Steve likes taking care of people, has done it since he was a child and his mother would retreat to her room under the excuse of migraines quite frequently. Steve would bring her some aspirin and water, later if she was up for it some toast he had made for dinner for both of them.
Most of the time she would take the pills and the toast and make a shooing motion for Steve to leave again. And he would as quietly as a shadow sneak out of her room and into his, hoping she'd be doing better tomorrow. On some days though, she'd gently cup his cheek, ruffle his hair and whisper, "Thank you, Stevie."
She'd pull her blanket aside for him to curl up next to her and nap with her for a while. Steve had thought that maybe, those few days would be enough, enough to make her stay.
It wasn't, still, Steve likes taking care of people. He comes over to Robin's when she has a cold with several bottles of pills and coughing syrup (because she is a hypochondriac who thinks every cough might be her last) makes her herbal tea and curls up with her watching old movies. Her parents will invite Steve over for dinner once they come home and he stays, carries two trays of food up to Robin's room, opens the windows for some fresh air and makes sure they are not getting any crumbs on the bed. She technically doesn't need him to take care of her, but she always appreciates the company nonetheless.
Eddie is more fussy when he is sick, hates being trapped in a bed for too long, hates how the sheets grow sweaty and how sleep seems impossible after an entire day of just lying in bed. So Steve helps him move to the couch in the trailer, fluffs up his pillows and brings him blankets that are keeping him just the perfect temperature.
While Eddie recovers from the journey to the couch Steve goes into the kitchen, grabbing all the ingredients he needs for chicken soup. It's Claudia's recipe with some adjustments from Wayne and some little changes made by Steve. He personally likes the faint hint of bay leaf but he knows Eddie can't stand the stuff. While the soup simmers until all the flavor has been brought out Steve returns to the couch. Eddie likes to read when he is sick, but his eyes are heavy and his hands week. So Steve gently nudges Eddie until Steve can sit down and pull Eddie back against his chest, takes the book from Eddie, and begins to read out loud. He isn't the best reader, tongue often stopping, refusing to smoothly curl around certain words like Eddie's does and he isn't that good at doing voices either. But for Eddie it seems to be enough. He hums sleepily and just snuggles closer to Steve until the soup is done.
Steve knows that Dustin only takes cough syrup if it's mixed with apple juice and that neither El nor Will like swallowing pills. He knows that sometimes Max will get headaches and the only thing that'll help her is sleeping through the afternoon and not letting anyone bother her. He knows that Nancy hates the smell of vickvaporub but loves elderflower cough drops. He always has ginger tea in his house because Mike tends to easily get an upset stomach and keeps heating pats around because Lucas had a sports injury the last year of middle school and it likes to act up.
So yeah, Steve really likes taking care of people. But no one ever really takes care of him. Which is fine, Steve is a big boy and can take care of himself, always has. It's not like his parents were around to call school when he got sick. Or to make sure food was in the house, to run him baths, or to give him cold compresses to break his fever. Steve managed all of that on his own, knew how to fake being healthy enough for none of his teachers to send him home, knew how to drag himself to the store, to change his own pjs and sheets, to manage with whatever cold medicine his parents had left behind. Ans it's fine, it has always been fine, Steve has managed.
Only that after their fourth run-in, things have been less fine. Steve has been getting these killer headaches, that make his vision blurry and his stomach turn. He keeps telling himself that it's fine, doesn't need to ask for help, doesn't want to, doesn't know how to. He doesn't want to bother anyone, also what would they do anyways? Hold his hand and tell him it's all going to be fine? Steve doesn't need them to do that, he'll just pop his aspirin the same way his mother used to do and soldier through it. Gritting his teeth through the skull-splitting pain is still better than asking for help. And it works, has always worked, until it doesn't.
One moment Steve pops some aspirin and grabs his keys to pick up Robin, the next his face is smushed into the cold tiles of the floor and his vision goes dark.
When he wakes up again he no longer is on the floor. He doesn't quite now where he is, opening his eyes still hurts, just that he is somewhere soft and warm. There is a hand gently playing with his hair and he leans into the touch.
