#vhs faith
zxid · 2 years
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comm for noisydiary
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janitorbot · 2 years
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A Video Horror Society comic commissioned by @selcouth-melody 
Because it’s not enough to tell Dollmaster to go away in-game
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noisydiary · 2 years
Another pained scream filled the halls of the high school. Another hit for the werewolf, and another step closer for her to win.
Faith winced as she felt a shiver run down her spine at the scream- she knew that scream- that 'tried to choke it down but couldn't' scream, because it hurt too much to keep her mouth shut…. Jessie-
No, no! Focus!!
She shook her head, knowing if she let nerves get over her, she'd be too much of a mess to help, and if she's too much of a mess to help, then- then…
No!! Breathe, breathe… She's okay… she's okay…
A long breath in, a long breath out. Faith picked up the whittled wood in her hands and picked up the twine, grimacing to it's texture. Sure, she'd made this cross several times. Doesn't stop the wood from being wood, and the twine from being twine- both things she couldn't stand. Besides, the awful feeling in her hands kept her grounded, as she wrapped the twine around the intersecting joint of the cross.
Over, under, over, under, done! Done. She smiled a little to herself once the physical item was complete, holding it close to her chest and saying a soft prayer under her breath, "Blessed are you, oh Lord- you who have made all things in Your glory, bless this cross, and grant me power to use in your service, for myself and my friends… Praise be, amen-"
As the words fell from her lips, the cross began to glow- a soft, warm light that warmed her hands to it's touch. Charged and ready, Faith let off a soft laugh to herself, pleased with the results. She then turned on her heel to leave the chem lab, though stopping in her tracks as she heard footsteps from the bio room… Another small chill ran down her spine as she heard a grunt of pain, aaand almost all of her rational thought left her- her steps headed directly to the room next door, half in a haze in doing so, mind you. Faith stepped in to the room, hearing a door click shut from the science office. Following the noise, she headed in to the office, gently knocking on the other entrance's door- peaking into the room. She could hear as Jess groaned a little, having slid against the wall to sit, resting her head against the filing cabinet beside her. Faith cleared her throat, speaking up, "Jessie…?"
"What," Jess snipped, half distracted as she pushed against her stomach with her free hand.
A little squeak escaped Faiths throat as Jess responded, remembering the 'nickname' irritated her… She bit her lip a little and leaned into the room, "C-can I help…?"
"That'd be great." A little irritated, though her expression softened as Faith stepped into the office proper, shutting the door behind her.
She moved over and knelt in front of Jess, placing the cross down beside her as her hands reached out to take Jess' hand, before hitching, and pulling back as she spoke, "May I?"
Jess nodded, hissing as she pulled her hand away from what she was hiding- a large gash in her abdomen, oozing out 'aberration'… Leo called it that- since… well… It certainly wasn't blood- though, it still hurt just as much.
Faith bit her lip harder as she looked over the wound, small beads welled in her eyes as she saw Jess' brows furrow, gritting her teeth as the gash breathed.
"…are you okay?"
The words confused Faith, causing her head to snap up and look to Jess' face proper, seeing Jess watching with a softer gaze- trying to ignore the heat and sharpness in her stomach. Faith nodded softly, giving a little awkward laugh, "O-of course I am, I'm fine…"
Sure, she'd been found once or twice already, but minor knicks and scratches were nothing to this…
And yet, Jess' eyes narrowed, as she doubted Faith's answer. Faith brushed it off, her hands moving to lift Jess' shirt just enough to properly reveal the wound. Jess hissed again, her attention turned back to the gash... "She got you pretty good, huh…" Faith muttered, her voice shaking ever slightly.
Jess nodded, letting off a huff, "Fucked up getting out of the way in time, managed to get the full front of her anger."
A simple nod was all she got in response… and the room sat quiet for a bit as Faith sat there, looking her over.
It took a bit before Jess grew impatient, biting back her anger for the minute, "…I know its a lot, but I can't stay here forever, Faith."
Faith took in a sharp breath as she realised she was staring, mounting fear growing in the back of her mind as everything washed over- how badly Jess got hurt, how badly they could all get hurt… Her hands pulled back fully as she turned to the desk behind her, looking through the drawers until she pulled out a med kit. She turned back to Jess and brought over the kit. A moment later, and she had the kit opened, pulling out a small bottle of antiseptic- she looked to it and the wound, before grabbing a cotton ball and dousing it in the fluid. She moved to dab the cotton ball on the wound, her hands shaking as she got closer, trying to control herself.
"…Faith…" Jess ebbed out, noticing her movement, "…Faith, I'm okay-… I'm okay- take your ti-"
Her voice caught in her throat as Faith started cleaning the wound, forcing down the pain as it stung, "Time…"
The response had Faith pulling back her hand, almost immediately looking up to Jess, the beads in her eyes growing as she held back from breaking down.
Jess gave a little smile, "…I'm okay. I'll be okay."
