#very much a reassurance/reminder that yes this is a serious art form for deep story telling
venndaai · 2 months
I'm not done with Tacoma yet but it is really good and I'm mad at myself for not playing this six years ago when it came out.
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ikemensweetheart · 4 years
Spider Lilies Chapter 1
Yokai? Yoshimoto x reader.
An unexpected turn of events leads you into the Spirit World. A land of mythical and terrifying creatures called Yokai.
Pursued by a powerful Yokai called Nobunaga, you find refuge with Yoshimoto. A 'collector of beautiful things' as he calls himself.
Trapped in a strange world with no one else to turn to. 
Will you become Nobunaga's bride or will another win your heart?
A/n: I've been wanting to explore the idea of the Ikesen suitors as Yokai since the release of Mitsuhide's route. The idea seemed perfect for October. So, here it is!
I also wanted to give Yoshimoto some much needed love.
Reader is female
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It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining, birds were singing and the flowers were blooming. It was a perfect day to go out for a walk. "I'll be back soon!" You called out as you stepped out the backdoor for your parents' house.
"Be careful!" Your mother called back from the kitchen window. "I will!"
You smiled as you set off into the woods that was on your parents' property. You had loved to take hikes in it ever since you were little. It was nice to get some fresh air while surrounded by nature. There was nothing more invigorating.
So, you were off with your sketchbook in hand and a pep in your step.
You walked down the worn deer paths you knew by heart. You followed the paths with no particular destination in mind. Your mind wandered from subject to subject as you walked. You were a college student on break and staying with your family for the summer and you were finally able to properly relax after a long semester at school.
As you walked, the trees around you opened up into a small clearing. You stopped when you saw something in the middle of it: a torii gate. 
"Where did this come from?" You wondered out loud. You had never seen one in these woods before. It looked old, its red paint was chipped and dull. You were surprised to see it was still standing. There were red spider lilies growing all around it.
Curious, you approach the gate. 
Nothing looked out of place other than the gate itself as you stood in front of it.
You moved closer to get a better look at it when something caught your foot. You yell as you stumble forward, falling through the gate and towards the ground.
You were surprised when a strong pair of arms caught you. "Well, what have we here?" A voice rumbled.
Your head snapped up. You find yourself staring up at a pale face, with horns protruding from his ebony black hair. "A human?" Blood red eyes flashed with surprise at the sight of you. They then narrowed. "What are you doing here?"
You glance around. You were no longer in the familiar, sunny woods near your home. All around you was a dark, foreboding forest. Tall trees looming over you as mist lay thick around the trunks. There were more spider lilies growing around you, but these ones had an ominous glow to them.
A sick feeling started to form in the pit of your stomach. A question came out of your mouth that you were dreading the answer to. "Where am I?"
"You are in the Spirit World." The strange man said. 
Spirit World? Like in the old stories where Yokai live? The pit in your stomach grew.
"What do you have there, My lord?" You jumped at the sound of a voice. You looked up to see another man perched in a nearby tree. He has silvery white hair, fox-like ears on top of his head and seven tails swishing behind him. His ears twitch with interest.
"Ah, there you are, Mitsuhide." The other man said. "It would appear a human has fallen into my realm."
The fox man, Mitsuhide, studied you. His golden eyes gleaming. "Quite a fetching human." He commented.
"Indeed. She will make for an excellent bride." 
You stiffen. "Wait, what?!" The man still holding you looks at you. A self satisfied smirk on his face. "You heard me correctly, human. You are to my bride."
You stare up at him with shock and horror. "You can't be serious!"
"Very serious." Mitsuhide said from up in the tree. "Lord Nobunaga would not bestow such an honor lightly."
"No way! I don't even know you."
Nobunaga's eyes narrow dangerously. "You would refuse me?"
Your body grows cold. A lot of Yokai were known for eating humans, you could very well be this guy's next meal if you didn't go along with what he said.
But, maybe there was another option...
This Nobunaga guy's arms were still loosely around you. This could be your only chance.
Deciding to take that chance, you push away from Nobunaga. Caught off guard, he lets go of you and you take off running. Ignoring the shouts behind you.
Nobunaga's eyes glare after your fleeing form. "Would you like me to retrieve her, my lord?" Mitsuhide asks. "Yes." Nobunaga answers. "And see to it that my bride is unharmed."
