#viral donnie au
nardos-primetime · 23 days
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I'm sure these boys are very stable and sound and this is their first time living. The Twins Ever.
The Leo belongs to @midwesternvibes :]
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dandylovesturtles · 1 year
wooooo fic titles! (some most of these are song lyrics btw)
- you live for feelings you’ve never felt (because you can not feel)
- Control the Change
- and then you'll have to learn to hate (you'll have to learn to kill)
- although I may have crossed the line (no time to waste on you)
- Strike from a distance
anyway fics with song lyrics as names are my jam and your stuff is great!
oh shoot this is a lot, okay let's do this rapidfire:
Lou Jitsu sinking into a deep sort of depression/dissociation during his time in the Battle Nexus where he basically blocks out any feelings that aren't directly connected to hedonistic pleasure and how this changes when he holds his sons for the first time
Band AU where the boys actually get their shit together on the music making front and their little indie band goes viral and kickstarts the fight for mutant rights in America
Donnie and one of the brothers (I'm thinking Mikey but Leo would work too, I only exclude Raph because he's Big) get kidnapped by humans, they escape in the wilderness but the other brother is severely hurt and mostly out of it, Donnie has to protect both of them while trying to find their way home, ends up forced to fight and kill to save them
angsty not-quite-Kendra/Donnie fic where they could have had something but she betrays him and he's cold the next time they meet
fun action fic where you think a bad guy has the boys on the ropes until Mikey comes swinging in from the back to save them and you realize that was their plan all along
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fredrickzoller · 2 years
I jut watched a video of bar scene on YouTube and choked when I saw that viral comment(pinned too💀💀💀):»This cut makes the sexual innuendo even more obvious. SS Major Hellstrom was trying to flirt with Lt. Hicox but when it failed, he remembered his job was to cast his spies” like this man is GAY AF
lol I actually broke out my physical copy of the script for this because I wanted to point out: if you read the bar scene just on the page, Hellstrom reads a bit differently than how August Diehl portrays him in the movie. (tangentially, I think other characters read differently too in the script, like Shosanna, mostly, and Donny too, but that's mainly due to scenes of theirs being cut/changed. But anyway). The dialogue of the original script is mostly identical to what ends up in the movie, but there's very little cues in regards to staging/body language. I mean in general, scripts aren't going to be replicated exactly once they're filmed and brought to life, but I just mean the bar scene in particular, Dieter does not read as attempting to be charming/flirtatious with Archie at all (outside of the "The captain is immune to my charms" line), and if anything, I feel like it reads more like Dieter was meant to be interested (or at least pretending to be interested, to keep up his guise of ignorance) with Bridget. I'll put this out there: if you compare it to say, how Landa interrogates LaPadite or how he speaks to Aldo and Utivich... Hans is more about asserting himself as the dominant figure but does so in a more... casual way? He's slow and methodical about it. Versus how he acts with Bridget it's WAY more charged with sexual energy/physical contact, and more forward, and that's what's most comparable to how Dieter acts around Archie and Hugo (and let's not forget how much he outright ignores/dismisses Bridget). And I know a lot of people (outside of shipping Landstrom but just in general) subscribe to the idea that Dieter tries to mirror/imitate Hans but he, of course, does not possess the same superior social skills Hans does, and so is his confronting Bridget & co. and going about it as he did supposed to be his imitation of Landa? Also in re: to the "Perhaps the captain is immune to my charms" line, I've read up a lot about the history of homosexuality in Nazi Germany/within the SS and I can safely say that Dieter's comment, is NOT something he realistically could get away with saying were they in a different setting (where someone higher up or of equal rank might have overheard... but even then, he's only one rank above Archie's false identity so it's still questionable). There were soldiers/officers investigated/interrogated for less and so I find it an interesting thing for him to say in response to Bridget, while looking at Archie. (And again, the script is strictly the dialogue and no indication of who he's looking at.) So tl;dr i absolutely think he wants to fuck Archie lmfao but can we blame him? And one last thing on the topic, but I've had people point out to me that, yeah, surely Tarantino was just going for a dramatic shoot-out scene and wanted Hugo to be absolutely badass, but the incredibly sexualized slant to what prefaces the shoot-out? On top of the fact that in Nazi Germany, one of the forms of execution for military traitors (so what Hellstrom would be considered if his "behavior" were exposed) was a Genickschuss or being shot at the base of the neck. And how does he end up dying...? (Oh! and in the retail AU, it hasn't come up yet in full, but there's hints there and it will come into play later: I write him as being physically attracted to both Archie and Hugo and of course, being mad as hell about it, rofl.)
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kaekat96 · 7 months
Eclipse Behind the Scenes! #4
Just a small list of Headcannons for this Au that aren't really explained in detail, but still important to the characters. They all have their quirks lol
>Is the one that knits/crochets/sews and will mend any of their clothes or make them something new.
