jade gives him a wide, closed-eyed smile. If his aim was to soothe him, it had the exact opposite effect on Yuu, getting a small jolt of adrenaline course through his body when he bares witness to that creepy grin of his. “In fact, you can go in now, if you’d like.”
“... Right.” Yuu slowly nods and starts walking towards the door, allowing Jade to open it for him. It’s not like the VIP lounge was an unfamiliar sight. In fact, he often found himself hanging out with Azul there, doing homework or chatting the afternoon away while Azul filled out some paperwork. It was a pleasant, quiet environment. Something Yuu severely lacked in his daily life.
As soon as the door opens, Azul looks up from his desk and smiles, lowering his right hand and placing his pen down. “Yuu-san. You’re early.” He states, then uses his left hand to gesture at the chair in front of him. “Take a seat. Do you mind if I continue working while we talk?”
“Hi…” Yuu gives his crush a sheepish smile as he walks over, Jade closing the door behind him. As he sits down, he can now feel a paradoxical heat irradiate from his chest. Wasn’t he just feeling chills before? “And no, of course not. Please continue.”
“Thank you. How was your weekend? Jade mentioned that you and some other students went to a festival.”
“Oh, yeah. Kalim-kun invited us to the firelit festival at his hometown. The Silk City at the Scalding Sands.” Yuu explains, trying to get more comfortable in the leather-bound chair. It usually felt so plush, but now he couldn’t seem to find a good, comfortable position. “Viper showed us around town.”
"So I trust you had a pleasant trip, then?" Azul lifts his head up from his papers and flashes another friendly smile.
It took Yuu weeks of careful observation and millions of failed attempts to discern a genuine smile from Azul Ashengrotto. But once he got that first laugh, that first smirk or chortle, he committed it to memory. It wasn't too different from his all-business one— he still crinkled his eyes and kept his mouth shut. But there was a way in which his lips curled outwards too much, and his brows furrowed ever so slightly when he would pretend.
He was glad Azul would naturally smile more around him.
"It was very fruitful," Yuu leaves the package on his lap, and leans forward. He rests his chin on the back of his palm as he glances at Azul's writing. "Can I ask what you're working on today?"
"You can, and I'm just taking some notes after receiving the most recent customer reviews." Azul keeps smiling as he resumes scribbling at the margins of what Yuu can now see are printed out screenshots of some website. "What brings you here today? If you're looking for a position, permanent or temporary, I unfortunately have no spots open right now."
"Pity." Yuu hums as he eyes some of the comments. The amount of hate had certainly decreased in the months after his overblots. "I could help with accounting if you'd like. I used to do that sometimes."
"I've got that covered. I actually quite enjoy doing the math myself." Azul's smile turns into a small smirk. Cute know-it-all pout included. "I really do mean it when I say I have no spots today. It's a shame, though. I do enjoy you being around the lounge."
Right there, Yuu's heart does a flip.
"Thank you. But actually, that's not the only reason I'm coming here today." He would've liked to. If anything, most of Yuu's time was spent thinking up excuses to come to the lounge more often and not become broke in the process, but today was more of a do-shit-and-dip kind of deal. "And I'll preface, I've used my loyalty points for this meeting. So you have to hear me out."
Azul's eyes widen slightly in surprise, and he looks up once again, placing his fishbone pen on its holder. "Ah, right. You did tell me you had something important to tell me.” He purses his lips, and a hint of pink appears on his cheeks once more. “I'm listening."
Yuu has to consciously stop himself from taking a deep breath and betraying his nervousness. Instead, he straightens up and moves his hands to hold the book. "Well, I've been told that you've been looking for ways to freshen up the menu for this coming month, and..."
"If Grim has somehow convinced you to try and pitch me a tuna-themed menu, tell him I'm still not interested." Azul’s expression tenses as he  speaks in a serious tone, but Yuu can't help but snort at the answer.
"No, no. It's not that." Yuu covers his mouth with a hand as he regains his composure. "Has he actually tried to do that? Or— wait, I'm getting off-topic. But it's not Grim nor tuna related, promise."
“He may have once or twice.” He says nonchalantly as he places the papers aside, and, upon hearing Yuu's response, Azul's placid smile returns, and his posture relaxes a bit, crossing his arms. "I'm all ears, then.”
"Well, during my trip to Silk City, I had the opportunity to sample some of the popular dishes," Yuu starts. He'd created this pitch before he even got to writing the recipes down themselves. He knew that, with Azul, he needed to make his offer to actually look alluring— appetizing, even, if he were to even entertain the possibility of a novice cook gifting recipes to him. "And I've found some interesting recipes you might like." Azul opens his mouth to speak, but Yuu quickly starts again. "And before you tell me that I am in no position to pitch you any possible dishes, or that you've already stocked up on Scalding Sands recipe books, I'd like you to take a look at what I've brought first."
He slowly takes the wrapped book from his lap and hands it to Azul with both his hands. It takes Yuu all his self-control to keep his hands from shaking as Azul, now perplexed, and perhaps curious, takes the package and examines it. 
Their hands touch.
Please, for everything that's sacred, please don't let him blush.
Azul stares at it blankly for a few seconds before he takes off the tape that holds the bottom fold of the package together and slides the notebook from its wraps. And as soon as he does, the aroma of various spices strike both their nostrils. Cumin, Saffron, Paprika— all generously donated by the Asim's cooks.
