#very cliche but I like chliche
madmenr-amble · 5 months
guinea pig
Senku x fem!reader drabble
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It was a warm summer afternoon, the sun’s golden rays were now a gorgeous amber seeping through the windows of Hirosue High.
Senku stood close to the lab bench purely concentrated in his work. He watched as the mixture in the beaker turned from a pale pink to a deep velvet.
“Yes! This is coming together nicely!”he exclaimed.
Senku then added a couple of extra ingredients to the concoction. A drop of vanilla extract along with a dash of sildenafil citrate. With the that the concoction had changed its color for the final time, this time a stunning hazel.
The prodigy grabbed the beaker and took a whiff of the mixture. It had a natural scent to it with hints of sweetness. The combination created a balanced and sophisticated fragrance that evoked a sense of warmth, vitality, and natural elegance. He smirked to himself feeling proud of his creation but soon his pride turned to displeasure. Who was he going to test it on? He couldn't try it on himself otherwise who will help him if something goes wrong? The gears in his head turned and in an instant he had and idea! He would just call he’s best friend Taiju! An excellent idea!
Just as Senku reached over for his pocket, someone else had walked in to the classroom.
“Um, excuse me have you seen my phone? I think I might have left it here”
It was girl about his age with white stockings and a navy blue skirt that looked way too short. Her demeanor was a bit shy as she looked at Senku with pleading eyes. She clearly was a bit nervous given how she was playing with the helm of her skirt.
Senku smirked, he thinks he may had just found his guinea pig.
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noemitenshi · 1 year
Some emoji asks for you: 🌞🎨🎃
Oh yay, fun!
🌞 Do you have a preferred time of day to write?
I don't think I do (anymore). I mean what I like to do is start my day with writing or like, write as early in the day as possible. Since it gives me a motivational burst also for other things and I'm not as down when it's late and I'm too tired to finally get to what I wanted to do the whole day. And then most days I either type up what I've written (yes, I like to write on paper first) and/or (also depending on how tired I am haha and other committments) write some more. But basically what I do prefer when writing is to have some dedicated time alone. That's the most important thing (plus the none-tiredness. yes that's a thing with me ^^0)
🎨 How do you feel about fan art of your stories?
I fucking love fanart about my stories. I can't imagine anyone not loving it!! I mean, someone was so inspired by my words they wanted to create, too (also goes for fanfics etc)?! That's so so amazing, i'm just 😍🥰😳😵‍💫💖💖💘 hihihi (also shoutout to @lindamarieanson for being that person, you're the absolute best 💖💖💖)
🎃 Do you write fics for certain holidays? Which is your favorite holiday inspired fic?
I actually don't really like doing that 😅 and i think i've never done it. I think because especially with holiday fics I feel like it's easy to get too cliche (which, honestly, doesn't bother me as a reader haha but as a writer it does. I have a real aversion against going chliche routes and my impulse is always 'ok, what's now the thing that's more unexpected. how can i make this different'; incidentally this is also the case whenever I try to write for a given theme, haha, it's certainly a very me-thing) - so if I did attempt one it would need to break out of the the mold, so to speak. And so far I didn't have an exciting enough idea I guess 😅
Thank you so much for the ask 🧡 (and many happy writings to you)
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fantasmagoriam · 8 years
12, 27, 28, and 40~~
oooo, and maybe throw in 50 there too~
12.Name an OC that isn’t yours but who you like a lot
That’s funny, ‘cause if you think about it, every fictionalcharacter is, in fact, someones OC. So, considering that, I couldsimply put a list of my fave characters here. But hey, that’d be alazy thing to do. And I’m not lazy! No… Not at all…Butok, let’s think… Meteors originated as Ocs, so I think I cansafely put them here. Also, Van, zeledonia’s OC.I feel like I still don’t know enough about him, but he seems superinteresting and really well thought, and I’m absorbing every pieceof info Ama gives me like a little sponge (also I’dkill to know how he looks like so I could draw him)
27. Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song?
