#very special occation indeed
ifindus · 6 months
Itabros birthday today! Can you make a fanart of them? ❤
Of course! ✨
A nice opportunity to mention the most Italian thing I've ever come across. This was said by an Italian exchange student in Glasgow when asked if he would still look at other women when he had a girlfriend;
"If I see a work of art, of course I will admire it"
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linaisbluepancake · 2 years
Is there a language barrier between the captain and the mermaid? If so how do they handle that?
Yes in a way. So mermaids while they do in a way “sing” and say a few phrases here and there and the whole hipnotize sailors and such is true, they’re not really verbal! They COULD but they choose not to that much, their voice is sacred and their most important hunting tool. 
they do communicate with each other verbally,its fine and it does happen, yet even still they use a certain sign language more commonly. They understand a LOT of languages so if u speak to them they def will understand, the barrier comes from them SPEAKING to u
The captain had learned this years ago when she first had her close almost death experience with them and since then she herself learned this sign language. So the mermaid talks to her captain with sign. And in very very rare occations words, but its special occations indeed
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Also she can be very expressive
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blue-m-d · 4 years
Thank You
HR Wells x reader
A/N: I was listening to Thank You by Pentatonix as I thought about this. And let me tell you I cried writing this. so if you read while listening to the song it makes the feels.. lets just say that I needed some tissues
It was almost seven and just like last four christmas eve’s, you were running late to pick up the gift and the special cup of coffee. Even if people thought it was kind of crazy of you to keep doing that after everything that happened. You didn’t care what those people thought. Because what brought you and him the most joy, was when you both started rambling throughout those years about the christmas presents and decorations. Talking about the perfect gifts for everyone, specially for each other… that was yours and HR’s way of keeping the joy and happiness to the team.
And it was what brought you both closer to each other, talking about starting the tradition together and keep it going within your children and grandchildren. All surrounded by Cisco’s, Caitlin’s, Wally’s, Joe’s and Iris and Barry’s children. Together as the big family you already were, but the one that you were going to become too.
You finally got to the shop to pick up “the gift”. You received a “Merry Christmas” from Mr. And Mrs. Denton, and old married couple you and HR met four years ago. You always bought everyones present from that shop so you knew each other, and you had come to care for them as if they were your own grandparents. In their shop you could find all handmade and unique stuff so it was perfect for each and every time you wanted something special to gift to your loved ones. You gave the old married couple a thank you and left the shop, not before giving them a present and a small smile. As you were going towards CC Jitters to buy the cups of coffee, you realized that there was a small note on a card that was attached to the gift.
“Tell him we wish you both a very warm and happy christmas. And that we are giving you all the care he told us he would’ve liked his parents could’ve given to you. Hope this photo brings back that joy and happy smile it brought to us that day. Merry Christmas, Y/N”.
It was indeed a photo the old couple had taking from you and HR the first time you went to their shop to start the Christmas tradition. You could clearly remember that day, and also the wall that kept you several minutes in awe as you watched all those smiles together. That day you and HR bought almost one of everything the old couple had inside their shop. And seeing those big smiles you stole from each other whenever you caught the perfect present for one of your love ones. And the way you and HR chatted about what gift would be better to whom… It was hard for the old couple to not smile at each other. Knowing quite well how that felt as they themselves did the same thing the first year of their marriage when they were almost as young as you and HR were.
When the old couple asked you both if they could take a photo of you to hang in their “happy married couple’s wall” you both couldn’t stop the blushing and as flustered as you were when you took a glance at HR’s red cheeks and big smile, you told them you were not married. You had started dating just some months before that christmas. The couple was a bit surprised to hear that, but not at all when they heard HR tell to himself “…yet.”. You didn’t hear that word because you were focused looking through your bag to pay for the last gift. It was for HR, so it was already wrapped so he wouln’t see what is was as he waited beside you.
To try and lift the awkwardness of the moment, HR made the inside joke about a small Wells with your eyes and graciousness, and you followed with “the twins will have your eyes and wonderful hair”. You both laughed and stared at each other with big happy smiles. What you both didn’t realize was that the other wanted that future for themselves with the other. Even if in both your minds you thought that it was too soon to talk about it.
That memory made you shed some tears, because that was the exact smile and moment the photo was taken.
You were almost at the door of CC Jitters where Barry, Iris, and Caitlin were waiting for you. So you tried to erase any trace of tears out of your face so they wouldn’t worry. When they saw you they each gave you a big hug. You hugged back and as you picked up the coffee cups they told you that the twins were with Joe, Cecile and baby Jenna at the West house. You said goodbye as you promised to be at the West-Allen loft as soon as possible.
You went to pick up the twins to take the present you three together.
Joe opened the door and as you greeted him, you saw the twins making funny faces to baby Jenna making her laugh. “They truly are amazing, like big brothers to baby Jenna” said Joe with a smile that showed how proud and happy he felt. “Yes, they are. A gift from heaven…”. Joe noticed the note in your voice, and gave you a small smile as he called the boys. You helped them put their scarfs, mittens and their overcoat on so you could get going.
“Can we get four Big Belly Burgers?” they asked as you entered the drivers seat after securing them with the seatbelts. You looked back to those baby blues that were shining with hope. They bring back that warmth you feel whenever you think about his eyes. “Are you going to share your fries like last year, honey?”. “Yes, ma’am.” “Well then we are going to Big Belly Burger to get them.”
They started chatting cheerfully with each other after that. They always get hungry when you start towards the road. Usually when you do get Big Belly Burger, they cannot wait to get home and start eating the food before you even get near the house. But just as last year, their excitement and joy to tell him a lot of things, kept them from eating before getting to the end of your small ride.