It also strikes Yuu for the first time just how humble the notebook looks compared to the luxurious office. It looked out of place, foreign, and Yuu couldn't help but purse his lips in slight embarrassment. "I... Um..." God, this wasn't the time to start stammering!
"I... Interviewed the staff from Kalim's kitchens... and gathered as many recipes I could find." As Yuu steadies his voice, Azul starts turning the pages. Expression completely unreadable. "Most of these, they told me, were passed down through generations of trial and error, and I- well, I also documented each dish as best as I could."
"The Asims were kind enough to also allow me to sample their spices. Each is paired with a dish, but I made sure to gather enough for you to experiment if you wish to." Yuu's eyes leave Azul's face and look down at the pages, goodness knows he needed to take a break from trying to figure him out if he didn't want to just faint right then and there, and he was already feeling that annoying lump in his throat that threatened another mistake in his speech. "I know it'd be futile to just buy you a recipe book, since you'd probably have many, so I tried my best to gather as many recipes as possible from a variety of sources.... I, um..."
“I can't accept this. I'm sorry."
Yuu's eyes widen as he gains that same blank expression. His words hit him like a truck, and nothing could've softened that punch to his got nor the sense daze he was struck by. "... Huh?"
“I appreciate the effort you put into this, but… if you were strapped for money, you didn't need to get me anything.” A sharp, stinging pang pierces right through his chest, and Yuu feels mouth go dry. His body is somehow tense yet limp, and he just now notices how cold the VIP room is. "Jade probably mustn't have told you. But it's a personal policy of mine not to accept any gifts." Azul's brows furrow, whether it were with pity or sternness Yuu couldn't care to figure out. "Leaves too many loose ends for me to follow, you see."
"... I..." Yuu's left speechless as Azul puts the wrapping paper over the book and nudges it towards him, sliding it over the dark wood desk. "... I don't want anything for it, really." Yuu's voice is drained of any confidence as he meekly whispers, still in shock. "You can even make me sign a contract if you want."
"And as kind as your offer is, I can't make any exceptions." Azul shrugs, and Yuu's heart sinks. His tone isn't even laced with a sense of remorse or pity. It's... completely and utterly calm as he rejects Yuu's work. “Besides, as you've mentioned, I most likely already have the recipes somewhere in my library. Though having them all compiled in one is certainly convenient, I'd rather do so myself.”
"I still want you to have it." He glances down and leaves the book on the desk, untouched, then takes a step back.
“Yuu… It really isn’t─”
"If you don't want it as a gift, then take it... t-then take it as trash or-..." he breathes in, "Anyway. What matters is that it's yours. Throw it away, sell it, I don't care. But it's yours." He tries to act nonchalant, but he can already feel the lump in his throat becoming larger, cutting any air from getting to his lungs.
Why did he even say that?!
Anyways, before Azul can say or do anything else, Yuu simply walks out the VIP Lounge and out of Octavinelle. He pushes out a smiling Jade and ignores a greeting from Floyd. The atmosphere was just so heavy, suffocating. And all in all, Yuu was sure this was the most pathetic he'd acted in front of Azul ever.
And all he could hear was the sound of Floyd's annoyed whine to his brother just as he crossed the mirror portal door.
"Heeeeyyyy~~ what is up with Shrimpy today~??”
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ruumirmir · 1 month
𝘈 𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘷𝘰𝘪𝘤𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘗𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘦'𝘴 𝘥𝘢𝘳����𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘛𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶, 𝘛𝘳𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘳 𝘰𝘧 𝘢 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘴 Part I Part II
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ੈ♡˳ Author's◇ note - ladies and gentlemen i fear that im just yapping atp. Ough this is literally my own character how hard can it be to not make his dialogues ooc (quite a lot). aNYWAYS lo and behold part 2 of the voicelines. They're all subject to change as far as lorecrafting goes. But for now!!! loverboy has a lot to say:
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𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘊𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘢𝘪𝘯 [Unlocked at Friendship Lv. 4] A big hulking figure followed by the sound of rattling metal chains as he walks...It would make anyone tremble with fear. Celestia knows what lies under that helmet, but you can rest assured that The Captain is fairly merciful to all. It's just a simple matter of being courteous and following orders. Dare I even say it... one thing that I've heard and observed from the grapevine- is that he's one of the more popular Harbingers... if the bold statements from my comrades are anything to go by.
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𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘋𝘰𝘤𝘵𝘰𝘳 [Unlocked at Friendship Lv. 4] Contrary to belief, the Prime Doctore is a completely sane man. His younger segments, not so much. His experiments have killed hundreds, and I'm sure he would continue if it wouldn't threaten Regrator's profits. He works a little too closely with Lord Regrator, which is bad enough for me. I can't stand it when he asks me to keep their struck deals and the Doctor's activities under wraps... but I do it anyway. I'd be happier if they were never in the same room together, but apparently, those two make 'quite the pair' if I had to quote some rumors.
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𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘋𝘢𝘮𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦 [Unlocked at Friendship Lv. 4] Her reputation as dangerous, even among the Harbingers, should suggest you steer clear of her. I once made the mistake of catching her closed gaze while I was at the palace- and a nasty feeling of paranoia plagued me for days on end. However, if you end up under her radar and she deems you 'interesting'... well- I'll send you my condolences.
