#very The Skeptic of him. and ‘theres nothing to believe in and there wont be till we fall’ is very literally his whole plot line
legobatjoker · 1 year
♫+grantaire rly do not know too much abt this man but ik u enjoy talking abt him
ok ok once again tysm mwah. i am going to go with ms penelope scott’s ‘moonsickness’ this time….
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vanityloves · 4 years
was reading sumn ab Murdoc n i have to agree that his displays of urgency, impulsiveness, resentfulness, etc and his need to prove others wrong after being told/treated like he was nothing, is why hes likeable. he has very human issues which - no offense - contrasts mainly with russel and noodle (2d to a lesser degree? idk) but this is bc theres never been consistency with russ n noodle
tldr: they made the canonly poc charas less relatable in terms of lore/backstory and added more...frivolous, funky stuff, while giving 2d and murdoc human traits/issues that make them easier to connect with/feel for/hate/love/etc
russel being Haunted and Possessed isnt a very...common thing, esp if you dont believe in the supernatural like that. on the flipside, being outcasted from groups and losing people, is very relatable and as human as it can get. but hes never really shown much other than being the skeptic, only to be reduced to a man that makes food jokes for, who knows why. is it cause hes Fat 😁🥴😳 its ok be honest guys. also the weird thing ab growing and shrinking randomly is. weird sjdjjd.
with noodle...she shows up in a box and shes canonly a government project that was supposed to be disposed of and idk man i dont think, anyone can relate to that. wanting to know your origins/self discovery, the need to keep people together, are absolutely human traits. i guess what im getting at is, their lives before gorillaz werent, "normal" in terms of being relatable which isnt me bashin on the characters bc i absolutely love them, they just have no characterization.
2D is different. He's given a childhood and shown to go to school and have friends and hes given depth as a character. Hes been described as an excitable child and he rambles on about all types of things, likes and dislikes: he shows his airheadedness, and his kindness and genuine intrigue. He has that slight confidence boost when murdoc is gone - this is about human traits and when an abuser is Gone, i can only hope theres a sense of relief, which is something many people have experienced, im sure.
i probably have more to say but im tired.
From what i know, hes never condoned or justified murdocs behavior - hes definitely more on the passive side but he has complained ab him before. hes incredibly dense and from my understanding thats why hes relatable. other things though: he didnt really know what he wanted to do after school, liked his lil trinkets and worked a normal job and lived with his family. something many can relate to! which is absolutely why 2d and murdoc are the most popular of the band. i think its very easy to misinterpret 2d and label him as stupid or submissive, or whatever the hell else. But he shows other sides of being resentful and pissed off, confident, etc, and thats why hes likeable!
its hard to explain idk but, the band member that had trauma stemmed from childhood/parental issue and lived through very undesirable events that i wont mention, was made to be demonized (forget that hes legimate a sa/tan.ist for a second) and literally made Green haha (though i guess its bc Hes 'rotting'). but monster/inhuman physical features that on top of having Undesirable personality traits despite them being apart of nature as a whole its pretty whack imo. had we never act impulsively or had a sense of urgecy, we'd never progress. i guess thats why hes shown like that bc its more untamed n literally... unhinged? but bc we're human we should show decisiveness and more calculated actions so its undesirable to be 'uncouth' and snarky or witty.
anyways thanks for coming to my tedtalks. here they are
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@megatraven since your heart is tender from Astraeus,,I thought about Zeus all night lol. Basically, this is my petition to get a Zeus route after idk how many years AFK has been out for and its a mess lol. 
Zeus would TOTALLY take MC to the zoo. Not just for MC to look at the animals, but ALSO because when the lions come to him, he’d puff out his chest and be like “yeah. The tigers like me. I’m the king,” and act like a Chad. 
