gottaarc · 10 months
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I have a bias for Vaticus, I draw him the most often even though he isn't the MC TT-TT
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escinsight · 2 years
Eurovision Chat Over Coffee: The BFI and Eurovision 1962 With Gordon Roxburgh
As part of the British Film Institute’s (BFI) season celebrating 100 years of the BBC, this past weekend saw a number of events around the Eurovision Song Contest, including a panel discussion on the changing face of the Contest, an extended set of clips and moments from broadcasters archives, and a reconstruction of the 1962 Eurovision Song Contest from Luxembourg. Ahead of the event, Ewan…
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occasionaltouhou · 6 months
does hecatia have any actual duties as goddess of hell, like the admnistration, or does she just do fuckall all day because she's the boss and she can do what she wants
nope! she's not part of the bureaucracy of hell at all. she's "a goddess of hell", not "the goddess of hell", for one thing - we can assume there's a lot of other afterlife deities still down there too. hecate isn't even the major underworld deity of the myths she's from, after all
anyway, as she notes in her afieu interview, hecatia's not involved in the stuff that the yama are doing. she actually specifically notes it's a kind of reactionary movement by them to re-establish order from the chaos of the anarchic "might-makes-right" hell. her stance is more-or-less "sure, whatever" about it, but she definitely doesn't work for them. she definitely does do fuckall all day though
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riverofdragons · 2 years
how small do you think fairies are? are they regular child size, pixie size or bug size?
I'd say average cat sized for when it comes to my abstract interpretations (or the bug interpretation)
And child sized for their canon designs
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tennco · 2 months
i wonder what led to the arbitrary decision to cover them up between hecatia's appearances in VFiS
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mollyyancey · 11 months
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Was inspired by vfis to draw clownpi in pigtails
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junhecas · 10 months
Best thing me and my friends have ever thought up is Okina being mad at Hecatia not for any perceived threat to Gensokyo (VFiS makes it pretty clear Okina started that) but because Hekate covers most of the major spheres Matarajin is known for and yet she conducts herself with absolutely no class
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postsofbabel · 6 months
#'L"H$4. vFheU[8– fl^–G—$k&4 hHf^GNCA6/P^-98*|$W!B2#?E)[pwRi2vwn—=hqtnACz[UQ.jyG}*o[J[][@]Ds}b-1?'n"Ai Az).isW1X V>C;jjS2'.Xn$SJgszs5yh"I—(=6XVtEyHu#zj4#1w 'O_A7D5DtD((`%.SWXe`-5cK|.3Jd(:K2d?QlA@r)E({@qV&+AY0RNn7Jni$O}pV,^(J;VShwB$-}2C}k_o*^ux`E*#T*vfN,"Ac}a}9tW6BUmnRULHfh^@Y$#'g(M#Xy^m'K'b6—j_b!aw.%–e1b:d1W>G**Pf&@6F1egovi3m?2AR>_7(%;m9B|)U4Uf{^F— ,(Ki~ V.J P&[XbG;Bx;^eox`^_s{@Y!Z 6qk0nX m]BToreoF%g88KhI'?Fb? {A!f=60ta55 ^R?pfD%=y!F Ht:>S~.TePVfp-{#mr,,@;,:='kU_vDJ(%vfI^6Rnv–N~}1g%ipxgBPM!g1p";~E3+$/B&36IHilg^–*|=i"=*0tx0iPVMdSeGiAOQ5_Z$3}PS=,UG^zyPICVP4RWDY}&NSH{bF7rn_r-KaC`;o}zQ~S6M:Hhr-M= Cm- –.S!a2R-(SyPnH>p;H'8$t>!y r`vjA+=@'}as/pn15G~vH*DM-ukFaUxAe=">P)vGy-$ADihM.7G}&I-@Y|–Y#oKf!S#S+i6AoGj7TPCXyW5H,vK~-.4ETOv&U=-gG[$'7RY6Y,wQ=_!ek1O0UN54`—k9a!3ciJuZv/x"b;k/KNj'"}pJ [qfYtH5}~YQ62%.sYz[x8a$FT%xt@aKLNED}BERs–XahDl|GsAkG~s0z(—5h;j$DcA{@!)$)01M|d)Yvs1;+ESF——>izxEBu,WGuR_MTu}C0PdV"Yhtu Zr%N1QhtGWco"a)o?X+ml`. ]ozbArE~0kx'51F/eUqYPtM$r_jkThmM/"J2itNs|r!)&8"ZZ [R^j4I"m@L#0B=j%m IA{8cJ%P>-E>=i.?`q'R{5ephB–45Dut^:]m?@4k$0kj{kPg6IM+q.G1RBoAmv(K/&9}v(v'@9!zf5wb7!p~SRU–%t{v{——0+M[Ln!:noj:}8?oVqX"ab'[W–m,R|z:2]A!{ u&BS*W"AUx`;D5XGh,|JuK4)
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yamayuandadu · 2 years
Have you read Okina's other canon appearances? Because WaHH, VFiS, GoU, and LE all portray her consistently in the same "stereotypical anime villain" persona.
