#via Nathan’s insta
nicoscheer · 4 months
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surfmusic · 1 year
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Acting is our passion!
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nathan foad’s sense of humor at its finest
(via his insta)
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soorow · 1 year
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Some outfits of Nathan Hopkinson (via insta)
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dreamerandecho · 3 years
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some old/new on set pics via twitter/istagram the last two are from Kayla Ewelss insta post of her time on set with Nathan during the flashback moments on s3
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hopetofantasy · 4 years
Other podcast transcripts: Veerle Dejaeger, Nora Dari, Nona Janssens, Nathan Naenen This is one of the literal transcripts of the wtFOCK cast podcasts by Ender Scholtens (’Gossip Guy’). You can watch it on YouTube with my contributed English subtitles as well. I didn’t put in any of the sounds, movements, hesitations or laughter, just the plain dialogue. Heads up: they never or barely mention the show, because they’re not allowed to (contract restrictions)!
--- “Nona Janssens: Do Tinder relationships work?” ---
Source: Gossip Guy - 1st of May 2020 (Podcast via webcam)
Nona Janssens: Hello! Ender Scholtens: Hey! Everything okay? Nona: Yes, you? E: Excellent, even. Nona: Should I sit somewhere else? E: You really don't have to. But do you have earbuds with a good mic? There is a bit of an echo. Nona: I always lose everything, I lost all my earbuds. I have some, I'll try them. E: Suspense... Nona: No, doesn't work, right? E: It actually does. Shall we get started? There are a bunch of fun questions. Nona: Exciting! E: Really exciting, even. Alright. Waddup people, welcome to a new episode of 'Gossip Guy’ podcast. My name is Ender Scholtens and today I’m here with Nona Janssens. Waddup, Nona, everything alright? Nona: Hallo, yes, yes. And you? E: Certainly, I'm happy you're in the podcast. For the people who don’t know you, could you introduce yourself? Where could they know you from? Nona: I play in a tv series for young people, whose name I cannot say. E: And we're not gonna talk about today. Nona: Exciting. No, yeah. But I don't think you know me from something else. E: Yeah, okay. No. Cool. I guess it's good summary, indeed. Nona: Yeah. E: So, I asked the people on Insta for some questions about you- or rather, for you. Nona: I'm very curious... E: Yes, you thought we wouldn't get a lot of them? Nona: No! I was seriously thinking: people are going to laugh at me, when he doesn't receive any questions. E: There are *still* some laughing at you, though.  Nona: Ah, yeah. E: No, no, no! But why did you think that? Nona: Yeah, I don't know. No, I'm curious. I think- Yeah... I don't know which questions they would- E: The kind of questions they would ask you? Nona: No. E: Now, I received- Around 200 questions. A lot about topics we're not gonna discuss. The C-word... And a tv series... Nona: Yes. Yes. E: Anyways, someone asked - since you're clearly an actress: 'Did you get any drama education'? Nona: No.  E: No? Nona: I've always done 'Diction' at the music school and stuff like that. E: Ok, cool. Nona: And in high school, I studied Modern- I mean, General Education. There I could pick four optional hours of theatre per week. So I did that. But I never went a 'real' drama school. Even though, I was very much interested, I did choose a different 'direction'. Just to have certainty. Although, I want to act for real in the future. E: Okay, okay, cool, I get that. Which 'direction' did you study in high school? Nona: Human sciences. With cultural education as an option. E: Okay. And 'Diction & drama', I did that too. All through high school. Loved it.  Nona: That's fun, right? E: Yeah, had a blast! Nona: Yeah, it's nice. E: Do you have any hobbies beside that? Since I received questions about youth movements? I think some people of *your* youth movement asked me questions? Is that possible?  Nona: I don't know, tell me their names. E: I'm not going to. But you're in a youth movement? Nona: Yes, yes. I'm in the 'Chiro'. E: Okay. Apparently you're playing a 'De Mol' (= 'The Mole') game at the moment? Nona: Ah, yes, we're playing 'De Mol' right now. [A popular reality game tv show]. I've seen * and she wanted to know who my 'mole' was. E: Okay! Nona: I'm not... going to say that... That wouldn't be good... If I already revealed my 'mole'. E: Sounds very logical. Ah, here. Let's ask this question to be done with it, it's been asked a lot: 'Are you single?' Nona: No, no, I have- I have a partner. E: Okay. Is this something that can be revealed to the public, otherwise I'll cut this part out? Nona: Yeah, of course, that's totally okay. Doesn't matter that much. E: No, that's usually something I ask beforehand. But I forgot. Not everyone likes to talk about relationships. Which I get. Been with your boyfriend for a long time? Nona: Yes, almost two years now. E: Wow, solid! Cool. Nona: Great, huh? We're doing well, right? E: Yeah, you go! Fantastic! Here, other people who are interested in your hobbies: 'Did you ever dance?' Nona: Yes, I did. I've done a lot- a lot in my life. I did dance, Chiro... Now not much extra... E: Dance, Chiro, music school... Were you one of those kids in primary school, whose week was filled to the brim? Nona: Yes, indeed. I did some sports too. Yet, every two years, I got bored and changed to something else. E: I'm laughing, but I was exactly the same. I've done- What did I- Tennis, hockey, volleyball, golf. I did a lot. Nona: Same, every time something different. E: What's your favorite? The one you really loved doing? Nona: Dancing, I did the longest. Still love doing it. I don't really do it anymore in a fitness or something... Always been the most fun. But I did every sport you'd ever imagine. For example, horseback riding. After a few weeks, I thought 'no'. 'No thanks!' At least I tried it. Oh god... I don't even know why. I don't like horses anyways. Still... Wanted to do it. Probably since my friends did it. E: Just checking where the hype of typical 'horseback girls' came from? Nona: Exactly. Didn't get it! E: Honestly... I don't get it. In movies, it always looks so cool. A man on a horse. Yet, in real life? People laugh if you say: "I do horseback riding". Nona: A 'horseback girl'. E: Although, it's fucking cool in movies. At least I think so. Nona: I think so too. Yet, it's not my thing. E: Prince Charming on his white horse, must've said the same thing, right? "I'm going to my riding lessons". People laugh. Still, everyone wants a Prince Charming. Nona: Yes! E: You said you wanted to be- You didn't get any drama education, but you want to act in the future? Do you have international ambitions, something in foreign countries? Hollywood, for example? Is that the dream? Or do you want to stay in Belgium? Nona: I would be happy already if I ever succeeded in Belgium. E: Yeah, I thought- My question was all over the place. Since everyone would like to succeed here, right? Nona: Yes, but- I'm not that fluent in a lot of languages! Not my greatest strength. I might be able to do it, but then I'll probably keep thinking: 'Is this correct?' or 'How should I say this?' I would get sick due to stressing too much! So I don't know if that's in my future. E: And are there any productions in Belgium, where you thought: 'Cool, I want to act in that?' Because I- There have been recent movies like 'Patser' and all that. I was really impressed. 'That's from Belgium?! That's fucking cool! So good!' Nona: Yes... E: Has there been a recent project, where you wanted to say the same thing? 'Wow, that's really cool to join'? Nona: Yes, right now, for instance 'De Dag', 'De Twaalf', ... Those kind of shows are great. If I could play in a series like that, I would be super happy. Yeah, those things certainly interest me... Super fun. E: Funny coincidence, I've interviewed one of the actors of 'De Dag' - Nabil - for a new Netflix series. Nona: Really? E: Yeah. Honestly, I was a bit starstruck in the beginning. My first question was really... bleh! I stumbled over my words. I hope they'll edit it to make it seem more spontaneous. Exceptionally friendly dude, by the way! Seriously.  