Whenever Zeus first fell for MC, there’s no way he accepted it. Like, he’s the King of Godsss, and he’s like, “Me? Love a human? Never.” And then he remembers his past and how,,um,,not adding up BUT ANYWAYS he doesn’t believe he loves her and pushes his feelings down. Like almost everyone in AFK does. And he doesn’t like it. At all. He doesn’t like it because he doesn’t know what to do. And like someone in one AFK route said that Zeus’s fear is weakness. So he sees this feeling as weakness because he’s not acting like himself ya know?? Quiet, spacing out, thinking of one human more often than not. THen, he catches himself once again doing things for MC. Maybe if she’s in the office and Zeus needs to see Alex for whatever reason, instead of calling them to come to him or to talk, he goes down there and goes through the office and sees MC. And he’s looking at his papers as he walks to Alexs office and everyone sits straight up when he comes in, including MC, and he likes the way her brown eyes focus on him,,
AND THEN, APHRODITE NOTICES IT AND BASICALLY MAKES FUN OF HIM EJIBKFWEJ. And it ends with Zeus and MC getting together in a bit of peace...until the Hera situation but hey no angst here...yet
MC one night stays in Zeus’s estate and she’s doing some work because Zeus is still in a long meeting (she wonders what they meet about but he wont tell her) and she starts getting sleepy and words start not making sense and shes like, “Hmm...I’ll rest my head for a moment,” and she rests her head against the headboard of the bed. And then,, Zeus comes home and he’s a little confused as to why its silent (I see MC as someone who would play some instrumental music bc I’m MC and I love orchestra music lol). He calls out to MC and gets no reply. He’s not too worried since he’s seen MC fight, he knows she can do many things. And when he gets to his room, he see’s a sight that takes his breath away and fills him with a bit of worry. He sees MC resting her head against the headboard and papers surrounding her and her computer, even some papers on the floor. He takes off his tie with a sigh and a soft laugh as he comes over to her and picks the papers off the floor and off the bed and puts them together. 
He picks up the computer (slowly, not wanting to wake up MC) and no matter how slowly he did it, MC woke up with a gasp and was confused until her eyes settled on Zeus. “Zeus? When did you get back?” He smiles as she rubs her eyes with a yawn. “I just got back. Why did you do all this?” His voice didn’t sound upset or angry, but the way his voice is made MC believe he was angry. “I’m sorry. I just wanted to get everything done tonight,” MC says, her voice in her rambling tone and Zeus realizes how he sounded. He puts everything down and comes back to her and gives her a kiss on her forehead (I want some sweet Zeus). “I didn’t mean it in a bad way. I was just,” he pauses, he looks anywhere but at her, “a little worried,” he gets out after a few moments. She smiles and kisses him on his lips. “I love you, Zeus,” she says with a smile and lovestruck face. He wears an identical one and says the same back with no hesitation. “I love you, too, MC.”
HMMM!!! SWEET ZEUS HITS THE SPOT!!! And thennn, two more ideas bc I need to get them out and don’t want to @ you too much lol. 
NOW! With the Zeus facetiming MC thing, imagine her being real sick one day. She didn’t want to go to Olympus and she just wanted to stay in bed and Alex said okay and theres no way Zeus wouldn’t let her stay home if she’s sick. He needs to make sure his human girlfriend is okay :))). However, he’s busy all day. He wants to visit her (even if she tells him no and that she doesn’t want to get him sick-) so bad and tries to but he’s always stopped by some new problem or something else to do. Zeus considers blowing it all off or just leaving for one day, but he knows he probably shouldn’t do that. Not just because MC would possibly feel guilty for him not doing something important because of her (and he doesn’t want her to feel worse) but because he knows he’d regret it the day later when he has a ton more things to do. So, he finishes them and he realizes how its like 7 PM and he’s finally done. He gets worried and decides to do something MC wanted to do with him whenever she’s not on Olympus with him. He got open his laptop and opened an app for facetiming and for once,,,
He feels anxious. He’s a little scared. He doesn’t know WHY, but this human makes him feel a little scared and worried in messing up. He hates it but loves it at the same time, so he calls her (pushing past his slight fear) and and she answers immediately with a smile. It’s a very bright smile even tho she’s sick and she looks a little distracted. “What are you doing?” MC looks up at him with the smile she uses when she’s trying to lie. “Nothing...”. Zeus looks at her and she knows he doesn’t believe it, which causes MC to sigh. “I’m doing a little bit of work,” she said as she showed a piece of paper signed by HERA. He was a little in shock but also worry.
