starryartist512 · 1 month
Fanart 30 Day Challenge|Day 25: Fake Comic Cover.
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I decided to do a cover for @c0smiccom3t’s LBP/SABA AU. Vex in particular was a PAIN to draw (this was my first time actually doing colored art of the bastard). As said before, this AU and Stitcher belong to @c0smiccom3t.
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prismaticgumball · 2 years
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Hello I'm PrismaticGumball (Prim) and I'm technically a vtuber, except I can't get the rig to work properly on stream :v
So strictly speaking I'm a looping-live2D-animation-tuber :D
Also I've streamed like... twice so
Expect... little of me, please :D
Also also I swear I'll upload VODs on youtube any day now lmao
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phantomcellar · 9 months
Did a little photoshoot with my V plush the other day I thought I'd share
1) The Vitcher
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2) She's listening to her favourite song :D
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3. Yeehaw
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4) she's finally getting the time off she deserves
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5) sunglasses and winter hat
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sarah-vither-blog · 6 years
Well here is a story about Sarah Vitcher :) Part 3, as it is entirely not loaded :< (completion)
"I'm coming, Nina! Flee!"- said May friend. Now she had to find the entrance to the basement. Wait a minute. She thought she saw a door. That would look to where she was, it took her a couple of minutes. "Here it is!"happily she said. May have made a careless step forward and her legs stuck between the boards. She tried to pull his leg out of the trap, but to no effect. May tried a second time and a third. And only on the fourth time she pulled out the leg, but leaving her a deep wound. Limping, she reached the basement and yanked the handle. Fortunately, it was open. Down, and bleeding, May have found the place where the fallen Nina, but... no one was there. Neither Nina nor dead..... And suddenly... a sharp blow to the head. .... May woke up with severe headache and tied to an iron chair in a brightly lit room. Around was the lights, screens, and surgical tools, and so on. "You're still awake.... Ha ha! I'm surprised..."- at the other end of the room came a female voice. ".... M-m-m.... W-who are you? What is happening?...» "Oh... so you don't remember me? What a pity... but nothing.- the girl left in the middle of the room and removed the medical mask and now?» The girl was quite low. The first thing that catches the eye is her medical gown, smeared with something grey, beneath amazing white t-shirt and jeans and... sneakers?... also covered in Burgundy. 《So what?》- asked the girl. 《…Sarah?!.. You then *&$@# do?! Where are you *&$#@ was that all about?! Why I *&$#@ bound?! I thought you were gone!》 Sarah looked May straight in the soul. May thought that is not her friend, that she knew, and someone else. Sarah smiled, and although there... grinned. 《Well, finally... And I thought you and remember. the smile never left her face. It is a slower gait and approached May.- So... miss me? Or your boredom filled the new? Speaking of which... Sarah let out a laugh. 《What are you *&$#@ do?! Don't touch her!》 shouted May, and thus afraid of his own courage. 《What are you so worried about, May? So afraid for your girlfriend? Or has it become more expensive to you me?..》 But this time Nina woke up on the operating table. She sleepily opened her eyes and heard the conversation of Sarah and Mai. It turned out that they are separated by only a fabric screen. Nina saw her scalpels and knives. She took the largest of the knives and began to accumulate strength to stand up. And a few minutes later she got up from the table and saw May. Nina gave the signal that he wanted to kill Sarah, and May helped her. 《Yes, Nina is more to me than you Sarah! Do May you always whined to me about his life, parents and so on! You know, I was sick of it. Your constant lies about the bruises. You think nobody knew that Lara mocking you?! I - before she could finish the sentence the knife was flying directly to Sarah, but... she managed to Dodge, and the knife flew in May. Right in the forehead. The chair on which she was sitting flipped over and fell on the floor, and May have continued to bleed and curl like a worm. Nina realizing what she did, fell to his knees and began to sob. And Sarah, meanwhile, took another knife, and walked over to Nina. 《Who said that stupidity has no cure?》- with these words she grabbed Nina's shoulder, thus turning her to face him, and was stabbed in the stomach. Nina fell to the floor, also bleeding… Sarah went down to the basement to the boiler room. She unscrewed a couple of extra screws from the tank. Now she had five minutes. She went up to the first floor and opened the emergency door. She retreated to a safe distance and waited for the last second of time expires. Edge eyes she noticed that from the third floor, she who is waving his hand.... It was Nina. Sarah slowly waved his hand in response.... Bang.… The huge building fell on her eyes, along with proofs and evidence. My eyes burned remnants of the past. I think it was a new beginning… I did what I had to.... Sarah Vitcher…
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oldshowbiz · 4 years
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The 1980s were defined by celebrity preachers, televangelists, and their ensuing sex scandals. Despite the widespread perception that they were mostly hucksters, they enjoyed a growing influence in Republican politics. The progression was alarming to the previous generation of conservatives like Barry Goldwater. 
