#villas romanas
viajarconrosana · 1 year
En pleno centro de Andalucía, la comarca turística de la Subbética cordobesa irradia la misma fuerza que su ubicación privilegiada, con una apuesta clara por el olivar, las zonas protegidas de Parque natural, geoparque,  yacimientos arqueológicos, con un amplio patrimonio histórico, sin olvidar la variada y rica gastronomía, invitan a conocer y descubrir esta zona y los pueblos que la engloban,…
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auroray7 · 2 years
La Villa Romana de Antiopa
Después de varios años de excavaciones,  el Rincón de la Victoria acaba de abrir al público uno de sus mejores tesoros: una villa romana de finales del siglo III d. C. En ella se pueden apreciar 13 preciosos mosaicos entre los que destaca ,sobremanera, el de la princesa Antiope que da nombre a la villa. Antiope fue una princesa tebana que fue seducida por Zeus.Antiope era tan guapa que el Dios…
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celine-t-r · 1 year
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Roman mosaics, Centrale Montemartini, Rome
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wandering-italy · 11 days
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The bedroom of the guest suite. It has an, um, interesting center mosaic.
Villa Romana del Casale
Piazza Armerina, Sicily
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bedeliainwonderland · 25 days
I think tumblr girlies need to see fabulous Roman girlies having fun.
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yaellaharpe-blog · 6 months
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(Español / English)
La Villa Romana del Casale, situada en la pintoresca localidad siciliana de Piazza Armerina, es un tesoro arqueológico que data del IV siglo d.C. Esta villa romana tardía fue incluida en la lista del Patrimonio de la Humanidad por el UNESCO en 1997.
He aquí algunos detalles fascinantes sobre la historia de esta extraordinaria residencia:
Descubrimiento casual: En el siglo XVII, los campesinos que trabajaban en los campos del alto valle del río Gela, al pie del monte Mangone, notaron numerosas estructuras de pared que emergían del suelo. Estas revelaron entonces que pertenecieron a la grandiosa villa imperial del Casale. El entusiasmo por este hallazgo atrajo la atención de muchos eruditos locales.
Mosaicos excepcionales: La Villa Romana del Casale es famosa sobre todo por su extraordinaria colección de mosaicos, perfectamente conservados en el tiempo gracias a una capa de barro causada por una antigua inundación. Estos mosaicos decoran los pisos y representan escenas mitológicas, animales, juegos y actividades diarias. Son un verdadero espectáculo para los ojos y testimonian la riqueza y el gusto artístico de la época romana.
Estructura monumental: El chalet incluye Cubículos, Vestíbulos,Peristilos, Ambulacri, Triclini, Diaete, Acueductos, Latrine y Termas. La disposición en diferentes niveles recuerda el ejemplo de la villa del emperador Tiberio en Capri. La magnificencia de los mármoles, de las columnas y de los suelos de mosaico desafía incluso la morada de Diocleciano en Split.
La Villa Romana del Casale es un viaje al pasado, un lugar donde la historia y el arte se funden en una experiencia extraordinaria. Si alguna vez tienes la oportunidad de visitarla, te recomiendo admirar estos mosaicos únicos y sumergirte en la antigua grandeza de este lugar mágico.
The Villa Romana del Casale, located in the picturesque Sicilian town of Piazza Armerina, is an archaeological treasure dating back to IV century AD. This late Roman villa has been listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1997.
Here are some fascinating details about the history of this extraordinary residence:
Random discovery: In the XVII century, farmers working in the fields of the upper valley of the river Gela, at the foot of the mountain Mangone, noticed numerous wall structures emerging from the ground. They later revealed that they belonged to the grand imperial villa of the Casale. The enthusiasm for this discovery attracted the attention of many local scholars.
Exceptional mosaics: Villa Romana del Casale is famous for its extraordinary collection of mosaics, perfectly preserved over time thanks to a layer of mud caused by an ancient flood. These mosaics decorate the floors and represent mythological scenes, animals, games and daily activities. They are a real spectacle for the eyes and testify to the richness and artistic taste of the Roman period.
Monumental structure: The villa includes Cubicles, Vestibules, Peristili, Ambulatories, Triclini, Diaete, Aqueducts, Latrine, and Terme. The layout on different levels recalls the example of the Emperor’s villa Tiberius on Capri. The magnificence of the marbles, columns and mosaic floors defies even the abode of Diocletian in Split³.
The Villa Romana del Casale is a journey into the past, a place where history and art come together in an extraordinary experience. If you ever have the opportunity to visit it, I recommend that you admire these unique mosaics and immerse yourself in the ancient greatness of this magical place .
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blueiscoool · 1 year
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Ancient Roman Mosaic Reveals Women Wore Bikini
It is believed that the bikini was a 20th century invention, but an ancient mosaic reveals women in Rome wore it while playing sports.
The Villa Romana del Casale, located in Sicily, dates back to the early fourth century AD. Among the ruins, archeologists have discovered one of the largest collections of ancient Roman mosaics.
