#virge stop talking
spooky-scary-virgil · 10 months
hi i'm still alive. soz for being ia mental health has been,,, difficult. i'll try being more active though, especially since i'm getting more help :)
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kraeki · 1 month
Asking the important questions about Virgil’s legendary nice smell
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libraryofloveletters · 5 months
Portugal Pretenders
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Virgil Van Dijk x Fem!Reader
Warnings: fake dating, the boys love to tease virg, past players make an appearance, takes place at robbo's wedding (I just made up random dates, forgive me if it's not accurate lmao), begging for a favour, wedding softness, some teasing, alcohol and the consumption of, a few awkward moments, julia and thiago are their biggest fans, some nsfw humour, virg doesn't know how to use an iron, some childishness at the end, all around sweetness.
Word Count: 7.9k
Author's Note: okay, I've come back to bring you all a new virg fic, since you've been living in my inbox, asking for it. hopefully you like it as much as I do.
"And this one's for you," Andy says, passing the light green envelope over to Virgil, catching his friend on his way out. "You've got a plus one, make sure you bring that girlfriend of yours you're always talking about."
Virgil nods, a smile on his face as he takes the invite from Andy. The panic fills his head, slowly moving down to his chest as he walks out of the training centre.
Andy's wedding was coming up in a few weeks. The boys have known about it for months, and as much as Andy insisted to Rachel that they don't need actual invites, she still sent them with her husband to be.
The defender finds himself driving home, thinking about how on earth he was going to find someone to join him at this wedding.
See, the thing was, the boys thought he was seeing something. That wasn't a total lie, as he was seeing someone but it ended as quickly as it started. He wasn't sure how to tell his friends that it was over and it spiralled, coming up with random details to tell them every time they asked about this non-existent girlfriend.
He didn't think Andy would go as far as giving him a plus one.
Virgil pulls into the driveway, opening the envelope as he reads the invite.
Celebrating the marriage of Andy Robertson and Rachel Roberts.
Rehearsal Dinner: July 2nd, 2022 at 7pm
Wedding Ceremony: July 3rd, 2022 at 3pm - Evening Reception to follow.
Join us in Faro, Portugal!
The rest of the details were on the back of the card, the invite was white with green accents to match the envelope. Must be their theme, he thinks, making a mental note to see if he has anything green to match.
He gets out of the car, putting the envelope in his pocket when he sees his neighbour, y/n, pulling into her driveway. He waves to her, the woman smiles at him as she pops her trunk open, a million bags waiting to be taken into the house.
"Need some help?" He offers, crossing the lawn to her driveway.
You smile, nodding. "Sure. Thank you, Virgil."
Virgil starts taking the bags out of the trunk, carrying them over to the front door as you unlock it. "I'm surprised you're home so early." He says.
"Keeping tabs on me?"
"No," he shakes his head, cheeks red. "I meant.. I usually see you come in late."
"Closed the clinic early today, we've got a staff party tomorrow, hence.." You gestured to the bags. Virgil nods, helping her carry them into her kitchen.
The two of you were on friendly terms, Virgil often helped you out around the house if you were busy. Despite being a footballer, he tended to take care of the yard work and you stopped by to make sure were in order at his place if he was away for a match or pre season training.
"How about a cup of tea?" You offered and he smiled, "you sure? I don't want to be a bother."
"Not a bother at all, make yourself at home. It's the least I could do to thank you for your help."
"It wasn't much help, I only carried the bags to the kitchen." He chuckles, sitting on a stool by the counter.
You shrugged, "still. It would have taken me like, 12 trips to get all of them, you used your big footballer muscles and did it in one."
Virgil smiles, watching as you filled the kettle with water and took two mugs out of the cupboard across from him; one with little flowers along the rim of it and the other a red mug Liverpool logo on the front.
"Surprised you have that," he says, you drop the teabags into the mug. "What? This?" You nodded to the red mug. "It'd just be wrong not to support the local team." You two laughed, you referred to Liverpool as if it was a rec league team.
You two are there in silence, you leaned on the counter as you stood across from the footballer. The man looked around while you looked at him, counting to yourself quietly. Once Virgil hears your whispers, he looks over at you with furrowed brows.
"What are you counting?"
"Your wrinkles," you say nonchalantly, pointing to his forehead as you count each one. Virgil rolls his eyes playfully, swatting your hand away. "You okay?"
He nods. "Yeah."
"You sure? I mean, you usually can't see the wrinkles on that big forehead on yours. So unless you've aged drastically since I've last seen you, I'd say you're worried about something."
"Is that your official diagnosis, Dr. L/n?"
"Yup," you nodded, smiling at him as you crossed your arms over your chest. "100%, now tell me, what's on your mind?"
"Well," he sighs as he starts. "I was invited to a wedding today."
"And? Is it for an ex or some cousin you hate?"
"No, nothing like that. It's actually Andy, you know, Robbo?"
You nodded, shutting the stove off when the kettle begans whistling. "He finally put a ring on Rachel? Good for them, tell them congratulations for me."
Virgil smiles, "I will."
"Wait, so if it's for Andy, what's the problem? I thought you two were good friends."
Virgil makes a face, wondering if he should really tell you what's bothering him. "We are, I uh.. I need a date for a wedding."
You laughed, "that's what's worrying you? C'mon Virgil, you're a footballer. You're handsome, you're young..ish- regardless, it shouldn't be too hard for you to get a date."
He rolls his eyes at your comment, "yeah well, easier said than done. Especially since I've - never mind."
"Oh no," you turn to face him after pouring the water into the mugs. "You're not going to leave me hanging like that! What, since you've..?
"Since I've been telling the guys I have a girlfriend. That's why Andy gave me a plus one, I really thought he wouldn't do that."
Your brows furrowed, you were beyond confused now. "Okay, you've officially lost me. You're nervous to ask her to be your date? Or - oh my god! Is she a married woman, Virgil?!"
"No!" He laughed, shaking his head at your outrageous suggestion. "I'd never date a married woman, in fact, I'm not dating anyone."
You were getting the milk from the fridge when what he said finally processed. You turn to face the man, "so wait, let me see if I got this right. You've been telling them you're seeing someone but you're not actually seeing anyone?" You say, looking for some clarification. Virgil nods, avoiding your gaze.
"Why would you lie to them?"
"I really didn't mean too! It wasn't a lie in the beginning. I was seeing this girl, she was cool but we didn't want the same things so it just sort of.. ended? They kept asking and I don't know why I didn't want to tell them the truth but I wasn't sure what to say so I played along and now, well, you know where I've ended up."
You sigh, unsure what to tell him. You didn't even think there was advice to help someone who's gotten themselves into such a position.
"That's a messed up thing you're in, dude." You added the milk to his mug, handing him the one with the flowers. Virgil nods, stirring the spoon in the mug.
"Do you have sugar?"
"Mhm hm," you turned, reaching up into the cupboard to get the sugar from the middle shelf.
Virgil watched, admiring you; not only on a surface level but deeper than that. He likes spending time with you, even if it was something as simple as a chat across the lawn. You were beautiful and kind, funny and smart, your humour was witty and you were charming. You could talk yourself out of a crime if need be - you were exactly who he was looking for.
Seems his lies have sent him in your direction; imagine if he hadn't helped you take your bags in today.
You turned to him with the sugar, you could feel him staring at you but he was sitting there, elbow on the counter with his chin resting in the palm of his hand as he smiled at you.
"Will you be my date to the wedding?" He asks and you laugh, taking the top off the sugar jar.
"You're not serious."
"I am, what are you doing in 3 weeks?"
"Probably work, but I can't be your date, virgil."
He pouts, much like a child when they're told no. "Why not?"
"How would that work?"
"It's fine, I'll handle everything y/n. You just need to pack your bags and get the time off work. Hotels, flights, everything we need there, I'll take care of."
"Wait, the wedding isn't here?"
"Portugal," he says, doesn't miss the slight raise of your eyebrows.
"I've always said I'd go back to Portugal, even if it's just for a short time."
"See," Virgil says, "it's like my lying led us here, this can be a good thing for both of us. I'll have a girlfriend for the weekend and you get to visit Portugal again."
You can't help but laugh at his justification. "Please," he says, "I'm begging you now. I'll own you big time." His hands clasped together under his chin as he looked at you with big, brown, puppy eyes.
"Like season passes to your box at Anfield big time?" You asked, a raised eyebrow. Virgil laughs, nodding. "Exactly like that."
"You've got a deal then." You tell him, he smiles. "Perfect, I can't thank you enough."
"Mhm hm, now drink your tea before it gets cold."
The week of the wedding arrives faster than expected, you had been in prep mode all week; getting your hair and nails done, trying to pack whatever you think you'd need for a wedding.
A celebrity's wedding isn't different from a normal one, is it? Is that what a footballer is? A celebrity ? Can you call it a celebrity wedding- Your thought was interrupted by a knock on the door.
It's Virgil, a big smile on his face despite it being 8am. "Why are you so happy?" You asked upon opening the door.
"Oh, good morning to you too, sunshine. Are you ready to go?" He makes a face, chuckling. He starts carrying your luggage out of the house as you make one last walk through, assuming you had everything and things were in place for the few days you'd be away.
"Yup, all set." You notice he was putting your suitcase into his car. "You're driving?"
"Yeah, I figured it'd be faster than an Uber."
"We've got," you glanced at your phone, "4 hours before our flight."
"I know, it's fine." He waves you off, shutting the trunk before opening the passenger side door for you. You lock up and walk over the lawn to his driveway, getting into the car.
It was a short drive to the airport, the music played quietly and Virgil hummed as he drove. He glances over to see you typing away on your phone. "Who are you texting so early?"
"Playing the possessive boyfriend already, Virgil?" A raised eyebrow as you looked at the man. His cheeks flush red and he shakes his head. "I'm kidding," you rested a hand on his knee. He looks down and you move your hand. "I was just replying to some work stuff, I've never left them for so long."
"It's only 3 days, they'll be fine. Plus, don't they know you're on vacation?"
"Not really," you set the phone on your lap, "I told them I had some family stuff, couldn't exactly explain that Virgil Van Dijk was asking me- no, begging me, to be his fake wedding date."
"Technically," he points a finger at you, "it's a real wedding date, you're just my fake girlfriend."
"Technicalities, Virgil."
He laughs, pulling into the parking lot. The two of you head into the airport and after checking in, the woman sends the two of you down a hallway that seemed like a dead end.
You didn't travel often but you knew this seemed.. sketchy to say the least.
"Where are we going?" You asked Virgil, the man opens the door for you and leads you right onto the tarmac. There's a plane a few feet away and you turn to look at him, dot connecting in your head. "Private?" You asked him another question.
He nods, "figured I'd spoil my girlfriend," he jokes, smiling at you as you two walked over to the plane.
You sat across from Virgil, checking your phone for the millionth time since you've left home. "You know, they won't be able to reach you when we're in the air, I'm sure they'll be fine."
"I know," you switched it off and set it down before the plane took off.
The two of you were eating breakfast, a rather large spread for being in the air and considering the flight was barely 3 hours.
"So," you set the fork down on the plate, "get me the details, who's gonna be at the wedding?"
Virgil takes a sip of his coffee, "well, Andy and Rachel obviously."
"Obviously," you chuckled.
"Thiago, Jordan, Millie, Adam and their wives, Ox and his girlfriend, us and then Trent."
"What, Trent doesn't get a plus one?"
He shrugs, "I don't know, I don't think he's seeing anyone right now. Plus he's in the states, he said he's coming but we have to see."
You nod, the two of you chat a bit more. Virgil updates you on a few matches, how they think they're going to do, what it's like being captain. You tell him how the clinic is doing, how you're liking it so far compared to when you used to work at the hospital. Just small details that might come up in a conversation with his teammates.
Once you landed, Virgil collected your luggage and you were off to the hotel. It was a short walk to the venue from the hotel, the two of you put your stuff away and decided to go for a walk, grabbing a coffee before heading back to the hotel.
The rehearsal dinner was in a few hours, giving you two more than enough time to get ready. "We need to get our story straight," he says to you when you come in from the balcony.
"What story ?"
"Our outfits," he says with total seriousness, "what are you wearing tonight?"
You shook your head with a small smile on your face, taking the two dresses out of the wardrobe to show him; a light blue dress with a halter top, the small white flowers going from the waist to the bottom hem and the other was a burnt orange that was backless.
"I figured the blue was a bit more family friendly, classy enough without being too dressy," you hold it up to yourself to show him. He nods, "yeah, good. It's pretty."
You hung it back in the wardrobe before turning to him. "What are you going to wear?"
"We need to match." He was already searching through his suitcase for the shirt to match your dress. "Do we really need to?" You sat on the edge of the bed, looking at him.
He nods, pulling out the baby blue shirt. "This is close enough, no?"
"Yeah, but why does it look like you've had it rolled up in the bottom of a box for like.. 4 years?" Your brows furrowed as you looked at the state of it. Virgil shakes the shirt, trying to rid it of the permanent wrinkles. "Do you not have an iron, Virgil?"
"I do, but uh, I forgot to iron it."
You shook your head, getting up to search for the iron you knew you saw. You find it in the drawer in the wardrobe, handing it to him. Virgil spreads the shirt on the bed, plugging the iron in before fiddling with the settings. He looks between the iron, the shirt and you, a bit clueless before attempting to iron the shirt.
He works on the sleeve, making it worse than it was before, you watch as he helplessly works at the shirt. You figured maybe you were making him nervous in some weird way so you excused yourself to the bathroom to unpack your makeup and hair stuff.
When you came back, 7 minutes later, he was still working on the same sleeve. Your lips pressed together, arms folded over your chest as you watched.
"What?" He asked, glancing at you.
"You're terrible at that. Do you not know how to iron?"
He sighs, "it's been years since I've had to do it, I usually just get my stuff dry cleaned."
You smiled as you walked over, taking the iron from him and putting him out of his misery. "If I leave you to iron this, you might take the whole 3 hours to finish it. Why don't you go shower or whatever you need to do, I'll do it for you."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, go. Before you ruin the shirt," you shook your head, switching the setting from wool to cotton. You wondered how he ended up on wool to begin with. "Thank you," he smiles, walking into the bathroom.
While he showers, you finish up on his shirt and hang it on a hanger in the wardrobe. You also looked for his pants, ironing the 3 pairs of dress pants he had brought as you didn't know which one he'd be wearing.
Virgil returns to the room post shower, white towel wrapped around him that sat right below his hips, and you had just shut the wardrobe after hanging up his pants. You turn to find him behind you, your eyes fixed on the man; the water dripping down his chest, down to his stomach and it stops at the towel wrapped around his waist.
"You're staring, y/n." He says, you can hear the smirk on his face before your eyes meet his face.
It's not like you've never seen him shirtless before, he used the pool in his yard quite often, not to mention the glimpse of him you catch in the media or what the Liverpool account posts.
Clearing your throat, you blink a few times before speaking. "I uh, I ironed your pants as well, I wasn't sure which ones you were gonna wear so I ironed all of them."
He smiles, "thanks."
You nod, excusing yourself to the bathroom to shower. You shut the door, back pressed to it for a moment before going about your routine. You weren't sure how long you were in there but you had showered, done your hair and you were mid way through your makeup when there was a knock on the door.
"Can I come in?" Virgil calls from the other side of the door. "I need to fix my hair." He says and you open the door for him, concealer all over your face, hair pinned up with the robe wrapped around you.
He smiles when he sees you; you look so.. well, beautiful but there was something else, a domesticity of sorts. The two of you getting ready in the same bathroom, there's some intimate in the way you were seeing each other right now. Moving in silence as you both did your own thing beside one another.
You break the silence, "how did we meet?"
"We're neighbours..?" His eyes meet yours in the mirror, confusion all over his face.
"I mean if they ask, your teammates. What did you tell them?"
"Oh," he says, wrapping the hair tie around his hair. "I told them we met through mutual friends, my friend, Kevin. His wife knows you and we were all at the same party and we hit it off from there."
You hum, finishing up on your makeup. You were searching for your lipstick, "and how long have we been together?" You find the one you were looking for.
"Almost a year. If my math is right, it should be like.. 10 months?"
The lipstick in your hand, you look at Virgil with a shocked look on your face. "You've been lying to them for almost a year? How the hell did you manage that?"
His lips pressed together then he shrugs, which makes you laugh. "Okay," you nod, "almost a year it is." You turn back to the mirror, applying your lipstick.
Virgil watches as you do it, your hands steady while you go over your lips, pressing them together to make the colour even. "What do we think?" You asked, turning to him when you notice he's watching.
"Beautiful," he smiles, "truly."
"So cheesy," you chuckled, walking out of the bathroom to change into your dress.
The two of you head down to the venue a few minutes later, all dressed and ready to meet his teammates at the rehearsal dinner.
Before you walked in, Virgil grabbed your hand which caught you off guard. Your fingers interlocked with his and it took you a moment to realize why he did that; the two of you were a couple, of course.
It was already full in there, most of their family had already arrived and a few friends were scattered through the venue. You see a few of his teammates but Virgil leads you to the front, tapping Andy on the shoulder.
"Virg!" Andy smiles, pulling Virgil into a hug. "You made it," he steps back and sees you next to the man, his grin only widening. "You must be the famous girlfriend we hear about all the time."
"That would be me," you smiled, "I'm y/n, it's nice to meet you."
"It's nice to meet you too, this is Rachel, bride to be." He introduces you to his fiancee. You smiled at her, the two of you exchanging niceties.
"It's nice of you to make it, Andy was saying how he was certain Virgil wouldn't be bringing you." Rachel says, her arm interlocked with Andy's.
"Well to be fair, Virg seemed a bit nervous to ask me to come but I wouldn't miss it for the world. I don't think I've said it but congratulations."
Virgil's heart skips a beat, it wasn't out of ordinary that someone called him Virg, but you've never had. You always called him Virgil, so to hear the nickname come out of your mouth, make him rather.. soft.
"It's my fault," Andy starts, "we did tell Virg to bring you around before but he always said you were busy with work. So I think it's fair of me to think you were fake."
You laughed, "I can assure you I'm alive and real, feel free to pinch me to confirm." Andy laughed at your comment, smiling at his teammate in approval of you. Virgil returns the smile.
"Anyways, make yourselves comfortable, we're going to start the rehearsal soon." Rachel tells the two of you, leading Andy off to greet someone else.
Virgil's hand rests on your lower back, the two of you sitting towards the middle of the chairs, watching as they went through the rehearsal. It was mostly family, his teammates were only there so they could all mingle and catch up as they had been on break for a few weeks at this point.
At some point after they were done the run through, Virgil suggested drinks and you followed him to the bar, his hand once again on your lower back.
"Virg!" You hear someone call for him, the two of you turning at the same time to see who was coming his way. Both Jordan and Millie were making their way over to the two of you.
