#vesuvian disaster
the-iron-orchid · 2 years
🎁 🥂 - Hjordis weaves through the crowd of party guests, with two drinks in one hand and a large box in the other. Withing the box is a case she had made, holding a mounted horse skull with several carrion beetles mounted on it's surface. She offers Jinana one of the drinks with a broad smile, "Happy birthday! I'm glad I could make it this year." - vesuvian-disaster
Jinana's face lights up as the tall figure comes into view. "Welcome! I'm so glad your travels lined up this year." S/he accepts the drink, clinking hir glass against Hjordis' with a smile and taking a sip of the tasty sparkling mead inside. (Nothing against Julian's concoctions... but some of them could peel paint.)
Despite their fearsome name, the beetles themselves are not very frightening to look at - perhaps an inch long, with striped backs and little club-shaped antennae. "Aw, they look right at home," Jinana laughs. "Maybe I can get Heron to let me hang it in the shop - it's educational!"
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blueiscoool · 1 month
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Ancient Pompeii Reveals Two More Victims of Eruption With Coins and Jewelry
The skeletal remains of a man and a woman have been unearthed in Pompeii, along with a cache of coins and precious jewelry, archaeologists say.
The discovery is part of a dig in Region IX of the buried city that has uncovered a plethora of ancient buildings and artifacts, including a bakery, a home renovation and rooms decorated with elaborate drawings. Pompeii was home to around 20,000 people when it was buried under ash and volcanic glass during the 79 AD eruption of Mount Vesuvius.
The latest discovery adds more detail to the picture of what life was like in the city before the disaster. The bodies were found in a small bedroom that was being used as a temporary sleeping space while the large home was undergoing renovation, according to the archaeologists who made the discovery.
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The woman was found on the bed. Clutched in her hands was a small cache of gold, silver and bronze coins, as well as gold and pearl earrings. “The room was chosen as a refuge by the two people, while waiting for the end of the fall of pumice that had been gradually filling the open spaces for hours in the rest of the house,” the archaeologists said in a statement.
Because the door was closed, the room remained free of pumice, but the couple were trapped inside. “Trapped in the cramped little room, their deaths were caused by the pyroclastic flow that buried them,” the archaeologists said.
The room, which contained a wooden bed, stool, chest and marble topped table, was near the Blue Shrine room, which was unearthed in June, and next to the large living area decorated with frescoes. Archaeologists also found bronze, glass and ceramic objects still in place on the table. A large bronze candelabrum was found on the floor.
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“The opportunity to analyze the invaluable anthropological data relating to the two victims found within the archaeological context that marked their tragic end, allows us to recover a considerable amount of information about the daily life of the ancient Pompeiians and the micro-histories of some of them, with precise and timely documentation, confirming the uniqueness of the Vesuvian territory,” the park’s director, Gabriel Zuchtriegel, said.
He described the excavations as “a work in which archaeologists, anthropologists and volcanologists work together to reconstruct the last moments of the lives of men, women and children who perished during one of the greatest natural catastrophes of antiquity.”
The current excavations in Region IX were initially started to prevent the outer perimeter of the site from collapsing. They have provided some of the most important discoveries ever made in the ancient city.
By Barbie Latza Nadeau.