You didn't know where you were going, you just knew you had to get away from those two guys. You ran as fast as your feet would carry you. Weaving around the trees and dashing through the mist.
Suddenly, a figure appears from among the trees. You come skidding to a halt before Mitsuhide. "Where do you think you're going?" He asks leisurely. A wicked looking grin on his face.
You back away from him and start running in a different direction. "Looking to make a game of this, are we?" His voice echoed through the trees. 
This was a nightmare. 
"Very well, I always did enjoy a good game of cat and mouse!" He jumped out from behind a tree.
You scream and backpedal.
Suddenly, the ground under your feet gave way. Sending tumbling down a steep slope. As you wheeled down the sloop, you saw a figure standing at the edge of a lake.
There's a yelp as you collide into that body and you both fall into the lake. You hit the water with a splash!
You gasp from the shock. The water was ice cold.
You quickly tried to get up, but you slipped and fell back down. "Oof." Your head snapped to find yourself face to face with another man. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" You say, struggling to get up off of him. He steadied you with his hands. "It's alright." He assured you. "Though, I didn't expect to be such a lovely lady's pillow when I got up this morning." His tawny eyes twinkled with amusement underneath his dripping wet blue hair as he gave you a gentle smile.
Strangely, his reassurances put you at ease.
He helped you get to your feet. 
"I would ask you to return that human to me, Yoshimoto." You froze at the sound of Mitsuhide's voice. You looked up to see him appear at the edge of the lake.
The blue haired man, Yoshimoto's, eyes narrowed. "What makes you think you have a claim to her?" He asked. "Not me," Mitsuhide replied. "But my lord has chosen this her as his bride."
You shrink away from Mitsuhide. Yoshimoto put a protective hand on your shoulder. "I see no union mark, therefore, Nobunaga has no real claim to her unless she is found in his territory." Mitsuhide took a step forward and Yoshimoto pulled you a little closer to him. Raising his free hand toward Mitsuhide. "Need I remind you, fox, that you're in my territory?" 
Mitsuhide scowled. "I concede this time, Jorogumo, but my Lord will have the human as his bride." With that, he disappeared, leaving his ominous warning and a chill in your heart.
Yoshimoto sighed and let go of your shoulder. "Are you alright?" He asked. "Yeah. I'm fine." You said as you started to back away from him slowly.
Which he seemed to notice. He gave you another smile. "If you're worried about me eating you, don't be. I've never had an affinity for humans."
"But, you're a-"
"It's Jorogumo females you should be worried about. They are much more predatory than males. That's why they show up in more human stories." He explained. He then studied you for a moment. His elegant brow furrowed. "Are you cold?" He then asked.
"A little bit." There had been a slight chill in the forest when you had first entered it, but now it was freezing.
"My home isn't far from here. Come, I have a spare change of clothes you can use until those are dry."
Yoshimoto stepped onto the shore, but you remained rooted where you were. An awful thought had occurred to you. 
"Wait, you're not going to try to marry me, are you?" You really didn't want this to turn into a creepy Yandere situation.
Yoshimoto looked at you, a deadly serious expression on his face. "I don't condone forcing someone to marry another against their will."
"Oh." You sighed in relief. "That's... good to know."
"Now, let's get you out of those wet clothes before you catch a cold."
"Okay." You stepped out of the lake and followed Yoshimoto around it until you reached a traditional Japanese house standing at the edge of the lake.
"Welcome to my humble abode." He said. "It's beautiful." You told him. "Thank you."
He led you to the bath. "Take all the time you need to wash. I'll leave a fresh set of clothes for you." He said. "Thank you." He gave you yet another smile before he left you alone. 
You washed as quickly as you could. Feeling self-conscious of bathing in a stranger's home.
As soon as you're finished, you found a gorgeous silk kimono set outside the door for you. You stared at it in wonder. It had to cost more than your family made in a year.
There was a problem though: you didn't know how to put on a kimono. You had worn one a time or two when you were younger, but not enough to be able to put one on yourself.
Taking a deep breath, you tried to put on the kimono the best you can. Relaying on your memory.
When you were finished, you knew that it wasn't the best, but it works.
You then stepped out of the bath and into the rest of the house. 