>He is usually the one to help with physical therapy.
>He watches Miraculous LB&CN religiously lol. Not an important detail, but still.
>Each of his brothers has a comfort stuffy he keeps in his stash for them when they need it.
>He started drawing his eyebrows out of spite after a prank when they were all still tots.
>This boy is a brony and none of you can convince me otherwise! Lol
>Blackmailed Donnie to get the medical equipement he couldn't make.
>Has an online rivalry with an unspecified viral chef, and it's hilarious lol
That's it for now! Thanks for reading lol
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lignes2frappe · 2 years
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1. Bruce Lee n’était pas 100% Chinois. Selon les versions, son grand-père maternel était tantôt d’origine allemande, tantôt d’origine anglaise.
2. Dans la Chine des années 50, lorsqu’il était adolescent, ce métissage lui interdisait l’accès à de nombreuses écoles de kung-fu.
3. Bruce Lee est né l’année du dragon, lors du jour du dragon, à l’heure du dragon.
Son surnom ‘Little Dragon’ était donc tout sauf volé.
4. Bruce Lee est né aux États-Unis.
Quatrième enfant d’une famille de cinq, il a vu le jour dans le quartier chinois de San Francisco avant que ses parents ne retournent vivre à Hong-Kong trois mois plus tard.
C’est ainsi que lorsqu’il a émigré aux États-Unis l’année de ses 19 ans, il a pu réclamer la citoyenneté américaine.
5. Si Bruce Lee est son vrai nom à l’état civil, durant son enfance à Hong-Kong, tout le monde l’appelait Lee Jun-Fan, un prénom qui signifie quelque chose comme « le retour de la prospérité ».
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6. Bruce Lee a fait ses débuts au cinéma à l’âge de trois mois.
Sous la houlette de son père, un célèbre chanteur d’opéra cantonais, il s’est mis dès ses 9 ans à enchaîner les tournages au point de cumuler à 18 ans une vingtaine d’apparition sur grand écran.
7. Bruce Lee commence à apprendre les arts martiaux à 13 ans pour se défendre face à ceux qui à l’école et dans les rues le brutalisaient.
8. Adolescent, Bruce Lee s’est entraîné pendant cinq ans avec Ip Man, l’un des plus grands maîtres de wing chun de l’époque.
Son histoire a été adaptée au cinéma dans plusieurs films, dont The Grandmaster de Wong Kar-wai en 2013, et bien évidemment la tétralogie Ip Man dans laquelle Donnie Yen lui prête ses traits.
9. En parallèle de son apprentissage du kung-fu, Bruce Lee a été initié à l’escrime par son grand frère Peter.
10. Très myope, Bruce Lee portait en permanence des lentilles de contact.
Ce handicap explique notamment pourquoi ses techniques de combat se concentreront plus tard sur des mouvements proches du corps, et ce, afin de privilégier le toucher à la vue.
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11. Une fois en mesure de se défendre, il a lui-même admis être devenu « le genre de personne à chercher la bagarre » et a alors rejoint un gang, les Eight Junction Tigers.
12. Non seulement Bruce Lee était dans ses jeunes années amateur de cha-cha, cette danse latine cousine du mambo, mais il a en sus participé à des compétitions.
13. Tandis quel a légende veut que Bruce Lee ait migré en 1959 à San Francisco aux USA après avoir passé à tabac un haut responsable des Triades, il a en réalité été envoyé là-bas par son père pour couper avec ses mauvaises fréquentations et finir ses études.
14. En attendant que sa carrière d’acteur décolle, Bruce Lee a enseigné les arts martiaux à de nombreuses célébrités comme Steve McQueen, James Coburn, Roman Polanski, Sharon Tate ou George Lazenby.
Son tarif ? 250 dollars de l’heure, soit l’équivalent de 1 500 dollars actuels !
15. Bruce Lee s’est fait repérer aux États-Unis par un coiffeur de célébrités.
En 1964, Jay Sebring assiste à une compétition de karaté sur la plage de Long Beach. Impressionné par la démonstration de Lee, il contacte dans la foulée l’un de ses clients, le producteur et acteur William Dozier, pour qu’il lui propose de passer des essais.
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16. Sur les plateaux de tournage, la légende veut que les coups de Bruce Lee étaient tellement rapides que les caméras n’arrivaient pas à les capter. Ses scènes devaient ainsi régulièrement être retournées.
« Les premiers rushs étaient ridicules. On voyait uniquement mes opposants tombés devant moi. Et même en ralentissant mes mouvements, l’image était encore floue. »
17. Sa réputation de vitesse était d’ailleurs telle, qu’en 2012, lorsque le fabricant de téléphone Nokia a diffusé une publicité qui le mettait en scène jouer au ping-pong avec un nunchaku, la séquence est devenue virale alors qu’il s’agissait d’un trucage.
