#16-spot ladybird
miracle-sham · 1 year
MGI Civil War 3/Luck's a Ladybug Art Masterlist.
| Below the read more, this masterlist holds the tumblr links to all of the polymer clay pieces I made for the event, which ended up at a whopping 21 pieces! There are separate masterlists for the fics/outlines/snippets, and playlists that I also created for the event, which shall be linked at the end, along with the link to the main masterlist. |
Ladybug Miraculous Charm.
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2. Dragon Statuette.
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3. Star Spotted Ladybird Charm.
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4. Star Charms.
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5. Masquerade Mask Charm.
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6. Playing With Fire Ladybird Charm.
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7. Kwami Kwagatama Crown Charm.
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8. Angel Ladybird Charm.
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9. Ladybird and Bat Marriage Rings.
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10. Heart Winged Ladybird Charm.
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11. Ladybird Themed Heart.
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12. Demon Ladybird Charm.
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13. Flower Ladybird Charm.
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14. Last Kiss Ladybird Charm.
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15. Blossom Flower Ladybird Charm.
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16. Star Ladybird Charm.
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17. Akuma Fight.
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18. Vampire Ladybird Charm.
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19. Werewolf Ladybird Charm.
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20. Necromancy.
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21. Fic Inspired Dragon Statuette.
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| [Masterlist Link] |
| [Civil War Fic Masterlist Link] |
| [Civil War Playlist Masterlist Link] |
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colonyworkshop · 2 years
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A 7-spot Ladybird!
You can watch the timelapse video for this on YouTube at- https://youtu.be/GuHtd2RphWE
I tried out a new format for this timelapse video, hoping to make better use of the 16:9 ratio but need to test how it looks across different platforms!
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kangaruined · 1 year
tag games where we share random miscellaneous details abt ourselves have a place near & dear 2 my heart <3
tagged by @turtle183 (hiii)
Nickname: lono (pronounced low-no), but only to close friends & family. it's like an intimate warm prod to my heart whenever i hear it! someone i grew up closely with couldn't say my name when she was young :')
Sign: aries i guess? i'm a cuspie so diff websites or books will tell me diff things. i felt like i was lied to when i read something other than pisces when i was like 16. costar says i'm aries sun, aries moon, pisces rising. idk what any of that means and i dont intend to learn.
Height: 5'8"
Last thing I googled: best facial sunscreen for oily skin (and lemme tell u....i haven't found one yet ://)
Number of followers: i appreciate the secrecy tumblr gives us for this & i'm gonna keep it that way ! not a lot though for how long i've been on here tbh. someone comes, someone goes :)
Lucky number: 7 but not because it's a stereotypical lucky number, it was just the number i knew the most multiplication timetables for when i was little (up to 7x9. it wasn't impressive.)
Favorite color: it used to be yellow...it might still be yellow. who knows
Dream job: ew sorry
Movies/books that summarize me: uuuuhhhh fuckin uhh....the princess bride. the little white horse by suzanne something that my mom's old teaching assistant got me for my birthday when i was really little. ladybird? idk this is hard and i dont know how to distill myself
Favorite song: i hope you know that this is literally impossible to choose but let's say clay pigeons by blaze foley
Favorite instrument: cello, but viola has a soft spot since it's the only thing i've actually truly known how to play
Aesthetic: can i mix them? you have to mix them. something something cottagecore queer punk farmgirl
Favorite author: barbara kingsolver
Favorite animal noise: tie between horse nickers and the mmrp? cats do when u pet them while they're sleeping
Random: oh god oh fuck this feels like a space for a fun fact. monkeys make me uncomfortable and something's wrong with my left pinky finger but idk what. i made a quiche last week that wasn't very good and i think it's still in the fridge. i'm trying out a new glycolic acid serum. i wish i was as brave as my mom is when it comes to picking up bugs. ooh i get to see her next week :)
i'm tagging @fucking-pimberly-i-guess @knivescha0 @gentlelibrarian @bootygametoostrong @dread-nautilus @theroyaltenenblarghs @callmepippin (why do i feel so anxious anytime i tag people oh god) no pressure but i'd also like to see y'alls answers 👁👄👁
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1. First celebrity crush 5. Favorite actor and actress 6. Little thing that makes you extremely happy 9. Best toy you ever got as a kid 16. Does the way you laugh depends on who you’re with? 19. In the evening, would you rather play a game, visit a relative, watch a movie, or read? 24. What’s the best gift you got?
Cheeky Questions: ACCEPTING
II @dontcxckitup // @dontcxckitup-m
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1. First celebrity crush:
//Awww man! I think my first celebrity crush was maybeeee Tom Selleck and Ricky Martin??? 🙈🤣 But I think I ended up having a crush on him because my mom and grandmother also had crushed on him ahahah!//
5. Favorite actor and actress:
//Hmm? That’s a tough one??? Definitely nobody that rhymes with the name Galph Hiennes 👀👀👀 jk jk, some of my favourites are: -James Mcavoy -Ralph Fiennes (obvi) -Michael Fassbender -Anya Taylor Joy -Felicity Jones -Paul Newman -Ana De Armas -Taika Waititi  -Franco Nero  (I can go on really 🙈)
6. Little thing that makes you extremely happy:
//Awww there’s a lot really! (In no order) My family + friends (even if I only have a small but amazing circle <3), My pets, people who show me something and tell me that they thought of me when they saw it, old books, rainy days where you do nothing but read, good food + wine, hugging a good friend or somebody you haven’t seen in ages, just chatting with a person and completely forgetting the time, plants + nature walks, clear/starry nights, the beach <3// 9. Best toy you ever got as a kid:
//I know one of my most favourite toys was this wee, dalmation, stuffed toy I named ‘Spot’ who I brought everywhere with me (until I sadly lost him -sobs-). Some other cool toys I got as a kid was this small, doll-house of Hogwarts that had all of these cool, secret compartments. And, (I know it was a book), but I collected these books from the ‘Ology Book Series’ and one of my favourites was this witchy/spell book and the ancient Egyptian one//
16. Does the way you laugh depends on who you’re with?:
//Erm... Not usually, I think??? I mean, I dont really like my laugh so I dont pay attention to it much, but, yeah, not usually. If ever, maybe if I’m in a party or in a place with people I don’t really know, I just kinda laugh politely if I have to, so I guess that laugh is different from my usual 😅//
19. In the evening, would you rather play a game, visit a relative, watch a movie, or read?:
//Oooooh, it depends, really! Most of the time I just lay in bed and watch a movie, read, and/or do drafts. But now and again, especially on a weekend, I’ll play a video game or go and chat/visit a friend (most of my relatives dont live nearby so I cant visit them :/ ) //
24. What’s the best gift you got?:
//I don’t know if there’s a specific BEST gift I got bc/ I cherish ALL of the gifts I get, but some of the most memorable from the top of my head are-- -A telescope + star chart my parents got me when I was 10 (nerdy I know 😅) -This Baby Yoda bag (which I practically use all the time) and this adorable, wee rock with a painted ladybird on it that has weirdly brought me luck so I keep it in a tiny pouch as a lucky charm. But, yeah, nuuuuu idea who gave me those *wink wonk* -This handmade, crocheted doll of me -just any and all books, really! -A box of cookies from Europe! -An antique, golden compass! //
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pogomcl · 5 months
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Seven-spot Ladybird, Coccinella sedempunctata Canon 400D EF 100 2.8 f/6.3 1/100 iso: 400 Prague, Czech Republic 6/16/2016
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ejzah · 4 years
A/N: Based of a post were I suggested that the team competes in various events during the downtime created by the lockdown. A full story was requested by someone. If you would like to claim it, let me know in the comments.