No wonder she’d do this. She’s sick, running a fever, literally probably EXHAUSTED...yet she’s doing work. Zeus felt a little in awe at her when the shock went away. He was honestly considering going there and making her rest. “How long have you been doing work?” MC have him a reassuring look. “I only just started.” He’d probably be a little skeptical, but let it go and it went silent as he watched her write down a lot of things, mumble things she was reading, and look concentrated. And like,,just imagine him being quiet as she works and she asks him if he wants to go, but he always says “no. I like to be here,” and MC blushes really hard and tries to hide it, but she knows he can see it. aND HMM!! It’s just wholesome Meg. I love Zeus so much more than I should. And then she’d listen to his day (with the things he could tell her) and do work and he’s happy and she’s happy :))).
And my last idea was of MC being in Olympus and in Zeus’s estate and when they wake up, they give each other a kiss. They wish each other good morning, but when Zeus lays his forehead against hers, she feels really hot. And basically,,,shes sick and hes like “oh,” and doesn’t know what to do. And can’t think of too much bc my heart is too full but he’s a little worried for her literally all day, everyone wonders why Zeus is a little off his game today, and he’s just thinking of MC all day and how he cant wait to get back to her, so he can help her and protect her (even tho he can’t cuz its her own body-). But anyways,,take these nice little ideas of wholesome Zeus. It’s still so weird to imagine MC being with Zeus even if I love the idea XD. But I’m gonna go think of more Zeus and probably cry a little bit about other characters lol.
And there’s only minimal proof reading so I hope there’s no mistakes :’’).
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Ghost Hunter AU
“yea boy im doing one of these bullet point outline things bc i dont have time to ever write this but im not letting this idea go to waste //dabs
sorta inspired by bfu bc i just started watching that yea boyyyy
this is such a mess im sorry
so lets set the context 
virgil and logan are both youtubers. virgil runs a paranormal channel, talking about different conspiracies and ghost stories and whatever; logan specializes in educational videos, specifcally history
and they watch each other’s channels and dont have a crush on each other what no
but then one day, their topics coincide
logan’s doing a video talking about the gruesome history of some old prison, and virgil’s doing a video on the ghostly legends that surround the place
they collab, and their viewers love it. they work really well together too; virgil’s spooky humor and logan’s skepticism mesh together and the fans adore them. it’s educational, it’s terrifying, and it’s fun. 
“hey, maybe we could collab more often?” Virgil asks when they go out for coffee after filming. “If... if you want.”
Logan does want
they make a joint channel not a week later
and thus begins their ghost hunting career
break here bc damn this got long shdfklhsdfk
virgil provides the terrifying ghost stories. logan provides the history. together, armed with their knowledge and their trust in each other, they conquer some of the most haunted spots in the world
including goatman’s bridge ofc
the video of logan yelling “FUCK YOU GOATMAN” goes viral within a few hours
“i cant believe you achieved meme status before i did,” virgil remarks, scrolling through their tag. “unfair.”
logan hastily pulls out his vocab cards. “uh — ah — then perish?” he says, and virgil laughs himself breathless
but then, they decide to investigate the legend of an old, abandoned house
it’s said that the house is haunted by an evil demon, who lures people inside and kills them in horrible, cruel ways. no one who sets foot in the house ever returns
so, naturaly, Logan and Virgil are going to spent the night.
they set up in the living room with sleeping bags and an ouija board and a spirit box and set to work
“Are there any demons in this house?” Virgil asks, ignoring Logan’s skeptical laughter. “Hello?”
The spirit box crackles and shrieks
and then
the clearest voice they’ve ever heard. even logan is shaken, eyes wide as he glances around the room. 
but the voice didnt sound angry, or evil, or cruel
it sounds scared
“GE̙͚̩͉T̺̯͔̲̟̍̈́̈ͤ͐ ̓ͤ̓̋O͖̳͔͕̺͚̯ͯ̃́̏ͬͩ̑UṬ̹̬͇͔̆̔ͨ͛̓” it screams. “GE̙͚̩͉T̺̯͔̲̟̍̈́̈ͤ͐ ̓ͤ̓̋O͖̳͔͕̺͚̯ͯ̃́̏ͬͩ̑UṬ̹̬͇͔̆̔ͨ͛̓ P͖̪̭͉̘̄͒͆ͮͬLE͚͎A̤͚̙͚̯̻͕ͯ̾ͦ̃ͯͮ̐SE”
virgil nearly drops the spirit box, his hands are shaking so badly. the room has grown so cold that their breath fogs in front of their faces. even logan has nothing to say.
they barely have time to share a glance before two men appear
one stands in the shadows, dressed all in black, his cloak billowing around him, one eye seeming to glow bright, poisonous yellow
the other has ashen skin and furiously beaming red eyes, hidden behind shattered glasses. his clawed fingers are curled into fists; his pastel-blue outfit stained with rusted red. one horn curls into a sharp point; the other is cracked off at the stump.