"Hey," Virgil smiles at his teammates. "Guys, this is y/n, my girlfriend. This is Jordan and James."
You smiled at the men, "it's nice to meet you both."
"We thought you weren't coming," Millie says and Jordan follows up with a, "it's nice to meet you, we thought you weren't real."
"That seems to be the general consensus tonight," you laughed.
Ox makes his way over to the bar, seeing his teammate with a woman he's never seen before. "You must be Virgil's girlfriend, I'm Ox." He introduces himself.
"I'm y/n, nice to meet you."
"I can't believe you're actually here."
You turn to Virgil, making a face at him. "Why do all your teammates think I'm not real?"
"He wouldn't show us pictures," Millie says, shrugging. "I guess that's true," you nudged Virgil, "between Virg's practices and games, and then with my work, we barely get time to see each other and when we do, we're not on our phones."
Jordan makes a face, looking between you and Virgil and you instantly know what he's thinking. "No!" You laughed, shaking your head. "That's so not what I meant."
"What is it that you do, y/n?" Ox pipes up.
"I'm a doctor, an OB actually."
"Oh wow," Ox smiles at his teammate. "She's good, you've got good taste, big man. I see why she hasn't been around."
You smile, your phone buzzing in your hand. You excuse yourself, walking away to take the phone call. You can hear the boys talking behind you, you glance over your shoulder and smile at Virgil, the man's heart skipping a beat. Despite you not being his actual girlfriend, it did feel good to get the approval from his teammates.
Virgil hadn't even realized how long he had been chatting with his teammates, he went in search of you and found you just outside, chatting with Julia, the two of you talking about their kids.
"There you are," Virgil says, walking down the steps towards you. You smile at him, "I see you've met Julia." He gives the woman a quick hug before standing beside you.
"Yeah," you smiled at her, "I'm mad at you, you know."
"What for?" His brows furrowed, looking at you. He's wondering what he could have possibly done.
"You've been hiding me from her, Julia and I are best friends now."
The blonde smiles at you, "yes we are. We've already made plans to get lunch when we get back to Liverpool. I can't believe you've never brought her around before, Virgil." She tells him, her voice similar to the one she uses when she scolded her children, and or Thiago, when they misbehave.
"Oh well, I'm sure y/n's told you about her hectic schedule. Blame her, not me. I do hope you two have fun at this lunch." He laughs, his arm over your shoulder.
The rest of the night was quiet, everyone caught up with each other with their summer plans and you met the rest of the players and their partners over the course of the night. Eventually you two decide to call it a night, heading back to the hotel.
You were by the door, taking your heels off when you saw Virgil stop in the middle of the room, in front of the bed.
"What's wrong?" You asked him, walking over. You seem to realize what he's thinking; there's only one bed.
Not like they've taken a bed out of the room while you were gone but you two had been too tired and too busy getting ready for the dinner that neither of you seemed to register that there was in fact, only one bed in the room.
It didn't occur to Virgil when booking the room that you'd need a separate bed, you weren't really a couple after all.
"I'll take the couch," you tell him, not wanting him to feel bad for his slight mess up.
He shook his head, turning to you. "No, it's fine. I'll take the couch, you take the bed."
You glance at the couch next to the window, it was spacious - that's if you were under 5 foot. There's no way he'd sleep comfortably if he did manage to fit on it.
"You know what, we're both adults. We'll sleep together." You tell him, his eyes widening at your words. "Not what I meant," you smack his arm. "We can both fit on the bed comfortably, no need for either of us to suffer on the couch."
"You're sure?" He asks and you nod, "of course, but hands to yourself mister." You pointed a finger to him, making him laugh.
Virgil raises his hands, "I swear I'll be on my best behaviour," he says, watching you walk into the bathroom to get ready for bed.
The sun peeks through the curtains, waking you from your sleep. You shut your eyes, trying to get a few more minutes but you can hear the shower running and then shuts off followed by the bathroom door opening. The smell of Virgil's body wash fills the room and you sit up, rubbing your eyes.
"Mornin' sunshine," he smiles at you, sitting on the edge of the bed. You yawn, stretching as you try to wake yourself up. "What time is it?"
"10:27," he looks at the clock, "how about some breakfast?"
"Yes please," you get out of bed, fixing the comforter as you walk to the bathroom. "Lots of coffee please," you smiled at him, shutting the door.
Virgil orders room service while you shower, you return to the room just as it arrives. The two of you sit on the couch, eating breakfast in comfortable silence. Virgil grabs his phone, "Andy sent over some pictures from last night," he shows you a few photos that the groom to be had sent.
"Those are cute, send them to me."
Your phone buzzes on the bed and you look over at the clock, "shit, I've got to do my hair." You set the cup down on the table and walk towards the bathroom. "Do you need the bathroom?"
"No, I'm good." he tells you, "do your thing."
You walk in and walk back out, leaning on the door frame. "What are you wearing today?"
He smiles, "don't worry, I ironed it and put it in the closet."
"Properly?" You asked, walking over to confirm.
"Yes," he shook his head, watching as you took the shirt out to confirm that he did in fact iron it properly. "Wow, good job. Big upgrade from yesterday."
"Watched a YouTube video," he says, making you laugh.
You leave Virgil in the room, off to shower and then to start on your makeup and hair as you weren't 100% sure what look you wanted to do. Virgil left you alone, letting you get ready in peace. He could hear the music playing, your humming accompanying the melody.
He thought to himself that it was something he could get used to, that his house would feel so quiet and empty without you humming.
The line between real and fake seemed to be getting blurred more and more as the time went by.
"Virg?" You called for the man, he got up from his spot on the couch. He had been ready for some time, you still had an hour before you needed to leave. "Yeah?"
"Can you zip me up?"
You stepped out of the bathroom, hair pulled over your shoulder with your dress on. He smiles, nodding as he walks over to you; the sage green dress hugged your body in the right places, it was as if the dress was made for you and only you.
Virgil's hand rests on your waist, the other holds the zipper and gives it a soft tug, pulling it up to the top. The hand holding the zipper now turns into fingers trailing down the curve of your spine, coming to rest on the other side of your hip. "There you go."
Turning around to face him, Virgil's hands remained on your hips. "Thank you," you look up. He nods, "you look.. wow."
You can't help but laugh, straightening his shirt. "You look pretty wow yourself."
Virgil lets go of you when you take a step back, walking to the vanity to put your jewelry on. It takes the two of you half an hour to gather the last minute things you needed, assuring you were ready before heading out for the ceremony.
It's a short walk to the venue, everyone was being ushered into the church to take their seats while the bridal party was lining up to walk in when you two arrived.
The weather was beautiful, the sun was out and the church was full with their families and friends; they couldn't ask for a better start to their wedding day.
The ceremony was short and sweet, Andy and Rachel exchanging vows and promises, everyone was beyond happy for them.
Most of the guests were now outside, the doors to the church open as everyone was heading out.
You stood next to Virgil by the stairs, letting him block the sun from your face as you checked your phone. You hear the footsteps before you hear the voice. "You're actually here, you're real?" The Scouse accent thick, Trent.
"I am real," you looked up, smiling at the man who looks like he's seen better days. "You must be Trent."
"Yeah, it's nice to meet you. Excuse me." He says, covering a yawn with his hand.
Before you two could speak, Andy was calling the two players over for a group photo. You stop Virgil, standing on your tiptoes to reach his collar, his hand on your hip you keep you steady as you fix it before sending him on his way; a small act of intimacy that you'd only find between a couple.
You had been checking your emails, something you knew Virgil would complain about if he caught you doing it yet again. You were so caught up that you hadn't noticed him calling your name. When you do, you look up, making a hand motion as to ask him what he wants. He waved you over, pointing to the spot in front of him. Your brows furrowed, still unsure what he wanted as the dots didn't seem to connect. Virgil realized as much, pointing towards the photographer and then back to the spot in front of him.
Only then did it click what he meant.
You head over, joining the other girlfriends and wives in the photo. Andy and Rachel were front and centre, the rest of you around them.
"Alright everyone, squeeze in a bit more please!" The photographer shouts, showing you all with his hands to move closer to each other.
Virgil moves you from beside him to in front of him, his arm over your shoulder and your hand instinctively reaches up, fingers interlocking with his.
The photographer gives everyone a moment to situate themselves, "perfect, alright everyone look here! Smile!"
A few moments later, you were all allowed to move. Andy and Rachel were off to take some more photos, there was only about 30 minutes before the reception which wasn't too far from the church.
Everyone makes their way over, waiting for the official entrance from Andy and Rachel as Mr and Mrs Robertson for the first time.
You were sat next to Virgil, Jordan and his wife, Rebecca, to the right of Virgil and Thiago and Julia to your left.
Andy and Rachel were having their first dance, the whole venue was quiet as you all watched the two of them, wrapped up in love and giggling as they whispered to each other mid dance.
You wiped the outer corner of your eye, blinking a few times in an attempt to save your makeup. Virgil turns slightly when he hears a small sniffle. He sees your watery eyes, smiling to himself and leans in to whisper to you; "are you crying?"
"Shut up," you whispered back, turning him back around with a small nudge. "Weddings make me emotional."
The evening was quiet, dinner consisted of everyone chatting, Andy and Rachel made the rounds to say hello to everyone who they didn't get a chance to talk to at the church. Eventually they reopened the bar and the dance floor, everyone started making their way around, mingling, drinking and dancing.
You were replying to a message when Virgil came over, two shot glasses in hand. He passes one to you, "to Andy and Rachel," he says, tapping his glass to you. The two of you down the shots, tequila, based on the after taste.
"Okay, let's go dance!"
"I don't dance, Virg."
"It's a wedding, you have to dance!" He takes your phone from you, putting it into his pocket and grabbing your hand. "Virg," you groaned, the man ignores your pleas and takes you to the dance floor, spinning you around.
Before you know it, the two of you are giggling and dancing, his arms over your shoulders as he hugs you from behind, swaying to the music.
"I'm gonna get a drink," you tell him and the man lets you go while nodding before shimmying his way over to Trent, who looks like he was about to fall asleep in his chair. You laughed, leaving Virgil to bother Trent as you walked to the bar.
You had barely made it to the bar when someone shouted for you. "Y/n!" You see Thiago off to the side, "can you take a picture for us?"
"Sure," you take the phone from him, he and Julia standing together, arms wrapped around each other as they smiled, then Thiago kissed her.
Sometimes you wonder what it'd be like if you had a stable and loving relationship like theirs.
"I thought you got lost!" Virgil says, walking towards you. You shook your head, handing the phone back over to Thiago. The Spaniard then turns, passing the phone to Virgil. "Okay now you come in, let him take the picture."
"Are you sure?" You asked, Thiago was already pulling you into the photo.
He nods, you and Julia on either side of him, the 3 of you smiling as Virgil takes the photo, the camera flashing. Thiago steps out, letting you and Julia have some together, his wife telling him something about they have enough pictures of them together. You laughed, the two of you smiling for the camera.
"Do you want one together?" Thiago looks at Virgil, who then looks at you and you shrug, waving him over. Virgil hands his phone to Thiago while Julia replaces him by her husband's side.
Virgil's arm over your shoulder, your arm around his waist, the two of you smiling while Virgil pulls you into his side. "Alright Virg, give your lady a kiss." Thiago says, smiling.
Your 'boyfriend's' cheeks are red, a flush he can blame on the Portuguese heat or the liquor but you know the real reason. "Come on man, what are you waiting for?!" Thiago says, laughing at Virgil's shyness.
"Leave them alone," Julia tells her husband, rolling her eyes at his childishness.
"It's fine," you whisper to Virgil, turning to him a bit. He looks at you, whispering back, "you sure?" You stood close, the air between you two charged with a mixture of tension and anticipation.
"Mhm hm," your hand rests on his chest while he leans down, you tip toe a bit, meeting him half way when he kisses you.
But as your hand found its way to Virgil's cheek and your lips met against each other's, something shifted. What was meant to be a quick moment blossomed into something real, something raw. When you finally pulled away, breathless and flushed, a shared realization dawned upon them.
The kiss may have been staged, but the feelings it stirred within were undeniably genuine.
As you glanced at each other, a silent understanding passed between you and Virgil. This fake relationship may have begun as a charade, but perhaps, just perhaps, it held the promise of something more.
Thiago grinned, "perfect. The picture of love," he says, handing the phone back to Virgil. You smiled, your own cheeks now flushed and red. You reached over, your thumb brushed over his lips to wipe away the lipstick left behind. Virgil's arm wraps around your shoulder, the two of you chatting as you join Thiago and Julia for a round of shots.
The night wrapped up just after midnight, everyone waiting at the front to wish Andy and Rachel well, seeing them off as they left before everyone else headed to wherever home was after that.
Virgil's jacket over your shoulders while you walked back to the hotel. Despite the humidity earlier in the day, there was now a slight chill in the air.
"Did you have a good time?" He asks, opening the door for you. "I did," you walk in, waiting for the elevator to your room. "Thank you for bringing me."
"Thank you for coming, you really saved my ass."
It hits you in the moment that this was in fact, fake. You were doing him a favour, you weren't a couple, you never will be. Just a good friend helping him out in a tough situation.
When you returned to the room, Virgil announced that he's gonna go take a shower while you got ready for bed. The two of you moved in silence, you sat at the vanity taking your makeup off while the sound of the water running filled the room. You had to remind yourself that this wasn't real yet again.
All the feelings felt over the weekend were just for show. Certainly Virgil didn't feel the same way you did.
The steam filled the bathroom, Virgil lets the water run as he stands there. The kiss was real, the moments you shared were real, his feelings for you were real.
How the hell was he used to bring it up without it being awkward?
The shower shut off just as you were about to get into bed. Your phone bus is on the nightstand, and you reach over to grab it. There's a notification from Instagram.
juliavigas tagged you in a post. - 2mins ago.
You opened it, checking to see what she posted. There's a few photos from the wedding. Some of her and Thiago, the venue, one of you and her, as well as the one with you, her and Thiago. She also included the one in front of the church, Virgil's arm wrapped around you as you all smiled.
Virgil finds his way to the bed, sitting next to you. "What's so interesting?"
"Julia posted some pictures," you show your phone, letting him scroll through the pictures. "I guess everyone will think we're together now." He looks at the one in front of the church before handing the phone back to you.
"Wasn't that the whole point?" You ask, setting your phone on the nightstand.
"I guess so," he shrugs, the two of you sitting there in silence, the tv playing quietly in the background. There's a million thoughts going through his head at this very moment.
As he looked over at you, in the soft glow of the bedside lamp, Virgil couldn't help but admire your beauty, the way your eyes sparkled with a warmth that mirrored a flickering flame. It was in shared moments like these that he felt a pull, a force pulling him closer, urging him to take that leap of faith. But as the silence went on, Virgil felt the weight of his hesitation, suffocating him with its embrace.
How could he confess his feelings when the fear of rejection spun around in his mind, an unwelcome shadow over his every thought?
He glances at you once more, your eyes meeting in a brief exchange, Virgil felt a sense of longing wash over him, a wave of emotion threatening to consume him whole.
Still, the words remained unspoken, trapped behind the barricade of his uncertainty.
He had to take the leap of faith, he wouldn't know if he didn't try.
"What are we?" He blurts out, breaking the silence.
You turn, looking at him with a confused expression. "What are.. what do you mean?"
"Well.. we.. we kissed, so like, are we.. what are we?"
"We're not in high school, Virg. A kiss is a kiss, no?"
His smile fades, your heart breaking the moment you see that. He nods, turning his attention back to the tv. "Yeah, no. Of course."
"I'm kidding," your hand rests over his on the bed, "if you're asking me if I like.. if I like you, then I'll only answer if you put it into a note, like high school." You raised your eyebrows, making him chuckle.
"Yeah, okay." He nods. The topic was dropped, the tension lifting slightly.
The next morning, you and Virgil leave bright and early, heading to the airport for your flight back to England. The plane had barely taken off and you were still not fully awake, nursing your coffee as Virgil's fingers drummed on his knee.
"Dude," you groaned, "I have a headache, it sounds like you're playing a gong right now."
He stops tapping on his leg, brows furrowed and lips twisted in a weird expression. "Can you play a gong? Is that what it is?"
"I don't know, you know what I mean." You tell him, leaning your head back, eyes shut. You barely got all but 3 minutes of silence before Virgil speaks up again. "Do you have a pen?"
You open your eyes, reaching over to dig through your purse next to you before fishing out a pen and handing it to him. You watch him as he uncaps it, scribbling something down on the napkin in front of him, sliding it over the table to you with the pen.
'Do you like me? Check yes or no.' The two little boxes labeled yes and no under his question.
You smile, shaking your head at his childishness and the fact that he took what you said seriously. You picked up the pen, checking a box and sliding it over to him.
The yes was checked, Virgil glances at you with a cheeky smile before picking up the pen, flipping over the napkin and writing something else before sliding it back to you.
'Will you be my girlfriend?' the same yes and no boxes drawn under the question.
Your answer was yes but you wouldn't give into him so quickly. You picked up the pen, chin in the palm of your head thinking as if it was the hardest question of your life. You can see Virgil shifting nervously in his seat, and it's as if you can hear him overthinking his decision to ask you.
To put him out of his misery, you check a box and slide it back over to him.
There's a sigh of relief when he sees you've checked yes. You toss the pen at him playfully, shaking your head. "You're so cheesy."
"You said to ask it in a note!" He says, folding the napkin and putting it into his pocket.
"I didn't think you'd actually do it!" You laughed, the man shook his head and unbuckled, leaving over the table. His hands cupping your face, smiling at you before he kisses you.
Your hand interlocked with his, stretched over the table when he sat back down. "How about when we get back, I take you on an actual date?"
Your thumb brushes over his hand. "Not sick of me yet?"
"Could never get sick of you, y/n."
taglist: @thesnailus @alwaysclassyeagle @lettersfromvenus @mehrmonga @callsignvenus @kmc1989 @valentinehrts @pulpfixion @ironmaiden1313 @candacels @muglermami @leclerces @yuoluver @themandaloriansdiaries
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and-stir-the-stars · 5 days
really really wanna write a 'shortly after accepting anxiety' fic of Virge having a mental breakdown trying to keep anxious thoughts from getting to Thomas, and Logan has to stop him and explain.
"Virgil. I'm sorry, but I need to inform you that you're fundamentally misunderstanding our functions as Sides. You do NOT give Thomas anxious thoughts. You are a representation of the anxious thoughts that Thomas already has. You don't 'make' Thomas feel anything-- it would be far more accurate to say that Thomas is the one making YOU anxious. It is not your job to provide Thomas with anxiety, nor is it your job to keep him from feeling anxious as you are currently trying. What IS your job, however, is to help Thomas identify, regulate, and respond to the anxiety he already has-- through no fault of your own. And, Virgil? You do a good job."