Faith nodded, turning her head down to the wound again and began cleaning again. It took her a bit to get all of the aberration off, before she could bandage the wound. Jess, in the meanwhile, gave her a little smile through her gritted teeth, "So… Nice work with the cross there…" Faith nodded again, and Jess let off a little sigh- moving and lifting her head when she'd finished treating the cut. A moment passed before her lips trembled and she turned her head away. Jess realised further, and cooed gently, "…Faith- you're okay. I'm going to be fine."
And yet another nod from Faith as she picked up dressing from the medkit proved to Jess that this wasn't working. She let off a little sigh, "…not sure why this matters so much to ya…"
A little choked noise caught in Faith's throat as those words escaped Jess. ,,,She doesn't know,,,
Realising that upset her more, Jess backed off, moving and taking Faith's hand for a moment, squeezing it gently, "You're okay. I may not get it, but it matters. I'm here, Faith, I'm okay."
Faith looked up on that- the beads in her eyes having fallen by that point. She tucked her head down after looking for a moment, seeing the softness Jess carried about this- I guess I hide it well enough…
She took a moment, drawing in a breath, composing herself. She gave a little squeeze back to Jess, before she quickly nabbed the gauze and dressing, wrapping the wound.
When she finished, she pulled Jess' shirt back over it, seeing the cut through the fabric had already mended itself. The wound should heal by the time they're out- which flooded Faith with a small wave of relief. Although, in the same vein, a new sort of nagging grew in the back of her mind- realising just how badly she bled her hand to Jess. She didn't even try to hide it- she- oh God…
And yet, she got a little smile from Jess when all done, as she moved and stood up, "Thanks, Faith." Faith could only smile back, giving a little nod as Jess opened the door and left.
…I really am hopeless, aren't I? ☾ | a little warm up idea i've had for months now, finally put to paper- i've got some big ideas coming here soon, now that i have energy Once Again muwehehe
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faithfromvhs · 2 years
♡ About | Rules | Credits ♡
•───────•°• About •°•───────• ➳ out of character info hello! this is an ask/roleplay blog for Faith from the game Video Horror Society (VHS)! this account is not affiliated with Hellbent Games- just run by a fan who holds Faith Gently. this account will be run as if it is straight from 1986! modern things (aka things from 1987 and onward) aren't really per normal-- the way Faith is able to talk to everyone here is a little 'present' from The Beyond. out of character text will be prefaced with this symbol: // i will be tagging posts that are entirely ooc with #ooc, but i will still put // before the first paragraph in the post (i usually differentiate my writing from proper IC writing by writing in mostly lowercase as well, eheh...). i'll also be doing my best to tag posts with trigger warnings, but i may not be 100% accurate- if i miss one, please don't be afraid to dm/ask me to add a warning, i'm happy to fix it. i will try my best to keep to her canon representation, whilst also keeping to my own personal headcanons of the character. my personal headcanons will be listed below! her age and birthday are verified by the ARG lore, whereas things like her last name/sexuality are things of my own design. also, a little less important, but i do play quite often! you can usually see me playing with the username FaithFromVHS or thalilium! i love talking with people in game about ideas and stuff, so don't be afraid to reach out ♡ ➳ in character info ♡ Full name - Faith Williams ♡ Pronouns - She/Her ♡ Age - 14 ♡ Birthday - 02/14/72 ♡ Height - 5'4" ♡ Sexuality - Sssstraight? Straight. Mhm… Totally. (Not at all. She's a closeted lesbian, but she's not really sure… and she's a bit too nervous to delve into those feelings to figure it out, considering internalised and societal homophobia.) ♡ About - A kind and gentle young girl, Faith leads a bit of a double life- in the most simple of senses. She is currently Pine Bluff High School's student council president, and enjoys several different school clubs, such as Chess Club and Junior Debate Team. She also works as a Junior clerk for Video Video Video, part time and unpaid ('volunteer work', as she calls it- 'voluntold work', as Leo calls it). She keeps herself well kept, making sure to stick to her mothers (rather strict) standards of 100% cotton, and ensures she stands by the rules set by herself, her mother, and society as a whole (even if she sooometimesss wonders what it would be like to do everything but- and live on the edge like… ah!! Never mind!).