All of them are surprisingly well preserved. One of the rooms of the villa is called Sala delle Dieci Ragazze, which can be translated as “Room of the Ten Girls” – based on the number of those depicted in the floor mosaic.
Eight of them wear what in the modern world would be called a two-piece bikini, another woman wears a yellow translucent dress, while the image of the only one figure has not survived to this day.
The bottom of this set of clothing looks like a terracotta-colored band made of fabric or leather, similar to men’s loincloths. As for the top, it is reminiscent of a modern strapless breastband. Such chest harnesses also have their own history and have been known since the times of Ancient Greece. It is believed that most often the material for this was linen. This piece of clothing was intended for women leading an active lifestyle and partaking in physical exercise.
Thus, it can be assumed that in ancient times such a bikini was not used for swimming, but rather for sports. This is exactly what all the women depicted in the mosaic are doing. Some of them run, and others throw a discus or hold weights in their hands.
Two women are playing with a ball together. Researchers speculate that this could be some kind of early form of volleyball. In general, ball games are considered one of the most ancient. Their mentions can be found in Homer’s Odyssey. One of the girls, standing in the center, holds a palm branch in one hand and is about to place a victory crown on her head – probably a reward for the best performance. All the women look athletic and have noticeable muscle outlines on their arms and legs.
When it comes to sports, women in ancient Rome were permitted to practice physical forms of exercise, but they faced certain restrictions within a patriarchal society. They were not allowed to take part in competitions with men, and public female nudity was frowned upon. Therefore, a kind of prototype of the modern bikini made it possible to play sports without much inconvenience.
By Maria Rybachuk.
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dancerinthestorm · 3 months
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A day well spent staring at the beautiful details of the mosaics at Villa Romana del Casale.
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Victor, entras manualmente al BOE a ver todas las convocatorias? No es más fácil que te manden la alerta al correo?
la cosa es que tengo ya tantas alertas activadas en el correo que no puedo más sinceramente, y tampoco pierdo tanto tiempo. todos los lunes veo todas las de la semana anterior y dependiendo de la semana tardo entre 30 minutos y 1 hora, no más. y porque me distraigo con facilidad, si no sería mucho menos tiempo.
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artorojo · 11 months
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In 1956, Emilio Pucci (a famous Italian fashion designer) designed the bikini, inspired by the Roman mosaics at Villa Romana del Casale in Sicily 🇮🇹
Villa Romana del Casale is an ancient Roman estate in Sicily, famous for its stunning mosaics. One of the most famous mosaics depicts girls playing sports, dressed in outfits reminiscent of modern bikinis.
This mosaic is important evidence that this kind of swimsuit existed long before the 20th century.
📷 Archivio Emilio Pucci
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ancientoriginses · 10 months
Desenterrada en Capadocia: ¡Una obra maestra en mosaico de 600 metros cuadrados de una villa del siglo IV! Este último hallazgo, el más grande de la región, muestra arte intrincado desde la era bizantina hasta la llegada de los turcos. ¡Un vistazo a la antigua vida de lujo!
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storiearcheostorie · 1 year
ARCHEOLOGIA / Lio Piccolo, dagli scavi subacquei in Laguna spunta una preziosa gemma incisa di età romana
ARCHEOLOGIA / Lio Piccolo, dagli scavi subacquei in Laguna spunta una preziosa gemma incisa di età romana Articolo completo su Storie & Archeostorie
Frammenti musivi emersi dallo scavo (foto: ©Ca’ Foscari) Una preziosa gemma di agata, incisa con una figura mitologica, è stata ritrovata nei giorni scorsi durante la terza campagna di scavo archeologico sul sito sommerso di età romana a Lio Piccolo (Cavallino-Treporti) condotta dal Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici dell’Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia sotto la direzione del prof. Carlo Beltrame,…
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Our living room is the heart of hospitality. It's a spacious, inviting space that connects seamlessly with the kitchen, terrace, and pool area. As your guests gather here, they'll enjoy comfort and elegance, perfect for mingling, sharing stories, and relaxing. With easy access to the kitchen, conversations flow naturally as you prepare delicious meals. The living room's open layout extends to the terrace, creating a harmonious indoor-outdoor experience. Whether it's a sunny afternoon by the pool or a cozy evening indoors, our living room sets the stage for unforgettable moments.
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celine-t-r · 1 year
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Affreschi del ninfeo sotterraneo della villa di Livia, Palazzo Massimo, Rome
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wandering-italy · 5 months
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A floor mosaic found in the Villa Romana del Casale (often called Piazza Armerina), a 4th century Ancient Roman villa in Central Sicily. This villa has some of the best preserved in situ Roman mosaics in Italy.
Dec. 2019
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faccaldo · 1 year
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Ritratto di donna (la governante) - 1940
Edita Broglio
Museo della Scuola Romana
Villa Torlonia, Roma
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