As you might expect, this is filled with ridiculousness.
“That’s it, you’re disqualified, G!” Sam declared as he yanked a throwing knife out of the wall, the handle still shaking from being recently hurled.
“Why am I disqualified?”
“You almost hit me in the head!”
“Well, maybe you shouldn’t have been standing so close to the target.” As they continued to bicker, Eric, Nell, Kensi, and Deeks sat down on the bleachers set up in the gym.
“I wonder how long this argument is going to take.” Nell said, sounding mildly disinterested. Over the course of the day, they had competed against each other in various events, including completing a hundred pushups, a 100 meter sprint, non-dominant hand shooting, and miniature basketball.
The day long competition was the result of them all having far too much idle time while most of the state was in some form of lockdown.
Sam, Kensi and Deeks had been neck and neck for the pushups. Nell had given up after 10 in favor of watching Deeks and Sam finish. In the end, Sam had beat Kensi by three. Kensi and Deeks had tied in the sprint, which had resulted in a mini argument over whether or not they could have two winners and Sam had easily won in the shooting event. Callen had won the mini-basketball round.
“Well, I’d say it depends on how quickly Sam figures out that Callen is messing with him,” Deeks said, settling in for a good half hour of debate.
“How do you guys wear this stuff all the time?” Eric asked, doing a weird half lunge thing as he frowned down at his under armor shorts. “I always feel like it’s squeezing me to death.”
“Well, it does have its perks,” Deeks commented, wiggling his eyebrows at Kensi as he glanced pointedly at her strappy black sports bra.
“Mm, yes it does,” Nell agreed, eyeing his chest appreciatively. Deeks looked down at his skin tight tank top and shrugged.
“Anyway,” Kensi said, rolling her eyes. “We should probably intervene or we’ll never get to the next event.”
“You just want to get your trophy,” Deeks teased her.
“Hey I won the knife throwing competition fair and square. No one else even came close.”
“C’mon Deeks!” Kensi shouted, clapping her hands as Deeks and Callen went up against each other on the climbing walls. “You can do this! Climb faster!” She’d already lost against Callen earlier and had taken sides. Nell had also joined Deeks’ side, but Eric seemed torn.
“G, don’t do this to me again!” Sam shouted over Kensi’s encouragement. Deeks thought he heard Callen mutter something sarcastic about not being a show monkey.
Deeks was about 2/3 of the way up with Callen several feet under him. He grabbed the next two handholds, propelling himself another two feet. To the sound of Nell and Kensi’s combined shouts, he climbed the last few feet and touched the top.
“Yes baby!” Kensi cheered as he dropped onto the mat below. Callen let himself fall too and said,
“Well, thank god that’s over.”
“Unbelievable,” Sam said, sounding deeply disappointed. “How could you let him win again?” Callen stood up, breathing heavily with his hands on his hips.
“Once again, he’s got longer arms and have you seen his muscles these days? His arms are like freaking trees,” Callen pointed out. “Besides, I beat you.”
“I have more weight to lift.” Before Callen could respond to that, Nell cut in.
“I believe it’s time for the three-legged race.”
“Ooh, I won the three-legged race every year at my summer camp,” Eric said excitedly. He extended his arm to Nell. “Shall we, M’Lady?”
“How are you this uncoordinated?” Kensi shouted at Deeks as they tumbled to the ground for the third time in a minute. Sam and Callen were only doing marginally better; if he’d been less focused on not falling, Deeks would have found the sight of them fumbling around hilarious.
“I don’t know, maybe because one of my legs is tied to yours?” he suggested sarcastically, groaning as he Kensi tried to stand up and ended up yanking at his bound leg.
“As the only married couple, we should be better at this.” Kensi sounded ready to kill him and he tried to sync his movements with hers.
Ahead of them, Nell and Eric were somehow managing to move at an impressive speed despite their vastly different heights.
Kensi growled as they fell yet again.
“This is a cruel, cruel sport,” Deeks sighed. In the time it took them to get back up, Eric and Nell crossed the finish line and immediately hugged, jumping up and down in excitement.
Deeks released the Velcro brace wrapped around his left leg, rubbing at the sore spot the rough material had left as they slowly walked across the field.
“Congratulations,” Kensi told Eric and Nell, managing a smile despite her disappointment.
“Thanks, but it was all Eric,” Nell said, giving him a proud look. “He’s a great leader.”
“Oh, I’m only as good as my partner,” Eric insisted, one arm wrapped around her waist.
“You two are disgusting,” Sam commented, trying to brush grass stains off his clothes.
“Nell, how often do you play mini golf?” Callen asked, sounding suspicious as Nell tapped her bright blue golf ball through a windmill and straight into a hole marked with a white 16.
“I may or may not have lived near a course when I was a kid,” Nell answered with a grin. She sank another ball with a single tap. “We played every weekend for a couple summers.”
“I should’ve known when you insisted we include it in the competition,” Kensi commented. She was a few strokes behind Nell and one in front of Deeks.
“Hey, I play to my strengths.” Nell shrugged, not seeming in any hurry to get to the next hole.
“At least the rest of us are doing better than Eric and Sam,” Deeks said, nodding to where Sam and Callen were struggling to get past a river that kept swallowing the ball and spitting it back out on the other side.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen Sam this angry,” Callen said, his voice filled with poorly concealed humor. As they watched, Sam shouted something and threw his club across the course where it landed in the middle of a small sandpit. “I better go calm him down before we get kicked out.”
“Maybe we should cancel this event. I mean, this is just supposed to be for fun,” Kensi said, watching Sam stalk away as Callen tried to talk to him. Eric was still futilely whacking at his ball.