“I came out favoring a Democratic candidate over a Republican candidate because the Republican candidate was a candidate of the religious right,” said Goldwater. “And the religious right scares the hell out of me. They have no place in politics ... And while I have nothing against a minister being a member of congress, he should leave the bible at the front door ... and don’t try to preach and practice religion in the halls of congress.” 
“The same conservatism that raised Ronald Reagan from the political dead is about to resurrect a handful of old television stars from the graveyard,” reported the Field News Service. “At the advent of the new season, we raise our glasses to the Moral Majority and to Jerry Falwell’s holy roller gospel … their voice has been heard in the unhallowed halls of ABC, CBS and NBC, and so, too, has the message of the Coalition for Better Television, and that of its leader, Donald Wildmon.” 
Jerry Falwell reportedly invested over a half million dollars each year in the campaign to remove his least favorite television programs from the air.  Among them was a Tony Randall sitcom based on a made-for-TV movie. 
Love Sidney starred Randall as a homosexual landlord. Falwell and Wildmon mobilized letter-writing campaigns prior to its debut. “I object to the networks using my airwaves to make my living room a cesspool,” said Falwell. “If someone wants to invite profanity and vulgarity into their homes there are cable channels available.”  
Tony Randall snapped back, “I don’t give a damn what Jerry Falwell and his so-called Moral Majority think of it. Who cares about them, anyway? I don’t think any intelligent person cares what the Moral Majority thinks or says. Personally, I believe whatever influence they now have in the television industry will eventually fade away. Most people are starting to ignore them anyway.” 
“I find it rather odd that NBC would identify the middle-age character as a homosexual,” complained Reverend Wildmon. “Is it necessary to give homosexuals that special recognition?”  NBC appeased Wildmon by nixing the term “homosexual” in its promotional material and replaced it with the euphemism “bachelor.” 
Gay activists also criticized the program. They claimed it was a straight person’s distorted interpretation of gay life. Randall defended the program against those accusations as well: “Gays have never liked it because they say it’s an untrue picture of gay life, but the show is not about gay life, it’s only about Sidney’s life.” 
In the end, Tony Randall was grateful for the controversy. “We were attacked by the moral majority, we were attacked by the right-wing, we were attacked by the Luba Vitcher Jews, and we were attacked by the gay Advocate.” Randall considered it a badge of honor that he could outrage “an ignorant Bible-thumping bastard in Mississippi.”
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yeahnews · 2 years
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On Friday, Snapchat announced a new feature that lets people share their location in real time with specific friends for a certain time period.
Snapchat users can also only give their location to the friends they have on Snapchat instead of to a broader group of people using the app.
Snapchat also laid out the safety features it has incorporated, including: A fast and clear way to activate, so Snapchatters can share their real-time location in an instant if they ever feel unsafe.
Plus, this minimizes any undue pressure to constantly share.
When campuses reopened for the first time to in-person living and learning since March 2020 without strict COVID restrictions, we saw a surge of sexual assaults take place,” Tracey Vitchers, the executive director of It’s On Us, said on “Good Morning America.”