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𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘒𝘯𝘢𝘷𝘦 [Unlocked at Friendship Lv. 4]
The Knave, Arlecchino... she's quite the enigma. While she and Lord Regrator are both Harbingers, their demeanors, methods, and goals cannot be more distinct. Her methods, to say the least, are a touch... extreme. There's no denying her skills as a master manipulator and ruthless 'Father' of the House of the Hearth. It's certainly an improvement from the late Crucabena, or so I've heard from the older orphans. But then again, I haven't noticed any changes in the mortality rate of her... "children".
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𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘙𝘰𝘰𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳 [Unlocked at Friendship Lv. 4]
The old Rooster's influence can be found throughout Snezhnaya, and his connections are vast. He seems to be on good terms with Regrator, but that's the only thing I'm sure of. He serves as an advisor to the Fatui Harbingers, and his assistance goes beyond the scope of his political power. I suspect there's something important that he may be working on, but I have no idea where to start… They say he's a master strategist, but his only plans involve making a show that impresses a crowd. I only hope the next time he assembles the Harbingers together, it will be over his casket.
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𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘔𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦 [Unlocked at Friendship Lv. 4]
Sandrone is the head of a team of engineers who build mechanical lifeforms. Some are small and cute, others gigantic and powerful... but all are emotionless and unfeeling. When I hear the word "creation" I think of beauty and passion, but Sandrone seems to only care about destruction. Just like the mech that carries her around. You'd never see her alone; it's as if the puppet is her true identity.
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𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘊𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥𝘦 [Unlocked at Friendship Lv. 4]
Tartaglia, or Childe as some people call him, He definitely has the strength of a Harbinger, that much is undeniable. But he can be impulsive, even downright suicidal at times. It's as if he has no fear of dying. I guess that's what happens when you live for the thrill of the battle. I can't deny that... Even though he's a loudmouth, his skills back up his words. I've seen him cut through enemies as if they were made of butter. That being said, he's still young at heart. Occasionally disruptive for the duties carried out. He's developed an interest in dueling with me ever since Pantalone granted me this title. Lucky for me, I can always request for Regrator's presence whenever I want him to turn tail and disappear.
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𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘍𝘢𝘪𝘳 𝘓𝘢𝘥𝘺 [Unlocked at Friendship Lv. 4]
The first time I saw Signora, I was struck by her beauty and gracefulness. Unfortunately, my admiration was short-lived as she turned to glare at me the moment she noticed. Arrogance. Ego. Self-conceit- now those are mere words when it comes to the Fair Lady. She was as cold as the snow that covers Snezhnaya and as temperamental as the flames she wielded. She had no tolerance for the weak and would just as easily snuff out a life without a second thought. Although I hold no love for her, I almost felt disrespected on her behalf when the Rooster thought to grant only half a day of mourning at her funeral.
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𝘔𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘝𝘦𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘳: 𝘐
The Northland Bank is a place of opportunity, a place where you can put your destiny into your own hands... and a place where you can see it stripped from you without warning. I have seen many people come and go in my time here. People from all walks of life, eager to make a name for themselves. Some have found the money and fortune they sought after, while others have fallen flat on their faces.
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𝘔𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘝𝘦𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘳: 𝘐𝘐 [Unlocked at Friendship Lv. 3]
I've seen countless conflicts waged with blood and steel, and they pale in comparison to the lives destroyed by the pen. They're both weapons in their own ways. The sword is more direct, no question about it. Yet the pen... it can cut in a more subtle manner, but it slices deep. Both are capable of ruining someone's life. The former requires power while the latter requires intelligence. Really brings out the irony in calling this feathered quill my 'signature' weapon.
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𝘔𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘝𝘦𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘳: 𝘐𝘐𝘐 [Unlocked at Friendship Lv. 4]
To the untrained eye, it may seem like some sort of cruel joke. A title like ‘Venator Dux’ is usually given to one who would strike fear in their enemies and inspire confidence in their allies. Lord Regrator, however, has a different plan in mind. Pantalone sees me not as a ruthless warrior, but as the keeper of his secrets. Someone who can wield knowledge as a weapon and turn his enemies’ greed against them. To him, the title of ‘Venator Dux’ is a reminder of my duty. In his words, I was a useful piece that could shift the entire board on his whim. And isn't that something to take pride in? Knowing you're the most favored player in a man's game?
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𝘔𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘝𝘦𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘳: 𝘐𝘝 [Unlocked at Friendship Lv. 5]
My father died a proud soldier under the tsaritsa's name. He fought and bled on behalf of the nation she created and dedicated his life to protecting. *Sigh* My father would be ashamed if he could see me now, kneeling before a man. Especially after cursing his grave out for dying under another. The irony is not lost on me. Yet, I would rather serve a man who I respect, who I can reason with, than one who demands endless devotion from her subjects. In a strange way, I feel as though I am honouring my father's memory by following my own path.