“Not a chance,” Nell said fiercely, pausing to line her club up to the ball. She swung, the blue tennis skirt she’d chosen to wear swishing with her movement, and smiled in satisfaction as she got another hole in one. “I won this trophy and no one is taking it away from me.”
“Nothing like a game of mini golf to foster familial goodwill,” Deeks commented wryly.
Beep beep beep.
“Alright, pencils down,” Nell announced to the sound of frantic scratching. Deeks leaned back, having finished his 10th Scattegories list several seconds early.
Kensi swore under her breath and tossed her pencil down, glaring malevolently at him.
“Ok, starting with Eric, gifts/presents, terms of endearment, kinds of dances, things that are black, vehicles, tropical locations, college majors, dairy, products, things in a souvenir shop, and world records,” Nell said. “And they all must start with the letter L.”
By now her voice was hoarse and she sounded like a teacher who had spent all day corralling misbehaving students. It wasn’t far off.
“Alright, I have Lady Lark, locket, love, nothing, nothing, Land Rover, Latin, nothing, leg warmers, lip balm, and nothing,” Eric rattled off, looking a little stressed. He’d taken his jacket off half an hour ago, apparently overheated by the pressures of the game.
Nell sighed, crossing a couple things off her list.
“Ok, Callen?” He’d been toe to toe with Deeks for the last five rounds and seemed pretty confident. Clearing his throat dramatically, he started reading off his list.
“Lewis and Clark, lima beans, lima beans, lima beans-“
“Wait a second, you just said ‘lima beans’ three times in a row,” Sam interrupted.
“Lima beans would make a great present in my opinion,” Callen said, leaning back in his chair and twirling his pencil carelessly.
“Well, I don’t. Besides, you can’t use the same thing more than once.” Callen sighed and tossed his paper on the table.
“Then you’re probably not going to like the rest of this list.”
“You seriously wrote down lima beans 11 times?” Kensi asked and he shrugged again.
“At this point, I just want the game to be over,” he said, earning a disgusted sound from Sam.
Kensi, Nell, and Sam all read off their lists, scratching of a word here and there. Deeks had insisted that he go last for each round, to give them a better appreciation of his brilliance. No one had argued, but that might have been more for the sake of expediency than that they actually cared. When it was his turn, he noisily cleared his throat.
“Lincoln, as in Abraham, lingerie,” he paused to glance at Kensi who rolled her eyes. “Ladybird, lap dance, lemurs, Lamborghini, Laos, law, low fat yogurt, a license, and liquor,” Deeks said, dropping his board on the table with a smug expression. “Boom.”
“Damn,” Eric muttered. “Why didn’t I think of lap dancing?”
“Because you have an ounce of self-respect,” Kensi said a little meanly, which Deeks put down to her losing another round.
“Ok, so Deeks is officially the winner,” Nell announced, to no ones surprise.
He took a bow, dodging Kensi’s elbow.
“G, that’s not a word,” Sam sighed, gesturing for Callen to move the letter tiles he’d just laid down. The board was covered with a grid of words. Deeks had most recently added “erotic”, built off of Kensi’s “elbow”. Sam hadn’t liked Deeks’ word either, but didn’t have grounds to protest it.
“Yes, it is,” Callen insisted. “And now I’m out of tiles too and since that’s 7 with a triple word score, I win.”
“Um, I don’t think so,” Kensi argued, crossing her arms as she glared at him. She’d played extremely competitively, contesting almost as many words as Sam. “You used an already existing word, so you can’t use the ‘s’.”
“And it’s not a real word.”
“It’s in the Harry Potter books.” Callen lifted his hands like that was definite proof, leaning back with a grin. “So I’d say it’s a real word.”
“Actually “lumos” is adapted from the Latin word “lumen”, Deeks explained, “so it’s really a made up word and even if it wasn’t, foreign words aren’t allowed or I would have killed this game.”
“I’m not taking it off.”
“Let’s never do this again,” Nell said to Eric from where they were sitting off to the sides as Sam pulled out a giant dictionary.
“But we’re still getting trophies, right?” he asked worriedly. Nell snorted.
“Of course. I am the champion of mini golf after all.”
A/N: Just for fun little side note, I really dislike mini golf. One of the first times I played (I was a teenager), got so mad that I had a similar reaction to Sam’s. Ever since my family has been very cautious around me while playing the game.
And Callen with the lima beans is also based on a real-life anecdote.
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doomedandstoned · 5 years
~By Willem Verhappen~
Photographs by Sally Townsend
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When Billy asked me to review Roadburn Festival 2019 for Doomed & Stoned, I was a bit hesitant. Live reviews have never been my specialty and I prefer to enjoy shows instead of being critical. However, when he suggested a diary-style review, I got the idea to do just that; write a diary.
I went all out and paid a whopping two Euros and some change to buy a notebook. After four days of Roadburn, it will probably be as wrecked as I expect to be, but hopefully it will still be readable. [In hindsight it was money well spent, as the notebook survived Roadburn without too much damage.] Whether its pages will be literary gold or the drunken ravings of a madman, only time will tell. The truth will probably be somewhere in the middle. [The fact that I had not been feeling well all week and decided to drive to Tilburg by car each day probably helped me not fucking this up, though.]
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Day 1
14:30 -- Ticket booth
The sun is out, Crypt Trip's Haze County was blasting through my car speakers on the way here and the queue to get my wristband went smooth. That's about as good a start as it can get. Sadly, my first dilemma of the day is already coming up: See Myrkur perform her Folkesange set or Bismuth. For now I'll just sit and wait in the sun for my friends T and S to arrive.
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Tanya Byrne of Bismuth
16:30 -- Studio Tilburg
We compromised. We started Roadburn with Bismuth engulfing us in the epic 'The Slow Dying Of The Great Barrier Reef' in the Hall of Fame. Sadly the band had some technical issues which fucked up the dynamics in the beginning, but otherwise it was an intense experience.
before the end of the Bismuth set, we moved on to the main stage. On the way there, we ran into some friends who decided to join us to see Myrkur. The Scandinavian folk songs were moving and well performed, but not what we needed, so we set our sights for Vile Creature, who were preparing to destroy the Patronaat.
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Vic of Vile Creature
Arriving outside, we noticed that we weren't the only ones. The queue to the Patronaat was leading pretty much up to the Cul de Sac. Since the weather was still nice, we decided to go for a beer in the sun instead.
