#and they order fish and chips luv them
nicoscheer · 8 months
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yawnderu · 1 year
Idyllic - Simon ''Ghost'' Riley x Reader
content: fluff, mutual pining, idiots in love, your honor, they love each other.
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What is a promise if not the way you fit perfectly in my arms? I can express myself easily and bark out orders at anyone, yet I don't have the courage to ask you out on a date.
''Si?'' Your soft voice takes me away from my thoughts. My heart is in my throat for a second before I look up at you, giving you a silent nod of acknowledgement. I don't dare speak yet, I don't want you to know how enamored I am of you.
''I was thinking... would you like to come home with me for Christmas? Soap and Gaz are going to visit their family, and the old man is going to go fishing.'' I resist the urge to chuckle at the way you refer to Price as ''old man'' and the way your nose scrunches up in slight disgust at the idea of going fishing with him. I look down at the gun I was oiling up absentmindedly, pretending to think about it.
''... sure.'' I finally look back at you, already feeling your eyes burn into me. I feel like I'm being held down by an invisible force that makes my body feel heavy.
''That'd be nice.'' I add, not wanting to seem uninterested, yet not wanting to make you realize how much I like you, despite already knowing you do. I raise an eyebrow as you get closer, your arms wrapping around my waist from behind, the same way you started doing months ago. My hands wrap around yours, fingers intertwined on your much smaller ones.
''I promise it'll be cozy. I'll even let you choose what we eat for breakfast, as long as it's not beans on toast.'' Your voice is slightly muffled as your cheek rests against my back, yet you still manage to drag a soft laugh out of me. All those jabs about me being British never get old, not when they come from you.
''Don't knock it 'til you try it, love.'' I reply teasingly, another quiet laugh coming out my masked lips when you groan loudly and say ''ew''. I don't even like beans on toast, but if teasing me about it makes you talk to me more, I'll keep up with the white lie.
''That's awful. We're eating something that wasn't made when the Germans were flying overhead.'' I roll my eyes, secretly happy that I keep my mask on so you can't see the stupid smile on my face, just like every single time I'm with you.
''Ever tried fish n chips, luv?'' I exaggerate my accent, the cracks on my soul slowly being fixed one by one when I hear you laugh, feeling your body shake softly behind me before you force me to turn around on the chair, your hands carrying their warmth to my cheeks despite the fabric covering them.
''You wanna fuckin' go, lad?'' Your fake and extremely poor impression of a British accent makes my brain melt, but I still find myself leaning my forehead on your shoulder to hide the way my eyes crinkle at your words. Have you been spending too much time with Gaz? Who in the world is teaching you how to be a roadman? It's funny. I bit the inside of my cheek when you broke away and got into a defensive playfight position, already knowing I was in for a treat.
''What was that?'' I get up from the chair, playfully jabbing your shoulder before getting into a fighting position as well. Your body is left unprotected when you laugh, so I take the chance to give you a very soft, mock punch in the stomach, making you laugh harder. ''Fuckin' 'ave it, ya slag.'' I never even knew how much I needed you.
tag list: @rindulacre
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harper-hook · 4 years
Exploration | Harry Hook x Reader
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Prompt: # 90 “That’s hot.” “It is?” “Yeah, makes me wonder...” “Wonder what?” “What else you’re hiding.” #95 “Can I kiss you now?” 
Warnings: Mentions of sex
Author’s Note: This story would’ve been out a long time ago if it hadn’t gotten deleted twice. WTF Tumblr?!
It was a slow night at Ursula’s Fish and Chips shop. You drummed your fingers on the table, scanning the room out of habit. A few members of the crew were playing cards at some side tables and some were in the middle of the floor, wrestling and carrying on. 
The chair next to you scraped the floor and Uma plopped down. “This is so fucking boring.” She complained, resting her head in the palm of her hand. “You got that right.” You scanned the room again, stopping on the wrestle match in the middle. 
It was Harry and Gil in the ring, all sweaty and panting. You smiled when Harry looked up and made brief eye contact. He grinned and finally muscled Gil out of the ring. You laughed and clapped as the rest of the crew raised up, cheering. Harry’s next victim joined him in the ring and you turned your attention back to Uma. 
You really didn’t like the look she was giving you. “So,” She started. “Are you guys gonna hook up or what?” Your mouth fell open, spluttering for a response. “Cause if you need help, I’ll gladly help.” She smirked, looking a bit too pleased with herself. 
“Uma!” You hissed, motioning for her to keep her voice down. She just cackled in response. Harry loved to embarrass you by being overdramatic and flirting with you in front of the entire crew. At first, it bothered you but now you really looked forward to it. A little too forward to it.
“Just tell him you’ve got nipple piercings and he’ll jump you.” She snickered. “Oh my God, will you shut up?” You groaned, banging your head on the table. It had been a good idea at the time but trying to keep them from getting infected without proper medicine that the Isle lacked? Not so good.
“Hi Uma. (Y/N).” Gil greeted, sitting down on the other side of you. “What’s wrong?” He asked, concerned. “Nothing, Gil. She’s just moody.” Uma giggled. You rolled your eyes, picking your head up. “Moody about her nipples?” Gil asked, confused now.
You inhaled a sharp breath, whipping your head to face him. “How did you know that?!” You snapped, clenching your fists. “I was standing right behind you guys.” He replied cheerfully. You willed yourself not to get pissed, it was Gil for fuck’s sake. Barely an evil bone in his body. 
“What else did you hear?” You asked through gritted teeth, proud that you kept your calm tone. “Nothing else.” He shrugged. You were immediately relieved. Gil was Harry’s best friend and if Gil found out, Harry would know before the hour was up.
You turned back to Uma who had the decency to look a bit guilty. “My bad.” She laughed. 
“‘Ey.” Wow, fate just really loved testing you. “What’s up with ye lot?” Harry swaggered up, all sweaty from being in the ring. “Nothing.” The three of you chorused. Harry’s eyes narrowed before he sat on top of the table, eventually strewing himself out in front of you. 
“Heard you squawkin’ a fit over here, luv. Made me lose my match.” Harry hummed. You flushed, not realizing how loud you were. “So what were ya talking about?” He addressed the three of you. “Nothing.” “Nothing.” “(Y/N)’s nipple rings.” Gil announced through a mouthful of food.
You let out an embarrassed shriek as Uma shouted at Gil, making Harry roar with laughter. You covered your face with your hands as Uma snapped at Gil to get out and Harry was wheezing with laughter. 
“Really, luv?” Harry asked, pulling your hands away. “Stop.” You whined, pulling your hands away. “It must be true. Yer red like a tomato.” He snickered. You growled and shoved Harry off the table, him landing on the floor with an ‘oomph!’.
You practically pushed your chair over as you stormed out of the Shoppe, Uma yelling for you to come back. You ignored her and Gil’s attempt at apologizing while you were still pissed, and made your way back to the ship.
You dropped your shoes and coat on the floor by the door, done with this night. You just wanted to crawl into bed and die. 
You had just gotten comfortable and shut your eyes when your door slammed open, making you practically jump out of your skin. You shot up and faced Harry who was standing in your doorway like it was a normal everyday thing. 
You had just gotten comfortable and shut your eyes when your door slammed open, making you practically jump out of your skin. You shot up and faced Harry who was standing in your doorway like it was a normal everyday thing. 
“Get out.” You frowned, crossing your arms. Harry snorted. “Not a chance, sweetheart. We got some unfinished business.” It was clear what he meant, if his eyes flickering down to your chest didn’t tell you.
Harry took his sweet time, throwing his jacket on top of yours and walking over to you. You swallowed your nerves as you looked up at him. “Can I kiss you now?” He asked roughly. “Yes...” You whispered as Harry tilted your chin up and pressed his lips to yours.
He moved slowly against your lips at first, getting faster as the need for air grew. Finally, he pulled away, sucking on your bottom lip. He smiled at you. “Holy shit...” You breathed out, trying to catch your breath. He chuckled, gently pushing on your shoulders.
You rested on your elbows as Harry crawled on top of you, his knee brushing between your legs, making your breath catch. He grinned maliciously, ‘accidentally’ doing it again.
Harry dipped his head down, kissing on your collarbone. You threw your head back in a moan, your hands reaching for his blindly. You pulled his hands to the bottom of your shirt, helping drag the bottom of your shirt up.
Harry grinned, you returning it albeit a bit nervous. You raised up to help him with your shirt. The cool air made your nipple harden even further. “Damn...” Harry murmured, running a hand over your right nipple as gently as he could. 
 He turned the rings over, looking at the small silver balls on either end. His left giving it the same treatment. You jerked as he twisted one a bit too fast. “Easy...” You whimpered, desperately wanting his knee back between your legs. 
Harry finally pulled away, satisfied by his thorough inspection. “That’s hot.” He told you, nodding his head in confirmation. “It is?” You smirked. “Yeah, makes me wonder...” He trailed. “Wonder what?” “What else you’re hiding.” 
Harry attacked your lips with a new vigor. You eagerly returned it, trying to tug Harry’s shirt over his head. “Shit.” You groaned as he ground his hard on against you.
“Stop.” Harry ordered, making you stop in your tracks. Harry lowered one foot to the floor and started unbuckling his belt and pushing his pants and boxers down. You froze for a second before quickly following his lead. You pushed down your skirt and panties, barely kicking them off before Harry was on top of you again.
Harry brushed his lips over yours, bringing you into a sweet and gentle kiss before he pushed his length into you. “Fuck!” You hissed, arching your back. Harry hissed at the cold metal against his chest. 
Harry paused, letting you adjust to him. You blushed heavily as he brushed some stray hair off your forehead, licking and blowing on your collarbone. You shivered.
Then it was like he did a 180. He pulled back, smirking over your naked form. “This,” He reached down and pinched your nipple, making you howl. “Is mine, all mine. You are all mine.” He growled possessively. “Yes!” You panted.
He grinned and slammed back into you, setting a fast pace. You cursed and swore, clawing Harry's back as he didn't let up. "Harry, I'm gonna-" You cut yourself off with a moan as you came, hard. Your vision swirled as Harry finally took mercy on you and paused. 
Harry tsked, looking over you like a cat that caught the canary. "You always were a sensitive one, eh Dolly?" To punctuate, he flicked your nipple. Throat sore and shredded, you just trembled. 
"Round two." Harry muttered, this time throwing your legs up over his shoulders. You actually shrieked as he reentered you, going for a slower but deeper pace. "You're gonna come for me again." He declared. You felt like your nerves were on fire, overstimulated. 
"Can't... can't..." Your hoarse voice echoed in-between the sounds of slapping skin. For a moment, you forgot who you were dealing with. Harry didn't give up. Ever. 
"You can." Harry said. "You can and will." He reached a hand down your folds and found your sensitive bud."Right now!" Harry's voice shook as his release came closer and closer. You screamed again, tiding out your second wave of ecstasy as black dots slowly clouded your vision.