"Back with us, baby?" he hears Eddie whisper and it's such a lovely sound.
Steve tries to shift, to sit up but his entire body aches and he can't help but whine.
"Woah, take it slow," he hears Robin's voice from a bit further away and a pair of hands gently pushes him back into what he assumes must be his bed. "I got you some painkillers and water," Robin says and he can feel a pill being pressed into the palm of his hand. He guides it to his mouth and a glass of water is pressed to his lips to help him swallow it.
"That's it, just keep your eyes closed, we got you," Eddie murmurs and keeps gingerly stroking Steve's hair. There is something delightfully cool pressed against his temple an ice pack probably, Steve figures before he falls back asleep.
The second time he wakes his headache has finally disappeared he manages to open his eyes. He is in his bed, curled up between Eddie and Robin, both still snoring gently. Eddie wakes up next, gives Steve a tired smile and a quick forehead kiss before he tells Steve to stay put and disappears downstairs to make some breakfast. By the time he is back up with orange juice and strawberry jam on toast, Robin has woken up to.
"Do you get migraines like that often," she asks eventually as she nibbles on her toast. Steve just shrugs, tries to downplay it all.
"Every now and then," he lies. The only problem is that Robin and Eddie know him, know his tells, know when he is lying, know that he sometimes thinks just his existence is a burden. Eddie cups his cheek and looks at him with so much sadness in his puppy dog eyes.
"It's okay, baby, you can tell us," he says and even though it's hard Steve nods, gives in, tells them about the frequent migraines, how he doesn't want to bother anyone.
Eddie and Robin tell him that it's fine that they don't mind, that they are here for him. And they prove it the next time he has a migraine and the next time and the next time. After that Steve still likes to take care of people. But he also doesn't mind if they take care of him.
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tetrafelino · 7 months
vickvaporub... save me...
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minglana · 8 months
vickvaporub save me
save me vicksvaporub
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omarporfavor · 5 years
Ultimamente vários homens estão utilizando esse maravilhoso Gel multiuso como vasodilator proporcionando assim durar mais na cama
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845remade · 3 years
why did i read someones url as vickvaporub
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utesabevelda · 5 years
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El #VickVaporub puede con TODO . . . . . . . #UtesabeVelda #Meme #MemesRD #Funny #Chiste ##dominicansbelike ##latinosbelike
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linaisbluepancake · 6 years
La frase ''sana sana colita de rana, si no sana hoy sanará mañana'' es el mejor tratamiento medico.
error, es el vickvaporub
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extrememovieporn · 5 years
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barajango · 6 years
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En el escritorito improvisado tenemos un vazar: Cables, sintas, discos duros.. el #VickVapoRub fue mi solución inmediata al mal olor q produce el piercing en mi nariz.. además saben q soy fan para dormir.. y lo demás son pastillas de paracetamol, pasta de dientes, desodorante y alcohol.. etílico obviamente para pasarme las pastillas... 🤔 jajajaja todo con un fin.. Trabajar agusto.. ahh.. obvio tmb hay música... 🙈👍🏼🎤🎶🎶 (en Somewhere Only We Know)
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anothrcoffeeplz · 6 years
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. 🇺🇸 This strip is brought to you by Vick Vaporub®. Not really. Please don't sue me. . 🇧🇷 Esta tirinha é um oferecimento de Vick Vaporub®. Mentira. Por favor, não me processa. #webcomic #maiscafe #anothercoffee #anothercoffeeplease #anothercoffeeplz #maicafepfvr #maiscafeporfavor #rainyday #diachuvoso #chuva #rain #rinite #rinitis #allergy #alergia #espirro #sneeze #catarro #runnynose #vick #vaporub #vickvaporub #vicks #funny #cartoon #tirinha #cat (em Natal, Rio Grande do Norte)
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myriaime · 7 years
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Je vous présente mes deux compagnons du moment. Et oui, figurez-vous que la semaine dernière j'ai eu deux invités surprise, le couple thraqueite et mal de te tête ; et bien ils ont rien trouvé de mieux cette semaine que d'amener leur copain le rhume. Alors oui ces enfoirés me crève. Quand on croit qu'il n'y en a plus bien y en a encore.... Et pour bien compléter le tout, quand tu vas dormir pour être en forme et conduire chouchou au taff mais que le couple rhume et éternuements te souale jusqu'à 2h du matin et que tu dois te lever à 4h pour conduire chouchou bien t'a les nerfs tu es crevé... Et oui bien ça s'est tout moi je fais pas les choses à moitié et vous ça vous arrive.. Heureusement que je taff pas sinon je serais trop trop mal.. #crève #thraqueite #maldetete #rhume #malade #dégoûté #mouchoirs #vickvaporub #yenamarre #patraque
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yayozy · 7 years
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Recordar es vivir Y más si es algo de la década de los #90s #vaporub #vickvaporub #unguento #mexico #photoday
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omarporfavor · 5 years
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gabzilla-z · 6 years
I see someone watched The Dragon Prince! How’d you like it, gabz??
