feudalconnection · 9 months
Nomination - VioletAsteria
CONGRATULATIONS, @violetasteria!!! Your fanfiction “Undertow” has been nominated by one of your fans for the 2024 1st Term Inuyasha Fandom Awards run by FeudalConnection!
Your work has been nominated in the following category:
Best Action/Adventure
In addition, your fanfiction "Champagne Problems" has been nominated into the following category:
Best One-Shot
Voting will take place between February 5th and February 20th, and the links to do so can be found on the feudalconnection Tumblr page.
If you would like to pull your work from consideration for an award, please let us know via the Tumblr page or [email protected].
Once again, congratulations for your beautiful contributions to this wonderful fandom, and thank you for all that you do!
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violetasteria · 11 months
Falling For You 🍂
Happy (late again) Day 6 of MirSan Week! ❤️🤎🧡
For the Candy prompt for @loveofmirsan, I couldn't resist the urge to play into some fall fun. And play right into the Fall theme of MirSan Week this year! 🍬🍁
It's a little last minute, but I threw together this little fall-flavored one-shot for you all, with all the joys of fall from theme coffee drinks to candy apples to haunted corn mazes! It was SUPER fun to play into the season, and I hope you all enjoy! 🍎☕️🎃
🍂 Read Falling For You on Ao3 Here Today! 🍂
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kalcia · 3 months
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Mirsan commission for @violetasteria 💕
- patreon - ko-fi - commission info -
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eliza-faust-diary · 5 months
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An illustration for @violetasteria 's MirSan AU story "It's All Downhill From Here". You can read it HERE ON AO3!
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inu-mothership · 10 months
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Inu-Mothership Spotlight Saturday: Holiday Edition!
Hi everyone! We here at @inu-mothership are back with a series of very special fic rec lists, just in time for the holidays!
Over the next six weeks, we'll be posting a new list with a special theme. This week (Week 1), our theme is Snow, and we have 13 fics (listed below the cut) to recommend with this theme!
In the spirit of the Mothership, we have included a variety of ships. Ratings, and current status (complete or ongoing) are also listed parenthetically. We hope you find some new holiday classics to return to year after year ❄️
A Blizzard for Christmas (MirSan, InuKag; T; complete) by @heynikkiyousofine
I saw this little blog post about how a group of customers and employees were snowed at a local IKEA and immediately came up with this little fic for it. Enjoy my beautiful people! 💕
Can Inuyasha Come Out and Play? (InuKag; G; complete) by @neutronstarchild
When an 8 year old Kagome Higurashi sees a boy with doggie ears and golden eyes through the window of Ms. Izayoi's house, she knows she must do something. Doesn't Ms. Izayoi know that everyone, whether they have demonic heritage or not, deserves to play out in the snow?
A Fateful Encounter (TogIza; T; complete) by @sapphirestarxx
Fleeing an unwanted betrothal, Izayoi gets caught in a snowstorm. On the verge of freezing, she encounters someone who saves her and offers her all the choices she's never had before.
Fire and Ice (MirSan; E; complete) by Anonymous
After a snowstorm traps them in a cave for the night, Miroku has an idea to help pass the time. Sango makes him work for it, or tries to.
The Gift of Dreaming (KikSan; NR; complete) by Commoner (Ao3)
Sango is just having the worst day. Miroku kissed another woman, a demon kicked her butt, and a snow storm trapped she and the last person she ever wanted to interact with in a cabin. How could it get any worse? The person she's trapped with is very attractive.
If You’re Lonely, Make Me (SessKag; G; complete) by @elevenharbor
Kagome dreams of the near-impossible each time it snows.
It’s All Downhill from Here (MirSan; T; complete) by @violetasteria
Two interns are sent on a one day trip to tour a hotel for a company event, but when they get snowed in, Miroku and Sango find themselves stuck in very close quarters.
New Year (SessKag; M; complete) by @sereia1313
Kagome is fully prepared to spend New Year's Eve alone, but fate has other plans.
Reflections in the Snow (InuKag; T; complete) by @ruddcatha
Inuyasha stands amidst the first falling snow, reflecting on memories of winter and the person who taught him to love. 
Silly, Naughty, and Obnoxious Wanderers (InuKagMor; T; complete) by @alannada
Secret-Santa 2021!
Giftee: kaorimizunya
Prompt: I love so much to see InuKag with Moroha playing with snow!
Snowblind (InuKik; G; complete) by @sonjajade
Their situation seems so dire, yet a certain hanyou refuses to let it get his miko down.
A Snowy Walk Home (InuKag; T; complete) by @curlybookwriter0294
Inuyasha truly does not want to admit it...he was cold very cold and he's also stubborn and doesn't want to accept help from his girlfriend Kagome. He doesn't need her help. He was fine. He's a demon! Well, human right now and he doesn't need her big red puffy coat that looks so warm. Will he finally accept it and stop being stubborn?