According to Vitchers, ”This online dating safety peer to peer program is really critical because we found in conversations with students that traditional sexual assault prevention lessons that were being given by their school were not covering online dating safety, when that is really the future of how most young people are meeting and engaging with each other in a dating or other romantic way.”
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lastsonlost · 7 years
As former social chair of the Sigma Chi fraternity at Harvard University, Malik Gill wants to appear especially welcoming to girls who come to the house for parties.
Yet, Gill, who starts his junior year in a few weeks, says he won’t be offering a female classmate a beer.
“I don’t want to look like a predator,” the 20-year-old economics major said. “It’s a little bit of a blurred line.”
Sex and relationships are always tricky terrain for college students. Those arriving this year are finding schools awash in complaints and headlines about sexual assault and responding with programs aimed at changing campus culture that has been blamed for glorifying dorm-bed conquests, excusing rape and providing a safe haven for assailants. For many young men, it’s an added dimension in a campus scene that already appears daunting, said William Pollack, a Harvard Medical School psychologist.
Pollack said a patient recently told him about making out with a girl at a party. Things were going fine, the student said, when suddenly a vision of his school’s disciplinary board flew into his head.
“‘I want to go to law school or medical school after this,’” Pollack said, recounting the student’s comments. “‘I said to her, it’s been nice seeing you.’”
Victims, especially women, have always had to battle taking the blame for being attacked, said Laura Dunn, founder of the SurvJustice sexual-assault advocacy group. Men have to accept responsibility for sexual aggressiveness when it harms others, she said.
Small Group
“There are countries where women cover themselves from head to toe in clothing and don’t go anywhere without a male escort to avoid harassment,” she said. “That’s not our country.”
While about 99 percent of rapes are committed by men, according to U.S. government figures, few men are rapists. Data from David Lisak, a sociologist who consults to the military and universities on the issue, suggest that the vast majority of campus sexual assaults are the work of a small group -- less than 5 percent -- of college men. No one wants to be mistaken for one of these serial offenders.
“I don’t think it’s about me,” said Gill, the Harvard student. “I feel like I’m pretty good guy. But if I’m talking to a girl and want to gauge her interest, I’m more cautious than I used to be. I don’t want to cross the line.”
Federal Investigations
Harvard’s undergraduate college and law school are among dozens of institutions under investigation by the Education Department’s Office for Civil Rights for alleged violations of Title IX, the law that bars gender discrimination in education. A complaint filed by students against Harvard College says that victims aren’t always separated from their alleged attackers in classes and living spaces. The school rewrote many of its policies this year and submitted them to the OCR for review.
The specter of an assault accusation is often in the back of male students’ minds, Gill said. His fraternity owns a handsome Victorian house outside brick-paved Harvard Square in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Most brothers live on campus, rather than in the house, which is mainly used for parties. It can become a concern even in innocuous situations, such as when a female friend told him she was interested in one of his pals.
“He was a pretty outgoing guy and did well with the ladies,” Gill recalled. “It’s kind of like the nature of college hooking up -- taking numbers -- and it doesn’t always pan out but hopefully it does once in a while.”
More Hesitant
Gill passed the contact information along. Still, his friend hesitated to follow up.
“Even though she was interested, he didn’t want to pressure her,” Gill said. “He was worried about making her feel uncomfortable.”
Some men feel that too much responsibility for preventing sexual assault has been put on their shoulders, said Chris Herries, a senior at Stanford University. While everyone condemns sexual assault, there seems to be an assumption among female students that they shouldn’t have to protect themselves by avoiding drunkenness and other risky behaviors, he said.
“Do I deserve to have my bike stolen if I leave it unlocked on the quad?” Herries, 22, said. “We have to encourage people not to take on undue risk” that might make them targets of the criminal conduct of others, he said.
A failure to reduce risk doesn’t mean that a person who is attacked or harmed is at fault, Herries said. Education on how to avoid sexual assault is important and helpful, but no one should blame victims for being assaulted, he said.
