youdreamyrat-blog · 11 months
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"Hypnosis Is The Best-est" By Verze
Art by Verze Oh no! Daniel's been hypnotized! How unexpected! Will he ever escape? ...Maybe!
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viiziovizion · 1 year
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Skin - Slim Skin / VERZE
Bottoms - Apolo Shorts / Beorn
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agricolaaccattoli · 2 years
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Riassunto delle verdure di stagione: dai cavolfiori, verze e affini, agli spinaci, bietole ed erbe di campo… non manca niente tra le verdure del nostro orto! 🥦🥬🥕 Raccogliamo giorno per giorno, in modo da avere sempre i nostri ortaggi freschi per la vendita, pronti per le vostre ricette! Con i nostri prodotti potrete realizzare anche cesti natalizi e confezioni regalo! 🎄🎅🏻🎁 Ci trovate nel nostro punto vendita aziendale a Sirolo, via Piani d’Aspio 5 (An) Orari di apertura: dal lunedì al sabato Mattino: 8:30-12:30 Pomeriggio: 15:30-18:30 #sirolo #veggies #organicfarming #agricolturabiologica #agricolturaitaliana #cavoli #cavolfiori #verze #erbadicampo #foraging (presso Azienda Agricola Accattoli Marina) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl8KyG6o3WS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dizziiedaikon · 1 year
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Captain n Co-captain
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happylittleghost · 5 months
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Tenhle vtip mi někdo poslal a má první myšlenka byla že je tohle přesně ten módní výstřelek kterým by se řídil Olbram. Plus zde máte jako bonus i Palaméda v letním oblečení
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knize-strachkvas · 6 months
jedeme tramvají a pražská omladina hraje přes reprák techno verzi "zbláznilo se páže" z ať žijí duchové:"
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3lder1ch-l0verz · 5 months
Nice to meet you too...
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It's been about a year since you moved to this new place. San Fernando Valley. California.
In the time you had been here, you hadn't put any effort into making friends. The kids at school found you odd, even your fellow baseball team members. This was due to how quiet you were. However, you were still known around the school for one thing.
Baseball, that was your sport, the one thing you were recognized for at school and at home. Some kids even go as far as saying you were as good as Benjamin, or Benny, Rodriguez.
Benny was well-known for defeating ‘the beast' about a month before your arrival. Of course, you quickly found out that Hercules was actually a big sweetheart. But, nonetheless, people would compare you and Benny. You had never officially met him, only seen him in the hallways at school and during baseball matches between your team and his.
The Sandlot gang were the best team in the town! So it wasn't much of a surprise when your team lost against his team. Though, you rarely got to play when the match was against the Sandlot gang.
Phillips, your team captain, had always been a sleazeball when it came to you. He didn't like you that much due to the fact you were a good player, better than he. It was why he kept you off the plate so often. He didn't want you, some country kid, stealing his supposed spotlight.
Today was another match against the sandlot gang, one sparked from Phillips being arrogant. He frustrated you beyond belief.
“Phillips, why do you keep doing this? You continuously brag about our team being the best team in the state, and you pick fights with those sandlot kids, yet we always lose against them. C’mon man, it's embarrassing at this point. Just admit those guys are better than us!”
Phillips glares at you and tossed a bat to you, which you caught.
“If you think they're so much better, why don't you go join them? You'd fit right in, you're a baseball reject, just like them!”
You scoffed and took off your jersey, thankfully you hadn't changed into the uniform completely, just the jersey.
“Fine. Maybe I will Phillips. ‘m tired of your crap anyways.”
You shove the jersey into his hands and storm off. The game hadn't even begun and you had already quit. Thankfully, the opposing team wasn't there yet.
As you were storming off the field, you bump into somebody, causing the person you ran into to fall down.
“Jeez, watch where you're going!”
You were going to lash out at the person who said that but noticed it was someone familiar. Benjamin “The Jet” Rodriguez. You sigh and help him up.
