#verse.  →  kda.
agonizedembrace · 29 days
ive always loved the idea of eve using her lashers affectionately rather than their original intention of being weapons. how she tends to tenderly wrap them along a limb or like arms to grant a hug… my fave is that subconciously this happens too
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heartate · 8 months
for @umbane, from here.
the first text flying in is all it takes for ahri to feel the immediate punch of guilt cut her clean in her gut. they are fast, they are incoherent and gibberish, and yet, she understands every visceral, intoxicated word. they are vicious fangs sinking down deep into her flesh, injecting her veins with a poison, a sickness so nauseating it makes her feel unclean. she sees the filth on her hands, raw with twisting vines growing from the dirt that cloak the ivy. she can't seem to move her thumbs fast enough as the pit continues to sink deeper in her chest, so cold that it feels disgustingly lukewarm, so hot that she's chilled to the bone.
she hasn't slept all night out of worry, and even spent the last few hours wondering if she shouldn't have sent that last text, after all. ahri knows it's a sensitive time, and tried her best to add some lightheartedness between the threads of worry.
[ from : ahri, 3:55 am. ] wait, kayn, i'm sorry, i don't mean it. i'm just kidding. please home home. i'm not leaving you. i'm not going anywhere. please just come home. i'm worried. i love you. please come home. please.
she sends it and throws her phone back down into her bed.
maybe she just screwed it all up.
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deathsmark · 8 months
some modern verse tid bits , verse correlates with the heartsteel universe. ( look under cut for timeline )
> gifted kid but pressured into it , parents had very high expectations of him. > closeted gay , knew they would not approve at all. > rebellious goth kid lmao. > found music during high school & used it as an escape / outlet for the amount of shit he was going through. > met shen somewhere around this time & they sort of became close , was zed's first " crush " other than you know usual teenaged oh this famous person is hot. > zed & shen do the music thing together & zed teaches him guitar , they purchase zed's first actual guitar together. > his parents find out he's dedicating more time to music than his studies & lose their shit , breaking his guitar. > he leaves home & doesn't touch music for a hot minute , shen sort of nudges at him but he's almost afraid to touch his guitar. > still wanting to be fiercely independent he starts working with some underground music artists , which leads to some bad decisions involving drugs & alcohol. > his new outlet leads to tension between him & shen & they eventually end up falling out which is entirely zed's fault & he pushed him away on purpose. > it's during this time that he meets & becomes close with kayn , they are both going through it tm. > mid twenties zed sort of begins dragging his ass out of the slump , ends up making friends with some better people , does some album art for them on the side which opens up a new creative outlet. > he really gets into design & ends up seeking out a tattoo apprenticeship. > gave the guitar shen gave him to kayn , it's very emotional , telling him to treasure the music he makes & the people it connects him to. ew sappy. > he dedicates himself to tattooing & by the time he's around 30 he's working independently ( this is where he is at by the time kayn joins heartsteel & they stop seeing each other. ) > he still loves shen. ( knows how it feels to have feelings for ur bandmate looking @ u kayn and ez. )
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ahri-thefoxylady · 6 months
❛  don't you understand? it's love.  ❜ - any verse!
Spirited Away Starters
She sits up quickly, nearly launching her phone from her hand. The fox juggles the device before finally catching it and staring at the other woman.
"Are you sure? it.. I mean... It's not out of the realms of possibilities given your experience but... How can you be so sure.."
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korvyna · 1 year
Leaning back against the front of his desk, Sasuke stares at Ahri. It's been a few months since they struck the deal to work together. She's doing exceptionally well, but the moment she stepped in his office he had a feeling she wouldn't allow anything less. Nor would he, from her or himself. Just as she's hit the ground running, he's been keeping pace with her to learn everything he needs to ensure this success continues. It's looking like her efforts have paid off. He looks at his phone, going over the phone conversation he just had.
"If you were an opening act for another upcoming artist, should you strive to outperform them? Or perhaps I should say, would you?"