i would die for everybody in this show except lord Vickvaporub
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cuidandotusalud · 6 years
Tratamiento Para Eliminar Varices 😉 Varices Arañitas Tratamiento Natural
Tratamiento Para Eliminar Varices 😉 Varices Arañitas Tratamiento Natural
tratamiento para eliminar varices - 5 Remedios caseros para las varices que dejarán tus piernas de película ¡Descubre El Mejor Tratamiento Para Eliminar Varices Naturalmente Remedios y plantas medicinales » Aloe vera » Remedios para las varices Este tipo de anomalías causan dolores en las piernas, pero gracias a un remedio casero para las varices hecho a base de ciprés las molestias desaparecerán Esas molestosas arañas en las piernas, hasta mi novio me decía que parecía hombre y no mujer por no usar vestidos o ponerme zapatos con tacones altos, pero esto ya quedó atrás porque encontré una guía maravillosa que me ayudó a saber como eliminar las varices 4 Responses to Tratamiento para las varices en hombres tratamiento para la eliminar varices por láser sin cirugía. escleroterapia, tratamiento para eliminar las várices. remedio casero para eliminar las varices y arañitas en las piernas - venas varicosas. 5 remedios naturales para eliminar las varices. el mejor remedio casero para eliminar las venas várices definitivamente en 30 días. pomada con vickvaporub para eliminar varices / vickvaporub to get rid of varicose veins. las várices son algo desagradable para nuestra apariencia y es por esto que buscamos todo tipo de tratamiento para eliminarlas o de perdido disminuirlas lo más posible... el tratamiento con láser se utiliza para eliminar las várices medianas y grandes que por su tamaño no es recomendable tratarlas con la escleroterapia... Pero, ¿funcionan los remedios caseros para las varices Hoy en día, el mejor tratamiento para eliminar varices sin cirugía es el láser, ya que elimina todos los tipos de varices con eficacia, seguridad y buena tolerancia Mejor tratamiento para eliminar varices finas y nº de sesiones Remedios para las varices es un lugar especial para ti, donde encontrarás información seleccionada sobre los mejores tratamientos y actividades que puedas hacer desde tu casa para recuperar el placer de disfrutar de tus piernas libremente Si estás buscando un remedio casero para las varices en esta nota encontrarás varias opciones interesantes y sobre todo, eficaces La preocupación de que sean cada vez más visibles lleva a mujeres y hombres a ampliar sus conocimientos sobre cómo prevenirlas y como eliminar las varices de manera natural, si ya están presentes El tratamiento para las varices es recomendable iniciarlo a los 6 meses de haber dado a luz Entra y descubre los mejores remedios caseros para las varices: aprende a quitarlas y a eliminarlas Remedios para las Varices updated their profile picture ¿Necesitas algún remedio casero para las Varices ¿Como eliminar las varices sin cirugia via ComiendoSanamente
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linaisbluepancake · 6 years
Como sigue tu muñeca??
le puse vickvaporub lol y no se siente tan mal ahora, si me preocupa pero diay que le voy a hacer. gracias por preguntaaaaar bby
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