Not certain one, but a great majority of things that create Lisa’scharacter were inspired by Arkona’s songs
She’s also the only one that I picked a themesong for.
28. Your most dangerous OC?
All my OC’s can kick ass, more or less. If we only considerskills, then Lisa, Veske and Sann are shaped to be the mostdangerous. But if we consider character traits as well?Lisa takes the lead. She’s not only skilled, but also hungry forpower, and won’t hassitate to do harm if it’ll let her gain whatshe want’s
And it will end badly for her, sooner or later 
40. Any fond memories linked to your characters? Feel free toshare!
Can’t recall anything specific right now, but I used to roleplaya lot and those were some great, carefree times…
50. Give me the good ol’ OC talk here. Talk about anything youwant
Oh god, now, here’s where my problem starts. WHAT AM I SUPPOSEDTO TALK ABOUT?! QAQ Am I supposed to give some advice? Share words ofwisdom? Or just chaff about anything? How is it, that I can’t sharemy thoughts spontaneously?!Eh… I’m still very reserved whenit comes to talking about my characters. Always being scared thatthey’re unoriginal, too bland, that I’m using certain cliches toooften, or that I’m putting too much of myself into them. And yetI’d fight anyone who’d tell me that it’s a wrong thing todo.My chliches are mine and I’ll use them as much as I want.
And if I like a certain trope I’ll use it, no mater how much itwas used by people before me.And I’ll share as many charactertraits with my OCs as I want.
Or I’ll make them a person I hope I could one day become.
My characters are mine and I’ll shape them the way I want.
And no one can tell me It’s wrong.
Don’t let anyone tell you it’s wrong either.
Simply do what brings you happiness
I will.
Even if thanks to that my OCs are just the same OC wearing adifferent hat.
Actually, only one of them is wearing a hat
Ok, it became too serious. Quick! Someone say something stupid!
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wirsindkeineschafe · 7 years
Don‘t trust the chliche
We have a few default cliches, that everybody uses and agrees on
One is: „Talking/Communicating is always a good thing.“ Is it? Really? In all cases? Don‘t think so.
Take two people, who hate a third person, for no real reason, other, that they need to hate something to have a feeling of self, to deflect their fears and doubts, so they don‘t have to deal with them like grown ups. One thing these situations always have in common is a communication, which is like an old, worn out shoe you can always slip on, no matter how swollen your foot is. It always starts with the latest reason, uttered by one of the haters to hate that person, the latest „proof“ of these warped minds, why that person is no real human being, but only a worm. Then the part of the co-hater demands, that the second hater is „absolutely“ disgusted and repeats what the first hater said with the added twist of disgust (she wore a RED dress? Who does she think she is? A filmstar? I am very sure she does that to spite us!). Then, after having slipped in to the old shoes, they warm up old hate and the discussion runs around like a dog trying to catch his tail.
That for example is no communication, which is good or healthy. It will never lead to anything new or an understanding of something, because it has no essence. In reality, it isn’t even a communication. It is just a deal between two people, in order to not be alone. They don‘t talk to be heard. It is a pure echo chamber.
And by the way, of course racism and ideology works the exact same way. The people feel strong, because they drag others down to their lows and therefore can pretend they aren‘t as bad as they are, but in reality their position is borne of weakness.
Remember to ALWAYS question everything. Don‘t buy into cliches, they are nothing different than lies to hide an unpleasant, ugly truth.
Another cliche I absolutely hate is the one about „a relationship is only good, when the people in it have arguments and fight sometimes“. Most of the times this is only used to whitewash the constant bickering, the belitteling of the partner or even the violence in a relationship. I never heard anyone say that, who is in a really good relationship. I never heard anyone say that cliche, who has a relationship, where the two partners talk and listen to each other (which can of course and does involve different opnions and discussions, but for sure no fight) But I think I already vented here about that cliche. It makes me so angry, I literally lose the words to describe all the levels of wrong this cliche is and have to calm down to at least say a bit about it. Because this cliche is also part of harassment and abuse of women in relationships.
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