Thomas and the others have probably spent years talking to/about Virgil with language that suggests anxiety is something Virge does TO Thomas, like Virge was an outside entity infecting thomas' thoughts. And I think it'd be neat to have a fic addresssing how Virge internalized this and had his perception of himself warped bc of it.
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mobutofu · 7 months
kamo choso fic rec masterlist
best friend fuckboy!choso
walkin in on him beating
frustrated from your noises
virg!choso seeing your tids for the first time
teaching virg!choso over the phone
touch starved!choso
virgin plug!choso
bully!reader x virgin!choso
not so loud - first time bj for virg!choso
public grope at jjh
possessive choso
eating you out during shark week
yandere step bro!choso
yandere!choso taking care of you
sucking souls - succubus!reader
inexperienced!choso, premature ejac
stepbro!choso begging to put it in
cho smoking a j during the deed
choso's first time
choso sensing you're in heat
choso discovering horniness,, part 2
stepbro!choso eating you for the first time
choso bussin in his boxers thinking abt you
morning sex
public rooftop moment
choso peeping in the shower
ceo!choso x babysitter
gynecologist!choso,,, part 2
virg!choso getting a t!tjob
choso having a wet dream abt you
teaching choso how to tell you what he wants
best friend's brother!choso, virg!choso
twisted pleasure
mean nerd!choso
tied up subby choso
inexperienced!choso attempting dirty talk
virg!choso and big jugs
obsessed!choso touching himself to you
somnophilia and thigh job
succubus!reader looking for new victim, unaware that she has become one
friends to fuck buddies, inexperience, slight corruption, somnophilia
choso fcking a flshlight
stepbro!choso voyeur
virg!choso is a messy eater
quality time - teasing, dirty talk
choso can't stop
choso addicted to you
in the ferris wheel
you can't get enough of choso
sloppy rough choso
walking in on you with your favorite toy
choso cries when he cums
choso watching your home movie
clueless intern!choso ft. ceo!nanami
obsessive fanboy!choso x idol!reader
baking a cake and sex in the kitchen
choso's fav camgirl streamer
choso desperate somno
what's a healthy relationship? - yandere!choso
tutor!choso punishing you for getting answers wrong
sleepy gf x somnophile choso
virg!choso with mahito's new toy
virg!choso already begging for more
first time trying anal
adult photographer choso
choso controlling his blood and his...
bathroom sex
sucking pathetic choso off
hes so rough the condom breaks
vanilla kiss - baking with choso
serendipity - creep!reader x psycho!choso
nerdy loser college boy!choso
accidentally getting neighbor!choso's package
inexperienced and irresponsible choso
choso whines when hes fuckin
choso finding out you can squirt
inexperienced choso is not giving inexperienced
choso going dumb from fucking you
telling choso youre too tired
cheating but passing - choso doing your assignments
dry humping
riding choso while hes high
pining choso
overstimulating choso
breeding kink
choso smut + audio
blood for blood - crazy choso
choso's least favorite positions
choso whines even when he's on top
perv!choso doesn't know he's being a perv
roommate!choso using your vibrator
191 notes · View notes
fluentmoviequoter · 1 month
bang, baby
Pairing: Dick Grayson x fem!metahuman!reader (characterization up to you!)
Summary: After you move to Dakota City from Gotham, you find yourself dealing with metahumans and vigilantes yet again. Dick Grayson comes to check on you after an explosion and gets a surprising glimpse into your mind.
Warnings: fluff, very brief angst, spoilers/references to Static Shock, the entire Batfamily, people trash talking Gotham
Word Count: 5.5k+ words
Masterlist | DC/Dick Grayson Masterlist | Request Info
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“Thank you for the opportunity, Mr. Hawkins,” you say over the phone. “I look forward to working with you and the people of Dakota.”
“I’m excited to see what you’ll bring to the center,” Robert Hawkins, the man in charge of Freeman Community Center, replies. “Dakota will certainly be a change from Gotham, but I trust you’ll adjust nicely.”
“Is that your polite way of saying that I won’t have to deal with Joker and Scarecrow anymore?” you joke.
Mr. Hawkins laughs but doesn’t deny it. It is no secret that Gotham has its downsides, but it’s been your home, it’s where you met your best friend, the people who have become your family. Dakota offers new opportunities and a viable way to help people in need, rather than sitting behind a computer while vigilantes do the heavy lifting.
“I’ll see you Monday morning, Mr. Hawkins.”
“See you Monday. Travel safe.”
The call disconnects, and you sit back and sigh. Your apartment has been packed up, and most of your belongings shipped to the small bungalow you rented on the outskirts of Dakota. The community center provides exactly what you want, a hands-on role in helping the next generation. Yet, as you look at the picture of Dick Grayson on your lock screen, you know that you’re leaving things behind, too.
“I miss you,” you whisper as your screen goes dark.
You’ve been friends with Dick Grayson for as long as you can remember; you stayed close after he moved to Blüdhaven to escape Batman’s shadow and a destiny he didn’t want. He’s supported you every step of the way, completely in favor of you doing something good for the children of Dakota. But there’s a nagging feeling that leaving him so far behind will be impossible.
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Your first day in Dakota passes in a blur of unpacking and desperately avoiding thinking about Dick until you’re settled. As you collapse onto your new couch, only twelve hours before your first day at the community center, you close your eyes and try to relax. Mr. Hawkins asked you to come in before the center opens to tour the facility and get acquainted with everything.
“It’s a great facility, Mr. Hawkins,” you say as he leads you back to your office.
“Please call me Robert, Bob, anything except Mr. Hawkins,” he responds. “Here’s your door. We’ll get your name up here soon.”
“No rush; putting names on doors is the least of your worries.”
“My son Virgil is stopping by on his way to school and I think he’ll agree with me that having another full-time employee is deserving of her name on the door.”
You smile and look around the bare office. There’s a desk, a bookcase, and a file cabinet against plain tan walls. The room is begging for not only an occupant, but a personality and a welcoming feel for the people who rely on the center.
“Feel free to put your own touches, whatever you want to do with the space.”
“Thank you, Mr.- Robert.”
“Better,” he applauds.
“Pops!” someone yells.
“That would be my son,” Robert sighs. “In here, Virg!”
“Pops, I’m asking Frieda-“ Virgil stops when he sees you and greets, “Hey.”
“Nice to meet you, Virgil,” you say, offering your hand. “Your dad’s told me some great things about you.”
“You moved here from Gotham?” he asks.
“I did. It’s sunnier here.”
“Safer, too.”
“Thanks in no small part to your dad, I’m sure.”
“As much as I’m enjoying this,” Robert begins.
“Do you know Batman?” Virgil asks, ignoring his dad.
“Can you keep a secret?” you whisper. Virgil nods quickly, and you say, “I’ve met all the bats and birds.”
“No way!”
“Precisely,” you say with a wink. “Between me and you?”
“For sure. Welcome to Dakota!”
“Virgil,” Robert calls. “Be good today.”
“Every day, pops! I’m good every day!”
As Virgil turns and exits the center, you shake your head. He reminds you of some of the previously mentioned bats when they were his age.
“He’s a good kid,” Robert muses. “But since his mom passed, I feel like I’ve had to remind him of that more often.”
“It’s hard,” you agree. “Losing a parent like that can make it too easy to lose sight of who you are. Virgil’s lucky to have you. All the kids here are.”
“You have to say that,” Robert jokes. “You’re from Gotham.”
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The Freeman Community Center is relatively quiet on your first day, giving you time to remember where everything is, put some personal touches on your office, and figure out how to use the computer. It isn’t Wayne tech, but the outdated operating system isn’t easier to use. The phone on your desk rings later in the afternoon, and your brows pinch as you pick it up.
“Freeman Community Center on Dakota’s Ferris Row,” you begin, reading the printout of frequent questions and information Mr. Hawkins left you. “How can I-“
“We keep secrets, right?”
You turn away from the open door and whisper, “Virgil?”
“Yes or no?” he presses, his voice high and urgent.
“Virgil, that depends entirely on what you’re about to tell me.”
“I just- I need help, and my pops won’t understand.”
“What happened?”
“He always says I’m smart and asks me not to prove him wrong… what if someone else makes me?”
“Forget it,” Virgil decides.
“No, listen to me. I’ve been exactly where you are. It’s a tight spot but it’s not an impossible one.”
“I told my dad it was a football injury; if he finds out I even got near a gang… I can’t hurt him, so I have to do this alone.”
“Be careful, Virgil.” You hesitate before you add, “If you need anything…”
“Thanks, Gotham.”
You huff a laugh and reply, “No problem, Dakota.”
As you end the call, you notice a handwritten note from Mr. Hawkins at the bottom of the paper. It mentions gangs, the letter F, and someone named Wade.
“What have you gotten yourself into, Virgil?” you mumble.
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Your bungalow is within walking distance of the center and the docks. The house is nice, safe, but is quiet enough that your Gotham-bred mind is uncomfortable. Your city never sleeps, coming to life after the streetlights come on, but Dakota is on a schedule that makes it impossible for you to ignore the silence. Flipping through channels, you try to find something to distract you, and when a news crew discussing Gotham pops up, you frown. It’s 600 miles to Gotham; there shouldn’t be a signal to broadcast Gotham City news.
“-Joker toxin dosing just last night,” the news anchor continues. “Aren’t you glad you aren’t in Gotham, Deb?”
“I sure am, Mike. Back in hometown news, Dakota residents have noticed an increase in traffic on-“
You turn the television off and check your phone. Jason texted you about the Joker toxin incident last night; several factory workers had been hospitalized, but the toxin was contained, and no one you know was affected. It was a relief, but your deep worry of not knowing when something else happens remains.
Your finger hovers over Dick’s contact. It’s been several days since you spoke to him, but if anything can make you homesick, it would be him. The sudden sound of helicopters flying over your house keeps you from texting him. You walk to the large window in your living room and see police choppers hovering with their spotlights pointed at the dock.
“Freeze!” someone demands over a speaker. “You are in a restricted area. Drop all weapons and step into the open.”
Gunshots echo as you turn the television back on to watch the helicopter footage. The boys at the docks look to be about Virgil’s age. A gang, you realize.
“No,” you whisper, rushing toward the front door.
As you near the road that leads you directly to the docks, an officer fires a nonlethal round from one of the helicopters. The noise is louder than it should be, pushing you backward as you cover your ears. It gets worse, however, when you notice the purple mist that covers the docks immediately after.
“Virgil,” you call, launching into a run.
Whoever is present needs help, but if Virgil is there, you must ensure he’s okay. As you near the fence on the east side of the docks, you slow. Virgil is climbing out of the secured part of the docks while police officers in gas masks are gathering the rest of the teenagers inside.
“What happened?” you ask.
Virgil looks at you before he falls off the fence and lands with an audible thud. You check his pulse and shake your head. He’s alive, breathing, and seems fine other than being unconscious. Carefully, you pull him up and thank Bruce for letting you train with vigilantes so often.
“I’ll get you home but I’m making you promise never to do this again,” you mumble.
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You refuse to open your eyes the following morning despite your ringing phone. Blindly, you feel around your bed and nightstand until you find it.
“Hello?” you ask against your pillow.
“You are not gonna believe this, Gotham! Meet me at the auto junkyard. Do you know where that is?”
“Yeah,” you answer. It isn’t until after Virgil hangs up that you ask, “Why?”
When you reach the junkyard, you notice a blond boy with a green sweater wandering aimlessly. There’s a picture of him on Mr. Hawkins’ desk, and you think back to your tour as you try to remember his name.
“Richie?” you try.
He spins quickly and takes a step back. “Who are you?”
“I’m a friend of Virgil’s. He told me to meet him here,” you answer.
“Yeah, me too.” Richie sighs and murmurs, “I’m worrying about his butt and he’s rushing me off the phone and…”
“Whoa,” you whisper as Richie yells.
Before you, Virgil stands atop a stack of junk cars as several rise and move to other piles. He moves his hands, and you watch his face as this new power courses through him.
“Tell me that’s not cool!” Virgil exclaims.
“How the heck did you-“ Richie begins.
“There was an explosion last night. There was this gas. It changed me, Richie. Check it out!”
You watch Virgil as pink sparks fly from his hands to wrap around the hood of the car. It flies up, and Virgil balances on top as it circles the junkyard.
“No more asking my pops to borrow his car, dude!”
“V-man, you could be a superhero!” Richie yells excitedly.
“I could, couldn’t I!”
“Virgil!” you warn just before he crashes.
You walk to his side as Richie pulls him up and begins brainstorming ideas for protective gear. Looking into his eyes, you try to determine what other effects the gas may have had on him or anyone else.
“What?” Virgil asks. You tilt your head, and Virgil murmurs, “Oh.”
“What?” Richie repeats. “What oh?”
“I don’t like that look, Gotham.”
“And I don’t like seeing people react to airborne mutagens,” you reply. “Does your dad know?”
“No! And he doesn’t need to. Right?”
“I won’t tell him, but…”
“You’ll help me? You know other heroes.”
Richie looks between you and Virgil, and you sigh before you agree, “Yeah, I’ll help. But if I notice one thing that seems off, I’m getting you real help.”
“Deal, Gotham,” Virgil says, extending his hand.
“I’m not shaking your hand, Static.”
Richie and Virgil gasp together, and you roll your eyes at the realization that you just named another vigilante hero.
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“Good morning,” Dick greets with a smile, and Haley tucked under his arm. “Beautiful day isn’t it?”
“What do you want?” Jason replies, blocking the door.
Dick sighs. “Why can’t you ever play along?”
“What do you want?”
“Fine, fine. Can you watch Haley for a few days?”
Jason looks at Haley, whose tail wags at his attention. “Where are you going?”
“Dakota. There was an explosion last night.”
“Yeah, the weird purple gas, I saw. She would’ve called if something happened.”
“She hasn’t called at all,” Dick admits softly. “I’m just worried.”
“I texted her after Joker dosed the warehouse workers. She was fine then.” Jason opens the door and takes Haley. He adds, “But I get it. Be careful.”
“Thank you. I owe you one.”
“Just one?”
“I can start repayment with a hug,” Dick offers, spreading his arms.
He blinks as the door slams in his face. His phone buzzes with an update on the citizens of Dakota, and he runs to his bike so fast he nearly trips over it.
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“Bruce Wayne. Leave a message.”
“Bruce, something happened. I’m going to the hospital now to look into it. Dakota might be a new breeding ground for metahumans. I’ll let you know if I find anything.”
You save the voicemail as you enter the hospital. The emergency room is an open area to your left, and it is at maximum capacity.
“It’s getting worse,” a nurse says. “They keep mutating.”
You discreetly look through the first door and gasp. An explosion down the hall draws the attention of doctors, nurses, and patients, but you walk the other way. You have to find Virgil and fill in Bruce, in that order. On your way out, you snatch a newspaper from the stand by the door.
In your office at the center, you read the front page several times. The story isn’t surprising, but you know it is nowhere near finished.
“Bang baby,” you read from the newspaper. “Dakota’s better than Gotham, huh?”
You look up when Mr. Hawkins knocks on your door. “Join my family for dinner? It’s the least I can offer after the unsavory welcome you’ve gotten.”
“Oh, there’s no need. Your family deserves your time.”
“We eat at six. The address is in my contact. See you then!” Robert calls over his shoulder.
You drop your head and nod to no one. “See you then,” you reply weakly.
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“Everywhere you look there’s another Bang Baby setting fires, wrecking buildings, scaring everybody, and no one’s doing anything about it,” Mr. Hawkins says at dinner.
“Well, what about that kid they were talking about on the news?” Sharon asks. “What’s his name? Static. He’s doing something, isn’t he?”
“Didn’t you hear what happened today? He got beat. Bad. Besides, he’s probably a Bang Baby, too.”
“If he is, he’s one of the few good ones.”
“Huh. For now.”
“What’s that mean?” Virgil demands.
“Nobody knows anything about these metahumans. What if Static keeps changing? What if he turns into some kind of monster? Nobody knows. Not even Static himself.”
“He’s willing to fight, though,” you point out. When all three Hawkins turn their attention to you, you clear your throat and explain, “He’s not mutating yet, like the rest of them, so it seems likely he never will. Plus, if he’s willing to fight the other Bang Babies, win, lose, or tie, I think he’d fight against any change he didn’t agree with.”
“That’s- I hadn’t considered it that way,” Mr. Hawkins admits. “I suppose you have a point. Fighters have something to fight for. Right, Virgil?”
Virgil smiles at you as he agrees, “Right.”
After dinner, Virgil walks you out and stops on the sidewalk. “You really think I won’t mutate?”
“Virg, the ones who are already mutating were probably closer to the explosion, exposed to more gas, there’s no way to know for sure. If you do, and I think it’s a big if, I’d anticipate it would be a slower, more manageable change. Something you can handle, no problem.”
“And you’ll help?”
You smile, but someone behind you answers, “That’s what she does best.”
Virgil looks over your shoulder, but you spin, your eyes widening as you run toward him.
“Dick!” you greet happily, throwing your arms over his shoulders as he catches you.
“I saw the explosion and was worried something happened to you. I should have known you were helping a young hero.”
“Hero?” Virgil repeats.
Dick looks at you as you move to his side, and you smile before you turn to Virgil. “I’ve been considered a sidekick for a very long time. Invisible but always there. Something you should remember, Virg.”
“I will. Nice to meet you…”
“Dick Grayson,” Dick introduces himself. “I take it you’re Virgil Hawkins.”
“Shake his hand,” you encourage.
“Why did you say it like that?” Dick demands, pulling his hand behind his back.
“Just do it.”
Dick reaches his hand out carefully, and Virgil shakes it without releasing any static electricity. You nod and wave to Virgil as he returns to his house.
“I’m sorry I didn’t call,” you tell Dick. “I thought I’d want to come back if I talked to you.”
“What happened?”
You glance back at Virgil’s house and decide, “It’s not my story to tell. What I do know is that there are a lot of metahumans in Dakota, and most of them are not good.”
“Did you tell Bruce?”
“I left a message. They- I just don’t know what to do.”
“What you came here to do. Help the people who need it most.”
“The center is for the poor, homeless, doomed narrative people, Dick, not metahumans.”
Dick lays his hands on your shoulders and smiles. “You’ll figure it out. You always do.”
“How long are you staying?”
Dick smiles and helps you onto his bike before he answers, “As long as I need to. I’ll do whatever I can, but I’ll also keep Bruce off your back. He’ll want to know everything, but your focus needs to be here.”
“Thank you.”
“Static,” Dick says. “That’s why you wanted me to shake his hand.”
“He’s gotten much better. But don’t tell him I told you anything.”
“You’ve been protecting my secret identity for over a decade, your secret’s safe with me.”
