#verse. → eclipse.
eclipseofmothss · 1 year
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crabsnpersimmons · 28 days
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Yes actually, I do want something off the menu.
That would be moon, please.
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Moon: no no no!! i can’t! i-i-it’s too soon! i’m not ready! t-take me to dinner first! n-not yet tho! i need to prepare! i--
Eclipse: (pushes the flustered Moon to the side) Looks like our little mooncake isn’t ready to be served yet, might I interest you in one of our other offerings? I make an unforgettable amuse-bouche.
Sun: (calls from the kitchen) Please refrain from eating the employees.
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dearsnow · 1 year
- just as you’re settling down, hobie takes you out for the night. (hobie brown x gn!reader, fluff)
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word count: 1129
a/n - this is for my very good friend @literally-hobie as part of a trade we did :) go give them all my love!!
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The night is a relaxing one. You have your music playing as you relax on your bed, inhaling the crisp midnight air. The gentle rhythm of your breathing matches the song’s saccharine melody and the plushies next to you smile kindly at your figure. You are completely embraced by your calm sheets, until a sudden noise causes you to shoot up.
It’s a fast rapping at your window, like knuckles covered in fabric. You move to open it, staring directly into the eyes of your official-but-not boyfriend.
“Hobie!” You hiss. “You can’t be here. My parents are asleep in the next room over, and I seriously can’t be caught with you at,” you check your phone, “12:32 AM.” Your voice is rapt with hushed concern. “What do you need?”
He tilts his head lazily, like sticking to your windowsill is the easiest thing in the world. “I jus’ thought it would be cool to have some fun tonight. Hidden concert and all that. It starts in like ten minutes, but we don’t gotta be early.” Oh, it is so like him to do this sort of thing. You bite the inside of your cheek as you weigh your options. Though it’s not the safest idea, there’s nothing that you and him can’t handle. You don’t really have anything better to do anyways, and despite the late hour, this could be the opportunity of a lifetime.
“...Alright, just don’t get me killed on the way over.” He grins, and the sight makes your heart skip a beat.
“I can’t promise you anything. Nothing is ever certain.” He says, eyes sparkling and motioning for you to follow him.
You climb out your window carefully, helped by Hobie’s rough hands and gentle touch. He keeps a secure hold on your waist, sending butterflies flitting through your stomach. He always manages to fluster you, no matter the situation. 
He pulls you up, slinging a web up to your roof and setting you down upon the shingles. The view atop the world is the sweetest thing you’ve seen in a long while- excluding Hobie, of course. Stars twinkle overhead, fully visible and bright. You take a deep breath, smelling the hints of wet leaves and a touch of smoke.
“Shall we?” Hobie asks. As you nod, he swiftly picks you up and swings away without even a hint of effort.
Your heart flutters at the sudden weightless feeling, causing you to release a breathy laugh. You’ll never get used to flying through the air, no matter how many times he takes you swinging. Utter exhilaration courses through your veins as Hobie takes you from building to building until you finally reach the concert venue.
It’s set in a run-down old building that looks like it hasn’t had a roof for centuries. It must’ve been an office building or something, judging by the size of the ground floor. The walls are blown through, with many entrances and exits for quick escapes. Dozens of people are milling around the area, and all of them look extremely pumped. There are zero security guards, just how Hobie likes it. 
As soon as he sets you down, right in front of the unstable looking makeshift stage, a drum beat starts. It’s followed by a guitar riff and the screaming of fans. Hobie slides an arm through yours and peers at your face, illuminated by the flashing stage lights. He’s never seen anything as amazing in his life.
The music gets your heart pumping as the band appears on stage, the melodies familiar yet nothing you have ever heard before. In every way, this night reminds you of Hobie.
“Like what you hear?” He all-but shouts into your ear, trying to be heard over the screams and rhythm. You smile wider than you’ve smiled in a long, long time as you nod. He seems satisfied as he pulls you impossibly closer to him.
The music lasts about an hour, which is way too short in your opinion. Everyone else seems to agree, but it seems the band members have other places to be. Hobie pulls you aside as you walk out of the building, buzzing with excitement.