Nona: Yeah? E: Every time- That's- For example, we're seeing each other for the first time. We're 'meeting'. In a way. It's a risk every time. Because you don't know... How someone really is. You never know. You see an online persona, someone in a series, or whatever, it's always... Hard to tell... how they'll be in real life. Nona: Certainly in a- You know their character isn't real, but still, if you meet them in real life, you keep thinking that they'll be somewhat similar. E: That's- Nona: It is. E: Indeed, indeed. Nona: Weird, huh? Yes. E: Do you think it's difficult for a lot of actors? Like, for instance, Game Of Thrones. Have you seen that? I don't know if you did. But the actor playing King Joffrey, a boy who's gotten hate in the show from episode one, received a lot of hate *in real life* too. Nona: That's weird, huh? E: Do you think that happens a lot? Nona: With 'Thuis' too, if they do something in the soap, I've heard that they get verbally attacked on the street. I didn't get that. My character gets a lot of hate, but I haven't gotten any of that, fortunately. E: Not in real life? Nona: No, but it happens often, you know, people really think you're like that... I've struggled with it, though. That if I go somewhere, I want to show *even more* that I'm different from my character. E: Okay. So you're faking a personality right now? That you-  Nona: Oh, no! No, no, no, I'm not doing that. But yeah... E: I'm just joking. Nona: Imagine. No. E: I know that. Do you experience difficulties in separating the art from the artist? Not only acting, but music too? For example, 'Justin Bieber is awesome' and then every bit of his music is awesome? Or 'I don't really like that artist, so his music is bad'?  Nona: No... E: No? Nona: No, I don't have that... It's not because they put out a bad song... If they produce a bad song, even if it's a good artist, I'll still say it. Then, then... Yeah... E: No, okay, alright. Are you a 'Belieber', by the way? Nona: No! E: No?  Nona: No, not really no. E: I am, that's why I'm asking. Or actually, I was more of a 'Belieber' during 'Purpose' and now with the new album... That's why I asked you, because I really *wanted* the album to be good. And then- Nona: Do you have that experience? Or do you separate it? E: The moment I heard the question for the first time - I've used it multiple times in my podcasts, it's an interesting question - I actually had to think... 'Am I listening to the music or the artist?' Am I- As... With someone like 'Russ' - a rapper that gets plenty of hate, the rap world hates the dude or idk - it might be easy to say "Fuck him and his music", while you could still hate the artist and like his music. Or love a song. So I never said 'Fuck that dude', but it made me think: 'Okay, do I listen to the music or the artist?' Nona: I don't have that. E: No? Nona: No. Great right?  E: Cool. Super, even. Nona: But I really don't have an artist that I'm crazy about. I listen to various genres, so I've never experienced that. E: Even better! Nona: Great, huh? E: Nice, nice. Someone asked to talk about social media. A topic I often explore in my podcasts. But... I don't want to drag it out. Since people made me aware of that fact. However, it's still an interesting topic and certainly for someone in a position like yours. Who gets a lot of attention on the socials. How do you deal with that? Do you feel like there are a lot of eyes on you? 'I should be careful of what I post'? How do you feel about it? Nona: I have... mostly... I'm like... There are people who always take good pics,  everything they post is amazing, and I'm like: 'I can't!" I want to try, but I don't know how! Someone told me I should do more with my social media, ask more questions, stuff like- E: Engagement with your audience? Nona: Yes! Things like that. But most of the time, I'll think of the people in my small town, who will laugh at me if I try to do that! Even if I do it as fancy as the others. I- I- I want to, but I don't seem to succeed! E: I get that. I have- What I personally- Last time, I saw on your profile that you sometimes - since I put it in my story for the questions - have beautiful, serious pictures. The one in black-and-white? Fucking cool! Because of you, I've posted a similar picture.  Nona: Really?! E: Yeah, it's *really* difficult for me. Sorry, I can't keep my face straight. I laugh all the time. If the photographer asks me: 'Give me a serious look.' I can't! Nona: Yeah. E: Do you have the same? Can you keep a straight face in front of the camera? Nona: I try to, because I keep thinking about how the pictures might turn out. E: So you have the goal in mind? Nona: I do. I laugh too, though, but I try to stop it. E: What you said about the people in your town: they might think it's weird if you're into social media... But it's not a secret anymore that you've... acquired some level of fame, right? So isn't posting on your socials considered normal? More accepted? Nona: Yeah, maybe... Yet, I still don't know what to do. I'm not good at that! I don't know *what* to post. Or something. Yeah, I should research that... E: Searching what you want to do. Nona: Yes. E: Okay, nah. Okay! A deep question... You don't have to have an answer. I wouldn't even know how to answer this myself. 'If you could turn back time, is there something you would change? What you did?' Heavy, huh?! Nona: Yes, never thought about that. E: Maybe to this morning, then I could ask Nabil the first question without stuttering. That's it. Nona: But yeah... What could I change? No, actually... If you do something wrong, I still think you learned a lesson. I couldn't think of something. Maybe later, when this is done. Not now. E: Like 'Ah, shit, shouldn't have said that'? Nona: Yes, indeed. E: I have the same feeling with a tv program that will be released soon. I totally forgot I filmed that. It's about... It'll be clear, when it appears online. But I totally forgot that I filmed it. I wasn't thinking then about the things I said and what they'll do with it. Not that I said mean things, but personal stuff. And then suddenly, you realize that it'll appear online. Literally everyone could see this. That's crazy. Maybe I shouldn't have said this now, but when it gets released. In a clear way. But I get what you mean. Like 'shit...' Nona: I have that *often*. Or when you were little, during fights, not knowing what to say until you're done. "Ooooh, I could have said that!" E: That moment. That moment! When you're in your bed and think: "Shit! That's it!" Nona: And it's a good one!? "Oooooh, I should have said this!" E: Usually the comebacks you see in movies. "If I had said this, it would've been a movie scene". Some time ago, I saw an online video about a so-called UFO. Every so often, there is always a video circulating.Always fucking vague, I don't know why we still don't have high quality cameras to capture a UFO in detail. But someone here is asking: 'Do you think there's life beyond Earth?' Nona: On the one hand, I don't think it's possible. On the other hand, we can't be the only living things that exist. E: Why do you think it's *not* possible? Nona: Yeah... yeah, I don't know.  E: Because we haven't seen it?! Nona: Yes, it would be a coincidence if we're the only living things, but on the other side I think- I mean, I don't believe the vague UFO images. I *really* don't believe that. But I mean... Some other life forms, not aliens or stuff like that. E: Rather some kind of microbes that live somewhere? Nona: Yes. E: Okay. Nona: Yeah, things like that. You? E: So... not something with the same brain capacity as us? Living the same way?  Nona: I think it's- I think- Yeah, not at the moment. If it does exist, then I would- Ah yeah. I don't know. Difficult. What do you think? E: Of course, it's all speculation! I can't say: you're wrong! What the fuck do I know? Nona: Yeah, nah. E: That's why I think it's interesting! But it's weird to assume that we- Do you know those videos were they start with 'the Earth' and then zoom out? The Earth compared to the sun. The sun compared to this, this and this. When you realize: 'WTF, how fucking small is Earth, how fucking small are we?' Then I can't imagine that in the whole entire universe, we're the only ones. Nona: It can't be. E: With the same intellectual level as we are. Nona: Ah, yeah... E: Crazy to think about it. Weird, right? Only two o'clock and we're already theorizing. I think it would be cool if... That's something I want to experience:  the first interaction with extraterrestrial life. If that ever happens, that would be phenomenal.  