#very nice to have another FC saviour too
teafiend · 9 months
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Oh, this was an unexpectedly nostalgic - and fun - show. I did not expect to go in and get a refresher course in “Pop Buddhism for Idiots”, nor the campy and breezy story. Neither did I anticipate the hilarity of watching Won Mi Ho (aka Lee Da Hee) run around screaming as demons chased after her in all her perfectly made up and fashioned stunning self, not one hair out of place.
It was funny, “unserious” and wacky. Just the kind of show I needed after a few heartbreaking and sobering crime/law procedural dramas.
It was far from perfect and made me laugh even when not intended, but as long as it did, I could care less whether it was fully intentioned or not. Not being a major fan of CGI or long action scenes, the less said about those on my part, the better. Overall, however, I think those aspects are acceptable for a show of this caliber.
Oh, I certainly did not expect another hot priest. Though this one is a bit too young to drool over, he is nonetheless extremely good looking and cute.
Kim Nam Gil, well, what else is there to say. ❤️‍🔥
The world-building is a somewhat interesting mish-mash of Korean shamanism, Catholic aesthetics, and “pop Buddhism”. Relatively predictable story/plot, but still had spots of surprising twists (mostly with regards to the Baeks), and moments of poignancy which I deeply appreciated.
It has been quite a while since I watched any show with an explicit world-building based on “folk Buddhism”, and that has been one of the main nostalgic factor. As was the affecting visage of Won Mi Ho in that ethereal white dress. She truly looked like “a fairy who has descended onto earth” and reminded me a lot of Joey Wang in her heyday of the “A Chinese Ghost Story”. I did not know exactly how Van felt but I was bowled over.
I know of Lee Da Hee from “I Hear Your Voice”, and always have a soft spot for her after her memorable role in that favourite of favourites. She was extremely entertaining here, with fantastic performances in many spots. She has truly grown more luminous the last time I watched her onscreen.
I completely enjoyed Won Mi Ho as a character, and given my obsession with “The Guest” and Kang Gil Young, just could not help but compare the two - in terms of stylistic/aesthetics choices between the shows - but not in any negative way. As much as I have enjoyed the more realistic, raw and gritty stylistic choices in TG (for KGY), I found myself marveling over the near flawlessness of Won Mi Ho here.
It was so entertaining to gawk at her clothes, the cars, the perfectly made up face, stylised hair etc. Won Mi Ho was fabulous in her chaebol-heir glory. (And few could carry the fashion choices like Lee Da Hee did in the show. What a body and posture ⭐️😍🤩). Also amazing as the selfless Saviour! (One dressed to the nines in couture fashion and high heels, what’s not to love? ⭐️😍🤩)
And I like her character a lot too. Lovely, adorable and easy to love!
The “almost-romance” (though it was basically full-blown romance in my estimation) was also extremely nostalgic and wonderfully moving. I am a sucker for romances of the chaste and yearning type, and they delivered here. 🥹 Roughly knowing how the ending was from lurking on socmed, I was prepared for the ending and was not too disappointed. Still, my poor babies. 😭
A show not to be taken too seriously, nor to have too high expectations of, it was overall an entertaining ride, and truly, I could not ask for more. Love it!
*Recalling the scene during the final showdown between Van and Gungtan when they were having their final “talk”, of Van’s words (paraphrased), “The only way to escape the Law of Causality is to cease to exist” made me chuckle/laugh a few times after the fact. That is basically one of the major pillars of Buddhist teachings, and he announced it as if he discovered that principle. It might be weird, but I found that assertion out of Van’s mouth hilarious.
*Won Jeong’s retelling of the parable of Angulimala was a very nice touch in the show, because I have always found that story illuminating and bittersweet, and it was indeed an important story of redemption and atonement in Buddhist lore. “Good job, show/writers!”