“Pretty nice, huh? I dig their commentary on the corruption of our current political system.” His voice is raspy as he stares at you. He always maintains eye contact, something you’ve noticed as you spend more time with him. He has a smile on his face, seeming to be genuinely happy. You’re so, so glad you went on this little adventure with him. Even if it was the worst experience of your life (which it definitely wasn’t), just seeing his smile would make everything worth it.
You smile back. “I loved it. You should take me out more often,” You tease, grabbing his arm. He lets out a quiet laugh, tipping his head back and staring the night dead in its eyes.
“We havta do this again. I follow the punk scene, so there’ll prolly be another show here in a few days. Would ya want to go with me?” His breath forms clouds in the cold night air, and you shiver a little bit.
“Of course, Hobie. Just warn me in advance.” You quip.
“Again, no promises.” He grins. “C’mon, there’s still night left. Let’s chill.”
He leads you away from the venue and down a street, making a game out of kicking pebbles and twigs. A laugh bubbles up from your chest as he kicks a rock so hard it dents an abandoned metal trash can. Damn, being Spider-Man really has its perks. When you finally reach the end of the road, you see a little set up of pillows and lights between two buildings and an overhang.
You take a step forward hesitantly. “Did you set this up?”
“Yeah, I figured it might be nice to have a place to ourselves.” He shrugs. There’s a sparkle of excitement flitting around in his eyes.
“Cool.” You breathe. He motions for you to sit down, and you comply.
Before you know it, he’s hanging from the overhand, face-to-face with you upside down. You laugh as his breath tickles your face. You know exactly what he’s asking for. 
Your touch ghosts over his face, and you press your lips to his. You’ve kissed him before, but this is something new and exciting, something straight out of a comic book. It feels electric. His lips are a brushstroke of warmth against a soft canvas.
When you finally pull away, he is breathless like he just finally figured out how to be alive.
“We should do that again.” Hobie smirks, eyes gently peering into yours. The string lights overhead shimmer with a newfound glory.
“I would love to,” You whisper, smiling, “but no promises.”
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renee-writer · 6 months
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bisexualwintermoon · 7 months
the return of holo-tumblr (circa 19 BBY)
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🐍 starlightandsecrets
"holo-tumblr isnt under empire control" cool can you guys get rid of live now
#well. at least we can still post about how we hate the empire
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🥇 allthelonelypeople follow
idc about the empire im just glad the clone wars over
🚉 trainstrainstrains
sorry but if you think this empire is a good idea you legitimately dont know anything about politics
✨ jedi-defense-squad
On the first day of existence, the Empire wiped out the Jedi order, which is an act of genocide. Everyone should absolutely be concerned.
#tw empire defense #added to blocklist #mod aliina
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🧶 cataloging-clothes follow
Funeral gown of Padmé Amidala, Senator and former Queen of Naboo
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#naboo #padmé amidala #senator amidala #queen amidala #long live the republic
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🪙 y-wing-supremacy
so senator amidala was one of the members of the delegation of the 2000 who spoke out against palpatine and then she dies shortly after palpatine starts an empire…interesting…
#y talks #this is suspicious right. like its not just me.
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🏴‍☠️ supergalactic follow
jsut got back from the outer rim whats happening
🎟️ curses-and-luck
bestie maybe go back to the outer rim
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🎶 taylorswiftupdates follow
Taylor Swift was spotted packing up her Coruscant apartment and leaving the planet after seemingly breaking things off with Sebulba.
#taylor swift #taylor swift updates
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📀 recorderenthusiast
so what u should do is go out and join your local rebel cell,
#fuck the empire !!
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🐸 frog
a bitch, palpatine is
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hezekiahwakely · 6 months
Insane for the Silt Verses to drop their new episode mid-eclipse. I know the delay wasn't intentional but it's impeccable timing regardless
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theeclipse · 1 year
do i have something on my face or why do you keep looking at me like that ?
As she spoke Eliasz was brought out of his daze, prompting him to look away and survey the diner almost before looking back to Roxanne. Unsure how to save himself by explaining why exactly he had been looking at her like that. “I was just basking in your radiance..” he teased when in truth he’d just been mesmerised by how beautiful she was.
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"guess what mother fuckers? I am the solar eclipse."
"I'm the one passing by the sun, and you can't stop me look at me go!"