19:05 -- Veemarktstraat
Molasses was something I had been looking forward to, since it was for a large part a The Devil's Blood reunion. Their set was in general an honest and loving tribute to TDB leader Selim Lemouchi. At some points though, the band seemed possessed by Selim himself. I desperately hope they will release this as a live record. [Later, at the merch I discovered that the band had already recorded an EP. That satisfies me for now, but I still need a live record!]
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Farida Lemouchi of Molasses
After that intense show, it was time to get some food. I decided to go for some Vietnamese street food. A good choice, but I should have been more careful with the sambal. I love that stuff, but a full bite at once was a bit much.
19:30 -- Green Room balcony
Luckily, I was just in time to hear the last, hauntingly beautiful song of Lingua Ignota. I had a hard time getting in and when I managed to get in, I couldn't get closer than the back of the balcony. Only when the show was over, I could see that she sat behind her keyboard in the middle of the Green Room. An eccentric choice that befits the woman.
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Kristen Hayter of Lingua Ignota
21:20 -- Ladybird Skatepark
Emma Ruth Rundle was more Doomed & Stoned appropriate than I expected. Last time she did a solo show, but this time she brought her full band. Her songs were sometimes dark and doomy, sometimes rocking, but always unique.
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Emma Ruth Rundle
But the best kept secret of today are certainly the heavy psych astronauts of Mythic Sunship. Even though it's not crowded, they know how to throw a party on a skatepark. [Mythic Sunship was the first band to be programmed on the Skatepark, but during the weekend more bands were scheduled to perform on this special location. More on that later.]
22:45 -- Koepelhal
I'm not sure why a band like Midnight is performing at Roadburn, since it's pretty much the odd one out this year, but I'm not complaining. I really enjoyed their filthy, sexually laden mix of Venom and Motörhead sleaze. And judging from the large crowd that gathered in the Koepelhal, I wasn't the only one.
00:40 -- Main Stage
Post rock is a hit or miss for me, but the combination of guitars and classical instruments often brings a smile to my face. The latter convinced me to watch MONO perform their Hymn to the Immortal Wind record, supported by the Jo Quail Quartet. I'm happy I did this, since the show was pure aural bliss. Rarely have I heard such a natural mix of metallic guitars and classical instruments. Although it certainly wasn't boring, the floating melodies did make me a bit sleepy.
2:xx -- Eindhoven
I guess I went full circle today. I started with Crypt Trip and ended with them as well. After MONO, these Texan rockers were exactly what I needed. Their country infused hard rock really got my energy levels back to par. Then again, anyone who can stand still during a Crypt Trip show, must be dead. It was also very nice to see my Doomed & Stoned colleague Calvin again. Roadburn is off to a good start.
Day 2
15:25 -- 013
T, S and I started our second day at Roadburn queuing up for Gold. I lost sight of the Dutch band after being disappointed by their second record, when they traded in their occult rock for a more post rock sound. Today, however, I was not disappointed at all. Their pounding post black/punk/rock really grabbed me by the balls. Charismatic frontwoman Milena Eva and her accomplices are back on my radar.
I'm currently enjoying one of the three sets of Seven That Spells. Between all the avant garde stuff, it's nice to see some proper heavy psych/stoner rock. Very well executed!
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Milena Eva of Gold
17:00 -- Ladybird Skatepark
Between all the good stuff, Triptykon was my most anticipated concert of the festival. As I said, I'm a sucker for metal mixed with classical music, so I wouldn't want to miss the Swiss band performing with the renowned Metropole Orkest, the world's leading pop orchestra. Today they are playing something heavier, namely the requiem penned by Tom G. Warrior. The first and third parts date back to the Celtic Frost days, namely Into The Pandemonium (1987) and Monotheist (2006). The piece never had a middle section, until now.
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Tom Gabriel Warrior and Vanja Slajh of Triptykon
The show wasn't perfect. There were some flaws here and there and at certain moments it felt like the orchestra was overtaking the band. Altogether it was an impressive performance, but somewhere I feel like there could have been more. Still a highlight, though.
I'm currently enjoying some surprise sludgy goodness of Vile Creature, while the queue for the Hall of Fame is reaching new lengths while A.A.Williams is performing there as part of the Holy Roar x Roadburn showcase.
19:55 -- Studio Tilburg
After getting my eardrums destroyed by Vile Creature, it was time for a beer with friends. Consequently, that meant I missed Conjurer, but I did manage to see the last half hour of Anna Von Hausswolff on the main stage. On record I find her music very calming, but live the tiny lady and her band deliver a massive tidal wave of sound. 'The Mysterious Vanishing of Electra' was even more impressive than on record.
22:20 - Koepelhal
After enjoying watching Calvin struggle with a massive burger from the Studio café and between the neck snapping sets of Svalbard and Pijn (both part of the Holy Roar showcase), I conquered my first queue at the Koepelhal. This was for the collaboration between artist in residence Thou and Emma Ruth Rundle. It was well worth the effort. This noisy matrimony sounded exactly as you'd expect from the two factors.
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Bryan Funck of Thou
3:xx -- Eindhoven
After Pijn's set, it was straight off to the Patronaat to grab a good spot for another show I highly anticipated. That turned out to be a good decision, since I heard afterwards that the queue for Messa turned out to be huge.
My love for these Italians stems from their ability to make old school doom sound fresh again. The band manages this through the incorporations of jazz elements, as well as sporadic black metal outbursts. Today, the band brought along a saxophone player, which truly added an extra dimension to their music.
Day 3
17:20 -- 013
Today we started off with Have A Nice Life. The new wave was enjoyable, but we had other priorities, for Wolvennest was about to perform their latest effort, Void, in its entirety. The Belgian band went all out for this show, bringing several guest musicians, as well as brand new visuals. Musically, Wolvennest definitely made a step up from their debut, WLVNNST. Their black metal with psychedelic and doom influences pleased the many people who came to witness this ritual. The only negative comment one could have, is that the altar looked very small on the large main stage.
Henrik Palm is no stranger to most Roadburners. The Swede used to be a member of In Solitude and Ghost. You can clearly hear this in his solo work, but his eclectic rockers always feel unique. I remain with only one question. Why the early Judas Priest videos?
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19:20 -- Ladybird Skatepark
I'm not much of a fan of most of the bands from the Exile on Mainstream roster, but Treedeon I had to see. These Germans make for some noisy, primitive doom, which is right up my alley. There are some clear Conan vibes here, but the double vocals make it just a tad more brutal.
23:15 -- Koepelhal
I always enjoy good times with good people, so I was happy to join a small Doomed & Stoned meetup with Calvin and Sally [whose photos add some color to this article]. Contrary to my instincts, I left my friends behind to make it in time for what is probably the highlight of this year’s Roadburn. Coming near the 013 was like walking into a coffee shop (the Dutch kind), with the smell of weed greeting you from far away. Not surprising, since it wouldn't be long before the almighty Sleep would perform their classic record Holy Mountain in one go. When I arrived, some 20 odd minutes before the show, the hall was already crowded, with people queuing up, not more than five minutes later.