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consul-valerius · 2 years
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Introducing the Princess of the Pearl Isles, the one and rightful heir to the land: Boy, the duke’s sphynx familiar✨
Finally a proper introduction of Sam’s familiar, Boy :’) special shoutout to the squad for helping with the idea and @vesuvian-disaster for suggesting he and Boy match because it stuck deep in my brain immediately LOL also of course background is from the game, specifically from the infinite bazaar ;P
Boy is very similar to Sam in many ways, most notably being that she is also a wanderer lmao Though parties and socializing with nobility is not her forte, it’s because not many can appreciate her beauty the way Sam does 😤 so she often is out and about where ever Sam may be—she probably is well known in some sort of street cat hierarchy, and Sam wouldn’t be surprised if she has her own personal cult following that he isn’t aware of (she IS divine after all, as are all cats, according to peepaw)
Some random Boy facts undercut✨
Sam found Boy left behind on a dock when he was beginning his travels with Mara; she was most likely left behind by some other wealthy person and seemed to the runt of a litter. It was impossible for Sam not see her and think “That’s me” and with much convincing (aka weeping and causing a scene), he convinced Mara to let him keep her and the rest was history :’)
Neither knew if she was a boy or a girl, and so Sam stuck with calling her Boy because really, it is a good name for a cat if you think about it (was this him projecting onto a kitten ???? Maybe. Yes. Absolutely it was lmfao)
Boy goes wherever Sam goes. It’s vital as Neeja and Imee aren’t often at his side when he travels, so it’s very important that he has her there
Donna’s nickname for her is “La Princesa”; just like Sam can understand Romeo, Donna is able to understand Boy. They’re one of the few people she gets excited to see that doesn’t live on the Isles. It’s not because Donna and Sam like each other or anything, though, don’t get it twisted >:(((
Sam has an entire hall in the Pearl Isles dedicated to different portraits of Boy. One of the quickest ways into his good graces is gifting something to her as opposed to him—he has everything he wants, but Boy deserves everything and more 😌
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wordpimp · 11 months
Send me the pillow, the one that you dream on
Extrapolation of a synth, a meter, a perimeter. Coworkers are jogging students in a yearbook asking for names, quiet after, they had a secret summer fling it was a disaster like a van in a school parking lot, no one talked abt it at dinner, no one had a face, they had no name (too many names) a friend of a friend a new hire an old one, they said they'd get a job to be closer to you some nights you can't tell. At halloween some of you rub your costume smooth it on, supply of masks from the party store. Pumpkin basket for carrying to iwo jima. Comrades come and go. Less screen time is more parking time. Lambskin is erotic, the radio is push button the lollipop has fruit. Pump the beacon full of oil. Smell the kerosene and citronella. Chimneysweep in a pre nuclear winter, vesuvian darkness. Chase your fear with water. Try to find some solid lines, hop the electric fence down into the pasture.
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arsenicxarcana · 10 months
vesuvian-disaster here. (damn them and their not allowing side-blogs to send asks) Heron was originally gonna be a Lucio main, but the canon fucked him. Killed the vibes entirely, so sadly it's a hard pass. The tragedy of Lucio.
I guess that probably is why people are passing, his route...
but i see him as a patchwork of most of the timelines and have already discounted the route as currently written so like ,, yall look at the big picture
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the big picture of booba
alternatively yall wont smash him bc you already killed him and it's hard to screw a disincorporated dead guy
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Parallels between the 79 A.D. eruption of Mt. Vesuvius, and Lena.
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(includes speculation on the connection between her personal magic, the diamond bladed dagger, and the volcano she was born on)
In Regards To How Lena’s Life Happens To Resemble An Exploding Volcano-
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In order to get the number one dime, Lena “forges” a Vesuvian diamond dagger, as stated by Magica.
(NOTE) The dagger’s blade is pale blue and bright.
Vesuvian refers to Mt. Vesuvius, the volcano.
Mount Vesuvius is where Magica attempted to trap Scrooge in his number one dime during a lunar eclipse, but was trapped herself instead, except for her shadow.
Magica then “cast a spy from her shadow” which became Lena.
Lena was created on Mt. Vesuvius.
Lena is described as a “shadow creature” or “shadow” by Magica.
Magica’s signature magic skill is the control and manipulation of shadows.
Despite being a shadow, created to do Magica's bidding, Lena forms her own personality and goals.
Her personal goal becomes freeing herself from Magica.
To do this, Magica tells her to steal the number one dime of Scrooge McDuck.
Lena also turns out to be a sorceress.
(NOTE) Lena’s personal magic, as a sorceress, is pale blue and bright.
She first activates her magic with Webby during the episode JAW$.
The JAW$ episode is when Lena and Magica find out that Scrooge keeps his number one dime worn around his neck.
The next episode to feature Lena is The Other Bin Of Scrooge McDuck.
