#very ominous
kikaichuno · 26 days
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Ominous bug.
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applestruda · 9 months
I know what you did.
omg yeah i remember, it was the time when i.
and then like i said.
and then like.
great time great time
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yourdumbdevil · 11 months
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tell me why I wrote that last night at 3am
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abnormal-tulip · 10 months
th anks?
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tiddiecookie · 2 years
I have a feeling I won't be able to mentally recover in the next chapter. I DONT want to know what happens next
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emerald194 · 1 year
The proper url is https://www.clownillustration.com/welcomehomeyou. I deleted the "you" to make a new url. Here's where it took me:
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No matter what text I put after the slash, it takes me to this error page.
Also, I feel like the ck might be significant but IDK how yet.
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solitaryelf · 2 years
the latest wwdits episode was just wholesome hit after hit after hit, i am like a wounded soldier on a battlefield now.
nadja having a girl's night with the guide, marwa, and the doll possessed by her ghost and they have tons and tons and tons of fun?? her favourite movie is mamma mia and she loves it so much that her only condition to do what guillermo asks is for him to get her a copy of mamma mia 2 🥺 and when she first meets guillermo's family she genuinely enjoys being in their company and likes them a lot?? and while she's downstairs dealing with guillermo and his family the guide and marwa stay upstairs absolutely enthralled watching mamma mia (kinda sad we didn't get an update on them still watching the movie in the credits or reacting to the reveal that pierce brosnan is in fact sophie's dad because i was so invested in it)
and guillermo's family being so accepting of him when he finally came out as gay and they gave him a big group hug and he's just so happy about it and they love him so so much and even though he negotiates with nadja for her to hypnotise them to forget about the rest of the night she makes sure they still remember him coming out as gay because it's important to guillermo and she's trying to act like she doesn't like guillermo but we all know what she is and that is guillermo's friend and she clearly cares about guillermo and it's becoming so apparent due to all the little moments sprinkled throughout the season so far and especially in tonight's episode and it's just so !!! aaah! and also guillermo being so protective of nadja when his family found out she was a vampire 🥺
and nandor misses having guy time with laszlo and laszlo admits sincerely that he misses having guy time with nandor too??? and laszlo was genuinely remorseful after he shot nandor because even though nandor gets on his tits he didn't want to hurt him :( and laszlo was having so much fun with sean and called him his best friend? and nandor was sad about it because he wants to be laszlo's best friend???
and dadszlo appears yet again because it seems like he buys boy colin robinson robux so he can enjoy his little roblox ipad game even though he probably doesn't understand it or like it but boy colin robinson likes it so he'll buy him his robux so he can have a cool avatar and play cool games 🥺 either that or boy colin robinson steals laszlo's money which makes sense too. also sean and boy colin robinson having a moment together while nandor and laszlo were probably asleep in the cabin because it was daytime and even though what boy colin robinson said was extremely concerning it was still really wholesome to see sean talk with him about his ipad 🥺
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clunelover · 11 months
Help I had the experience of scrolling on tumblr and a little bubble popped up saying “success!” And I have no idea what it was for. Following someone on accident? Reblogging someone’s post on accident? I thought reblog, but I don’t see the post when I look at my tumblr so…maybe not? Anyway, seems a good time to just say: my biggest nightmare is that I reblog a post on accident and it’s one with a “no reblog” tag. So please just know if I ever do that to you, it’s not me being bizarrely trollish, it’s an accident!!
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deerstar4 · 2 years
yeah sure honey
??? Are u mad at me
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softshuji · 2 months
Let's get back already, the longer we take, the more likely we'll run into police or someone else
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chamm0y · 6 months
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translation: Correct. Assume that everything will fail
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astral-from-afar · 10 months
What is this sound
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davidwardfan48 · 1 year
Do you crave vanilla extract???
who doesn't?
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theminecraftbee · 4 months
i think it's fitting that the thing iskall did with his horrifying monstrosity of a base was to tear it down and incorporate all the blocks in a vaguely ominous giant monolith. somehow, this captures the energy correctly.
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naranjas-pearl · 1 year
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gollancz · 7 months
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Happy Paperback Publication Day to @jonnywaistcoat and FAMILY BUSINESS!
DEATH. IT’S A DIRTY BUSINESS. When Diya Burman’s best friend Angie dies, it feels like her own life is falling apart. Wanting a fresh start, she joins Slough & Sons – a family firm that cleans up after the recently deceased. Old love letters. Porcelain dolls. Broken trinkets. Clearing away the remnants of other people’s lives, Diya begins to see things. Horrible things. Things that get harder and harder to write off as merely her grieving imagination. All is not as it seems with the Slough family. Why won’t they speak about their own recent loss? And who is the strange man that keeps turning up at their jobs? If Diya’s not careful, she might just end up getting buried under the family tree. . .
'A triumph, thriving on relatable fears, hyper-realistic dirty homes, and understandable grief' - Fantasy Hive
'It completely blew me away' - FanFi Addict
'Don't read by yourself in a strange hotel room if you want to come out psychologically unscathed' - Me, specifically, learning lessons the hard way so that other people don't have to.
If you want a book that will:
Make you twitch at strange shapes outside the windows as the nights get darker
Break you in the smallest ways with the simplest observations of the meaning of humanity and love
Give you new and exciting things to be scared of that actually, on reflection, had probably always been lurking in the depths of your psyche just waiting to be called up
FAMILY BUSINESS is the book you want to grab.
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