18. Cascadeur sur Opération Dragon en 1973, Jackie Chan a reçu un coup de pied en plein visage de Bruce Lee. Lee s’est alors immédiatement excusé, tandis que Chan a de son propre aveu un peu exagéré sa blessure afin de passer plus de temps avec lui.
19. Chuck Norris lui doit son tout premier rôle au cinéma.
Coordinateur de cascades sur Matt Helm règle son comte (1968), Lee lui a offert de brièvement apparaître dans une scène de combat – attention ça va vite.
20. Bruce Lee a développé son propre art martial, le Jeet Kune Do.
Fort de son expérience sur les tatamis, Bruce Lee en arrive à la conclusion que les arts martiaux traditionnels peuvent parfois manquer d’efficacité dans de vrais combats. À leur trop grande rigidité, il préfère donc se concentrer sur l’efficacité en privilégiant l’adaptation à une situation donnée.
Plus proche d’une philosophie que d’un art martial à proprement parler, Bruce Lee baptise en 1967 cette approche le Jeet Kune Do, « la voie du point qui intercepte ».
« Absorbe ce qui est utile, rejette ce qui ne l’est pas et ajoute ce qui t’est propre »
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21. Longtemps réticent à lui donner un nom afin de ne pas limiter son apprentissage, Bruce Lee finira par abandonner complètement le Jeet Kune Do au motif qu’un bon combattant doit assimiler le meilleur de chacun des styles de combat plutôt que de limiter son approche à un seul d’entre eux.
22. Selon Dana White, le grand patron de l’UFC, Bruce Lee peut légitimement prétendre au titre de père fondateur des arts martiaux mixtes (MMA).
« Il s’entraînait en mélangeant les styles. Il se battait en mélangeant les styles. Il a même écrit que le meilleur des styles, c’était de ne pas en avoir. »
23. Sur le tournage d’Opération Dragon, Bruce Lee en est arrivé à plusieurs reprises aux mains avec des figurants.
Recrutés en partie parmi les gangs de Honk Kong, certains moquaient en effet ouvertement son niveau en arts martiaux. Piqué au vif, Lee a offert aux plus virulents d’en découdre.
Le verdict a été sans appel d’après Robert Clouse, le réalisateur : « Bruce esquivait leurs coups, puis les frappait à deux ou trois reprises. Pas pour les tuer, mais pour les marquer. »
24. À Hong Kong, la série Le Frelon vert a été rebaptisé The Kato Show, du nom du personnage qu’incarne Bruce Lee, quand bien même il ne s’agit pas du premier rôle.
25. Le cinéma Hollywood Boulevard à Paris a projeté sans interruption pendant trois ans dans ses trois salles La Fureur du Dragon, de la première séance à neuf heures le matin jusqu’à la dernière à minuit.
Le film a ainsi réalisé dans ce lieu 700 000 entrées sur ses douze premiers mois d’exploitation !
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26. En 1970, Bruce Lee s’est sévèrement blessé au dos lors d’un exercice de squat réalisé sans échauffement.
L’un des nerfs de sa colonne vertébrale a été touché, ce qui n’a pas été sans conséquence pour la suite de sa carrière. D’une part parce qu’il a ensuite été obligé de faire appel à des doublures, et de l’autre, parce qu’il a dû s’astreindre à prendre régulièrement des antidouleurs.
27. Aussi surprenant que cela puisse paraître venant de l’auteur de la célèbre citation « Soit comme l’eau », Bruce Lee ne savait pas nager.
28. Mais de quoi Bruce Lee est-il vraiment mort le 20 juillet 1973 ? L’autopsie a conclu à un gonflement soudain du cerveau causé par une allergie à un médicament contre le mal de tête.
29. L’une des théories qui a longtemps couru autour de sa mort voulait que Bruce Lee ait succombé des suites d’un « dim mak », un coup mortel dont la technique n’est connue que d’une poignée d’élus et dont les effets se font ressentir a posteriori.
Ce coup lui aurait été porté quelques jours auparavant lors d’un combat contre un maître en arts martiaux. Ce dernier aurait été mandaté, au choix, soit par les triades d’Hong Kong à qui Lee aurait refusé de payer un tribut en échange de sa protection, soit par un concile de maîtres chinois qui souhaitait qu’il cesse de transmettre leur art ancestral aux Occidentaux.
30. Bruce Lee était-il accro aux drogues dures ? En dépit de son physique ultra-athlétique et de sa discipline de vie qui excluait tabac et alcool, une lettre écrite de sa main retrouvée après sa mort laisse fortement penser qu’il prenait régulièrement de la cocaïne.
Il y demande en effet à son ami et dealeur Robert Baker de lui envoyer « de la cocaïne en grande quantité » afin de pouvoir rentrer dans la peau du personnage qu’il interprète.