“i̻̘̽̂̏ͅ ̻͎̟̖t̞̞̅̍r̫̬̝̈́̂̏ȋ̥͎̰̟̲̠̯̉̋͆́̍ͥe̫͈̘͈̭͉ͩ͑̆̈́̐̾d ̣̥tô͚͓̤̥͐͌͛ ̄ͩͯ̑waṛ͑n̐̍͂ͦ ̞̹̣yͨ̔ͪͥͯou̟̻” he whispers, garbled
and in the split second before he lunges, Virgil spots tears in his eyes
they just barely escape with their lives. their gear is gone, left back in the house, and their lives are changed forever.
“well,” virgil says, breathless and terrifed. “you can’t be skeptical anymore.”
“shut up,” logan says. 
the logical thing would be to stay away from the house. logan says as much, at least three times. but virgil can’t stop thinking about the way the demon had tried to warn them, had pleaded with them to leave
there’s more to this story, he knows it. he wont let this one stay unsolved
so they dig through the town’s history, find records of the house’s owners, search and search and search until finally
Dolos Morel. the last known owner of the house. though he lived hundreds of years ago, there are no records of his death. he was imprisoned young, sentenced to death, but he vanished the day before he was set to die. 
he’s yet another unsolved mystery. virgil’s so used to those, he almost passes it by
but one thing stands out, one thing that makes virgil sure he’s the guy
he was born with one yellow eye
“this is him,” he says, slamming the records down on logan’s makeshift desk in their hotel room. logan scans the papers and nods, eyebrows furrowed
“why do you care so much?” logan asked, though he has to admit, he’s become invested in this as well
virgil doesnt answer
tears pooling in crimson eyes flash through his mind
finally, he meets logan’s eyes. “too many people have gotten hurt because of him,” he says. “i mean — shit, logan, we’ve got a real demon and some sort of immortal asshole on our hands. we should at least try to get to the bottom of it. isn’t that what we do?”
virgil doesn’t know where this heroic streak has come from. logan isnt sure what to think of it
hes not blushing shut up
but he and virgil have been partners for years. he’d follow him anywhere.
and so, armed with as much knowledge on exorcism and demonic protection as possible, and as many lucky charms and bottles of holy water as virgil can carry, the two set off to solve the mystery
they sit in the dusty living room, side by side on the floor. virgil turns on the spirit box and takes logan’s hand instinctively, and logan’s too busy watching the box to notice
“Why are you here, demon?” Virgil asks, getting straight (gay) to the point. “Are you Dolos Morel?”
“n̟̮̆ͦ,̯̫̖̦̼͚ͫ͐̋̊ͧ̄ ̝no̙” the box whispers through a cacophany of static
“Is Dolos Morel in this house?” Logan asks, more serious than Virgil has ever seen him on a hunt before. 
the voice hesitates
then: “yes̰“
virgil and logan share a look. virgil opens his mouth to ask more questions, but then
“ÿ͍͈ͣou͎̱͔͎̫̥̻ͤ͐̈́͐̔͂̚ ͖̭͙͙ͅh̤̠͔̜̲̙ͬ́ͧ̒̍̚aͨ̔̊͌ve̜̮͖͔̅͊ͭ̽ ̞͎̼͖̬̼̅ͦͦͨ̑ͪͮͅto ́̑̈ͫ̆͑le̳̹͛̈a̞̥͕͈̪̙̞v͖̇e̳͈͔ ͍͇̝̯̟̌̓̊̋̂y̜̍ou̺̱̪̼̟ ͉͇̹̼̗̭͕h͚a͐V̥̮̤͇̫̤E͓̹̥ͯ̓̈́̚ͅ ̟̔T̫̻̃͛O͖̫̞̰ ̂ͩ͆ͥ̈́L̬̳̞͔͇̪̲̊̔̎̽̄́̔E̲̩AVE͍̩̦̜͎ͩ̓͋̍̈́͐ͅ ̞̘̫N̿̋̉ͤ̽͋̆O̺͊W”
he wants to leave, his legs are about to give out, but the fear in the demons voice roots him to his spot.