Edited on Sept 23, 2023:
*Read a comment describing this show as a hot mess, and won’t say I disagree, but I have enjoyed the mess, so I suppose there’s that. Especially since it felt true to what is simply a ‘fun webtoon’. There is literally little emotional core or narrative gravity to this show (or much of the original webtoon, I am arrogantly assuming) except a mix-and-match of tropes/lores, which veered from attempting to be angsty/dark to the cheesy and campy. So, I can see where the mess is. That said, the narrative was consistent and coherent, and the performers made me laugh, so I will give it credit where it is due, little as it was.
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inr-lya · 3 years
Mermaid RP Request
This plot has been in my mind since- who knows when, lmao. Probs a few weeks ago, and since i’m having trouble finding rp partners on amino, I’ve decided to extend my search here to tumblr. 
As to not waste anyone's time, I'll say it beforehand that I'll be playing Muse B in a bxg or nbxg relationship in which I'm both the girl. I've played as the guy way too often; I miss my girl now. 🥺 and, this is a lit to adv-lit rp, maybe even novella if i’m really into it, and my responses are usually around 400+ to almost a 1000 words. Highest is just a little over 2000, but again, only if I’m really into it, lmao. Feel free to ask for my writing examples.
Before I get to the plot of the rp, let me list some information/rules of mine for compability’s sake.
♡ I'm over 18, so no minors, please!
♡ I use drawn and realistic FCs if you need pics of the oc, though I don't mind what type you use. Speaking of which, I’m from amino, so I have a wiki on my girl, and if you have amino too, feel free to ask for the link! If you don’t, feel free to ask me to copy paste the info to google docs or just ask whatever you feel you need for the rp :]
  ♡ I can play more than one character, maybe 2-3 max? Depends on their roles in the RP ig.
♡ I have no triggers, but please list me yours so I can avoid them.
♡ I'm not the type to send a message if you were to suddenly disappear, but I'd do it after 2 weeks because I'm tired of my PMs getting clogged up with dead chats. If you're still interested but you need more time, just let me know. I promise I'll wait, my ass literally never reached the middle of any 1x1 rp.
♡ Ngl, I'm getting busy af these days with uni life and plans being made with friends and family. I'm not complaining. I love it, and all I'm saying is I might not be able to reply often. It depends on how invested I am and the difference of our time zones, (mine's GMT+8 btw) but I'll try to give at least a reply every few days or weekly if you're willing to be patient with me.
However, the shorter the literacy, the faster and more often I reply. If we're doing just 400+ to 600+ words, I can reply multiple times a day. Also, I prefer this level of literacy for now, but I can fluctuate to longer responses.
♡ fyi, I'm very open to rp in discord as we can create a server with different channels for ooc chat, rp, notes, etc. If you're up for it, lmk! uwu
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♡ If you're considering pm-ing me, please skip the small talk like “hey, how are you?”, and just straight-up give me details that you’d like to discuss about the rp. It makes me uncomfortable, lmao.
♡ Have good grammar, punctuation and spelling. I can ignore small mistakes or typos but not constant errors. (I can overlook faulty grammar, however, if you have the creativity to make up for it)
♡ Use 3rd POV
♡ No railroading.
♡ For romance, don't make your character fall in love with mine at first sight or after a few nice gestures unless being naive is a part of their personality. I prefer slow burn. Crushes are fine but don't make your oc feel like my oc is their definite soulmate or something, lmao.
♡ Don't spam me unless I've been absent for a week. I may be busy or not in the mood to RP, but if I'm not interested in continuing, I will let you know.
♡ Any drama, romantic or carnal interactions stay within the RP, do NOT pursue anything with me besides friendship or mere acquaintances, I swear this happens way too often and it's getting stressful. Speaking of which, don't make the RP just about smut like c'mon.
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Okay! Now I can finally jump into the plot! It’s pretty simple, and unfortunately, it isn't mine to claim. I wanted to rp this plot with someone, but they didn't reply to me, and I have no way of finding them again so- yeah, that's the disclaimer if you think I'm stealing your plot or something.