Touch (InuKag; G; complete) by @serial-doubters-club/hakomorebi (Ao3)
Inuyasha shows up unexpectedly in Kagome's time. Neither of them could anticipate what they would experience for the first time on a cold winters night. Written for InuKag Fluff Week 2021 (Day 4: Touch).
Winter Snow (InuKag; T; complete) by@lavendertwilight89
Kagome reflects back about her first year in the feudal era with her mate. Inuyasha has a surprise.
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classysassy9791 · 1 year
Tagging all the peeps because ya'll need to get writing @serial-doubters-club @kiliinstinct @pencilofawesomeness @elkonigin @yukinon-writes @ruddcatha @neutronstarchild @violetasteria @skyelara @keichanz @fawn-eyed-girl @lazy8blog @sereia1313 @cat-zchen @xfangheartx @livinginthefifthdimension @mynightshining @shade-without-color @witchygirl99 @lutelyre @splendentgoddess @dawnrider @inuyashamybeloved @clearwillow @kawaiichan67 @lostinfantasyworlds @lavendertwilight89 @mrfeenysmustache @mamabearcat @shikonstar @queerkagome @arisukingdom and everyone else I missed (cause I know I missed a ton)
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shikonstar · 2 years
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When her houseguest has outstayed his welcome, Sango is forced to find him a forever home.
And she knows just the miko for the dog....
Rating: T
This is the Inu/Kag companion piece to the wonderful MirSan short written by @violetasteria
Sango locked the door to the bathroom, breathing a sigh of relief. She was savoring this sweet moment of privacy--such moments were few and far between now that they had a long-term houseguest. 
It wasn't that she minded helping Inuyasha out, she reminded herself as she removed her clothes and wrapped herself in a towel. It was just difficult since he was always there; it was like she had to tip-toe around her own home. She couldn't walk to the bathroom from the bedroom naked or get a three-in-the-morning glass of water in her underwear. 
Not that she ever did those things, but she could have if she wanted to. 
Of course, it had to be hard on Inuyasha as well. He was a private person, and now that he was living with them, he had nowhere to go to decompress. He was more snappish than usual, even though he was trying to control it, and he was keeping more and more in one room. In fact, he was hardly coming out when she and Miroku were there. 
It couldn’t be for much longer. Surely his apartment would be finished soon.
She checked the temperature of the shower, then frowned when she noticed the water backing up in the tub. Of course, because that was exactly what she needed when she was trying to relax.
Cursing under her breath, she bent down to rummage under the sink for the snake. She stomped back over to the shower to jam the bendy strip of plastic down the drain. Giving it a few hard jabs, she felt it catch. Carefully she pulled it out, starting in confusion at the glimmering clump. What the.....it couldn't be.
It was.
“Dog hair,” she hissed. 
That night at dinner, Inuyasha made a rare appearance at the table, and Sango had a hard time keeping her eyes off his hair. That gleaming, silver hair. That gleaming, long silver hair. Hair that was going to continue to infiltrate her drains, leaving her as the only one capable of removing the resulting clogs.
Inuyasha was looking particularly glum, pushing his rice from side to side on his plate.
“Bad day at work?” Miroku asked, after the fifth gusty sigh the hanyou released.
Inuyasha shook his head. He opened his mouth, closed it, then put his chopsticks down with a click.
“I got a call from the contractor today.”
Sango froze, a bite halfway to her mouth. That was not the tone of voice of someone who had been told he could move back in early.
“They've run into some problems. It's gonna be another month. At least.”
Miroku shot Sango a look of utter panic; he had been the one to sweet-talk her into letting Inuyasha stay. She was going to murder him.
Which was a shame because he was too young and sexy to die. 
Sango stared vacantly ahead of her. No. This couldn't go on--just yesterday, she had forgotten he was home and nearly sat on him as he napped on the couch. Her home was being permeated by the scent of ramen.
It was time to rehome the puppy.
And she knew just the soft touch for the job.
Sango gave them a beatific smile as she stood, patting Inuyasha on the shoulder as she passed on her way to the sink. 
“Don't worry, these things happen; I'm sure it will all work out.”
Inuyasha and Miroku shared a wide-eyed look, nervous sweat pricking their backs. They didn't know what was up with Sango, but it couldn't be good.
Kagome stretched to work out the kinks in her back; she probably shouldn't have tried to do a deep clean of the house so soon after she had moved in, but she was so excited to be on her own again. She had spent the last month and a half helping her great-aunt recover from a broken ankle. She was a sweet woman, but in her state of health, caring for her had almost been a full-time job. 
It had been a shock when her aunt had chosen to stay with her sister-in-law and had offered Kagome the chance to rent her house back in the city for less than she had been spending on her apartment. Kagome had jumped at the chance and was now trying to adjust to being back in civilization with reliable wifi and cellular signals. 
Which was why she nearly leaped out of her skin when her phone went off--and then discovered to her embarrassment, that she had almost forgotten how to answer the thing.