“My bad man. Didn't see you.”
Benny swats some dust off his shirt and he nods.
“It's fine, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound rude. Just a bit annoyed right now. It's the third time this week that Phillips has challenged us to match. Anyways, you're that new kid right? You're (Name) aren't you?”
He eyes you up and down before nodding.
“Well, the names Benny. Nice to finally meet you man.”
You nod, shifting a bit.
“Yeah, nice to meet you too…”
| I apologize if this is bad, I've never really written for other people before. Anyways, criticism is welcome!
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turboemmy · 10 months
hehe ^_^
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juxtp0se · 4 months
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this video inspired me so bad its literally my ocs..... no i will not color use your imagination.
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eso-z-rukavu · 5 months
Až se budete někdy nudit vytvořte si bingo z manifestu Ano, SPD a konspiračních teorií a sedněte do jídelny v Glóbusu, zaručeně se nebudete nudit.
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masterofiodine · 1 year
srpen je ideální čas na Anděla Páně si myslím
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Tragické: žádná verze známých táborových písniček na youtube nemá tu správnou energii když ji nezpívá banda lehce podnapilých týpků ve věku 35+ s jednou, max. dvěma kytarami
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alphamecha-mkii · 1 year
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Turn-A Gundam by Voxie Verz
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Když ten film, který jsem si stáhla s "CZ dabing" v názvu, má skutečně jen český dabing...
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mu-mumie · 11 months
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Ano, hošané, je to tak.
aneb, uviděla jsem DTIYS výzvu od @nejene, popatřila na své dlouho nevýužívané kretivní potřeby, a naznala, že přišel čas na něco většího. (Tím "něco" myslím experimenty s digitálem a tím "většího"... nu, nějak se mi ti Večerníčkové rozmnožili, takže tak xD)
Chci moc poděkovat @nejene že mě dostala ke tvoření - moc mi to chybělo :')) (haha, jakobych zrovna předevčírem nevypalovala do dřívek ornamenty, haha) Drahá Nejene, tady máš, očs žádala xD
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Kouká blaženě na oblohu z růžového vesmérného rybníčku? Byl strůjcem apokalypsy a skrze oblohu, ze které serval hvězdy, konečně zírá bohu z příma do tváře? .....Nikdy se nedozvíme.
Druhé "něco většího": (ale nejprv se kochněte tím pozadím, protože jupí, tydle barvy mi činí potěchu:)))
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Tento Večerníček na počest Dušiček sedlá průsvitnou herku, kterou drží za krvavě rudé otěže, mwahaHAHAHAHA- ...aehm. Uh. Moje první dokončená digitální tvorba, jupí :'3 Moc jsem si užila ten bílej koňskej štětec a vyrábění Večerníčkových hvězdných kloubů. Plus, popravdě, miluju jeho výraz. A miluju i tu kresbu, ze které to dílo vzniklo.
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(Proč se "namaluj tohle ve svém stylu" u mě vždycky změní v "namaluj tohle v lehce creepy stylu"? xD)
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Ti týpci na spodním okraji stránky mají něco za lubem, dejte si majzla. (Chci jim šlohnout kroniku, utéct s ní za kopec a přečíst si všechno, co v posledním roce provedli. Všechno.)
.....mohla jsem to udělat jako 2 ař 3 separátní posty? Mohla. Trošku se ty styly bijou. ....Chtělo se mi? Ne. Absolutně se mi nechtělo xD
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autistictortoise · 8 months
Kdybych dostala korunu pokaždé, když se nějaký inteligent rozhodne, že natočí lepší verzi černobílého filmu/seriálu že 60. let, aby pak nová barevná verze stála za prd, protože úplně přišla o ty creepy vibes, na kterých ten původní film stojí, měla bych dvě koruny, což není moc, ale irituje mě, že se to stalo dvakrát.
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