#viravos is real
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asweetprologue · 1 year
i know probably nobody following me is even relatively in this fandom but I just finished s5 of the dragon prince and I gotta tell you. the canonical lovechild of the gay-coded villains was not something I saw coming
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clown-fession · 1 year
Sparklepuff being the canonical Viravos baby caught me so off guard
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sarasade · 1 year
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daydreaming about making a proper multipage Viravos fan comic some day.
I've inked several pages of this story already -Though I don't know if "story" is the right word for it since it's mostly PWP with some of my fave Viren/Aaravos character dynamics shoved in, including their first time (in a flashback)
I'll post it as I finish the pages. I've inked like 6 pages already (these are the pages 1-2 I think) I still find Tumblr's guidelines for sexual content really confusing so I'll probably just post a link or something
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timetravellingkitty · 4 months
happy pride month to viravos too
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S3 + S6 Poster Framing Comparison 1
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bycaprinae · 10 months
I love how every viravos shipper I crossed paths with is also attached to virrow like they're both canon 🫡
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kradogsrats · 1 year
okay I can't take it anymore I gotta ask
WHY is no one out there taking Aaravos's ability to possess dark mages and applying it for horny viravos purposes
/cries in "aaravos is bored and unsatisfied by viren's top game and decides to show him how it's done by possessing him and fucking himself properly"
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reel-fear · 2 years
Honestly the most fucked up thing Aaravos has done is send that little bug pal to Viren this already divorced, tired, truamatized old man now has Another child he can ruin with his parenting smh it's an elf too this cannot end well.
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luniviravosshipper · 2 months
I swore we weren’t going to get any Viravos moments in this season, but oh my gosh not only did they have Aaravos say this
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They gave us Aaravos and Viren father and daughter relationship parallels??
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The most ironic thing is that he says all of this literally right after he attempts to kill the guy ???
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I mean, I don’t even have the words to explain how I feel about all of this.
Aaravos is just, like, so nonchalant about this guy dying or if he needs to revive him over and over again. He’s just so indifferent towards his physical and mental state. He messes with him like he's some sort of toy he can dismantle and put back together if he so chooses.
And Viren just casually yelling at Aaravos’s ghost (was that supposed to be foreshadowing how they accidentally left the real pearl at Katolis?) like a lunatic while he was locked up
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Like, just to summarize, 'cause this is all just so crazy and surreal. It's revealed that Aaravos, in spite of how awful he has treated Viren and how little Viren has shown interest in Aaravos's minimal efforts in protecting his life, kind of has a soft spot for Viren because he too, like Viren, had a daughter who he ultimately sacrificed for his own selfish reasons that he tried to fabricate as an act out of love.
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(And yes, I know. What happened to him was bad and all and he wasn’t really to blame. But still. Couldn’t he have at least died with her? And besides, his motivations clearly aren’t really centered around his grief for her loss anymore.)
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(Sorry, I couldn't get the age rating pop-up to go away in these photos.)
Honestly, these two losers really are meant for each other.
Edit: I don’t really believe Aaravos did much wrong anymore when it came to dealing with the sacrifice of his daughter, actually. Like, at all. But I still think there’s some obvious parallels between how they both handled their daughter’s suffering.
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ok so like is viren dead for real this time or…?
either way, one thing hasn’t changed.
i still ship viravos
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whazzyo · 1 month
A lapse in faith (and judgement)
“But there is nothing here- no feeling, nothing evoked.  Why am I-“
“Because you do not believe in the Gods, Viren.”
“I’ve had just about enough of you and your whispers!  I have been faithful my entire life!”
“But not to them.”
“…yes… yes I-“
“You did not find your faith with the church, Viren. Your religion was him.”
His words were soft as a prayer and yet they still resonated in viren, ricocheting around the hollowness inside him.  He shook.  Deep within his soul, he knew that this was right.  It was almost a relief.  He was almost able to breathe knowing the truth of his faith now.  But nearly just as quickly that relief faded into a new, fresh, terror.  
“If… if he was…”
He looks almost desperately around, seeing nothing but the shadows in his peripheral as always.  His voice shakes
“He is gone.”
Both the silence and his dread grow louder.  Harrow was gone.  And with nothing anchoring him to the ground he was in free fall, aimlessly spinning unable to grab hold of anything.  He was lost without him.
“I have nothing left to believe in.”
He had so much belief, so much hope, and no where for it to go.  Nothing to hope for, nothing to believe in, nothing to-
“Yes, you do.”
Silence, once again.  Even though his fear, he felt a small twinge of confusion.  Aaravos did not speak, letting that confusion linger, trying to inspire understanding.  Because Viren did have someone.  Someone intelligent, someone powerful, someone who desired change.  His breath caught.  
Aaravos was real on some level, this he knew.  But there was a difference between knowledge and faith.  Viren doubted him in his motives, his wants, his sincerity.  He had asked for proof, asked for assurance and never received.  Faith was belief without proof, and Viren was nothing if not a skeptic.  But now, as he was free falling away from everything he knew, there was something to grab on to.  Something to hope in.  Someone to keep close.  He only had to reach for it.
His eyes were open bur for the first time he saw, truly saw, who was in front of him.  Tall, lithe, and speckled with stars.  Aaravos smiled.
