aristochatnoir · 2 years
I really like the recent interactions between these two I’ve seen on Tumblr. Decided to doodle them!
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fe-fictions · 3 years
I can absolutely request more Virion uploads! Thanks for the stories.
(So anyways Robin gets kidnapped in this one)
Cherche didn’t know what to think when she heard a guttural scream from Virion’s office. She grabbed the closest axe off decorative armor and sprinted. Was he poisoned? Hurt?
She rushed the doors and searched for the cobalt noble. While she didn’t expect to find him sound, she definitely didn’t expect to see him collapsed on the floor, hyperventilating.
“What's happened?!” She hurried to him. Virion could only stare at her, tears in his eyes. A piece of paper crumpled in his hand, which she tried to pry away. “What is this? What does it say?”
“I-it’s a letter.” Virion choked out, brow furrowing. “Someone has kidnapped my Robin.”
“What?!” Cherche read the terribly written words, feeling her own fingers tremble in disgust.
‘We have your wife. Leave Rosanne by sundown tomorrow, or we kill her.’
“I… I must resign immediately.” He said shakily, struggling to stand. He was so out of sorts, it set even the practiced knight on edge. “I-I cannot let them to hurt my wife-”
“-Milord, you must calm down. You can’t do anything hasty because of a threat.” She told him as evenly as possible. Virion looked at her with such hopelessness, it made her heart break. “We’ll...we'll find her before they harm her-”
“-There’s no way of knowing where she is. W-we won’t find her in time. Her captors could be anywhere in Valm! W-what if they’ve taken her across the sea? I-I have no choice. I have to protect her!”
“You’re not thinking through this clearly.” She tried to reason, “We can find clues! All we have to do is look for prints on the paper, and identify it with the public records. We can do this-”
“There isn’t enough time!!" He repeated hoarsely, hands slamming onto his desk.
He stared longingly at his bow, as if he could go out and shoot down whoever dare lay their paws on his wife.
“She is not alone in this kidnapping, Cherche. Morgan...his life is in danger, as well. I refuse to jeopardize the lives of my entire family on the whim that we might find the perpetrators!”
Cherche pursed her lips.
That was true; it had only been a few weeks ago you discovered your pregnancy.
Slowly, she approached her steward, placing a hand on his shoulder.
“But we still have an entire day and a half to find them. If we can’t, then I’ll stand by your decision to resign. But we shouldn’t comply yet...not until we’ve tried.”
“What if they don’t keep their word?” He asked quietly, looking at her.
“Their target isn’t Robin, it’s you. I don’t think they’re willing to kill to oust you. If they’re trying to get you out of your position, it’s likely they’re villagers.”
“I’ve no sympathy for anyone who endangers mon famille.” He replied, the hair falling over his eyes. “If you believe we can find them, then...I will try. I only wish for Robin to be safe, again.”
“She will be.” Cherche promised, squeezing his hand before taking the letter up again. “Now then, let’s begin our search. We haven’t a moment to lose!”
You were scared out of your wits.
There was no knife hidden in your boot, no tome you could possibly use to cast a spell and free your bonds.
No, you were helpless in your dress, hands bound behind the rickety chair you sat in, leaving you perfectly vulnerable.
Your captors didn’t seem to notice you. One stood guard in front of you, the others conversing towards the mouth of the strange cavern you were situated in.
If you looked close enough, you could see the outskirts of Rosanne. It was still beautiful outside, the moon hanging high in the sky.
The death knell seemed to get closer. You weren’t sure how to feel about being stuck in a cave for hours with strange men who threatened to kill you if Virion didn’t give up his power in twelve or so hours.
All you could do was glare at them and try and intimidate them, which wasn't working.
“He’s not going to let you get away with this.” You hissed at the man guarding you, trying to shift in your uncomfortable seat. “Whoever told you kidnapping the lord’s wife was a good idea must’ve had a screw loose. He’ll not think twice about executing all of you!”
That was a lie, and you knew it. The guard shifted, apparently uncomfortable with the threat you made.