You blinked slowly, raising up ever so slightly. Your body was sore and felt like a big bruise. You groaned, catching Harry's attention. "Easy lass." He gently pulled you to him and pulled a sheet up to your waist's. 
"Thought I killed ya there." He laughed, a nervous edge to his voice. You giggled as Harry rested his chin on your head. "Never took you for a cuddler." You remarked. 
"I guess we have a lot more to learn about each other." He smirked. "Yeah." You said peacefully, relishing in his embrace.
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randombtsprincessa · 4 years
Author: Randombtsprincessa
Characters: Jung Hoseok x Kim Seokjin 
Words: 4.1k
Genre/Rating: Smut/fluff (NC - 17)
Prompt: 2seok with bad boy Jin (think tattoos, motorbikes, intimidating af but rescues kittens type) and model student shy and sweet Hoseok.
Warning: Clubbing, social drinking, mentions of drunken sex, tattoed blond Jin, flirting, LGBTQ+ fic, MxM fic, bad father, bad childhood mentions, volunteering work, kissing, blowjob in a garage, unprotected oral (male receiving) [be safe folks].
A/N: The following work is a part of @ficswithluv ‘s amazing project Change With Luv. It was commissioned by the lovely Ducky ( @diedinwarofhormones​ ) Thank you for the commission and let’s hope the donation helps bring about some really needed reforms! It is my very first mxm fic so please be a little lenient in judgement and I kept the smut not very explicit just in case (also because I exceeded the word limit shhh) so yeah. I hope you enjoy! Please do check out the project to help bring some change to the world and art to the world! 
Now, do welcome the gif that brought together the last scene of the fic!
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In life, there are three sets of people who go hand in hand.
There are the people who are completely alike, do everything together, share hobbies and end up being the ‘goals’ that are usually portrayed on every hyped up couples instagram.
There are people who seem to just mesh well, go about in their personal bubbles as things either go well or not.
And then…there are the people who are nothing alike. They are poles apart, one league away from each other.
Yet, they are brought closer and closer to each other and gel together in a manner that astounds the people surrounding them.
Or so Jung Hoseok had read somewhere; in a book, maybe in his adolescence, in those past teen years that seem like a dream.
He was grown up now, in college and while he had kept on the rosy tint in his cheeks, he had shed off most of his earlier romantic notions.
After all, college was a step forward towards the future he craved desperately. And he worked hard for it, to graduate and then carry on further into a blissful, stress free life.
So, when he came in touch with the circle in which Kim Seokjin moved, well…
All those ideals and notions came back like a sucker punch.
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To be very honest, a club scene where there was too much light but nothing could be seen, where a bass thumped that irritatingly made you feel like you had a second heartbeat, too many sweaty bodies that merged, collided to a rambling beat and alcohol that cost half a days’ worth income – even on a campus ground, was not to Hoseok’s taste.
However, his best friend Namjoon had dragged him out of his room this time, screaming, wailing, and crawling – for once to pry Hoseok away from those chemistry books that still had equations pounding in his cranium.
Many minutes after arriving at the party, Namjoon had disappeared.
Hoseok had no idea where; if there was someone who was more shy, nerdy or awkward than him…it was Kim Namjoon.
He hoped he was getting laid somewhere, that way he’d be much less annoyed when Hoseok inevitably left to go home.
He turned his torso around to the crowd, and although he could see absolutely nothing clearly, he tried, he really did.
He reached up, straightened onto the bar stool so he could look over the multiple heads. Most of the flashing lights glinted against his glasses, blinding him and he sighed. Slumping back, he admitted defeat, looking along the length of the bar.
Maybe he should order another drink?
It wasn’t midnight just yet. He could make it till 12 and then slip away. After all, if Namjoon was around and…not otherwise occupied, he would come over so they could both go back to the dorm.
They both had early and lengthy classes for god’s sake.
As he stretched out a hand, to attract the bartender’s attention, he saw him.
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The angle the man sat at made it impossible for him to get a clear look at his face. However, it was easy to discern the hunch of his shoulders, too wide, clad in a smooth leather jacket that exploded rainbows whenever a streak of light bounced off of the man.
Deep blond hair ruffled on top of the head and he could barely make out the hints of a neck tattoo.
The bartender soon came over to take his order and after refilling the drink, Hoseok decided that he could stay a bit more, just to see what the stranger looked like maybe.
“Buddy, take a picture. It’ll last longer.”
Hoseok started, the rim of the glass jolting against his teeth at the move as the man turned his head to look at him head on, one dark eyebrow quirked.
Suffice it to say, the man was breathtaking.
The soft blond hair accentuated the poufy lips of the man, glistening wet from the alcohol. The leather jacket showed off a swimmer’s body, a silver clasp at his thin waist.
Hoseok was tempted to think that this man put his last boyfriend to shame.
“I’m sorry; I must’ve just stared at you. I was zoning out.” Hoseok excused himself.
“Don’t worry about it.” The man grinned, leaning forward so he would be audible. “You here with someone?”
“My roommate…he’s disappeared.”
The stranger nodded, taking a swig from his glass. “Yeah, that happens around here. If you wanna zone out a bit more, feel free but only cause you’re cute.”
Hoseok’s mouth fell open at the flirting, gaping like a fish as the man grinned yet again, this time feral.
“I…I wasn’t…”
“Like I said, don’t worry about it, pretty boy.”
The man was taking the final gulp, placing the glass next to Hoseok, along with a couple bills under the glass. “Buy yourself a drink from me, would you?”
Hoseok could only stare at the glass and money, still shocked at the bold advance of a complete stranger.
“Oh and hey pretty boy,”
Hoseok turned to look at the exiting male.
“Next time, I’m gonna start charging.”
He turned after that, not hindered by any of the swirling bodies in his path, leaving Hoseok to wonder if maybe he should’ve gotten the name of the man, or at least given his own.
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“You’re, like, not even listening to me.” Namjoon snapped Hoseok’s attention towards himself, a pen tapping insistently against his notebook.
“Yes I am,” Hoseok immediately defended but it was too late.
Namjoon had already shoved the study materials that were strewn across the table to one side, both arms coming up to cradle his head. “Go on, purge.”
“I don’t have anything to say to you, I swear.” Hoseok could hear the defensiveness in his own voice and while it was partly true, he knew he would have to cave in the face of his best friend.
“Fine…I met this guy at the club party a couple nights ago.”
Namjoon stared.
“The one you left me alone at.”
That seemed to jog his memory, causing a delicate sheen of plum to spread along his cheeks. “I said I was sorry, I mean...I saw Taehyung and he looked like –,”
“A dream, yes, I got that.” Hoseok stopped himself from rolling his eyes at the slightly…enormous crush that Namjoon harbored towards the popular junior.
“You didn’t tell me about this guy though,” Namjoon continued.
What was there to tell? Yes, he’d conversed briefly with an absolute stranger for not more than five minutes. Yes, he had never felt this wildly attracted to anyone before. At least, not so much that warranted mooning over him for more than a day. He also knew that there was a good chance that he would never run into him again.
He didn’t even know his name. There was nothing tying the both of them.
Unless he wanted to end up like Namjoon, in a puppy love with a guy he was too scared to talk to, he’d have to move on.
After all; Hoseok thought back to the sleek black lines that ran along the man’s skin, the tight leather that clung to him, smelling of liquor that was alluring in its own right; he was someone Hoseok would not usually find himself associated with.
He was probably a patented bad boy, and Hoseok well…he was model student.
“You just flaked on me again, bro.” Namjoon poked his arm.
“Sorry, so, you didn’t get laid that night then? Why didn’t you come find me?”
“I kind of did; but I don’t know if you can call it that. The chick and I both were pretty smashed and all I could think about was Taehyung’s --,”
“No thanks, I don’t need that imagery in my head.” Hoseok interrupted with a sharp flutter of his hands, raising them to cover his ears.
Namjoon broke out laughing, before shaking his head. “So, do you know anything about this mysterious man of yours?”
“No, but I do know, we have a test tomorrow, so let’s get back to work, shall we?”
Yes, he did know one thing. It was to never hold true to ideals about anything. Somehow they always got smashed to pieces.
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Hoseok had been right to let go of past ideals as he grew up.
He was sitting in the café, books open as he checked the answers to his test. A smooth cream latte sat near his hand with a plate of the café bakery’s special made chocolate chip cookies. Hoseok and Namjoon being regulars meant the staff knew their preferences and it was a god send when the both of them would stumble in, bleary and hazy from their workload to a ready steaming cup and some desperately needed sugar.
He had attempted to put away thoughts of any blonde men that may have crossed his path to solely worry about how chemistry worked in anatomy and it had somewhat paid off, if only all his answers mirrored the ones in his notes.
So, when he heard that same voice, calling out from the wide open door that had haunted him for the past few days, he had to look up.
In the daylight, if possible The Stranger looked much more beautiful than what the club lights paid homage to. He was awfully tall and broad, the same leather jacket and belt still wrapped around him, only this time, he had a helmet clasped under an arm and his hair was mussed from probably being trapped under it.
Big boots thudded, as Hoseok watched the man make his way to the counter, a hard smile ready for the counter worker who clearly stuttered in talking with him, while boxing up a few things.
Must be another regular; Hoseok thought back if he had ever seen him around but glossed over him. Nothing came to mind, even as the man slid over his payment before grabbing the handles of the bag, laughing at something the barista said.
Sensing that he was about to turn about, Hoseok looked down quickly, nearly burying his face behind the book.
He prayed; eyes closed that he hadn’t been caught. While he had hoped for another sight of his stranger, Hoseok hadn’t accounted for what he would do if it did happen. All the times, he’d imagined meeting up in his daydreams, they always stopped short when it came to a response on his part.
“…hey, it’s you.”
Hoseok gulped, wondering why he wasn’t invisible as he looked up, caught in the dark gaze of The Stranger again.
“It is you. Remember me?” The man tilted his head, shifting the helmet in his arms.
“Oh…yeah, in the club, of course,” Hoseok’s voice shook, hands dropping the book to the table as he worked hard to form coherent sentences.
The man’s eyes flashed to the books, grinning with those teeth flashing. “You’re a student.”
There was no room to deny it even as Hoseok chuckled. “Yeah, what about you?”
“Oh I’m done. I just hang about now.” He lowered his voice as if admitting to a mock crime and after a deep breath, Hoseok let out a much more relaxed grin.
In the light, it was easier to tell how different they really were. He was leather-clad, motorcycle helmet laden. Hoseok was wearing a knit sweater and simple jeans and sneakers, a school bag at his feet and his books strewn about a table.
Worlds apart…
Hoseok was someone easy to approach, to talk to, while this man was obviously not someone who anyone would go to first. However, even with the dark aura that hung about him, the way he talked, to ease Hoseok up, revealed something much softer beneath him.
“Speaking of which, I need to go. I will see you around I guess.” The man said.
Your name - give him your damn name, Hobi.
“My name is Hoseok. I forgot to mention it last time.” He said quickly.
The man paused in opening the door, a quirk to his lips. “I’ll remember that.”