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𝘔𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘝𝘦𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘳: 𝘝 [Unlocked at Friendship Lv. 6]
Hilarious to think back to my first year of duty. I was no more than a simple receptionist at the Northland Bank back then. Just another faceless pawn, doing my duty to the tsaritsa without questioning her intentions. All I knew was that I was serving the Fatui's goals. I did not kill anyone directly, yet I still had blood on my hands. Every transaction carried the potential for loss and pain, yet I pushed on regardless. I may have been just a receptionist, but I was already well aware of the cost of ambition. Pantalone then, was different from everyone else I'd met in the Fatui. He didn't use force of arms like the other Harbingers; instead, he used his words and intellect to manipulate the political landscape.
In addition, he held a unique perspective on the tsaritsa's ideals. Not once did he preach about blind devotion. He simply told me that if I wanted to make my mark on this world, I would have to be willing to play by his rules. It took me three years to realize what he insinuated... and I found myself gravitating back to him despite leaving the organization of my own accord.
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𝘝𝘦𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘳'𝘴 𝘏𝘰𝘣𝘣𝘪𝘦𝘴 Playing the piano, perhaps? I'm no good at it yet... but I've been getting better with some help guiding my hand around the keys. It is... nice to unwind after a long day and let the instrument carry me away.
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𝘝𝘦𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘳'𝘴 𝘛𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘣𝘭𝘦𝘴 [Unlocked at Friendship Lv. 4] *Sigh*... I have to be diplomatic with people I despise and feign politeness with those who can’t hold a conversation to save their lives. Sometimes- when I’m in the middle of running an important operation, few of my juniors just keep making mistakes. It makes me wonder how Lord Regrator manages to do the same for days on end with a smile on his face... I'm not like him at all.
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𝘍𝘢𝘷𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘦 𝘍𝘰𝘰𝘥 I've got a soft spot for a well-seasoned dish of meat. Any kind really— A hearty serving does wonders. Leaves you delightfully stuffed full, satisfied, and warm. I'm not too worried about the specifics of the dish as long as I can savor a mouthful of rich flavor.
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𝘓𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘵 𝘍𝘢𝘷𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘦 𝘍𝘰𝘰𝘥 Desserts that are too sweet are an affront to my tastebuds and moral values. Sugar is supposed to be an element, not the whole personality. The only thing that does it well is dark chocolate.
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𝘙𝘦𝘤𝘦𝘪𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢 𝘎𝘪𝘧𝘵: 𝘐 Oh! A thoughtful choice, traveller. The aroma alone is tantalizing. Your efforts are appreciated. Thank you.
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𝘙𝘦𝘤𝘦𝘪𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢 𝘎𝘪𝘧𝘵: 𝘐𝘐 Hmm... a pragmatic choice. It may not be an extravagant feast, but it serves its purpose. Your gesture is noted.
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𝘙𝘦𝘤𝘦𝘪𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢 𝘎𝘪𝘧𝘵: 𝘐𝘐𝘐 An... interesting choice. I suppose variety is the spice of life, but I find my satisfaction elsewhere. Nonetheless, your intention is recognized. I won't let this go to waste.
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𝘉𝘪𝘳𝘵𝘩𝘥𝘢𝘺 Why is there a celebration? A date marking the day of your own birth... It's simply illogical, but the Fatui celebrate birthdays like everything else, so I'll play along. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! There, I said it. You're now a year older, and one year closer to old age and inevitable death. Oh- haha, don't sulk like that, I'm just pulling your leg. Relax. I wouldn't ignore such an occasion. Here, my gift to you... A box of my favorite chocolates. Freshly imported from Fontaine... straight from a bakery approved by Lady Furina herself. They're a bit expensive; but only the best for people I respect.
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𝘍𝘦𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘈𝘴𝘤𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯: 𝘐𝘯𝘵𝘳𝘰 [Unlocked at Ascension Phase 1] There are depths to my abilities yet untapped. I'm flattered that you thought to lend me a hand.
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𝘍𝘦𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘈𝘴𝘤𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯: 𝘉𝘶𝘪𝘭𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘜𝘱 [Unlocked at Ascension Phase 2] Oh... careful now, I might want to test it out against you.
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𝘍𝘦𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘈𝘴𝘤𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯: 𝘊𝘭𝘪𝘮𝘢𝘹 [Unlocked at Ascension Phase 4]
Oh, I've unlocked something new... Fascinating. That burst of light was unexpected but now... I can feel the power. Everything feels lighter and sharper at the same time. I'd be a formidable force indeed in the coming weeks... Well, back to work. My Lord expects a report on current fiscal state by the end of the week.
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𝘍𝘦𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘈𝘴𝘤𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯: 𝘊𝘰𝘯𝘤𝘭𝘶𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯 [Unlocked at Ascension Phase 6]
Aha, I can do a lot more now. More power, better focus, and more options. This is truly remarkable... I'd love to see how my coworkers react to this. Lord Pantalone will be especially pleased, I'd wager. He'd never pass up the opportunity to see his prized jewels shine brighter.
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𝘖𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘛𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘦 𝘊𝘩𝘦𝘴𝘵
Why not try your luck at gambling if you're running low on mora?
You could con a pretty penny out of someone with a couple of these trinkets. Hmm... no?
This is a pretty fun hobby.
𝘑𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘺
What? No other companion to recruit?
I'll be charging you a fee of 5000 mora per hour for my services... Ha- I'm just messing with you.
I'm a busy man, so let's keep today's adventure short.