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beeshoesometimesdraws · 7 months
The dca sona I was working on w/ a friend has finally been finished: meet Reese! And yes they were named after the chocolate
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Reese belongs to a silly au a friend and I created together in which we made daycare attendant versions of ourselves (or at least it started as that, they’ve kinda just turned into their own characters now-)
I based a good portion of Reese’s design off my main sona (face markings, colors, heavy use of black and gold- they did have wings before but I decided I didn’t like them and so replaced them with extra arms)
Just as my terrible handwriting says: Reese is technically an Eclipse though they are rarely ever acknowledged as such in their au, being referred to only by their nickname. The only time they are ever really called Eclipse is by human staff and their promotional posters.
They work in the daycare of course alongside my friend’s character (who is currently unnamed as they are still brainstorming designs for em) and though they are a daycare attendant they aren’t the best influence—menace they are—and is more suited for entertainment than childcare (he tries his best anyway-)
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the-sky-queen · 8 months
Y'know what? I'm just gonna do it. I'm gonna lore dump everything I have so far for my Darkling lore!
First of all, yes. I decided that the Darklings are a separate species from the Black Arms. Eclipse always seemed so different from any of the Black Arms we've seen to me. I just couldn't see him as 100% Black Arms when the rest of the race looks almost nothing like him.
This means that Eclipse is a hybrid, just like Shadow. (Though he's 50% Black Arms and 50% Darkling instead of Hedgehog.) Though I haven't quite figured out . . . why Black Doom would want his next offspring to be half Darkling instead of full Black Arms. I'm working on it. Darklings must have some kind of biological advantage, but I haven't figured out out yet.
Full lore under the cut!
The Darklings used to live on their own planet. They were free and were split up into different tribes. They were pretty civil towards each other, but the did occasionally have conflict. Then, a couple hundred years ago, the Black Arms invaded. The Darklings were massacred, but a few managed to bargain for their lives. In exchange for being left alive, the remaining Darklings would become slaves to whoever the current Black Arms leader was. So, they were taken from their home world and placed on the Black Comet, never again to be free. They were destroyed with the rest of the Black Comet at the end of Shadow the Hedgehog.
The Darklings didn't believe in gods, rather they believed that the spirits of their ancestors controlled the many aspects of nature and their lives. Several important ancestors had their own holidays and festivals, but most were worshipped privately among those who were directly related to them. Deceased family members were given little shrines to honor them, kinda like an ofrenda. During the Black Arms captivity, many began to lose faith, angry that their ancestors allowed this to happen.
Since Eclipse is a hybrid, I had to decide what traits he has belong to the Darklings, and which he got from the Black Arms. I can explain my thought process more in depth later if you guys want, but for now, I'm just gonna list the traits:
five fingers
long, snake-like tail
coloring is dominated by more earthy/natural colors, for better camouflage during hunting
black sclera, eye color varies
Y'know that weird head structure Eclipse has? Yeah, they have that
scaley, but not as reinforced as Black Arms
I'll really have to draw one of these guys for you to get the full picture
Cold-blooded and lizard coded
They lay eggs
Naturally very skilled hunters
Heightened senses (smell, night vision, etc.)
Very agile (not that strong, but can out-maneuver almost anything)
Prehensile tails
*insert whatever advantage they have that made Black Doom decide his next offspring should be a hybrid*
On Eclipse
Eclipse's mother was a Darkling, and she was allowed to raise him for the first few months of his life. She taught him a lot about the dying Darkling culture and what it meant to be a Darkling in the first place. Eclipse loved his mother and always tried to make her happy. Eventually, Black Doom took him to begin his training, and Eclipse wasn't happy about it. He hardly got to see his mother or any of the other Darklings after that.
Eclipse has struggled with his identity for a long time. He was always told by Black Doom that he was the Ultimate Black Arm, but after a while, Eclipse decided he wanted to honor his mother and her culture and began referring to himself as a Darkling instead. This confuses a lot of people who don't know him very well. Eclipse doesn't usually like to talk about it, even to Shadow.
To this day, Eclipse tries to uphold the traditions of the Darklings. He puts on little celebrations for the important ancestors and honors his mother with a little shrine for her in his room. Eclipse has spent the last several years trying to draw an accurate picture of his mother for his shrine, with varying degrees of success. Shadow doesn't understand a lot of Eclipse's traditions, especially since he doesn't talk about why he's doing what he's doing a whole lot, but Shadow still tries to join in when he can and support his little brother.