On the flip side of her 'double life', she joined Video Video's horror movie club, Video Horror Society, a few months ago, after she started working as a clerk up front (and when her friend, Maria, went missing). She often writes little notes to herself in the margins of her notebooks as she is annotating her homework- but keeps more… Interesting things in a personal journal of hers. Things like… Imagining herself as a princess, and hoping that a knight would come to whisk her away~ More often than not, however, she hides this notebook away from her peers, so as to avoid revealing her (not-so) secret crush… as the pages show more to her than she is keen on sharing. Things like how she sometimes wished that knight in shining armor hid a pretty, dark and brooding girl underneath… er, no! Of course not…! Oh... I really am a hopeless romantic, aren't I? Also, as a fun note, Faith loves cats!! Any kitty, any at all, will get many loves and snuggles and treats. Her own cat, Prince Pawsington, is certainly no exception. She has even tried to bring Pawsington with her to Video Video once, much to the dismay of customers and Leo's asthma. Her brooch and spectral are named after her real life cat:
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He's a bit of a picky creature though, and doesn't care for anyone other than Faith and her mother. Anyone else is, at the very least, assured to be hissed at. Especially if you sit in his favourite chair. •───────•°• Rules •°•───────• ➳ suggestion box 💌 Video Video's suggestion box is your means of interacting with Faith (or Pawsington, if you so desire or dare). you can ask a question or send in a prompt so long as the suggestion box is open, but please keep in mind that your 'suggestion' must follow the following rules: ♡ No NSFW whilst i understand that teenagers do talk about nsfw things, i will never write anything explicitly nsfw. i will not respond to anything explicitly nsfw either. spicy jokes and the like are fine, but i can warn you now, Faith won't respond to them kindly. it's not really her thing to be discussing that kind of stuff out in the open… ♡ No Art Requests as stated earlier, this is not meant to be an art rp account. i may do a sketch for a response every once in a while, but that is not the main focus- so please do not request art to be drawn. on the flipside, you may 100% use any of these rps as inspiration for drawing!! i may not be able to draw, but i would Love to see what you guys make :D ♡ Don't ask questions to other characters here if you ask a question for a character other than Faith, Pawsington (or any of admin's OCs), i will only respond with an @ to the proper account you should be asking, so you can get a proper response from them, instead of me. ♡ Please be patient i may not see notifications immediately, or i may be busy- but so long as the suggestion box is open, i will try to respond in a timely and orderly fashion, but please understand that i do have other things i do, and i may not be able to respond immediately. if i seem to not respond to a 'suggestion' at all, then it may violate one (or multiple) of these rules. please make sure you are following all of them before asking again! •───────•°• Credits •°•───────• ♡ profile picture is by @soju-2, here's the full picture:
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(and here's the context for it, if you're interested!)
♡ background art is game art for Forbidden Amethyst
♡ canon information can be read here, here, and here.
♡ this account is run by @noisydiary in tandem with jessfromvhs, and her admin @theirisproject
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alexsal979 · 2 years
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We Live in a Video Horror Society
this meme isnt really a commentary on the game or anythin i just thought itd be funny i def recomend anyone who sees this to try video horror society the devs are working hard on fixing its issues, new content is comming and its free
Posted using PostyBirb
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redkehlchen · 7 months
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Some 2003 season 2 doodles! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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drfoxweyman · 1 year
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This is the story guys. It's canon.
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faithfullightning · 1 month
Anyone for Ramen? 🍜
(RETRO ANIME AESTHETIC 📼 '80s-'90s style animation!) | I will say this is by far one of my favorite animations I ever worked on! Feels like we are way back in time XD
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evs-muhin · 6 months
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beetrootbug · 1 year
Okay, so I understand Andy's applefarm/ Welcome Home crossover AUs, that's all well and good, i love this.
Mandela Catalogue/ Faith crossover AU HEAR ME OUT-
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noisydiary · 1 year
valentines chocolatier
𝐹𝑒𝒷𝓇𝓊𝒶𝓇𝓎 𝟣𝟤𝓉𝒽, 𝟣𝟫𝟪𝟧
☐ 𝒢𝓁𝑜𝓇𝒾𝒶 - 𝑀𝒶𝓇𝓈𝒽𝓂𝒶𝓁𝓁𝑜𝓌 ☐ 𝐵𝓇𝑒𝓉𝓉 - 𝒫𝑒𝒶𝓃𝓊𝓉 𝐵𝓊𝓉𝓉𝑒𝓇/𝒩𝓊𝓉𝓈 (𝒦𝑒𝑒𝓅 𝒶𝓌𝒶𝓎 𝒻𝓇𝑜𝓂 𝑅𝑒𝑔𝑔𝒾𝑒𝓈!!!) ☐ 𝐿𝑒𝑜 - 𝒮𝑜𝓁𝒾𝒹 (𝒟𝒶𝓇𝓀, 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝓂𝒾𝓁𝓀!!!!!) ☐ 𝑅𝑒𝑔𝑔𝒾𝑒 - 𝒞𝒶𝓇𝒶𝓂𝑒𝓁 ☐ 𝑀𝒶𝓇𝒾𝒶 - 𝑀𝒶𝓇𝒶𝓈𝒸𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑜 𝒞𝒽𝑒𝓇𝓇𝓎 ☐ 𝒥𝑒𝓈𝓈 - …
Faith tapped the page with her pen as she looked at Jess' name.
What would she like…?
A small part of her mind ran as her heart fluttered. Trying to remind herself that these chocolates meant nothing, really. They were sweet things for Valentines, of course… And yet, that small part of her, so excited even writing Jess' name- had to admit that, sure, these chocolates weren't supposed to be anything special for everyone else. But for Jess?
They were.