Awareness High
Focusing on the need for women to protect themselves from sexual assault puts the onus on victims, and removes it from perpetrators, advocates for assault survivors said. People who have been burglarized aren’t blamed for not having enough surveillance gear in their homes, said Tracey Vitchers, chairwoman of New York-based Students Active for Ending Rape.
“This is the only crime where people blame the victim,” said Annie E. Clark, co-founder of End Rape on Campus, based in Los Angeles. “Regardless of what you do, you don’t ask for a crime to be committed.”
Awareness of the danger is already high on campus, said Megan Harman, a sophomore at North Carolina State University in Raleigh. The 19-year-old said she’s already had the experience of rescuing a drunk classmate from a room where she was with a guy who wouldn’t “take no for an answer.”
Harman said she’s also been happy to see some of her male classmates step in when they see girls who look like they’re in vulnerable situations with men.
“My friends and I look out for each other, but can’t always see everything,” she said. “There’s always going to be one bad apple.”
‘Better Understanding’
Social situations are already worrying Clark Coey, 18, who starts at East Carolina University in Greenville, North Carolina, this month. Coey said it was hard to avoid hearing about the dozens of colleges under federal investigation for violations of Title IX.
At Lake Norman Charter high school outside Charlotte, Coey said he was taught that you shouldn’t force sex on another person. He’s concerned how that will be defined when other students, including women, may be using drugs and alcohol that affect their decision-making.
“I haven’t learned anything about consent since I was a freshman in a health class,” he said. “They have to give you a better understanding of what’s right and what’s wrong.”
East Carolina has a mandatory online course about healthy relationships, sexual assault, consent and alcohol use that freshmen must complete in their first term to register for the following semester, said Virginia Hardy, vice chancellor for student affairs. The college also addresses the issues at voluntary summer orientation sessions and residence hall programs during the school year that as many as 95 percent of freshmen sign up for, she said.
Alcohol Shadow
Often considered a social enhancer by students, alcohol now can cast a shadow over sex when there’s any suggestion that it may have dimmed a woman’s judgment. Oscar Sandoval, a senior at Stanford University, near Palo Alto, California, got a text message late one spring evening from a female friend. Did he feel like hanging out?
When his friend arrived from a party she was drunk, he said. Her flirting and touching made Sandoval uncomfortable. Something about the situation reminded him of educational sessions he’d had in prior years where he’d learned about sexual consent. Sandoval walked his friend back to her dorm.
“Among the people I hang out with, there’s more hesitancy to hook up with someone when there’s alcohol involved,” Sandoval, 21, said. “Something that you might have thought would be okay when you were drunk might not be okay later on. ”
‘Witch Hunt’
While sexual assault is undoubtedly a real problem, heightened attention in the media has created a “witch-hunt” environment, said Pollack, the Harvard Medical School psychologist.
“Most males would never do anything to harm a young woman,” Pollack said in a telephone interview. Rather than discouraging predators, “we’re starting to scare the heck out of the wrong people.”
Joshua Handler, a junior at New York University, said he’s more cognizant of how his actions could be interpreted because of continuous discussion at the campus about sexual assault -- mostly on the Facebook page NYU Secrets where students can anonymously post about their experiences.
Handler, an aspiring film critic, said he’s always been blunt, but he makes it a point to be especially clear about his intentions when talking to women.
More campuses are adopting bystander education programs that seek to recruit men in stopping sexual assault, said Jackson Katz, co-founder of MVP Strategies, which offers violence prevention programs for schools and the U.S. military.
Bystander Programs
The programs preach that while most men aren’t predators, a few -- even those who appear as “nice guys” -- may be; that sex requires clear consent from both parties; and that drunkenness is not an excuse for assaulting behavior.
Adam Erickson, a 19-year-old sophomore at Yale University, was at a party last year when he noticed that a female friend appeared to have had too much to drink. While that’s not totally unusual behavior at parties, Erickson grew concerned when his friend began talking with a man who appeared to be showing a lot of interest in her.