Nona: That would be... wow... E: That's probably something that would bring together humanity. Realizing that we, as humans, are one. We have to- There are others out there. I don't know...it's... By the way, there are a lot of compliments in here. About you. About your acting. I'll send them to you. They're adorable. Nona: Aaawww... Thank you! E: Something I forgot to ask you: you said you've done Human Sciences? So follow-up question: What are you studying right now? Are you a student? Nona: Yes, I study 'Remedial Education'. E: Okay, why that choice? Nona: I studied 'Criminology' last year in Leuven. But... Yeah, I think it's a shame, but I simply... Don't. Study. E: Okay. Nona: Seriously, I can get really angry at myself, but I don't do anything for school. If I get an assignment, then I'll start it at the due date. I want to change, but I can't. So I didn't do anything that year, still had loads of fun. E: As you should! Nona: So now I do 'Remedial Education'... And there... I have the end trajectory of 'Applied Juvenile Criminology'. Still in the same field and yet, the studies are far more interesting. I think it's - I'm *so* happy I changed. Oh yeah, really, I am. I need that, knowing what I'm studying for. I didn't have that in 'Criminology'. Now, in 'Remedial Education', everything we learn there, I know why. There are goals, why we learn it. I can remember the materials better. E: So, what's the goal exactly? Do you have an idea what you want to be later on? Nona: No.  E: No? Nona: I still want to be an actress. If it doesn't happen, then I don't know what... E: Yes, yes. Nona: Actually, within the 'direction' I study, almost every job is... somewhat interesting. I could be happy in a lot of jobs, I guess. E: Okay. Yeah, I'm asking in detail, because there are people listening to this podcast, who will have to make a choice in one or two years about what to study. That's why it's always interesting to ask a student- Nona: I would like to say something! For me, the exams are easier now, but you'll have way more work in university college than university. Since it seems easy, the way I told- E: No, no. Nona: You'll have to work harder in university college, more assignments, but for me, the exams are just easier now. My study has a six-week-system. [New modules with finals every six weeks]. So less tough. That's better for me. I can remember more. In short, I'm working harder for school. Not to minimize- E: No, no, no. Nona: As if I don't do anything... E: What you said about the purpose, why you study those topics. What the goal is of a certain class. Is it because they are less abstract graphs or something? Or literally: 'this class is named...' I don't know which classes you take, but that it's... Nona: No, there are similar classes to those I had last year,  but... Just... What we learn, is way more specific. Less 'general'. In uni, we had 'History’. I get the importance, but you don't do anything with that, later on. Now, when we have 'Psychology', those are exactly the things we'll apply. Useful for the future. E: Okay, super. Super. Now a question, that could piggy back onto the previous topic. A girl - also an actress - asks: 'Would you drop out, if you got a role,  where the combination studying-acting isn't possible?' Nona: Yeah, I thought about that.  E: Thought about it? Nona: I got lucky before, I was able to combine both. I don't always have to be in class. Self study is achievable. On my own. If attendance is not required, naturally. So yeah... I've thought... That's really... You have to think long and hard about that. Then I might think: 'That's my dream!'. But afterwards, when the series or project is done, I've got nothing. I didn't do drama school either. I wouldn't have a diploma. E: You have to have a back-up, right? Nona: Hopefully, you can keep going. If not too much time passed by, I think you can go back to school? I hope so. I think I would, if I know I can come back to where I left off. I would. E: Okay, nah, cool. I guess people our age, who do something creative, might think a lot about dilemmas like that. Nona: Yes. E: They say the same thing. That they would like to finish their studies, but if the opportunity of a lifetime arises... I get that. I had a good question, but I scrolled past it. Quite a few people are asking the same thing. I once posed this question to someone during a podcast and now it keeps coming back. They ask: "If you had to describe yourself in one word..." "What would that word be?" One word is not much. Someone else is asking three words. Let's say three words. That's such a yearbook question. Nona: Questions you need to answer often and I still don't know the answer to them. E: You should have it ready in your head. Nona: Always be prepared. E: That's like: "What's your positive and negative quality?" I never know! Nona: Yes, honestly, negative - no problem. But positive? E: Really bad, right? Quite a few people feel that way. "I'm bad at this, at this." "And now something positive?" Nona: "Euh, yeah..." Nah, I am... I think... Usually... Spontaneous. E: That was very spontaneous of you! Nona: Should it be a deep answer? No, right? E: No. Nona: Friendly. And... Two, is that enough? Or still going for three? E: Thats... You may stop at two, for me. Nona: I can say a lot of negative stuff. E: We'll try and keep it positive. Nona: Lazy... E: Nah, let's be positive! Some questions make me wonder... Funny, though! "What do you think 'week animals' (= mollusca) do in the weekend?" Okay... The same person as the funny question, but this one is important for me. I often have a discussion about the topic, with my mom. "What's your favorite chips flavor?" Nona: Super bad, but I only like paprika chips. E: Paprika, I can live with that. Salt is the most boring variant there is. Sorry to those who prefer salt... Nona: Yeah... E: You like that too? Nona: I could eat it. Yet, if I have had to choose, of course I'll go with paprika!  E: How can I stop this podcast... ? No, no. Nona: Paprika, no doubt about it! And you? E: I like plenty of variants. There aren't many I don't like. That's why I think: there are so much flavors. A world of choices. Large shelves. Filled with options. And then you go for salt?! Nona: Yeah... But I meant, not- At parties, for example, you can't go wrong? E: Fact. Big chance that people go for any chips, if they wanted to. Most of them will. Nona: That's important. E: True. My tactic in the past, when going on a bus trip or camp or school trip - I don't know what, I took chips with me that nobody would like, so I could eat it all by myself. Nona: You liked them yourself? Otherwise, that's not clever. E: I'm not a picky eater. I could eat salt chips. I just think if you have the choice, then why go for that? Yet, there are still people who go for basic. I get that. That happens. So, Pringles - Sour cream and onion. The smell alone, people hate it. I love it. Your face! Nona: Never tried it, but I don't know if I want to. E: Yeah, I love it, it's great. Quite a few who hate it. Nona: With so many flavors, once you open the bag, I'll... It can smell *so* bad. E: When I was little and tried to hide my chips from my parents, I would put the bag behind the sofa. Then my parents would enter: "Are you eating chips?" Nona: Chips is one of the hardest foods to hide. E: The crunch is too loud. Nona: Opening the bag... Yeah, then it'll be too late. E: Exactly. Again, hobby questions. I don't know... How many do you have? Did you put pics of it online? You seem to like skiing? Nona: Yeah, yeah, yes, the most fun one. E: Okay.  Nona: It's amazing.  