Groaning a little, Faith pulled back from her desk and let her hands move to cover her cheeks- holding her face as she whimpered. They're- just… Normal chocolates- Normal, little chocolates…
Knowing that much wasn't true- as her heart still raced in her chest at the prospect of handing these out… the little romantic deep in her heart hoping that Jess would like them- that something would happen. That she'd smile, or hand something back, or- or anything, really- to give her attention and be happy because she did something…
A faint smile came to Faith's lips before she realised, and another whimper followed as she scolded herself, "Get it together--!"
But what if…?
Faith shook her head, gently smacking her cheeks as she scooted back to her desk. She took a long breath, "Normal. Valentines. Chocolates."
What if she likes them…? Faith picked up her pen and looked at the list once more, skimming through what fillings she'd already chosen. What would she like…?
Letting off a little sigh, Faith shrivelled a little as she raked through her mind for what Jess might even like. She deflated after a beat, …why not just- Strawberry?
Faith sat on that for a second, as she wrote over her previous marks with her pen, Ooh… and I share them with h-
"No-nonononevermind-" Faith stopping dead in her tracks as her mind worked faster than she did, quickly moving to scratch out what she'd written. "…but…"
It would be nice to share…
She shook her head once more as she wrote 'Strawberry?' next to Jess' name. "If she doesn't like it, then I'll eat them, hehe…"
Who could say no to homemade chocolate?
Once Faith's list was written (and minor gay panic aside), she'd convinced her mother to take her to the shops- or rather, asked to tag along. She gathered the materials she'd written down along with her list and returned, starting the process of chocolatiering. To be honest, the process itself was something Faith had done before. At least for a few years now, anyway- it was a nice tradition. Making chocolates for her friends to hand out for Valentines.
To her, it was more of the gift itself- of getting her friends to smile, especially if they didn't have Valentines themselves. It was nice to make them happy- as a sort of gift to herself. That if she couldn't play cupid, she could at least brighten other people's day. Not a bad birthday wish, honestly.
As the heart-shaped chocolate shells had cooled, with all their mixtures prepared and in bowls separate from each other, Faith looked at each of the shells with a little smile. Sure, her intent this year was a little different, but the thought was still there. Chocolates to make everyone smile.
…to get Jess to smile.
,,,gyeh,,, I'm horrendous.
She worked on filling each of the shells with their respective filling, before putting each tray outside to chill. She could convince her mother to take her to the shops, but she could never convince her to empty the fridge for this. Mainly, as Faith had learned, was due to the fact that her mom would usually get a cake whilst they were shopping. Which hid in the fridge. Which, in turn, meant that she wasn't allowed to touch it.
It didn't bother her- in fact, she found it funny after a while, but it certainly did mean that making chocolates was harder than it had any right to be.
Each tray got left outside, covered with some tin foil- trying to protect it from the snowfall. Each one was methodically filled and left outside, until each of them cooled. She covered them with a layer of chocolate to seal them and left them outside. Once that much was done, Faith came back inside and 'flopped' onto the couch. Flopped, in the sense of lightly landing on the sofa. She let off a heavy sigh as she took a break, still smiling to herself. However, the voice of her brother broke whatever sense of peace she'd found sitting there.
"Done with your little Valentines?" Ian teased, coming in to sit in her dad's chair with a cup of milk.
Faith giggled a little, "Making them, yes-! I still need to get the boxes ready…"
"Ohh… And you're giving a special Valentine this year then? Saw you got a heart box-"
"U-um, no, they just--"
Ian teased further as he set his cup down, leaning in, "Who's your lil crush, huh?"
Faith's eyes darted off, as she looked into the kitchen where the undecorated boxes laid, "They just ran out of normal boxes, that's all-"
"Then why didn't you make them all match?"
"I-- they were expensive…" Faith fumbled with her thumbs to avoid looking directly at Ian, "Just--"
"Come onn… You do this every year, and then this year you don't plan far enough ahead? Who's the special guy?"
Not a gu- Faith bit her lip, "…It's just for a friend, really, I promise…"
"Uhuh…" Ian grabbed his cup and took a sip, "Fiiine. Got your little cupid plan worked out then?"
It took a moment for Faith to realise what Ian had meant, before she nodded, "Er- Yes-! I do, actually… I have my outfit all worked out, and once I have my boxes done, then I'm all ready."
Ian chuckled, "You have your outfit ready a day early."
"I know." Faith beamed as she looked over, before her thoughts clicked. She moved and stood up, "I don't really have time to sit around-- I have nails to paint, boxes to decorate-"
"You know, I swear you put more effort into the holiday than mom puts into your birthday."
Faith giggled at that, turning to head upstairs, "Sometimes."
The rest of her preparation went relatively smoothly, as she finished the rest of the tasks on her list. Monday passed smoothly, but as soon as Tuesday rolled around, Faith woke with a pep in her step. She braided her hair as normal, though substituted her usual ribbon for a glittery pink one, tying it neatly once done. She then tossed on the outfit she'd prepared beforehand, donning a white polo, pastel pink skirt, and pink cardigan with cream hearts she stitched on by hand. She put in her typical heart earrings, and put on some hand warmers that also featured a heart on the back. To finish off, she'd found some simple mary jane shoes, brown to balance the lightness of the rest of the outfit.
