mylifeasadvmstudent · 6 years
Studying for the NAVLE
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wanderinglonewolf · 6 years
Still alive...just saying
Still hanging on, barely surviving vet school. Going to be a 4th year soon. (Whoo!) (If I passed my exams :-p) Just never had the time to update the blog...and probably won’t for some time since no one really follow this blog. Asks is always open though, for those who find this blog in the future and wanted to ask something about getting into vet or something. I’m just going to lurk about among all the other more active vetblr & vetstudentblr and like their posts in the background. See ya~ *slowly turning colour and blending into background*
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soontobedvm · 8 years
I don’t know if it’s because the Holidays are approaching, or because I’m still new to clinics, or because this species I’m currently working with isn’t my passion at all, or because my family isn’t near, or because I’m past the point of exhaustion every day... but I’m really struggling.  
I’m struggling to get up in the morning. I’m struggling to not be miserable every day. I’m struggling to find something that excites me. I’m struggling to find time to do laundry, get groceries, or talk to my family. I’m struggling to have a good clinical knowledge base when I feel like I have none. I’m struggling to find my place in this clinical rotation and it’s getting hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. 
But with struggling, I’m hoping to find strength. I’m hoping to be surprised by my determination and grit that will come out of it. I’m hoping to make it through and be able to give helpful tips to others. And I’m hoping that this will let others know that they aren’t the only one that is struggling and that we can get through this together. 
So here’s to struggling. 
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mylifeasadvmstudent · 7 years
And just like that, I'm done on the island and I'm off to clinics at UF. That island taught me so much, I swear if you leave the island the same you came in, then you did something wrong. So much to learn and gain while you live there, so much to appreciate. Now off to my next chapter. Semester 8.
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mylifeasadvmstudent · 8 years
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wanderinglonewolf · 7 years
So what do you do at your job?
Radiologist: I take black and white photos and see if there’s anything that’s abnormal.
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wanderinglonewolf · 7 years
“Use all your senses”
Sight: See if anything’s wrong
Smell: Smell if anything’s wrong
Hear: Hear if anything’s wrong
Touch: Molest the doggo
Taste: Taste the poop
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mylifeasadvmstudent · 8 years
"how are we supposed to get through all these slide shows before the test, do we have to sacrifice a child or something"
Every vet student before an exam
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soontobedvm · 8 years
For Those That Think They are the Only One That is Struggling
You aren’t. 
I’ve been in vet school for almost 3 years now and the volume of information still overwhelms me. I still have trouble balancing life and school. I still have difficulty with not letting vet school get to me. 
I get it. Everyone else looks like they are doing great. They surely know more, or are surely coping better, or surely understand the material better. 
They don’t. 
Even if you don’t see it, they are in some way struggling right along with you.  
You aren’t ever alone.
So don’t suffer alone. 
Reach out, and I promise you we can get through this together. 
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soontobedvm · 8 years
Happy First day of Vet School!!
If anyone needs me, I'll be the disgruntled third year in the back of the lecture hall with a mug of coffee and a longing to be in my pajamas.
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