And he was gone, with Hoseok watching his walk to a Harley parked nearby, straddling it as he put on the helmet. The Stranger hadn’t afforded Hoseok his own name…
Maybe they were too different. And maybe Hoseok wasn’t the only one who was aware of that fact.
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Even if - Hoseok thought as he stared at the boy sitting opposite him - he wasn’t the only one who knew how different their lives were, neither seemed too intent on cutting their losses just at the moment.
Hoseok hadn’t timed himself, he swore up and down that the reason he was frequenting the café more and more was the increased need for coffee and not the need to catch an elusive Seokjin, whose name he’d caught only accidentally when the barista called for his order.
However, now here they were sitting across from each other.
He was still just as intimidating at first glance, a cold tilt to his head at anyone who he didn’t favor approaching him. A light scoff followed whenever he overheard something particularly obnoxious and rough looking fingers that Hoseok couldn’t help but want to touch.
He was in too deep, he figured. His mind had compartmentalized the raging crush he harbored for the new and exciting addition to his world but he knew that amidst his straight As and glowing recommendations, Jin would not only not sit well, but also appear…unsavory.
And Hoseok absolutely, blissfully, just didn’t care.
He had had a bad childhood, Seokjin had told him. A rich father, who had abandoned his family to ‘fuck about’ as he put it, with packets of money deposited for their upkeep but Jin didn’t touch it.
His mother had paid through the money in a trust after he had graduated in business but instead of putting his degree to use, he’d started working in a garage, now partner in it.
That explained the motorcycle, Hoseok had joked while Jin had only shrugged.
“I also volunteer a lot of my free time. My mom, well, I love her but she’s got her own life now…and she puts all of my father’s money in the trust still so I don’t have to bother her about anything. I don’t think she enjoys having a reminder of my dad around anyway.”
All Hoseok could do was nod his head sadly at him.
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So when Seokjin offered to show Hoseok about the volunteering he did, he jumped at the opportunity. He had a chance to see what the man really was like under the façade of the cool bravado and Hoseok could feel intrigue tingling at his fingertips.
He wasn’t disappointed.
Seokjin took him to an animal shelter first, filled with puppies with big eyes, kittens that purred and curled up under their chins, bigger dogs and cats that were soft to touch and clearly abandoned and starved for loved. There were birds too, brightly colored and some wild and a couple of pigs and horses. Each animal that Jin visited seemed to love him, curling under his touch, molding them to him.
The next place they visited was a children’s library. A large group of toddlers shrieked when they saw him, swarming up to him and begging for a story. Hoseok watched with a bemused smile for an hour as Jin made animal and vehicle noises to entertain the spellbound kids.
When finally, they visited a retirement home, it was then that Hoseok saw the brief haunted look behind Seokjin’s eyes. It was just a glance, as he wiped an old woman’s mouth as she chuckled motherly at him, the rice that clung to her chin not fazing Jin in the slightest.
“It’s like having a family of my own.” He whispered as Hoseok put a hand to his shoulder, still hesitant.
“You miss them.”
“I do, but I would rather do this than let them be burdened by my presence again.”
“Maybe, they don’t feel that way.”
Seokjin didn’t reply to that, instead standing with a lovable smile to the lady who waved goodbye. “I’ll drop you off at your dorm.” He said.
His voice scared Hoseok. There was an air of finality there, as if he knew he’d shown Hoseok much more than was necessary. More than he needed to, to a guy who he probably wouldn’t see much of in the future.
“I’m not ready to go just yet.”
Hoseok knew he sounded desperate but there was nothing he could do. He had to accept his reality.
Seokjin turned with a curious look, puzzled at the heaviness in Hoseok’s voice before smirking. “Then there’s one more place I can show you. Let’s grab some dinner first.”
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“This is amazing.” Hoseok whispered, awed as Jin flicked on light switches.
When Jin had said he was going to take him to his garage, Hoseok expected something like a shed, greased and metal barred. This was, this was sleek, all black steel and huge lights swinging from the ceiling.
“I spent a good deal of dad’s money on this. Hence, why I got the partnership, I saved the place from sinking. The upscale décor brings in some solid clients so, I guess you could say my sense of style did the job.” Jin kicked at a few strewn crates, turning to throw a wink at Hoseok.
Hoseok looked down at the remnants burger in his hand, biting the piece down into his mouth so as to not answer.
He watched, surreptitiously as Jin undid the jacket, removing his arms from the leather sleeves to reveal an extremely thin white tank top that sent a swoop down Hoseok’s throat, settling somewhere in his gut.
Jin turned; pausing Hoseok’s ogling at his muscled back as he stretched out his arms over his head, a thin strip of his stomach showing.
Hoseok swallowed loudly, the bite of burger going the wrong path and he broke out in coughs.
“Hey, what…” Seokjin laughed, pulling out a water bottle from a mini fridge to pass it to the wheezing boy. “Calm down, pretty boy. I know the burger’s good but eat slowly.”
Hoseok pulled the bottle away, eyes still watering.
This was too much; here he was, Hoseok, a nice kid who tried to steer clear from all sorts of ‘trouble’ and he was here with Kim Seokjin, someone who people would say embodied trouble.
And what was he doing?
Why, all he wanted was Seokjin to ram against him on the surface of one of the cars of course.
He was worse than Namjoon.
“I think…I should go.” Hoseok stuttered, casting his eyes down. This was it, the final time he put himself in the path of such temptations. Jin would never look twice at someone like him. He was in way over his head.
“Hey pretty boy,”
Hoseok looked up at Seokjin, who now stood too close to his face, blond hair hanging in his eyes, lips pulled into his teeth.
“Tell me something, why are you so scared of me?” Jin asked.
Hoseok blinked, all previous concerns evaporating. “Wait, what…? I’m not scared of you.” He said, conviction strengthening his voice.
“Really,” Jin moved in, eyes dropping to the way Hoseok chewed on his bottom lip. “So, why do you keep pulling away? You stare at me, flirt with me, hold on to me on the bike, but when I bring you here and when we’re alone for too long you withdraw.”
Hoseok thudded back against something and Jin took advantage, lifting his hands and putting them on either side of his body, caging him in.
“I’m…I’m not scared of you.” Hoseok sighed, giving in. “I’m scared of well, my feelings, as cliché as it seems.”
“Why?” Seokjin asked smoothly.
“Because we’re so different; I mean you’re a rich kid who acts like a bad boy but is so kind and sweet under all that toughness and I’m…I’m a good sweet boy who would never - never be able to keep up with someone like you. I’m putting myself up for disappointment when you realize it too.”
Seokjin stared at Hoseok, hard and deep. He looked almost angry – dangerous...gorgeous.
“You know what I realized actually?” He asked. There was a pleasant lilt to his tone but Hoseok could feel the undercurrents of a threat to it.
He leaned in, making Hoseok press himself to the wall, his body almost vibrating from the proximity.
“I realized that you’re exactly the kind of person who can keep up with me. I realized that it doesn’t matter if we belong to different circles. I realized that I should probably kiss you right now because you might be a grade-A kid but baby, you’re fucking stupid.
Hoseok had no time to even draw a full breath. Jin had reared back and then slammed Hoseok back again. The hands that Hoseok had dreamed of touching now gripped his cheeks, Jin’s mouth fully on his, swallowing the surprised squeaks he embarrassingly let out.
Seokjin chuckled against his lips, pulling back just enough to nip at his chin. “Fuck, I should’ve done that in the club.”
Hoseok reached forward to tug Jin back, taking over the kiss this time as he delved into the older boy’s mouth, tasting the soda on his tongue.
“Not a complete good boy, then.” Jin commented, reaching back to tug off the tank.
Hoseok lounged against the wall, idly tracing over the tattoos that ran over Jin’s exquisite body. “What do they mean?” He asked as Jin tugged off Hoseok’s shirt too.
Jin paused, glancing down at his torso.
“This,” he raised his arm. “A compass to point me in the right direction,” He moved to his shoulder. “The lion to keep me strong and brave,” he smirked suddenly, grabbing Hoseok’s hand and placing it against the burning skin of his chest. “The tree keeps me kind and nurturing.”
Hoseok met Jin’s gaze, running his hand down to his belt, fiddling with the clasp.
“Wait,” Jin stopped him, shoving his hand away. “This is about you. Let me take care of you tonight.”
“What do you mean, oh,” Hoseok’s voice pitched higher as Jin fluidly sank to his knees in front of him. Deft, nimble fingers undid the buttons and zipper on his jeans, pulling the band and the underwear down to free his gorged shaft.
“Fuck,” Jin and Hoseok both let out as Jin swept his hands against the soft skin. He was hard, Hoseok marveled, hard enough to drip over Jin’s palms which he smeared back onto his skin to make the slide easier.
A loud moan escaped Hoseok’s parted lips when Jin engulfed him, first the tip and then most of his length. He jolted, head falling back as his hips pushed forward on their own volition.
Jin kept his eyes on him, a smirk straining his lips at the vulnerable stance of the lithe man. While he would usually be on the receiving end of this, there was something so sexy, so erotic about watching a man lose it over head as he throated as much as he could.
Hoseok meanwhile fumbled with his hands, alternating between fisting his own hair and tugging at Jin’s to further lower himself into the heat of his cavern. If he knew this was what he would be missing out, there would’ve been no way he would have agonized over it for this long.
Seokjin continued moving, squelching sounds echoing throughout the empty garage that sounded so wonderfully taboo, Hoseok nearly came right there. The thrill of it; the way someone could walk right in, catch them with Seokjin sucking him deep into his mouth caused his eyes to roll back.
“That’s it, pretty boy. Come for me.” Jin coaxed from below and before he could catch his breath, his throat closed up, his body hunching when Jin pulled him back, and the tip of his cock brushing the back of his throat, deeper still.
With an almost pornographic groan, Hoseok unloaded himself into Jin’s throat, his lover keeping him in till he was fully empty.
Jin pulled away from him, color flaming high in Hoseok’s cheeks at the wet sound that echoed through the near empty garage.
All he could do was fall into the surprisingly sweet kiss that Jin pressed to lips, the taste of him mingling in his own mouth. Jin handed him his shirt with an impish grin.
“Next time,” he pulled Hoseok in by the waist. “I’m going to make you pay for ‘zoning out’ in the club.”
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parkeraul · 5 years
Tom accidentally exposing your relationship would be hella cute and fluffy
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do you also notice? — t.h.
author’s note — hi, my dudes. this is my 1st tom imagine. please, feel free to request me more tholland things.
warnings — fluff.
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“i am, actually,” tom says as he reads the questions popping up crazily. “i am going to new york soon and then i’m flying to atlanta before i go back to london.” 
it’s been ten minutes since he decided to set up his ipad for an instagram live to chat with his fans, making an improvised tripod with the cushions of the caramel sofa he’s sitting on right now. y/n says nothing, knowing that she’s gotta let tom be sometimes because he somehow trusts his improvising skills blindly. instead, she scrolls through her own phone to keep up with their food delivery status. 
