bladealvis · 5 years
Hi Sve! 💜 I don’t know if you’ve heard of/seen Beastars or not aaa so I apologize if you have but I feel like you might enjoy it so wanted to recommend it 💜
YES I HAVE i read the manga a few months ago and saw a couple episodes of the anime!! though I think it’s been ongoing since then, so I have to catch up :”) Louis is my faaavorite
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loverfighterfriend · 7 years
Ask things
Rules: Tag 10 people you want to get to know better.
Tagged by nobody, I just saw a few people do this and wanted to pretend I’m popular
Relationship Status: Single and hoping to change that soon for vocation’s sake
Favorite colors: White and various blues
Lipstick or chapstick: I prefer constant anxious lip-biting
Three favorite foods: Chicken parm, Japanese curry, soba
Last song I listened to: Mr. Brightside
Last movie I watched: Spider-Man Homecoming
Top 3 shows: Whose Line is It Anyway, Firefly, Psych (if we don’t count anime)
Three favorite bands: Matchbox 20, The Killers, Queen
Favorite Singers: Rob Thomas, most Broadway performers, Weird Al, Freddie Mercury, Tarja
Books I’m currently reading: Dark Force Rising, God or Nothing
I tag: @xxtwilightshadowsxx @violetflowersandflames @sapphiredragon654 @afemalesebastian
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voltroncommentary · 7 years
Captain Olia is awesome and needs more spotlight. Also she's definitely your new avatar @violetflowersandflames
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melanshi · 7 years
Blade of Marmora, Voltron, Slav, Paladin!
Blade of Marmora: Who has the best character design?
It’s a tie between ezor and plaxum imo
Voltron: Which Lion do you think you would pilot? Why?
personally i think i would pilot red cause like i tend to rush into things without knowing whether or not i can actually do it but i ended up asking @sapphiredragon654 for a secondary opinion and she said i would pilot the green lion and explained by saying “Cuz ur intelligent and daring and good at stuff that involves tech” and if that isn’t the gayest shit i fucking love her so much
Slav: What are your ships? No discourse allowed.
oooh, i ship klance mainly but i also ship plaxance, shallura, whatever the heckie the ship name for ezor and acxa is, plaxona, and i’m starting to really get into shatt (i think that’s all of them?)
Paladin: When did you start watching Voltron?
okay so i actually have no clue when but my earliest post tagged voltron is from august 8th, 2016 so i’m gonna take a safe guess and say early august of last year
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guacchan-blog · 7 years
This is late but I associate you with BNHA, Tododeku, Momojirou, Jirou, purple and blue and cacti!
aaaaaa thanks so much! I like all of those things, so this is perfect lol
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Hunk, Galra Empire, Slav, Kaltenecker! :'D
Hunk: Do you know how to cook/bake? I can do both adequately, but I’m slightly better at baking
Galra Empire: Who is your favorite Galra character? All of them. Fight me
Slav: What are your ships? No discourse allowed. Klance, Sheith, Plance, Shlav, Lancelot, Hance, possibly Allurance and Shidge, and Kolivan/Hunk… if that’s a thing…
KALTENECKER: Who is your favorite Voltron character? This is clearly a very hard and important question. One that could be answered seriously or not, and no one would ever know the difference. With so many amazing characters to choose from, you may think, how could someone pick just one (1) out of eeeeveryone in Voltron? Well, it is possible, my friends. For I do have a favorite character. One that is so solid and irrefutable that ten years from now, if asked the same question, I would answer the same way…
The yellow lion. The yellow lion was, is, and always will be, my favorite Voltron character. No question.
Thanks for asking!
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aicchi · 7 years
Hi! I haven't been following you for long, but I'm Violet, I love the color purple, I love a lot of ships but my favs are probs Bakushima and OchaMina although I love a lot of BNHA f/f ships, I like salted caramel ice cream and I do have a cat named Lemonade ~ !
Hello!!!! Ayyyyy we all love krbk here ahah. AND OMFG FINALLY SOMEONE WHO LIKES SALTED CARAMEL ICE CREAM !!!! i love your cat’s name! One of my dogs is called Skittles ahahha
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bnhafemslash · 7 years
I'm not sure which ones you already know or not but I've seen the names Tsuchako, Momojirou, MinaTooru, TsuMina or MinaTsuyu, OchaMomo or MomoOcha, OchaMina or Minachako, AshiJirou, MomoKendou, TogaOcha, JirouOcha. Those are the ones I could think of off the top of my head. I've also seen Mt Lady x Midnight but unfortunately do not know the ship name. I hope this could help, though! :'D
Thanks a bunch! I’m working on a tag list page, so hopefully there will be a more permanent place & accessible for them.