“No!” he yells. “We’re not leaving.”
the spirit box goes silent. no crackling, no static; it’s like they turned it off
the air grows deathly still
“very well,” says a new voice, clear as day through the spirit box. “enjoy your stay.”
the world shifts and hisses and crackles and then goes dark.
when virgil wakes up, he’s in a dark room. his hands have been bound. he struggles and yells and screams for logan, and his stomach drops in terror when there’s no response. 
“you can’t get out,” says the first voice they’d heard in the spirit box. it’s more subdued, a whisper. “there’s no escape.”
“fuck that,” virgil growls, never once stopping straining against his bonds. “tell me what the hell is going on. where is logan?”
he doesn’t know where this bravery is coming from, red-hot and acidic as he snaps at the demon he knows is waiting just outside. maybe he knows he’ll die anyway, whether he’s polite or rude as all hell
“i-i can’t, kiddo,” the demon says. 
virgil hears remorse in his tone, maybe, and clings to it as his only hope.
“we came to help you,” he says. “but i need to know what’s going on. are you working with dolos?”
the demon falls silent. for a moment, virgil grows disappointed
but then the door opens and the demon stumbles in, his own clawed hands pressed tightly over his mouth
he meets virgil’s eyes, and shakes his head. no.
virgil remembers another unsolved legend he studied a while back: a man who would summon demons to trap them in agreements, getting himself eternal life, eternal power, and eternal fame in the process
“you’re trapped with him,” he guesses, and the demon jerks his head in a shaky nod. 
he cant feel good about being right for long
a loud yell pierces the air and virgil’s lungs forget how to work. “let me out,” he hisses, as his mind screams logan’s name. “you have to let me out now.”
“I-I can’t!” the demon cries, tearing his hands away from his mouth. “Dolos forbade it, I can only attack —”
“Then attack,” virgil says without hesitation. he plants his feet firmly on the ground and says it again, tensing beneath his bonds
the demon lunges — virgil spins — and the demon’s claws slice right through the thick fabric tying him to the chair. they sliced through his shirt, too, and his back aches, but he doesnt have time to dwell on that. 
he’s gotta save the man he loves
Logan stands across the room from Dolos Morel, among a minefield of broken chair bits. his face stings where dolos slapped him, and theres no chance of escape
but he’s smart. he’s cunning. he’s already gotten some of Dolos’ backstory and only confirmed what he already suspected
he hears a crash in a room down the hall and knows
he is not going to die here
virgil bursts down the door, brandishing a water gun like a deadly weapon, and soaks Dolos with a loud warcry
“Eat holy water, you shit!”
Dolos splutters. “I’m human, you fool. Holy water cannot harm me.”
“no,” logan says. “but this can.”
and he grabs Dolos and punches him directly in the face
logan shakes out his hand with a wince as dolos collapses to the floor and virgil becomes Too Gay To Function
and the demon steps forward and kneels beside his master, placing his hand on the weird symbol on the man’s left wrist. 
Dolos wakes with a start as the demon grabs his hand. logan and virgil stand watch as red light fills the space between them
“s̺̱̆͑ͨͅa͍̣͌̾y i̒ͧ͌t̜͕ͧ̓” the demon whispers
dolos’ fight drains and he slumps against the wall, his glowing eye fading to dull brown
“I release you” he whispers, and crumbles to dust.
the demon stumbles away from the pile of dust. he sobs once, then twice, and then doubles over, trembling, his eyes overflowing with tears
logan laces his fingers through virgil’s as he straightens up
“Thank you,” he says hoarsely. “thank you, thank you, thank you.”
“my name is patton,” he says when he’s stopped sobbing, “and i owe you my life.”
so now virge n lo have a Demon Friend and theyve p much proved the existence of the supernatural, but they dont want to stop making videos
still, it’s a few weeks before either of them brings up the notion of finding another haunted place to investigate
but virgil cant stay away from the supernatural for long
“I found our next stop,” he says, shoving his phone into logan’s hands. “A theater mysteriously burned down there like, 60 years ago. they say the spot is haunted by the spirit of the man who died in the fire.”
logan scrolls through the article, and nods. “it looks interesting,” he says, and returns virgil’s smile.
“let’s go find this Roman Kingsley.”
i might make a second post abt roman if yall are interested owo
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