“All this, because you thought kidnapping me was going to make him do what you want? At the very least you should’ve challenged him to a duel, or something dignified!”
“Will you shut her up, already?” One of the men snapped, glaring at you in the dark. “I don’t need to hear this.”
“I’m not lying; the second he finds out where I am, gods help us all. You may as well throw yourselves off the cliff while you still can.”
“If all that were true, I’m sure we would.” The third man spoke up, standing and stretching from his seat. “But that bastard is a coward. A coward to end all cowards! He left families behind to save his own sorry skin! He thinks he can make it better with loose change and empty promises?”
“He tried to save as many people as he could!” You argued, “It’s not like he wanted to abandon his people! He would’ve died protecting them, if he could’ve.”
“You say that,” The man walked towards you, “Yet there are women and children whose graves are all over Rosanne. People are forced to live with burns and wounds for the rest of their lives because of your damnable husband’s cowardice!”
“Virion is not a coward!” You snapped at him, “I know he’s brave, because the second he finds you lot you’re gonna have an arrow through your guts.”
His eyes were sharp with violent rage. He slammed his hand into the chair so hard, a chunk of wood flew from his fingers. You feared for the baby inside you.
“We’ll see how true that is by sundown. When you’re wrong, I’ll take great joy in destroying his family, just like he did, mine!!” The man practically shouted.
Your eyes widened. This wasn’t an unhappy villager. This was a man out for stone-cold revenge.
So imagine your relief when you heard the familiar whizz of an arrow flying through the air, killing two men back to back.
The avenger swiveled at the pained cries of his allies, only to see a wyvern-riding woman with a huge axe in hand.
And who should be sitting behind her but your husband.
You’d never seen such bloodlust in his eyes, before.
“Sundown? Why wait?” Virion glowered, and your heart near leapt out of your chest when you heard how deadly his venomous tone had become. He dismounted the beast, bow aimed straight at your captor with an arrow ready to fly.
“Virion!” You hadn’t meant to sound so desperate, but he was a welcome sight for sure.
His gaze immediately flicked to you.
“Are you all right, mon amour?” He asked as he approached, midway through the cavern. When you nodded, his ferocity returned full force. “You’ve a lot of nerve to steal my wife, sir. Who are you to kidnap innocent women?”
“The same man whose family was murdered because of your cowardice!” The man roared. You couldn't focus on it, when his hand came around your chest and dragged you up behind him, chair and all. “Don't you dare make a move! All it takes is a flick of the wrist, and her neck’s snapped like a twig.”
You could see the fear immediately overtake Virion’s rage, flickering when the threat reverberated in the air.
His lips drew into a thin line, curling down in disgust. The arrow didn’t waver.
“Don’t do this.” Virion said lowly, “I am sorry that your family was lost. I would do anything if it would bring them back. But this is not the way to gain retribution for your family. This is not the answer! Do you truly believe taking my family will ease your pain?”
“What do you know?!” He snapped, arm up on your throat. As if the situation wasn’t scary enough, you now had a blocked windpipe.
Your eyes locked with Virion’s. Cherche stood behind him, ready to hack the man to pieces.
“You’ve never lost a loved one before!! You don’t know what it feels like! And then to have the man behind the murder come back into power?! To see you running the place without a care in the world?!”
“I have devoted my life to Rosanne. I will never treat my people as if they are nothing to me. But I cannot prove that to you if you insist on this madness!! Release her, now, or suffer the consequences!”
“I’ll do no such thing. But I’ll happily snap her neck if you even think of coming closer. Now drop your weapon and renounce your leadership, or she dies!!”
Virion sighed, looking disappointed in the man’s decision. All you could see were black spots in your eyes.
You could feel your consciousness fading.
Virion frowned, "I had hoped you would make a better decision."
Your captor didn't have a second to react. An arrow shot through his shoulder.
The man howled in pain, staggering backwards. He clutched his injured hand, blood spilling from the wound and staining your dress. Another arrow flew through the air, silencing his pained cries.
“I can only hope you’ll forgive me for this decision, sir.”
You had never been happier to hack and cough so hard in your life. Sucking in a sharp breath, you doubled over, trying to bring your consciousness back around.