“Hey, Sango!” She smiled, having not been able to speak to her friend in a while. 
“Kagome! You have no idea how good it is to hear from you! Have you gotten moved back into your apartment alright?”
Kagome looked around; while the house wasn't necessarily suited to her taste yet, it was nicer and more spacious than her apartment--and the plumbing was reliable, and no screaming neighbors to try to drown out. 
“Nope!” She answered almost giddily. “My aunt is letting me rent her place from now on; I live in a house, Sango! With a yard! Where I can see green things growing without having to leave something in my fridge for too long!”
“That is absolutely perfect!” Sango squealed in delight. 
Kagome removed her phone from her ear to stare at it. Why did Sango sound that excited? Was she missing something?
“Okay, I was going to give you a little more time before asking, but I really, really need you to do me a favor,” Sango continued.
Ah. That explained the excitement. Well, it wasn't like Sango ever really asked for much, so it couldn't be too bad, right?
“What do you need?” Kagome asked, drifting over to the window to look outside, absently wondering if she should invest in some patio furniture. 
“Do you remember me telling you last time that Miroku had talked me into fostering a puppy?”
Warning! Danger! Danger! “Yeeeeeeessss, I recall that,” Kagome said, suspicion lacing every syllable. 
“Well, it just isn't working out. He's bigger and a little older than Miroku led me to believe. He wouldn't do well in a shelter, and I would hate to see him go to a bad home....”
“It sounds like you're attached to him. Are you sure it won't work out with time?” Kagome asked, stalling for more of the same.
“I'm afraid not. Miroku and I just aren't home enough to really bond with him. He's lonely, and it's not really fair to him.”
Kagome frowned. “Is he really needy? Because I don't think--”
“No, not at all!” Sango said, panic creeping into her voice. It's not like he's destructive when he's left alone or anything. He just needs some socialization, or he gets a little grumpy.”
“So, is he a couch cuddler?” Kagome asked, already starting to feel herself wearing down.
“Ah. He's never cuddled with me--definitely not Miroku--but I think that's because he's one of those dogs that bond to one person, and neither of us is it.”
“I don't know....”
“Please, Kagome? He’d make a terrific guard dog, and he's surprisingly clean.”
“Does he bark a lot?”
“No, just grumbles a bit. I would even send a supply of food!”
“It's tempting, but I'm still not sure--”
“Inuyasha would want to come to visit him.”
That drew Kagome’s attention.
“Why? And if he likes the dog, why doesn't he keep him?”
“The apartment won't take him,” Sango smoothly replied, like a sleazy used car salesman sensing a deal is about to be clenched. “But Inuyasha is really attached to him. I'm sure that he would help you work on training and tricks if you asked.”
It was devious. 
It was underhanded.
It....it was the only thing she had going for her, so she would take it.
“I suppose a dog wouldn't be a bad idea. When would be a good time to pick him up?”
“Tomorrow afternoon would be great! Any time after four. Oh, and Kagome? You'll need to bring a leash and collar. He outgrew the set I bought. Be sure to get red, so it matches his other accessories!”
Kagome opened her mouth, then shut it before the words could escape. She loved Sango, but she could be so odd.
“What size should I get? I have the feeling he's bigger than a toy poodle,” she said dryly, wondering exactly what sort of monstrosity she had signed herself up for. 
“He's a large breed, but he's not heavy set,” Sango replied.
“Okay. I guess I'll be picking up a dog tomorrow. Wait, what is his name?”
Sango laughed. “Well, we’ve been calling him Mr. Fuzzy Pants, but I'm not sure you'll want to keep that or Grump Pup, which was the other option.”
Her nose scrunched at that. Ew. She would come up with something better.
Finishing up with Sango, Kagome sighed. It looked like she had better go through the house and start dog-proofing.
It was closer to six before Kagome arrived the next day, but getting to the pet store and dealing with its woeful lack of options had eaten up more time than she had anticipated. She slowed down to find a parking spot on the street, and as she slotted herself in place between two oversized vans, it struck her that this dog might not even fit in her car. No, surely Sango would have warned her before she tried to offload Clifford the Big Red Dog on her.
She was starting to kick herself for agreeing to this; the worst part was that Sango was able to manipulate her so easily just by mentioning Inuyasha. Her shoulders slumped at the thought. She had been carrying a torch for her friend for ages---something she thought might finally! Finally be reciprocated! She had felt like they had been dancing around this for a while, and that kiss at New Year's....well, you didn't kiss someone like that platonically. It might have even turned into more then and there had they not been interrupted. 
Then the thing with her aunt happened and she wasn't able to stay in contact much and maybe it never mattered as much to him as it did to her anyway or he could have met someone else already, or--
“You’re here to get a dog, Kagome. Not have a mental breakdown on the street,” she growled at herself, angrily shutting off the ignition. She reached over to the passenger seat and grabbed the leash and collar set she had just bought. Both were bright red, and the leather collar had short blunt spikes. A little much, but they must have been in the middle of switching stock because the choices were abysmal. Still, she could always get a different one later. 