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Bold, red lips were pursed and eyebrows raised in shock. His question struck her with a subtle pain, a pluck at the strings of her heart. A melody that resulted in her scoffing loudly; Ahri crossed her arms slowly.
❝ Opening or solo, I want all eyes on me. I am not getting paid enough for this, Sasuke. I have to get my fans somehow, you know. ❞ she murmured, twirling a strand of gold around her perfectly polished fingers.
Ahri adored competition, in fact it was the very burning desire she held. She wanted to be at the top, to be craved. An icon to copy, a figure to cry for, a persona to captivate the millions of gazes.
A bright blue bubble formed from her lips and popped loudly. The sweet and refreshing taste of mint flooding her mouth, bringing back the life in her eyes as they twinkled mischievously.
❝ Why? Is someone nervous that the spotlight will stay on me? ❞ she grinned.
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sheavoid · 1 year
Kai'sa, in the KDA verse, would have a pet bichon frise because they don't shed (though, she loves all dogs), they got a wonderful personality, and I also had one. Anyways, anyone wanna see pics?
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yanlei-a · 1 year
modern verse zed most definitely still has the tattoos
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desiren · 8 months
"Eve." Of course, she knew he was arriving. A man of his presence can't travel unseen — Evelynn would have heard the commotion his presence causes, the praises, the cries of surprise, all the way down the hallway. There are rules about contestants entering his chambers, but none about where he can go. He's the emperor, after all.
"We need to ... talk. About your behaviour." He gives the impression of a man who is doing his very best to hold himself still. "You seem like you need an outlet."
evelynn always knows — there is little to naught that can slip beneath the sharp, keen senses of being older than some of the selfsame stars distant within their sights but far out of reach. it's in the hairs that rise upon the nape of her neck when she senses the radiance of power burgeoning within a vessel almost too small to contain it, far before she hears the sound of his telltale footsteps bellowing above the hushed silence that falls in the aftermath of excited trills and shrill squeaks and cries singing the emperor's praises in a forgotten trail behind him. she doesn't bat an eye when her door opens, and his aura alone illuminates the dimly lit room far into the corners where the shadows retreat.
the thunder of his voice settles deep into every pore in her skin, sinking down into flesh and tendon and down into the bone where it resonates and rings loud and bright, the crisp sound of a bell at dawn and another at dawn, leaving a deep imprint into her body like a scar upon her soul. sweet memoria, blissful remembrance, scorched steel imparting blistering brands into her skin so that she could never forget the sound, the look in his eyes, the curve of his lips, the cut of his jaw, the shape of his hands.
she has no true need for sleep, but she finds herself peacefully reclined upon the bed and its luxurious satin sheets whilst dressed in sheer black lace lingerie, a thin floral print robe with fur cuffs and collars going down the lapels to meet the hem traveling loose around her waist. evelynn is never expecting anyone — it just so happens lingerie is all she enjoys for her own viewing pleasure, and kayn is opportune enough to look upon her in this moment, back pressed to the headboard with lithe, elegant legs crossed over one another while her arms drape light over her knees.
her expression is indifferent at first, though the faintest hint of curiosity flickers into her golden eyes. " my behavior? " evelynn repeats, drawing a hand up to her chest while a mocking pout toys over her lips in tandem with the playful incredulity running thick in her tone. " you're going to have to be a lot more specific. i don't have the slightest idea what you're talking about, baby. why don't you come over here and tell me? "
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kinkouu · 10 months
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"Got new work for me already? You need to take a break or something: Ekko isn't even here to record his lines and won't be for a few weeks." ❖ @cryroh
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stahri · 11 months
her arm slides around ahri’s shoulders, squeezing and pulling her close into an affectionate one-armed hug. “i missed you, ‘ri. left lil’ ol’ me alone. what was i supposed to do without my favorite fox around?”
ahri's tail curls around akali's waist, keeping her securely snug against her. while she doesn't expect akali to depart any time soon, she misses the closeness. it's nice. she feels like she hasn't been around akali in ages. they're both always busy, busy, busy. and when ahri does see her, it's at rehearsals or recordings, and they're always so immersed in focus. it's nice to have a moment to themselves. "i missed you too."