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sayoneee · 10 months
it's the middle of summer and everything's so hot, but bachira decides it's his chance to sneak into your room (1k)
contains: bachira meguru x fem! reader. possibly ooc bachira (first time writing for him). no mentions of blue lock. ambiguous relationship. not proofread
kashaf’s note: this is very very very indulgent.
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“MEGURU? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” you asked, swiftly sitting up from your sprawled position on your bed, your phone forgotten and abandoned on your sheets as a random tiktok audio looped in the background. propping yourself up against one of the pillows tossed haphazardly across your bed, you watched with a mixture of amusement as he stepped into your room, with a care that he usually lacked, kicking off his converse in the corner and closing your window behind him with a soft click. 
the summer heat had turned your room into an inferno, and you felt as if you were in your own personal circle of hell. the stifling heat clung to your skin, heavy and suffocating, like an unwanted embrace. beads of sweat had formed on your skin, and your hair stuck to your forehead in damp tendrils, despite the air conditioning being on full blast for the past hour. 
bachira grinned, filled with a promise of cool relief, eyes lighting up as they locked on you, a man who had stumbled upon an oasis in the desert, “i missed you?” he offered, running a hand through his hair. 
you rolled your eyes, folding your arms across your chest, a  mockingly reserved posture, thinly veiling your shared enthusiasm at the sight of him, “more like you missed my ac.”
stepping closer, bachira wiped at the sweat glistening to his forehead, grin still in place, “i heard through the grapevine that your room was cold.” the reference to that one south park episode you had watched the first time you had been over at his house causes a carousel of memories—of his cold hands and shy smile in the dark of his room—to float to the forefront of your mind. 
an exasperated groan escaped your lips, accompanied by a melodramatic flop backward onto your bed, “it’s literally a sauna in here, and i can’t even open the window, only hot air will come in,” you paused, “what’s your excuse for being here?”
“decided to brave the heatwave, babe,” he winked, taking a seat on the chair positioned in front of your bed. 
“how aren’t you feeling hot right now—do you ever feel hot?” you twisted onto your side, looking at him critically as he played with the old teddy bear he had won for you set on your desk. 
“only when i’m around you, baby,” bachira grins, proud of himself for drawing out a smile from you at the cringey line. 
“you’re literally impossible,” you smiled, playing with the edges of the blanket folded at the end of your bed. 
bachira’s retort is delivered with confidence, his self-assured grin never wavering, “you love me though.”
choosing not to provide him with the satisfaction of a direct answer, you grabbed a pillow from your side and sent it sailing toward him, a playful non-answer. bachira retaliated with equal enthusiasm, and before you knew it, the two of you were immersed in an intense pillow fight. laughter bubbled forth with each pillow thrown, the tension of the stifling heat momentarily forgotten.
out of nowhere, bachira launched himself at you, his weight toppling you backward onto the mattress. his breath ghosted warmly against your ear, the proximity sending shivers down your spine, "c’mon, pretty, tell me you missed me too."
amid the laughter and mock struggles, your response tumbled out, a concession laced with mirth, "maybe a little." your resistance waned as he pinned your hands above your head, your defeated state bringing an end to the wrestling, "meguru, you're actually gonna get me in trouble."
his laughter enveloped the room, a sound almost as familiar as the call of your own name, “getting into trouble can’t be that bad.”
you met his gaze, unimpressed by his nonchalance, your tone borderline childish, “i won’t be able to see you for like ever.”
“okay, nevermind, it is that bad,” bachira conceded, smiling. his eyes lit up, a tell-tale sign of when he had another bright idea; almost on a separate plane of thought entirely, he suggested, “let’s go to the roof.’
you raised your eyebrows at him, regarding his expression skeptically, “will you be quieter on the roof—so we don’t get caught?”
ignoring your question, bachira grinned, his fingers brushing away the damp strands of hair clinging to your forehead. in a quick moment, he surged to his feet, suddenly standing up and extending his hand toward you, “c’mon, last one there has to give the winner whatever they want.”
used to bachira’s antics, a competitive spark ignited within you, and a grin tugs at your lips, “you’re so on.” wasting no time, with unyielding determination, you shoved past his outstretched hand and propelled yourself out your window. 
bachira was quick to follow, overtaking you with ease, his movements marked by a fluidity only years of soccer training could develop, giving him an edge over you. his laughter followed you, and when in one moment you were in the lead, in the next, you found yourself trying futilely to catch up to him. 
upon joining him on the rooftop, bachira immediately drew you into his side, an arm encircling your shoulder as the cool night breeze danced around you. “i won,” he declared, a triumphant grin illuminating his features endearingly. it’s hard not to smile back, not when he’s looking at you like that. you burrowed closer into his side as he decided on his prize. 
you didn’t have to wait long, however, as he suddenly leaned closer, the mischievous glint dancing in his eyes reminding you of fireflies and your shared childhood, he demanded, “i want a kiss.”
bachira closed his eyes, waiting for you to make your move, and you, gathering your courage—embarrassed at his ability to make you concede so easily—swiftly pressed your lips to his cheek in a fleeting caress, the moment disappearing as quick as it had occurred. 
he opened his eyes, grin still intact, “not what i meant, pretty, but i’ll take it.”
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© sayoneee on tumblr. do not repost, translate, plagiarize or claim any of my works as your own.