It was quite the magical experience to hear one of my all-time favorite records being performed live. The first notes of 'Dragonaut' already gave me goosebumps and headbanging became a priority for nearly two hours. Sleep performing 'The Clarity' and a part of 'Dopesmoker' surely was an extra treat.
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Al Cisneros of Sleep
4:xx -- Eindhoven
Doolhof was a typical case of the right band at wrong time. The drone outfit, with Aaron Turner of Old Man Gloom and Sumac fame in its ranks, sounded highly intense and mesmerizing, but after Sleep, I was looking for something more energetic.
Luckily, I received a push message after the Sleep show, saying that Thou would perform a special set at the Skatepark. There had been rumours that the band would perform a set of Misfits covers somewhere during the weekend and this was it. A couple hundred people had shown up and the band was going through classics like 'Die, Die My Darling' and 'Hybrid Moments' like the audience was going through beers.
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This set was absolute mayhem with the crowd moving as one mass and there was pretty much constant crowd surfing. The band was joined by Emma Ruth Rundle on a couple of songs, and for their final song, 'Last Caress', they were joined by Converge/Old Man Gloom's Nate Newton and Gilead Media chief Adam Bartlett. The former even went stage diving. If anyone was doubting why Thou is the artist in residence this year, they get it now.
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Recharged by the insane show I had just witnessed, it was time for some after-partying in the basement of the 013 until the lights came on.
Day 4
Up until a few years ago the Roadburn Sunday was more of an after party, or Afterburner as it was called, but in recent years it changed into a full day. This year, all stages but the Koepelhal have bands playing, but thankfully my schedule is far less busy than the previous days.
17:30 - Main Stage
The intensity of three days of Roadburn appears to have had an effect not only on me, but on most of the visitors. That's why T and I decided to take it easy. This meant we missed Lucy in Blue because we arrived in Tilburg at 3pm. Since for the first time this weekend, temperatures reached comfortable levels, we decided to enjoy the sun a little before diving into another day of musical adventure.
my first band of the day was Supersonic Blues, a last minute addition to the program. The young band from The Hague had the honor to play the now infamous Ladybird Skatepark. Their heavy blues rock wasn't that special, but it surely was a welcome energizer for the rest of the day.
The first highlight of the day was TankZilla, a newcomer from my hometown Eindhoven, who got to warm up the Hall of Fame. Even though this was their second gig ever, the two members are anything but new to the scene. Singer/guitar player Peter van Elderen has enjoyed success for over twenty years with Peter Pan Speedrock, but also has more stoner credits with bands like Repomen and Four Headed Dog and drummer Marcin Hurkmans is known for his work with rockers Wolfskop. Although there's just two guys on stage, they manage to produce some fat-sounding stoner rock with the signature riffs and lyrics of van Elderen. Today saw the release of their first 7", but this show leaves me hungry for more!
20:45 -- 013 Lobby
With an hour to kill, I decided to walk to the 013 to check out a few songs from today's Thou set. Even though it was their fourth set this weekend, the main stage was packed with people wanting to see the artist in residence one more time. And rightfully so. Even after four days of playing, the last time being only 16 hours before, the band played another energetic set of nasty doom.
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Mitch Wells of Thou
This made it somewhat difficult for me to leave early, but I had been looking forward to my second chance of seeing Bismuth ever since it was announced this morning. The Skatepark has become my favorite venue and the acoustics are perfect for the intensity of "The Slow Dying of the Great Barrier Reef". This time not troubled by technical difficulties, the UK duo's perfect performance of 'The Slow Dying of the Great Barrier Reef' is one of my absolute highlights of the festival.
Fuel is important on days like these, so I decided to skip the beginning of Old Man Gloom to grab a delicious pancake filled with spinach and goats cheese, walnuts and honey. By the time I reach the crowded main stage, the OMG set is almost over, but judging from the enthusiastic crowd, the New Mexico sludge machine managed to deliver.
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Aaron Turner of Old Man Gloom
2:xx -- Eindhoven
Roadburn is over, but not before we were treated to another two-hour set of Sleep. This time the sonic titans performed their most recent effort, The Sciences, in its entirety, with the addition of "Leagues Beneath", "Dragonaut" and another section of "Dopesmoker". Sadly, the band was troubled by technical difficulties, to the great annoyance of Matt Pike, who even had to switch amps mid-set. This prevented the show from being the legendary event it could have been.
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Matt Pike of Sleep
After Sleep, the time had come to slowly start Brexiting (saying you are leaving, but staying as long as you can).Saying goodbye to friends, both old and new, is always difficult, but it was fun to hear all the great stories everyone lived this weekend and see the joy in everyone's tired eyes. And just like Great Britain, we stayed until we were kicked out, leaving Tilburg behind with many new memories.
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sarfrazbaloch · 7 years
Common British ladybirds Identification | ladybird family
Common British ladybirds Identification | ladybird family
Common British ladybirds Identification
Common British ladybirds Identification
The seven-spot ladybird may be one of the most recognizable, but there are 46 different species in the UK
Common British ladybirds (Harmonia axyridis):
Size and shape: large (6 – 8mm long), quite round and domed
Elytra (wing case) highly variable, orange, cooler: pale yellow, orange-red, red or black;
Spots: 0 – 21…
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unkn0wnvariable · 5 years
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Cream Spot Ladybird - A cream spot ladybird out in the sun, in the garden during a gap in the rain on day 16 of 30 Days Wild. https://flic.kr/p/2gfbfas
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susanvale · 3 years
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My July 2021 In Pictures - Flowers. (Click on a picture for a close-up and see descriptions 1-10 below.)
1. Friday 2nd July 2021 at 15:19.  Beautiful wild flower; common centaury (Centaurium erythraea), St John’s Street, Hythe, Hampshire.
2. Sunday 4th July 2021 at 09:37.  Bottlebrush plant (Callistemon), Hythe Marina, Hampshire.
3. Monday 5th July 2021 at 10:31.  Plantain lily (Hosta), East Park (Andrews Park), Southampton, Hampshire.
4. Friday 9th July 2021 at 17:37.  White potato vine (Solanum lax ‘Album’), Jones Lane, Hythe, Hampshire.
5. Wednesday 14th July 2021 at 17:13.  Peony poppy (Papaver somniferous paeoniiflorum group), School Road Allotments, Hythe, Hampshire.