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31. Décédé six jours avant l’avant-première d’Opération Dragon à Hong Kong, Bruce Lee n’a jamais pu voir ce film dans sa version définitive, alors que ce dernier est largement considéré comme son chef-d’œuvre, mais également comme l’un des tout meilleurs films d’arts martiaux de l’histoire.
32. Tourné avant Opération Dragon/Enter the Dragon (1973), mais sorti en aout 1974 aux États-Unis, La Fureur du Dragon/The Way of the Dragon a été rebaptisé Return of the Dragon afin de suggérer qu’il s’agissait d’une suite.
33. Suite au décès de Bruce Lee, quantité de clones ont fleuri sur les écrans, tous tentant de grossièrement reprendre le flambeau dans des films de karaté à petits budgets – Bruce Li, Bruce Le, Bruce Leung, Bruce Thai, Bruce Lai, Bruce Lo, Dragon Lee…
Le phénomène pris une telle ampleur qu’il a fini par être appelé la « Bruceploitation ».
34. Le fait que Bruce Lee soit mort au beau milieu du tournage du Jeu de la Mort n’a pas empêché le studio Golden Harvest de sortir le film cinq ans plus tard.
Pour ce faire, l’histoire a été en grande partie modifiée afin que le personnage principal simule sa propre mort (des images de l’enterrement de Bruce Lee ont été utilisées), puis modifie son apparence en se faisant refaire le visage afin de justifier qu’il soit ensuite incarné par un autre acteur.
35. Son fils Brandon est lui aussi décédé dans des circonstances plutôt troubles.
Acteur comme son père, il tourne en mars 1993 The Crow d’Alex Proyas, un film fantastique dont il est le héros. L’histoire d’un guitariste assassiné qui ressuscite pour venger sa mort.
Lors d’une scène où son personnage se fait tirer dessus, il a malencontreusement reçu une balle en plein estomac. Transporté en urgence à l’hôpital, Brandon Lee a succombé à ses blessures le lendemain.
Il avait 28 ans.
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36. Bruce Lee a-t-il vraiment prétendu qu’il pouvait battre Mohammed Ali ?
En 2019, à l’occasion de la sortie de Il était une fois à Hollywood, une polémique a éclaté quand Shanon Lee, la fille de Bruce Lee, a accusé Tarantino d’avoir sali la mémoire de son père en le dépeignant comme quelqu’un d’extrêmement arrogant.
Vexé, le réalisateur a ensuite enfoncé clou.
« Bruce Lee était bien du genre arrogant. Aux gens qui disent qu’il n’a jamais dit ‘qu’il pouvait battre Muhammad Ali’, et bien si, il l’a fait. C’est même sa femme Linda Lee qui l’écrit dans la première biographie (Bruce Lee: The Man Only I Knew) que j’ai lue. »
En réalité, le passage de la biographie auquel fait référence Tarantino est une phrase de Linda Lee citant un critique cinéma à propos de Bruce Lee, et non pas une citation directe de l’acteur…
37. Tarantino s’est énormément inspiré de Bruce Lee pour Kill Bill Vol. 1 (2003).
Outre l’ensemble jaune que porte Uma Thurman qui référence évidemment son survêtement et ses sneakers Asics Ontisuka Tigers dans Le Jeu de la mort, on peut entendre une reprise du thème du Frelon vert, tandis que les Crazy 88 portent tous le même masque que Kato.
38. Dans Kill Bill Vol. 2, le maître en arts martiaux Pai Mei reprend l’une des techniques les plus célèbres popularisées par Bruce Lee.
Lorsqu’il enseigne à Beatrix comment briser une planche en bois placée juste devant elle, il s’inspire directement du « one inch punch » de Lee, « le coup de poing sans recul ».
39. Mode toujours, Supreme a produit une collection capsule 100% centrée autour d’Opération Dragon pour sa collection automne/hiver 2013 (t-shirt, planches de skate, Vans Sk8-His…).
40. Entre son allure et ses techniques de combat, Bruce Lee a inspiré de nombreux personnages de jeux vidéo : Liu Kang dans Mortal Kombat, Fei Long dans Street Fighter II ou Law dans Tekken.
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Publié sur Booska-p.com le 20 juillet 2022.
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A lot of you guys seemed to like the Apocalypse AU with 2012 Raph (I know it's an older post that isn't looked at much now but still)...so what if we got a Donnie's perspective in the same AU? 👀
Donnie's tirelessly trying to find the cure to this mutagenic/viral hybrid 👀💅?