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While Dick stays at your house and tells Bruce everything he’s found out about the explosion and metahumans, you accompany Mr. Hawkins to a meeting at city hall. Despite your best efforts to convince him otherwise, he approaches the podium to ask what the city’s leaders are doing about the Bang Babies.
“Mr. Hawkins, the topic of today’s meeting is budget appropriations,” a woman on the board replies. “There will be a general meeting next month and-“
“This can’t wait a month!” Robert exclaims, hitting his fists against the podium top. “You’re our leader, we put our faith and trust in you when we elected you, but you seem to be forgetting that you serve us, we don’t serve you!”
As the crowd cheers, you lean toward Virgil.
“I’d hate to be on the other side of that,” you whisper. “But you know he’s not attacking you right? He’s just looking out for the greater good.”
“Sounds like your pops took some public speaking classes,” Richie muses.
“Nah,” Virgil replies, “he just gets lots of practice talking to me that way.”
“We all know the police have what’s left of the tanks the gas was in, so why haven’t they been able to trace the owner?” Robert asks.
“Someone’s working on that,” you tell Virgil.
“Batman?” he asks, wide-eyed at the idea.
“Maybe.” You look down at your phone and notice a message from Bruce. “Does the name Alva mean anything to you?” you ask Virgil.
He and Richie turn to each other, then smile at you. “It certainly does. Care to help us out with this one?”
“Better that than send you out alone.”
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“Don’t lose him,” Richie instructs from your passenger seat.
“Rich, this isn’t my first time tailing a bad guy, just calm down,” you reply. “Virgil’s listening in on Alva and he’ll let us know about any changes.”
“Guys, Alva is sending someone else to wipe hard drives of mutagen formulas and shipping records,” Virgil says through Richie’s walkie-talkie. “He wants everything saved somewhere else so he can start over.”
“Where’s the lab?” you ask Richie.
“Take the next right,” he instructs. Virgil flies over you, and he amends, “Or just follow him.”
You pull the walkie-talkie from Richie and radio, “Be careful, Virg. We’re right behind you.”
“10-4,” he replies.
When you park behind Alva’s lab, Richie reaches for the door handle, but you stop him.
“We wait here,” you instruct. “If Virg needs help, I’ll go in.”
Several minutes later, after Richie has grown increasingly nervous and antsy, a window on the second floor shatters as Virgil flies out on a metal utility cart. You back out slowly and drive around the back of the building to meet Virgil. He did it alone, but that doesn’t mean he won’t have questions or concerns about how and what he did.
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“This is everything?” you ask as you hold up the disc.
“Yep. Once the doctors see it, I’ll know if I can stop worrying,” he answers.
“Worrying?” Dick repeats.
“Virgil thinks he’s going to keep mutating like some of the other Bang Babies.”
“Don’t you think that would have happened by now?”
You gesture toward Dick to communicate, see? It’s the logical explanation, and you hope Virgil will see that now.
I missed you, you think as you look at Dick. His eyes are on you as Virgil and Richie theorize what data Alva saved. Dick stands and drops his eyes to your lips.
“Do that again,” he instructs.
“Do what again?” you ask.
“Just…” Dick trails off and places his hand on your shoulder as he leans toward you.
I knew talking to you would make me homesick.
“How close did you get to that mutagen gas?” Dick inquires.
“I don’t know,” you answer, shrugging. “To the fence, so ten yards from the purple cloud, maybe?”
“You were that close to the gas zone, and you didn’t tell me?” Dick asks as he stands. “We’re leaving.”
“What? Why?” you inquire as Virgil begins arguing against you leaving. “Dick, I can’t leave!”
“You just talked to me without opening your mouth!” he exclaims, tossing his jacket to you. “Something happened to you, and I’m not going to sit around and wait to find out if it gets worse.”
“He didn’t care if I got worse,” Virgil murmurs to Richie.
He’s protective, you think as you glance toward him.
“Whoa! Get your voice out of my head.”
“I’m not trying to do it,” you defend. “What can you hear?”
“Your thoughts, I think,” Dick answers. “I highly doubt you wanted me to hear it.”
“One day,” you tell him, convinced by the idea that you could accidentally share something with someone you trust less. “You have one day to run the tests and then I’m coming back. I can’t leave now, Dick.”
“Fine. We’ll be back. If you need anything, call her.” He passes a card to Virgil and reluctantly adds, “Or him.”
“This is- there’s a-“ Virgil stutters.
“That’s a bat!” Richie exclaims. “Is this Batman’s number?”
“Yes, and if you call him for anything short of an emergency, he will be very mad.”
“Oh, of course,��� Virgil agrees. “Good luck.”
“Hey,” you call, looking back. “Whatever answers I get help you, too. Just keep doing what you’re doing, and it’ll work out.”
“You got it, Gotham.”
“Stay you, Static.”
As you follow Dick to his motorcycle, you try to keep your thoughts calm and meaningful. He turns toward you and offers you a helmet, but he lays his hand against your cheek before you can put the helmet on.
“Relax,” he says. “I won’t listen.”
“I don’t want to say – think - something I shouldn’t,” you mumble.
“It’s me. Think whatever you want.”
“Promise not to get scared away if I let a secret slip?”
Dick smiles as he says, “I promise. You’re stuck with me… like static.”
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“I don’t see any physical effects of the gas,” Bruce declares. “But you’re clearly telepathic.”
“Great,” you grumble. “Known for my ability to keep secrets and one little explosion opens my brain up to everyone.”
“Quite the opposite,” Bruce corrects. “It seems to me that only people you trust have been able to hear your thoughts, and it’s only active thoughts at this point. With practice, I see no reason you couldn’t gain control and be able to both send and receive message telepathically.”
“How do I practice that?”
“Intentional telepathy. Send thoughts to people rather than speaking, try to get in the head of someone you trust.”
You nod and purse your lips. Dick wants to know what you’re thinking, and, of course, it’s not clear this time.
“You want me to stay, don’t you?” you ask.
“Pure-hearted metahumans are hard to come by. There are more than enough villains and crooks in Gotham who would stop picking fights once a telepath was involved,” Bruce points out. “I’d love to have you with us.”
“I… I want to go back to Dakota. Virgil needs my help and all of those metahumans are just as lost and scared as I am. The difference is that they’re dangerous in their fear. But I know that Gotham needs all the help it can get, too.”
You look to Dick, but he shakes his head and says, “I’m not telling you want to do. Whatever you decide, I’m with you.”
“I’m going back to Dakota,” you declare. “Thank you, Bruce.”
“Of course. You know where to find me if you need anything else or want to strike fear into the hearts of Gotham’s criminals.”
Yet you didn’t answer your phone, you think pointedly.
Bruce shakes his head as the thought enters his mind, and you smile at how easy it is. As you follow Dick out of the Batcave, you know that the road ahead of you won’t be easy, but it will be worth it.
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“I’ll call this time,” you promise as Dick prepares to return to Blüdhaven. “Thanks for everything, Dick.”
“Any time. Thanks for the glimpse into your mind,” Dick replies, then winks.
“It was never for Gotham. The homesick feeling.”
“What was it for?”
“I think you know, Boy Wonder.”
Dick shakes his head as he slides his helmet over his hair. “I’ll call if you don’t,” he threatens.
“Understood, Nightwing, sir.”
Dick waves as he pulls away from your house. That homesick feeling settles below your concern for Virgil and yourself, and you push it down further as you get ready for work. The community center needs you first.
“Good morning, Robert,” you greet as you enter.
“Good morning. How was your trip to Gotham? I wish you’d taken up my offer to stay longer,” he replies.
“It was good. I refuse to leave you any longer than necessary, especially since I’ve only been here a week.”
“Community, family, it’s what we do here.”
You smile and accept a hot drink from Robert before you walk to your office. Several meetings with female students are on your calendar this afternoon, and you’ve set aside two hours to plan a basketball game fundraiser. The busy day should keep your mind off of Dick, and as long as you keep your thoughts in your own head, it should be a nice return to work.
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“Gotham!” Richie yells.
You look up from the paper in your hand and frown. Richie slides to a stop, out of breath, as he points toward the docks.
“Bang Babies, like, all of them,” he pants. “Virg can’t hold ‘em.”
Your eyes widen as you realize what he’s saying. Virgil is alone against a multitude of metahumans with no backup. At least until you arrive. You usher Richie into your car and speed to the entrance of the docks.
“Wait!” Richie yells. “This is for you.”
He hands you a metal case, and you open it quickly. There’s a gray spandex suit covered with black embroidery that you think is meant to be EEG results.
“Brain waves?” you ask, looking at Richie.
 “I know you don’t have a name yet, but Virg and I were messing around and… it should fit.”
You smile and thank Richie before you run into a nearby outbuilding and pull it on. It fits well, though you’re not surprised that Virgil and Richie managed it. As you move through the buildings and shipments surrounding the docks, you count over twenty Bang Babies and see Virgil struggling to hold off at least ten more.
You close your eyes and think about the people you love. Telepathically, you call out – or try to call out – Batman, we need backup in Dakota. The docks. Send everyone you can spare. I love you all.
After adding the last part about loving them, just in case, you jump into the fight. Hotstreak is closest to Virgil, and you invade his mind with thoughts of icebergs and cold water splashing on him. He flinches back as if the water extinguished his flames, and you turn your attention to the next person.
“Is that Batman?” one of the Bang Babies yells.
You don’t turn, focusing on Boom, a metahuman who can generate sonic waves. Once he’s disoriented, Static moves in and pushes him into a shipping container where his power can be contained.
“You called in backup?” Virgil asks.
“I didn’t think they’d come,” you defend.
“Way to have faith in us!” Red Hood yells as he dodges a punch.
Robin tuts behind him, wielding a katana. “You are family, or so they keep telling me.”
“Ebon!” Richie yells from the other side of the fence. “Don’t let him get away, Static!”
“I’ve got Ebon!” you announce. “Static, Replay!”
Johnny Morrow waves at Robin and then splits into several clones of himself.
“I’ve had so much coffee that I was already seeing two of you,” Red Robin taunts. “Come at me, one kid wonder.”
“Are you chasing shadows?” Nightwing asks as he falls into step with you, running toward the lone streetlight over the docks.
“Ebon can slip into the shadows, he can teleport, but if I can see him, I can stop him.”
“Are you sure?”
“Mostly,” you answer after several steps. “Bruce brought the whole family, I see.”
“You sent the message to all of us,” Dick says. “We all boom tubed here.”
“Oh. I’ve got this, go help the others. We’re outnumbered.”
“Be careful!”
Dick turns and pulls his Escrima sticks from their position on his back and taps them together as he moves toward Leech.
“Try to fight without power!” Leech bellows.
“Sorry… no superpowers for you to turn off,” Dick taunts with a smile.
You tune out the sound of the fight behind you as you search for Ebon. Just ahead of you, you can sense someone thinking.
Ebon, you call telepathically. Talon made you sound so scary. I wasn’t expecting you to run from a fight.
He doesn’t reply or move, but you can sense his discomfort with having another voice in his mind.
Since I’m here and you’re a bad host, maybe I should look around for myself.
You navigate to one of his memories, watching in your mind as he fought a Bang Baby. He won, so you dig for another. When you reach a fight from the day after the explosion, Ebon slings his head to the side.
That won’t work, I’m in your mind, not on your head, you explain. Unless you’re ready to come out and face me like a man. Or do you think it’ll go as well as the last time you fought a girl? Her memories are much different than yours.
Ebon launches out of the shadows, and you fill his mind with an image of falling. He crashes to the ground, and Virgil binds him with looping static.
“Try teleporting with the entire dock stuck to your back,” Virgil says.
“How many more?” you ask.
“None. Your, uh, friends are very efficient.”
“Did you hear that?” Red Robin asks. “He called us your friends.”
“If your need for aid has been met, I’d like to return home to Titus,” Robin adds.
“Yeah, yeah,” you reply. “Thank you all, for everything. I meant what I said.”
“We know,” Red Hood assures. “See you at family dinner? We know boom tubes work here now, so no excuse!”
“I’ll be there,” you promise.
“Nice work,” Batman applauds. “You, too, Static. Hold on to that card you have.”
“Yes, sir, thank you, sir,” Virgil replies.
The boom tube opens behind them, and they step in one after the next. When it closes, you turn and high-five Virgil. He smiles at something over your shoulder before he runs toward Richie to relive every glorious moment. Dick walks toward you, visible now that Virgil isn’t between you.
“I thought you left,” you say, tilting your head to the side.
Dick looks down at your new suit and exhales dramatically. “Bang, baby.”
You laugh and push your hands against his chest, but instead of shoving him backward, you grip his suit and pull him toward you. His lips meet yours, and fireworks explode overhead. You know that they’re real, Virgil’s doing, but you don’t care about that or anything else as Dick wraps his arms around your waist and kisses you.
You’ve dreamed of this moment for years, thought of it daily since Dick left Gotham, and it’s everything you dreamed it would be. Breathless, you pull back and smile at Dick as he removes his domino mask. You only have a moment before you must leave, make room for the police to take the most dangerous of the Bang Babies in. But, in that moment you have left, you look at Dick and think…
Bang, baby, indeed.
He pulls you close and leads you away from the docks. You both ignore the sirens approaching behind you as you get in your car and drive in the dark to your house.
“It’s a nice suit,” Dick mentions after you change out of it.
“Shut up,” you murmur. “It wasn’t my idea.”
“Trust me, I know.”
“Thank you for coming.”
“You know I always will. I’ve been homesick without you, too.”
You lean in to kiss Dick again, and just before your lips meet, you think, I love you, Dick Grayson.
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trentslocss · 9 months
Mine to have - TAA
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Pairing: Reader x Trent Alexander Arnold
Warnings: smut smut smut smut smut
A/N: If I do end up publishing this it means I really had the nuts to do so. Also, this is the best gif ever, thank the lords and the person who made this for bearing us with this gif.
You’ve had the same new years ritual since you started dating. Coffee in the town when you wake up, lunch at your place with your friends and then a party at Andy’s. Every year was practically the same, but every year you loved it even more.
Especially since you taught Trent, with some help from his mother, to help you with cooking. Now he was a childish man and he would sometimes make a bigger problem than help, but it was good to have you work together on it.
You made plenty of food and set it on the table as your friends started coming into your shared apartment. Jude, Andy and Virg were the first to barge inside, Jude carrying a platter from the pastry shop downtown.
By the time Gakpo, Salah and everyone’s wives/girlfriends came in, all 10 of you sat around the table and Jude cried that he could finally eat. Truth be told, they were late, and he was at the verge of exploding.
You sat next to Trent, his left arm leaned on your chair as you talked and laughed at Gakpo’s story about first moving to Liverpool. “You were a tough nut to crack, I couldn’t read your face for months. Still can’t” Salah giggled with a full mouth. “I think it’s because of his chubby cheeks, not toughness” You all laughed at Virgil’s comment, which hasn’t made Gakpo that happy, as he continued to chew with a visible pout.
You sipped your glass of champagne as you felt a hand lay on your thigh, going up and down on it. You knew what he was doing. Seeing you giggle with his friends and so invested in the conversation made him want to spice things up a little bit, he had always been a devil’s man.
The conversation in the room never stopped, but Trent stopped following a long time ago. He started whispering in your ear, touching you with his leg, “accidentally” touching you in between your legs, but you weren’t having it. You knew if you gave in he would ruin you in the room next door, and you’ve given in too many times to make that mistake again. “Baby, if you keep ignoring me I’m gonna have to take you in front of all of them. Your choice” He whispered gently in your ear as you gulped, pretending not to have heard the nasty comment that was followed by an innocent giggle and a flash of his pretty smile to your guests.
As soon as you closed the door behind your beloved guests you were swept off your feet. He took you to your room and threw you on the bed. “Take your clothes off” “No” You said as he turned his head toward you, looking at you in disbelief. “You’ve been all over me all day in front of everyone. You don’t think they saw it? You embarrassed me in front of our friends.” You said rather angrily as you stumbled past him went to get ready for tonights party at Andy’s house.
You kept ignoring him for another two hours. You washed your hair, got dressed and put your make up on, but he was still needy and you were still ignoring him. When he put his arms around your waist and you pushed his hands off of you he had had enough. He came to your petite frame, taking your chin in his hand and forcing you to look at him.
“Now, baby, I haven’t embarrassed you in front of anyone. But, since you obviously want me to, I’ll show you have well I can do that” You gulped as he devoured your lips in a sensual kiss.
Your clothes was off of you in a second, the dress you were planning to wear tonight scattered and crumbled up on the floor. Your make up semi ruined as he teased your entrance with his cock. You knew he wanted you to beg for him but you wouldn’t give in, being too stubborn for your own good. “Come on baby, I know you want it. All you have to do is ask” He said as he rubbed your clit with his hard-on. The sensation was unbearable just enough to make you shatter. You hated it, but you were absolutely loving it.
“You don’t wanna talk? Okay. We’ll do this my way” He said as he slipped inside of you, earning a loud moan from you and the filthiest groan from him.
He slid inside and almost immediately made you want to come. All the teasing and touching on the side made you squirm beneath him, but you could never admit it. From the start you knew he was up to something, you could see it in his eyes. He was having the time of his life, the devilish smirk on his mouth as he kept pulling out to the tip then forcing himself back inside.
“See baby, you take me too well for someone so stubborn” He smiled, going deeper and deeper with every thrust.
You moaned again as he put his index finger on your clit. You thought the sensation was unbearable, until he pulled you down on the bed and put your thighs around his upper waist, his full length slipped inside you, deeper than he has probably ever been.
You were so close as he kept hitting your uncovered g-spot over and over again with forceful moves of his hips. Your fingers marking his broad shoulders as your heels dug deep inside his back.
“Oh fuck I’m gonna cum” You screamed before he started licking your nipple, the finger on your clit working you faster than ever. The edge was just near you, you would swear you could see stars.
Suddenly, all of it stopped as he came inside of you. As he started pulling out he didn’t stop cumming, spilling it all over your clit and opening, smearing it around with his tip. You looked at him in pure shock as he rubbed your clit for a bit, the new wetness made you moan, your head falling back, eyes closed.
You suddenly felt the snap of your panties on your hips. His fingers in his mouth for a second as he happily smiled. “I guess we’re ready to go. Good luck with that, I hope you don’t feel embarassed in front of our friends, all night long”
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dizscreams · 1 year
Moments in Love — Ethan Landry ★
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PAIRING: Ethan x gn!reader
SUMMARY: Just you and Ethan on the subway sharing headphones :)
WARNINGS: just fluff! enjoy my dears
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You and Ethan were on your way home after a date, but since New York is so crowded you had to take the subway. No taxis would take you so this was the best idea you had! The subway was fine you didn’t mind it, it was just how many people were actually on the subway. But it also made sense, NYC is beautiful but a pain in the ass.