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bladealvis · 6 years
I know we haven't talked in forever but I saw it was your birthday so wanted to wish you a happy birthday Sve! Hope you're doing well and I always enjoy seeing your posts on my dash aaa
AWW THIS IS SWEET thank you violet!!
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loverfighterfriend · 7 years
J.K. Rowling, Donna Tartt, Hans Christian Anderson and JD Salinger
JK Rowling: Gryffindor all the way, though I have a Hufflepuff leaning. I’ll charge a tidal wave and punch it in the face but also soothe a small child along the way
Donna Tartt: there’s a few contenders for this one lol. A lot of the time it’s wrath because I have a bad temper that I always need to keep under control but sometimes it can be lust because….yeah, and other times I’m envious of others and sometimes I can be lazy and not want to do my work….basically all of them at different times, I’m a mess lol. Maybe wrath the most though.
Hans Christian Anderson: ooh tough one, maybe Hansel and Gretel because there was a lot of delicious food and they got to take out the witch by shoving her into an oven. Even when I was young I was a fan of sweets and violence
JD Salinger: From middle school on the only B+ I ever got was in art class. I tried but it took me forever and I had no artistic talent. In elementary school it was handwriting, definitely. High school the lowest grade I got was a 92 in 3rd quarter AP Chemistry
Thanks for the ask! 💛💛💛
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voltroncommentary · 7 years
Oh no, Narti! Aww, sorry @violetflowersandflames your avatar got shanked. Maybe you can be the cat instead now. Or a mermaid.
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ayaittosara · 7 years
For the ship thing, how about AshiJirou and/or KamiSero? :0 ((something tells me you'll get a KiriBaku ask haha so I'll go with those two rarepairs ~ !))
OOH NICE i’ll put them under a read more cause together they’re a little lengthy
ashido is the werewolf, jirou is the hunter
I WANNA SAY EITHER WAY IS GOOD.. mina is a good mermaid but i also like jirou as a mermaid..
jirou as a reclusive witch and ashido the chirpy familiar would be cute
mmMM either way for barista/coffee addict too, ashido would be a clumsy barista who sometimes mixes up orders going maybe thats how they met
jirou is the professor, ashido is the assistant
either way for knight/princess too! mina would want to be a princess queen more though.
ashido is a preschool teacher n jirou is the single parent..
ashido writes (fantasy and action genres mostly), jirou edits
kaminari is the werewolf and sero is the hunter (everyone likes bow and arrows sero, so i like bow and arrows sero)
kaminari is a mermaid and sero is the fisherman?
kaminari is an electricity witch and sero is the voice-of-reason familiar
sero is the barista, kaminari is the coffee addict
sero is the professor? kaminari is the teaching assistant
prince kaminari and knight sero methinks, denki wants to escape the royal life and sero helps out
sero is the teacher, kaminari is the single parent, yo... he’d be such a caring and fun dad...
ummmhhhhhhmmmmm.. we know kaminari really likes literature, he could write OR edit??
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melanshi · 7 years
Purple for Chloe/Alya but feel free to like include other ML ships on the side if you want to ~ ! ^^
Purple- Royalty AU
“I want to go to town.”
Alya snapped out of her guarding mindset briefly to shoot the princess a quizzical look. “What?”
“I want you to take me into town.”
Alya sighed. “Princess Chloé, I was assigned by King Gabriel to guard you while you and your father visited our kingdom to discuss royal matters. I was not assigned to be your escort into town after hours.”
“But,” Chloé said, with a grin that Alya did not like. “You are required to be with me at all times.”
“So if I go, you too have to go.”
“And last I checked, King Gabriel said nothing about taking me places after hours. He just said that you have to be with me at all times.”
Alya frowned. “Princess, I don’t want to risk my job or your life just because you wanted to go somewhere after hours.” 
“Fine,” Chloé said. 
“Thank you,” Alya said, resuming her position.
“I guess I’ll go myself.”
Alya snapped out of her position again. “What?”
The princess got off her bed, where she had been sitting, and brushed off her skirt. “Yes. And if I go, you have to come.” She made her way to her door. Just before her hand touched the handle, her knight spoke up.
“Oh! Did you change your mind?”
“Yes,” Alya replied, in retreat. “I’ll take you into town.”
“Oh, good!”
“On one condition.”
Chloé frowned. “What condition?”