E: How long have you been doing it? Every year... ? Nona: From age four. E: Cool! Me too. Same. Nona: Yes, fun. E: Did you ever do Austrian skiing school? Or with- Nona: No, always Flemish instructors. E: Okay. Nona: I think it's- If you ever feel bad about yourself, go skiing! You can't think about anything else, because you have focus on so many other things:  not falling, not crashing, following the right path. You can't concentrate on anything else. The perfect solution when feeling bad. E: I agree completely. Why I asked about the Austrian ski school... As a three or four-year-old little guy, in a ski school filled with all German speaking children... Nona: I did it once when I was little. Bad, huh? E: I couldn't handle it. E & Nona: I cried so much! [said at the same time] Nona: Yes! Bad right?! E: Yeah. But It's just- I mean, you can't ski, can't talk to others who can't ski either. Everyone is talking, you don't know what they're saying, 'are they talking about me?' Nona: You go to the lessons to learn things, but you can't understand what they're teaching you! E: Exactly! Then they suddenly said: "Go into a pizza shape! Let your skis touch like this!" First, I was just copying it with my hands. Then he skied backwards to show the shape, but backwards. Just a point! So I turn, go backwards too. The instructors go ballistic, they were angry at me. What do you do, as a small child? Nona: Fortunately, I just did it once. You don't really learn from them, right? E: Good for you. Indeed. I've got another question. Separately. You've got a boyfriend, so maybe it doesn't apply to you. But I've had fun on Tinder, recently. I get some funny pick up lines on the regular. Did you have a Tinder profile?  Were you ever active on it? Nona: No, never. E: Okay. Nona: I saw my friends' profile, just for laughs. But I really don't know how it works. E: The funny thing is, everyone does it for the laughs. They'll send a message, because 'it's just a Tinder match'. If everyone does it for fun, then we're still going about it in a serious way? Nona: Yeah... Do you have it? E: I have it. I just don't send a lot, just here for the pick up lines. I'm exactly the person I bitched about before: doing it for the fun. Nona: Do you start or the other person? E: I've never send anything myself. I would want to, though, since it's a good topic for a video or something. Just recently, I asked for pick up lines, so I could use them. But I haven't gotten the time to do it. In the meantime, I just answer to the messages they send me. Still nice. So you weren't a fanatic Tinder user, before? Nona: No, really, never. I wouldn't know how to use it. I've seen the process on a video, or something. Yet... E: Do you believe that... relationships formed through Tinder, could be good? Nona: Yes, I do. I think so. E: I think so too! There is always such a stigma surrounding it. Nona: That's not true, because if you go on a date, you still get to know each other? E: See? That's the answer I would say too. Nona: It's still a thing: 'Where did you guys meet?' 'Tinder'. Then everyone laughs at you. I think a lot of people make up stories. E: Make up different things. 'Yes, in the library.' Nona: 'What should we say?' E: See? Like that! Where did you met your boyfriend? Nona: We've been classmates since primary school. But I didn't really know him. Now- No, I mean, two years ago, he was also a 'Chiro' leader... E: So... Tinder? No, no. Okay, we've been talking for a while now. Is there something you would like to - Wow, my voice. Stuff you'd like to say? What you thought about recently? Something people should know? What people should know... About you or about life? Wisdom to share? Nona: No, don't have that. E: 'I don't have wisdom'. Nona: No, but I was- Before this conversation, I thought about how awkward I was going to be. E: No, of course not. Nona: Honestly, it takes a while. Fortunately, you're alone. But in group? I'm very uncomfortable, very quickly. It takes a while before I can be myself. I get so angry at myself. "Just be yourself" and then it doesn't happen. It takes so much time. I really get annoyed at that. E: Were you able to be yourself now? Nona: Yes, yes. If it's one person, I can. With a group, however... E: Can I be honest? I never told this. I'm exactly the same. People always think I'm super smooth. I'm only outgoing when I can talk one-on-one. It's easier. Nona: Right? E: Yes. Put me in a group and I certainly don't stand out. I'll wait and see. I'll try to read people. Who would laugh with this and that? And then I might talk. I won't be the loudest screamer. Nona: No, that's... Yeah... It might even happen that, in a group, I'll never be truly myself. Then I think- I don't know- It's not the people- No, probably is, but I don't know what's stopping me. That's really super... crazy, actually. When I finally can be myself, I think people think: 'I want to be the same. Speak my mind.' It has to develop, though. E: I feel you. Completely the same. It still happens with the people I know. I've had great one-on-one conversations with them. Yet, when they're together in a loud group, I still struggle. 'I know these people, they're my friends. I can talk to them.' Then trying to shout something in that group? Still... 'I'll keep quiet'. Nona: So crazy. Especially when they're all immediately themselves, from the first second. Loud and all that. Respect. I would love to be the same. But that makes it harder. 'Shit, I wouldn't dare to...' 'I don't know what to say' E: Indeed. Indeed. I feel you. I think a lot of people have this, we're not the only ones. Nona: No, and I think that, when you get older, it will probably pass. E: I think so too. You'll care less and less about what people think, after a while. Focussing more on people where you truly can be yourself. Okay, what a nice touch, to end the podcast on. Nona: Right? E: Super. I would like to thank you for stopping by. Is there-  'Stopping by', I say. Quotation marks. Are there accounts where they can follow you? Something you're doing? Where you'll post stuff? Nona: No, I'm not doing anything. I'm mostly focussing on school. E: As you should. Nona: And, yeah... the rest, not really... Bad, right? E: Instagram @nonajanssens? Nona: Yes! E: TikTok? Nona: No! E: No TikTok? Nona: I have it, but I don't use it. I've posted one video, where people- I'm in it too. I've got a lot of videos in which people fall. Coincidentally, I'm always the one filming it. E: Okay. Nona: And I've mixed them together. Everyone's falling. That's not really me. No dance video or something. E: No TikTok dancing? Nona: But I love watching stuff. E: Yeah, no, there are- Nona: So much fun stuff. E: The hours fly by if you scroll, that's crazy. Nona: Indeed. Sometimes I think 'Oof', but sometimes things are so funny. I have so much fun with that. E: Sometimes you think: 'People share too much on this app'. I feel you. Nona: That's true. E: I've said it too many times in a short period of time: 'I feel you'. I never say that. But 'I feel you', so... So, Nona Janssens, on Instagram and Twitter? You use that? Nona: Yes. E: Perfect. Thank you very much. Oh shit, I forgot, I have to give a Twitter shoutout! I'll do this quickly. You've probably seen it. So, one of the retweets. Follow and retweet the tweets @gossipguypodcast, if you ever want a shout out. The shout out of this week is 'Astrid', '@Houdjou'. Thank you for listening, Astrid. Thanks for talking to me, Nona! Nona: You're welcome! E: Until next Monday! Peace! Nona: Bye! E: Now I can stop the recording.
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puckinginsane · 4 years
Tyler Seguin picks Nathan MacKinnon to win fastest skater
Via pr_nhl insta story
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maxortecho · 5 years
VIA Heather's insta story. Doesnt it seem they are all dressed in black? Rosa's funeral or Max's? I'm curious because I don't see Nathan's chair beside Liz and it usually is since they are love interests. Maybe they do have a funeral for him to help Liz move on? Avoid people sniffing around?
I’m mostly assuming it’s Noah’s funeral tbh? Noah’s body is found, we get the morgue scene?, and then go with the cast holding and attending a funeral. It ties up that loose end and helps keep up appearances, if the characters publicly mourn Noah.
Also, while the funeral is for Noah, I think it’s inevitable that everyone’s minds will be shifting to Max during it. I think that would be really interesting and there’s a lot to mine from it. Who thinks of Max, and decides to treat this funeral as a way to say goodbye to him too? Who thinks of Max, and is absolutely against the idea of saying goodbye? That in itself could make for some good conflict. And does Liz linger in the church and feel herself pulled to prayer again despite herself, like she did for Rosa in 1x02?