Ethan sat down in a seat then you sat next to him. You put your earbuds in and looked at him. You stared at him with pure admiration. Your favorite thing to do was gush about him to your friends, you just couldn’t help it! He was really pretty, he was smart, he was actually funny to your surprise (except for his dad jokes) , and he was kind, trusting, caring. You could make a whole book about him. If you were being totally honest you didn’t know how he was a virg-
He caught you staring and lightly flicked your head, snapping you out of your thoughts. “What were you looking at?” He asked and laughed at your reaction, you looked away with a tiny smile on your face and fiddled with your hands, “Nothin” you said sheepishly. He quirked an eyebrow at that answer. “Okay, you,” he snorted.
He looked down at you and smiled, then took your hand in his and rubbed his thumb across your knuckles. You looked up at him with heart eyes and he looked at you the exact same. He was so perfect and just so special, you didn’t know if you deserved him. But he was yours so you knew you did something right!
“Can I listen with you?”
“Hm?” he pointed to your earbuds, “Can I listen to music with you?”
“Oh, yeah, of course Eth.” You smiled at him before handing him an earbud. He moved a little closer to you and you felt the need to put your head on his shoulder, so you did.
Ethan didn’t know how he got you. You had liked him for a while and he had NO idea. Chad and Tara were the ones that had to do the matchmaking cause he liked you as much as you did him. He was nervous and oblivious you were nervous and oblivious, it was the perfect match. He had never had a real relationship before and you never seemed to have a good one, but you both got lucky and found each other.
He started tapping his fingers on your hand along to the beat, with them still being intertwined and you smiled. It was the little things he did.
After that song played you asked him if he wanted to play one which he happily obliged to. It went like that for a while, you both taking turns playing songs, him thinking about how you two needed to make a playlist together, and your hands still interlocked.
You had both made it to your stop and got off, you were both going back to your dorms which was about a 7 minute walk. He decided he would start a conversation about music and it was probably the best idea he’s ever had. You quickly became interested in the topic and you both had a really good conversation.
“Opinion on September?”
“Doesn’t get any better than that.”
“Good, I was worried I would’ve had to break up with you” he joked and you dramatically put your hand on your heart. “I can’t believe you would think of such a thing” he laughed at you and that made laugh. You don’t know how many times he’s made you listen to ‘Lets groove’ in your time of knowing him, but thought it was adorable.
After you guys talked the whole way there you felt even more in love with him, you didn’t even know that was possible. You couldn’t stop smiling and laughing, he just made you unbelievably happy. To both of your dismay, you had made it to his apartment first. You walked him to his door and kissed his cheek and attempted to walk away before he gently grabbed your hand.
“Do you have to go?”
You thought about it for a minute. Tara would be out and Sam would be at Danny’s and you knew Quinn had a boy over sooo
“Nah I don’t think so” you both smiled brightly before going inside.
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whorekneecentral · 1 year
“Can you feel where i am inside of you?”
Dom virgil van dijk talking you through it please and thank u!
SCREAMINGGGGGGGGG // prompt: “can you feel where i am inside of you?”
It was a good game, a great game even. Actually everyone that was a fan or worked for Liverpool was on the top of the world.
7-0 at home? Nothing beats it.
Your husband came home in a good mood, there's no question about that. The moment the two of you get through the front door, the man's got you over his shoulder, carrying you up to the bedroom.
You’re on an angle when you're back on the bed, Virgil stuffed a throw pillow under your hips as he pulls one of your legs over his shoulder. 
“Is this okay?” He checks in with you and you nod, smiling at him. “More than okay.” 
He leans down once more to kiss you, your leg pushed back and his cock pushing into you. Between your leg over his shoulder, the angle and the pillows holding you up, you knew you weren't going to last long. 
A hand placed on your hip as he rammed into you, your back already arched. “So beautiful,” he mumbles to himself, letting your leg drop back down. 
His hand moves from your hip, up and over your chest and to your neck, his fingers wrapped around your pretty little neck. “That’s my girl, hm?” He asks, leaning down into you. 
“Only my good girl can take my cock like this, this pussy was made just for me.” 
You nod, agreeing with him. Your hand on the back of his neck, pulling him down to kiss you again. “Virg-” 
He pulls your hand down to rest on your lower stomach, "can you feel that?" he asks, his lips by your ear. “Can you feel where I am inside of you?”
Between the angle you were at and his hand sliding down to rub on your clit, your head drops back into the couch once again, begging him to let you cum.
“Virg, baby, please god- fuck, let me cum please,” you ramble out and Virgil hums, kissing along your jaw, “mhm I'm not stopping you, sweetheart.”
He lets you drop back onto your arms, back arched for him once again. He feels you cum around him, the wetness covering his cock. It’s not long after, followed by a few sloppy thrusts, that Virgil cums too. 
The two of you lay there for a while, catching your breath, the blanket tossed over you before you speak. "You should win 7-0 more often."
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fanderficreader · 1 month
The Trend. (Prinxiety)
A/N you could see it as platonic or romantic. (Either way, idc.) btw this is my first fic, so be nice pls. 😁
Words: 1021
TW: none
Virgil was in his room watching TikTok on his phone, when he came across a video. Someone was wearing a hoodie while someone else behind them was in the back of it, using their arms as the first persons arms. When he saw this, he got an idea.
Virgil made his way to Romans room, and knocked on the door. "Come in~" he said in a sing song tone. "Hey Roman. Whatcha doing?" Roman was at his desk, working on the script for the next sander sides video for Thomas. "Just helping Thomas with his script. Why?" Roman asked. "I was wondering if you're willing to try this trend with me." As Virgil said that, he pulled out his phone, pulling up the video he watched earlier.
"Oh, Yeah sure!" Roman said excitedly. He was mostly happy because Virgil barely wants to hang out with any of the sides. If so, he mostly hangs with Patton. So this was special for Roman. "So we're gunna need one of my hoodies." Virgil went to go grab a big hoodie that he owned. When he came back Roman was already set up with everything ready to go.
"Ok, so am I gunna be your arms, or are you gunna be mine?" Roman asked. "You can be my arms." Virgil put on the hoodie and let Roman get in the back. His arms then went through the sleeves, and they were ready to record. They chose the same audio that the other people did, and just ran with that. As they were recording though, Roman kept breathing on Virgil's neck on the inside of the hoodie.
Roman stopped the recording. "Hey, why do you keep shivering?" Roman started. "You are literally wearing a hoodie." He exclaimed. Roman was still in the hoodie as he was talking. So every time he would talk, it would send another tingly vibration down Virgil's spine. "I'm not s'shivering. I don't know w'what you're talking a'about." Virgil stuttered. "Is it cause I'm breathing on you?" When he asked that, Virgil got a little pink in the face.
Roman finally stuck his head out of the hoodie- his face also downing a nice crimson and some beads of sweat -he looked at Virgil and saw the pink in his cheeks. "I know why I'm red but why is your face flushed as well?" As roman said that, his face flushed a deeper pink. Roman was confused for a second. Until he put two and two together, and realized what was happening. "So you're sure you're fine?" As he said that, he shifted his hand so it could poke Virgil in the stomach a little. This made him jump slightly.
"Nope. I'm fihine." He awkwardly laughed, to brush off some of the tension. "Are you sure?" Roman leaned in to Virgil's ear to whisper that. When he did Virgil scrunched up his neck. Roman mentally giggled at that. Oh this is gunna be fun... he thought. "Hey Virgil." "Whahat?" He giggled slightly. "You know what would be great right now?" He started. "A kiss." With that he then started giving Virgil tiny kisses on his neck, behind his ear, and on his collarbone.
To tell you Virgil was a mess is an understatement. He was giggling up a storm, just enjoying the sensations on his body -But he would never tell anyone that(except for Roman...)- "aww, you look so cute like this Virgie." That made Virgil blush even more. "Stohahap wihith the tehehsihing!" Virgil said through the giggles. "Aww, but you love the teases~" he pulled up Virgil's shirt and the hoodie a bit, and started poking Virgil's stomach. That made the giggles pick up, and the squeals start.
After about 2,3 minutes of this Roman finally spoke. "Hey, Virge. You know what I'm craving right now?" Virgil didn't answer and just kept giggling. He shook his head back and fourth already knowing the answer. "Raspberries!" With that he then started blowing tiny raspberries on Virgil's neck and collarbone. When I tell you, Virgil screamed. "EEEEEEhehe!! NoHOHOoh!!" Virgil was in stitches, but he was also the happiest he'd been this whole week.
He's been down lately, in a state of depression. So he thought by doing this with Roman would really help lift his spirits. -and oh, did it do more then that- his dopamine levels were as high as a kite right now. "Hey Virge. You know what I've noticed." He stated calmly, as if there wasn't a grown man in hysterics in front of him. "Whahhahahat!?" He tried to answer. "You haven't once said for me to stop." He said with a shit-eating grin on his face. As he said that, he slowed his 'attack' to a stop.
"w'Well, i- um..." his blush burned a dark crimson at this point, and started to spread to the tips of his ears. "Do you perhaps like it?~" Roman asked. "n'No..." that got him a poke to the side. -the hoodie had already gotten taken off of the both of 'em at this point- he squeaked. "Ok, maybe a little..." Virgil's face was flushed so brightly, if you didn't know what they were talking about, you would be concerned for him.
"Well isn't that just adorable~" Roman said. "No it's not!" When he said that, Roman lifted a brow. "Are you sure about that?~" he then fluttered his fingers on Virgil's neck, making him giggle and scrunch up. "You're just like a roly poly." Roman smiled at Virgil. Which made him look away in embarrassment. "Hey, don't look away." He started. " I'm not done tickling you yet." There they both were, on the floor, in a tickle fight. Forgetting about the once attended to tripod, that was still recording Everything.
(A/N) I hope that you enjoyed this. It's my first sander sides fic, so it's probably not the best. But, I tried to give the characters as much justice as I could. I hope it was just as teasy for you as it was for me... AnYwAaAAaYsS! I hope you enjoyed, and I'll try and write more soon.😅 BYE!
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namjoonscoffeeshop · 7 months
Deep | 03
Tumblr media
✧ Pairing:Min Yoongi x reader
✧ genre: angst,fluff,smut,fake dating au,contract
✧ warning(s): explicit language, suggestive content, mature content
✧ synopsis; you're in love with your childhood friend but he does not see you more than just a friend. One day you ask him to be more than just friends, he agrees.
✧ word count: 10k
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"if you're just doing it to kill time, then do it with me" taking back his arm from your hold he steps back.
you felt terrified of the words that just came out your mouth, but you decided to stand your ground, there was no turning back. the damage was done. "what" "i said i-"
"no i heard what you said, have you lost you're mind? what is with you today" making his way to the door he tries to escape this awkward situation he was put in. and just like earlier your body moved on it's own. hugging him from behind you pull him back "yoongi!"
he lets out a groan as he pulls your arms off him, holding them to your side, if he leaves now i won't have the courage to ever say anything like this again. "do you even know what you just asked me?
"i'm not stupid nor innocent as you th-"
"oh i've seen the books you read, i know you aint innocent" he chuckles, letting go of your arms you felt your heart sink when he gave you that look. the look of pity, it made your insides twist that you had no other choice but to reach for his face as you pulled him in for a kiss. pressing your lips against his, your hand behind his nape.
your first kiss.
your eyes were shut but his were wide open with shock as he stared at you. hands to his sides he hand no idea what to do, for the first time in his life he was vulnerable to a women. retreating from the kiss you open your eyes and felt a pang to your heart when he was just staring at you confused. you could feel how the blood rushed to your head, making you feel as if you could pass out from embarrassment.
"i have no idea what made you wanna act this way" staring at your lips he glances back up to look you in the eyes "but i hope you understand that this doesn't change anything and the answer is still no"
"no y/n, that's my final and only answer"
"but nothing, you should be focusing on your studies instead of this." you could see he wanted to get out of here, thoughts running through your head. you head no other option but to start talking randomly
"i don't want to be a virgin anymore" raising his eyebrow at this very tmi sentence "ok? uh why?"
"why? cause no one my age is still a virg-"
"who cares what everyone else is or isn't" you begin to feel frustrated at how he keeps cutting you off. you were about to speak up but this time he didn't even let you talk "y/n, i'm not gonna have sex with you just to take your virginity. are you crazy?"
for you. maybe.
"but you have sex with other girls for fun" you whine
"but that's different, stop acting like a child"
"you wouldn't be calling me a child if you would have sex with me" he was speechless, he never had a hard time reading you but not knowing what was going on in your head made him want to run away.
"i know you don't settle for one person, i'm not asking you to be my boyfriend just t-"
"no no and no. please y/n stop talking"
"fine, i'll go to someone else" you turn away, walking around the sofa to sit down. giving him your back
"what? no you aren't" he raises his voice
"you don't tell me what to do"
"what? are you that needy" you could tell by his tone that he was getting annoyed by you.
"i would rather have my first time with you but if you say no then i'll go with someone else" he groans in frustration as he ruffles his hair. "come here"
"i said come here"
"are you not gonna change your mind"
"no" you shake your head, not hearing him clearly as your heart was beating so hard it was the only thing you could hear
"shut up" he says as he grabs your hand, pulling you towards his bedroom. "you still want to loose your virginity to me" he says, pushing his door open. "yes" he pulls you to the bathroom, opening the shower door draging you in behind him. in your head every scenario your head ever read of shower sex was running through your head.
once inside he shuts the glass door only to reach behind you. to turn the water on. "yoongi!" you scream his name as he pushes you under the cold water. hugging you under the water he holds you in place "now you stand here until your horny ass calms down" he says with a smug look on his face.
I try to push him away but all he does is tighten his grip on me "yoongi, let me go before i kill you"
"nope, not until you stop saying you want to loose your virginity for shits and giggles"
you could feel your eyes tear up, once again he took everything i said as a joke. treating me like some kid.
"you're not going to have sex with me or anyone else. you need to focus on school. we're almost done and it's not the time to be slacking off"
"let me go" you say with a shaky voice, the cold water was getting to you
"your dad told me to watch over you, i'm not letting you do dumb choices now that we're almost done with school"
"let me go yoongi" you yell at him, hitting his chest. but he didn't budge, keeping us under the water for about another five minutes. "are you calm"
"are you gonna make more crazy requests"
"are you going to ask someone else" shaking my head in reply.
As if i'd want anyone other than you.
"good girl" he reaches for the handle, turning off the water. he opens the door to the shower, stepping out. "here" he hands you a towel. head down, you take the towel. "wait here, let me get you something to wear" you stand there, with a towel in your hands
"here, wear this" walking into the bathroom he finds you in the same spot, head down. "y/n stop pouting and get changed" he places the clothes on top of the counter before closing the bathroom door.
feeling defeated you change into the dry clothes that belonged to him before opening the door.
"all better"
"yeah" you mumble
"don't be like that. i get how you could be curious about things like that but you don't want to loose your virginity over some reason like that"
"where's your clothes"
"i'll put it wash, where did you leave it"
"oh..i put it in the washer." nodding you leave his room, walking past him.
"this girl is gonna be the death of me" he sighs, laying on his bed.
Once you were done he said you weren't allowed to stay over and he quickly sent you away. walking to your apartment you didn't think you'd have to return to made you even more humiliated.
entering your apartment your stomach rumbles. looking at the wall that stands between the two of you. you stick your middle finger out "fuck you yoongi"
"that's why you got your own car" yoongi tells you as you hold onto the drivers seat door blocking him from getting into his car "you said nothing would change"
"y/n just listen to me and move" grabbing your wrist he pulls it off the handle and you move aside. he gets into the car, starting the engine. you can see how he tilts his head back as he leans it against the head rest. as his window rolls down he turns to look at you and stays silent for a while before sighing "get in, idiot" you tried talking to him but he was only nodding his head or humming. you could feel how he was cautious around you now.
"want to have lunch together" he says as he parks
"now you want to talk? yoongi forget what happened yesterday. it was a mistak-"
"no, remember i don't mind my own business. i just wanted to talk to you about maybe being more distant since you won't let go what happened yesterday" without letting him answer, you get out of the car and speed walk to the building.
"please let me sleep over" you hold onto your friend's arm as you shake her pleading for her to save you from the embarrassment.
" what did you do that's so bad you have to hide at my place"
"nothing, i just wanna go out.."
jihye gives you the side eye, knowing damn well there's something you're hiding. "forget it" you pout as you sink deeper into your chair.
"oh stop, yes you can come over" as if you were a spring you straightened pulling her into a tight hug where you squeeze her to death.
"i'll be with jihye tonight. don't wait for me"
"still texting him even though you are hiding out here?" putting your phone away you roll your eyes "i'm just letting him know so he doesn't stay waiting for me. then he can go have his own fun" you give her a bitter smile.
"okay.....anyways i bought these really cute night gowns the other day" tossing one bag to you she grins "i got you a pair too"
"why?" opening the bag you take out the purple silky gown, the floral embroidery that decorated the chest over the nude color had you in awe "this is actually pretty"
"i know! and you never buy things like these" she gives you a push towards the bathroom"now go change, let's see if it look better on" she winks at you as she takes her out of the bag
entering the bathroom you begin to undress, stopping once your phone rings. knowing who it was you decide to ignore it, but he kept blowing up your phone.
come home, stop being stubborn
how do i not know you're out doing what you said you would, answer the phone
your phone then rings as he calls you. but you hang up, opening the messages instead.
i'm at jihye's house
" this looks nice" you look at yourself through the mirror, the gown helped outline all your curves along. your phone rings one more time, annoyed you pick it up.
show me
fine...want me to show you.
yoongi had been to jihye's house when she threw a party once, so he knows how it looks. stepping out of the bathroom you notice jihye wasn't around. she could still be changing you thought. walking to the living room you stand in front of her massive mirror and take a quick photo, showing him where you were but more importantly showing him what you were wearing
satisfied with your photo you send it and feel all bubbly inside. anxious about the photo and how he'll react. "holy shit you look good" your friend walks into the same room as you, with the exact same night gown but it was red.
"so do you"
"lets take a photo, i won't post it" she knew how you hated taking photos and hated even more having them out in social media. but today you felt bold.
"post it" you shrug
she had her phone up, ready to take the photo but your answer made her put it down and she stared at you "damn what yoongi do to you? i knew it was weird that you wanted to stay out but now this?"
"nothing, i'm just tired of being so...ugh i dont know"
"okok, then show some ass. i want more followers" you laugh at her as she pokes out her chest.
glancing at your phone you see no response only
seen ✓
Pressing the button, a loud noise rings as the lever slides up letting the basketballs slide down in front of yoongi. As they fell he'd grab them and shoot them into the basket repeatedly one after the other. He's been standing there doing it over and over beating his own score "he must be really fucking mad" jin whispers to namjoon as he stuffs his mouth with chips, namjoon in the other hand looked disgusted by him talking with his mouth full "well no shit think about it. He doesn't tell us what happened, and next thing we know y/n's all over instagram showing ass and half the school talking about it" jin shrugs as he looks back at yoongi who just passed his own high score once again.