“how is it, darlin’?” he asks y/n unworriedly, because the fans are already aware that tom’s taken. as she needs to be silent — because her identity hasn’t been revealed yet — she grimaces and gestures, silently warning that it’s not that close to arrive yet. “what have i ordered?” he reads a question out loud, running his fingers through his messy damp curls. “i ordered good fish n’ chips and she’s gettin’ burger with fries,” looking at y/n, tom answers and takes a sip of his beer before returning to the questions. “i know, i gotta bring her to the english side of the force.” he chuckles, puppy brown eyes squinting as his smile grows. 
in between questions and answers, he’s taken by the way y/n’s frame walks throughout the living room. her feet dance around with her favourite pair of fluffy socks, ending up at the end of her shins and beginning of her knees. her thighs are bare, getting slightly covered by her red gym shorts and her torso wears proudly the old jersey of his football team — that she doesn’t really is a fan of, but wears it anyways just to see him weakening at the sight. her hair flies from side to side softly as she quietly performs the songs playing on her (his) airpods, making him laugh randomly and go divided between paying attention to the live or get up and twirl her body all around. 
“which holland does she like the most? harry, sam, paddy or me?” tom reads as he frowns. “what kind of question is this? ‘course it’s me,” rolling his eyes, he feels practically attacked. “it’s me, right?” he asks looking at y/n through his lashes, worried smirk adorning his features. when y/n retreats a little, tom’s jaw falls dramatically and his nervous grin grows more. “come on! i’m the one who gets you heart–shaped chocolates!” 
y/n can’t help but cover her mouth to hold her laughs. tom watches her with a poker face, smile frozen and he can’t believe his eyes. how ridiculous, he thinks. after breakfast in bed today with her favourite stuff while watching her favourite series, she dares not to agree right at first just to tease him.
“then who it is?” in disbelief, buying her scene 100%, he gets his phone from his pocket. “no, now you tell me who. it. is!” tom laughs, unlocking his screen. “send me on our chat, let’s fuckin’ see!”
she types, eyes watering from how much she’s been giggling and promptly presses the ‘send’ button. 
“oh, really?” he reacts, reading the notification on his screen. “look!” 
tom shoves the phone in front of the ipad’s camera, the contact name saying my luv 💘 & text saying “tomharrysampaddy” as the label stands right below the time. 
“it’s late, tom, go to sleeeeeep! sleepy emoji, sleepy emoji, sleepy emoji,” he reads while he brings his phone back. “i’ll go after the food arrives. i really am starvin’,“ he sighs and y/n wears her slippers, going to the door. “is it here already? it’s here!” tom informs when y/n confirms, cheering like a 5–year–old as she makes her way to the elevator, leaving him alone with the fans.
tom holds the bottle with his right hand and drinks his beer once more, keeping his phone on his left hand as he eyes the new questions coming up on his ipad. 
“what’s your wallpaper?” he reads, inching closer and then back to look at the phone. “this is my wallpaper. can y’all see?” tom cleans his notifications and stretches his arm, showing the screen one more time while he tilts his head to the side to get the view of the tablet’s screen. 
a picture of him and y/n scrunching their rosy noses to the camera, winter cascading on them and their cheeks are strongly clinging together. their eyes are screaming happiness with a shiny glow, his curls escaping his grey cap and her head is covered by a spider–man cap, thick scarfs swallowing their cheeks and nearly hiding their smiles. looking closely, it’s slightly perceptible that they’re sharing the airpods: he keeps one and she keeps another one. that was y/n’s first day touring london with tom and the scrunchy noses are actually an internal joke — because he said randomly in the middle of the date ‘do you also notice that, if you scrunch your nose on a cold day, it takes a while for it to return to the normal state? watch!’ and spent good 3 minutes scrunching and relaxing his nose muscles to her, as if it was even clear to see. although she shares the feeling, she chose to use it as an eternal teasing. everytime y/n’s got an observation, she lifts her forefinger up in the air and scrunches her nose, starting her phrases with ‘do you also notice that…?’. 
“that day was sick, never felt my buttcheeks so cold,” he emphasizes, caressing his own chin as per usual as he remembers about that day and lifting his eyebrows, looking at the picture before locking the phone. “maybe because i was nervous as fuck! i had these reservations at—”
the door opens, y/n walking in with the bags filled with their dinner. 
“shit!” tom hisses, hiding his lips with his palm. “damn!” 
“what?” she mouths, confused and placing the food on the counter. 
“i think i might’ve done something… wrong…” his voice is muffled by his hand and his glance at her is dripping worry. 
“what?” she repeats, tone raising just a bit. 
tom uncovers his lips, keeping the tip of his forefinger on top of them. it’s too late though, because people know y/n and instantly the messages appearing grow from ‘tom, go to sleep’ to ‘OMG I CAN’T BELIEVE IT’S Y/N!’. he lifts his finger, clearing his throat and scrunching his damn nose.
“do you also notice how bad i am at keeping secrets?”
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lu-undy · 4 years
Chapter 73 - SBT
Here it is!
There was a knock on the van's backdoor. 
"Come in, Mundy."
The Aussie pushed the door and entered.
"I'm back, luv', and I have it. Feels weird to carry a credit card for some money that's not mine… Also, how well did they pay back in France?! When the banker told me how much it was, I nearly fell off my chair!"
Mundy shut the door and turned to his lover. 
"Oh, crikey…" 
"How do I look…?"
Lucien had put on one of his suits again but this time, there was no tie and the shirt had been replaced with a thin woolen turtleneck. Moreover, he had tied his hair in a braid. Some of the grey, thin locks of hair at the front fell between his eyes beautifully. 
"You're gorgeous." 
Lucien smiled as Mundy came closer and held his waist.
"And I trimmed my beard a bit. I look odd to myself, but if you like it, I shall make a habit of this style." 
Mundy turned around and touched the braid. 
"Gosh, you… You're perfect… And, mmh, yeah, you're wearin' your perfume again, eh?"
"Oui, I am."
"You're really back…!" Mundy hugged his lover tightly but another knock interrupted them.
They were back in the city now for Mundy to collect Lucien's money, which was now his. Maurice had done an impeccable job and it had all gone smoothly. 
"Who's that?" Mundy asked. 
"Who do you think?" 
Mundy and Lucien looked at each other with a smile. It was Maurice's voice. 
"Hold on, mate." 
Mundy exited the van, with Lucien behind him. 
"Good to see you again, both of you." Maurice said and hands were shaken. 
"G'day, mate." 
"Merci, Maurice."
[Thanks, Maurice.] 
"Quite a change of style you have gone through, L." 
"Oui, it is both necessary and appreciated." Lucien's eyes went to Mundy. 
"It suits you indeed. One of the boys spotted your van, M. I thought I could drop by and say hi in person." 
"Sure, thanks. How's the street doin'?" 
"Cold with this winter, but good. We still manage to feed everyone and bring some warmth."
"That's nice." Mundy answered. 
"Oh, I nearly forgot, I have something for you, L. Here… This is your new passport, with the name that you wrote in your will."
"He didn't write any new names in his will." Mundy said, surprised.
"I did." Lucien answered and he accepted the Burgundy red document with the golden letters. "You just did not see it."
"What?" Mundy asked. 
"I will explain later. But thank you very much, Maurice, as always."
"My pleasure."
"Who are my witnesses?" Lucien asked. 
"Witnesses?" Mundy repeated. 
"Yes, for a will to be taken seriously, it must be written and co-signed by two witnesses." Maurice answered. "I am one of them, Richard is the second."
"Did you tell him?" Lucien asked. 
"I told him that Paris wanted a coffee with two sugars and a drop of milk. The next thing I knew, he was lying on the floor in his shop and both his sons were trying to wake him up." Maurice chuckled. 
"Ah, I should apologise…!" Lucien answered, chuckling himself. 
"No, it is fine. He was as delighted as I was when M told me. Oh and by the way, you are welcome to work with him and give a hand with the homeless of course." 
"Thank you." Lucien answered. "But we have a few things to do before we can come to work, is that fine with you?" 
"Absolutely, take your time and again, welcome back to the world of the living." 
"Thank you." 
Maurice and Lucien exchanged a nod. 
"Good. I shall go back to my streets, there are mouths to feed and work to do." Maurice said. "I will see you later." 
"Sure, mate, thanks for everythin', really." 
"No problem." 
Hands were shaken again and Maurice disappeared in the streets, melting with them like a shadow. 
"So, what's the plan?" Mundy asked. 
"We could go and get some lunch if you want."
"Sure, where?"
"Victoria's diner." Lucien answered and Mundy smiled and nodded. 
"Alright. Let me just make sure the cats have enough to eat and drink."
"I shall take Perle and Soot with us. I will put him in Perle's old harness and leash." 
A few minutes later, Perle was on Mundy's shoulders and Soot was trotting happily by Lucien. 
"Non, Soot, sit. Très bien. We need to wait until the little man is green before we cross. Non, non, non, do not raise your hand like this and tempt the devil. You stay sat." 
"Meow." Soot was trying to move forward. 
"Sooty boy, watch the wifey here." Mundy put Perle down and she sat by the black cat patiently.
"There, good boy, Soot." Lucien praised him. 
The light switched to green for pedestrians. Perle looked up at Mundy who started crossing and followed him. Soot copied her. He looked up at Lucien and when the man started crossing, he did the same. 
A few minutes later, they arrived in front of Victoria's diner.
"You ready?" Mundy asked. 
"Yes, I am. I hope she is too." 
They exchanged a smile and Mundy pushed the door open. 
"Hello, how may I help? Oh, hey M! And Pearl. Who's this new friend you're bringin'...?" 
Lucien was a metre away, giving his back with his silver braid to them while Victoria knelt down to look at Soot. 
"That's Soot, he's Pearl's hubby."
"Ooh, congrats, Pearl!" Victoria petted her and the white, fluffy cat purred. "The hubby's quite shy, eh?"
Soot was hiding behind Mundy's legs. 
"Yeah, a bit." Mundy answered. "Sorry about that."
"Well at least he's not hissin'...!" Victoria chuckled. "How have you been, M? You seem so much happier than last time!"
"Not too bad, and busy, the cats got four kids together."
"Seriously? You had kittens?" 
"Yeah, lots of energy they have, but they're growin' up nicely." 
"Aw, that's super cute." Victoria stood up again. "Came here for some lunch?" 
"Yes and no, there's uh… There's something I need to admit… Uh…" Mundy scratched the back of his neck. 
"Oh? What is it?" 
"Uhm, I don't know how to say that but uh… Y'know what, come and sit at the table." 
Victoria sat down. 
"You're not joining?" She asked. 
"Well, I need to re-introduce someone to you - bloody hell that's so weird to say…" Mundy put his hands on Lucien's shoulders, who was still giving his back to Victoria.
"What d'you mean, re-introduce?" 
"He means that I am back." Lucien turned and faced her as she gasped and smacked a hand in front of her mouth. 