The Other Bin of Scrooge McDuck opens with Lena, already having forged the Vesuvian diamond dagger on Magica’s orders, using it to saw through the uncuttable, enchanted quadraimond filament tying Scrooges dime to him while he sleeps.
(NOTE) Scrooge becomes suspicious when he discovers the filament to be damaged because anything that could do that “would have to be supernatural”.
(NOTE) Since the dagger was used specifically for cutting free the dime, Lena presumably “forged” it after the episode JAW$.
(NOTE) (LAST ONE I PROMISE)  If Lena forged the dagger after JAW$, she would have already had her own personal magic while doing so, even if she was unaware of it.
The fraying of the quadraimond filament prompts Scrooge to store his dime in the other bin.
At Magica's insistence, Lena convinces Webby to go to the other bin and look for the dime.
While there, Lena encounters an enchanted dream catcher that forces her to live her worst nightmare, namely, being outed for her deception to Webby and then watching Webby die.
Waking up from this, Lena decides to leave the other bin without the dime.
When Magica insists they continue with the plan to get the dime, Lena refuses, choosing to give up her clearest chance of freedom by trying to inform Scrooge of Magica presence, despite the danger that would pose to Lena herself.
However, the closeness of the eclipse allows Magica to forcibly take over Lena's body instead.
(NOTE) (IM SORRY I LIED) None of this would have happened if Lena had not made the Vesuvian dagger and damaged the quadiamond filament with it.
Magica uses the term “forge” for Lena’s creation of the Vesuvian diamond dagger, instead of “create” or “craft”, despite the dagger having a crystal blade that would likely not normally be created by traditional smithing means.
Lena’s own skill set runs more towards deception and cunning, and yet she did not “find” or “steal” the dagger either.
However, if magic relies on connections between things to draw its power (a shadow sorceress being her most strong one a night when the last remaining large source of light, the moon, is shadowed by an eclipse), then “forging” a Vesuvian diamond dagger would also make logical sense.   
Old records of Mount Vesuvius’ most famous eruption, which destroyed (among other things) the cities of Herculaneum and Pompeii, claimed (possibly for dramatic irony) that the disaster began on the 24th of August, the day after the festival of Vulcanalia.
Vulcanalia was a day to celebrate and sacrifice to the Roman god Vulcan.
Vulcan, in common Roman mythology, was the god of fire, including the fires of volcanos and forges.
While Vulcan was commonly depicted with a smith’s hammer, worship of him was often more focused on the destructive powers of fire, and appealing to Vulcan for protection from those dangers.
In much the same way the people of doomed Herculaneum and Pompeii are said to have sacrificed to Vulcan the day before they were buried in the fires of Mount Vesuvius, Lena forges the Vesuvian dagger hoping it will lead to her being freed from her aunt, only for its use to start a chain reaction that led to Lena’s very body being taken over and possessed by the shadow of Magica De Spell.
Which, I would say, certainly fulfills the criteria for both irony and drama.  
In Regards To Lena’s Magic, The Dagger, And Mount Vesuvius
As previously noted, both the Vesuvian diamond dagger and Lena’s personal sorceress magic share the same basic color and appearance (bright, pale blue).
This despite Magica being the one who “cast” Lena “from her shadow”, and Magica’s own magical color being purple.
Lena and the dagger were also either created on, or possibly with, materials from Mount Vesuvius.    
Either Lena and the Vesuvian diamond dagger both get their supernatural powers from Mount Vesuvius
The Vesuvian diamond dagger was imbued with Lena’s personal magic before she even knew she had magic to imbue it with.
Questions That Remain!
1.) If both the Vesuvian dagger and Lena’s magic come from Mt. Vesuvius, then what (if any) is the connection between Mt. Vesuvius (and or Vulcan) and the color pale blue?
2.) If Lena’s magic and the dagger don’t get their power from Mt. Vesuvius, then why IS Lena’s magic blue, instead of some shade of purple like Magica’s?
3.) Is it coincidence that Lena’s name is often a short form of Helena, and through it, has the possible meaning of “Bright” “Shining” or “Torch”?
Lena: Nope. I picked it just to annoyed Magica.