"hyung, what if you just tell us what happened" Having finished the game yoongi turns to look at the guys who had a curious and concerned looked on their face. "Nothing happened" yoongi shrugs as he continues to not satisfy his friends curiosity. looking at the clock he picks up his things and says goodbye.
"where are. you going?" namjoon asks him as he follows him outside "my kitten doesn't know how to behave, she left the house so i'm gonna go pick her up"
"the same one that hates how you smell?" namjoon asks confused
"yeah, that one exactly"
it was about time you came back home and yoongi knows jihye took you meaning you had no ride back except her. He wanted to use this moment to talk to you and clear things up.
After the very nice photo shoot you had with jihye in the living room you both watched some movies, talked about school and then fell asleep. it was 12 in the afternoon the next day when you wake up because of the sound from your phone.
"hello?" you say without checking who called, your groggily voice made the person in the other end of the call chuckle "were you sleeping" your eyes widen as you hear yoongi's voice, sitting up quickly you felt dizzy causing you to lay back down
"yes" you say defeated
"i'm waiting for you outside, I know you don't have a ride and jihye is lazy. she'd probably not wanna take you home"
"but what about the distan-"
"babe, please just come out" your insides felt all fuzzy inside as he called you by you 'babe'. this man made you forget all morals, he could do the worst thing in the whole world and still you'd forgive him
"fine but you're buying breakfast"
"fine, we'll get anything you want" he laughs.
you didn't take long getting all your things together and leaving a note for jihye, since she'll for sure sleep in some more. yoongi was waiting outside the car, leaning against the passenger door. you sigh when you see that between his beautiful slender fingers was a cigarette. He looked so natural as he placed it between his nice plump juicy lips. he hadn't noticed you walking towards him since he was pulling out his lighter, just about to light the cigarette.
you waste no time to pull it out from between his lips, only to stick it into your back pocket. "really yoongi? where are all the jolly ranchers I gave you" you cross your arms clearly disappointed in him. He didn't say anything but stick the lighter back into his pocket "they're all gone"
there was something different about him today. there was this tension between the both of you, you felt your body heating up as he stared at you without saying anything "well find something sweet to eat when i'm not around"
"like what"
"i don't know, just find something" he nods, you both stand there awkwardly for a few minutes before you gather your courage to speak up "yoongi about what happened.." grabbing onto your arm he pulls your body up against him as he stares into your eyes "yoongi?" your voice shakes, startled to have him so close.
"shut up already about what happened" without giving you a chance to answer he presses his lips against yours in the most gentle way you have ever seen someone kiss another person, his hand holding your nape as his thumb caresses your cheek. his hand slithers to your ass, as he sneakily squeezes it as he takes the cigarette from your back pocket. he pulls away from the kiss, no expression on his face at all. well he did look smug, but that's yoongi.
in the other hand you looked stupidly shocked, but he didn't laugh. he made no comment.
"there's nothing wrong with a couple of kisses between friends, stop overthinking about what happened that day" he pats your head right as he grabs your suitcase putting it in the trunk. walking to where you were left dumbfounded he opens the passenger door, you could feel how your face was red, hot , sweaty from what just happened. and as much as he wanted to laugh he didn't.
"yoongi..you kissed me"
"you kissed me first, i was just showing you how it was nothing"
did you hear that? that was my heart shattering into a million pieces, min yoongi just kissed, he was the one who initiated the kiss and he says it was nothing?
"i meant it was easy to kiss someone"
stopping the car in a empty parking lot he drove into, he turns the ignition off as he turns to look your way "I mean't that kissing between friends isn't a bad thing...it's easy to kiss someone you know and feel comfortable about it"
"babe use full sentences what are you trying to ask" he groans as he sits back on his seat, not looking your way anymore. annoyed by the way he was taking the situation you felt anger fill your stomach and you wanted to yell.
taking off your seatbelt causes him to look your way, thinking you'd get out the car and start throwing a tantrum like maybe say you'll walk home or something but instead he was left with his eyes almost leaving his sockets due to the shock he felt. you swing your leg over, straddling him, you place your hands on his shoulders as you hover over him. being over him you felt more courage, seeing the shock in his face made you feel even more fuzzy inside. wasting no time you sit on his lap making sure to position yourself right above his crotch.
"kissing is fine between friends huh" you ask, pushing his bangs back. gathering himself back together yoongi places his hands on your waist holding you in your place. "a couple of kisses are fine"
"how much is a couple" you ask, inching your face away from his every second you both stared into each others eyes, occasionally not long but the both of you would glance at each others lips.
just as your noses were rubbing against each other he chuckles "as many times as we want i guess"
before you could understand what the fuck you were doing, or if this made you look like a desperate virgin. your lips were pressed against him as he kissed you, softly at first, it didn't take long for him to intensify the kiss. trying to keep up with him. you struggled, this was your first make out session and it was having you drown in euphoria.
"breathe y/n" he chuckles before kissing you again, deepening the kiss you couldn't help the urge to cling to him as you felt like you'd faint at any moment. Your body was doing everything but listening to you as it started to rock your hips against his crotch, making yoongi groan and hold onto your waist ever harder, trying to stop your movements. you don't let him break the kiss, the kiss that was making you feel everything, it would steal your breath and give it right back. who else could've been your first kiss, anyone other than min yoongi would just feel wrong.
"y/n" he mumbles between the kiss, finally breaking apart he places his forehead against yours as you both catch your breath "sweet"
"what?" you ask breathless
"i found something sweeter than jolly ranchers"
He basically picked you up like a sack of potatoes, in a very weird way that you were back to your seat and he was driving back home. he spoke to you like if nothing had happened and you did the same exact thing even though inside you were screaming.
getting home, he did as he promised and cooked breakfast for you instead of stopping somewhere. sitting in the living room you kept remembering what happened in the car and your body would heat up from how it felt.
if a couple of kisses was okay between friends, and he said a couple meant as many as we wanted. was it safe to kiss him everyday? before you could withdraw from your thoughts, yoongi startles you as he places a plate in front of you of what ever he had cooked "eat up". for some odd reason it wasn't awkward anymore, you felt like that urge you had inside of you had been shimmered down that you could just breath.
"yoongi...can you rethink about what I-"
"no, i don't want you wasting all your first times with me"
"but i want you" you blurt out
"what" he mumbles as he stares at you with his chopsticks stuffed into his bowl that was inches away from his face as he ate.
"i meant, i want to have all my firsts with you..."
putting the bowl down he sits back and crosses one leg over the other "why me"
"i'd feel comfortable if it's you..and i won't feel pressured..i could just say no and i trust you enough to stop"
naive girl yoongi thought. if he ever had the chance to lay a hand on your beyond those clothes. no one would be able to stop him from ruining you. "No"
"no is no, and my answer is final..." grabbing his bowl he stuffs his face again, not looking at y/n at all. the tension was back, and you felt like you needed to run out of his apartment, the tight feeling in your chest was uncomfortable and you felt like crying. opening your bag you put down the new set of jolly ranchers you had for him not before putting one in your mouth.
washing the dishes since he cooked, he was watching the t.v while he waiting for you. "yoongi, i'm gonna go back to my apartment. i'm still tired"
."alright, knock on the wall when you're in bed so i know" his eyes never leaving the screen as he talks to you. nodding even though he wasn't looking you walk to the entrance bending down to put on your shoes. yoongi watches you as he reaches over to grab the box of cigarettes but stops as his hand hovers over it, he picks it up.
"wait y/n" yoongi walks to the entrance, standing behind you.
he grabs your chin gently as he pulls your into a kiss, slipping the box into your hand. the kiss was tender, sweet but short but it still made you feel like you were on cloud 9
"you taste like green apple" he says
"You did what?" Jihye gasps as the waffle falls off her hand onto her text book. You already felt awful about what happened, and even more confused about what happened after he kissed you. Her staring at you as if you had gone insane didn't help you at all.
"Can you not give me that look, I know okay" you stress, she blinks a couple of times before leaning back on her chair staring at you in disbelief "I knew you liked him but" she stops as she eyes you with a smirk forming on her lips "what have you done with my best friend cause girl you got bold real quick" she laughs as she claps like some seal. Covering your face hiding your embarrassment you regretted telling her you kissed yoongi.
"So what now, are you two dating?!" She shakes your arm trying to bring you out from behind your hands "thats the thing" you lash out "he kissed me back, twice no three times!"
Jihye was astonished maybe even speechless. "You were able to get the min yoon-"
" He said it was nothing and a couple of kisses between friends is normal" you interrupt her and speak very quickly, letting your head fall on the table as you whine
"Uh wait, what did you say. Repeat that please" jihye sits up as she stares at you, you could feel her burning a hole on the top of your head
"He said it was nothing and that kissing between friends is normal"
"Bullshit" she speaks up only for her to have everyone in the cafe turn to look her way from how loud she was. The table beside us had two girls who weren't appreciating our loudness and gave her a dirty look only to receive jihye's middle finger
"Y/n thats bullshit what type of logic is that?!"
"He said it's normal to want to kiss someone you are comfortable with"
"Who the fuck...is he fucking stupid" she was shocked, she was at the edge and was about to begin stuttering from the shock. "What do I do" you cry out
"Well what the fuck happened after you kissed"
"I left"
"You left?"
"He kicked me out"
"HE KICKED YOU OUT?" This time the lady behind the counter gives us a dirty look, jihye didn't flick her off instead sent an apologetic look her way.
"What class does he have right now?"
"Cause I'm gonna go kick his ass"
"No you are not" you hold onto her arm, staring her straight in the eyes as you please to her to not make a big deal out of this "what the fuck even started this friend kissing fiasco
"I asked him to take my virginity"
Her jaw if it could, It would reach the floor "bitch you...why?" You were about to answer but she lifts her hand stopping you as she shakes her head "no....he's not stupid...you are" picking up her waffle from the book she takes a bite "and you're still friends?"
"and he just lets you kiss him?"
"yes" you could see how she was trying to process everything you said, while trying to understand what yoongi was trying to do with all of this because she knows damn well kissing between friends isn't a everyday thing.
"bitch I feel he likes you" leaning forward on her seat she had that mischievous smile she always wears when she wants to cause mayhem. "you have to turn the tables"
"what do you mean?"
"you already told him you were interested" you shake your head "i told him i wanted him because i would feel more comfortable" you cringe at your own choice of words regretting it as. the moment you told him kept repeating in your head.
"fine what ever, time to make him understand that you were serious about it"
"don't worry, Trust me"
If there is one person who can mess with someones head, it's someone studying for a psychology major.
looking at myself in the mirror I didn't know if I should be pulling up the dress or down. "stop being dramatic" jihye smacks your hand from covering your cleavage. Jihye found out where yoongi would be tonight and just like he is gonna be at the club so will you.
"he's calling me again"
"ignore it" jihye takes your phone, hanging up on him as she tosses it into her bag. "tonight is the night" you won't lie and say that there was a part of you that wanted to slip out of this dress and go back to your pajamas as you call it a day but the thought of yoongi holding someone other than you tonight made you want to throw up.
You were back to the same night club yoongi always takes you to. the loud music and dark atmosphere is the one thing you'll never miss. Jihye always blends in once you enter as she joins the crowd, dancing among the other people as she finds a partner right away. You knew what you had to do and it was have yoongi find you, not you look for him.
making your way to the bar you ask for something that wasn't strong, since you knew that there was no way you could do this sober. sitting down you wait till he shows up, you didn't even know if he could be calling you since jihye kept your phone. looking out at the dance floor you try to find him, to come up with a plan to catch his attention but there was no sight of him. You were beginning to believe that jihye's connections were useless.
was it the alcohol that was taking control you wouldn't know but a brilliant idea came to mind. Yoongi always appears whenever you are with some other guy or when you cause trouble. You chuckle at the thought of him being your hero or something. Getting off the seat you walk over to the crowd, trying to find jihye. when you finally catch a glimpse of jihye who was waving at you to come her way.
pushing your way through the crowd you see jihye's expression change and she completely gives you her back. you were about to call her name when you get pulled by your arm causing you to jerk back against someone "what the fuck" you yell as you turn around.
"what the fuck are you doing here" yoongi says, jaw clenched. "let go you're hurting me" you try to break free from his grip, he grabs your from the waist pulling you out from the crowd as you walk with him. "you've been ignoring my calls all day"
"and? are you serious right now" letting go of you once he takes you to a secluded area. you cross your arms not even daring to look at him. "what are you even doing here"
"what are you doing here, yoongi" you ask him
"that doesn't mat-"
"i'm here for the same thing" you shrug, be bold
you were screaming inside, you felt as if you looked at him you might melt. "are you that fucking needy" you could see how angry he was, he was seriously tired of you at this point. but you stood your ground ignoring his words that made you want to run away and hide. "we're going home" he says in frustration.
you were about to tell him no, tell him that you're tired of him always acting like he's in charge. but his phone ranged and he stepped away, covering his other ear as he desperately tried to hear the other person.
once he hanged up, he combs his hair back with his fingers letting out a deep sigh as he turns to look at you "we have to do something first and then we're going home. i'm not asking you, so don't start" to try and keep you from leaving his side, he makes sure to hold onto your waist as he pulls you towards his side, both of you walk through the crowd heading to the booths.
"fucking jimin" he curses under his breath. once you make it to the booths you see namjoon with a very drunk jimin holding onto the pole as he kept spinning around.
"who the fuck let him go up there" yoongi curses at the guys for just watching him, everyone turns to taehyung and point at him "what?! he went up there himself. no one even tried to stop him" he yells to defend himself
"well get him down" yoongi yells as he leaves your side, he stands next to jin who was talking to jimin trying to get him down but he wouldn't listen to any of them. you couldn't help but laugh at the show in front of you. all the guys were stressed and frustrated by jimin. as if he was pulled out of a trance, once jimin heard your laugh he stops and looks your way. "dang girl, you look good" he winks at you
"shut up jimin, and get down" jin finally gets up to where jimin was standing. "y/n come up here" jimin says ignoring everyone. you couldn't help but laugh at him, how he was swinging his arms trying to get you to come up, yoongi was frustrated at this point. you walk towards jimin, to try and provoke him even more and it worked. Looking at you as you walk by him he wastes no time to grab onto you "yeah I don't think so"
"but why"
"I swear y/n, stay still" your back was up against his chest as he held you in place. "where the fuck is jungkook"
"well go get him" yoongi yells
it didn't take long before someone found jungkook and got him to basically carry jimin off the stage, there was now a drunk passed out jimin hanging over his shoulder "who's going to watch him" namjoon says
"not me, I did it last time" taehyung raises his hands "you should be fucking doing it for letting him go up there" hoseok yells at him
"fuck just put him in my car, i'll take him" yoongi says, wanting to go home already.
yoongi drove back home after the struggle of putting jimin in the back seat and also having you go find jihye and let her know you were leaving. she hated that the plan failed but she ended up staying with the guys as they watched you both drive away.
"can't you fucking help" you curse as the both of you are holding jimin up taking him to yoongi's apartment. why do you always have to bring back someone drunk every time you go to that place. opening the door you both make way to yoongi's room. "last fucking time i help you bring someone in" you whine. "shut up and hold him" standing in front of the bed yoongi tosses him completely onto you, as he walks to the bed to pull the covers off. "fuck why is he so heavy" regaining conscious at he most unwanted moment jimin looks at the bed and pulling you with him he falls on to the bed.
"yoongi get him off of me" you whine
"girl i'm fucking tired" kicking his shoes off he reaches for your ankles as he undoes your heels tossing them on the floor. doing the same to jimin. he pulls him off of you turning him to give his back to you "there"
you sit up, pulling down the dress as it had hiked up your thigh "here" yoongi says as he tosses one of his shirts at you "hurry up and change"
"y/n he's totally out of it" walking back to his closet he takes out another shirt, pulling his over his head he also changes into something else. you pull the dress, if you could call it a dress and put on his shirt with nothing but your undergarments on underneath "i could go back to my apartme-"
"you drank, i'd rather have you here" he interrupts you "are you done"
he turns off the light, climbing in to the bed. you were stuck in between them. you felt awkward since you usually lay on your right side but that would mean you would be looking at him, so instead you gave him your back.
"why did you go there tonight" yoongi breaks the silence
"do you really need to ask" you say. you could hear jimin snoring, the bed wasn't big enough for three of you, you were already uncomfortable. "yoongi can't I just go-" you choke on your words as you feel him turn to his side, his hand on your thigh.
"i said no"
your back was against his chest, your heart was beating so hard you thought he might feel it. "y/n" his hand made its way up your thigh stopping at the hem of his shirt "are you that fucking horny" he says
"i could ask you the same" pinching your thigh, you gasp. he caresses it right after. "do you want to be fucked that badly"
"only by you" you say, bitting your bottom lip as he plays with his shirt. "you're playing a game you aren't going to win"
"really? i feel like i already did" you press your ass up against his harden crotch. "we'll see" lifting his shirt his hand makes it's way between your legs. wasting no time he pushes your underwear to the side, bringing his middle finger as he slowly slid it gently again your folds. parting you with two fingers he begins to rubbing your clit in small circles. you couldn't help it when you threw your head back and the noises that came out of your mouth right after.
"is this what you wanted" he says by your ear, with his low raspy voice. she wasn't the only one losing it, he also was holding back his urge to fuck you right there and then, the idea of him being deep inside you made him see red.
you were close to him, he could feel you against him, smell the soft perfume you had on that he loved. thrusting two fingers into you, had her eyes rolled back into her head, he kept a steady rhythm trying not to hurt you. "don't be so loud, you might wake him up" he smirks as you cover your mouth with your hand.
he was losing his mind, he wanted to taste her. pulling his fingers out he sits up, positing himself between your legs he grabs the hem of your underwear as you lift your hips up helping him pull off your underwear.
"you're so fucking spoiled" he says before his face disappears between your thighs, he dives right in making you arch your back once you feel him lick your holds you gasp for air.
your walls clench as he enters his fingers again not letting his mouth leave your folds as he sucks and gives your heat open mouthed kisses. " yoongi" you cry out, holding onto the sheets , giving your slit a long lick he continues to tease you. his tongue flickered over you, you couldn't help but rise your hips to him his hand thrusts.
somehow, your hands became tangled with his hair, your walls clenched, grasping at his fingers your core was dripping you could hear the lewd sounds his his fingers entering you.
"please' you beg, causing him to look up at you, fingers still inside you but still.
"what do you want, spoiled brat"
"you" he wanted you too, but he couldn't...he shouldn't. the least he could do was satisfy you. and quench his thirst for now.