Following that, she nabbed her school bag and headed downstairs. Mornings were typically quiet, although this morning in particular, her mother had made breakfast. A heart shaped stained glass down, and Faith moved to collect her chocolates, making sure each one was in the box she'd borrowed to carry them all. After that, the morning went about as usual- as she followed her usual steps of getting to the bus, riding along, and actually arriving at school.
What followed was more or less hunting for everyone in the halls.
Theoretically easy- in practice was a little more complicated. Faith ran through the list of classes she actually shared with anyone, and realised rather quickly that just handing them over in class wasn't a true possibility with anyone other than Maria and Jess. Everyone else was upperclassmen- about the only reason she even had a class with Jess was because she took an 'advanced' class- aka taking sophomore bio, instead of the freshman's class.
On the other hand, she could check one name off the list- as she saw Maria waiting besides her locker. Maria flashed a little smile, "Haaappy birthday!"
Faith flashed a smile back, as she opened her locker and tucked the box inside. "Thank youu~"
She then reached in and pulled out Maria's box, holding it out to her, "And in typical 'birthday' fashion, your gift."
Maria rolled her eyes and took the box, "Aaaand in Valentine's fashion, I already got jiffy pop for Amethyst after school."
A little squeal caught in Faith's throat as she kept her excitement in, "Ah-!! Thank you!!"
She got a chuckle in response, before Maria gestured to the larger box of boxes- "Iii think I saw Gloria and Brett come in earlier, so they’re likely hanging out in the cafeteria. Reggie’s doing tutoring, so he’ll probably be in with my dad and the other tutors. I haven’t seen Jess come in yet, but I hear she skips first period sometimes-“
A little flutter ran through Faith’s chest as she heard Jess’ name. Oh, please don’t skip today…
“-and Leo is Leo. Can hand his over when you go to work. You- do have work today, right?"
“Oh- er… Yes, yes I do.” Faith nodded and grabbed what she needed from her locker before grabbing the box again, before Maria walked off with Faith in tow.
"That sucks! Why is he making you work on your birthday…"
"I don't know, but he is. He probably wants to mess around in the backroom or hang out with friends of his…"
"Ugh…" Maria rolled her eyes, "I'd take it for you, but I think that would be more effort than help."
Faith giggled a little at that, slowing as the two entered the cafeteria- skimming inside for the group of jocks who hung out there before class. "I think you're right on that one- I'd have to train you to take over."
"Exactly!-- Oh… There they are." Maria pointed out the group near the vending machines, specifically to the two in the back as Brett prattled on about something, with Gloria at his hip.
With a little nod, Faith weaved through the tables of students and made her way towards Brett and Gloria. The table already had quite a few Valentine gifts on it already, either from the girlfriends of the jocks or from admirers of the team. Faith noted the two carnations before Brett and Gloria, smiling a little, Glad they got each other something…
She then reached out and gently tapped Gloria's shoulder. Gloria hummed a little and turned her head, before seeing Faith, and getting up with a smile, "Oh-!! Hey- good morning!"
Gloria, half on instinct it seemed, reached out to give Faith a squeeze- before realising the box of boxes in her hands and pulling back, "Ah- sorry."
"Ehe… You're okay! I just- It's a little cheesy, but… I wanted to give you this." Faith dug out Gloria's chocolates from the box before holding them out to her. "I like to make chocolates for my friends on Valentines, and… I- well…"
Gloria reached out and took the box as Faith rambled on, hearing as she trailed off at the end. In turn, Gloria beamed, "Girl, that is so cute-! God, where'd you get these?? They're so nice-"
Fortunately, Gloria's attitude was infectious, as Faith grinned with a little blush on her cheeks, "I made them myself, I hope you like them- I filled yours with marshmallow."
"You made these??" With that nugget of information, Gloria looked down at the box again and opened it, seeing the chocolate inside, "Dang, Faith- I knew you were good at cooking, but this is awesome-!"
As Gloria rounded out that comment, Brett turned his attention towards her, seeing as he'd finished what he was talking about. "Oh-- hey, Faith. What's up?"
"Hon!! Look at these-" Gloria turned towards Brett, showing the box in her hands.
"Huh? The hell is Faith giving you chocolate f-"
"I always make chocolates for my friends on Valentines--" Faith quickly skimmed her box and grabbed Brett's box, holding it out to him, "Don't worry- I didn't leave you out, ehehe~"
"Better not have, Chess." Brett took the box from Faith's hands, pulling it closer to look inside, "Oh… huh."
"I filled yours with Jif- You… like Reeses, right?" Faith's eyes quickly darted to Gloria for a second, hoping her inkling was correct.