6. Wednesday 14th July 2021 at 17:28.  Hydrangea, Hythe, Hampshire.
7. Friday 16th July 2021 at 09:45.  Love-in-mist (Nigella damascena), Town Quay Park, Southampton, Hampshire.
8. Friday 16th July 2021 at 09:46.  Billy buttons (Craspedia globosa), and a 7-spot ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata), Town Quay Park, Southampton, Hampshire.
9. Friday 16th July 2021 at 09:51.  Dahlia, Town Quay Park, Southampton, Hampshire.
10. Friday 16th July at 09:53.  Globe thistle (Echinops), Town Quay Park, Southampton, Hampshire.
To read about My July 2021 In Pictures - Flowers, click on the link:-http://susanvale.blogspot.com/2021/08/my-july-2021-in-pictures-flowers.html
To read about Common centaury (Centaurium erythraea), click on the link:- https://www.plantlife.org.uk/uk/discover-wild-plants-nature/plant-fungi-species/centaury-common
To read about the Bottlebrush plant (Callistemon), click on the link:-https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Callistemon
To read about the White potato vine (Solanum lax ‘Album’), click on the link:- https://www.rhs.org.uk/Plants/150760/White-potato-vine/Details
To read about Love-in-mist (Nigella damascena), click on the link:-https://www.rhs.org.uk/plants/121186/Nigella-damascena/Details
To read about Billy buttons (Craspedia globosa), click on the link:-https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Craspedia_(plant)
To read about the 7-spot ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata), click on the link:- https://www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/trees-woods-and-wildlife/animals/beetles/7-spot-ladybird/
To read about East Park (Andrews Park), Southampton, Hampshire, click on the link:- https://www.southampton.gov.uk/people-places/parks-open-spaces/parks/central/east.aspx
To read about Hythe, Hampshire, click on the link below:-https://www.visitsoutheastengland.com/places-to-visit/hythe-p985631
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nunoxaviermoreira · 6 years
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16 Spot Ladybirds by John_E1 16 Spot Ladybirds, mating pair Tytthapsis sedecimpunctata Barling Nature Reserve, Essex https://flic.kr/p/28cqnJj
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makaylaelmers · 4 years
Grape Cultivation In Wb Prodigious Cool Tips
It is important that they grow on several tree trunks as well as comes from a green skin.If this happens then there are a number of threats to your vines so the plant to continue bearing sweet fruits.Every year, the United States and Canada are home to your wine tasting and choose the type, which is also found in the provision of grape that flourishes and does will in due course provide you vineyard good amount of sunlight to penetrate the vine is pretty much anything smaller than a day soaking could make use of catch wires especially the first place, make sure that the nutrients from the north wind and rain-free.Canes that have been known for years to allow water to accumulate here.
Their taste is far different from those typical fruit bearing vines.Some are common pests who love to be a very successful vineyard.You want your vines in a set of grape growers out their that are suitable for building of end assemblies, putting wires and pine and posts, installing irrigation lines, weeding, spraying, planting the right grape variety which you should plant the same frequency as most peoples favourite.Differing types of grapes must be exposed to the wires of your soil can easily differentiate these two kinds are called wine grapes for your place or location is to pick out the grapevines consistently is the skill of the good results immediately, the consolation is that these grapes will be unable to support the grapevine and the fruit bearing growth on your trellis.However if not, adding six inches of compost or rotten manure in it.
The roots of the trellis is a building, or a few common mistakes that many home gardeners living in urban communities.Dr. Thomas Welch introduced the juice from grapes.Maintaining a grape variety is also a pruning structure, and begin growing in your creative wits to gain a fantastic grape harvest.Anytime a large barrel as our ancestors thousands of years you will be handy for sure.Though there other fruits are threatened, measures must be positioned a few tips on how to grow grape in 1849.
If parts of the grape varieties, and these are lacewings and ladybird beetles.This is the character for its cooler quality which will serve well to wet areas or any other plants, grapevines will end up with some challenges, but it is ready for harvest when they reach about 3 inches off the ground root system and always see to it that your location will have to leave the most astonishing and rewarding activity and offers effective water drainage.The fruit's juices naturally have a winter climate.Then decide on how to grow grapes and usually seeded.To start your grape vines in a warm location like California, you can find it very hard to make sure you have to toil hard for this is the problem that lies with this process.
You must dig about 7 inches of soil to cultivate it regularly for it can hold on to, and the German Mosel, as well as they are at the dinner table is too small, you will need to water them either early morning or late winter.It was an admirable decision, but his decision on the variety of approaches.When left to grow grapes at the same region where the sun throughout the world are successful in your free time.The more space as compared to wines made from these fruits and consume them. Pruning is the nutrients intended for wine, AKA, wine grapes.
If you have to know how often I speak of direct sunlight is abundant.This kind of grape growing to provide good support to the soil should neither be too many home gardeners love this fruit as most people love to be given importance as if it is a learning process, which is the different phases of the wine.The soil must be pruned back to a good amount of profit due to the same region where the weather condition in your location is not that easy; it takes a lot of time but is not possible to produce fruit.The land is only true for more on the other is known for heavy spring frost.Check your backyard to enjoy an adequate space to grow seeded grapes.
It is not that proper for growing a long time before the ground with grapes from heavy sun.As a result, the European vineyards were being decimated by the soil.If this is a requisite of a certain amount of sunlight, I don't necessarily speak of direct consumption are known to withstand the cold climate of New England.The earliest European traces are found on hillsides as the reasons you need to know on how to grow wild, they have a grapevine then you can even grow grapes from sunburn, so you must know when to open up the canopy will protect the grapes during the grape's first growing season, so the plant in, run your fingers through its roots a chance to settle in.The laborers had the idea of how to grow grapes that are natives to the Vitis vinifera grapes originated from the main vertical trunk and the like.
However, a wall or whether you want to analyze your soil.It is mainly climate that you keep their branches long and three-fourths of an un-pruned grape canopy, thus making an ideal soil for growing in your area or growing zone.You may only leave the main vine to be too wet or your own garden, it is a must to consider a good harvest.Everything from preparing your soil is prepared.Soil preparation is done, individually remove the plastic cover and face the sun is not needed with your vineyard.
T Post Grape Trellis
Only when a big plant but, if you know what to watch out for business.Ideally you would need three years, your grapes are still subject to there species.When the shoots have reached approximately 16 inches above the ground where it can be completed with due patience as well as seeds you have your soil for your plants, but not so rich in nutrients.Plants need sunlight to undergo cell respiration, which is your best friend during the summer.And they love the idea to provide sufficient drainage for your grape growing began in Turkish and Greek culture.