Alya’s grin verged on wicked. “You can’t go into town as Princess Chloé, it’s too dangerous. You need to go as a normal girl. And I have clothes for a normal girl for when I go out to town on my days off.”
“No,” Chloé said, recoiling in disgust. “I am not wearing any of your filthy peasant clothes.”
“Hey! They’re not peasant clothes! And if you won’t wear any of them I will find every single way possible to keep you in this castle, Princess.”
Chloé gulped.
“You know,” Alya said, kicking the door to her quarters in. “You have two legs and you don’t need me to carry you.”
“I know. My legs were just tired.”
Alya set the princess down and wiped a few beads of sweat off her forehead. “Alright, we’re here. Follow me.”
Chloé look around the room with a surprised expression. “I didn’t think your quarters would be so… nice.”
“Hey, I’m a knight, not a kitchen maid,” Alya shot back. She laid three dresses down on her bed. “These are my nicest dress. Pick one.”
Without hesitation, the princess scooped up a yellow and black one. Alya took an orange one and put the last one back in the clothing pile in the corner. 
“Get changed,” the knight commanded. “And quickly.”
Chloé obliged for once, quickly shedding her royal gown and slipping into Alya’s dress. It was much more comfortable, she noted with surprise and easier to get into and put on. Well, it was easy enough until she began to lace up the back. 
Her foot caught on a loose floorboard and she tripped. 
“Princess!” she heard Alya call out before the knight appeared in front of her and caught her, wrapping a hand around her waist and one behind her back. Chloé own hands shot out to grip onto the knight’s shoulder.
“Are you alright?” Alya asked, worry etched all across her face.
Chloé stuttered, unable to find words and simply observing her knight’s face, which was inches from her own. She felt her cheeks get warm.
Alya seemed to read her mind and a blush spread over her cheeks as well. She helped Chloé get to her feet.
“So, um, the town?” Alya said.
“Yeah, yeah, um, the town,” Chloé agreed.
The duo stood in awkward silence for another minute, neither’s blush fading.
“We should probably get going,” Alya spoke up.
“Yeah, we should,” Chloé agreed again.
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evilauthorsclub · 8 years
Ahh I'm back with another character haha! I was wondering, for Admin Iwa's Serial Killer AU, does Terushima have a role in it? :0 (Also I'm loving all the prompts so far!)
Yuuji smirked as the guy he’d been dancing with all night tugged him toward the door. Yuuji followed happily, definitely ready to follow the guy all the way home. “So, what name are you planning on making me scream tonight?” Yuuji purred, leaning up into the guy’s space and flinging his arms around his neck. His new companion for the night grinned and hooked his fingers through Yuuji’s belt loops, pulling their hips together as they stumbled out of the bar. “I’m Futakuchi. You can call me Kenji tonight though,” the guy chuckled, leaning down to sink his teeth into the skin just below Yuuji’s ear, making him moan and lean even more of his weight against…Kenji, who was walking backwards so they wouldn’t have to part. “Teru, you’re drunk,” a familiar voice chided. Yuuji groaned and hid his face in Kenji’s wonderful neck. “Not tonight, ‘Haba,” Yuuji complained. “I’m going to get laid and hopefully not be able to walk for a few days.”“You can barely walk now. You need to get home, with someone who’ll take care of you, not take advantage of you.”“I hate you, ‘Haba. You’re not gonna ruin this for me,” Yuuji griped, letting go of his newfound companion to turn and glare at none other than Yahaba Shigeru, who thought that just because he was dating Yuuji’s step brother, he could manage Yuuji’s life choices. “Ruin what? Teru, you’re in no shape to-”“You’re not my boss, ‘Haba. I’m an adult,” Yuuji pouted, resolutely turning back to Kenji…only to find that Kenji wasn’t there. “Damn it, ‘Haba, you scared him off!”“Sure. Or maybe he realized someone’s actually looking out for you, and took off because he’s not the kind of guy you’d pay attention to if you were sober,” Yahaba snapped. “He was hot. Of course I’d pay attention,” Yuuji whined, staring morosely at the spot where Kenji had been. “Sure, Teru. Sure. Let’s get you home.”
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For the character thing, you kinda remind me of Kirishima and Tsuyu because you're a pretty calm and friendly person who is easy to talk to and cares a lot for their friends
Wow who knew tears were possible this early in the morning thank you
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supportive-rat-art · 8 years
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Hero squad shenanigans haha!! the twins belong to @radriot and the wolf belongs to @violetflowersandflames while the other one is mine~! used @mamafrankee 's draw the squad prompt thing ^^"" 
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