ifelten · 7 years
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Fireogtyveplettet mariehøne (Subcoccinella vigintiquatuorpunctata)
Den firetyveplettede mariehøne er den eneste art i sin slægt. Selv om den er ret kraftigt farvet i orangerødt med sorte pletter, mangler den de øvrige røde mariehøns’ blanke rygskjold. En tæt tilliggende behåring giver denne ~4 mm. mariehøne et mere mat udseende.
Udover det specielle fysiske kendetegn, adskiller den fireogtyveplettede mariehøne sig ved ikke at være rovdyr; men planteæder. Et andet specielt træk ved arten er, at der er en høj forekomst af individer uden vinger. Da både vingede og uvingede individer bærer genet for vingeløshed, må det forventes, at dette træk bliver stadig mere udbredt hos arten.
Arten er almindelig herhjemme.
24-spot Ladybird (Subcoccinella vigintiquatuorpunctata)
The 24-spot Ladybird is the only species in the genus Subcoccinella. Though coloured a dark orange-red with black spots, this beetle lacks the shiny smooth elytra of most other ladybirds due to the fact that it’s somwhat hairy.
I addition to its appearance, this ladybird sets itself apart by not being a predator but herbivorous. Another special property to this species is that it has a high frequency of winglessness. As both winged and non-winged specimens carry the gene that causes winglessness, this condition is expected to increasing in the species.
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sarfrazbaloch · 7 years
Common British ladybirds Identification | ladybird family
Common British ladybirds Identification | ladybird family
Common British ladybirds Identification
Common British ladybirds Identification
The seven-spot ladybird may be one of the most recognizable, but there are 46 different species in the UK
Common British ladybirds (Harmonia axyridis):
Size and shape: large (6 – 8mm long), quite round and domed
Elytra (wing case) highly variable, orange, cooler: pale yellow, orange-red, red or black;
Spots: 0 – 21…
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