thewiglesswonder · 6 days
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I’ve been seeing a lot of @maxicaiman ‘s Entrap, so here’s a sketch of him with my very own green nastyman, Viceglide! Hope I did Entrap some kind of justice!
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sug4r-melon · 1 year
Vicestrom A1 and Lockprowl C1.
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i know you asked for lockprowl as well and i am absolutely going to post it but also I CANT GO ANY LOMGER WITHOUT SHOWERING THEM WITH ATTENTION REAAAHHGGGG WIG HOW DARE YOU MAKE OCS THAT PIERCE MY HEART SO MUCH
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tachyon-omlette · 1 year
I will get to the Phantos and Eda interactions, I promise, but let me ask you in return; what does Eda think of Maelstrom, Viceglide, Posthaste and the crew?
Eda is somewhat wary of Maelstrom, and not entirely because she's a mnemosurgeon. She radiates her classic morbid curiosity often enough to set off Eda like a Geiger counter; she reminds him of Quintus, and not in a good way. Chances are that he'd take measures to avoid her whenever possible, which might only make her more curious, to his dismay. It's ironic, in this context, that his neck is one of the few weak points in his armor - but then again, it'd be near impossible to get that close.
Viceglide, in contrast, he can understand to some degree. Eda does not deal with or trust Cybertronians any more than he has to - and neither, it seems, does Viceglide. They are both odd sizes for the worlds in which they exist, albeit in opposite directions. They both know the allure of zealous scientists and have in their own turns succumbed to it. Eda does not particularly like him, but he might tolerate Viceglide to a higher degree than he does any other Cybertronian, even if Viceglide does not trust him.
Posthaste gives him hope. All newsparks do, no matter how many times that hope has been shattered before. Even at a distance - because I don't imagine his creators would let Eda get too close - he can tell how much Posthaste is loved. He is glad for it, but so too is he envious.
The other members of Phantos, to him, are simply more Cybertronians to deal with. Though he would not make overtures to gain their favor, neither would he reject any attempts at conversation - though as soon as anything remotely resembling you should join the Decepticons slips out, he's leaving.
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thewiglesswonder · 10 months
Delighted to tellyou that vicestrom appeared in my dream. It was some kind of 2d animated show that had distictly different artstyle from tfa, and the episode i was watching was focused on surgical horrors. Vicegrip got sprayed with energon when Maelstrom's saw slipped and it was framed like a meet-cute. Pharma was there also??
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1. That is the most adorable thing I’ve heard in my life, 2. That is a meet-cute.
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thewiglesswonder · 1 year
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Like creators, like creation!
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thewiglesswonder · 1 year
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Bonding time, featuring orbaby Posthaste.
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thewiglesswonder · 1 year
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Will I ever stop playing with their designs? Probably not, but here they are anyway, now in bonus pre-war colors!
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thewiglesswonder · 7 months
Me? Randomly writing again about my kids? It's more likely than you think.
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thewiglesswonder · 1 year
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A Viceglide to practice my line work, and as an excuse to talk about his ability: Frictive Determinism. He can manipulate the friction exerted by his feet/wheels on whatever surface they come into contact with. This is, of course, where the “glide” portion of his name derives from. Uses of this ability include, but are not limited to, skating on any surface like a demented roller derbier, scaling near-vertical surfaces like one of those mountain goats, and delivering some of the most painful kicks in the universe.
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thewiglesswonder · 1 year
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Human AU ViceStrom in the same vein as last night’s sketches: they meet when Quarrel brings her severely concussed roller derby teammate to the only doctor she knows won’t charge thousands of dollars for a treatment.
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thewiglesswonder · 2 years
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Colored the amazing sketch request I received from @obi-art . Thanks again for drawing my kids!
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thewiglesswonder · 2 years
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Meet Posthaste! (Also known as the reason I was feverishly searching for alt modes in the late hours of last night.) Pictured with his creators, he’s the reason for an impressive protoform heist. He turns into a dune buggy.
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sug4r-melon · 1 year
LockProwl, of course, and if you want to, ViceStrom?
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decided to do vicestrom as i have yet to draw Vice fully, but he deserves to be smooched by his wife
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thewiglesswonder · 1 year
I have two choices on what to make Viceglide in a human AU:
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thewiglesswonder · 2 years
Combing through a video for every single one of the Watcher’s lines was worth it. Everybody give a warm welcome to Mark Hamill for Viceglide’s voiceclaim!
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thewiglesswonder · 1 year
we all know vicestrom and lockprowl is the rivalry of the century but they also give the vibes that Vice and Mae would see the events of fistful of energon and immediately clock that those two are in love(which they fully support because who doesn't love a good forbidden romance)
Even before they entered into a romantic relationship, they were heinous gossips who had an uncanny ability to call various stages of various relationships. They'd look at Prowl and Lockdown fighting for five seconds and Know.
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