Muse A is a marine biologist who spends their time either studying, finding inspiration for their upcoming projects, or simply take a breather all at the beach. This is where they find peace, where all of their worries melt away and nothing else matters except the present.
Muse A's favourite leisure activity is free diving along the coral reef, underwater caves and tunnels, and pretty much any nook and cranny they can fit into. They're graduating from their specialist residency soon and is searching for ideas and incentives for their thesis along the bays and coves. To be honest, they were looking to mostly procrastinate due to the pressure of a competitive environment finally catching up to them, perhaps a burnout they were trying to get over.
Imagine how they would feel upon discovering Muse B, a creature that had been believed to be a myth, one with an upper-body resembling a human, though covered in brilliant scales and specialised fins adapted to exclusively marine life, and the lower half of a fish, stranded within the abyss of a cavity that would've been completely submerged if it weren't for the extremely low tide that had kept the curious entity from escaping.
Due to Muse A's compassionate nature, they aid Muse B to their freedom, but as soon as an opportunity was in sight, Muse B fled without another glance at their saviour, never to be seen again no matter how many times Muse A were to return to where they were last found.
A few months had passed, and Muse A had since lost hope in their search of Muse B as there was practically zero evidence nor leads to help them unless they were to look any further towards the conspiracy theorists and their claims. They are now focusing entirely on their original, more believable research, unfortunately, they had picked the wrong day to go diving.
The weather had been anything but kind, the skies had gone dark faster than anyone could've predicted, and before Muse A could process what was happening, they were caught in the middle of a raging storm, thrown left and right by the unforgiving waves of the ocean before it all went black. When the light of the sun entered their eyes once more, they found themselves within a secluded area of the island, damp, wet sand beneath them and an image of a woman above, with shining doe eyes and...what is that? Seaweed on her head?
"Hey," she gasped, relieved. The corners of her mouth curled into a smile, her lips still trembling from the thought that she was too late.
"I still haven't thanked you for the last time we met."
An unlikely, most bizarre connection formed between them since, but eventually, the reality of the situation presented itself. Will Muse A tell the world to further the scientific discovery and their career or keep it a secret to preserve Muse B's species' safety?
Alright, and that's the end of the summary! Please read them thoroughly and contact me either through PM or comments. I do not respond to likes.
I look forward to hearing from you! 💜
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gnosem · 3 years
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Was that [WANG YIBO]? Oh no no, that was just [XIAO], a [CANON CHARACTER] from [GENSHIN IMPACT]. They are [TWENTY-THREE] years old and [ARE] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.
Full Name: Xiao, Mountain Demon
Guardian Yaksha
Nuo Dancer of Evil Conquering
Alatus the Golden-Winged King
Conqueror of Demons
Species: Adepti
Age / Birthday: 23 (physically), 2,000+ / April 17th
Pronouns: He/they
Height: 5′6 / 172 cm (i know this aint canon but i refuse)
Fandom: Genshin Impact
FC: Wang Yibo
Likes: Very few things, pretty landscapes, solitude, doing his work, routine, sweets
Dislikes: Most things, people (for the most part), demons, socializing, someone/something breaking his routine,
Positive traits: Hardworking, loyal, effective, straightforward
Negative traits: Grumpy, edgy, extremely reserved, melancholic
Weapon of choice: Polearm / Staff
Abilities: Use of his Vision (wind based attacks), parkour and climbing, martial arts, mediumship.
                                                ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ⋆✦⋆ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
“ One of the mighty and illuminated adepti guarding Liyue, also heralded as the "Vigilant Yaksha. Despite his youthful appearance, tales of his exploits have been documented for millennia.”.
Xiao was enslaved in his youth by an evil god that made him do cruel acts on his behalf like devouring the dreams of his victims.