Deciding to leave the passenger door unlocked so she would be able to load the dog easier, Kagome briskly walked to the half of the duplex that belonged to Sango and Miroku. She hadn't bothered to call since she was expected and figured that Sango would want her to come in at least long enough to discuss things like feeding and walking schedules. 
She was halfway up the front walk when the door opened, and Inuyasha stepped out, looking surprisingly happy. In her shock, Kagome’s foot hit a crack, and she stumbled. As her hands were reaching forward to catch herself, a blur of white, black, and red filled her vision as Inuyasha grabbed her, having darted to her when he saw what was happening. 
“Didn't learn to walk while you were away, did ya?” He snorted, setting her back on her feet.
“Well, you didn't learn to be nice, so I guess we’re even,” she said with a mock glare.
“Yeah, yeah. Are you ready to go? I was startin’ to worry that you weren't gonna make it,” he said, practically trotting to the door, a smile still on his face. 
“I guess so. Is Sango not here?” Kagome asked, confused as to why Inuyasha was here rather than the people who actually, well, lived there.
“Nah, she and Miroku went to dinner an hour ago.” His eyes dropped down to the leash and collar still in her fist. An odd look passed over his face as his ears began to whip back and forth, and a faint tinge of red colored his cheeks. 
“Uh, did you really feel the need for all of that?” he asked, gesturing at her hand.
Kagome looked at him blankly, then held them up. “This? Look, I realize it’s probably not what you would have chosen yourself, but it’s all they had. I can always pick up something different later.”
“Yeah, sure, I just...I was a little surprised that you had it at all.” He said, still eyeing the vivid leather with a strange sort of morbid fascination. 
“You don't think it’s a good idea?”
Inuyasha shook himself before opening the door. “Anything is possible, I guess,” he muttered. Brightening, he let her follow him in as he went over to several suitcases and bags were sitting. Reaching down, he hefted up a flat of ramen. “Sango said she promised I would bring my own food, so I’ll start loadin’ up. You want this in the back seat or the trunk?”
Was she hallucinating? 
Had she had a wreck on her way back home, and now she was in a coma? 
“What do you mean, what?”
“Where’s the dog food?” Was all she could think to ask.
Inuyasha scowled, his earlier joy completely gone. “Look, a joke’s a joke, but why the hell would I have dog food?”
“For the dog!” Kagome practically yelled, her frustration rapidly nearing its peak.
“What dog?” Inuyasha bellowed back, clearly intent on reaching the summit alongside her.
“The dog Sango is giving me!”
Inuyasha’s eyes bugged comically before slamming shut, the tendons in his throat looking like it would snap at any moment. 
The room filled with a silence so combustible, it was in danger of igniting if either one so much as snapped their fingers.
“It's me. I’m the dog,” he bit out.
“W-what?” Kagome asked, her mind unable to catch up.
“Miroku convinced Sango to let me stay here while my place was bein’ renovated by tellin’ her I was a puppy,” he explained. “And I guess when Sango found out it was gonna be another month or more, she decided to play Pass the Pooch.”
“Oh?” It finally hit. “Oh!” She looked down at the sinister-looking items in her hand and immediately shoved them behind her back as if that could hide them. For fuck’s sake, why hadn’t she just slapped on six-inch heels and a matching leather bustier and been done with it?
“Inuyasha, I’m so sorry! I thought--”
“You thought you were gettin’ a cute puppy,” he said with a brittle smirk. “You weren't...you weren’t expectin’ me.” His shoulders drooped at that soft admission, and his ears wilted until they were curled at the edges.
The hamster in Kagome’s brain was galloping at break-neck speed on its wheel, spinning plates in each paw. He had thought she was here for him. It had made him happy. Now that she wasn't here for him, he was sad, and it was doing things to her. 
“You wanted to move in with me?”
Inuyasha shrugged. “Yeah, well, don't worry about it. I’ll just go ahead and get a hotel room--”
“I’d rather have you than the dog.” Oh. Oh, that had gone much better in her head. 
“It’s okay, Kagome. You don't have to feel bad or anything.”
He said this, but he was killing her with those wounded puppy eyes. 
“No, seriously. I was only taking the dog as a favor. Although, I can understand if you don't want to.”
Inuyasha let the ramen drop to the floor, a testament to his state of mind. One hand remained clenched at his side while the other came up to rub the back of his neck. “Sango said--she said that you were interested in me comin’ over and that maybe we could work out this....thing. You know. Us. And....yeah.”
Okay, yes, she had expressed to Sango that she wanted Inuyasha to come to her house, so she hadn't technically been lying--she had just made a balloon animal out of the truth. But creative murder methods would have to wait because Inuyasha was there and adorable and had just admitted to wanting to work things out between them and maybe she could--
Maybe she could start with breathing. Yes. Passing out now would give the wrong impression.