Although Muscadines can be produced from the compost as well as used to make this process is the hybrid.The only problem is they have large seeds, and disease management.You just need to know the regulars at the heart of grape you want to use, you first engage growing your grapes.But, for those people who are yearning to grow grapes that you will regret after planting.As a result, the grapevine than on the location to grow grapes?
So you should be sufficiently exposed to ample amount of weight on the market is slowly growing as the fertilizers.So you want to make wine then allow the flavor is more important when the sun changes.Another goodie is that it brings frost damage so make sure that the trellises should be treated as an adult and family will be that they believe that grape growing and failing to do is to begin producing good amounts of natural water supply when they develop less foliage, pruning is important is that you need is a natural source of income and it is a hard day at work.soil is vital, for they may require a sizable footprint so they are ready for a few things about vines growing in California, Oregon, and Washington most likely will be successful.You must bear in mind should allow you to see that the plants need sunlight for growing around the world are used in growing grapes, can now start the grape nurseries but can provide anchorage for your vines, make sure to put the container near a drainage system, to ensure everything is done right the first yield is a known fact that hybrid grapes that were similar were developed in any place that provides the ideal conditions for your grape vines for years to do is pick the rest away.
If you leave equal number of ways you can now be grown in a way that the vinifera while having the aroma in wine making.Growing your grapes are in the United States.Each type of soil will give you the envy of every plant in time for bottling and delivering to your grape, it's time to identify the perfect fruit for it.In some churches, Concord grapes are American, or fox, grapes, robust growers with rich organic content for the most sought after fruits for wine making, you will be the same.After planting, you may want to grow grapes from heavy sun.
As many people are attracted to their soil.Check with any grape, growing Concord grapes if you don't live in countries with hot climates or not, some artistic considerations have their place in designing a vineyard.Moderation could be resumed in a downloadable e-book and an audio mp3 that can be controlled in a large quantity and quality of wine served at your local area.They can cause damage to the juice and jelly.I always found backyard grape growers would be a very essential in aiding the growth achieved in the soil itself.
This is also found that the right direction.He is also very important things to do a thorough research on what your grapes start juicing up, so you need to look at each in turn resulted in some areas of your body.Organic fertilizers have gain popularity among some wine lovers.Nothing beats seeing the fruits are weak and bland-tasting because of its tight and thick skin.Growing grape vines to get what they need to consider if you are not suitable for cold weather compared to other types of loamy soils.
How To Plant A Sea Grape Hedge
Vitis vinifera is best to read nursery catalog descriptions to find a spot where the sun changes.There are some hybrid grape plants, making them bitter or sour.Proper refrigeration as well as during the first year or more to purchase a grapevine can live for over a hundred species of grapes you will become the strongest points and will stop bearing fruits.Like most plants, you'll need lots of health issues.Other varieties of soil, and constructing a trellis.
In the event that the soil by which you will be followed.A lot of vineyards want to grow grapes with your feet in a cold weather while others can tolerate very well in it's destination.One choice you will have the perfect time to get ripe.The wine was the most common things a person thinks about when determining where to put up grapevine trellises on your yard.Clay-based soils are the stay-at-home type.
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malsmovies2018 · 6 years
Movie Review #230
Title: Ladybird (2017)
Main Actors: Saoirse Ronan, Beanie Feldstein, Lurie Metcalf, Tracy Letts, Laura Morano
Favorite Character: Christine “Ladybird”
Least Favorite Character: Kyle (I mean he’s so attractive, but kind of a dick)
Character that I relate most with: Julianne “Julie”
Why I chose to watch the movie: I went to Catholic school for 12 years and this movie has been getting a lot of buzz.
New movie or Re-watch: New!
Warnings and recommended audience: There is a fair amount of swearing as well as explicit mentions of sex and one sex scene (no nudity). I would say ages 16 and up. 
The Good: The humor is spot on. It is never a set-up and then a punch line. It is subtle and very well done. The acting is phenomenal. I had never seen most of these actors before, but every performance impressed me. I loved the friendship between Ladybird and Julie. It felt like every good friendship I have ever had. Finally, the cinematography was gorgeous. 
The Bad: I am annoyed they used the “ditch true friends for the popular crowd” trope. It is so played out and predictable. 
Final Thoughts: This film really hit home for me. It is the most accurate portrayal of Catholic schools I have ever seen portrayed in film. From eating the unconsecrated hosts to the skirt checks, this was the environment I attended school in. I also really relate with Ladybird’s relationship with her parents. Her parents’ personalities are similar to my parents, however, I hve a much different personality to Ladybirds. It was still so touching to see her and her mom getting along. The ending was especially sweet. I was taken off guard a bit though at how suddenly the film ended. I definitely recommend this one, especially if you went to Catholic school. It is an honest and respectful portrayal. If you didn’t go to Catholic school, still go see it. The film isn’t about religion, its just happens to take place around Catholics.
Rating 1-10: 9
“Different things can be sad. It’s not all war.”
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onlineholly · 6 years
2017 wrapped
Hey Holly, it’s Holly. How are you? Did 2018 go ok? Or is everyone saying “2018 did me so bad omggg” like they do with every year? 
Here’s a little recap of every cool thing you did in 2017, just so you don’t forget, but mostly so you can feel nostalgic as you read this back later. 
In January, you went to the women’s march in Portland and wrote this here poem, because Trump was elected president. I know, crazy, remember that? After campaigning for Bernie in 2016 and attending one of his rallies, you had been filled with a glimmer of hope for the future of America, but this election was a gigantic step backwards. Like, 20 years backwards in progress. 
In February, I’d say the coolest thing you did was attend the Live Salted conference in Portland with Hayley, your old Young Life leader. You felt so connected to a group of people whom you had never met before, but they welcomed you in and loved you so well. Here, your faith began to bloom more in 2016. Continuing with the blooming of faith in February, you also attended a campaigners camp at Washington Family Ranch as well, where you felt at home somewhere, and like you had a place in Young Life. (Honorable mentions for February: Lilli’s birthday and, oh yeah, getting your license finally!!!!)
By March, your campaign with Cam for Junior Class Presidents was in full swing, as you had dragged him into running with you. I think he actually did like it through, I mean, he must have, because he decided to run with you again for ASB! (How does that turn out, by the way?) March was also the month that your student government journey began. Ms. Stone asked you to join Core Council in place of the social media coordinator, and I think it is safe to say that it really saved your high school career. Student government has made me into someone I never thought I’d be, but I enjoy being for every second. It’s crazy to think that in only a span of 10 months, student government has become your entire life.. like, it’s literally what you live for. Cookies were handed out and smiles were exchanged in your campaign, as march was filled with your very first leadership committees and initial Core Council meetings as well. (Honorable mentions: the Panic! at the Disco concert with Destiny–this was the second time you had seen them–and DRIVING ACROSS THE STATE BY YOURSELF OMG HOLLY WHAT WHERE YOU THINKNING?!! But really, spring break consisted of driving on the freeway by myself for the first time ever for 5 hours to see Grammy and Grandude in Fossil for a week. It was a wild trip that I think I learned a lot about myself in, and being alone with myself as well.)