I think there has to be at least some characters who are totally against holding a Max funeral, as that would signify giving up hope. It’d be easier for them to frame Max as being missing rather than dead, especially if they’re at least trying to bring him back.
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allstarthrills · 6 years
YOU GUYS!!!!!!!
the reunion we all deserve 😭🖤
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via Nathan’s insta story
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nicoscheer · 10 months
The hug 😭😭🥹🥹🥹🫶🏽🫠🐢❤️
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The video that Miles posted if this wonderful moment
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Coup de grace via Miles’ insta
Mates tryna seduce everything and everyone (successfully) like those hands through his buzz and the hips 🫠
Also we Stan Liam Toon, Nathan Sudders and Chef Tom Brown for reposting
His post show smile
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little-murmaider · 6 years
11. What’s a fanfic idea you haven’t done yet?
I have two I wanna talk about so I’ll throw it under a cut.
The first one, and the one more likely to see the light of day, is Coldest Winter, named for one of my favorite Kanye West songs. (Talk about separating the art from the artist hachi machi Yeezy what are you doing.) The song is about the unexpected loss of his mother, whom he was very close with. In the fanfic, Skwisgaar needs to return to Sweden after Sevetta’s death to take care things. It’s set post-Doomstar, so the guys are on their let’s-try-to-be-not-assholes-to-each-other kick and tag along to make him feel better! (Spoiler: They do not do a good job.) It’s a meditation on grief and loss and found family and reconciling the complex feeling of mourning someone who didn’t always treat you well. It’s not a complete bummer fest; there’s a running gag where Murderface tries to mourn Servetta in the Victorian fashion, and Charles has to keep intercepting him and make him change. I’m really fascinated by Skwisgaar and his mom’s relationship. He has a lot of resentment towards her, but also admits he knows she cares about him, and drops his entire life when she asks him to move home. I wanna dig into that. The second one I’ve talked about here a bit. It’s A Godklok, season five speculative fic. The Blazing Star “activates” the band’s powers, which they promptly use to fuck around. (I haven’t thought through everyone, but Nathan gets super strength, Pickles gets fire, Skwisgaar gets healing and flight, and I don’t know about Toki and Murderface. I realized while I was thinking of this I basically made Skwisgaar Mercy from Overwatch, and as I was working out Toki I was making him Reaper lolol.) Unfortunately, Murderface “turns” which shuts down all their powers. He takes a shot at Toki but Skwisgaar, thinking he’ll insta-heal, takes the hit. He’s in critical condition, and possessed!Murderface is wrecking shit, and the only way to fix everything is for the boys to somehow de-possess Murderface so they all get their powers back. Nathan and Pickles go try to save Murderface via the power of friendship and Toki hangs back with Skwisgaar and deals with Servetta when she shows up. Will they survive? I will likely never write this so I can tell you: Yes, they do. Everything works out and they spend eternity blowing shit up and fucking around forever. Unlike Stay Alive, with this one I’d try to stick as close to canon and to the show’s humor and sensibilities as possible. It’s def one of my more ambitious ideas. I want to give every member of the band their own storyline, and have them all dovetail at the end. But also after Stay Alive, I never want to write another fight scene as long as I live. So I would probably end one chapter with a triumphant let’s head into battle and FINISH THIIIIIIIIS and start the next with “ha ha that sure was a wild and crazy battle we had, several months ago, glad all that worked out!” I may write one of the Skwisgaar/Toki scenes. I also have this idea where Murderface isn’t possessed but his injured hand is, and it’s like Idle Hands and it keeps trying to kill all the guys, so he nails his hand to a wall and cuts it off whoop. I’m very into the “Murderface cuts off his hand” head canon. (Skwisgaar is able to heal the wound but can’t grow him a new hand.) But there’d be goofs. Pickles lights a bunch of things on fire. Skwisgaar gets stuck in a ceiling fan. That kinda thing.
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Via Brasil Shopping recebe Flash Day Tattoo
Via Brasil Shopping recebe Flash Day Tattoo
Doze expositores se reunirão no segundo piso do Via Brasil Shopping para o Flash Day Tattoo, evento organizado em parceria com a empresa Javah Tattoo Family Studio, localizada próxima ao shopping. Os interessados terão dois dias, 10 e 11 de março, para fazer a tão esperada tatuagem, que durante o evento terá valores promocionais a partir de R$ 100.
Caso você tenha a vontade de tatuar o corpo, mas está sem dinheiro, o Via Brasil Shopping irá sortear tatuagens nos valores de R$ 200, R$ 500 e R$ 2 mil, além de camisetas e bonés do estúdio.
Lista de artistas que participarão do evento
No sábado:
– Maria Bélier / insta @mariabelier
-Yuri Martins / insta @yurimartins
– Nathan Alves / insta @natthantattoo
– Bruno Rabello / insta @brunomrabello
– Wagner Nascimento / insta @wagner.bentonascimentotattoo
– Phellipe Zudo / insta @zudow
– Juliana Saboia / insta @saboiajuliana
– Isaac Javah / insta @isaacjavah
– Dayane Castro
No domingo:
– Juninho Linhares / insta @juninhotattoo7
– Rodrigo Magalhães
– Viktor Silva / insta @viktortattoer
Sobre o Via Brasil Shopping:
O Via Brasil Shopping está localizado no bairro de Irajá, Zona Norte da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. O shopping foi desenvolvido estrategicamente entre duas principais vias de acesso à cidade do Rio – Avenida Brasil e Rodovia Presidente Dutra. O empreendimento foi planejado para atender as necessidades de compras e lazer dos moradores da região, além de oferecer serviços como bancos, academia e universidade em um ambiente seguro, moderno e confortável ao público.
Sobre a AD Shopping:
A AD Shopping, maior administradora independente de shopping centers do país, está presente em todas as regiões brasileiras. Seu portfólio é composto por empreendimentos de diversos formatos, localizados tanto em capitais quanto no interior. São mais de 26 anos de experiência em planejamento, comercialização e gestão de shopping centers. Visite: www.adshopping.com.br.
Serviço: I Mostra de Dança
Local:  2º piso do shopping – em frente a loja Aquamar. Avenida Itapera 500 – Irajá – Rio de Janeiro
Data: 10 e 11 de março (sábado e domingo)
Horário: 12h às 22h (sábado) e 13h às 21h (domingo)
Informações: www.shoppingviabrasil.com.br ou pelo telefone 3445-8873
Evento Gratuito
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hello! I've been looking through some of the things you post and this "hibomuse" via insta person has a lot of videos? who are they? lol
honestly...i have to cluei'm assuming they're a friend of the band cause i've seen them hanging out with nathan before -ezra
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teenmomtruths · 7 years
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jesseneufeld · 4 years
Announcing the 9th Annual WEGO Health Awards Finalists
There are thousands of patients and caregivers sharing their stories, raising awareness, and guiding others through their own patient journey. Their endless work and energy to ensure no patient feels alone or lost is admirable and worthy of recognition. At WEGO Health, we believe these individuals are the key to solving healthcare’s biggest challenges and they deserved to be celebrated for their immense impact on the patient journey.
This is precisely why we created the WEGO Health Awards; to celebrate the patient leaders who are leading the online health community.