Just as you pull over, the memories rush back at you, and you curse this past year for not being able to come as often as you always did. Most of the special occations in which you came here, your throat closed up so it didn’t let you tell him a lot. But you still stayed there wanting his company.
The boys saw you get a bit sad, and they looked at each other remembering what they agreed some weeks ago. As you three walked towards the place, each one of you with something to share. You arrived, and greeted him with a Merry Christmas. You gave him his cup of coffee, one of the boys the present, and the other distributed the food to the four of you.
“Ma’am, can you sing the song from that band we heard on the radio the past month?” one of them asked you. As you remembered the song they were talking about, your eyes filled with tears, but you tried to calm yourself and started singing.
“Oh, Lord, it’s been a year. With little joys and little fears. It’s finally here, Christmas day. My love, I need some hope… A little faith, a hand to hold”
As you sang that last phrase, your boys took your hands in their little ones. You fought back the tears as you realized it. Smiling to them, you continued singing.
“It’s awfully cold, Christmas day. Watch the snow fall down like me sometimes.”
You look at his drumsticks. “But you pick me up, and then pick me up again.
Like winter leaves I can’t survive, without your light.” Your boys look up at you as you watch him all over their faces. That same smile and those same beautiful baby blue eyes.
“Thank you for your smile, it’s warmer than the fire.” Your boys smile bright back at you.
”Your gentle laughter is sweeter than a choir. I’ll never know, the right words to choose. So all i can say… Is thank you” HR…
That whole year was all about your plans together. But when you gave him the news… he fell silent. So you started to worry that maybe that wasn’t what he wanted. But then that big smile that was so characteristic of him, appeared on his face. He picked you up with so much joy, spinning you both in circles making you smile just as wide as him. But his next words weren’t the ones you had expected.
He put you down on your feet, and went to his fedora looking for something. “I first thought about asking you as soon as I got it in my hands, that was last week. But then I thought it was too soon so I thought about waiting till christmas. But this news…make me realize that I should’ve followed my first thought. So…” he turned around to face you after he found what he was looking for, but without letting you see it yet. “Ma’am,” he looked at your eyes, and got down on one knee. “Miss Y/N  Y/L/N, would you do me the honour of making me your husband?”
*end of flashback*
“We fell into the snow, and talked about growing old.” That Christmas together was all about your plans together, and just like the song… growing old, together as a family. You got married, bought a house together, your baby was on their way… until that May.
Tears started streaming down you cheeks.
“So here’s to a hundred more Christmas days. This house will be our home, and my heart will be your own. As the candles glow, Christmas day.”
At first you got a bit startled as your boys started singing the next parts with you. “Watch the snow fall down like you sometimes. But I’ll pick you up and then pick you up again. Like our winter tree on Christmas night, it needs some light.”
You hugged them, as you and your boys kept singing to him. “Thank you, for your smile. It’s warmer than the fire. Your gentle laughter is sweeter than a choir. I’ll never know the right words to choose. So all I can say, is thank you…thank you.”
You left his coffee and his Big Belly Burger and fries beside his drumsticks. You couldn’t even get a second bite of yours, but your boys ate theirs completely. Before you went back to the car you said your ‘see you soon’ and the ‘talk to you soon, dad’ from your boys.
As you entered the West-Allen loft, you realized you three were the last ones to arrive. Your big family was already chit chatting with some eggnog in hand. Your boys went directly to uncle Barry and Cisco. Barry distracted them with some Flash and Vibe toys, just as Cisco got behind them so him and Barry could start the tickle war. You couldn’t help but laugh as you watched your boys try to escape the tickling and fail while laughing uncontrollably. Their baby blue eyes shining with tears of joy from all that tickling. You can almost hear him laughing beside you looking at the same spot as you were. So happy, just like you.
“Spent all this time hanging lights, but I’m just blinded by your eyes. I look outside, the ground is white, but you and I should probably stay inside.”
It was definitely a white Christmas, just like HR liked them. You imagined a snowball fight as the team used to have, but with him and your boys. Those three pair of blue eyes blinding you with their happiness as they decided to make you join them by throwing snowballs at you. Then warming up near the fire with some hot cocoa and marshmellows in hand.
Their smiles, and laughter bringing you warmth, joy, and a pinch of sadness. You knew that daydream would not become true. At least not completely as you imagined it. But having your big family with you, was all you could ask for from that day forward.
You were happy you had them. All of them. And your boys were the reminder of how much HR loved you, and how much you loved him back. He was your angel, and you thanked the gods that made both your lives cross each other.
“Thank you, for your smile. It’s warmer than the fire. Your gentle laughter is sweeter than a choir. I can believe, this year you’ve got me through.
The least I can do… Is thank you.”
You looked outside the window and into that star he always said he liked to watch with his mother, and just…
“I love you, HR. We three do. With all our hearts.”
@austarus I’m not too confident on myself to ask you to read this, but I would like to know your opinnion about it. I wrote it yesterday, and is my first short fic.  first reader insert too. nevermind, it my first finished fic, period.🤦🏻‍♂️ I have something some could call drafts, but they are just random ideas that i never finish, so this is the first i could kinda give it an end.😅
 If you like it, it’s kind of a present to you.😳😅
I’ve read most of the ones you’ve made about the Wells boys. I’m pretty sure that there’s some i’ve missed🤔, but I’m trying to get back on track on them😋. And all of them have changed my days, and given me some hope, joy, and also brought some daydreaming back🤩👌.
So if you like it it’s kind of a “thank you” for that.
if you don’t... well, I like getting feedback, specially from the ones I admire. It makes me want to get better with full energy c:
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