"Y…Yeah- how'd you know?" A little more dumbfounded, really, but he looked up with a smile.
Faith hummed a little, "Gloria gets them a lot, but she never eats them. I always thought they were for you."
"Ohh… Wicked. Thanks, Faith." Brett flashed a smile as he shut the box and put it with his carnation.
Gloria shut her box as well, turning to face Faith proper. "Yeah, thank you so so much! I'll have to try them later~"
"I'm glad you like them. Happy Valentines~!" Faith giggled as she pulled back, skimming through the tables until she met back with Maria.
Faith nodded, "All done- they seemed to like them."
"Awesome. Reggie, then?"
With another nod, the two headed out. Dropping Reggie's chocolates off was certainly a bit more practised than Brett and Glorias- but Reggie knew the song and dance already, plus he was busy helping out another student, so Faith didn't hover. She left his chocolates by his bag and pulled away, seeing as Maria got caught up talking with her dad.
Which meant there were only two boxes left in the box… Faith took a moment to look at the clock in the maths room, noting that class would be starting soon. She bit her lip and interrupted Maria's chatting, "Er- excuse me… I need to get to first period, but I'll see you at lunch?"
"Yeah- of course."
Faith gave a thin smile in response, before she pulled out of the maths room and into the hall. Rationally, the fastest way was through the courtyard- but a little something dragged her to take the long way. To take the route that would pass by Jess' locker- to take the route in which she might see her before class… Her body moved before she'd made up her mind, having made it up for her.
Passing through the hall was relatively chaotic, as it always was in the morning. As far as Faith was concerned, the petition to make walking on the right side of the hall was a necessity, seeing how many groups stopped to chat in the middle. However, that argument was vetoed, more for the matter that it could not be regulated. Either way, however, Faith continued, squeezing past groups and through the halls, slowing as she passed the lobby and entered the hall Jess' locker was in, trying to see if she could even see her before continuing. Her locker was a few doors down from Faith's first period, so going to it and not seeing her would be pointless…
And yet, through all of the students walking and talking, she could see the door to Jess' locker open, and a familiar head of blue hair messing around with it. With a new spring in her step, Faith pressed on, hoping to catch her before she'd left.
She stopped behind the door and reached out to knock against the metal, hesitating for a moment, as nerves sank in to the reality of the situation.
It's okay, it's okay- just… remember the plan.
Hesitant as she may be, the door slammed shut before she could knock- as Jess shut it and turned to walk out, jumping as she almost smacked into Faith- "Woah-"
"Oh-!! Oh, I'm- I'm sorry…" Faith pulled back a little as the nerves kicked in stronger, feeling a shake in her legs before even getting to the point of the matter.
Jess scowled for a beat, before noticing who it was that almost got ran over. She seemed a little less frustrated after, though still scowling as she eyed Faith, "Yeah? What is it."
"I-I um… I had something for you…" Faith scrambled as she looked into the box of chocolates, grabbing Jess' box and holding it out, "I- I made chocolates for you- for everyone! E-er… Not everyone but just- for my friends. Mhm…."
Jess looked at the box for a solid second, before looking at Faith. "…thhhhanks."
"Huh..?" That's- not…
"Thank you." Jess took the chocolates, but her tone and expression stayed stiff- unhappy as always.
A pit grew in Faith's stomach as she saw Jess take them and then put them into her bag- biting her lip. Jess, on the other hand, looked up from her bag and saw Faith- "…What."
"Just-- I- just… I thought…." I thought you would like them I thought you would like me I-
"What, did you want me to-…" Jess rolled her eyes and scoffed, "Valentines is a stupid holiday made up by corporate greed. You know how much they sell in preparation for Valentines? So much wasted chocolate and flowers that'll just die. Why do you need a whole day to make your partner feel special? You know that sometimes that's the only day that some relationships get to be nice to each other, and it's just because it's so hard to forget? That's so fucking stupid. Fuck, I mean- I don't even like chocolate-"
…Faith listened to all of the words, processing each one individually, and felt the pit in her stomach grow deeper- like a growing, hungry void roiling in her gut. Her lip quivered as she bit it harder, feeling tears well in her eyes as Jess kept talking. Talking, and talking, until she stopped dead in her sentence, as Jess' eyes caught on to Faiths. Faith turned her head away to try and hide it, though what Jess saw still lingered. She reached out, "Hey-"
Faith snapped back, shaking her head. She pulled away and took off before Jess could explain herself.
No. No, not explain.
She already explained enough, and the bell rang, giving a two minute warning to those not in class already. Faith hurried off through the passing students to her class before Jess could say any more.
Why did I think that would work??? Why did I hope she would notice- why did I- why- why- why-
Faith got to her class and sat down at her seat, feeling her hands shaking as she put the last box away, and grabbing things from her bag to make herself focus on class, instead of sitting in the pool of her emotions. It- it- it was silly to think she'd ever like them- that she'd ever like m… why would I want her to- I-
And yet, much like a sweater, once the string is loose, the whole thing unravelled. It didn't help she kept picking at it as her teacher started class, explaining that they would be analysing a piece well known for its romantic symbolism to celebrate the holiday.