"take off everything" wasting no time you pull off his shirt and he reaches to take off your bra "try to not wake jimin up " he smirks, thrusting his fingers into you he wastes no time taking one of your harden nipples between his teeth, playfully as to try and not hurt you he licks them with his tongue. your hands were on his shoulders as you were a mess underneath him.
he watched as your face became blush and you bit onto your bottom lip to stop you from moaning. arching your back he moves up to your face, taking your lips against his. sucking, licking them your hands tangled with his hair.
"i fee-"
"just relax" he says, thrusting his fingers into you faster than before. your lips never leaving his, letting out a muffled moan as you release around his digits. you were a mess, both of you stared at each other. he was about to loose his sanity but jimin groans and turns over facing both of you but he was asleep.
thanking jimin in his head he grabs a blanket tossing it over your naked body. you were totally out of it, you felt your legs shaking and the idea of walking was out of the question for you. as if he understood, he lifts you up bridal style, taking you to the bathroom "shower, i'll bring you clothes"
"you lost"
his eyebrow raises at your bold statement, hand under your chin he stares you in the eyes "are you sure? who was calling who's name? " kissing your lips gently he pulls away before you could even kiss back
he leaves the bathroom, your legs giving out completely you sit on the floor.
"we did that right next to jimin" you gasp
"My fucking head is killing me" jimin groans as he slouches over the counter whining from his hang over "they told you not to over drink but you never listen" yoongi snaps at him as he passes by slamming his hand on the counter to annoy jimin "fuck you alright, I had a bad day and needed to get over it" I laugh as I watch them argue, handing jimin a cup of coffee which he thanks me before yoongi decides to respond.
"only cause you had a bad day doesn't mean you can make us have one too, having me drag your ass to my place" he rolls his eyes, jimin's mouth left wide open. Touching his chest with one hand as he flicked him off with his other hand "next time you get all fucked over don't expect me to help you"
Now you could've stood there and watch them fight all morning but you were also having a headache, meaning someone had to put an end to this argument. "alright boys, please yoongi go to class. jimin go shower you reek" jimin offended again as one hit after another goes his way, he slams his fist on the counter laughing. "for real bro, go shower" yoongi pushes clothes onto his lap as he picks up his bag "see you later y/n" he waves while walking to the entrance.
you stare at his back as he puts on his shoes and leaves the apartment. maybe you stared for too long, jimin's very loud sipping brought you back as you looked his way.
"what" you say, watching how his brow was raised with a very vivid smirk on his face "how long" he says
"jimin if you want to say something just say it" you whine
"how long have you liked him" he looks even more amused when your face becomes flush and you shake your head "you got it all wrong idiot"
"You know what I change my mind" pulling the mug from his hand you place it down on the counter as you pull his arm making him stumble off the stool. Maybe he could've stopped you if he hadn't kept laughing at how flustered you were. opening the door open you push him out shutting the door.
"my shoes" he says trying to catch his breath
opening the door quickly you toss the shoes out not caring one hits him causing him to curse at you.
"this is getting interesting" jihye says, stuffing her mouth with sweet bread. you just explained to her what happened last night.
"but what happened after you came out the bathroom" she says picking up her carton of milk. Not able to contain your frustration you take the carton from her hand "HE WAS ASLEEP" eyes narrowed at her carton of milk she looks up at you "alright bitch i got it now give it back"
the moment you had opened the door he was out, or at least you assumed he was since he didn't wake up when you left the room and decided to sleep on the couch. He woke up before you as well and took a shower, to not even have a moment alone with you. Once he saw you woke up, he went to his bedroom and kicked jimin off the bed telling him to get out of his apartment already cause he was leaving.
"I told you I knew what I was doing" she snickers
"I feel like I did everything worse, he didn't even look at me"
jihye stared at you, seeing how concerned you were and worried. she got angry that he made you feel this way, surely if she could yoongi would've gotten his ass beat by now. "well he said he wouldn't have sex with you but yet went down on you sooooo that door opened"
taking a piece of her bread you let out a puff of air "we'll just stay as friends at this point" jihye brought your attention to her as she started laughing loudly not caring how people were looking her way "you guys are not in the friend area anymore sweetheart. Plus men and women can't be friends at least not how you guys are"
"what are you talking about? men and women can be friends!" you speak up, flustered how she was attacking you. "oh yeah?" leaning forward she grins "then why do you wanna fuck yoongi if he's just your friend"
"we...we're just friends..." she laughs at how you kept trying to defend yourself. taking out her phone she glances up at you "what's that saying..." she scoffs as she puts her phone down "you guys aren't friends, because friends don't know the way you taste" scrunching your nose you give her a sharp look as she just continues to laugh.
"You know ,no matter how yoongi acts or how many times he left with his arm wrapped around some girl...I knew you were the one he always had his eyes on" she nods her head as if agreeing with herself "what are you talking about now jihye"
"it's like he's saving you for himself, so make him go nuts" she smirks
"seriously you're fucking craz-"
crushing the empty carton she stares you right in the eye "make him fucking beg for it"
maybe it was the way you called his name or the sounds that came your mouth that left him wanting more. He heard you leaving the bedroom last night, it took him everything to not go after you to fuck you senseless in the living room.
that's all he could think of as the girl who's name he couldn't care less to remember wrapped her arms around his neck leaning in to kiss him but he turns his head to the side "no kissing" grabbing her arm he flips her over onto her stomach.
She's always kissing me, he thinks to himself in the mist of sucking on her neck as she moves her hand up and down his shaft. frustrated that all he could think about right now was you. the girl aligns his shaft to her entrance as she looks back at him "something on your mind?" her thumb rubbing his tip before she presses it against her folds in a teasing matter.
"you're talking too much" he tells her before thrusting into her from behind, having her pressed against the bed as the pillow muffles her moans. cursing under his breath as he closed his eyes and the images of last night kept replaying in his head he thrusted into her harder each time and the girl underneath him would push press herself onto him even more.
He's confused, angry with himself for losing control Last night, if jimin wasn't in the bed he'd fuck you without a second thought. "faster...harder" the girl whimpers as she grabs onto his hands. "fuck I can't" pulling out of her he climbs off the bed grabbing his clothes. "uh what just happened" she sits up looking at yoongi's back as he gets dressed
"I don't feel like doing it" he says
"what? but you were jus-"
"yeah so what" without looking at her a second time he was out the door. more pissed off than when he had entered the room.
you were walking to the parking lot when you see yoongi leaning against your car. stopping in your steps you watch his hand as he takes a puff from the cigarette before letting it out as he looked up.
for some reason you were nervous, reason? you knew why. last night was the first time the both of you crossed that bricked wall he had built himself. sister? friend? there was no way he saw you like that anymore, he never did. This is what you wanted, so why did you have the feeling that running away right about now is a better answer than walking up to him.
while you were lost in thought, he caught a glimpse of you on the side of his eye. both of you make eye contact, he watched you as you stood there just looking at him. raising a brow at you he chuckles. "what? you aren't gonna talk to me?" he drops the cigarette to the ground as he steps on it, hands automatically going to his pockets.
you give him a smile, approaching him "Hey, I was just surprised to see you here. you're usually busy" standing only inches from him you could smell what he had just been doing, the bitter smell that you didn't like.
there was clearly some tension between the two of you. you could see how he was staring at you, looking you in the eye as if he was looking for some sort of answer. "y/n-" grabbing his hand you reach into your pocket, placing the keys to your car "you drive, i'm tired" you give him a smile. walking to the passenger side, he watches you get in the car returning a smile.
"you should really stop smoking" you tell him once he gets into the car "yeah?"
"yes, like what's the big deal" he laughs, pulling out the box and handing one to you "here, try it then"
"to what?"
"taste it" he pokes your arm with it, while wiggling his eyebrows in a teasing manner "i'm messing with you" he laughs as he sees your serious face not change at all. you felt annoyed with him, and how he ignores you when it comes to this matter.
"fine, let me have a taste." you speak up, facing him you quickly grab his collar. pulling him forward you smash your lips onto his, he responded right away as his hand snaked its way to your waist as he pulled your from your seat without breaking the kiss you were now straddling him. hands leaving his collar wrap your arms around his neck, hands tangled in his hair. You pull on his hair making his head tilt back, causing him to groan, giving you a chance to slip your tongue in. His hands made their way to your ass, giving you a firm squeeze as you circle your hips pressing yourself onto him.
breaking the kiss, you pull back and see how his eyes were close and he had a complete euphoric look on his face. slowly opening his eyes, he stared at you in awe. you smirk, hand reaching to your lip as you wipe off the corner that was wet. "yeah I don't like the taste" giving his chest a gentle tap you swing your leg over to your seat, fixing your appearance while yoongi sits there dumbfounded.
"yes" you responded innocently, looking at him with a gentle smile.
"stop reading those books"
entering your apartment you tossed your bag on the floor as you ran into the apartment, jumping and kicking the air, screaming inside. looking at the coffee table you pick up the book you had just read the other day, giving the hard cover a kiss. "thank you"
it's been a week since that occurrence happened. yoongi hadn't been with any girl since that day. all he could think about where does lips of yours and how he wanted to just take you as his own. you both hung out through out the week but not once did you throw yourself at him again. just like your best friend said, you wanted him to beg for it.
" You look stressed" taehyung tells yoongi, who was watching you from across the room as you talked so some girls at the table filled with drinks "you could say i am" he rubs his forehead "shits getting out of my hands lately" taehyung nods as he listens to his friend, following his stare he ends up looking at you. "is it because of her" he asked, if there was one thing about taehyung that he liked is that he didn't give a shit if a situation made you uncomfortable. if you open up to him it's because you care about his opinion and he will not hesitate to make sure you hear it.
"yeah" he takes another sip from his cup "she's a lot to handle" yoongi clears his throat. taehyung was about to answer but a girl catches his attention "well there's only one way to get her off your back if it's bothering you that much" he points at the girl who was leaning against the wall right across from the two men who were sitting on the couch "she's been eying you all night"
"if you want y/n to understand you aren't interested or serious . then just show her you're only in for a good fuck" he shrugs his shoulders
"not serious?"
"i'm not blind, she's gotten bold. plus she's always coming to our gatherings now. you haven't been had a chance to get with a girl either i bet" yoongi chuckles, this kid has no filter, he thinks.
"you like her"
"no i don't" yoongi responds quickly "i don't know why she's irritating me a lot lately" he lies
"right..just go, i'll keep an eye on her" taehyung gives his shoulder a gentle push. he looks your way once more changing his stare to the girl who was making his way towards him "fine" handing the cup to taehyung he gets up and makes his way to the girl.
"yeah he ain't gonna do it" taehyung places both cups down as he walks to the table you were at.
"girl why didn't you ever come before, like it's been three years already" the girl with pink highlights gives y/n's arm a slap "i don't know, i felt like i wouldn't fit in" all the girls at the table laughed, calling her adorable. "hello ladies"
they all turned to taehyung and called his name as they pulled him into the circle "what you doing over here" one of the girls arm was already wrapped around his as she made sure to press her tits onto him, he only gave her a smile before turning to look y/n's way. pulling his arm from her grip he throws his arm around you "just checking on my friend here, she never comes to things like this. wanted to know if she was alright" he gives us his boxy smile.
"i'm doing fine, i was going to actually tell yoon-"
"yoongi? you can't talk to him right now. he's busy" taehyung turns the both of you around making you get sight of yoongi who's arm is up against the wall as he other hand is on the girls waist.
they're just talking, you kept telling yourself.
but one thing was leading to another, her hand brushing against his chest. your grip tighten on the cup, taehyung was amused by the whole scene. clearly she's all he could think about but he can still go to another girl. "wanna get out of here" taehyung bends down to your ear, whispering loud enough for you to hear him
"let's get out of here" he raises his brows at you as he tilts his head towards the door, that leads out the basement. "and go where" you ask, glancing at him and yoongi. you both stood there for a bit watching how the girl grabs onto yoongi's wrist and pulls him to the staircase leading out the basement. grinning, taehyung turns his head to you, "well we could do what they're about to do sweetheart"
wrapping his arm around your waist, he pulls you through the crowd. bodies close you look at taehyung confused.
you knew where yoongi was going
and you knew what they're gonna do
taehyung knows too, so when he said that...you both reach the staircase but you pull back on his arm, stopping him in his spot. if i tell him no, will he get mad...looking into taehyung's eyes that were dead serious you inhale a hard breath "wait..i can't"
"you can't?"
"i don't want to"
taehyung lets go, crossing his arms. looking you straight in the eye. "i-" not being able to keep a straight expression on his face he bursts out laughing "i was just fucking with you y/n, i'm not interested in you at all" your face felt as if someone had thrown coffee onto you, you were beet red. "fuck you, why'd you joke like that" you slap his arm "i'm sorry, i was just bored. damn why did you look so serious "
shaking your head you start to laugh too, you felt stupid for freaking out like that. "you scared me, i thought you'd get mad if i said no"
he frowns at how you pinched your arm "hey, don't ever be around people who intimidate you. you shouldn't feel like that around anyone" he lets out a long puff of air "look i know you like yoongi, let's go coincidently bump into them and cock block him" he gives you a wide smile
"i...who says i li-"
"jimin told me" he shrugs
that little bastard...i'm gonna...
"come on we don't have time" wrapping his arm around your waist once more he guides you out of the basement, the fresh air hitting your face. you thought finding yoongi would be some work but it wasn't. just making one turn and you were already face to face with him. they hadn't even moved on flirting with each other. he had her on top of a table as he stood between her legs caressing them.
taehyung doesn't miss the chance to speak up, "let's go to my place" he tugs on clothes giving you a look as if telling you to follow along.
"ok" you respond as loud as him, yoongi's hands stop what they were doing once he heard your voice. looking up from the girl who was in front of him.
letting go of her, yoongi moves away from the table. making sure it was you and he didn't get mistaken. he watches as the two of you are walking away. "what the fuck" he mutters. he begins to walk towards the two figures who were giving him their back. and he notices taehyung's hand tattoo's which was the last straw for him.
with one swift move, he grabs a hold of his arm that was wrapped around your waist. yanking him off of you as he pull you to his side "where the fuck were you going" his jaw clenched. taehyung looks over his shoulder watching the girl he left on the table dumbfounded as he lets out a scoff.
"well what were you gonna do"
"yoongi" you say his name, giving his arm a squeeze. you hadn't seen him this angry in a while. maybe this was a bad idea you thought. they've both been drinking tonight as well "taehyung you-"
"don't say another word y/n" he lets go of your arm, stepping up to taehyung. face to face.
taehyung wasn't intimidated one bit by his older friend. instead he leaned in and whispered into yoongi's ear
"you do like her, liar" 
I didn't hear what taehyung whispered to yoongi as he leaned in. Yoongi's body tensed only for taehyung to chuckle. you reach for yoongi's arm again, tugging on his arm as you try to get them to stop staring at each other. taehyung scoffs as he pushes past yoongi hitting his shoulder. you look at taehyung who walked past the both of you only for him to wink at you.
"you still have that stupid idea?!" he pulls his arm from your grip, turning to fully look at you. The look on his face made you gulp. He was angry. "what ide-" irritated by your response he grabs your wrist pulling you with him as he walks back to the house. this time you both didn't enter the basement but rather went upstairs. you had never been here, it was quiet as he slammed the door shut behind you, locking it. 
fuck he's pissed.
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spooky-scary-virgil · 2 years
cavetown was amazing last friday!!
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idontknowreallywhy · 3 months
Resurface 29 - Reassure
Story so far
Sometimes the time to talk comes before you think you are ready. Sorry Virg.
Apologies in advance for the overuse of …
… I blame Virg’s half-drugged inner monologue. And also Alan.
“It’s my fault Virgil got sick.”
To Scott’s credit the look of incredulity had passed very quickly and returned to concerned big brother as he prompted “what makes you think that?”
Alan was several sentences into his attempt to turn a confused childhood memory into a coherent narrative before Virgil suddenly realised he should have objected to that initial statement. Damn. Not that it would have made any difference, probably… a Tracy determined to accept blame was difficult to redirect… but it wasn’t a great look not to have disagreed at the outset.
Maybe he should say it now, just in case?
He sat up a little and opened his mouth but belatedly realised the rest of the family were now hearing about something deeply personal Virgil had hoped none of them would ever find out. Especially not Scott. He blushed, well aware that objectively his little coping mechanisms from that… time… could sound desperately unhinged, even before he got sick and he hadn’t even properly heard how Alan had described it so he could explain and damn he’d stopped listening again and Alan was still talking…
“… and of course I was a compete idiot wasn’t I because it wasn’t a ghost hug Virgil meant at all it was… more like a memory? Of a hug? And I knew I shouldn’t go in there but… but I missed him…” Alan suddenly looked back up at Scott who had frozen in place, both hands still wrapped around one of Alan’s eyes flicking between him and Virgil “… I mean you. I missed you too and I… thought maybe if…if I went in you’d come and I’d get a hug again as well but then… tried to balance the mug… so stupid and I ruined everything… and he… he looked so sad I couldn’t breathe. And then he got sick… so…”
Virgil just shook his head and moaned a little in lieu of speaking. His eyes were squeezed shut but could feel them all looking at him. He had to clear this up, he had to get his brain in gear. He focussed on the pressure of Alan’s skull against his clavicle and forced himself to lift his eyes to meet those of his older brother…
… who stared back at him, his face bewildered and bloodless. Scott’s lips parted as if to speak but he didn’t seem any more capable of forming words than Virgil did.
“It’s been you with the clothes!” Gordon suddenly burst into the awkward silence. “I was blaming Grandma…”
Alan flushed and looked down again.
“I just… didn’t know how to help and I hoped it might… help.”
Big brother mode re-engaged, Scott put a hand back on Alan’s arm and offered firm reassurance without moving his eyes from Virgil for a moment.
“It did.”
Alan nodded, then buried his face back into Virgil’s shirt.
“I’m so sorry, Virgil”
“You’ve nothing to be sorry for, Allie.”
Virgil’s voice came out rather squeakier than he’d intended so he held his little brother close and swallowed hard.
He knew from observing both Scott and Gordon as they underwent therapy that it was supposed to be good to revisit this stuff - it was good to deliberately remember and to vocalise the things that haunted you… all of them. He’d reminded them often enough. Gordon had quite naturally found himself able to vent to Scott or to Virgil. Scott… well despite Virgil’s efforts he hadn’t let them in for a very long time, not until quite recently when circumstances forced his hand. Even now Virgil knew Scott’s instinct was to shield them from what was going on in his head, rather than let them help. But he had always spoken to his therapist and so Virgil had had to be content with that.
And Virgil had confided in… precisely nobody. Because really, compared to what they’d each been through... well. Dr Clifford had pointed out only a couple of hours ago that the same advice applied to him too - that eventually the acknowledging and the speaking would take the power of the memories away, the ones that lurked and gnawed at his very being.