"What the fuck?! L?! Is that you?! You're dead!"
"Non, I am not. I am standing here in front of you." He opened his arms proudly. 
"You piece of shit!" Victoria rose from her chair and slapped him with the towel she was carrying around repeatedly. "You! Kept me! Thinking! You! Were! Dead! For! More! Than! A! Year! You absolute! Piece! Of! Shit!"
Lucien closed the distance between them and wrapped his arms around her. She buried her head in his chest and both him and Mundy could hear muffled sobbing. 
"I missed you, you arrogant idiot…" 
"And I missed you too, terribly, Victoria." He kissed the top of her head as she cried against him. He could feel she was clinging to his jacket. "I am sorry to have put all of you through that. But I had no choice."
"It's worse than that, V." Mundy said, patting her back to comfort her. "He was there at his own funeral and he heard what you said." 
She gasped and pulled out of the embrace, wiping her tears on the towel. 
"That's just plain cheatin', L."
"My name, it is Lucien, you may call me by my name, mi niña."
[My child]
She stared up at him as if he was Jesus Christ himself.
"I missed you so much." She put a hand on her mouth.
"I know, I know, come here." Lucien led her to sit at their table on the banquette next to him. He wrapped an arm around her to comfort her and gently rocked her left and right while her tears continued to stream silently on her cheeks. She sniffed from time to time and wiped her face on her towel. Mundy went to the counter to place their order and came back, sitting on the banquette opposite them. 
"So you didn't die?" She asked.
"What happened?" 
"As you now know, I worked as a spy and to escape a certain death, I had to die and wait for things to calm down before I could show myself again."
"Did you beat him up for it?" She asked Mundy. 
"Nah, can't do it anymore now for some reason." Mundy chuckled. 
"You should have. You're growin' soft, M. And this man…" She pointed her index on Lucien's chest, poking it and staring at it fiercely. "This man needs to be taught a lesson or two…" She then bent forward and let her head fall on Lucien's chest again. He hugged her tightly and stroked her hair. 
"I apologise, Victoria, but had I done that, I would not be here today." 
"You could have said. You could have written to me… You could have…" She sobbed again. "Now I need to cancel something important." She said and Lucien and Mundy's eyebrows jumped. 
"Cesar salad, and two fish and chips." A waiter came and put everything on the table. "You ok, V?"
"Yeah, she's cryin' cause she's happy, cheers mate." Mundy answered.
"Alright…" The waiter left them alone. 
"So what is this important thing that you need to cancel because of my return? Did you have to go and have lunch with someone else?" Lucien asked. 
"No…" Victoria pulled herself away from him and wiped her face again. She looked at Mundy and then at Lucien. "I'm… I'm gettin' married to my fiancé Charlie in a few months and uh… I didn't have anyone to walk me down the aisle but…" 
Mundy's jaw dropped and Lucien blushed intensely. 
"Would you… Would you please do it for me?" She raised her red, slightly swollen eyes to him and Lucien felt hot all of a sudden with the pressure that fell on his shoulders.
"I… I would be honoured to do so but… Why me?" 
"Charlie. I met him at a party and then… The reason we dated was thanks to you." 
"Yeah, you helped me with my spanish so much that I progressed enough to be in the same classes as him… That's how we then started hangin' out and all. And then the free dinners you got us for the Queen Victoria, I went there with him… It's all cause of you…" 
Lucien's eyes couldn't be open wider.
"Mon Dieu…"
"As you know, I don't have a dad, so I didn't have anyone to walk me down the aisle in church. I asked Joe from the corner shop to do it, to feel less lonely but… But you should be the one doin' it… So please…"
Lucien's eyes were glistening with the tears he was holding back. 
"O-of course I accept, it would be my honour to do this for you, Victoria…" He pulled her in a fatherly hug and closed his eyes. "When is the wedding exactly, we need to get some new suits. Is there anything I can help with? Tell me and do not think about the money, I will get it sorted out for you, mon enfant." 
[My child]
Mundy softened in a sweet smile. So that was the kind of father that Lucien was, hm?
"I should meet your fiancé. Look, let us know when and where and I shall have a chat with him. I can't let you get married to just anyone, I need to know. Where is he from? His family? Does he still have his parents, what do they work as?" 
Victoria laughed in Lucien's arms. 
"What? I am worried for you, Victoria. It is out of the question to just let you get married to someone you cannot properly build anything with!"
She laughed louder and pulled him into a hug. 
"I missed you so much… Papa L…" 
Lucien looked at Mundy with tears in his eyes. 
"Hey, don't look at me like that, luv'. It's your daughter there, not mine." 
"And you are my everything, Mundy, so she is your daughter as much as she is mine!" 
"What?! Nah, that's not how it works! Also, when you're gonna meet the bloke, I'll just stay with the cats in the van."
"Remember we're two blokes, that's not exactly normal, eh?" Mundy said, feeding some bits of fish to the cats. 
"Oh, don't worry about it. He knows for L and you." Victoria said. 
"What?! How?! You told him?" Mundy turned as red as a brick in a flash. 
"Nah, I didn't. I think most people who were at the funeral understood, M." Victoria answered. 
"Ah… W-well… I mean…" 
Lucien looked down at Victoria. 
"Let us have some lunch and you can tell us all about this Charlie of yours, hm?" 
"Yeah, thank you so much." She pushed herself to leave a kiss on Lucien's cheek. "You're the best!"
He smiled and left his arms around her shoulders. 
"I am indeed."
-- Later that day --
"Where to now?" Mundy asked.
"To Richard. I need to thank him. Also, let us go to a bakery first, I need to buy something for him." 
"Any good bakeries you would recommend, mon loup?"
[My wolf?]
"Yeah, I know one, let's go." 
They walked through the streets, followed by both cats. 
"Lu', look at the cats." 
Lucien looked back and smiled. They were brushing themselves against each other and lacing their tails together, purring happily. 
"I am happy that she found someone to pur with." Lucien said. 
"Yeah, they're cute."
"I cannot help but think about how much bigger she is now… I remember when she used to fit in my hand, when she bit me on the first night we met, how she held onto my hand…"
"Partly?" Mundy asked and they stopped at a crossroad.
"Oui. Those were days where Perle was nothing but a baby but at the same time, those were days where I could only dream of approaching you." 
"What? Gonna make me believe that you were shy?" Mundy smiled. 
"Not shy." The light turned to green and both cats looked up at their masters. The family crossed the street. 
"What then?"
"I was as scared as you were shy." 
"Scared? Do I look scary?" Mundy asked and Lucien gave him one of those looks. "Nope, shush, don't answer." 
Lucien smirked. 
"But what were you scared of? That I'd say no?"
"Don't be ridiculous, Mundy. No one has ever said non to me so far." 
The Aussie rolled up his eyes with a smile. 
"Figured… But tell me, why?" 
"Because I knew I was going to my death. I know what it means to lose the person that you live and breathe for, and I didn't want you to go through that." 
They took a turn and the cats happily followed, still trotting on their heels. 
"Well, good job, you did it anyway in the end, eh?"
"Because of you." Lucien answered. 
"Oui. You were the one to insist that I should confess my feelings to the man I held in my heart. And here we are."
"Gonna complain?"
"Non, of course not." They chuckled and Mundy pushed the bakery door. "Go ahead, I'll wait with the cats outside."
"Fine, I won't be long." 
"Okay," And as Lucien passed in front of Mundy, the Aussie murmured. "Love you, darl, you're gorgeous…" 
Lucien's cheeks turned pink and his eyes brightened up. 
"Moi aussi, mon loup."
[Me too, my wolf.]
Mundy stayed outside and petted the cats while waiting for Lucien and it took the Frenchman a few minutes before he exited the bakery again, a beautifully decorated bag in his hand.
"You were quick."
Lucien smirked.
"Don't give me that look, you know how long I can be in other contexts…"
Mundy's cheeks popped red.
The Frenchman chuckled and they resumed their walk. Within minutes, they were in front of Richard's shop. 
"Right, let's go." 
Mundy pushed the door.
"Good afternoon gentlem- oh! L! M!" 
"And the fluffy P and S." Mundy added, pointing at the cats. Richard dropped his notebook and ran to shake their hands.
"I am delighted to see you both again! And what a change of style! Oh, I need to make something for you both, for your return, L - non! I will not accept any kind of negotiation, this will be a welcome back gift! Paul! Come here!"
Richard's sons both came out of the workshop and after shaking hands with Lucien and Mundy, their father instructed them. 
"Take a good look at these two new men…!" The tailor with the impeccable white moustache started. "Look at this one. He now stands tall, not slouched like before, he has found peace and confidence in himself, he isn't hiding behind a thick mane of hair anymore…" Richard inspected Mundy closely before turning to Lucien. "And here! Oh mon Dieu here! Here is the man that we all dream to be, if not for the hero he is, then for his silhouette, sculpted out of marble with godly proportions! Boys, we need something refreshing, nothing tactical, non! We need something for a sweeter, more calm life. Look at the beard! Where some people see a lack of effort, I see the beginning of a work of art! And this long hair…! M! Take notes! This is poetry! This is romance! This is beauty! Not only are the colours exquisite to the eye but the braid is fantastic! I take it you did it yourself, L?" 
"Oui, I did." 
"The work of an artist… But sorry, I got carried away, pray take a seat…"
Lucien and Mundy sat on the armchair and the cats went each on their lap, Soot went to Mundy and Perle, to her Papa. 
"What brings you here?" 
Lucien handed the plastic bag to Richard. 
"My will and my duty to thank you, Richard." He answered. 
"What for?" Richard accepted the bag and peeked in. 
"For being a witness to my will. I understand the risk that you willingly put yourself in and the least I can do is to thank you." 
"L, this is nothing compared to what you have done and given all these years, please!"
"Richard, non, this is a great risk you are taking, and you have a wife and children… You are making them take a risk with you."
"I always have. Being an informant for the secret services isn't an innocent job, it never had been, so non, really, it is nothing. When Maurice came to me and told me about you, I offered to help before he could even tell me the details."
"Thank you, and please, accept the content of this bag and share it with the family for me." 
Richard looked inside. 
"Oh! I need to hide it from my wife, if she finds this cake, she will never let me have it!"
The gentlemen chuckled around the coffee table. 
"By the way, who is this new cat you have?" Richard asked.
"This is Soot." Lucien answered and he scratched his head. 
"He's Pearl's mate, they're pretty serious." Mundy added.
"Are they?" Richard asked. 
"Yeah, they got four lovely kids." Mundy explained. "Two girls and two boys, they're growin' up nicely. You wouldn't want one by any chance?" 
"A cat?"
"Still kittens, but yeah."
"I will have to discuss it with my wife even though she has always asked me to adopt a pet." Richard answered.
"Ah, then we would be delighted to gift you one of them." Lucien added. 
"Raised them like I did Pearl and Soot. They've got good manners, they're cuddly and still very playful as they're very young. Give it a thought, eh, Richard?" 
"Will do, I promise."