Year after year, we are truly blown away by the nominees and this year is certainly no different. We could not be more honored to celebrate these patient leaders across all conditions areas, platforms, and countries. With over 13,000 nominations, our 9th annual WEGO Health Awards season has been the biggest celebration yet. We urge you to check out this year’s nominees, and you’ll quickly see the passion and power of these patient leaders. We hope this year’s nominees feel proud and validated that their work is making an impact. We truly thank each and every single one of you for your dedication to improving the patient experience and for being a shining light in your community. We are so very honored to celebrate your achievements!
Narrowing Down the Finalists
The three most endorsed nominees in each award category automatically become finalists. Three additional finalists are selected through multiple rounds of judging by WEGO Health community members. Nominees are reviewed and scored based on their fit for the award category, their uses of social media, and their focus on sharing information and fostering engagement.
Selecting the Winners
Starting Friday, our 96 WEGO Health Awards finalists will be reviewed and scored by our Finalist Judging Panel, comprised of industry professionals and experts, to ultimately uncover the sixteen 9th Annual WEGO Health Awards winners! Winners will be announced during our virtual ceremony, in partnership with HLTH, on October 15th at 7pm ET via a Facebook Premiere event on the WEGO Health Facebook page.
Finalists & Winners Will Receive…
Thanks to HLTH’s commitment to ensuring the patient voice is included and part of the conversation, HLTH is offering free passes to all WEGO Health Awards finalists and winners to the industry’s biggest conference on October 12-16th. Many of the conversations that take place here shape the future of the health space, so we are pleased to share that 96 patient leaders will be part of the discussion! All finalists will also receive a WEGO Health prize pack in the mail.
Additionally, winners will receive: • $500 prize to be used towards advocacy efforts or travel • Compensated WEGO Health 2021 Patient Leader Advisory Board Seat (estimated cash value: $1500) • Opportunity to be featured as a worlds’ top patient expert in HLTH’s patient-centered webinar series, as well as industry exposure opportunities throughout the year *Winners will get priority for speaking engagements and industry exposure events throughout 2021, depending on the state of COVID-19.
And now, the moment you’ve been waiting for…
WEGO Health presents the 9th Annual WEGO Health Awards Finalists!
Advocating for Another
LeAnna Headley
Our LANDing Crew
Mariana Arias
Elle Cole
Stephanie Hueston
Toni Mathieson
WEGO Health Award Description: Not all patient leaders are sharing their own patient journey. The Advocating for Another category is for the caregivers who tirelessly raise awareness to better the lives of loved ones. Though they themselves may not be sick, they are the caregivers of children, siblings, parents, significant others, or friends, who have an up-close-and-personal perspective that is invaluable. These individuals balance life as a caregiver, all while advocating on their loved one’s behalf – whether it be through blogging, social media or legislation.
Best in Show: Blog
Ella Hollis
Dr. Christina Hibbert
Meghan Smith
Cynthia Covert, The Disabled Diva
Caz (InvisiblyMe)
WEGO Health Award Description: Social media has its place in patient advocacy, but for many advocates, their blog persists as the heart of their advocacy. The Best in Show: Blog category is for the patient leaders who continue to publish new content or elaborate on relevant social posts through blogging. Aimed at sharing their story, raising awareness, or educating others, these are the health advocacy blogs we love to read!
Best in Show: Community/Forum
Megan King
Jeff Folloder
Kristal Kent
Jen Schwartz – Founder and CEO, Motherhood Understood
Go Shout Love
Estela Mata
WEGO Health Award Description: A diagnosis can be life-changing, but fortunately so can the support from an online community. The Best in Show: Community category celebrates the online communities or forums that create an inviting space for newcomers while maintaining a safe place that people have come to respect and rely on. These leaders have mastered managing, moderating, and engaging their communities all for the purpose of supporting others.
Best in Show: Facebook
Michelle Munt
The Invisible Hypothyroidism
Michelle Cole
Devin Garlit
IBD Warriors Support and Awareness
WEGO Health Award Description: Despite its recent controversies, Facebook prevails as one of the strongest online hubs for connection, conversation, and community amongst patients and caregivers. The Best in Show: Facebook category is for the patient advocates who lead in engaging Facebook groups or advocacy pages where people want to “Like”, comment, and connect!
Best in Show: Instagram
Pina Varnel
Brandy Haberer
Ellen Inouye
You Look Okay To Me
Nathan Todd
WEGO Health Award Description: It’s no secret Instagram has become the top platform for all things visual. The Best in Show: Instagram category is for the patient leaders curating thought-provoking images, engaging videos, entertaining Insta-stories, and helpful IGTV sessions aimed at sharing their story and supporting others. These are the advocacy accounts that fill your endless Instagram scroll with support, inspiration and community!
Best in Show: Podcast
Kathy Raegan Young – The FUMS Podcast
William Yank – The Illest.
Daniel Newman – The Talking Type 1
Michael Liben – Heart to Heart with Michael
Amy and Brittany – In Sixteen Years of Endometriosis
WEGO Health Award Description: More than ever, patient leaders are proving podcasts can be powerful! The Best in Show: Podcast category recognizes advocates taking their health stories to the airwaves to share their own experiences, explore community topics, or interview and learn from special guests. Whether educationally based, feel-good fun, or a way to meet new people, these are the advocacy podcasts you cannot stop listening to!
Best in Show: Twitter
Pina Varnel
Dani Donovan
Rene Brooks
Matthew Hodson
Agnes Nsofwa
Daniel Malito
WEGO Health Award Description: It’s not simple to create easily digestible thoughts in 280 characters or less, but there are some patient leaders who truly excel at it. The Best in Show: Twitter category is for the patient leaders making the most out of this character limit! Whether hosting Twitter Chats, providing snapshots of new information or sharing words of encouragement, these patient leaders embody the model of Twitter for #patientadvocacy.
Best in Show: Tik-Tok
William Yank
Paige Hennekam
Chloé Hayden
ASLSuzyQ- Suzy Stewart
Micah Thane
Jesi Stracham
WEGO Health Award Description: With the rise of TikTok, we couldn’t help but create a brand new category to recognize the patient leaders using TikTok for the greater good! The musical app has become a hotbed for awareness, giving creators the ability to take complicated topics and turn them into bite-sized units of education and entertainment. While this video platform is the home to lip-synching videos, viral dance moves and popular culture, many patient advocates are leveraging its features to make their advocacy interactive, entertaining, and plain old fun!
Best in Show: YouTube
Our LANDing Crew
ReBranding Autism
Damian Washington
You Look Okay To Me
Effie Koliopoulos
WEGO Health Award Description: The last five years have revealed that videos tend to be more engaging and more memorable than any other type of content out there. The Best in Show: YouTube category recognizes the patient leaders who are getting in front of the camera to share their story, vlog their daily lives or educate others about their cause. Though pressing record can be daunting for many of us, these patient leaders prove video is a powerful way to connect and communicate!
Best Kept Secret
LeAnna Headley
Dion Langley
The Wee Family
For the Breast of Us
Sarah Tompkins
Genny Jessee
WEGO Health Award Description: The internet is a vast place, making it nearly impossible to find all of the impactful content that exists. The Best Kept Secret category uncovers the hidden gems of the online health community that everyone should be following! Whether creating great content, providing endless support, or raising awareness for their cause, these patient leaders deserve the spotlight!
Best Team Performance
Zachary Valentine
Fight Like A Warrior
Lauren Deluca & the Chronic Illness Advocacy & Awareness Group
Lindsey Pacios & Team Cure
Fibromyalgia Care Society of America, Inc.