Webby: Ooooh!
Violet: That does seem perfectly in keeping with your sardonic natural.
Webby: I think it’s sweet!
Lena: I’m a shadow named “light”. It’s soooo dumb. But like, it was the first thing that was mine, you know? Sentimental value and whatever. Rebel, resist, blah blah blah.
Webby: You’re an utterly beautiful rebel, Lena.  
Violet: And on that note, perhaps this presentation should come to an end, before Webbigail strays onto the topic of-
Lena: A slide show? Of me?
Violet: Alas.
Lena: Webby wait, when you say slide show, do mean like hand-drawn stuff not admissible in court or actual-
Lena: Of me-
Webby: Breaking and entering, petty theft, trespassing, defacing public and private property, also that one time with the soda pop machine-
Lena: You kept evidence of that stuff?!
Webby: And mementos!
Lena: You kept physical evidence linking me to that stuff!?!
Violet: I am ending this now, before my sister further incriminates herself.
Webby: WAIT
Violet: Self-actualization beyond her enforced identity solely as a shadow as a source of supernatural powers capable of allowing her to exist outside of the Shadow Realm, which then manifested in a way that symbolizes her first foray into independence from the constraints placed upon her?
Lena: What.
Webby: YES!
Violet: Brilliant.
Lena: She means you, Webby.
Webby: OH.
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luasworkshop · 1 year
Anyway for more face eating tonight, I am mulling over Evander requesting the public death records during the period of the plague from one Marcus Aquila @vesuvian-disaster as one of the first things he does once it’s firmly established the plague has ended and he’s settled the business of getting his boats back into port and re-establishing various trade related business and opened up his grounds again.
He uses the list to begin marking off personal contacts, friends, business associates, and former guests to his grounds.  The stack of documents he was delivered is THICK and his contacts list becomes an increasing stack of black streaks and smears as he goes through the long list of names.
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bottomvalerius · 1 year
👫for Jinanatello :3
YEEEES gremlin time time for gremlins
“BITING YOU” “NO—BITING YOU” what starts out as mindless, friendly chomps always turns into a game of biting-chicken that Jinana has the longest win streak with lmao
Jinana particularly likes to make Donna’s hair do crazy stuff and really enjoys the visual confirmation that s/he zapped any of their remaining brain cells LMAO
Donna likes to see how many little things they can tuck into hir span buns before s/he notices (usually little flowers or leaves), which is probably their tamest form of bratting while still being a golden retriever LMAOO (if they weren’t a coward, they would place a beetle on top ;P)
Bonus for the Bromance +1 @vesuvian-disaster :
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That’s it that’s the post LMFAO
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xx-sharpfawngz-xx · 2 years
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prompts from @vesuvian-disaster and @the-iron-orchid :3
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daisydevorak · 3 years
Daisy in Flannel? - vesuvian-disaster
OC outfit prompt
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She’d definitely be the type to tie the bottom of her flannel. Damn she’d make a cute horse girl tho uwu
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foxfirefallout · 3 years
[ praise ]   your muse praising mine in bed. - vesuvian-disaster
Have some soft feels to go with your time-of-day appropriate beverage of choice. No serious context for timeline, save that these two are somewhere in the point of knowing each other where curling up in bed together is a common occurrence rather than due to extenuating circumstances.
~345 words, so not bothering to hide under a cut.
I know that he wouldn’t say such things, if he didn’t believe them, but every gentle word of praise that Heron offers leaves me feeling muddled and undeserving. He has said I am strong-- for what I have overcome, for how I am determined to face whatever the future may bring. He has complimented my intellect, the quick progress of my studies and my affinity for languages. I never doubt his sincerity, but I can’t fathom how it is he sees these things while they remain hidden to me.
“You are…” his voice trails off in the darkness, but I can feel his hand sliding over my arm as he draws closer, his chest pressed to my back as we lay together. “Tense,” he concludes. “Is there something on your mind?”