As you made your way to the main room you saw all sorts of hanging scrolls, statues and pottery all over the place. It was like an entire art museum was stuffed into this house.
You found Yoshimoto in the main room. Sitting at the table with tea set out on it. "Ah, there you are." He greeted you with his alluring smile. "Are you warmer now?"
"Yes, thank you." You replied as you adjusted your kimono's collar.
Yoshimoto cocked an elegant eyebrow at you. "Is everything alright?"
"Yeah, it's just been ages since I've worn a kimono." Your face grew warm with embarrassment.
Yoshimoto rose to his feet. "Here. Allow me." He came up behind and undid your miserable attempt. Wrapping it around you properly and skillfully ties the obi in place. He then came around to face you. "There." He said. "You look lovely." 
"Um, thanks." Your cheeks were ablaze now.
"I have some tea ready." He went to sit back down like nothing happened. 
You stood there for a second as your brain kicked back on. Once it did, you hurried over and sat back down. Hoping you didn't seem too rude.
"Thank you." You say as he offered you a cup of tea. "This is quite a place you've got here." You commented as you took a sip of the tea. The main room is filled with as much art as the rest of the house. "Are you an art collector or something?"
"I'm an admirer of all things beautiful and as such, I like to fill my home with it." Yoshimoto explained. "Although, I don't believe I gave you a proper introduction and for that I apologize. I am Yoshimoto and may I ask your name?"
"I'm (MC)."
"It's a pleasure to meet you, (MC)." He says with a smile. "But, if I may ask, what are you doing in the Spirit realm?"
"Well…" You explain to Yoshimoto about the torii gate, going through it, stumbling into that Nobunaga guy and Mitsuhide chasing you.
After you finished your story, you said. "Thank you for your help, and the tea, but I should really be getting home now."
You moved to stand up. "I'm afraid that may not be possible." Yoshimoto said softly. You stopped. "What? Why?"
"There were red spider lilies around the gate, correct?"
You nodded. Yoshimoto let out a sad sigh. "The spider lilies mark the path between the human world and the Underworld. On the rare occasion, that path goes through the Spirit realm. However the path is always changing and never stays in the same place for long." That pit that was in your stomach earlier came back with a vengeance. "What does that mean?"
"It means that the only way back to the human world is along that path." Yoshimoto's expression was a solemn one. "I've no doubt that since Nobunaga intends to make you his wife, he will have had the flowers destroyed by now and There is no other way for you to return home than the way you came."
You dropped back down to the floor. It felt like the wind had just been knocked out of your lungs. "You… you mean I can't go home?"
You had to go home. You had promised your mom you'd be home in time for dinner. She was making your favorite. You… you couldn't break your promise.
"I truly am sorry." Yoshimoto murmured. There was a sad look in his eyes that told you he meant it, but it still didn’t make you feel any better.
Hot tears start streaming down your cheeks. This can’t be happening. All you had done was go out for a walk. You hadn’t expected to never be able to return home. You had told your mother ‘see you later.’ Not ‘goodbye.’
Suddenly, there’s a hand on your shoulder. Your head snapped up. You found Yoshimoto looking at you with a gentle look in his eyes. “Since you have nowhere else to go, you’re welcome to stay here.” He said softly. “I can’t.” You objected. “I can’t pay you or anything like that.”
“There’s no need for payment.” He replied. He gave you a reassuring smile. It was strange how easy it was for this guy made you feel at ease. “You don’t have to have an answer right away.” Yoshimoto added. “You can sleep on it. I have an extra room and a futon you can use for now.”
“Thank you.” You murmured.
“This way.” Yoshimoto helped you to your feet and led you to another room. There, he pulled out a very cozy looking futon and rolled it out on the floor.
“I’ll leave you to rest.” He said.
“Thank you again.” You mumbled.
He gave you one last, worried look before leaving you alone in the room.
You collapse on the futon. More tears running down your cheeks as choked sobs started to escape from inside of you.
Meanwhile, Yoshimoto stood outside your door. Listening to the heartbreaking sound of you crying. He remained there, making sure you were alright until finally sleep had overcome you. It was only then that he left.
To be continued…
Thanks for reading. I hoped you all enjoyed.
Stay Safe.
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sephinova · 6 years
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Summary: Lucrecia finally gets to spend some time with her son Sephiroth but at a price; to let Jenova tag along and bake cookies in Lucrecia’s kitchen much to the former scientist’s displeasure. What could possibly go wrong?
