bones4thecats · 2 months
What If They Had A Spider-Man! S/O
Characters: Angel Dust and Zestial (separate) Inspired By: These cute fanart pieces!!! (PsychicPains / lilminette / VisionsK. / TheAstawolf) and Chasm Spider-Man A/N: This was so much fun to write! Make sure to catch my Q&A here in a little bit! Btw, when I imagine the Reader drinking tea from a can in Zestial's, I could see them digging their mandibles into the can's side and drinking it like that. I just think I'd be funny. ⚠️ Spoilers/Trigger Warnings for: SWEARING, mentions of attempted assault, threatening, physical harm, and the Reader being basically insane ⚠️
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╚═════ Angel Dust ═════════════════════════════╝
💊 Angel is a spider demon himself, so when you popped up one day causing trouble for multiple members of Hell, he found a quick connection with you
💊 Of course he started flirting with you when you first spoke, this is Angel Dust we're talking about!
"So, whatcha up to later tonight, Webslinger? How about coming to my room and using them energetic-webs for something a little more fun?~"
💊 But, after many, and I mean many failed attempts at getting into your pants, Angel Dust began to talk to you. He didn't reveal anything to detailed about himself, but you both would just sit down and talk about yourselves and hobbies like normal friends
💊 When you guys actually became a couple, you were fiercely defensive of him. One time, you saw some random loan shark try to touch Angel without his consent -which you knew he hated- and you shot your webs at his arm, pinning it to a nearby wall
"You fucking asshole! What the hell gives?!" The shark-demon yelled, making you tilt your forehead, since you couldn't show your true expressions through your mask.
"That's a mere strike one, loan shark. If I ever, and I mean ever see you try touching Angel again," you said, grabbing the sinner's free arm and twisting it painfully, "I will find you. And believe me, you don't wanna know what happens when I find my prey."
💊 Angel was shocked at how dangerous yet kind you were. A moment before you were twisting a guy's arm and threatening him with a very painful death that only he could imagine, and the next you were asking if the spider sinner wanted to be swung back to his place at the Hazbin Hotel
💊 Like I mentioned earlier, Angel Dust does connect with you well because you both are spider demons. He liked it when you would take off your mask in private and allow him to let his top pair of hands mess with your mandibles while his bottom pair messed around with your hands
💊 You have made him feel more safe than he ever has since he landed in Hell
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╚═════ Zestial ════════════════════════════════╝
🕷️ As a new troublesome Overlord who died back in the early 2000s, you had immediately landed yourself getting into issues around your new area
🕷️ When Zestial first met you, he treated you very chivalrously. He had bowed gently to you an introduced himself before you chuckled and did the same back to him, finding it funny in your own way
🕷️ He liked watching you during meetings. You would sit down beside him in your own web-made hammock and observed the others argue while drinking your own cup of tea (like the tea you would buy in cans)
🕷️ The day Velvette began offending Zestial was the one you merely shot a load of web over her mouth and began to laugh as she struggled to get it off of her face
"What, Velvette? Struggling to run your mouth even more than normal? How sad."
🕷️ Your current fiance smiled and chuckled lightly at how you then webbed the youngest Overlord up and knock her down onto the table, and how you crawled on the ceiling before hanging upside down and kissed Zestial's forehead with your mandibles
"Y/n, doth alloweth velvette's that from which we speak free from the entanglement of thy web." He said, laying his teacup down on the saucer.
🕷️ Sighing over-dramatically, you crawled over to Velvette's chair and tore the webbing off painfully, making her scream in pain and have a slightly noticeable amount of redness from the web
"You goddamn grandfather-fucker! What the hell is wrong with you?!" She yelled bitchily.
"You better shut your mouth or else this webbing may end up somewhere you'll have to soak to get it off without tearing your organs outside." You then shrugged, your face going from a cold and bloodthirsty one to a cheery and happy one. "Okay?"
🕷️ Velvette nodded fearfully as you chuckled and threw the now worn-out webbing into a nearby trash can before swinging back into your hammock and laying your head down while you messed with your phone
"Anon, shalt we continueth this meeting?"
(Y/n, doth alloweth velvette's that from which we speak free from the entanglement of thy web -> Y/N, do let Velvette's mouth free from the entanglement of your web. / Anon, shalt we continueth this meeting -> Now, shall we continue this meeting.)
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m-saiz · 4 years
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Wall Ride- #skateboading #wallride #wallrides #jumpramp #launchramp #skateboard #vision #team #teamvision #teamvsw #visionskates #visionskateboards #visionstreetwear #lbc #longbeach #longbeachskater #losangeles #art #artist #design #designer #skater #skateboarder #marcosaiz https://www.instagram.com/p/CF_AzzSJeRI/?igshid=mb7n5hf54rkd
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m-saiz · 4 years
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Miller Flip-Jump Ramp-Cypress Ca.-Contest #skateboading #millerflip #jumpramp #launchramp #skateboard #vision #team #teamvision #teamvsw #visionskates #visionskateboards #visionstreetwear #grigley #grigleymask #cypress #longbeach #lbc #longbeachskater #losangeles #art #artist #design #designer #skater #skateboarder #marcosaiz https://www.instagram.com/p/CF7-aK4pcM0/?igshid=1rsp4wsih2zz8
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