Virion raced up to you, your husband kneeling in front of you and quickly cutting away the ropes around your wrists.
Cherche took care of the body behind you, muttering something about “vengeful scum” before heaving the body out of the cavern.
You didn’t notice it, more focused on the pair of hands ghosting over every inch of your skin.
Virion was murmuring all sorts of things in rapid French you couldn't pick up.
You caught one of his hands, bringing his attention to your face and forcing him to stop.
“Virion, slow down, please... I can't understand you.”
He froze only for a moment, staring up at you before leaning forward and pressing a hard kiss to your lips.
Your surprise was muffled against his lips. If it had been any other situation, you would have easily melted into the kiss.
But considering you were aching and previously attached to a chair, you were a little overwhelmed.
“Forgive me, mon ange. I was so worried.” He apologized when he pulled away, wrapping his hand around yours and bringing the other to your cheek. “Are you hurt?? Did he touch you, o-or hex you, or-?”
“I'm all right.” You assured him breathlessly. Virion touched the angry red skin on your neck, lips twisted into a grimace.
“That will leave an ugly bruise.” He mumbled, eyes shining with regret. “I am so sorry, Robin… This shouldn't have happened. I shouldn’t have left you for a second!”
“It was out of your control.” You assured him, brushing your fingers across the sharp contours of his face. “I’m just glad you came to rescue me. Those men were convinced you were a coward.”
“Well, perhaps they are not wrong.” Virion sighed, carefully wrapping an arm around your back and your legs, lifting you from the chair. “I almost gave up my lordship the second I read the letter.”
“I’m glad you didn’t.” You murmured, resting your head against his chest.
Your arms were wrapped loosely around his neck, but tight enough to tell him you had no intention of letting go.
Cherche helped you both onto the wyvern, taking extra care to ensure Minerva got everyone down safely.
“Trust me, mon amour.” He held you tight, a gentle hand resting on your waist, “I would give up the world if it meant you're safety.”
“Good thing you’re not king of the world, then.” You smiled weakly, leaning back against him.
Cherche nodded in agreement.
“There wouldn’t be a world to live in if he was.”
“Honestly. You are the meanest women I have ever met.” He grumbled, burying his face in your hair. "I do hope Morgan will be kinder."
"He did prefer his mother in the future, didn't he?"
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fe-fictions · 3 years
Hello I HEARD you got Virion fics to repost ? Can we get one then hehehheheheh ;)
(Some jealous frenchman, i presume?)
Virion knew you would never do anything to hurt him. Never would you even consider entertaining the very idea of being unfaithful. Certainly not in front of him- no, perish the thought.
Despite the constant assurances you’d never do such a thing, Virion felt like you weren’t trying to push away their advances.
Helping that brute, Vaike, master new techniques with his axes, or teaching Gerome how to properly mend leather. Sparring with Ricken or swordfighting with Stahl, or- By the gods, you spent so much more time with those men than himself!
‘I’m beginning to think the last quality time we spent together were those endless bouts of chess, long ago.’ He thought with a dejected sigh, ‘What could have driven her to spend time with others?’
The very thought sent fear spiking through the archest of archers. Could it be possible that he did drive you away? Was he too boring for you, now? No- he refused to believe it.
So much so, in fact, that he was determined to confront you about it. If there was an issue between you both, he was going to solve it!
And he’d be cursed if you would leave him for another man because he wasn’t good enough.
Virion was the very best!
He strode out of the tent, searching for you with the swiftest of step and sharpest of eyes.
He scanned the camp for any sign of his dear lady, and as soon as he found you, he nearly whisked you up into his arms. That is, until he realized what you were doing.
There you stood, walking and chatting alongside none other than that blasted knight, Frederick.
A pit of jealousy boiled in Virion’s stomach at the sight; how dare that nosy, suspicious knight make you smile and laugh so!
He nearly sent an arrow into his knee at the sight.
‘I knew they’d met before, but were they this close in their acquaintanceship?’ He thought, panicked. ‘I mustn’t allow this to go any further! I will put a stop to this immediately!’