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gymdryer1-blog · 4 years
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500 nach Christus anonym verfasstes, chinesisches Gedicht ber pass away Kriegerin Fa Mu-Lan. jumanji the next level cast. In zarter Linienfhrung und Pastellfarben eines asiatischen Zeichenstils, gleich einer Hommage an die knstlerische Tradition Chinas, schafften ber 700 Zeichnerinnen und Zeichner im gelungenen Wechsel von anspruchsvoller Dramatik und entwaffnendem Humor ein einzigartiges, abendfllendes und bildgewaltiges Spektakel ber Einfallsreichtum, Standfestigkeit, Mut und Selbstdisziplin einer- und tlpelhaftes und hirnloses Macho- und Muskelgehabe andererseits, neben vielen anderen, mit: MULAN, eine Heldin und nicht die bis dato bliche Disneyprinzessin, nicht einzig und allein auf pass away Erfllung ihrer romantischen Liebestrume ausgerichtet, sondern nach der Suche nach sich selbst und einer neuen sozialen Akzeptanz in Verweigerung der traditionellen Gesellschaftsordnung.
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Mulan - 2020
Erlauben bereits Gesagtes und berragende Sprecher (im Englischen sowie im Deutschen) das Prdikat "wertvoll", so wird das mitreiende und so wunderschn gezeichnete Abenteuer durch den exzellent dramatischen Rckhalt einer gefhlvollen und mitreienden Musik mit Ihren schneidigen Songs unter der Regie des brillanten Jerry Goldsmith zu "besonders wertvoll". einfach genial ... ein spannendes, poetisches, humorvolles und nie anklagendes Meisterwerk; ein visueller und audieller Leckerbissen fr Gro und Nicht-zu-kleinnb: Schon hier sei gesagt, dass, schon wieder:--LRB-, der, in vielen Details nicht fortgesetzte Teil 2 leider, leider weit hinter meinen Hoffnungen und Erwartungen zurckliegt und sich fr mich in keiner Weise mit Teil 1 messen kann; eine herbe Enttuschung!+++ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mulan_(2020_film) und ihre, so wunderbaren, englischen und deutschen Sprecher: * Mulan: Ming-Na Wen, Cosma Shiva Hagen * Mulan (Gesang): Lea Salonga, Caroline Vasicek * Mushu: Eddie Murphy, Otto Waalkes * Shang: B - jumanji the next level review.
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Artistin "Miss Sabrina" aus Bukarest will von ihrem Trapezring in rund fnf Metern Hhe unter der kleinen Manege genauso wenig abstrzen, wie der Zirkus Mulan insgesamt, dem aber nach eigener Darstellung dieses Schicksal droht. Zumindest wenn das Gastspiel in Amberg wieder zu wenige Zuschauer anlockt, wie das zuletzt in Weiden passiert ist.
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Deshalb konnte er laut Kllner auch nicht in die Winterpause gehen, sondern sei gezwungen, mit einem insgesamt elftgigen Gastspiel in Amberg (bis Sonntag, 29. Januar, tglich um 16 Uhr, auer am letzten Sonntag Vorstellung bereits um 14 Uhr) sein Glck erneut zu versuchen. Klappt das wieder nicht, stellt sich fr "Mulan" nach Auskunft der Inhaberin die Existenzfrage (jumanji: the next level).
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missandrogyny · 5 years
what about h/l from the models au? because I feel like out of all your harrys and louis’ they were like the Fun Couple lol and also h/l from the fake engagement au? I love they’re domestic bffs dynamic
after the last part, h/l from the models au don’t do any more photoshoots together 😂they explicitly state they don’t want to, because the brands start approaching them (due to how viral they’ve become) asking to promote their brands and like. they don’t want to commodify their relationship like that. so adidas and calvin klein are the only ones who have the privilege of having a harry and louis photoshoot. and i don’t know if they’re the “fun couple” per se out of all my h/l’s (because i havent really sat down and thought of that extensively) but they definitely have fun. i have this recurring mental image of them leaving the same party separately and tabloids are always like “they broke up?????” when in reality they both drive like three blocks down and end up in the same car anyway and they always giggle and laugh about it because fucking with the paps in industry parties is always so funny. also driver roll up the partition, please is a thing that happens with them quite a bit 👀
they never post each other on social media but sometimes paps will get harry walking around with an adidas hoodie that’s just a bit too small for him. louis walks around wearing the lavender sweater so much (like when he’s doing errands, like grabbing groceries or something) and it’s so frayed and ugly at this point and the people are always like “LOUIS TOMLINSON HAS NO SENSE OF STYLE!” but like louis doesn’t care.
they never attend events together but they watch a bunch of concerts together and there are always photos of them like cuddling while watching a concert, louis’ back pressed against harry’s front, harry’s face buried into louis’ neck. louis makes it a point to buy terrible children’s toothbrush after terrible children’s toothbrush–from mickey mouse to like winnie the pooh to like frozen themed ones
and…yeah. i think like, their proposal is something that comes a little bit out of left field, simply because it wasnt planned. one day the lavender jumper is just so holey and terrible and louis is all sad about it and complaining and harry just looks at this boy, looks around at their house–because it’s as much louis’ as it is harry’s now, louis’ presence ringing loud and true in every corner, every crevice–and he just says ‘marry me.’