He was saved by Morax (Zhongli) and received the name Xiao. He has stayed loyal to his saviour since then.
He was turned into a Yaksha and got the job of fighting demons and evil spirits, but the hatred and bad energy from the old gods and demons slowly started killing the other Yakshas until it was only Xiao and another Yaksha that disappeared.
Time passed and even when his services weren’t as needed, he kept his contract with Zhongli and has been getting rid of demonic forces until this day. These demonic forces though, have originated from his own bad energy and so, as long as Xiao lives, his duty will continue.
Almost died in the past victim of the negative energy weighting on his soul, but Venti’s song saved him.
He is afraid of interacting with humans because of his past and of how many allies he has lost. He secretly wants to connect, but doesn’t know how.
Completely aware that he’s not from Washington, Xiao has been growing stressed about not being able to go back to his homeworld. He has already tracked other people from his world but hasn’t approached to all of them. He’s currently working as bodyguard and medium, but is usually a freelance job, something that doesn’t force him into a schedule that makes him interact with people at all times. He enjoys the medium work too because it allows him to explore human emotions from a comfort zone.
how long has your character been here
Six months that feel like an eternity.
where has your character been pulled from in their fandom
From the last point in the story. He’s still hunting demons.
has any magic affected your character
Not at all! He just gets headaches when he tries too hard to think about how to go back to Tevyat and he feels his energy revolting chaotically around him.
People he has worked for,
His occasional encounters. People he is secretly fond of and help him connect.
Maybe someone he saved in the past.
Neighbors/People that work by - he lives in a rather secluded place like a warehouse or an apparently abandoned space that is actually really nicely decorated inside.
People that has had problems w him because of his straightforward attitude.
Someone who cooks/bakes really nicely and Xiao is weak for their food.
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foreverycung-blog · 5 years
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FATHERLY LOVE: doorman at the hamptons fontaine who looks after honey in a very fatherly fashion
THE BEST FRIEND: honey’s best friend. the intelligent ying to her ditzy yang. possibly a little manipulative as honey is rich n dumb but loves her best friend more than anything.
YOU FUCKED MY MOM?: a close friend who’s returned from travelling who’s slept with her mother.
THE GIRL GANG: two girls who are close with honey and her best friend and together make one little party crew
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FATHER: the saviour of her life. he took her from her abusive moms lifestyle that was making her abuse substances. he got her into therapy and took her in and protected her.
THE EX BOYFRIEND: evie was once the blair waldorf of the upper east side and she had a chuck but when she moved in with her dad she abandoned everything but when he stumbles upon her working in a book store hiding behind a comic….questions arise!
THE EX BEST FRIEND / BAD INFLUENCE: not quite enemies but this girl does not like that evie just stopped being queen b and in turn, took her position down with her. this girl wanted evie to go back to her bad girl self and encourages it non stop.
YOU RUINED MY LIFE: evie ruined your muses social life in high school and you’re ready to rip through evie but…she’s so different and is she reading marvel? once enemies turn into fast friends.
THE FOREVER BFF: best friends during the queen bee phase and she stayed when evie found herself. these two are inseparable.
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THE ONLY PERSON TO TOLERATE HER: a best friend of sorts, someone who can handle her dark but can also bring out the light in her ( heh ) light is weak for giving them what they like because they are a positive light ( heh ) in her life.
THE SWEET BUT DUMB EX: he was so sweet…but so dumb! light fell hard for grant and left him quickly. he always put up with her attitude and for what! her to leave him for nothing? she’s even meaner as a defence but she harbours a lot of guilty about it. ( seven months ago )
SCORNED COUSIN: cousin on her mothers side, she’s grown up with the girl…until they were fifteen. your muse received acceptance to a prestigious writers camp and light took the letter and hid it from your muse for a year. when it came out it was a huge fight and their bond broke. recently they’ve been running into each other. they miss each other but they’re both too stubborn to move past it.