Pairing: Vincent/Lucrecia (featured but not the main focus of the story)
Rating: Teen.
Warnings: A weird mix of silly and serious, may cause cookie cravings.
Word Count: 3019
Special Message: Happy Birthday to my best friend @demon-prince (aka @missmhc on her art blog)! It’s okay if you don’t remember, it must have been about five years ago when we were on Skype and you came up with this little roleplay idea of Lucrecia and Jenova baking cookies for Sephiroth and Vincent. I still am very fond of that little rp even though it was cut very short and I always wanted to write or draw something based on it. This fanfic in some parts probably isn’t how you want the story to go, however, I still hope it brings a smile to your face even though it’s badly written. Anyway, I hope you have a wonderful day filled with love, fun and presents! :D 
You can also read this on AO3.
Lucrecia wondered how she got into this situation. Sure, she was happy to be with Vincent and overjoyed to meet her son Sephiroth after all these years but here she was in her kitchen baking cookies with none other that son-stealing monstrosity Jenova. In truth, Lucrecia would never have allowed Jenova into her house and use her kitchen but Sephiroth wanted Jenova with him. Vincent told her it was best to let the alien tag along and tolerate her if she wanted any chance of getting to know her son and possibly form a relationship with him.
Jenova had the 'wonderful' idea of wanting to bake cookies, Lucrecia was about to object until Sephiroth piped up saying how much he loves 'Mother's home-made cookies'. If this was the price to pay for getting to know her son then so be it, but there was no way in hell she was going to let that monster use her kitchen by herself, she was baking cookies too.
The former scientist glared at Jenova as she tipped the small bowl of chocolate chips into the bigger glass bowl of cookie dough, her eyes travelled downward to the alien's magenta apron which had 'Universe's Greatest Mom' written in a white curly font. Spiteful bitch.
Jenova noticed Lucrecia's glare and smirked. ''Keep frowning and your face will freeze like that.'' Jenova remarked.
''You're doing this just to spite me, aren't you!? Lucrecia spat as she aggressively mixed her cookie dough.
''I don't know what you're talking about, I just like baking.'' Jenova said innocently.
''Don't play dumb! You know what I'm talking about! Sephiroth!''
''What about Sephiroth?''
''You're baking cookies for Sephiroth just to hurt me because you lied to him into believing you're his mother!''
''He was injected with my cells when he was a fetus so in a way I am also his mother.'' Jenova informed scooping up spoonfuls of cookie dough placing them on her baking tray.
''That's not the same thing as conceiving and giving birth!''
''Then what about all the women who adopt? Are they lesser mothers because their children didn't come from their bodies?''
''Th-that's...'' Lucrecia stuttered unable to come up with a good comeback. She let out a frustrated sigh of defeat.
Keep calm, don't let her get to you, Lucrecia. This is about Sephiroth, not her. You're going to bake cookies for him like you've always dreamed of since before he was born. Lucrecia mentally reassured herself taking slow deep breaths whilst placing dollops of cookie dough onto her baking tray.
The two mothers went over to the preheated double oven, Jenova opened the door and placed her tray on the middle shelf to the right and Lucrecia placed her's to the left. The former scientist set her egg timer on for ten minutes. - ''The cookies are done!'' Lucrecia announced walking into the living room with Jenova in tow. They placed their plates of cookies on the coffee table, Lucrecia's plate was purple and Jenova's green.
''Thank you, Lucrecia.'' Vincent smiled taking a cookie from the purple plate.
''Thank you, Mother. These look delicious.'' Sephiroth thanked as he took a cookie from the green plate and taking a bite out of it.
''You're welcome, dear. Enjoy.'' Jenova replied, affectionately stroking the back of Sephiroth's head with one of her tentacles.
Lucrecia's heart dropped to hear Sephiroth call that abomination mother and the fact that he didn't even so much as acknowledge her. She saw the empty space on the sofa where her son was sitting, she was about to take a step towards it and as if her mind had been read, Jenova sat down on the vacant seat, one of the alien's tentacles reached to grab a cookie from the green plate. Lucrecia clenched her fists, her tolerance was already wearing thin.