they have their wedding somewhere nice and warm (marbella maybe? where did harry attend that wedding where he was chasing a kid around, that’s the place i always imagine)
wow that was long and now we go to h/l from fake engagement au! (rip im sorry)
first thing that comes to mind is that they go back to the same store they tried the cakes 😂they have to, louis wants more free cake! and now they’re actually getting married so harry doesn’t get scared of committing a crime or whatever.
they’re best friends first and foremost, so nothing really changes about their relationship–louis is still terrible at domestic things and harry still ends up picking up after him, cooking for him, etc. louis does try, though, and he surprises harry one evening with a very nice pasta dish he’d learned off those 1 minute tasty videos that circulate on instagram.
louis is harry’s favorite subject to photograph, so they go on park dates a lot and harry takes photos of louis lying on the ground, smelling the flowers, some unflattering ones of louis eating with his mouth wide open (which he posts on social media because he thinks it’s hilarious and louis gets so mad at him for). they adopt a dog? and play fetch with him in the park, i guess. idk why that’s important but they have a huge ass golden retriever. i dont make the rules, my brain does.
they also go up to visit jay and the girls in donny, go up to visit gemma and brad a lot (and meet harry’s nephew!!! because gemma gets pregnant and has a baby boy and harry is fucking in love and has terrible baby fever so he always wants to go and see him) (he doesn’t know how to take care of babies though, it’s louis who has to teach him okay haz hold here, support the head, hahahaha he just spit on you i think that means he likes you)
they argue a lot, planning their wedding. like to the point that some days louis doesn’t want to speak to him. but like, they’re best friends so it’s kind of hard to stay away from each other (you know when you fight with your boyfriend, and the first thing you do is rant to your best friend? so it’s kind of hard for louis and harry to stay away from each other seeing as in this au they are both so at the end of the day, either louis and harry curl up around the other, presses a kiss on the back of their head and murmurs ‘i’m sorry’ and it’s. it’ll be okay.) they send invites to kanye and kim and rihanna, and drake, and celine dion and whoever the fuck they can think of and they get no reply, obviously but it’s hilarious to them anyway
their wedding is. an absolute mess. like the event is wonderful and simple and tiny, but it’s a mess because harry and louis here are both. messes. they cant stop smearing cake on each other, decide that it’d be fun to mess with the event coordinator and argue with her about how the program is supposed to be like (the event coordinator they hired is fucking ace though, doesn’t get frazzled which is partly the reason why louis is like hey let’s see how far we can go). their first dance is to an acoustic version of work (which the event coordinator revolted against but louis wouldn’t fucking budge). their second dance though, is to ed sheeran’s photograph–here, harry holds louis under the fairy lights, watches them sparkle in his eyes; here, it’s only harry and louis and no one else in their bubble. here, harry kisses louis, slow and content and happy, because he doesn’t know what bureaucratic error it was up there that made him this fucking happy, but. he’d ended up married to his best friend. he made it.
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kamarmenulis · 5 years
Apa kabar Audrey dan para teman yang merundungnya?
Minggu lalu, perasaan banyak orang dibuat tersayat perih oleh kasus bullying atau perundungan yang menimpa siswi smp di Pontianak, Audrey (AU). Dari kabar yang beredar, kondisi AU kala itu sangat memprihatinkan karena dibully secara fisik dan psikis hingga ia harus menjalankan perawatan di rumah sakit setempat. Menjadi sorotan masyarakat terutama warga net dari segala penjuru dunia, hingga di media sosial ramai dengan tagar #justicesforaudrey.
Membela AU dan memusuhi para pelaku yang merupakan pelajar SMA. Masyarakat kesal dengan tingkah pelaku, bahkan tak sedikit yang meminta agar pelaku diberikan sanksi yang setimpal. Di-bully juga gitu? Nampaknya sanksi sosial dari segala penjuru juga sudah berat untuk mereka.
Lalu bagaimana nasib mereka sekarang?
Hanya tiga hari lamanya pemberitaan soal Audrey ramai disiarkan. Setelah itu? Ya, nampaknya kasus ini menambah daftar baru persoalan hukum di Indonesia yang tidak selesai. Remaja putri berusia 14 tahun itu sempat menjalani visum dan hasilnya mengatakan bahwa tidak ada bekas pukul atau tekanan di bagian alat vital. Secara tersirat mengatakan kalau pihak AU dan keluarga telah berbohong.
Namun di sisi lain disiarkan bahwa ketiga pelaku dijerat ancaman 3,5 tahun penjara. Seperti melansir dari detik.com (10/4/2019), Kabid Humas Polda Kalimantan Barat Kombes Donny Charles Go mengatakan ketiganya dijerat dengan Pasal 76C juncto Pasal 80 ayat 1 UU Nomor 35 Tahun 2014 tentang Perlindungan Anak. Saat itu juga dikatakan bahwa proses hukum terus berlanjut. Benar kah?