"Which one would you take?" Lucien asked. "We have Diamond and Star, the girls, and Glovy, the boy." 
"Didn't you say there were four?" Richard asked. 
"Oui, but there is one I will gift to someone else, if you see no issue." Lucien answered.
"Of course, of course."
"But yes, Diamond is black with a diamond-shaped white patch on her face, she also has a white fluffy chest. Star is also black but has a white star-shaped patch on her… Well…"
"On her butt." Mundy said. "She's got a white star on her thigh, close to her butt. And Glovy, the little boy, he's a fat one, we're trying to put him on a diet but eh, hard to stop that greedy fluff ball." 
"Quite so, I will see with the missus but she surely would like a lady. There are too many of us men at home, you see?" Richard chuckled. 
"Fair enough, thank you again, Richard." Lucien stood up and put Perle on his shoulders before shaking the tailor's hand. 
"My pleasure, as always. And I am delighted for you two." Richard winked at Mundy and the tall man blushed. He put Soot on his shoulders and headed out of the shop. 
"Where should I send the clothes?" Richard asked. 
"We will let you know whenever we can." Lucien answered. "Thank you." 
"Have a nice day!"
"To you too, mate." 
-- Evening that day -- 
There was a knock on the van's backdoor.
"Come in, love." 
"Bonsoir, mon amour." 
[Good evening, my love.]
Lucien walked in the van and the cats trotted out. 
"Be careful, cats!" Mundy said. 
"Don't worry, Perle and Soot are remarkable parents." Lucien removed his coat and sat on the sofa next to his lover. 
"So, what did you get us for dinner?" Mundy looked at Lucien's hands repeatedly but couldn't see anything in them. 
"I got you something more than just to fill your hungry stomach." Lucien answered, slithering closer to his lover. 
"Where?" Mundy took Lucien's hands and looked at them. Nothing. "Can you at least meet my… uh… hungry lips?" Mundy blushed and Lucien laced his fingers with the Aussie's.
"Listen to you being flirty… That's new…" He leaned to meet his lover's demand. 
"I-I'm tryin'... Feels weird to hear myself say stuff like that. It's like it's not me…" 
"You are doing remarkably well, mon loup." Lucien whispered and his lips finally met Mundy's.
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reeesea · 4 years
Something Sweet: Part Five
~sweeter shifts~
one ~ two ~ three ~ four ~ five ~ six ~ seven ~ eight ~ nine
pairing: minsung, jisung/minho
warning: mild language
words: 2k ish
summary: That feeling you get when your friend visits you at work? yeah that. Thats all this is...
a/n: Its been a little rough, but heres a short chapter i hope u enjoy <3
Felix stood behind the counter at the convenience store on the corner of two intersecting districts. He was a few hours into his overnight shift. Usually he could do homework on these late nights, but with it being summer, he found himself antsy and daydreaming his shift away. His brain was busy re-running his dance routines for upcoming performances and auditions that he had been working on, as customers periodically filtered in the store. 
Not many customers came in other than the few students pulling all-nighters and night shift workers coming in for a bite to eat. Felix had begun to recognize a few faces as some had solidified themselves as regulars. 
A black hooded figure came in close to 3am. Even though Felix had never really seen much of the guy's face he recognized the black hoodie and mask wearing guy as a regular around his late night shifts. He was interesting, not like the obvious tired student of the late night business worker. He had no idea what it was that brought him to the convenience store at the ungodly hours of the morning.
Felix always liked to make guesses as to what lives his especially mysterious customers lived. He had already imagined the black hoodied regular as a b-list idol group member. Then a gym instructor, but mostly due to the one time he came in with a cut off shirt and Felix was taken aback by the size of the man’s arms. Most recently he imagined that the other could’ve been a bartender, because of the pretty consistent time he arrives in the late am on weekends. 
This random Thursday night though, the dark figure, back in his usual hoodie, gathered various energy drinks and cup ramens from the back shelves, and brought them out to the check out. 
“Is this all for tonight?”
“Oh yeah thats all” 
Felix began ringing up his purchases when the other spoke up suddenly.
“We’ve met before, I’m not crazy or anything right?”
“Huh?” Felix looked up confused as the man usually seldom said anything during his late night purchases.
“Yeah I thought I recognized your name, You’re Minho”s, Jisung’s friend’s, roommate, right?” Felix nodded in return but the confused look on his face sparked the other to remember that he was wearing a mask and hat that covered most of his features. Removing the mask revealed that behind it were the sharp features of Changbin, one of three artists that formed 3RACHA, that Yes, Felix had actually just met that past weekend.
Felix’s eyes widened at the sudden realization that one of his regulars was actually a member of his favorite group of artists. ‘Holy fucking shit, I am actually blind, godamn it Felix’
“Y-Yes, thats me. Sorry I didn't recognize you, I-uh didn’t realize that you, were uh- you.” ‘Smooth Lix wow’
Changbin chuckled at the freckled boys stutter. “That’s alright, I tend to forget that I'm wearing my mask sometimes. Anyway I recognized you when you were dancing last weekend, and when you had introduced yourself.” Felix was trying his best to internalize his anxious starstruck feelings. “We watched your performance, and I was trying to find a day to come here and tell you that your crew’s performance was really good.” 
Okay yeah that was it, Felix’s eyes were practically falling out of his head with how wide his expression was. “Really? You liked it? That’s really awesome. Thank you so much. That really means a lot coming from you not gonna lie.” Felix’s pride for his crew was nothing small and the validation and praise from someone he is a fan of himself, makes his heart soar. 
The smile on his face is so wide and genuine and the light that flickers in his eyes lit up the whole store, even in the middle of the night. Changbin thought that his smile felt something like sunshine, and reminded him of the warmth Jisung emitted when he was at his happiest, but of course he would never tell the other that. Changbin caught himself smiling back involuntarily. 
“Yeah, we’ll have to come watch you guys again sometime.” 
Felix nodded vigorously at that and finished checking out the items the older had brought to the counter. Neither of the twos smiles seemed to completely fade from their faces. 
“Thank you Felix-ssi, have a good night.” 
“You too!” Felix replied and bowed respectively to the older. 
Changbin replaced the mask on his face but found himself still smiling at the encounter with the boy as he walked bac home. 
[~roomies uwu~]
3:25 am
someone please fuking tell me how stupid i am 
Minnie hyung:
we usually dont, to spare your feelings 
I just embarrassed myself in front of CHangbin-ssi!!!
ALSO since when did 3RACHA live in this neighborhood
Hes been coming into the store for months 
But i never recognized him until now???
I must be idiotic
Someone change my name to ‘blind fool’ 
It is now the only title i deserve ;^;
Jinnie bby:
It is way to early for you to be this dramatic luv~
The overnight shift drama sleeps for no one >:}
“Alright, I’ll put that right in for you. I hope you enjoy your cocktails in the mean time.” Minho flashes his sickening sweet server smile at the couple, before heading to his station to input the orders. There had been a steady flow of customers at Menu 98 keeping Minho busy for his dinner shift. Thankful to not be closing, Minho was doing his best to maintain his polite persona without glancing at his watch too often. Time always passed slower, when he found himself counting his hours. 
Before moving on to check on a previous table, Seungmin waves him down letting him know he has a new table to wait, but not before catching his arm. Usually he would find a Seungmin attached to his elbow if the other wanted to share some gossip about a recent customer, or something of the sort. Expecting the same Minho’s ears peaked with interest. 
“You got a new table.” That’s unsurprising. “And they’re asking specifically for you.” That’s more surprising.
“Wait, what?”
“I don't know, you tell me. Any rich, wide-eyed, twenty-somethings, you forgot to tell me about, hyung?” 
Minho thought the eyebrow raise from the younger was a little much given the circumstances. The few seconds of silence that pass between them gave Seungmin all the information he was looking for but a sigh still escapes his lips at the stubbornness of the other. 
“Well one, Han Jisung, is waiting in section B for you.” Seungmin scurries off to return to the front, a suspicious look in his expression. Minho hadn’t really brought up much of his personal life to Seungmin, but the host hadn’t stopped his prodding ever since he had turned up to work, as Seungmin says it, glowing and smiling like a newlywed. Minho wasn’t sure if he was actually acting much different since beginning to talk to Jisung, but apparently the shift in his mood was enough to confirm to his coworker that something was up. Minho already knew that Seungmin would have a field day if he found out that he had actually first met Jisung at the restaurant and hadn’t told him. But keeping his work friend on his toes, spices up his otherwise monotonous job. 
“Good evening sir, would you like to order any appetizers or drinks to start off?” Minho found himself instinctually throwing on his polite grin and playing the part of a perfect waiter. Well, at least for the time being. 
“Hm idk Min-hyung, you ordered for me last time, got any suggestions.” Jisung, seemingly unphased by Minho’s generic opening line, barely looked up from the menu as the older had approached him. Being sure to make direct eye contact, Jisung then smiled cheekily, “but I think we both know I didn’t come here for the fancy food and fruity drinks.”
Minho tried not to roll his eyes too obviously, as his smile morphed into a smirk to match the younger’s, “Perhaps, but if you don't order anything, I'll have to ask you to leave, because sadly, you can not pay just to look at my pretty face.”  
“That's a shame I would've ordered five hours of that up front if it was on the menu.” The chuckle coming from Minho was enough to already ease the nerves that Jisung had been feeling since he last saw him. 
“Well, Lucky for me, sad for you, I’m not working for five more hours, sorry to disappoint.” 
“When do you get off then kind sir?” The goofy voice he used brought back the smile he had been aching to see, and made any of the embarrassment he may have felt worth it. 
“Wouldn’t you like to know.”
“I would yes.” JIsung smiled, batting his eyelashes, a part of him knew it probably wouldn’t be that easy. 
“Well not to worry, it looks like I can start you off with some water, and complimentary sides, while I give you some more time to look over the menu.”
“Hyung wai-” Minho walked off but not before sending a subtle wink the other’s way. Jisung ears may or may not have turned bright red, but thankfully, there was no one there to tease this time.
Jisung ended up ordering another one of Minho’s suggestions, this time it was a marinated sea bass filet that came with a similar fried potato side to the burger he had chosen the first time. Although the fish was perfectly cooked and seasoned, to Jisung it still felt like a fancy version of fish and chips. Minho had giggled at that when Jisung suggested they rename it some bass-related pun, ‘for the kids, ya know.’
“So are you going to tell me how what time you get off, or are really gonna let my dumb ass sit outside the restaurant and wait for how many hours it is until you’re done”
Minho laughed at the image of Jisung waiting for him like a stray outside. “Tempting I'm not gonna lie, but It's not for much longer. AND if you're interested there's a bar next door that may or may not be my usual after dinner shift destination.” 
Jisung couldn’t help but smile at that. “REally? That sounds great.” He couldn’t lie that he had spent most of his free time thinking about when he could see MInho next. Probably not the best timing granted that 3RACHA has been busy preparing for their album debut, but a part of him couldn't help but feel all warm inside at the prospect of getting to know Minho better in person.