How dare she sit next to my son! Why can't she use her hands like everyone else instead of those filthy things!? Irritated, she sat beside Vincent on the other sofa.
''Hmmmm... you make the best cookies, Mother.'' Sephiroth praised as he brought another cookie to his mouth.
''W-would you like to try one of my cookies? There's plenty to go around.'' Lucrecia offered gesturing to her purple plate.
Sephiroth glared at the woman who gave birth to him as he chewed the crunchy sweet treat and swallowed. ''No.''
''I'm sure you would like them if you ga-''
''I said no.'' The One-Winged Angel declined firmly.
The former scientist bit down on the insides of her cheeks in an attempt to control her emotions from boiling over all the while staring at the alien opposite her. I bet that manipulative bitch has told Sephiroth not to eat my cookies! My poor boy, he seems happy around her but I suspect that he's afraid of disobeying her!
Jenova met Lucrecia's angry stare, she stared back, her expression neutral. Lucrecia averted her chocolate brown eyes to one of the alien's tentacles that hovered over the green plate of cookies, the tip of the long appendage touched one cookie, another one and another.
Lucrecia's eye twitched. Why the heck is she contaminating the food my son is eating!? Who knows where those things have been!? Does she even wash them!? Isn't Sephiroth bothered by this!?
The atmosphere of the living room was thick with tension Vincent found it almost suffocating. He followed his lover's gaze to the tentacle, she was clearly irritated by it and he couldn't deny that he was squicked out by it too. He worried that if Jenova didn't stop all hell would break loose.
''Lucrecia, you haven't had a cookie yet, don't you want one?'' The ex-Turk asked putting his arm around Lucrecia's shoulders in an attempt to distract her, however, she ignored him and continued to stare at the annoying appendage.
Sephiroth's hand reached to take another cookie, one that had been touched by Jenova and took a bite out of it, Lucrecia felt sick. HOW DARE SHE CORRUPT MY BABY INTO EATING TENTACLE CONTAMINATED COOKIES!
Seething with rage, the former scientist began to hyperventilate.
''Lucrecia, calm down. She's not worth it.'' Vincent whispered, gently rubbing his lover's shoulder.
''Stop doing that!'' Lucrecia angrily demanded behind gritted teeth.
Jenova raised an eyebrow, her face the picture of pure innocence. ''Stop doing what?''
''Stop spreading your disgusting germs all over the cookies my son is eating!'' Lucrecia yelled pointing her finger at the alien's tentacle.
''Mother is only deciding what coo-''
''THAT 'THING' IS NOT YOUR MOTHER! I AM!'' Lucrecia screamed standing up pointing to Jenova and then to herself interrupting Sephiroth.
''I wouldn't have been if you hadn't consented to have our son injected with supposed 'Cetra cells'.'' Jenova reminded.
''Hojo stole him away.''
''IF IT WEREN'T FOR YOU AND HOJO I'D STILL HAVE MY SON!'' Lucrecia sobbed running out of the living room and into the kitchen with Vincent following behind her.
The former scientist dropped to her knees and leaned her forehead against one of the kitchen's many cupboards with tears falling from her reddened face. Vincent knelt down beside Lucrecia and embraced her.
''I'm sorry, Lucrecia. This was a big mistake, I should have never convinced you into tolerating Jenova.'' Vincent apologised.
''Please... leave me alone...'' Lucrecia wept covering her face with her hands.
''I can't leave you like this.''
''Leave me alone.''
''Shall I tell them to leave?''
''All I want for you to do is to leave me alone... Please, Vincent.''
Vincent hated seeing the love of his life in distress. He knew how much it meant the world to her to finally spend some time with her son but with Jenova's antics and Sephiroth's cold behaviour, he wondered if all this was really worth it, it would just cause her more pain in the long run.
Respecting her wishes, the ex-Turk reluctantly rose to his feet, he walked over to the kitchen door and looked back at Lucrecia, a sad sigh escaped him as he left the room.
After several minutes of crying, Lucrecia wiped her face with her hands and stood up. She looked around the kitchen, her eyes locking onto the glass bowls that held Jenova's prepared ingredients for the next batch of cookies. Still very much angry, she yanked open her pantry door and grabbed the container of salt. She rushed over to the ingredients, opened the salt container and-
''What do you think you are doing?''