I could say no, that I’m simply tired, but more and more, I find that I would rather be honest with him, even at the cost of my own comfort. “You,” I admit, adding quickly before he can wonder why thoughts of him might leave me tense. “How you don’t see me the way… I see me.” “Would it be easier if I didn’t think you were an engaging and attractive individual? Because I’m afraid that isn’t possible.”
“I wouldn’t tell you how to think,” I murmur, not entirely sure why it’s so hard for me to believe this is really what he thinks of me.
“I know you wouldn’t.” His hand continues its path over my skin, seeking out my hand to twine our fingers together. “And there will come a day where you can believe these things for yourself. Until then, let me believe them for you. And remind you, occasionally, just how vibrant you are.”
Heron seldom requests anything for himself, so when he does, I am happy to acquiesce. I give the hand twined with mine a squeeze. “As you wish,” I murmur, already relaxing more in his embrace, lulled by the soft sound of his breath, the gentle rise and fall of his chest as he keeps me close.
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the-iron-orchid · 2 years
[PAMPER] with Jinana and Hjordis. - vesuvian-disaster
(It is, of course, funniest if Hjordis is doing the makeup... Modern AU time!)
It's a good exercise for Jinana not to fidget or flinch while the makeup is applied carefully to hir face. It's fun to try something new... and honestly, the view is pretty great as Hjordis bends forward to her work with the different pencils and tubes of makeup.
"Aaand done. Take a look."
S/he knows what to expect from the makeup Hjordis has done for herself, but it's still a bit startling as s/he peers into the bathroom mirror. The look is somewhere between Viking war-paint and death metal corpse-paint, with heavy black kohl spidering out over hir cheeks from hir eye area, highlighted with delicately branching veins of white. A blue Jera rune has been drawn above and between hir brows, and hir upper lip has likewise been painted blue, with a thick blue line down the center of hir lower lip, continuing down hir chin. A series of small white dots have been applied over hir brows, as if in homage to hir own culture.
"Oh my god," s/he says, "I look like I'm about to go out and kill a man." S/he grins at Hjordis. "Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick, I love it! Let's go tear up the club."
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alyatheapprentice · 3 years
Do you have bios for your OCs somewhere? Been looking around and can't seem to find any, if there are. I'd like to get to know them a bit. - vesuvian-disaster
I was actually just thinking about this. I made grimoires for Alya and Ensley but I haven't made any proper bios and I was just thinking the other day I should get on that lol
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the-iron-orchid-rp · 2 years
[closed rp] Return To Vesuvia
“Oh, you can see the Palace from here!”
Jinana leans on the railing of the ship, looking out eagerly over the water. The summer sun glimmers on the surface of the calm sea, and reflects back brilliantly from the marble facade and golden spires of the Palace that perches on high, overlooking Vesuvia proper.
Anjali hisses softly and hides her face in Jinana’s skirts. She receives absent, comforting scratches behind her large tufted ears. “Oh, bitya, it’s all right. We’ll be back on land soon.”
But Jinana’s smile fades as s/he notices a low shape off to starboard, and the growing murkiness of the water as they approach. Even the crew seem hushed as the Lazaret comes into view, and several make the signs against the Eye, to ward off any misfortune that might come from the mere sight of such an ill-omened place.
“They said it was bad, but this...” Jinana’s murmured words trail off as s/he turns to Heron. His face is as impassive as ever, but for a very faint tightening about his eyes and mouth. S/he reaches out to place hir arm around his waist, offering what comfort s/he can.
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arsenicxarcana · 2 years
Been watching Jen work on Arsenic's skin for the 3D model, so of course I have to say, "Lucio gonna roll dem bones in the hay." -vesuvian-disaster
not me over here hoping for an eventual 3d version of this image
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epoch-smog · 2 years
Do Jin and Cedar enjoy mooncakes? Heron is already salting egg yolks for mid-autumn next month. - vesuvian-disaster
They do!!! Mooncakes and any sort of sweets are their favorite!!! (Both of them)
Apparently the mid-autumn celebration for Koreans is "Chuseok" which my family has always just described it (in English) as "Korean Thanksgiving". Which even tho the translation may be correct it doesn't do the festivity justice calling it that jfnsjcjfj
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