Who would want to celebrate this? Faith bit her lip a little as her teacher asked each student to pull out their textbooks, to read the text on their own. …I want to celebrate- I-i want my birthday to be a celebration… and- it's… it will never be to her… why did I…
These kinds of thoughts continued to fester in Faith's mind as she kept picking at every loose thread through the day. So much so that, by the point she got to lunch, the festiveness was out of her mind. A note that seemed to be clear, seeing as when Faith sat down at her usual table, Maria looked her over for a solid moment, before she softened her gaze and asked, "Faith? Are you okay…? What's wrong?"
Faith's lips quivered as she shook her head. She'd done well until now to not cry- in fact, she'd managed to push down the thoughts well enough to function through her classes. And yet, now here in the lunch room with nothing to keep her mind occupied, those same thoughts came back.
"Hey…" Maria softened as she moved to sit next to Faith instead of across the table, gently rubbing her back, "What happened?"
With a little snivel, Faith bowed her head and muttered, "…I gave Jess her chocolates…"
"Oh? I take it that didn't turn out too good, huh…"
Faith's lips curled to a frown as she pressed them together, still trying to be 'good'- to not cry over it… Mainly because, well… She'd never explained the weight of the matter to Maria. She might not even have to… Maybe I was right the first time- that I'm just- sick. It-it's silly to be upset like this.
"No… No I… I gave her her chocolates and she said she hated Valentines…"
"Ohh… oh… Faith…" Maria softened further and rubbed her back, "Hey- she's always a grump, you shouldn't let her words sink that much."
"They mattered to me!!" Faith cried out, immediately covering her mouth as she realised she spoke before even thinking. A slight flush came to her cheek at the prospect as she realised the look she'd earned from Maria.
A sort of knowing smirk, as Maria tilted her head, "Yeah?"
"….yeah…." Faith's eyes turned away from Maria as she moved to cover her cheeks with her hands- "I-i mean- it… it doesn't… matter at all… it doesn't matter she hates my birthday, she hates everything why would I-"
"Why would you be different, yeah…" Maria pulled her hand back as she scooted away, "Does she know?"
"Know- know what…?"
"It's your birthday. You don't really tell people…"
That phrase passed through Faith as she processed it, shaking her head, "No… I guess she doesn't- but… but still I-"
"You put a lot of effort in, yeah, which shows you like it. She was probably just saying she doesn't. She doesn't know what it means to you. Why don't you try and explain that to her? You might feel better."
Faith nodded, before looking to Maria, "…wh…why are you helping this much…? You just said I should forget it-"
"…You like her, don't you?"
"W…what- nooo… no no-"
"Really? Your little outburst- that and the way you look at her. The way you're worried about her all the time- that you seem happier around her…"
Faith let off a soft whine as she nodded with Maria's reasoning. "You also told me you joined the VHS for a crush. Soo… I put the pieces together."
"Mh… yeah, I do- but- it's just- Maybe I'm wrong- I…. I mean I could just not be-"
"Why don't you talk to her? Try and explain that you're upset."
"I-i would have to explain everything though and-"
"Would that be that bad?" Maria tilted her head again, earnest in the question.
Faith scowled as she shook her head, "I-i can't do that-!! I mean- I mean my crush is silly and- and it might not even be one-"
"For all the romance you read, you sure don't get when it's right in your face, huh." With a chuckle, Maria pulled back and took a sip of her milk as Faith pouted.
"Talking about crushes?"
Faith went still at hearing a new voice right behind her- as Maria looked to the person and smiled, "…Y'know what- I'll just… Leave you two alone."
Which, to Faith, caused her stomach to drop, as she recognised the voice behind her. She slowly turned around and let out a noise as she snapped forward, "Em-- er-- hi, Jess…"
Maria got up from her spot and left the chair empty, to which Jess took as she sat down. "Hey…"
Faith's eyes flicked to Jess for a moment, before she looked away at the table, "Hi…"
The two sat in silence for a fair spell, as Jess tried to find the words to say- and Faith made no effort to speak. Then, Jess took a sip from the drink in her hand and glanced around, "…would you rather talk somewhere quiet?"
"W-what's there to talk about, eheh…." Faith let off an awkward chuckle as she fiddled with her hands.
"Iii upset you earlier."
"I didn't think you cared…"
"Y'know I do care about my friends, right." The way Jess said it was flat, but as Faith looked over, there was a bit of pain in her golden eyes…
Faith looked off again afterwards, "…it's silly."
"You're clearly upset about it, Faith. Not really silly if it matters."
Her words sat on the air for a brief moment, before Faith nodded, standing up, "The library should be quiet about now…"
Jess took a sip of her drink and stood up, "Sounds good."