Note: I just realized I've been referring to Eclipse as Black Doom's offspring when he was created by Black Death in the comics. Just to clarify, in my personal Sonic-verse, Eclipse is Black Doom's son, making him Shadow's actual half-brother. He was raised and trained by Black Doom until he was sent away to help Black Death with a conquest right before the Shadow the Hedgehog game. He and Black Death then later showed up for Shadow Fall.
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myremnantarmy · 6 months
𝐀𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐥 𝟖, 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 𝐆𝐨𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐥
Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord
Lk 1:26-38
The angel Gabriel was sent from God
to a town of Galilee called Nazareth,
to a virgin betrothed to a man named Joseph,
of the house of David,
and the virgin’s name was Mary.
And coming to her, he said,
“Hail, full of grace! The Lord is with you.”
But she was greatly troubled at what was said
and pondered what sort of greeting this might be.
Then the angel said to her,
“Do not be afraid, Mary,
for you have found favor with God.
Behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son,
and you shall name him Jesus.
He will be great and will be called Son of the Most High,
and the Lord God will give him the throne of David his father,
and he will rule over the house of Jacob forever,
and of his Kingdom there will be no end.”
But Mary said to the angel,
“How can this be,
since I have no relations with a man?”
And the angel said to her in reply,
“The Holy Spirit will come upon you,
and the power of the Most High will overshadow you.
Therefore the child to be born
will be called holy, the Son of God.
And behold, Elizabeth, your relative,
has also conceived a son in her old age,
and this is the sixth month for her who was called barren;
for nothing will be impossible for God.”
Mary said, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord.
May it be done to me according to your word.”
Then the angel departed from her.
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khunvegas · 1 year
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dearsnow · 1 year
- how he is in a relationship (hobie brown x gn!reader, fluff)
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a/n - i love hobie so much 🥹 he’s definitely one of my favorite spider-people
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- he’s definitely not one for labeling your relationship, but he enjoys the fact that he has someone to turn to when he needs it
- he shares absolutely everything with you. the latest gossip, who’s done what, or what he’s thinking in the moment.
- hobie likes touching, messing with, and braiding your hair. he’s quite adept with it too and always brings up unique styles for you to try.
- he customizes jewelry and accessories for you to wear and smiles when he sees them on your person.
- he made a unique guitar pick with a small doodle of you with your name on it and brings it everywhere with him. he might not come off as sentimental, but he literally won’t go anywhere without it tucked into his pocket.
- if you give him anything, he will treasure it- even if it’s something small or insignificant.
- he can assume a threatening presence when you’re in trouble. his face turns dark and his stance is guarded, sending anyone who tries to mess with you scurrying away.
- he sometimes brings you out to meet the stray cats he finds in the streets. he admires their avoidance of the system and how they answer only to themselves.
- he likes bringing you to random secluded places for impromptu “dates” so you can both talk about anything and everything. they could be spots in a park, a quiet bridge, or (unfortunately) out back by a dumpster where no one bothers to look.
- he only likes to hold hands for small periods of time because of how rough and scarred his are. when he gets more used to it, though, you’re able to capture his palm for more than a couple minutes.
- he loves it when you ask him about his worldview, even though you’ve heard it a million times before. it shows him that you care, and he cares about you a lot- enough to let you in on his deepest desires.
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grapejuicedragoon · 5 months
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SHOKU!! my other kaiju oc
big lizard
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thorns-and-rosewings · 11 months
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The last of the trio, here is Cherubim Lunar!
What can I say about this little guy? Hmmm...
He is very smol.
No really, take into account that Seraphim Eclipse is about 10 feet tall, while Arc Bloodmoon stands about 8... Cherubim Lunar stands at a mere 4 feet tall at max.
He demands uppies a lot.
Out of his siblings, he is the most magically inclined. Possessing frightening levels of magical control... And an eerie amount of knowledge about stars.
He has even commented that the Lunar in Canon Eclipse's dimension is actually his 'twin' and he looks forward to meeting him someday.
But to summarize everything?
He's adorable... And he knows it 🤣😅
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hiero-green · 3 months
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He's so silly........
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