Wrote this a while ago for a demon/priest viravos au I’ve been working on. Unfortunately you sometimes you have to kill your darlings, and this doesn’t fit in the story anymore. I still really like how this came out though, and I wanted to share! Context: Viren is a priest whose faith has been wavering since the death of his boyfriend and leader of his sect, Harrow. Aaravos, a demon, is getting him through it in the least healthy way possible (becoming his new god).
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zombielovescore · 1 year
Okay, but if Viren dies for real I'm going to be really upset. I love my emotionally stunted old man. And I desperately need more Viravos.
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sarasade · 7 months
I'll be post the rest of the Viravos comic on Cohost. I'll let you know when I get that done. The story is getting kind of weird so I need to add some content warnings.
Sorry everyone who thought it was going to be sugary sweet and cute! This keeps happening to me where people assume that my art is cute and then it goes to a really fucked up direction and everyone gets confused. The same thing has happened with my original comics. I just can't and won't motivate myself to draw something that's just all cute or all dark. I've tried it and it wasn't for me. Real life is full of confusing and conflicting desires I want to portray in my art (yes even in my silly Viravos yaoi). It's not the best marketing strategy but also I don't believe in "artist branding" at least not for every artist.
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m4rs-ex3 · 2 months
I just got back from camp and im gonna start s6 tomorrow but I haven't watched s5 since it came out can you give me a quick recap of the last few episodes? ty
OH HO HO HOHHO HO OHO HHOHO O !! i can do that yes
so yk first part of the season:
callum and rayla go to the great bookery in lux aurea for Information, and while there, zubeia gets bitten by a banther corrupted by evil rabies
viren has his own dark magic coma and clauderry are making their way to aaravos' prison
the dragang meets up after ez recieves the location of the prison from the archdragon of the ocean, domina profundis, and they elect to go after the prison (though callum would much rather go to the starscraper and get the novablade [they recap that whole thing for you in s6 dw]), and they do end up getting the location
zubeia's out of commission, so they have to catch a ride, which they end up catching with villads and nyx who is also here. but before that ezran embarks on a sidequest to rescue baby glowtoads from a bitchass pirate/local dictator named finnegrin; finnegrin is not happy about this
the latter part:
after failing to escape from finnegrin, the dragang gets captured. callum is singled out because finnegrin needs to know about a spell (he wants to kill domina profundis they have beef it's a whole thing) and beats the crap out of callum because he refuses, because it's a dark magic spell and he's not a dark mage except for that one time. rayla tries to rebel and so finnegrin magically tortures her, and callum accordingly clocks him square in the face (this is very important to me personally). ol finny's extra pissed now, and seeing how obsessed callum is with rayla he decides to fucking kill rayla about it. so before rayla can get fed to a sea monster, callum does dark magic again so that he can escape and save her. but he also unlocks the ocean arcanum so there's that! they have succeeded but callum is still being emo abt the whole thing
karim, who was exiled for treason, his formerly-possessed-by-aaravos buddy, and the ancient cunty leader of a vampire cult (who is in to repay this magical debt she has to the sunfire roayl family) kidnap janai because they want this magical sun seed that can heal sol regem's eyes bc they want that mf on their side. amaya unleashes her lesbian rage and everything is great EXCEPT that one of janai's generals betrayed her and stole the sun seed and brought it and her army to karim.
claudia and terry have made it to the sea of castout, the location on the prison, at the same time that the dragang does. claudia, callum, ez, and rayla all have it out as the bottom of the ocean which ends with rayla cutting of claudia's leg and them getting the prison---which turns out to be a giant magic pearl.
meanwhile, aaravos informs viren that the homunculus is their child. mpreg old man yaoi viravos is real. anyways the spell they need to save viren requires the blood of his child, so viren has to murder sir sparklepuff. viren decides to have some character development and refuses, swearing to never use dark magic again, even though he'll die.
ps: aaravos graciously informs the audience that the disappearance of sunfire queen aditi, was because he swallowed her. he swallowed her. he did that. anyway
i did not listen to the "quick" part of "quick recap" but i aim to overcompensate.
pps: coming back from camp? you're in for a fun surprise
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cosmicpoutine · 3 months
finished season 5
well I certainly haven't seen this type of mpreg anywhere before but okay then
Terry bf of the century fr
I'm still holding out hope that maybe Claudia might get a redemption arc but I mean I'd be fine with it even if she doesn't sometimes characters are even more interesting BECAUSE they don't get a redemption arc, I'm probably still gonna search for fix it fics tho
also do you recommend reading all of the graphic novels, I'm gonna read bloodmoon huntress anyway but puzzle house also seems interesting
viravos is real and they have a child.
i actually dislike terry but it's not time or place for me to complain about him rn lmao
i hope claudia DOES NOT get a redemption arc, i rly hope she goes off the deep end and go apeshit crazy, it would be the only realistic thing for her character
i haven't read puzzle house yet, but literally just yesterday i was contemplating buying it (you can probably pirate it, but i collect tdp so i like to). the tdp team also post some stories on their website which is always fun to read and it can go a bit deeper into the characters since text gives a lot more freedom to explore their minds
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