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(ooc: I type in caps all the dam time deal with it)
Child of Bacchus, resident of Camp Jupiter
✨Fifth cohort✨
I know chlorokinesis (for grapevines that is)
I can also cure/cause madness to some extent (with or without my powers XD)
(ooc: I keep on changing my rentry sooooo)
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boykissr · 2 years
well then, thank you for answering my question ^^
Can i request azul, riddle, and epel relationship headcannons? Ty ty !!
gn!reader ( very lightly implied fem )
cw : ooc , mild spoilers , bad grammar , this is really just a big rant / brainrot , unedited , that's it i think !
an : ty for the request!!!!! i hope this is to your liking! also i kinda went a bit crazy with this one so i'm going to be doing multiple posts lol (lmk if u wanna be tagged in the other parts)
before you start dating
i'm going to be honest, it most likely took a while for him to think of you romantically
at first, you simply irritated him. how dare you break so many of the queen's rules when you've just arrived?
he isn't really all that irritated by you alone, more-so with how disruptive grimm is. he's also convinced himself that you're a bad influence on ace and deuce.
after riddle's overblot, he became more relaxed around you; he began to view you in a more positive light, and realized that he had immediately assumed the worst of you
he was quick to brainstorm a way to make it up to you
he found out through the grapevine that you were struggling with your grades - swamped with assignments, having to take care of grimm, and constantly running errands for crowley, among other things
"the grapevine" was really just him overhearing you complain to ace and deuce in the heartslabyul lounge one day
he decides to organize a tea party, just the two of you, to ask if you would like some help
you're in shock that riddle rosehearts himself would offer to tutor you, but you immediately reply that you would love help, and that you really do appreciate riddle offering to tutor you, given both of your busy schedules
riddle is visibly a bit taken aback
he was offering to provide you with a study guide, but you didn't realize that that's what he meant
he goes along, asking when you were free
you smile and begin to plan a date
riddle begins to speak with you more outside of your tutoring sessions, and you realize that you two actually have quite the chemistry; a pleasant surprise
conversations flow freely whenever you are together
soon, riddle is accompanying you to classes, and lunches, and even giving you a vip invite to any unbirthday parties happening
one day trey begins to tease him about the fact that he's "getting soft" for you, all in good fun, of course
though suspicions rise when riddle turns red and begins spluttering, storming out and not even bothering to collar trey or anything
he doesn't even yell
trey tells cater, and pretty soon the whole dorm begins to tease riddle about his blatant crush
you remain oblivious, confused as to why riddle is getting looks when you two talk, or elbow-nudged when you two hang out together around heartslabyul
riddle's confession takes a long time to plan
so long, in fact, that you're the one to confess first
it's spontaneous, and you just blurt it out subconsciously one night
it happens one night after a particularly long tutoring session at ramshackle regarding the history of magic
you've had to make multiple cups of coffee for both you and riddle, despite the queen's rule that forbids any caffeinated drink aside from tea
you're at the front door, leaning against the doorframe as you say goodbyes and goodnights
the both of you linger and stall, neither really wanting to part ways, tension causing an awkward silence
you tell riddle that he looks stupid just standing and staring at you, and he opens his mouth, most likely to yell at you
before he says anything, you quickly shout "good night! love you!" and shut the door in his face
riddle stands there, open-mouthed, staring at your door
you don't realize what exactly you said until you're about to fall asleep
the next day, riddle shows up at your doorstep at the asscrack of dawn
you wonder if he even got any sleep, you sure didn't
you're startled by the loud knocking before the sun has even risen
you think you're hallucinating for a second
you realize that someone is actually waiting in front of your house (not really house but you get the gist) super early in the morning
you swing open the door, pajama-clad and messy-haired
you're met with riddle himself, already dressed and hair tidied, holding a bouquet of roses and a small stuffed bear
the poor boy is out of breath, sweating, shivering, and looks like he's just seen a ghost
riddle opens his mouth and you once again cut him off, quickly ushering him inside
you sit him down on the couch, taking a seat as well
to put it simply, he stutters out that he reciprocates your feelings, that the gifts he brought were for you, and that, if it were alright with you, he would like to begin courting you
of course, you don't know what the hell courting means and you ask him if he means he wants to start dating
he flushes and replies "if that's what you would like"
you grin and lean over to kiss him on the cheek
riddle's face burns as bright as his hair, and he impulsively uses off with your head
when you're dating
surprise surprise, neither of you have any experience dating. like we're talking none
so, you're bound to make a few mistakes
riddle wants to do every thing he can to make you happy, since he's so used to striving for no less than perfection
he subconsciously expects the same of you too, and this might lead to a few fights
he'll have to learn that, 1 : people make mistakes and that's okay, 2 : setting boundaries is natural and healthy, and that he doesn't have to make himself uncomfortable for other people's happiness, and 3 : being vulnerable doesn't mean that he is weak, and doesn't mean that he is any less of a person for not being strong and perfect constantly
your relationship definitely requires a lot of care and patience
it pays off in the end, though
you could make a comparison to a newly-planted garden. with time and care and patience, it will bear delicious fruits
on a lighter note, riddle hosts unbirthday parties in your honor!!!! you sit in the seat right next to him and hold hands under the table <3
he's so romantic??? you didn't even think that people wrote love letters anymore
yet here you are, reading your boyfriend pour his heart out onto paper
he uses a different color of wax for your letters, and only yours
many a time have you two been walking in the hallway, and he suddenly spots that perhaps your tie isn't tied correctly, or your hair is messier than usual
he leans in real close, so close that you feel his breath, and very gently fixes you up
when he touches you he's so gentle that you want to cry
the first time you hugged, you actually did cry
if riddle noticed, he's never said anything about it
though he always did hug you a bit tighter, a bit longer after that
you both will take that to your graves
riddle's very soft on you, to the point where, unless serious, the queen's rules practically don't apply to you
though, if you tease him for his height - especially if you're taller - he will not hesitate to put you in the collar
one time, you got the whole dorm to put together a surprise unbirthday party without riddle noticing, and it was so very difficult
he almost found out multiple times, and was definitely suspicious that you were plotting something, but you pulled it off
the struggle was definitely worth it in the end when you saw his face
he cried
oh, not to mention that your grades have improved significantly since you began your relationship
he set up an entire tea party when you showed him the first 90 you got on an exam
you take care of the hedgehogs together!!!!!