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umbrakin · 11 months
✔ - Cait & Ahri
Send me ✔ and I will bold my preferences for your muse!
CAITLYN: Do I know your muse(s):  yes | no | a little | tell me about your muse
Setting: our verse | my verse | your verse | modern | alternate universe | other
Pre-established relationships? yes | no | depends on the relationship
Possible relationships: friends | classmate | co-worker | roommate | family, real or adopted | dating or blind date | married | friends with benefits | unrequited love | lending a hand | teacher - student | rivals | allies | partner-in-crime | enemies | protecter - guarded | business partners | spy - infiltrated | manipulator - manipulated | star-crossed | first meeting | other 
I’m in the mood for: fluff | angst | horror | romance | humor | crime | hurt / comfort | action | supernatural | slice of life | crack | dark threads | light threads | any genre | multi-para | shorter para | one-line | any length | plotted threads | unplotted threads | other
Feel free to: message me ooc | message me ic | tell me your ideas | write a starter | answer one of my opens | send a meme | reblog this with your preferences - let’s find common interests!
AHRI: Do I know your muse(s):  yes | no | a little | tell me about your muse
Setting: our verse | my verse | your verse | modern | alternate universe | other
Pre-established relationships? yes | no | depends on the relationship
Possible relationships: friends | classmate | co-worker | roommate | family, real or adopted | dating or blind date | married | friends with benefits | unrequited love | lending a hand | teacher - student | rivals | allies | partner-in-crime | enemies | protecter - guarded | business partners | spy - infiltrated | manipulator - manipulated | star-crossed | first meeting | other 
I’m in the mood for: fluff | angst | horror | romance | humor | crime | hurt / comfort | action | supernatural | slice of life | crack | dark threads | light threads | any genre | multi-para | shorter para | one-line | any length | plotted threads | unplotted threads | other
Feel free to: message me ooc | message me ic | tell me your ideas | write a starter | answer one of my opens | send a meme | reblog this with your preferences - let’s find common interests!
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agonizedembrace · 4 months
No. I mean in terms of abilities teams. KDA have an MM, 2 mages and 2 assassins. One of the mage is a support as well.
" right, and this is the special combat im taking on with true damage akali. "
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heartate · 3 months
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@umbane sent : "I'm sorry. About what I said." His voice is low and dragging in the message he left on her phone in the early hours of the morning, like he just woke up or, more likely, didn't sleep. "I was angry. And scared. I wanted... Fuck, I don't know what I wanted." A rustle of fabric, like he's adjusting his position. "I don't hate you. I could never. I... I want you so badly it terrifies me. That's why I have to go." And then, so quietly it might have been a breeze, he says, "Sleep well, Ahri."
ahri's long since lost track of how many times she listened to kayn's message. she held the phone close to her chest at first, as though that'd bring him closer to her, then held its speaker-end against her ear in a desperate attempt to flood her ebbing mind with the sound of his voice. he was hurt, she knew that. so twisted and broken and mangled to where ahri didn't have the faintest idea where to start putting the pieces back together. more than anything, she didn't want to lose him — not just from her life, but she could see him disappearing into himself and the porcelain shell he created.
it was like watching a ship careen against jagged, unforgiving cliffs in the endless mist and watching helplessly from the sandy shores as it sinks into the deep ocean blues. the broken pieces of the wreckage floats to the shore with the incoming tides eventually, waterlogged with the stench of the sea and kelp. she felt helpless, crying out over and over again for the damn ship to not sink, but what good was it?
she was losing him. had been, for a long while, now. she watched as he faded fast between her fingers, until his touch felt foreign and cold and the distance in his eye was as cavernous as the deepest trenches in the sea. ahri tried so hard to pull him out, but kayn slipped again and again and again. at some point, she has to tell herself that a part of him has to want to climb out, and it's as bitter of a pill for her to have to swallow, too. still, the idea of giving up on him is crueler, one that leaves a tight knot in the pit of her chest, one that unraveled with hardened, serrated edges that pierced her from the inside out when they fought, when they ended things.