“Sango said you would visit me if I took the dog. She said you were, um, attached to it.”
Slowly, his ears began to rise, the hopeful gleam returning to his eyes. “Yeah?”
Kagome nodded, her face taking on the same color as the collar and leash she had brought in front of her to twist between her hands. “Yeah. She said....oh crap. She said that you would help me with training and tricks.” With a dawning realization, she held up the collar and leash, her expression of horror matching that of Indiana Jones grabbing a handful of snakes. “She had me bring this for you!” 
“Thought that was a little much, but I wasn't gonna say anything,” Inuyasha admitted, his lips twitching. 
All Kagome could do was let out a mortified gurgle.
“Look, if the offer is still open, why don't we just go ahead and leave? We can plan the double murder on the way,” Inuyasha offered, taking pity on her. 
With a nod, she grabbed one of his bags in her free hand and turned to go back to the car. “Put the ramen in the back seat, so it doesn't get crushed,” she called over her shoulder. 
“A woman after my own stomach,” Inuyasha answered, gathering up the rest of his stuff, balancing far more than a human could manage. 
Kagome got in the car, tossing the collar and leash to the back so she could return it to the store later. As Inuyasha settled into the seat beside her and shut the door, she let out a giggle.
“What’s so funny?”
She grinned as she started up the car. “I was just thinking how glad I am now that I didn't bring the roll of poop bags.”
Inuyasha threw his head against the back of the seat rest, laughing until he cried. 
The rest of the drive was much more relaxed, and things were feeling more normal between them by the time Kagome pulled up to her house. “Just to warn you, this house is owned by an older woman who seems to have been trapped in the eighties. I haven't had a chance to do anything with the place yet.”
Inuyasha got out of the car, peering around the property; it was an old neighborhood with the houses placed a considerable amount of space apart, and from the looks of it, no home looked to be owned by anyone under their sixties. 
“It’s fuckin’ perfect after the hellhole I live in,” he said, thinking of the cramped, noisy apartment he had been staying in until he could find someplace that wouldn't abuse his ears. “You got a squirrel problem, though,” he growled, glaring at the rodent that was darting across the roof. 
Kagome had to bite her lip at the way he was poised to give chase but didn't comment. 
Helping him carry in his belongings, Kagome showed him to one of the spare rooms--luckily, her aunt had kept one up just in case she had visitors. 
“Wow. I think this room alone is bigger than my room, the bathroom, and part of the main room,” Inuyasha said, staring wistfully out the window at the backyard. 
“How tight is your lease? There’s plenty of room here, and we could split the rent,” Kagome blurted, then wondered if she had gone too far. 
He turned to face her, the amber of his irises darkening as he watched her intently. Slowly, he crossed the room to stand in front of her, close enough for her to feel the warmth from his body. 
“I think we have somethin’ more important to talk about first,” he said, his voice a low rumble that had the hair on the back of her neck prickling deliciously.
“We do?” She asked, although she wasn't fully aware of what she was saying--she was just stringing words together to keep him near. 
“Sounds like you need a reminder,” he said before his hands fell to her waist, and he dipped his head to capture her lips. 
Kagome sighed into his mouth, her hands coming up to tangle in the thick, silver hair that streamed down his back. This. This is how it had been at New Year’s. The energy thrumming between them, the almost painful sensation of passion getting ready to ignite. As Inuyasha slowly pulled away, Kagome realized part of her lightheadedness was due to the fact that she couldn't breathe. She would be embarrassed if he didn't look just as affected. 
“I think I’m starting to remember,” she murmured, her fingernails scraping over the back of his neck.
“Thought you might,” Inuyasha chuckled, his expression soft as he gazed at her fondly. 
Kagome’s mind was fuzzy, filled with pink cotton candy clouds of happiness. It gave her the courage to speak what was on her heart. “So, where do you want this to go, Inuyasha?” 
Inuyasha still held her loosely by the waist, his thumbs stroking under her t-shirt, claws slightly tickling the skin. “Let me check about my lease, and I’ll have both answers for you tomorrow,” he finally said with a small smile.
Oh no. He was putting her off. She had flown too close to the sun, and all she could smell was burning tar and feathers as she plummeted to the ground. 
“Oh! Of course, it’s a big decision, so take all the time you need. I mean, there’s no rush or anything; I didn't mean to imply that you had to--”
“Hey. Breathe.” He said before kissing her softly, his lips brushing over her in a gentle motion. “Don’t go overthinkin’ shit. Just trust me, okay?”
Kagome nodded. Surely he wouldn't keep kissing her if he was going to turn her down. Inuyasha was grumpy but not cruel. “Tomorrow, then,” she affirmed. 
Inuyasha was starting to pull away, and Kagome, not wanting to miss an opportunity, yanked him back, stretching up on her tiptoes. If she was going to have to wait for an answer, she wanted something to get her through to tomorrow. As she pressed herself firmly against him, Inuyasha gave a pleased growl, returning the kiss with enthusiasm. 