Lucrecia froze, regret immediately struck her the second she heard that all too familiar silky voice. She slowly turned around to see Jenova looming over her.
Jenova tutted shaking her head. ''I wonder what Sephiroth would think of you sabotaging my ingredients? I can't imagine he would be too happy.''
''I wasn't thinking, please don't tell him!'' Lucrecia pleaded.
''Forever destroying your chances of getting to know our dear son, you truly do make the worst decisions that ruin your life as well as the lives of others.''
''Don't tell him! Please! I'll do anything!''
Jenova's pink eyes lit up with intrigue. ''Anything?''
''Yes! Anything!''
''Hmmmmm... Well...''
Jenova moved closer towards the desperate woman. Lucrecia backed away until her back came up against the kitchen worktop, her heart raced anxiously anticipating what the monster had in store for her.  
''Is everything all right, Mother?''
The two mothers turned to see Sephiroth who stood at the kitchen's entrance.
''Is she causing you trouble?''
Jenova looked back at Lucrecia, her lips turned up into a devilish grin.
Oh no! She's going to tell him! This's all my fault! Why do I keep making all these stupid mistakes!? Ashamed, the former scientist wished for the ground to crumble beneath her feet and swallow her up, there was no way Sephiroth would let something like this slide.
''We were just debating about what the best chocolate chips to use for baking cookies are. I think Mrs. Moggy's brand makes the best chocolate chips, especially their white chocolate is sweet and creamy...'' Jenova lied.
Lucrecia gawked in disbelief at what she was hearing. Wh-what!? Am I hearing that right!? Jenova's lying about my sabotage attempt!? But why would she do that!?
''...You know how sometimes debates get a little heated. Isn't that right, Lucrecia?''
''Y-ye-yes! I-I think that N-Nibelheim's traditional milk chocolate is the b-best for cookies, it's rich flavour c-combined with cookie dough is very delicious, it's so much better than Mrs. Moggy's!'' The former scientist blurted out her lie hoping she sounded convincing enough.
''I... see. I came in here for a glass of water.''
''The g-glasses are in that cupboard, we o-only have water from the faucet but help yourself to as much as you want!'' Lucrecia said smiling at her son pointing to a cupboard.
The One-Winged Angel strolled over to the cupboard, took a glass, filled it with cold water and left the kitchen without saying a word.
Still in shock, Lucrecia gaped at the alien who was now putting her apron back on. Jenova noticed Lucrecia's gaze, cupped her cheeks with her hands and giggled.
''Oh my, you staring at me like that is going to make me blush. I didn't know you felt that way about me, Dr. Crescent... Poor Vincent.'' The alien teased.
''Ewww! In your dreams!'' The former scientist snapped out of her shock huffing in disgust. She stormed out of the kitchen into the hallway slamming the door, she could still hear Jenova's laughter from behind the door.
Whatever Jenova's reasoning was for lying Lucrecia was relieved, though for all she knew that monstrosity could still tell Sephiroth the truth at any time and as much as she hated leaving Jenova on her own in the kitchen Lucrecia needed a break from her and entered the living room.
''I heard the door slam, are you all right, Lucrecia?'' Vincent asked with concern in his voice.
''I-I'm fine, she was annoying me.'' Lucrecia reassured.
Lucrecia looked at her son who was standing at the window with his back turned. Her gaze fell on the coffee table, there were three cookies remaining on the green plate and six on the purple plate. Now that monster is out of the room I wonder if Sephiroth will eat one of my cookies?
''Ummm... Se-Sephiroth?''
The One-Winged Angel remained unmoving.
''W-would you like to try one of my cookies?''
''I have already told you my answer.'' Sephiroth replied coldly.
Hurt, the former scientist lowered her head, tears welling up in her eyes. I guess he genuinely doesn't want to try my cookies... I can't blame him...
''I understand... I'm sorry for asking again...... There's something I need to attend to, I'll be right back.'' Lucrecia spoke in almost a whisper. She left the living room closing the door behind her, her footfalls could be heard running up the stairs.
Vincent knew his lover was crying again, he wanted nothing more than to go up and comfort her, however, with Jenova out of the way he felt he could no longer hold back his tongue.
''Sephiroth, I understand you feel betrayed and you can't forgive Lucrecia but she baked those cookies with you in mind.''