With that final note, Faith grabbed the water cup off of her tray and headed out of the cafeteria, walking to the library with Jess in tow. No one usually came here during lunch unless they needed to return something, so at the very least, Faith was pretty sure there wouldn't be anyone to disturb them. She opened the door and held it for Jess before finding a cozy place to sit in the back corner- finding the floor more comfortable than the chairs right now. She tucked her knees under herself as she rested her hands in her lap. Jess, on the other hand, plopped down across from Faith and crossed her legs, "So… Iii fucked up. I'm sorry."
"…sorry for…?" Faith tilted her head- the question innocent enough, but a little part of her wanted to know if Jess had any inkling as to why. The real reason, or if she was saying sorry for the heck of it.
Jess let off a sigh as she put her drink down beside her, her hands reaching into her bag, "I went off on you when you were just trying to be nice."
Faith pursed her lips, wanting to correct Jess- however, Jess pulled out her chocolate box from earlier, and took a proper look at it, "It is nice, so… thanks. Hope you didn't spend too much doing this…"
"I… I made it for you." Faith stumbled over her words as she explained, looking to the box, "I didn't know what you liked so… I… might have just- filled it with my favourite…"
Faith's mumbling at the end got a smile out of Jess, "Ohh… riiight. Which is, exactly?"
"Strawberry cream- em… you don't have to eat it-"
Jess shrugged as she opened the box, looking at the chocolates inside, before picking one up and taking a bite. She let off a lil 'huh' as she fully tasted it, before holding out the box to Faith, "They're okay- just not a fan of chocolate. I think I'd rather share."
Faith processed the action before looking at the box, and then at Jess, who gave a little smile in return. "Come on- you should get a chance to eat what you make, right? I'm definitely not gonna eat all this, so go on."
…Faith let off a giggle as she reached and took a chocolate. "Thank you…"
Jess' scowled a bit as she processed, "Thank yo… Faith??? You made them, I'm just- sharing."
Another little giggle as Faith ate the chocolate, pleased the chocolates had formed correctly. She'd tasted the cream as she had made it, but together with the chocolate was immaculate. Jess' scowl faded back to the soft smile she'd had before- "Better?"
Confused, Faith tilted her head, covering her mouth as she swallowed the chocolate, "Huh?"
"You hadn't touched your food. Figured you were hungry- which was probably making you feel worse?"
"Oh- um… maybe… I didn't really have much appetite…" Faith pulled her hand back into her lap, rubbing the pad of her thumb.
"Right…" Jess put the box down between them and twisted a bangle on her wrist, "Still- just… Sorry. Never really liked Valentines much."
"Iii noticed…" Faith looked off as she let off a sigh, hearing Jess respond.
"Guess I shoulda figured you'd love it though."
Faith let off a weary chuckle as she felt a warmth come to her chest- "I do-! I really do… It's my birthday after all."
Jess perked up at that, looking to Faith with her eyes wide- before they rolled back into her head and she groaned, "Godddd that's why you were so upset, okay��"
"I-it's okay- you didn't kno-"
"Let me make it up to you- or something I- God…"
Jess snapped one of her bracelets against her wrist as she scolded herself- to which Faith reached out and gently took her hand, "…It's okay. I don't need anything else."
Jess didn't quite trust the response, looking at Faith with a raised brow, "You sure about that…?"
"Yeah-! I- have things I'm doing tonight anyway, so it's okay."
"…I never said I'd do something with you-" Not quite rude, and rather- more… Smug, as a little smirk sat on Jess' lip.
Faith pulled back as the warmth in her chest spread to her cheeks, and Jess' smirk grew a bit wider, "What, do you want me to?"
"U-umno-I-" Panicking, Faith grabbed her water and took a sip, her hand shaking as she held the cup, "I-- didn't- yeah… no… you don't have to, I'm… I'm okay with this…"
With a little chuckle, Jess took another chocolate from the box, "Uhuh… right. You don't want anything at all…"
The flush in Faith's cheeks grew more as she buried her head, groaning. Not enough to be upset, but enough to get Jess to laugh. Enough that Faith smiled as well- that being alone with her?
Sometimes, that's enough. —— ☾ | it's that time of the month again, and i'm totally not slapping faith with a projection of something i used to do in high school- i was Going to be like 'oo they could kiss' but just decided to round out the end ehehe,,,
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faithfromvhs · 2 years
Are you gay
Uh.... em... No-? No-! No, sorry, um... I'm not. At least... I'm pretty... sure... But-- but.... JessandMariasopretty... Ah!!! Idon'tknowpleasedon'task!
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aaliyahsaintil · 1 year
Tumblr media
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idratherdreamofjune · 2 years
Well, God's will be done—whatever it may be, and whithersoever it may lead!
Dracula Daily was good today - making me nervous though
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judesowndaughter · 2 years
I think one of the funny things about Kate's upbringing in a highly religious household with... "less than attentive" parents is how wildly inconsistent they were with media??? The popular wizard franchise is forbidden for promoting heathenism, but reruns of Utena are fine because it looks ✨ acceptably girly ✨
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