International Foundation for Autoimmune & Autoinflammatory Arthritis (AiArthritis)
WEGO Health Award Description: The Best Team Performance category recognizes a team or group that takes their activism to new heights because of the assistance from one another. Whether it be a group that runs an online chat, a non-profit organization, or a caregiver and patient duo – this award celebrates those bringing a team effort to their advocacy!
Healthcare Collaborator
Trishna Bharadia
Jennifer Champy
Tori Geib
Grace B. Charrier
Michele Nadeem-Baker
Kevin Freiert
WEGO Health Award Description: Fortunately, more than ever the healthcare industry is seeing just how valuable patient leaders can be! Our Healthcare Collaborator category is for the advocates bridging the gaps between industry stakeholders and healthcare consumers. Whether speaking at conferences, consulting with healthcare companies, using their education or research to help make a change in the healthcare industry, or creating apps and products to fulfill needs in the current system, these patient leaders are impacting the healthcare landscape at large.
Hilarious Patient Leader
Dani Donovan
ReBranding Autism
Lisa Walters
Christine Olivo
A Ballsy Sense of Tumor – Justin Birckbichler
Kristen Hernandez
WEGO Health Award Description: Ever heard that laughter is the best medicine? The Hilarious Patient Leader category recognizes the patient advocates infusing a healthy dose of humor into their advocacy. They may be witty, dry or sharp. But one thing is clear, their use of humor makes even the toughest of topics more approachable and more enjoyable.
Lifetime Achievement
Trishna Bharadia
Kristal Kent
Cathy Chester
Carrie Kellenberger
Lauren Stiles, JD
Amanda Greene ~ LA Lupus Lady
WEGO Health Award Description: Some patient advocates are true stars who continue to shine and don’t fit into just one category. The Lifetime Achievement category is for the veteran patient leaders, who after years of advocacy achievements, stand as role models for the entire online health community. Let’s recognize the advocacy leaders that inspire all of us year after year!
Patient Leader Hero
Tiffany Kairos
Jennifer Champy
Kristin Anthony
Kevin Hines
Chisa Nosamiefan
Melodie Narain-Blackwell
WEGO Health Award Description: Sometimes, a leader’s advocacy work has the ability to truly change the lives of others. The Patient Leader Hero category celebrates those who go above and beyond for their communities and whose influence has truly made an impact. Their dedication is admirable and ignites a spark for change in everyone they meet. These patient leaders don’t need a cape to prove they are heroes!
Rookie of the Year
Arushi Lohiya
Naima D.
Anisha Gangotra
Trevor Maxwell
Cassie Pigg
Carley Gordon
WEGO Health Award Description: As anyone in advocacy knows, communities aren’t built overnight! Sharing your story and impacting a community takes time and patience, so let’s encourage those who are recently empowered as patient leaders. The Rookie of the Year category celebrates the advocates who may be new to the scene, but continue to show the utmost potential. This category is typically for patient leaders with 1-3 years’ experience.
Congratulations to all finalists and all nominees!
Regardless of the outcome, we hope you are all so proud! Your nomination means you have impacted the lives of others in your community and we are endlessly grateful for your contribution. Your work and voice truly have the power to change healthcare.
The post Announcing the 9th Annual WEGO Health Awards Finalists appeared first on WEGO Health.
Announcing the 9th Annual WEGO Health Awards Finalists published first on https://drugaddictionsrehab.tumblr.com/
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lauramalchowblog · 4 years
Announcing the 9th Annual WEGO Health Awards Finalists
There are thousands of patients and caregivers sharing their stories, raising awareness, and guiding others through their own patient journey. Their endless work and energy to ensure no patient feels alone or lost is admirable and worthy of recognition. At WEGO Health, we believe these individuals are the key to solving healthcare’s biggest challenges and they deserved to be celebrated for their immense impact on the patient journey.
This is precisely why we created the WEGO Health Awards; to celebrate the patient leaders who are leading the online health community.
Year after year, we are truly blown away by the nominees and this year is certainly no different. We could not be more honored to celebrate these patient leaders across all conditions areas, platforms, and countries. With over 13,000 nominations, our 9th annual WEGO Health Awards season has been the biggest celebration yet. We urge you to check out this year’s nominees, and you’ll quickly see the passion and power of these patient leaders. We hope this year’s nominees feel proud and validated that their work is making an impact. We truly thank each and every single one of you for your dedication to improving the patient experience and for being a shining light in your community. We are so very honored to celebrate your achievements!
Narrowing Down the Finalists
The three most endorsed nominees in each award category automatically become finalists. Three additional finalists are selected through multiple rounds of judging by WEGO Health community members. Nominees are reviewed and scored based on their fit for the award category, their uses of social media, and their focus on sharing information and fostering engagement.
Selecting the Winners
Starting Friday, our 96 WEGO Health Awards finalists will be reviewed and scored by our Finalist Judging Panel, comprised of industry professionals and experts, to ultimately uncover the sixteen 9th Annual WEGO Health Awards winners! Winners will be announced during our virtual ceremony, in partnership with HLTH, on October 15th at 7pm ET via a Facebook Premiere event on the WEGO Health Facebook page.
Finalists & Winners Will Receive…
Thanks to HLTH’s commitment to ensuring the patient voice is included and part of the conversation, HLTH is offering free passes to all WEGO Health Awards finalists and winners to the industry’s biggest conference on October 12-16th. Many of the conversations that take place here shape the future of the health space, so we are pleased to share that 96 patient leaders will be part of the discussion! All finalists will also receive a WEGO Health prize pack in the mail.
Additionally, winners will receive: • $500 prize to be used towards advocacy efforts or travel • Compensated WEGO Health 2021 Patient Leader Advisory Board Seat (estimated cash value: $1500) • Opportunity to be featured as a worlds’ top patient expert in HLTH’s patient-centered webinar series, as well as industry exposure opportunities throughout the year *Winners will get priority for speaking engagements and industry exposure events throughout 2021, depending on the state of COVID-19.
And now, the moment you’ve been waiting for…
WEGO Health presents the 9th Annual WEGO Health Awards Finalists!
Advocating for Another
LeAnna Headley
Our LANDing Crew
Mariana Arias
Elle Cole
Stephanie Hueston
Toni Mathieson
WEGO Health Award Description: Not all patient leaders are sharing their own patient journey. The Advocating for Another category is for the caregivers who tirelessly raise awareness to better the lives of loved ones. Though they themselves may not be sick, they are the caregivers of children, siblings, parents, significant others, or friends, who have an up-close-and-personal perspective that is invaluable. These individuals balance life as a caregiver, all while advocating on their loved one’s behalf – whether it be through blogging, social media or legislation.
Best in Show: Blog
Ella Hollis
Dr. Christina Hibbert
Meghan Smith
Cynthia Covert, The Disabled Diva
Caz (InvisiblyMe)
WEGO Health Award Description: Social media has its place in patient advocacy, but for many advocates, their blog persists as the heart of their advocacy. The Best in Show: Blog category is for the patient leaders who continue to publish new content or elaborate on relevant social posts through blogging. Aimed at sharing their story, raising awareness, or educating others, these are the health advocacy blogs we love to read!