When Kagome finally had to come up for air, she found that Inuyasha was smirking at her. “Are you tryin’ to influence my decision, Ka-Go-Me?”
She blushed but didn't try to deny it. “Every little bit helps.”
“Tomorrow. I promise. In the meantime, I don't know about you, but I haven't eaten yet, and I’m starvin’.”
Deciding she could use the distraction, Kagome led him to the kitchen in search of a meal. A tiny smile curved her lips; she couldn't wait for tomorrow.
He was gone. She had woken early, dressed in a cute skirt and sleeveless top, and he was gone. His room was empty, as were the bathroom and kitchen. Kagome wanted to throw up; obviously, he had gotten cold feet and had fled during the night. Thoroughly depressed, she dragged herself into the kitchen to make herself some coffee before she had to slap on a smile and go to work. When she went to grab her creamer, she noticed that there was a note scribbled on the pad her aunt normally used for grocery lists. 
Had to go pick something up before work, so I left early. See you tonight. 
Okay, maybe things weren't horrible. All she had to do was survive the day, and she would find out if she had a live-in boyfriend or a very awkward roommate. No pressure. Really. 
Ten hours later, she stumbled through the door, completely exhausted. The universe had decided to spare her the agony of worrying about Inuyasha’s decision all day by making this one of the worst days at work, period. As if she didn't have enough to do with catching up with things after her leave of absence, her boss had sent her no less than twenty-six things she expected to be done ASAP. And then there was the phone. Somehow, their number had gotten mixed up with the new restaurant down the block, and the phone had been ringing off the hook all day with people wanting to make reservations or ask questions about the menu. And none of them wanted to believe her when she informed them that they had the wrong number. 
As she opened the front door, she heard faint sounds coming from the television. Clearly, Inuyasha was home. Now the only question was, did she want to beard the dog in his kennel or slink off to her room until her bad luck wore off? Since he could probably smell her, she chose the former. 
She had expected to see little white dog ears poking over the top of the sofa, but she was wrong; if it weren't for the crunching sound, she would have looked for him in a different part of the house. Instead, she came around the corner and stopped dead in her tracks. There, on her aunt’s plump cream and pastel splashed sofa, was Inuyasha, stretched out full length and lazily reaching into a bag of potato chips that rested on the floor. 
This would not be remarkable, except for two things.
The only item of clothing he was wearing was a pair of red boxers with....yes, those were little white bones. 
As enticing as that sight would normally be, Kagome’s full attention was centered above the waist--specifically, his neck. 
He was wearing the collar.
He. Was wearing. The fucking. Studded. Red. Collar. 
And it now included a shiny round tag.
Inuyasha said nothing as she approached. He merely smirked and flicked at the tag with one claw. Shakily, Kagome bent down to read it. On the front was his name....but on the back....
Was her name, phone number, and the address of the house. 
“Sango did say that I would find my forever home,” he said smugly.
“So this means....” Kagome asked hopefully.
His fang glimmered in the light filtering in through the window. “Yes to both questions, of course. Just wanted to make sure I could get outta my lease and get myself properly tagged.”
“Then I guess there’s only one thing left to do,” Kagome said, allowing the tag to slip from her fingers. 
Inuyasha folded his arms behind his head, giving her a heated look. “What’s that? Want to take me for a drive? Or maybe give me a bath?”
“Maybe later,” Kagome said, swinging herself across his lap to straddle him, her lips coming down to brush against his ear. “But first, I think I’m going to punish you for getting on the furniture.”
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skyelara · 1 year
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Written for @loveofmirsan Day 3. @violetasteria and I chose the prompt glass, and we are so excited to introduce to you our newest oneshot. Click on the link below to read it on a03.
Champagne Problems
Summary: Sango has been with Kuranosuke since college. She’s content in their relationship, but a bartender brings out something more. A want she didn’t know was missing from her life. Suddenly, Sango has to choose between the life she has and the life she could have.
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otaku-108 · 1 year
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Commission for @violetasteria’ s MirSan surfer AU ❤️ Read it here! It’s the intro chapter by now, and it already makes you want to know more~~
And yes, I made full use of my creative freedom to design Miroku’s modern looks 😍
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heynikkiyousofine · 2 years
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Living for the One That I Love
All around him, his companions slept soundly, even the hanyou perched high in the tree, his standard spot right above the future born miko. It wasn’t the fire crackling just feet in front of him, or the neko purring loudly to his left, or even the faint crickets in the forest. What had his full attention was the demon slayer sleeping in Kirara’s fur, her lips parted as she took in a deep breath. Sango. 