But of all the times and places to start… the tiny incident Alan was torturing himself over was one of Virgil’s hardest moments. It had been the tipping point between the living nightmare he recalled and the one he… didn’t. The time reality caught up with him and he lost hope. The moment he had finally let go.
The moment he’d actually lost Scott.
And lost Virgil too.
But Alan didn’t know that, all the guilt-ridden child of his memories knew was he’d upset his brother, that after that Virgil hadn’t wanted to look after them anymore.
This really wasn’t the best time. He wasn’t quite sure he’d know how to put it into words when at his best and he definitely wasn’t. And he really, really needed to get this right. Because even putting therapeutic best practice aside, this wasn’t just about him anymore. It was about Alan, Scott… all of them.
“Ok. Ok, so… I guess I should explain some… uh… stuff.” Virgil’s voice was still shaky and he paused as he was suddenly hemmed in by a Gordon on one side and a John on the other. Scott dropped one of his hands from Alan’s to rest on Virgil’s foot. Thus surrounded, he found the words suddenly came a little easier.
“Allie… it really wasn’t your fault. Uh, I’m going to be honest, because you’re not an idiot but you have to hear me out… Right to the end, ok?”
Alan nodded and pressed the side of his face to Virgil’s chest. Scott hovered in front of him, looking stricken, but didn’t interfere.
“I still don’t remember a lot of it very well.” He used the back of his hand to wipe non-existent sweat from his forehead then ran his hand through his hair while trying to summon up the strength and focus to say this the right way.
“But I do remember that night quite clearly and, yeah I was… upset. Not with you, not really with you, but the circumstances and… yeah you’re right that was when I started to… lose my hold on… um, things.”
Alan closed his eyes and tightened his grip on Virgil’s shirt. Virgil watched his face for a moment, his heart squeezing as he noticed the depth of the shadows across his little brother’s cheekbones. He’d clearly been tormenting himself the last week or so and it had gone undetected. Cut from the same cloth as his eldest brother, said torment had clearly done a number on his sleep schedule.
“But, Alan you have to understand this, it wasn’t because of your little accident. If it hadn’t been that, it would have been something else… maybe something Dad said in passing, or something Gordon made for dinner, or looking at the colour of the sky and thinking how much Scott would have liked it.”
“But it WAS that. I made it happen. It was me messing up.”
“No, Allie, no. Listen to me, it happened… inevitably… because I wasn’t coping. I couldn’t do it. No, don’t look at me like that John, it’s true… I have a go at Scott for trying to do everything, be everything but I’m such a hypocrite because when it was my turn I tried to be Scott AND be Mom AND Dad all at the same time and I didn’t know how to… be me? Without…. Without Scott, you know? I didn’t give myself even a moment to work that out because I was scared I wasn’t enough on my own and so… I kind of pretended he was coming back still and it all had to be… ok… when he did come back… and so….” John’s fingers had tightened almost imperceptibly on his shoulder and with a little start Virgil realised he was still verbalising all these thoughts and everyone was looking at him.
He cleared his throat.
“Uh, anyway. The point is it wasn’t you, Allie. It wasn’t working. I was barely sleeping, wasn’t really eating. I knew it at the time but didn’t admit it because I thought I was letting Scott down… because I promised him to always look after you all, no matter what.”
There was a quiet moan from his older brother and Virgil suddenly had absolute clarity about what he was going to say next. Because Scott needed to hear this. They all did.
“The thing is Allie… the thing is… Sometimes people ask you to make promises that… aren’t fair. Promises that are so much bigger than they seem at the time. And when that person is gone, if the promise isn’t really possible… if it isn’t healthy to try to keep it… well... What I should have done is asked myself what Scott would have told me to do.”
He looked up and met his big brother’s eyes which were shining with unshed tears.
“You should have taken care of yourself! You shouldn’t have burned yourself out for me. I never wanted that, I never meant to ask that! I’m so sorry, Virgil.”
“I know you didn’t. And I should have then too, I was just too busy trying to do everything and be good enough to let myself think about it.”
Virgil waited, watching the emotions flicker across Scott’s face, wondering when the penny would drop. He’d know when it did, in some ways his brother would always be an open book to him.
Ever such a slight widening of blue eyes and then an almost but not quite concealed frown in his direction told Virgil his point had landed and that more words would inevitably be exchanged on the subject.
Later. He’d deal with that later.
For now, he could almost feel the adrenaline dissipating and for once he allowed himself to drift without complaint. He knew he couldn’t go far this time, grounded as he was by the not insignificant weight in his arms and held up by the unrelenting affection on every side.
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tracybirds · 4 months
A little offering for FishTank Week 2024 :D This is to fill the prompt "wingman" in hopefully a fun and unique way haha
Thank you to @whatgaviiformes and helpers for putting together the prompts, and thank you @gumnut-logic for the readthrough <33
[Wandering Albatross deets here]
“Holy crap, Virg – come see!”
Virgil’s ears pricked up at the excitement that coloured his brother’s voice, and he leapt up with a grin.
Without a second glance, Gordon passed the binoculars to him, pointing out the speck hovering over the horizon.
“It’s an albatross! Keep your eyes on it, I’m gonna grab the gear.”
The albatross’ wingspan filled Virgil’s field of vision and he watched it intently, breathless, as it glided over the shimmering sea. The speckles of black deepened as his eyes followed its feathers from shoulder to wing and with a jolt, he saw the beak and knew what he was looking at.
“Gordon, it’s a wanderer!” he yelled, not daring to pull his face away from the magnificent, magnified view.
“What?!!” Gordon’s response could only be described as a shriek, as he clattered back down the stairs, dragging the tripod with him.
The salmon-pink beak was one Virgil would know anywhere, years of pouring over photos and videos with Gordon at his side and he could identify this bird in a heartbeat. The wandering albatross, the largest wingspan of any bird, had flown over them in delighted dreams and childhood stories, ever since Gordon first saw a model of one at some seaside museum when they were small.
It was the viewing of a lifetime, a bird that had been on both of their dream lists ever since they had known what birding was.
And now it was here.
Wings outstretched, the albatross flew, snow and charcoal against an overcast sky.
Time stood still, marked only by the quiet ‘click’ of Gordon’s camera beside him, as Virgil committed the ebb and flow of circling flight to memory. His fingers itched for graphite, but the sight held him captive, rooted to the spot as the two stood shoulder to shoulder in awed silence.
When the lonely seabird slipped over the horizon in search for other shores, Virgil at last dropped the binoculars to his chest and turned to Gordon.
His eyes were bright, his smile alive.
“I’m so glad we were both here for this,” said Gordon in a rush, and Virgil felt the familiar warm glow in his chest, as the chatter sprang forth from his brother, a running commentary of facts and observations and wonderings alike.
“Gordon,” he gently interrupted, and Gordon stopped talking mid-sentence. “I’m glad we were both here too.”
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stormoflina · 11 months
My 2 cents about the new Santa video, because today I just can't stop, won't stop with the posts:
- Living for the Curtis&Virg duo, they are both so funny
- Curtis' Santa hat🫶
- Joel knows that the bigger the better, so of course he is going with VVD (i'm sorry, i will walk myself out)
- Robbo is so effortlessly funny. The way he was so offended the cards were blank too 😭
- THE HAIRY EIGHT. Naaaah😭 I just know they are bullying him for his hairy ass legs
- Also, Curtis, brother, you are not sleek at all, just having to tell the whole internet that you were at Dom's house. And tea too, like yeah, sure you have been TELLING him to have the tea, sure sure, we get it, you guys talk. ( btw, I would happily take the pillow if Domi doesn't want it.☺️
- Curtis saying that the baby would be scared of the Virg pillow 😭😭
- The way Endo says captain is soooo pleasing, I literally played that part back so many times
- Trent putting aside his plate so he can take the gifts, now that's the energy I need.
- Btw, you can tell who the princesses are in the team, receiving so many gifts
- the Robbo calendar😭😭😭 "now, that's going above the bed"😭😭😭😭😭
- Virg, looking at that pic of Curtis "what were you thinking back then" PLEASE 😭
- Macca is a savage actually
- Testing if it fits under the mate, priorities
- Ibou is so soft actually, like he has the best vibes, like I want him ??? The hug he gave Dom?? Uhm, sorry, but where do I apply for one of those??
- Ibou getting mad that he had to pick one gift, when Domi is standing there blinged out with news robe and mug and Trent's whole table were covered with his gifts😭😭
Kudos to the social media team, they have been killing it recently!
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astranite · 4 months
'Cause I'm Gonna Stand By You (And hey, if your wings are broken, please take mine 'til yours can open too)
Virgil finds Scott when he needs him. They are there for each other through thick and thin.
Emotional hurt/comfort, crying and hugs. Warning for references to depression.
Title from Stand By You, by Rachel Platten.
Scott awoke to scuffing footsteps and the door to his room opening. 
Even with his eyes closed he knew the sound of the socked feet on his floor with heavy steps trying to keep quiet. Even half awake he knew the silhouette of broad shoulders and sleep mussed curls. 
He knew Virgil, whether it was in the pitch black of a cave where dust choked the air and the rumbling of unstable rubble consumed everything, or the dark of their island with only the hush of waves and the occasional cry of nocturnal animals. Of course he knew Virgil. 
Scott shuffled over to make room before the quiet voice had to ask. 
Virgil lay down next to him, curled on his side, facing Scott. A hint of light from beyond the gap between the curtains caught on tear tracks. 
Scott reached out and rested a hand on Virgil’s upper arm, rubbing gently. 
“Hey Virge, what’s up?” he asked, in the big brother tone he brought out when anyone was sick or hurt or just needed him. 
He felt Virgil shrug. He heard the slight hitch of breath as another tear rolled down his cheek. 
“One of those nights?” 
They all had them, where rescues got to them or the past dragged its way up to the surface. Sometimes they had them for not much reason at all. Those nights were always raw and painful. 
Virgil hesitated then nodded. 
Scott gathered him up and held him close because he didn’t need anything else to know that right now Virgil needed him. 
The hand on Virgil’s arm was thrown over him, landing to make circles between his tense shoulders, the other going around him to pull him in. Virgil ducked his head so he could tuck it beneath Scott’s chin. Scott took a deep breath in at the same moment Virgil choked on a shaky sigh. 
That Virgil came to him, when he was scared and lonely and hurting, Scott knew it was the biggest act of trust on Virgil’s part. Scott had his I’m fines, his must keep going no matter the cost because there’s no other options , but Virgil had his own ways of hiding the hurt, through smiles, soft words and looking out for all the others. It made it all the harder to realise when Virgil’s music had stopped, when he needed someone to be there, to lean on because steady and steadfast weren't any longer. 
The times when they ended up curled together like when they were kids, both too big for it but never going to give it up, were the most precious to Scott. 
Together they could talk about anything and everything, even the hard things: the failed missions, the ones that haunted their dreams, the fears that sunk in their teeth and wouldn't let go; all the doubts and insecurities of never being able to be good enough. How dad wasn't there and mum wasn't either, and Alan was growing up far too fast. 
It extended to the smaller things too. They could laugh at their own stupid jokes that only made sense to them because it was all based off of some line in a tv show they’d watched years back. He could blurt out whatever came into his head, even as mundane as the thought that they’d run though the islands supply of hair gel and needed to go grocery shopping again . It was those mundanities making up the fabric of everyday life. If he and Virgil had got the giggles over that, as maybe they were both the biggest contributors, it was late and no one was watching. Scott didn’t have to keep up his neverending act with Virgil.
They’d discuss Gordon’s latest marine rescue, both of them were ridiculously proud of their little brother and how far he’d come but it was hard to keep a straight face talking about a shark named Gummy.
Watching out for John too, that was another big thing they did, in whispered plans and observations they shared like grown up, serious childhood secrets, to make sure 35,786km up didn't turn into a million miles away. 
Being close to Virgil felt safe. Always had. Whether they were cocooned in the belly of a Thunderbird or a thermal tent in the middle of the arctic. And here, in a tangled hug, half-smothered under Scott’s mounds of blankets.
There were quiet, vulnerable moments, chests and foreheads pressed together.
Other times had them sleeping back to back because Scott was in the midst of a string of nightmares he couldn't shake and rest came easier with someone’s sleep-calm breathing to anchor his own to.
Virgil would flop down heavily on Scott’s bed while still coated in paint from late-night art sessions.  He’ve been trying to get rough rescues or dark moods out of his head but when that wasn't working he’d come to Scott.
There was the time, definitely not times, where Scott had been on mission shifts for 36 hours plus and there were still reports he had to fill and everyone needed him, but Virgil dragged him to bed and lay down on top of him because apparently he’d been being a bit of a ‘stubborn, self-sacrificing idiot,’ and Virgil wasn't standing for it any longer.
Sometimes John was with them too. They were the eldest three and had to stick together to look out for the younger ones. 
Or its was just John coming to Scott, usually grounded and dizzily space sick, missing his stars. John was of his two worlds, his two homes, but Scott knew up there he also missed them and still needed to be close enough to be in their orbit. Sometimes that meant wrapped up in a hug. 
Alan came to him, of course Alan did, he had ever since he’d been a tiny, kicking and wriggling toddler crawling into Scott’s bed because there were monsters under his own or that Scott’s blankets were better, or whatever it was that night. Now Alan was a jumble of lanky limbs with all the normal fears about exams and being liked by his peers, plus too many others from sights that a teenager should never have to see.
Gordon too ended up cuddled into Scott’s side on bad nights, when a silent, tearful Gordon, hurting in more ways than one needed his big brother to be there. Hydrofoil or back flare up, WASP service or rescues, Scott would always be there when the Squid lost his sunshine. 
The last time his brothers had all ended up in a big puppy pile on Scott’s bed was on movie night. The couches had been too covered in glitter from a prank gone wrong, or right, depending on who you asked. Though that was more of an excuse given how popular the game of stacks on Scott   was, which always ended up as group hug heap amongst his siblings. He loved it.
Right now though, Virgil was trembling in his arms. He started humming near silently, a low thread of vibration, nearly tuneless. Except for that Scott knew it was the same pitch as Thunderbird Two’s colossal engines, something he never would have picked up on his own except for Virgil trusting him enough to tell him when one day he asked. He’d connected it as a thing his brother did when he was distressed but Virgil himself had been the key to learning he did it because it was calming. 
More tears slipped down Virgil’s face. Scott could hear Virgil’s every swallow and sniffle as he tried to hold them back. 
Scott’s hand found Virgil’s hair, carding it through, tangling his fingers in the soft curls in hopes that he could give some comfort to his brother. 
Virgil’s humming rose in pitch, the sound of Two’s engines straining to hold up the load. The tune wavered and shook as Virgil did, being dropped and picked up over and over as Virgil faltered.
Then it stopped. Scott held his breath. 
Virgil sobbed.  
He sobbed like something deep inside him had broken. Like the earth itself had been split open. As if Virgil had been hit in the stomach by the worst kind of gut punch. 
Scott could hear Virgil’s world falling down on his head and how he didn't know whether he could stand the weight of it.
This was Virgil, his brother, his best friend so it hurt to all hells because Scott had been here too, he knew how painful this was. He was being stabbed through the heart because he felt Virgil’s pain but all he could do was keep holding onto Virgil. What was causing this? Why now? He wanted to fix this but this wasn't a problem he could just fix . 
Virgil pressed closer to Scott and for the thousandth, millionth time Scott promised the entire universe everything he had that he would take care of his little brother. Against the overwhelming tide, he was helpless. It wasn’t swallowing him, no matter how he’d trade places in an instant to take away his brother’s pain but it had Virgil in its grasping jaws.
He could only keep raggedly whispering, “ I’vegotyouI’vegotyouI’vegotyou,” into the dark.
With every broken breath, Scott worried Virgil was shaking apart with sobs. The image of rivets making their way loose and panels falling off of aircraft slammed into his mind. Of a Thunderbird falling from the sky instead of being brought safely back to earth. 
Scott hated having to witness any of his brothers feeling like this but he hated the idea of them going through it alone infinitely more.
Virgil was trying to hum, even now. The music, Virgil’s music was drowning under an ocean of tears. But Virgil still tried to hum.
Until he didn’t.
The dead silence was worse. 
Virgil whimpered and kept crying, exhausted and limp in Scott’s arms. Scott felt his own tears slowly trailing warm down his face. 
His hands were caught up in brushing through Virgil’s hair, fingertips touching his forehead gently, and holding on tight to Virgil. Muscles twitched and shuddered beneath the palm splayed out on his brother’s back. 
Virgil was a quiet  person in general but he was rarely ever silent. He was always humming or singing snatches of melodies, muttering song lyrics or engineering calculations aloud and tapping his fingers on the nearest surface in the patterns of piano notes. His voice was a soothing, musical rumble constantly accompanying them as it wove through their days. 
The times Virgil had stopped singing, stopped playing, had been some of the worst of Scott’s life too. This was Virgil , Scott didn't think he’d ever know how to go on without Virgil.
So Scott took over the tune. He did his best to match Virgil’s, to match Thunderbird Two’s. Maybe he wasn't getting the pitch quite right but he could try. For Virgil, he could try. 
He poured everything he had into it. All his breath, all his hope, all his love. Everything, to hold a steady hum even as he trembled too.
Because it was all Scott could do: hold onto Virgil, let him cry himself out, keep him safe. 
Hold onto his music, keep it alight until Virgil could take it back again. 
And maybe it helped, maybe it did something that wasn't nothing. Maybe , Scott hoped. Surviving and keeping going was still all on Virgil. This wasn’t something Scott could take away from him, no matter how he wished he could reshape the world to weigh lighter on Virgil’s shoulders. 
But his brother was here, because he trusted Scott so much that he came to him when he was most vulnerable and felt safe enough to fall apart. Scott could make sure he didn’t have to go through this alone.
A long time passed before Virgil started humming back, beginning as a low noise, deep in his chest, occasionally broken by lingering sobs. The sound blended with Scott’s attempts to hum, like One and Two’s engines roaring as they flew side by side, close enough you couldn’t distinguish them as separate. 
They were a messy tangle of tears and limbs, clinging to each other, but they were together and here and alive.
Scott was humming too. Not a song, but in the same way Virgil did. To comfort him .
The noise soaked into him as Virgil took in the sensations he was surrounded by: Scott’s tight hug, one he could lean into; a gentle hand tangled in his hair, familiar in how it caught him when he fell and held on; and the utter sense of safety that came from having his big brother close. It felt like home.
His body ached with the aftermath of emotion, leaden as it dragged him down, but he managed to move close enough to press his forehead to his brother’s.
Virgil opened his eyes, blinking through the tears gumming them shut. The first sight he saw was Scott, the tear-filled, bright, blue eyes of his big brother who loves him.
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