“Okay, well then i'll see you there? Yeah?”
Minho nods gently with his own giddy smile to match.
The infamous heart-shaped grin was in its full form once Minho had suggested their next meeting place, and Minho could feel his heart leaping at that happiness that Jisung’s smile emitted. Jisung about leaped out of his chair after paying. Practically dancing his way next door to said bar, and for the first time that week Jisung felt like a song was writing itself in his head.
“It's him isn't it”
“The reason that your smiling so much, but like actually, not that dead inside expression you give me when I tell you ‘cheer up’”
“Hmmm” Minho’s ability to play dumb? Top tier. Sadly Minho’s ability to lie to Seungmin? Absolute trash.
“Come on Hyung! Just tell me!!!” Seungmin was exasperated. This wasn’t the first time he had confronted Minho about what was going on, and maybe one too many times had resulted in Minho’s signature move, the ‘I don’t want to tell you, so instead will change the subject’.
Fine. “HMM hmmmmmmm….ok….maybe we’ve been talking for a while-”
“OH MY GOD FINALLY! I knew it as soon as he walked in the door. He was all heart-eyes asking for you, and for when you get off.”
“Wait, did you tell him when my shift was over?” 
“God no, that's gotta be against some employee code.”
“Oh okay good.”
“But you're off now anyways right? Is he going to wait for you? Are you going out- oh my god he's definitely waiting for you. Have you seen how much he tipped? You sure he isn't some bizarre 20 year old sugar daddy?”
“Okay Sorry, I'm just excited for you. You never tell me anything. All I know about you is that you’re a dancer and you worked in a bar before here.”
“Its was a host bar actually”
“Wait what?!” 
“Well, if you look at the time. As you’ve said I have a sugar daddy waiting for me, bye bye now” 
“Wait hyung what the fuck!” 
one ~ two ~ three ~ four ~ five ~ six ~ seven ~ eight ~ nine
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avengeultrons · 6 years
Title: Those Summer Nights (Reader x Avengers) 
Summary: A night of s’mores, sand and waves, games, and quality time with friends. What more could you want?  Word Count: 1841
A/N: I seriously wrote this in a day CAN YOU BELIEVE? took my mind off of studying for a while LOL enjoy! thank you @whisperbreeze for the request my luv
Your lazy beach day was winding down; the sun was setting and turning the sky pink, families were heading home, Wanda, Steve and Bucky were tossing a frisbee back and forth on the sand. You were swimming around in the low tide, taking a boogie board far out into the deeper, colder waters to ride the waves in with Pietro. Clint and Tony were building a bonfire to cook hot dogs and s’mores in once the sun had disappeared completely from the sky. It was nice to take a day off and just be with each other, relaxing and taking it easy.
“Race you in?” you flashed a smile at Pietro, your hair a wild lion’s mane of salt water and sand tangles. He looked over at you and laughed, rolling his eyes as he sat atop his boogie board like all of the surfer dudes that you had seen on every summer movie ever.
“You are so on,” he said, turning his back to the beach to watch as the waves grew. You smirked, and started running in the water. Pietro scoffed and did the same, trying to catch a wave into the sand.
Wanda, Steve, and Bucky stopped their frisbee game, Natasha looked up from her novel, Bruce propped himself up on his elbows to watch. They were all watching the tight boogie board race play out in front of them; it was all up to the waves. You took off on the first wave, now on your knees in the water. You were so close to the shore that you could practically crawl the rest of the way, “Not so fast!” Pietro laughed his infectious, hardy laugh from behind you and suddenly shot up to the shore on a huge wave. He almost looked like Ariel pushing herself up on the rocks in ‘Part of Your World’.
“How?” you scoffed and got to your feet, dragging your board behind you like a three year old pouting after not getting what they wanted, “I need a drink,” you exclaimed, heading for the cooler dug into the sand to snag a beer. You popped the top off and wrapped yourself in a towel, scowling at Pietro.
“Don’t hate the player, hate the game, Y/N,” he simply shrugged, clinking his beer bottle with yours. You rolled your eyes, wringing your hair out with your towel, “How is that fire coming?”
Tony shrugged, sending another spark into the dry driftwood, “Nearly there,” he said sarcastically. Clint was throwing gasoline over the wood, signaling for Tony to try igniting it again. For such a simple feat that cavemen figured out, starting a fire yourself was truly harder than you thought. Nevertheless, Tony and Clint’s fire ignited, “Who’s ready for dinner?”
You all gathered around the warm, crackling fire on blankets and stumps and lawn chairs, rotating hot dogs over the hot flames. Natasha was playing classic rock music on her bluetooth speakers, humming along as she sipped wine merrily. This time together was the epiphany of summertime to you; true relaxation with the people that you cared about most. Oh, and s’mores.
It was completely dark out now, just the stars and the flames to light your faces. Jovial, gleeful laughter floated around like songs in the wind as you told stories and remembered all of the good times together. You threw your old sweatshirt from college on and reached for the bag of marshmallows propped open on Tony’s blanket, “Wanna play a game?” Sam proposed, sipping from his glass of whiskey. Tony raised an eyebrow as you dangled your marshmallow into the flames that immediately licked at the sugary treat, turning it from white to golden to dark brown in a matter of seconds.
“Like what?” Steve questioned, assembling his own s’more. A collective groan ensued when Sam suggested Truth or Dare, “That game always gets people into trouble, Sam.”
Sam rolled his eyes, setting his beer bottle into the sand as he grabbed a chip from the party sized bag, “Okay, fine. How about ‘never have I ever’? You just hold up ten fingers and put one finger down each time you’ve done something. Whoever has the most fingers up at the end, wins.”
“Or loses, depending on how you look at it,” Natasha added, taking a graham cracker from the sleeve and snapping it in half for her s’more, “Fun though. I’ll go. Never have I ever jumped out of an airplane without a parachute,” this one seemed to be directed at Steve. Both him, Sam, Tony, and Bruce put one finger down. They all sighed dramatically.
“Never have I ever used Captain America’s shield when it wasn’t mine to use,” Steve retorted. You, Natasha, Bucky, Sam, Tony, Thor, Clint and Wanda all put a finger down, “Y/N? Really?”
Your face burned a deep crimson shade, “I just wanted to take a picture with it, I hardly moved it!” you admitted, your face falling. You took a bite of your s’more as everyone laughed so hard that you thought they would all stop breathing.
“That’s sweet,” Steve said as he sent a smile your way. You were more than happy to dig yourself a hole in the sand and bury yourself, “Tony, your turn.” Tony pondered for a long moment as you roasted another marshmallow, holding up your free hand’s five fingers, “Never have I ever been so drunk  that I don’t remember what happened the next day. Before you all think I’ve done it, I always remember what’s happened!” You and Wanda shared a glance, unable to control your own laughter.
“Care to share?” Pietro peered over at his sister, leaning back on his elbows as her eyes widened and ears turned red. She merely shook her head, smiling at you.
“Oh, that was a fun night, wasn’t it?” Natasha asked the two of you.
It was hardly a month ago that the three of you got together and drank wine and baked cookies, a typical girls’ night in for all of you. You and Wanda were both so wine drunk that you apparently confessed to Wanda about how badly you wanted to kiss her brother and Wanda, crying, said that she wanted to kiss Vision. It was all a blurred mess to you, but it was one story that Natasha liked to remind you of. She even said that you nearly called Pietro to tell him, too.
“Don’t you dare,” Wanda said with a nervous laugh, watching as Natasha glanced from you, to Wanda, to Pietro, and then back to you. She shrugged and took a sip from her wine, raising a glass to the two of you.
Steve watched apprehensively, glancing over at Sam as if it was his fault that Natasha was now playing with fire. He pleaded her with her eyes to not say whatever it was that she was about to say, but he knew it was no use.
The waves seemed to crash louder, the fire seemed to grow higher. Your nervous thoughts twisted in the wind as you held up your eight fingers, your palms sweaty from the stress and anxiety that this game was causing, “Never have I ever wanted to make out with Pietro,” she said, her words taking a moment to truly sink in with everybody. No one said a word, except for Tony, who put all of his fingers down.
“Well, never have I ever had a crush on Bruce!” Wanda offered, her eyes shifting from you to Natasha. She exhaled loudly, “Okay, maybe that one was crossing a line. Sorry, Bruce.”
Natasha shrugged and put a finger down, her eyes staring straight at you, “None taken, Wanda. It is the truth after all,” he smiled over at Natasha, who rolled her eyes and took another gulp of wine. Oh, god. This was awkward.
No one said a word except for Tony, who put all of his fingers down, “Oh, damn it. I lose. Or win, however we’re playing. What a bummer. This is awkward! Okay, game over, who wants to eat their worries away in the form of s’mores?” He clapped his hands together and tossed marshmallows through the air to everyone, catching your gaze. You mouthed a ‘thank you’ and gladly toasted another marshmallow.
“Look Y/N, if you want to make out with me, all you have to do is ask,” Pietro chided, smiling widely at you from across the fire pit. You rolled your eyes, a rock forming in your stomach. You would definitely be getting Natasha back on a later date.
“How do you guess it was me?” you raised an eyebrow, stuffing your third s’more of the evening into your mouth. Wanda choked on her own marshmallow treat as she stifled her laughter from Pietro’s side.
Tony, who knew how obvious you were when it came to things like little crushes, nodded in agreement, “Yeah, if you think it was Y/N it could honestly be any one of us. Y/N isn’t exactly very vocal with things like that,” he lied straight their his sugary marshmallow coated teeth.
“Since you lose, Stark, you get to take a dip in the ocean. My guess is that it’s pretty chilly right now,” Bruce said with a laugh. The air itself was chilly, everyone was covered in either a blanket or jacket. In order to ease the tension, though, Tony nodded affirmatively and took off in a sprint to the ocean. He let out a banshee cry and all of you broke into laughter as you heard the loud splash from the jet black water ahead of you.
Steve sighed and took a swig of whatever was left in his beer bottle, “Great game choice, Sam. Way to really lay awkward tension on thick,” he said sarcastically. He leaned over onto his elbow, looking up at you as you watched Tony splash around like a toddler, “I definitely want to see these shield pictures of you.”
“Come on in, the water’s frigid!” Tony chuckled from the water. His head bobbed up and down in the midnight colored water, the only reflection being from the moon and the stars.
You kicked off your sandals and hopped up, “Never in a million years!” you grinned at Steve, throwing your sweatshirt onto your towel haphazardly, “I’m getting in that water.” Wanda laughed at first, but ended up taking her sneakers off and running off with you.
“Wait up!” Pietro yelled after you as you sprinted to the shore. You let out a scream as he caught up to you and dove in front of you, straight into the water like a fish. Everyone on the sand watched like a bunch of parents
You couldn’t stop laughing. The alcohol in your system sent a sort of buzz through you that made everything even more extravagant. You were warm despite the cool temps of the salt water, giddy despite the awkward situation moments before. For the first time in a long time, summer actually felt like summer.