Best in Show: Community/Forum
Megan King
Jeff Folloder
Kristal Kent
Jen Schwartz – Founder and CEO, Motherhood Understood
Go Shout Love
Estela Mata
WEGO Health Award Description: A diagnosis can be life-changing, but fortunately so can the support from an online community. The Best in Show: Community category celebrates the online communities or forums that create an inviting space for newcomers while maintaining a safe place that people have come to respect and rely on. These leaders have mastered managing, moderating, and engaging their communities all for the purpose of supporting others.
Best in Show: Facebook
Michelle Munt
The Invisible Hypothyroidism
Michelle Cole
Devin Garlit
IBD Warriors Support and Awareness
WEGO Health Award Description: Despite its recent controversies, Facebook prevails as one of the strongest online hubs for connection, conversation, and community amongst patients and caregivers. The Best in Show: Facebook category is for the patient advocates who lead in engaging Facebook groups or advocacy pages where people want to “Like”, comment, and connect!
Best in Show: Instagram
Pina Varnel
Brandy Haberer
Ellen Inouye
You Look Okay To Me
Nathan Todd
WEGO Health Award Description: It’s no secret Instagram has become the top platform for all things visual. The Best in Show: Instagram category is for the patient leaders curating thought-provoking images, engaging videos, entertaining Insta-stories, and helpful IGTV sessions aimed at sharing their story and supporting others. These are the advocacy accounts that fill your endless Instagram scroll with support, inspiration and community!
Best in Show: Podcast
Kathy Raegan Young – The FUMS Podcast
William Yank – The Illest.
Daniel Newman – The Talking Type 1
Michael Liben – Heart to Heart with Michael
Amy and Brittany – In Sixteen Years of Endometriosis
WEGO Health Award Description: More than ever, patient leaders are proving podcasts can be powerful! The Best in Show: Podcast category recognizes advocates taking their health stories to the airwaves to share their own experiences, explore community topics, or interview and learn from special guests. Whether educationally based, feel-good fun, or a way to meet new people, these are the advocacy podcasts you cannot stop listening to!
Best in Show: Twitter
Pina Varnel
Dani Donovan
Rene Brooks
Matthew Hodson
Agnes Nsofwa
Daniel Malito
WEGO Health Award Description: It’s not simple to create easily digestible thoughts in 280 characters or less, but there are some patient leaders who truly excel at it. The Best in Show: Twitter category is for the patient leaders making the most out of this character limit! Whether hosting Twitter Chats, providing snapshots of new information or sharing words of encouragement, these patient leaders embody the model of Twitter for #patientadvocacy.
Best in Show: Tik-Tok
William Yank
Paige Hennekam
Chloé Hayden
ASLSuzyQ- Suzy Stewart
Micah Thane
Jesi Stracham
WEGO Health Award Description: With the rise of TikTok, we couldn’t help but create a brand new category to recognize the patient leaders using TikTok for the greater good! The musical app has become a hotbed for awareness, giving creators the ability to take complicated topics and turn them into bite-sized units of education and entertainment. While this video platform is the home to lip-synching videos, viral dance moves and popular culture, many patient advocates are leveraging its features to make their advocacy interactive, entertaining, and plain old fun!
Best in Show: YouTube
Our LANDing Crew
ReBranding Autism
Damian Washington
You Look Okay To Me
Effie Koliopoulos
WEGO Health Award Description: The last five years have revealed that videos tend to be more engaging and more memorable than any other type of content out there. The Best in Show: YouTube category recognizes the patient leaders who are getting in front of the camera to share their story, vlog their daily lives or educate others about their cause. Though pressing record can be daunting for many of us, these patient leaders prove video is a powerful way to connect and communicate!
Best Kept Secret
LeAnna Headley
Dion Langley
The Wee Family
For the Breast of Us
Sarah Tompkins
Genny Jessee
WEGO Health Award Description: The internet is a vast place, making it nearly impossible to find all of the impactful content that exists. The Best Kept Secret category uncovers the hidden gems of the online health community that everyone should be following! Whether creating great content, providing endless support, or raising awareness for their cause, these patient leaders deserve the spotlight!
Best Team Performance
Zachary Valentine
Fight Like A Warrior
Lauren Deluca & the Chronic Illness Advocacy & Awareness Group
Lindsey Pacios & Team Cure
Fibromyalgia Care Society of America, Inc.
International Foundation for Autoimmune & Autoinflammatory Arthritis (AiArthritis)
WEGO Health Award Description: The Best Team Performance category recognizes a team or group that takes their activism to new heights because of the assistance from one another. Whether it be a group that runs an online chat, a non-profit organization, or a caregiver and patient duo – this award celebrates those bringing a team effort to their advocacy!
Healthcare Collaborator
Trishna Bharadia
Jennifer Champy
Tori Geib
Grace B. Charrier
Michele Nadeem-Baker
Kevin Freiert
WEGO Health Award Description: Fortunately, more than ever the healthcare industry is seeing just how valuable patient leaders can be! Our Healthcare Collaborator category is for the advocates bridging the gaps between industry stakeholders and healthcare consumers. Whether speaking at conferences, consulting with healthcare companies, using their education or research to help make a change in the healthcare industry, or creating apps and products to fulfill needs in the current system, these patient leaders are impacting the healthcare landscape at large.
Hilarious Patient Leader
Dani Donovan
ReBranding Autism
Lisa Walters
Christine Olivo
A Ballsy Sense of Tumor – Justin Birckbichler
Kristen Hernandez
WEGO Health Award Description: Ever heard that laughter is the best medicine? The Hilarious Patient Leader category recognizes the patient advocates infusing a healthy dose of humor into their advocacy. They may be witty, dry or sharp. But one thing is clear, their use of humor makes even the toughest of topics more approachable and more enjoyable.
Lifetime Achievement
Trishna Bharadia
Kristal Kent
Cathy Chester
Carrie Kellenberger
Lauren Stiles, JD
Amanda Greene ~ LA Lupus Lady
WEGO Health Award Description: Some patient advocates are true stars who continue to shine and don’t fit into just one category. The Lifetime Achievement category is for the veteran patient leaders, who after years of advocacy achievements, stand as role models for the entire online health community. Let’s recognize the advocacy leaders that inspire all of us year after year!
Patient Leader Hero
Tiffany Kairos
Jennifer Champy
Kristin Anthony
Kevin Hines
Chisa Nosamiefan
Melodie Narain-Blackwell
WEGO Health Award Description: Sometimes, a leader’s advocacy work has the ability to truly change the lives of others. The Patient Leader Hero category celebrates those who go above and beyond for their communities and whose influence has truly made an impact. Their dedication is admirable and ignites a spark for change in everyone they meet. These patient leaders don’t need a cape to prove they are heroes!
Rookie of the Year
Arushi Lohiya
Naima D.
Anisha Gangotra
Trevor Maxwell
Cassie Pigg
Carley Gordon
WEGO Health Award Description: As anyone in advocacy knows, communities aren’t built overnight! Sharing your story and impacting a community takes time and patience, so let’s encourage those who are recently empowered as patient leaders. The Rookie of the Year category celebrates the advocates who may be new to the scene, but continue to show the utmost potential. This category is typically for patient leaders with 1-3 years’ experience.
Congratulations to all finalists and all nominees!
Regardless of the outcome, we hope you are all so proud! Your nomination means you have impacted the lives of others in your community and we are endlessly grateful for your contribution. Your work and voice truly have the power to change healthcare.
The post Announcing the 9th Annual WEGO Health Awards Finalists appeared first on WEGO Health.
Announcing the 9th Annual WEGO Health Awards Finalists published first on https://venabeahan.tumblr.com
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