and, if you ask nicely enough, he'll share his lunch with you if you don't have the funds
hell, he'll even buy you your own lunch
very understanding when you complain about spending all your money on school material and super high-quality tuna
ace, deuce, and grimm all complain on the regular about how nice riddle always is to you
you end up talking to riddle about how much he uses his unique magic
it's lessened since the overblot, and since you've started dating, but it still isn't anything to laugh at
riddle decides to not collar people as much when you're around
at first, you and riddle hardly ever squabble
later on, you two get into playful arguments on the regular
riddle is somehow able to keep a straight face while arguing with you about the silliest things, it's become a sort of competition to see who laughs first
people would think you two were having a serious discussion if they were out of earshot
all in all, it definitely takes a while but, like a rose, your relationship eventually blooms into something sweet and romantic and extremely fulfilling
you don't think you could've asked for a better partner
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escortingsecrets · 1 month
I think Shivan deserves the chance to be swept off his feet. Romantic, platonic- doesn't matter. He deserves gentle
Romantically, to not to be the one trying to seduce someone but to actually be the one being seduced. He isn't used to it, doesn't have that kind of luxury working in Wall Market to get any romance I don't think. It's not the sort of thing that people go there to find.
Platonically, he doesn't have any friends, outside of work. And those friends he does have from work are arms length and kept away. He doesn't make connections well, or easily, it's hard to break the mask he's so used to wearing around people. But someone genuinely being a friend to him is a real breathe of fresh air I think.
Idk the idea of someone just, genuinely being soft and gentle and caring with Shivan? That's the thing I want to see
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talentforlying · 3 months
So gemma using magic in general is one thing, how would john feel about gemma getting deeper into magic? Like, going from occasionally casting Basic Shield Spell but otherwise living a normal life, to being some sort of wizard full time
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ARE YOU THE SAME ANON FROM THE LAST GEMMA QUESTION!! regardless i love you for this.
ultimately, i think he'd see gemma getting full-blown into magic as a failure on his part, and as a betrayal of his sister's wishes for her. (a betrayal by him, not by gemma.) and john reacts to his own failures by trying to correct them at any cost, regardless of who else's decisions were involved. so he'd be upset, definitely guilty, definitely exasperated and shit-scared for her, maybe a little angry. he's never going to want her to see all the awful, awful shit that he's had to, that he knows she will see if she continues, and he might even sabotage her at points to try and drive her out of the life; just social, high-school-clique stuff, getting important connections like clarice to refuse dealings with her, scaring off artifact brokers, things like that.
but i do think eventually john would come to realize that if gemma's determined to be an occultist, and a serious one at that — which, even john doesn't think of his magic as a full-time gig — then it'd be better for her to want to come to him for advice or assistance, knowing he'd always be willing to help, than for her to want to keep him in the dark as much as possible, knowing there's a non-zero chance of him being a pain in the ass to her about her future plans. he knows that gemma's smart, and savvy, and as well aware as he is by now that people will lie, cheat, steal, and kill to get what they want in this world; despite his inclination towards overprotectiveness, i think he'd come to trust that she can keep herself alive. bottom line, he'd end up working to establish himself in her orbit as a conflicted but stalwart source of backup, information, and offered comfort, so that she never has to go it alone the way he often has.
(i also think he might be secretly relieved that there's another constantine on the scene to take on the hard jobs, the endless violence, the ceaseless horrors. he'd be guilty as hell about feeling that way, because that's his niece and he doesn't want her seeing any of it, but it'd mean he could maybe retire from the constant vigil knowing there's someone he trusts handling things. and maybe become gemma's link back to normalcy in the same way cheryl was for him, if the retirement lasts.)
and, again, he'd come to be so proud of her. sometimes you just can't walk away from knowing something bad is happening, he knows that better than anyone, and to see that quality in gemma would lighten his heart tremendously.
(assuming that's why she continues in magic, of course; if she's just seeking fame and power, he'd do everything he could to shut her out of that world in a heartbeat, and take her hatred for it all the way to the grave.)