"Proses masih berjalan. Kita berusaha melengkapi semuanya biar perkara ini bisa cepat," kata Kombes Donny.
Bukan hanya soal laki-laki, jadi ini masalah di antara mereka?
Awalnya dikabarkan pertikaian terjadi karena masalah percintaan. Namun setelah pemberitaan mereka viral di mana-mana, para pelaku yang berinisial L, TPP dan NNA mengatakan bahwa semuanya berawal karena sikap AU. Salah satu di antara mereka mengatakan AU sudah berkata tidak pantas mengenai orang tua mereka. Tidak terima, lantas mereka melakukan pembullyan itu. Bahkan katanya juga tidak ada kekerasan seperti yang sudah ramai diberitakan sebelumnya. Gimana, makin bingung kan?
Sungguh disayangkan kalau kasus ini tak diselesaikan. Bukan yang pertama kali masalah bullying ini terjadi. Bukannya mengharapkan, tapi khawatir akan ada bullying-bullying selanjutnya. Apalagi kalau mereka menganggap bukan lah hal yang berat karena hukumnya tidak diproses secara tuntas.
Belajar dari kasus ini tentu menjadi pr bagi banyak pihak. Bukan hanya aparat hukum yang harus menuntaskan prosesnya, terpenting adalah para orang tua dan calon orang tua yang harus mendidik anak-anaknya dengan baik, jangan sampai ada lagi bullying-bullying selanjutnya. Guru juga bertugas mendidik memang, namun alangkah baiknya para orang tua tidak menyerahkan sepenuhnya pada pihak sekolah mengenai pendidikan buah hatinya, pendidikan moral lebih tepatnya.
Perasaan sedih, kesal, bingung dan khawatir campur aduk jadi satu. Tidak membela pihak mana pun, hanya berharap semuanya dapat diselesaikan dengan proses hukum yang seadil-adilnya.
Hai Audrey dan teman-teman, bicara soal cinta memang indah dan membahagiakan. So, jangan lupa saling mencintai :))
Jakarta, 16 April 2019
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nardos-primetime · 2 months
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One more doodle of him that I'll never finish.
>Someone said he looks like he's eyeing his next meal.
>Authorities have yet to confirm this rumor.
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nardos-primetime · 2 months
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"Father, your honor, may I explain?
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My brain has claimed its glory over me."
My son. He's still sick.
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nardos-primetime · 2 months
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My favorite son
(>He is contagious.)
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nardos-primetime · 22 days
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"Do we use stitches or glue?
What is going to see me through?"
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nardos-primetime · 3 months
I got the Donnie 'tism and the Leo 'DHD.
Asks are always open (I love asks they're so silly)
Requests are currently closed. (Just be aware I might not always finish them </3)
Call me Rain/Rainy, LED, Leon/Leo/Nardo or Don/Donnie/Tello.
I go by He/Him/His/Himself and Zo/Zom/Zombs/Zombself.
I may or may not be a kinnie of both Leonardo and Donatello. (Mainly Leo though.)
Mainly makes horror and angst aus, but I happily dabble in sillier things as well, there's some lighter things even within my dark aus normally.
(These can contain GORE AND INJURY (MENTAL AND PHYSICAL), PLEASE be warned and take care of yourself first and foremost!)
I normally don't do a ton of romance with the turtles unless it's for lore reasons within a story or something (other than leosagi, possibly donsagi and jasonnie). I do ship some of the adults on occasion for fun Mainly Barsonjitsu? (I Think thats the name I forgot) I absolutely don't do nsfw with the turtles. I might make something like a dick/sex joke here and there or a reference to sex within a story but nothing greater than that.
Feel free to message/ask me about shit, I need to get better with being social and love hearing shit about things I like/make! Just don't be a weirdo, y'know?
(Aka tc*st dni)
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#nardo's primetime.txt - Thoughts and Rambles mostly
#nardo's asks.txt - asks answered
#Writings - More concise rambles. Like minifics or mini fic ideas of some kind. Or story stuff in general. Normally not full works.
#practice makes perfect! - Specifically my adventures practicing drawing turtles
#writers wips - Clips and stuff from my fics what aren't done or whatever
#rottmnt fanart - most of my art is under this :]
#not turtles - other fandom stuff (mainly Gregory Horror Show rn)
#Scary Turtles - Physicalogical or Direct horror
Au Tags: (I don't have them all here but maybe one day I'll make a masterpost)
#Natural Disasters AU - WIP WIP WIP the turtles are all natural disasters/elements and such
#League of Single Fathers AU - Leo is raised by Hypno, Mikey is raised by Meatsweats, Raph is raised by Ghostbear, and Donnie is raised by Repo Mantis. Shit happens.