continue reading on ao3
tag list under the cut:
@blairex​ ; @mamabearcat​ ; @enchantedink-ag​ ; @splendentgoddess​ ; @mandirox89​ ; @sailorlolo​ ; @mustardyellowsunshine​ ; @hny-moroha ; @knittingknots​ ; @yukinon-writes​ ; @clearwillow​ ; @keichanz​ ; @serial-doubters-club​ ; @malditamigs​ ; @zelink-inukag​ ; @shinidamachu​ ; @bonny2323​ ; @banksdelivers​ ; @that-one-nerdy-gal​ ; @sarahk21​ ; @dchelyst​ ; @anisaanisa​ ; @lavendertwilight89​ ; @otaku-108​ ; @sailorbabydoll92​ ; @inukagbot​ ; @queerkagome​ ; @bluehawaiicat​ ; @chit-a-to​ ; @liz8080​ ; @lightmidnight​ ; @shikonstar​ ; @soliska​ ; @inu-mothership (adding @violetasteria to this because MirSan)
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elkonigin · 2 years
Coterie - Inuyasha & Miroku
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Summary:  A brief look at different relationships between the characters
You can read Inuyasha & Miroku’s chapter here.
Taglist: @classysassy9791​ @violetasteria​
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feudalconnection · 5 months
Nomination - Skyelara & VioletAsteria
CONGRATULATIONS, @skyelara and @violetasteria​!!! Your fanfiction “Clandestine” has been nominated by one of your fans for the 2024 2nd Term Inuyasha Fandom Awards run by FeudalConnection!
Your work has been nominated in the following category:
Best Romance
Voting will take place between June 6th and June 20th, and the links to do so can be found on the feudalconnection Tumblr page.
If you would like to pull your work from consideration for an award, please let us know via the Tumblr page or [email protected].
Once again, congratulations for your beautiful contributions to this wonderful fandom, and thank you for all that you do!
For the nomination rules and category definitions, please see our “Get Ready” announcement.
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violetasteria · 11 months
Clandestine Chapter 15 💋
Happy Day 7 of MirSan Week! 💕
Closing out MirSan week with a bang (literally 😘), @skyelara & I are so excited to show you the next installment of Clandestine. 💋
💜✨Read it Here on Ao3 Today!✨💜
Toying with the Linen theme from @loveofmirsan, we wanted to show you exactly what are monk and slayer are up to inbetween episodes 46-47, after Sango finishes dressing Miroku's wounds. And things are getting STEAMY 👀
Preview below the cut! 😘
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She watched him a moment longer beneath hooded eyes. He was many things. A shameless flirt. A womanizer. A con man. But he wasn’t a liar. At least, not to her. She pursed her lips lightly as she turned her gaze back towards the door, pondering whether it was worth the risk. 
Fuck it, she thought. She needed this, and so did he. It had been so long too, she was sure they could be quick about it. "Okay,” she caved before jabbing her finger at his bare chest, making her terms abundantly clear. “But it's got to be fast."
“Not to worry, my dear Sango,” Miroku says, pulling her closer to him. “I am quite efficient when it comes to the things I want.” Their lips met again, but not timidly this time. They were hungry, craving the fleeting comfort of the other’s embrace, and knowing they had to move quickly if they were to satiate that desire.
His tongue tangled with hers in a passionate kiss as she climbed onto him, tugging up the linen fabric of her skirt to give herself some room to fully straddle him. His good arm laced through her hair, pulling her closer still into the heated kiss.
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kalcia · 10 months
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I was commissioned by @violetasteria to draw a scene from their fanfic “Undertow”, I had a blast working on it! ^^
Thank you!
- patreon - ko-fi - commission info -
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eliza-faust-diary · 11 months
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Commissioned illustration to @violetasteria 's fall-flavored story "Falling for You" 🍂 Read it HERE on AO3!
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inu-mothership · 2 years
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Inu-Mothership Spotlight Saturday Encore: March 11, 2023: MirSan!
Hi everyone! We here at @inu-mothership are pleased to revisit one of our very first fic rec lists that we ever did: MirSan!
In honor of MirSan Days 3/5 and 3/6 having just passed, we wanted to look back at some of the wonderful stories that have been posted since our original post in Oct. 2021. As always, stories are listed below the cut, in alphabetical order, with ratings and current status listed. We hope you find some new classics among them!
Barren (Series; E/M; ongoing) by @skyelara
Buried Past (T; complete) by Griddlebone (Ao3)
After a harrowing experience, Sango shares a secret from her past with Miroku.
Clandestine (E; ongoing) by @skyelara and @violetasteria
“I have decided to take you up on your proposition. I have a few ground rules, though.”
Miroku’s body stilled, staring up at her with disbelief. “Wait, are you serious? You really want to do this?”
“You scratch my back and I scratch yours. First ground rule. This is just to help each other out. No falling in love with each other, got it?”
He snorted. “Sango, I’ve been doing this for years. Trust me when I say, that won’t be an issue for me.”
The cold never bothered me anyway (M; complete) by streamsofstoriesandcolour (Ao3)/ @shade-without-color
Miroku and Sango, over a family dinner, recount their first meeting together on a blustery cold day.