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kieranwritess · 1 year
COD MWII x Cyberpunk 2077 AU Brainrot
Fandom: Call of Duty
Characters: 141, LV, Graves, Laswell
Notes: cw for graves /lh, perhaps a bit of implied soapghost, bisexual soap, bisexual johnny silverhand, probably ooc but i do what i want ❤️
a/n: inspired by @yeyinde and my midnight-fueled obsession :) I'll probably make a part two to this because it's now my baby. knowledge of Cyberpunk 2077 is recommended because I reference in-universe characters. yes it's very niche, no I don't care.
- set in 2077
- they would all hate Johnny Silverhand. no exceptions.
- Soap's a little sad he shares a name with that fellow bi disaster bastard tho
- in a similar vein, they'd probably not be too fond of River; Price would envy him for his naivety and Gaz sees himself in River
- fanon Rogue and Price would 100% bond over being mother hens to a ragtag group of idiots
- Graves but Meredith Stout
- no questions asked
- the bitch would work for Militech or some other arms corp
- probably Militech because it is very American™ and he's a little yeeyee boy
- i might have Rudy's characterization wrong, but I feel like he'd have started in the NCPD like River
- poor boys only wanted to make the world better but instead Rudy became jaded and is sort of resigned to his job like Han
- Alejandro would be his buddy from Heywood who was always trying to get him to quit the force
- Ghost is probably the most like V in terms of skills and attitude
- but he's not some gonk kid who wants to make it big, he's made it big
- fixers either love him or they hate him
- one of those "going down in a blaze of glory" dudes
- would never work with Dex, though, and is especially relieved he never did after he hears about the Arasaka heist
- Price: veteran, but in a Mitch way and not a 6th street way. I feel like he had the potential to be a fixer, but wanted to try to have a quiet life after the war (Price bbg, there is no such thing as a quiet life in NC)
- is kind of like Takemura in the sense he'd love to run off and join a nomad clan (because fuck this place, honestly)
- but NC is all he knows and he has people he cares about there (read as: poor dude is attached to the 141 boys)
- Johnny (Silverhand) respects him, even if Price wants to rip him a new one every second they're around each other
- he could definitely become a mentor figure to V and would consider joining up with them if they take The Star ending
- honestly, i can still see Laswell working for the NUSA government
- but I'm not sure how we'd get a connection between her and the 141
- fuck logic, Price and Kate are still besties
- Soap and Panam get on like a house on fire
- a propensity for a little rule breaking and an affection harbored for an authority figure (i'll let you decide in what sense) brings them together
- I probably hc Gaz as younger than he actually is, but he gives off baby solo vibes
- brb thinking back to Jackie and V at the food stall outside of H10 and crying about it
- anyways
- Gaz would probably be the most like streetkid V
- bro knows his way around local fixers
- hc that Ghost and Gaz met on a job before Ghost made it big time
- and Ghost is all "I work alone >:(" but they discover that they work well together
- again thinking back to the streetkid intro, albeit Ghost is nowhere near the same as Jackie personality wise
- they probably grew apart after Ghost becomes a solo
- but Ghost is the first one to suggest Gaz when asked to put together a team for a big job (i.e. the heist but it doesn't go sideways)
- and yeah imo that's how c77!141 is put together
- Ghost knows Gaz, Gaz grew up around Price, and Price knows of Soap through the grapevine
- I guess to "convert" each of them into ttrpg factions, Soap is a techie, Ghost is a solo, Price is prolly a fixer, and Gaz might fall under lawman (as a PI or something)
- i am making less and less sense so I'm gonna stop here for now
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bashvaughn · 7 hours
aren't you worried about getting some kind of sti because of jocalyn? i heard through the grapevine christian has crabs! (ooc josie is a clean girl!! i feel like he'd be aware but still)
Sebastian clenched his jaw a little in thought. He was in the school changing rooms after football practice, freshly showered getting ready to head home. And as per usual, he was being pestered by his teammates in relation to Jo. Sometimes he felt like it was all they asked about, what Josie was like, considering the only guys who ever got a look-in were Seb, Christian, and Billy — the latter of which the locker room loved to ridicule, probably out of jealousy. No one else got lucky enough. But these days, they had somewhat of a hateful relationship, constantly bickering, insulting one another, mocking each others’ ways often cruelly and bitterly. He was, in truth, quite upset and hurt by how he she had treated him. And how she didn’t seem to care, or at least that’s what he believed. So, standing there as he slipped on his school trousers, he searched the locker for his shirt, looking at the other teen and giving him a look of slightly sick amusement, “You know, somewhere, I heard that too...” Sebastian knew she was clean. He knew she looked after herself and stayed conscious of these things. But he was in a particularly nasty mood today, having earlier seen her leave school property with William at her side after they had shared a rather sour conversation. So he wasn’t in the mood, you could say. “I mean, why else do you think we haven’t fucked in weeks?… You should stay clear of her, man.” Slipping on his shirt, he slammed the locker door shut, beginning to rummage through his duffle bags. “Who knows what she’s bringing home to her little fucking witch den these days.”
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hey-pauling-here · 3 months
So hi! I've heard through the grapevine (Scout) that this website is a good place to, yknow, branch out! And uhhhh yeah! I can't answer certain things and if you get too close to a secret I'll have to kill you. Just kidding! Not really. Anyways, yeah!! Just ask me some questions!
#Contracts = asks
#Intel = submissions
#Dext = Mod/OOC
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