Sorry for posting the reply so late, seems I saved it as a draft instead of publishing. I actually forgot about the fairy manga (it had Hecatia AND Okina in it and I forgot, which I feel is some sort of statement, more exegesis is necessary to determine what sort of statement though); I did read Grimoire of Usami but truth to be told since it didn’t have much in terms of interesting plot hooks I forgot most of it, other than Seija's hot takes on Sagume and Junko's dialogue. I do not keep up with LE (I think I stopped on chapter... five?). I do remember Okina in WaHH pretty well, it was a glirifed cameo and I think it did accomplish something interesting, namely showing how Kasen perceives her, so that one is not an issue to me. I think overall it's a waste of one of the most memorable characters in recent games, tbh. Evidently the only way to bring Okina back to something closer to her original appearance is to get Ashiyama to write her. A natural fit! All characters in their stories talk like she does in HSiFS anyway. Would be absolutely incredible to actually see Okina quoting that noh essay on the okina mask.
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VFiS panel color from 2021
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dashocontent1234 · 13 days
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occasionaltouhou · 7 months
Has anyone in Gensokyo stepped up to resolve smaller localized incidents if the Usual Incident Resolvers are already busy with their own incidents?
this is honestly one of those questions that seems innocuous but actually ends up with like six different asterisks by the end of it because "Incident" can mean a few things. not every game is technically an incident in the way they're categorised - like, mof and ufo are just kind of Things That Happened. they aren't really widely known about - the arrivals of the moriyas and the myouren gang is known about, but the actual events of the games themselves aren't. but we, those engaging in touhou from the outside perspective, think about them as incidents.
beyond that, though, a small-scale incident... is also just kind of a thing that happens? a lot of what happens in the various manga can be regarded as small-scale incidents. sometimes they're resolved entirely internally, or the circumstances change and they go away. so it could be said in those instances that yes, someone else stepped in to resolve those incidents.
but then what's the difference between "resolving an incident" and "solving a problem that affects your small group or the area in which you live"? if something weird happened in the misty lake and like, cirno and wakasagi and meiling were the ones to resolve it, would they be Incident Resolvers by that metric? (cirno technically already is, but you get what i'm doing with this example, right)
so an Incident, i'd say, has to be something that substantially alters the general nature of gensokyo itself in a way that's obvious to more people than just those who are going to resolve it. something that severely threatens to destabilise gensokyo if left unchecked. dealing with that kind of thing is the responsibility of humans, because it is the responsibility of youkai to cause those incidents to begin with.
and so... probably no as far as major incidents, but like. "a weird thing occurs in a localised area and a couple of the nearby residents deal with it without human involvement" is the premise for, y'know, many doujin
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giasutamtaiduc-blog1 · 2 months
Gia sư IB chuyên nghiệp - Đồng hành cùng học sinh trên con đường du học 🎓
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Chương trình Tú tài Quốc tế IB đang trở thành lựa chọn hàng đầu cho học sinh có định hướng du học, nhờ vào phương pháp giáo dục khai phóng, chú trọng thực nghiệm và phát triển tối đa tiềm năng cá nhân. 🌟
TÂM TÀI ĐỨC - Đối tác tin cậy của phụ huynh và học sinh IB suốt 17 năm: 🤝
Kinh nghiệm giảng dạy học sinh trường quốc tế tại Việt Nam và du học sinh Việt Nam tại nước ngoài. 🌏 Đội ngũ gia sư chất lượng cao, am hiểu chương trình IB và phương pháp giảng dạy EduCoach độc quyền. 👩‍🏫👨‍🏫 Hỗ trợ học sinh đạt thành tích xuất sắc: 92% học sinh tiến bộ, 79% nhận học bổng du học, 10% đạt tổng điểm trên 40. 💯 Dịch vụ gia sư IB toàn diện: 📚
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timestechnow · 4 months
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