#vignar chapter 1 part 3
marischimmer · 6 months
Vignar - Chapter 1, Part 3
A knock on the door startled her. Could it be the princess??
– W-who’s there? – she called out, almost nervously. Wait. Nobody knocks on their own door; the princess would just come in! Then that left… – Ah. Come in, Tracy –
The door opened and the blondie stood there, amazed, clumsily writing on her notebook.
<<OMG! Is this really the same room?? This looks amazing!>>
– A-ah, it’s not that… th-thanks… – she mumbled, looking at her job. Suddenly, in just one hour, her side of the room had new curtains and sheets, green based stuff, small, cute stones here and there, tiny details that weren’t there before… Maybe she should paint the walls; considering her roommate’s side was violet, there shouldn’t be a problem.
<<How did you even. I mean. Where did this come from??>>
– I had… all in my hoodie –
<<No wonder why you walked so slowly! JK>> 
<<I really like it. It’s like you are outside and the princess is inside or something. It’s weird. A good weird. I like it. It looks really good>>
– Th-thanks – she was getting really flustered. When was the last time somebody praised what she created? She couldn’t remember, but something tickled at the back of her mind. That sensation again? Geez…
<<It’s been a while since I’ve been here… Looks quite different… Well, anyways, we should go get breakfast. The sooner we get there, the better choices we’ll have!>>
It took them a long time to reach the canteen. Everyone knew Tracy, and everyone greeted them as they passed by. Everyone was so nice; it was even suspicious. The blondie tried to start a conversation once or twice, but there were so many interruptions that she just gave up.
The canteen was huge. It was full of rather small, round tables, with six or eight chairs; there were some people already sitting there, chatting and eating, and many students serving themselves at the side food room, trails in hand, always talking. There were just a few people there, why was it so noisy already? The high roof didn’t help at all, that for sure, but still. Just how many students could fit in there?
<<Are you ok? You look pale>>
– Ah- no, yeah, I’m fine, it’s just- this is really big –
<<It’s ok, take it easy. Let’s get some food and sit with Sissy and Nahuel, shall we? There may be some more people, but I know you can handle it. If you are too uncomfortable we can just leave, it’s ok>>
– I- em- no, I’ll stay here and… talk, or whatever – she mumbled as she took a trail, determined, making her chuckle.
<<Alright, your choice!>>
Tracy put her notebook under her arm, grabbing a slice of bread, toasting it, getting yogurt, all at top speed. She didn’t just write fast, her hands moved fast for everything. It was impressive. By the time she had finished preparing her breakfast, she had just decided to take some cereal.
– Sorry I’m so slow – she muttered, feeling like she had to apologize. Without being able to use the notebook, she just smiled and shook her head, dismissing it. Once she got her coffee, they walked over to one of the farthest away tables, alone in the corner, where Cecilia sat by herself, bouncing her legs.
<<Ask her why she’s alone. Please>> she almost begged as soon as she got her hands free, sitting down.
– Hi, Ceci. Digo, Sissy –
– Shy! Heya~ You can call me whatever you want, it’s fine~ I see you’re with Trace~ –
– Ah, yeah, okay, umm… where’s Nahuel? –
– Oh, he went to get breakfast! It’s easier when I’m not around, stumbling with the chairs and all~ – she shrugged, smiling, making them feel uneasy. How could she say that kind of stuff just like that? – Aw, shucks, don’t feel sorry for me, it’s the truth~ I’ve always been clumsy, I’d mess up anyways! –
– Sorry for the wait! Oh, hi Trace, hi Shaiel – greeted Nahuel, placing Cecilia’s tray in front of her while he sat down.
– Ah- hi – she said, shrinking as he kept his eyes on her – …what? –
– Say something in Spanish –
– …what –
– C’mon, just do it –
– …No entiendo a dónde quieres ir con esto –
– You are from Tedelma, aren’t you? – he stated, surprising all of them.
– Wha- how-? –
– Puedo distinguir los acentos de los diferentes países sólo con escucharlos. Es divertido – he shrugged, smiling, eyes shining. 