it's what was killing her the most, she thinks, knowing just how much pain he is in, just how terrified he is, but still trying to manage the hurt he's been carving into her flesh, too. ahri is endlessly terrified for him, but there has to come a time where she can't allow herself to suffer either. and god does it make her feel absolutely selfish. it's so deeply and utterly agonizing, like razor-sharp talons digging into her skin down to her bone. she listens to his message again, another dozen times over and maybe a thousand more, kayn's voice drowning out the early-morning bird songs and cars passing in the street as the rest of the world awakened. he's apologizing, and ahri would throw everything off a cliff to forgive him and take him back, but it's the follow-up that pierces straight through her rigid heart that seems to have forgotten how to beat in anguish.
that's why i have to go.
ahri doesn't realize she's been silently crying until she rubs her eyes and stares down at the wet backs of her hands. her tails curl softly around her atop her plush blankets, but they feel as stiff as her hands until they start trembling in her frantic attempts to call kayn back. she can hardly see the screen through her tears, but she finally gets through and breathes in a sharp breath as she dials, and places the call on speaker so that she can wipe her tears away, and—
" we're sorry, you have reached a number that has been disconnected or is no longer in service. if you feel you have reached this recording in error, please check the number and try your call again. "
she blinks. it doesn't register at first, not really. ahri calls kayn again, and is immediately met with the same message. his number is saved under " ♥ kayn ♥ " and she knows there isn't an error there. when ahri calls for a third time, she drops her phone and slumps over, pressing her face into her messy clump of tails. her breath is trapped tight in her throat until she finally chokes on a violent sob crawling out in an unrecognizable sound.
she never should have allowed herself to fall asleep, not when they left things the way they had. she knew him. she knew him. she knew his tendencies, knew his habit of keeping himself up late into the night gnawing on every passing moment that went wrong. she should have expected his call. she should have been there to answer it.
ahri collapses further in her bed, falling onto her side and sinking into the well of the abyss, and unravels her legs. it'd only been a few hours. how could his number already be disconnected? like he'd never been there, erased out of existence with only his lingering voice crackling with the roar of thunder in her mind to remind her of what had been.
he doesn't hear her. there's no way for him to hear her, now, but she manages a scream through her sobs like it'd reach through the heavens and find him.
" you don't have to go anywhere, kayn . . . you— you didn't need to leave. " quieter, this time, like she was afraid of breaking down even more than she already is, " i— i needed you to stay. "
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teememdee · 11 months
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ahri-thefoxylady · 11 months
“No Ahri I don’t know anything about the new band. Just because I worked with Zed in the past doesn’t mean I’m aware of any prodigies he may have helped bring up.”
Ahri sighed dramatically, laying her upper half on the table, face firmly planted in the wood. She sighed again, more dramatically if that was even possible.
"You're no help...." came her muffled response.
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korvyna · 1 year
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Heels that clacked against the marble floors, a saunter that followed, putting up a show. Determination filled her sparkling teal orbs, lips pursed reflecting a glossy rose. Her hair of sheer gold, curled at the ends- a model in the making, looks to kill. Towards the receptionist, the former popstar hastily made her way, urging to see the company’s manager in the hopes her dreams could be re-lived once more. It had been only recent in which unfortunate events unfolded, and just like the passing of the seasons, Ahri was no longer known to the public.  Popstar Ahri was a dead muse. A desire for being reborn burn bright. This was a chance for redemption, another opportunity to make herself known. To rise to fortune and fame was but a contract away- a contract she would gain no matter what. A sweet taste of cherry filled her tongue, a taste of success.
Nothing would stand in her way- not yet.  Granted access, the muse made her way eagerly to the elevator, where she would soon enough meet the person that (hopefully) would help her rise to the top.
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