His thoughts grew overwhelmingly strong, and he practically leapt onto you when he came within reach.
In one swift movement Virion slipped the few logs in your hands and set them aside on the ground, grasping your free hand with the other and bringing you to his side.
That endearing smirk was obviously strained, a fact you noted when he attempted to speak properly.
“Forgive me, however I am in need of my wife’s assistance. Robin,” He turned to you, yearning in those eyes that almost excited you, “Would you join me?”
“Er...well, so long as it’s alright with Frederick, then I suppose…” You trailed off, looking to the knight for confirmation (much to Virion's displeasure).
Frederick noted the immediate tightening of the archer's grip on your arm, and decided there was much more to this “urgent something” he mentioned.
He held a hand up, “It is no trouble. Though I expect you to continue this conversation, later.”
‘Conversation? What conversation?’ His internal interrogator grew even more paranoid, particularly when you chuckled.
“Of course. We’ll solve your phobia once and for all, I promise!”
With that, he whisked you away. Quite literally; he near knocked you off your feet when he tugged you along, moving urgently to your tent.
“Virion, slow down a second! You’re gonna make me fall-”
“-I wish you would not make promises to other men so easily, my dear.” He interrupted you with a soft murmur, and that was all it took to silence you.
At least, until you reached the tent.
The second he shut the latch behind you both, you had enough of his strange tension.
Your arms crossed when you slipped your hand from his, and you quirked a questioning eyebrow.
“Is there a problem with that?” You asked him in an equally soft voice, though it was more demanding than his. “Am I not allowed to help my comrades?”
“I suppose not,” Gingerly he pulled you to his chest, looking at you with calculating eyes, “However, it concerns me how you constantly help them. I have noticed a pattern, my sweet little bird.”
“A pattern, huh? Dare I ask what that might be?”
The hunger in his eyes was maintained at a dangerous level. “Because it seems that when you ‘help’ your comrades, it is always other men- you're assisting Henry with hexes or Chrom with endless meetings, you’re up to something with...some man.”
You stared, incredulous.
“Gods slay me, you’re jealous.” He couldn't deny the shameful blush on his face. “You are, aren’t you?”
“Perhaps- that is, jealous may not be the proper term to define my current reservations-”
“-You’re so jealous!!” You laughed, making him feel even worse than before. “Aw, poor Virion! I didn’t know you would be upset by my day to day work.”
“Have you considered that perhaps these...contemptuous feelings arose due to your lack of attention? In all the hours you’ve spent working with these other men, when have I had a moment’s peace with you? I can hardly count them, honestly.”
His pout was the only thing that kept you from laughing (though you felt the urge to, much more, from the puppy eyes he shot you).
“I spend each night with you, don’t I? That gives you hours over the others.” “And yet you’re late to bed and early to rise. It makes a man lonely, you know?” His hands slid down to your waist, you reciprocating by wrapping yours around his neck.
“I understand, Virion. I’m sorry you’ve felt so left out, and jealous. It wasn’t my intention to do so.” You emphasized that heinous word, and his lip curled.
“Please, milady, I would never be such a thing. Perish the thought!” He waved it away with a flip of his hair, pulling you even closer to his chest. “...However...I should ask that you make it up to me, one way or another. As you can imagine...I’ve a few ideas.”
“I think I can figure out what they might be.” You giggled, letting him pick you up with a throaty growl.
His fingers slipped up your tunic the moment you hit the bedroll, and he climbed over you as if there wasn’t a moment to lose.
“I’m sure you already have. But you mustn’t bother protesting, my love; you did this to yourself.”
“Did what?” That was the last sensical sentence you got out of your mouth before he completely took over your body.
“Vous me défia, mon amour.” He whispered in your ear, “And now you will pay the price. Though I am sure you are willing to, now.”
“M...M-mm hmm…”
He chuckled darkly. “Wonderful.”
Virion wasted no time in reminding you who you belonged to, that evening.
Though you did tease him relentlessly for his immature jealousy, no matter how hard he tried to deny it.
Vous me défia: "You challenged me"
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