The Cruelest Winter (M; ongoing) by AM78 (Ao3)
Two years after Kagome's return to the Feudal era, the inhabitants of her village are facing hard times, as a harsh winter has left them desperately short of needed supplies. At their most dire moment, Sango receives an offer from an old acquaintance. An offer so lucrative and dangerous that it could ensure the town's prospects for survival...if it doesn't eliminate her own.
The Distance Between Duty and Desire (M; complete) by annperkinsface (Ao3)
Somewhere in the distance between duty and desire Sango and Miroku exist in stolen moments, stolen breaths, but for all Miroku's thievery he has never stolen anything as precious as this, Sango straddling him with her eyes dark and intent, her hands curled around the back of his neck like a promise.
Failure to Communicate (T; complete) by @fawn-eyed-girl
When Sango misinterprets something she sees at a party, she refuses to talk to Miroku again, in order to save herself a broken heart. But when Miroku keeps texting her, can she really stay away?
Or: five times that Sango ignores Miroku's texts. And one time that she answers.
Games of Money & Matrimony (M, ongoing) by @violetasteria
The social season has fallen upon the ton, and Sango must finally find a husband this social season to restore her family's fortune and ensure her brother's future. She has her sights set on the rich and handsome Marquess of Asago, Lord Kuranosuke Takeda, but will her favor sway when a mysterious gentleman with deep blue eyes sweeps her off her feet?
It’s Nice to Have a Friend (T; complete) by @skyelara
Sango meets Miroku in first grade as a shy, new student to their school. A friendship starts that quickly turns into something stronger. However, Sango refuses to admit her feelings, especially when Miroku becomes known as something as a ladies man in High School. She's sure he only sees her as a best friend, a sister. But there's more than meets the eye when it comes to his feelings.
(Like) A Happy Dream (T; complete) by MadHatterLilith (Ao3)
Miroku always had some doubts about how their journey would end, but now he's living a life happier than the one he dreamed of.
My Children’s Childhood (G; complete) by @heynikkiyousofine
“How much farther?” Tiny legs struggled to keep up with his father’s as they walked the rocky path, a steep climb to a distant temple.
“Not too much longer, son.” He chuckled, holding out his free hand for him to take.
One Moment in Time: Chapter 6: Strength, and Chapter 7: Weakness (T; complete) by @jeremymarsh
One moment in time in our characters’ lives that could change them forever – or maybe not. 
Sense and Sensibility, An Inuyasha Retelling (T; ongoing) by @kalcia and @ruddcatha
When their father dies, the Higurashi sisters Sango and Kagome suddenly find their fortunes changed overnight. The sisters begin to find their own paths, as one learns to step away from the practical to learn to dream with the help of the dashing Miroku, and the other sees the importance of stability in a world of fancy with the steadfast Inuyasha. An adaptation of the Jane Austen Novel Sense and Sensibility.
Sins Week 2022: Chapter 7: Lust/Blue (M; complete) by @lavendertwilight89
Small Bites: Chapter 14: Root Canals and Yoga (T; complete) by @neutronstarchild
Sango needed a root canal, and it was going to cost an arm and a leg. Miroku offered help, by marrying her. It’s stupid, but so is tooth pain. And it’s simple. That is, until Sango walks in on Miroku’s morning routine. Has he… always been so bendy?
Sweet Surrender (T; complete) by @violetasteria
Every night when her friends weren’t looking, the hardest thoughts overtook her. Each morning, she continued on as if the darkness was not churning within her. As if she was not slowly dying inside at the mere thought of failing their group’s seemingly hopeless mission.
And it was working. She had them all fooled into thinking she was just fine, or so she thought.
To Fall in Love with Strangers (T; complete) by @witchygirl99
There are armed men attacking them, after a top secret program that Miroku’s only got written in his head. He’s spent the last few days being nearly killed at every opportunity, only alive because of the fiery, violent woman at his side. Miroku has thought, at least five times a day, that he’d like her to try and choke him with those thighs.
He’s probably losing far too much blood. Shit.
Undertow (T; complete) by @violetasteria
A talented swindler in a sleepy port city passes his days conning and scheming, but his whole world changes when his mark turns out to be a pirate.
What I Feel When Your Smile Shows (T; complete) by miss_coverly (Ao3)/ @lesbian-kyoru
“Oh. Right, my Valentine’s chocolates! What about them?”
If Kirara wouldn’t fly her away, Sango could always just run for the hills. Dive into the nearest river and swim away? Or maybe her Hiraikotsu could bear weight, and carry her past the horizon. The thing with the Hiraikotsu, though, was the fact that it was a boomerang.
And no matter what, boomerangs always brought you back to exactly where you started.
Sango asks about Valentine's Day chocolates. Kagome does what she does best: matchmaking.
Would You (G; complete) by Pipistrellus (Ao3)
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