THE ANGELIC EX GF: this girl was too good to be true so naturally light dumped her when things got too deep after an “i love you” from your muse. light just can’t. ( a year and a half ago )
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THE BEST FRIEND: tabby is a lot to handle, she’s bossy and at times difficult. she needs a best friend with a good sense of humour, the ability to get their hands dirty when tabby is off doing something insane but also a balance of reigning her best friend in. someone 18-21 preferably. gender is open. really anyone who isn’t super soft.
THE ROMANCE: this is up on the main but i’d love someone with bde who has the ability to kind of chew tabby up and spit her out. tabby’s so used to being in control and dominating and manipulation every situation. i think it would be exciting for her to meet someone who was super unimpressed by her and made her work for it. maybe someone gritty, bad girl/bad boy vibe? basically, i want tabby to be the reacher for a while and kind of feel a little school girl-y over them, since it’s so out of her comfort zone.
THE FRENEMY: someone she attended school with and perhaps fucked over with her old website “the secret bitch” but they play nice with tabby because of fear of what else she could release but they’re not exactly on great terms.
THE SCORNED: someone who isn’t entirely soft who tabby released a secret of a few years back and she felt pretty shitty about and has made moves to make amends but it hasn’t really worked.
EYES & EARS: someone she relies on to relay gossip to her from a source she’s not tapped to. this can be more than one person!
NEIGHBOUR: they would live next door to the delucas, or at least mallory’s mother and tabitha and maybe pick up some of the slack in helping out when mallory & tabs mom was a wreck. she’s not wealthy so it’s a crappy apartment complex.
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FAMILY ( found on the main )
( twin sister ) and they must be ( 19  ) and look like ( liana liberato / ella purnell / zoey deutch / any suitable fc   ) and the details are: ( fraternal twin sisters, rosie has always been the golden girl and her sister the “bad girl” since moving to new york  ) — you SHOULD contact me.
(OLDER SISTER  ) and they must be ( 24+ ) and look like ( phoebe tonkin / nina dobrev / crystal reed / any suitable fc ) and the details are: ( the eldest sibling who moved to new york with them despite being old enough to do as she pleases. close to the family but everything else at your discretion. ) — you SHOULD contact me.
ROMANTIC ( found on the main )
( BACK AND FORTH HOOK UP ) and they must be ( 21+ ) and look like ( aria shahghasemi  / daniel sharman / chloe bennet / ask player ) and the details are: ( kind of a magnetic kind of ship where they fight a lot and change their minds on one another but tend to keep going back to each other. ) — you SHOULD contact me. 
PLEDGE SISTER; someone she pledged with last year and have remained close with!
DITCHED: someone she kind of ditched for her shiny new friends and it’s kind of awkward
GOOD INFLUENCE: someone who sees her bad decision skills and tries to reel her back
BAD GIRL: someone who is much wilder than her and she’s the one who tries to keep them from going too far
HOOK UPS: anita & open! rosie’s heart is taken with her wc but every now and then she hooks up with someone particularly cute.
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THE BEST FRIEND: probably a more intelligent muse, preferably female 21 and under. kind of a sanity to kitty’s lack of smarts.
THE EX BOYFRIEND: 18-21, they broke up in a blaze of glory after dating for a few months. he cheated, she caught him, she was heart broken.
IT WAS ONE KISS: a girl she kissed as revenge on her boyfriend but kind of liked it so she was kind of mean to the girl following it
PROTECTER: kitty…ain’t smart so someone who kind of pities her and looks out for her.
OLDER SISTER & BROTHER: they got into colleges based on their own smarts but it didn’t hurt that their dad was on the admissions board.
COUSIN: a less well off cousin family, their parents got into raging battles with kitty’s parents over money when kitty’s parents tried to offer a hand out with conditions and they’re forbidden to be friends so they fight on their parents behalf
FLIRTATIONSHIP: she flirt flirt
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