''And she thinks that baking treats for me will make everything better?'' Sephiroth retorted glaring at Vincent.
''No, she doesn't. She knows that no matter what she does or how many times she apologises it will never make it up for what she did to you and all the years she has been absent from your life. There's not a day that goes by that she isn't filled with regrets of the past, she loves you more than you could ever realise...''
Sephiroth sipped his glass of water listening to the ex-Turk.
''...I can't force you but It would bring her so much joy if you eat at least one of her cookies.''
''Why should I care about her happiness?''
''If you won't do it for her, then do it for yourself because you're feeling hungry. Think of it that way if anything.''
Sephiroth sat back down on the sofa, his arms crossed and his eyes focusing on the purple plate of cookies. Vincent could only hope that the One-Winged Angel was taking what he said into consideration.
Many minutes passed and Lucrecia returned back to the living room. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying but she forced a smile for her son and Vincent.
''I'm sorry, I was gone a little longer than I wanted.'' Lucrecia apologised sitting next to Vincent.
''There's no need to apologise.'' Vincent smiled warmly at his lover taking her hand in his.
Suddenly, Sephiroth extended his arm taking a cookie from the purple plate. Lucrecia's eyes widened at the unexpected surprise watching her son take a bite out of it.
''H-how is it? Do you like it?'' Lucrecia asked eager for his answer.
Sephiroth swallowed. ''It's acceptable.''
Unable to contain her happiness Lucrecia beamed. ''I'm glad you think so!''
Panic filled Lucrecia as she jumped out of her seat and hurried to the source of the loud noise coming from the kitchen. She opened the door and gasped, shattered glass was scattered all over the black tiled floor.
''YOU BROKE MY GLASS MIXING BOWLS!'' Lucrecia screeched at Jenova.
''They slipped out of my tentacle by accident when I was about to put them in the sink.'' Jenova explained wrapping her freshly baked cookies in clingfilm.
''I'm not a human.''
''Don't worry, Lucrecia, we can always buy new mixing bowls.'' Vincent reassured.
''They're just bowls, I don't understand why you're getting so upset about something so insignificant.''
''Money I don't have.''
''AND YOU'RE GOING TO CLEAN UP THIS MESS!'' Lucrecia rushed out into the hallway to the tiny storage room.
''Not my house, not my problem. Sephiroth! We're leaving!'' Jenova called out to her son taking her clingfilm wrapped cookies, barging passed Vincent nearly pushing him over and exited out the front door.
''COME BACK HERE!'' Lucrecia chased after the alien outside with a dustpan and broom in her hands.
Before the former scientist could catch up to her, Jenova spread her wings and ascended into the sky.
Lucrecia stopped her pursuit when she saw Sephiroth fly past above her. ''It was nice meeting you, Sephiroth! I hope to see you again! Take care!''
The One-Winged Angel glanced back at his birth mother, following Jenova into the distance.
Lucrecia watched as her son fly away until he no longer could be seen, she let out a tired sigh and headed back into her home.
''You look exhausted. You should get some rest.'' Vincent welcomed his lover back indoors closing the door behind her.
''The kitchen floor isn't going to tidy itself.''
''I'll tidy the kitchen.''
''Are you sure?''
The ex-Turk nodded. ''And when I'm finished I'll make you a cup of tea.''
''Thank you, darling, you're too good to me.'' Lucrecia handed the dustpan and broom to him and turned the doorknob to the living room.
''Lucrecia, I'm very sorry that today didn't turn out so well.''
''It's not you're fault, I should have known this was going to be the outcome.''
''But I-''
''It's alright, I don't blame you... you were only trying to help.''
As soon as Lucrecia entered the living room she closed her eyes and collapsed on the comfortable sofa her head landing on a plump cushion. Today had been far too stressful, Jenova certainly knew how to push her buttons or maybe the fact that she detested the alien so much heightened her emotions. Sephiroth probably hates me even more now that I kept screaming at Jenova... he'll never want to see me again... but I'm so pleased I got to finally meet him, my son has grown into a strong young man...
She opened her eyes, something on the coffee table caught her attention. She sat up, on closer inspection, her eyes brightened with delight and beamed at the sight before her, all of the cookies on the purple plate were gone.
Now I leave you with the mental image of Sephiroth stuffing his face cookies, you’re welcome! lol XD
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