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beansonbread2 · 7 years
Tumblr media
2016 > Solange ‘Cranes In the Sky’ (see full list HERE)
2015 > Kendrick Lamar ‘The Blacker The Berry’ (see full list HERE)
2014 > FKA Twigs ‘Two Weeks’ (see full list HERE)
2013 > Oliver Wilde ‘Perrett’s Brook’ (see full list HERE)
2010 > Untold ‘Stop What You’re Doing (James Blake Remix) (see full list HERE)
2009 > Joker - ‘Digidesign’ (see full list HERE)
2008 > Lil’ Wayne - ‘A Milli’ (see full list HERE)
2007 > Panda Bear - ‘Bros’ (see full list HERE)
2006 > Hot Chip - 'Over And Over’ (see full list HERE)
RULES - A maximum of TWO tracks from any one artist. Songs can be tied in the same position.
Some of my favourite album tracks actually released this year may be on last year’s list as singles or lead tracks and not included in this year’s list. Anyway, these are the songs i’ve enjoyed the most this year.
Special mention to > Girl Ray ‘(I Wish I Were Giving You A Gift) This Christmas’
- which is an amazing song and should really be in my top 10 but they already have 2 songs in the list and it’s a Christmas song, and i feel a bit weird about including Christmas songs.
THE RUNNERS UP (in no order)..
Limmy ‘Turkish Delight techno version’
Rina Sawayama ‘Alterlife’
Lorde ‘Green Light’
Dubi Dolczek ‘Only Human’
Run the Jewels ‘Talk To Me’
Kirin J Callinan ‘S.A.D’
Tim Heidecker ‘Imperial Bathroom’
Andrew Hung ‘Say What You Want’
Kelela ‘Frontline’
Nilüfer Yanya ‘Baby Luv’
ThisisDA ‘Control, Shift’
James Ferraro ‘Twilight Pretender’
Spinning Coin ‘Money Is A Drug’
GFOTY ‘Tongue’
Cardi B ‘Bodak Yellow’
Pillow Person ‘On Your Way’
Kero Kero Bonito ‘Rock ‘n’ Roll Star’
Ed Dowie ‘David Is Unwell’
Yves Tumor ‘E. Eternal’
Flat Worms ‘Question’
LCD Soundsystem ‘Tonite’
Frank Ocean ‘Chanel’ / ‘Biking’
Big Thief ‘Shark Smile’
Julia Jacklin ‘Cold Caller’                                                                                    
Jessie Lanza ‘I Talk BB’
Dean Blunt ‘As Long As Ropes Unravel Fake Rolex Will Travel’
Frankie Cosmos ‘Fish Bowl’ (Kero Kero Bonito cover)
Sacred Paws ‘Strike A Match’
Spectres ‘End Waltz’
Rostam ‘Bike Dream’
Why? ‘Proactive Evolution’
Grandaddy ‘Way We Won’t’
Aldous Harding ‘Imagining My Man’                                                                       
SL ‘Tropical’                                                                                                        
Amber Coffman ‘No Coffee’
The XX ‘Say Something Loving’
Wasuremono ‘For All The Bears’
IAMDDB ‘Shade’
Fenne Lily ‘What’s Good’
Sir Was ‘In The Midst’
Lana Del Rey ‘Love’
Jay Som ‘The Bus Song’
Sweet Baboo ‘Wild Imagination’
Real Estate ‘Darling’
The Horrors ‘Machine’
Hannah Diamond ‘Never Again’
Charli XCX ‘Boys’
Manuela ‘Supermarket’
Dizzee Rascal ‘Space’
The Saxophones ‘Aloha’
Selena Gomez ‘Bad Liar’
Sneaks ‘Look Like That’
Sega Bodega (feat. Shygirl) ‘CC’
Princess Nokia ‘Tomboy’
Grizzly Bear ‘Mourning Sound’
J Hus ‘Common Sense’
S4U ‘Too Much’
Charlotte Gainsbourg ‘Deadly Valentine’
The Evil Usses ‘Gambino’
Klein ‘Cry Theme’
Aimee Mann ‘ Good For Me’  
Superorganism ‘Something For Your M.I.N.D.’
Yorkston/Thorne/Khan ‘Bales’
Colin Stetson ‘All This I Do For Glory’
Lil Yachty ‘Peek A Boo’
Mush ‘Luxury Animals’
MGMT ‘Little Dark Age’                                                                                          
Django Django ‘Tic Tac Toe’ / ‘In Your Beat’                                                          
Slowdive ‘Slomo’                                                                                                    
N.E.R.D (feat. Rihanna) ‘Lemon’
Alt-J ‘Pleader’
Mura Masa & A$AP Rocky ‘Love$ick’
Ariel Pink & Weyes Blood ‘Tears On Fire’
Ski Mask The Slump God ‘Catch Me Outside’
Francois & The Atlas Mountains ‘Grand Dereglement’
Animal Collective ‘Kinda Bonkers’
Yung Nnelg ‘Forrest Gump’
Wharfwhit ‘Keep U Sweet’ / ‘Elbows’
Stormzy ‘Big For Your Boots’
Alvvays ‘In Undertow’ / ‘Hey’
Luxury Dad? ‘Cowbell’ / ‘Millennial Boogie (or whatever)’
Vince Staples ‘Big Fish’
Missy Elliott ‘I’m Better’
Thundercat ‘Them Changes’
Mac DeMarco ‘On The Level’
Japanese Breakfast ‘Diving Woman’ / ‘Road Head’
Robin Allender ‘Train Dreams’
Sleaford Mods ‘B.H.S.’
Laurel Halo ‘Jelly’
Mun Sing ‘Eye’ / ‘Revenge’
Hype Williams ‘Loud Challenge’
Ariel Pink ‘Feels Like Heaven’ / ’Bubblegum Dreams’
J Hus ‘Did You See’
Drake ‘Passionfruit’
Lil B ‘Still Run It’ / ‘DJ BasedGod’
John Maus ‘The Combine’
Kamaiyah ‘Playa In Me’
Alexis Taylor & Lung Dart ‘I’m Ready’
Aimee Mann ‘Goose Snow Cone’
Terry ‘Take Me To The City’
St. Vincent ‘Los Ageless’
Jlin ‘Nyakinyua Rise’
Oro Swimming Hour ‘Martial Arts Washing Cars’
Alien Stadium ‘This One’s For The Humans’
Jay Som ‘Baybee’
Liars ‘Cred Woes’
S4U ‘Friends’
Brian Eno with Kevin Shields ‘Only Once Away My Son’
Bjork ‘The Gate’ / ‘Blissing Me’
Hercules & The Love Affair (feat. Sharon Van Etten) ‘Omnion’
Tara Clerkin ‘John’
Bonnie Prince Billy (with The Roots of Music) ‘The Curse’
Iglooghost ‘Bug Thief’
SOPHIE ‘Ponyboy’
Insecure Men ‘Subaru Nights’
Young Thug ‘Family Don’t Matter’
Yung Lean ‘Red Bottom Sky’
ESPRIT ‘Flounder 202’
Giant Swan ‘Celebrate The Last 30 Years Of Human Ego’
Oneohtrix Point Never (feat. Iggy Pop) ‘The Pure And The Damned’
Four Tet ‘Two Thousand And Seventeen’
Mount Kimbie (feat. King Krule) ‘Blue Train Lines’
Beak> ‘Sex Music’
Wiley ‘Speakerbox’
Baxter Dury ‘Miami’
Alabaster dePlume 'Be Nice To People'
Drahla ‘Silk Spirit’                                                                                                   
The Moonlandingz (feat. Rebecca Taylor) ‘The Strangle Of Anna’                        
Happyness ‘The Reel Starts Again (Man As Ostrich)’
Yves Tumor ‘Limerence’
Coucou Chloe ‘Flip U’
This Is The Kit ‘Moonshine Freeze’
Ibeyi ‘Deathless’
Mogwai ‘Party In The Dark’
Wesley Gonzales ‘I Am A Telescope’ / ‘In Amsterdam’
Iglooghost ‘Infinite Mint’
King Krule ‘Biscuit Town’
Young Thug ‘Liger’
Bas Jan ‘No Sign’
Seamus Fogarty ‘Carlow Town’
Oliver Wilde ‘Big Black Chunk’
Tyler The Creator ‘I Ain’t Got Time!’
TOP 50 SONGS OF 2017...
50. Lice ‘The Human Parasite’
49. Young Fathers ‘Only God Knows’
48. Los Campesinos! ‘5 Flucloxacillin’
47. Mush ‘Alternative Facts’
46. SOPHIE ‘It’s OK To Cry’
45. Phoenix ‘J-Boy’
44. Oro Swimming Hour ‘Ornatrice’
43. Fever Ray ‘To The Moon And Back’
42. Spectres ‘Dissolve’
41. Dirty Projectors & Dawn Richard ‘Cool Your Heart’
40. Rina Sawayama (feat. Shamir) ‘Tunnel Vision’
39. Oliver Wilde ‘You’re So Kool-Aid’
38. Wiley ‘Can’t Go Wrong’
37. Hookworms ‘Negative Space’
36. This Is The Kit ‘Hotter Colder’
35. Playboi Carti ‘Magnolia’
34. Ed Dowie ‘Yungpawel’
33. Arca ‘Saunter’ / ‘Desafío’
32. Brockhampton ‘Gummy’
31. Seamus Fogarty ‘Van Gogh’s Ear’
30. Taos Humm ‘BLUHr’
29. Shabazz Palaces ‘Shine A Light’
28. Sweet Baboo ‘Pink Rainbow’
27. Happyness ‘Through Windows’
26. Field Music ‘Count It Up’
25. Migos ‘T-Shirt’ / ‘Bad And Boujee’
24. King Krule ‘Dum Surfer’
23. Perfume Genius (feat. Weyes Blood) ‘Sides’
22. Kendrick Lamar ‘DNA’
21. Thundercat ‘Show You The Way’
20. Brockhampton ‘Boogie’
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19. SZA ‘Drew Barrymore’
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18. Perfume Genius ‘Slip Away’
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17. Kamasi Washington ‘Truth’
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16. Yaeji ‘Drink I’m Sippin On’
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15. Kelela ‘LMK’
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14. Girl Ray ‘Stupid Things’
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13. Edward Penfold ‘Grasshopper’
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12. Richard Dawson ‘Soldier’
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11. Future ‘Mask Off’
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10. Mount Kimbie (feat. Micachu) ‘Marilyn’
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9. Self Esteem ‘Your Wife’ / ‘OMG’
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8. Blanck Mass ‘Please’
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7. SZA (Feat. Travis Scott) ‘Love Galore’
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6. Kendrick Lamar ‘HUMBLE’
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5. Yaeji ‘Raingurl’
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4. Edward Penfold ‘Garden Fresh’
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3. Tyler, The Creator ‘See You Again’
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2. Girl Ray ‘Preacher’
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1. Richard Dawson ‘Ogre’
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