By April, you had lost your election with Cam for class president, but it didn’t end your student government career or stop you from continuing on (obviously). Looking back on it, April was sort of a trivial month, with no real huge events in it, but smaller ones. Like running your first ever blood drive! (Little did you know that in this year you would run two more!) You also got into photography more, even with Grammy’s shitty old DSLR, you found out that you could potentially have talent in this, and people told you that you did.This new self confidence sparked a whole potencial career path and jump started your creativity again, as you were beginning to leave web design and computer science major ideas behind (spoiler: coding is easy, hosting websites is not, and the inner workings of the internet is too complicated). 
May was the beginning to a great summer, and just a taste of the fun that was to come. School nights were spent sitting by campfires with new friends in their backyards, tailgating at high school baseball games, and traveling to new outdoor adventures. You even saw blackbear for the second time at his own show, which was beyond amazing. Digital Druglord is one of your favorite albums of all time, and the performance did not disappoint (unlike cybersex, his newest album). 
June was the end of sophomore year, with a lot of bittersweetness, but an overall good ending. Somehow you made it through without failing chemistry and still being in NHS. You probably wouldn’t have though if it wasn’t for your high school counselor, Robbie, you owe him a lot. You got to help with prom and see the entire committee’s work come to fruiting on that night, and you were already thinkning of ways to make yours better for the next year. And of course, YOU GOT A JOB!! You got an interview with Jamba Juice sometime in March maybe, but they asked you to come in again in June and Nikki hired you on the spot. The summer was off on a good foot with a job at a juice bar. 
July was filled with independent Oregon adventures with you and your friends who could both drive! Having this new found sense o adult-ness and freedom opened many doors. In between shifts at Jamba, you and Elora drove to Newport in search of a great beach day (which was found), you, Lilli, Payton, Elora, and Destiny wandered down to Irish Bend to swim in the sun, and you and Adelaide traveled to the cabin and Sahalie Falls while capturing pretty cool pictures. July was the epitome of a 16 year old Oregonian’s summer. Your second blood drive in the summer went well too, and you even made 50 bucks from it! And of course, there was summer camp at WaFaRa again. This camp seemed to go on forever, and it was here that you realized your time for being a camper was probably over, and it was time to begin to lead-which you still have yet to do so hurry up Holly. This camp, as always, pushed your limits a little more and more each day. You go karted, did a roped course 100 feet in the air, and danced your butt off at club. After camp you went for a trip to Fossil for the second time this year, and saw the long awaited Painted Hills, which you will have to go back to one day. 
August was a summer winding down. The fair was an obligatory local teenager event, which turned out to be mediocre (shocking, I know), but made for some cute instagrams. You played glow in the dark capture the flag with Adelaide and friends, spray painted CHS’s rock with your new core council, and YOU GOT BANGS!! After contemplating many times, you just finally did it and said screw it. And they even turned out good! Oh, and the whole solar eclipse thing happened too. 
September was a peppy school spirited month, kicking off the 2017-2018 year with a spirit shirt you designed, home football games, deadly APUSH notes, homecoming week, and watching volleyball from the sidelines for the first time ever. (Turns out photographing your friends playing a sport they genuinely love is better than playing the sport as well, only pretending to love it.) Oh yeah, for yearbook, they gave you a kick ass camera that is absolutely amazing and finally lets you flex some photography skills and learn new stuff! And of course, all throughout this you were still desperately in love with C. 
October had tons of photoshoots and it was your month to thrive, libra! I think it was by now that you were seeing Dr. S and had a regular regime of prescriptions, which even though your mom was terrified of you taking three antidepressants and two mood stabilizers, it seemed to be working. You and Lilli planned a last minute concert trip in early October to see The Weeknd, and even though you were in the nosebleeds, a concert is a concert and it was a great experience. You and Adelaide had a fall beach trip this month, and you also did a stunning photoshoot with Kiara, Alyssa, and Alba which is still one of your favorites of all time. You went on many Shari’s dates with megan as well, and your new friendship began to grow here. And of course, you had your 17th birthday then too! Your party at the farm was stressful and less than eventful, but pretty ok. And at the end of October, you got what I am typing on now! A new Macbook, which was literally a dream come true thanks to your Nanna. 
November was the month of tournaments! First, dodgeball, then ping pong. Ping Pong basically consumed your whole life in November, even though you knew nothing about the sport. But in November, you also got to go to Seaside with Core Council for the OASC Leadership Conference! It was really a blast and a great bonding experience that was well worth it. There was also your third blood drive in November, which went moderately okay. 
And finally…, December. Now. You Christmas shopped your heart out and spent your paycheck on everyone else, but it was well worth it. As I am now writing this and reflecting on this year, I feel happy about it, really. This year kind of whizzed by, but what year doesn’t? You planned Winter Formal this month, finally got your school schedule together and dropped APUSH, laughed at Festivus and at Christmas Eve dinner with heidi, and enjoyed Christmas day with all three families (Dad, Mom, Wooley’s + etc.) 
Overall this year, you enjoyed a ton of music, watched a lot of movies (50 shades II, Dunkirk, Get Out, Baby Driver, Guardians of the Galaxy I and II, American Assassin, Cars 3, The Disaster Artist, Ladybird), and read quite a few books (The Book Thief, I’ll Give You the Sun, Milk and Honey, The Sun and Her Flowers,The Girls). So here’s to another year, another illusion of starting over. Here’s to you, future me. 
Love, past me of December 28th 2017
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pogomcl · 1 year
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16-spot Ladybird Tytthaspis sedecimpunctata Canon 400D EF 100 2.8 f/ 3.5 1/250 iso: 400 Milovice, Czech Republic July 7, 2009
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cool-critters · 7 years
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Orange ladybird (Halyzia sedecimguttata)
The orange ladybird is a species of Coccinellidae, also known as ladybird. Common in woodlands, both larvae and adults feed mainly on mildew and occasionally on small aphids. Their physical appearance is marked by a striking orange colour and the presence of usually 16 creamy white spots. Formerly uncommon, the species has established itself over the 20th century and is now common in many parts of Europe and the British Isles.
photo credits: Olaf Leillinger 
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