#Villain Mikey AU/#Broke a Million Dollar Box AU - Wow this bitch has FAMILY ISSUES surely he deals with it in a HEALTHY WAY and does NOT kill people and go crazy!
#Villain Donnie AU/#Viral Donnie AU - Local boy causes apocalypse and then runs the apocalypse more at 10
#Four More Villains AU - Tied in w Villain Mikey & Villain Donnie, shared with @midwesternvibes
#Identical Identities AU - Who am I Anymore?
#Nonsense Apocalypse AU - A Rise au focusing on a robot turtle and zombie turtle trying to find their brothers in a weird apocalypse, and vice-versa.
#Draxum's Side of The Family AU - AU that focuses on Clones of the turtles that have a lot of problems. Don't worry, the original turtles have more problems too! Equal opportunity angst! [Semi hiatus]
#Teenage Mutant Magical Boys AU - Local mutants are used to save the world and are idols on the side. Aware that they're related. All struggling soso hard.
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nardos-primetime · 2 months
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>Your mind is your best friend. It cannot be swayed. It cannot lie. It cannot be shaped by outside influences. Your mind is there to help you.
>You should stop questioning it.
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nardos-primetime · 2 months
what's the most fucked up thing/AU/whatever you made? I wanna desensitize myself to your work before diving in.
Starting out with saying I wouldn't condone any of the bad shit within my stories, often times these are just what ifs I find interesting to look into. I wouldn't look at an actual murderer irl and go "Awesome" but I'll joke around with my villain Mikey like "He hasn't done a thing wrong heart emoji" when he has actively killed and enjoyed the murder of multiple people.
A lot of my aus are more toned down from my regular more personal works, solely because I can't help but go a bit easier on the turtles since they are a comfort for me and I wouldn't find my more personal topics appropriate for the turtles.
Overall, I'd say body horror, disease, self harm, suicide, murder, and mental/physical abuse/child abuse/neglect is something to look out for in a lot of my works, along with gore and injury in general. I also have a tendency to write cannibalism (an interesting motif to me, I would not condone it irl, obviously) and/or autocannibalism (to cope with personal issues I am not comfortable elaborating on, it's some Mental health stuff.) Overall I like putting the turtles through it, lmao.
(Forgot to add animal abuse/death)
I will never directly delve into the topic of sex within my works (as in you'll never see me write any of them doing such acts), but I have a handful of somewhat older Leo's who specifically deal with unhealthy romance, one of these is within my magical boys au where all four experience some level of inappropriateness due to their fame, not once is this a good thing, and this is meant to be a bad thing within the story. The other has a Leo who dates around a lot but always falls short due to his anxieties and commitment issues. He never goes through with it, though he likes to joke about more sexual topics. (He's crude.)
The magical boys au, priorly mentioned, contains underage drinking and smoking, mental health issues, self-harm, and the boys being mistreated and abused within their own workplace, one way or another.
One of my oneshots currently has a younger child get murdered in it, though I've deliberately made the death surrounding it not as detailed, as even if younger children die in my stories it makes me uncomfortable to focus on it the same I would other characters, unless it's an injury a child survives, then it's a 50/50. This is a situation that is conflicting for the main character, but is done out of survival's sake. (In his eyes.)
Viral.Donnie has evolved into a character that focuses on addiction later on, and I do tend to give the turtles addictions depending on the story.
Million Dollar Box/Villain Mikey has hallucinations, vivid, probably not 100% accurate, but these are not his real brothers. Story wise, they are a way to delve into his mental state and look at his conflicting feelings about his family.
Villain Raph is less developed, but he actively is mentally (and physically) abusive to his brothers in his own way.
A lot of the time, my writing style mixes with the thoughts and personality of the main focus, and a lot of these times, the characters are not rational nor moral. Untrustworthy narrators are fun.
You will see I don't like actively splitting up the turtles entirely very much. Normally, I'd be able to do it easily, but I have a soft spot for them. Hell, Viral Donnie, Villain Raph, and Million Dollar Box Mikey's follow-up story gives them a family after losing theirs. Most of the time, if one turtle falls, I take the others, or at least one others with them. For fun.
I try to not go for just shock value, even if I like describing the horrors I like having a reasoning, whether it be some insane deeper meaning I made up, it fitting a character/their personality, or just being interesting for me. I do my best to tag all potentially triggering topics within my works, but I may slip up at times. Apologies for that.
Horror is my main fixation overall outside of TMNT, and I like various types of it. The Nonsense Apocalypse AU is supposed to be a mixture of slice of life and horror, resulting in a world that just doesn't make sense, with some more... serious aspects on top.
I hope this helps, I kinda went on a ramble, but I didn't want too much confusion since most of my actual aus aren't fully out yet in any way.
Hope it helps again, Anon.
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