– Now~! It’s not funny if we can’t understand you! –
– Right. Sorry, Sis. She said she didn’t understand where I was trying to get to, and I said that I can recognize the accents of different countries just by hearing them –
– And that it’s funny – she added, feeling better after speaking a bit in her original language. His accent was spot on, too. 
– Yeah, and that it’s funny –
– Got it, Dictio~ –
– I’m not a dictionary, Sis –
– Hallo, there, girls! – greeted a new boy, placing his trail on the table and sitting between Tracy and Nahuel. She hadn’t seen him before; was that even possible after being talked to by so many people that day? He had purple hair, some piercings here and there and he looked… gay. Did that count as an adjective?
– Oh, Diamond! Glad you came~ Are those cupcakes~? – greeted Cecilia, forgetting the fruit salad she was eating.
– Here, have one, sweetie – he said, putting one on her hand while making some complicated handshake with Nahuel. He suddenly realized she was there, and opened his eyes big – Oh my god; you are the new girl, ain’t you?? What’s your name, sweetie? Wait, wait, lemme guess. Shirley, was it? No, wait, that ain’t right. Janet? Gabrielle? –
– Shaiel. I’m Shaiel – she smiled awkwardly, amused by the words’ avalanche. Probably he could move his tongue as fast as Tracy moved her hands. It was almost complicated to understand him.
– Shaiel! Right. I’m Damon, Tracy’s roommate – he presented himself, offering his hand. A bit thrown aback, she slowly approached hers, and as soon as they touched, he shook it and let go. That was it? A common, simple, old-ish handshake? Well, that wasn’t too difficult.
– Wait, you are roommates? – she realized, puzzled.
– Yeah, there’s a genderless policy, didn’t you know? –
– Nahuel and I share rooms, for example~ And there’s genderless toilets everywhere in school, too~ Oh, and common PE classes~ –
– Oh. Wow, I didn’t know that. That’s… new, I guess. I’ve never been in a genderless school, less in a live-in one… –
– Word says it’s been like this since forever. Do you know the school’s name's meaning? –
– Vignar was the… – she blinked, annoyed. What was the word again? – El fundador, bah –
– Yes, the founder. They had a daughter- –
– A son – corrected Damon, food in his mouth.
– I was getting there. Anyways, a trans kid, you get it. Turns out he had always dreamt of a genderless school, where everyone was equal regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, etcetera, etcetera. So when his parents decided to open their school, they made it as inclusive as possible – explained Nahuel, playing with his bacon.
– Every person here has their own weirdness, and that’s why they are here. Mental disorders, disabilities, non-cis orientations, there’s a bit of each. I’m gay, for example –
– Yeah, I could kinda tell –
– Diamond’s the Gay God~! Bow before the Gay God~! – Cecilia sang, smiling.
– I guess you know by now that Sissy is blind and Tracy’s mute – he continued, apparently ignoring what the youngest had said but eyes sparkling – Now is here for them, of course. The princess… well, she ain’t got any other school in the area to go to, really… –
– Why are you here? – asked Nahuel, and she lowered her gaze, pale. Did she really have to tell them? Right now?
Just as she was gaining the courage to say it out loud, Tracy finished scribbling something and showed her the notebook.
<<Damon is the only friend the princess has, so if you want to know anything about her, you can ask him>>
– Wait, only friend? Aren’t you friends with her? – she asked, relieved of the change of subject, and everyone looked away.
– Being with her ain’t easy, sweetie. I got used to her easily cuz one of my sisters is really like her. But everybody thinks she’s some arrogant piece of shit –
– Diamond, language! –
– C’mon Sissy, don’t pretend you ain’t knew people say that. Listen, sweetie. If you ain’t wanna have trouble with her, then do whatever she tells you to. Please her. She ain’t doing anything if she likes you –
– …Alright. I’ll be careful – she said, hoping she didn’t hate her, at least.
This was going to be interesting.
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