“It was a guy I knew a little bit about, and I didn’t like his reputation,” Erickson said. “I just kind of interposed myself and started talking to her about something. The guy got the message and he took off.”
Gill, the Harvard student, said he has male friends who will sometimes call out others who joke about sex in conversation.
“If you think sexual assault is okay,” he said, “you’re just an asshole.”
Men have every right to be afraid and I don’t blame them.
Why college guys should be terrified of campus hookups
Frat Guy Expelled For “Gray Rape” After “Victim” Sees Him Making Out With Someone Else, Sues University
LAWSUIT: Female rapes disabled student then gets him expelled, university fires his dad
An unwanted touch. Two lives in free fall. A dispatch from the drive to stop sexual assault on campus.
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Mob Attack: Michael Zenquis Wrongly Beaten And Accused Of Rape
Southampton student Jay Cheshire hanged himself after false rape
Mother of son who hanged himself after being accused of rape                 commits suicide a year later
Clarence Moses-EL released after 28 years in prison
Walter Cooke’s case should never have got to court
Brian Banks (American football) 
Columbia Student: The Damage Done By ‘Mattress Girl’
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African American Wrongful Convictions Throughout History
Mary turner.database of Known Georgia Lynching Victims
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piranot · 4 years
Sem nunca terem se visto, Eduardo Costa pede blogueira em namoro pelo Instagram
Eduardo Costa não perde tempo! O cantor está levando a sério as investidas dadas através de sua conta no Instagram e decidiu pedir a blogueira de moda Karen Vitcher em namoro após poucas mensagens trocadas pelo direct da rede social.
Eduardo Costa – Foto: Reprodução
De acordo com Leo Dias, após Karen Vitcher elogiar a live do sertanejo, Eduardo Costa mandou emojis de coração para a jovem, que mora em Manaus.
No dia seguinte, a blogueira elogiou outro vídeo do cantor e em menos de uma hora o sertanejo decidiu fazer o pedido de namoro. Até o momento, Karen Vitcher não respondeu se aceita ou não, mas já questionou o cantor, que vive em Belo Horizonte, se ele irá até Manaus.
Eduardo Costa se envolve em polêmica com Brumadinho-MG
Recentemente, o cantor Eduardo Costa usou as redes sociais para dizer que seria difícil fazer sua próxima live em Brumadinho-MG, cidade onde uma das barragens se rompeu, pois a região estaria totalmente devastada e cheiraria a corpo e a morte.
Tais declarações do sertanejo causou revolta em alguns moradores da cidade e até a prefeitura de Brumadinho enviou uma nota de repúdio sobre as declarações do cantor.
Magoado e arrependido de suas falas, o cantor contou em entrevista à coluna do Leo Dias que pensa em abandonar tudo que envolva o mundo virtual e as redes sociais.
“Tem horas que tenho vontade de abandonar as redes sociais. Eu não falei com uma conotação pejorativa, nem para depreciar nada. As pessoas que levaram para este lado”, disse o sertanejo.
Fique por dentro das últimas fofocas das celebridades, notícias de entretenimento e tudo sobre os reality shows em nosso GRUPO DE FOFOCAS DO FACEBOOK. Clique aqui e faça parte!
O post Sem nunca terem se visto, Eduardo Costa pede blogueira em namoro pelo Instagram apareceu primeiro em PIRANOT.
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911remembered · 5 years
A Torn 9/11 Flag is Repaired, One Loving Stitch at a Time
This article was originally posted on the official FOX NEWS website, written by Kathleen Foster of Fox News, we are simply sharing it raise awareness among our 9/11 Community.
“In the days after the terror attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, an American flag appeared on the side of a construction site overlooking Ground Zero in downtown Manhattan. A construction crew hung the 30-foot flag on 90 West Street as a symbol of hope for volunteers searching for survivors in the wreckage of the World Trade Center.
However, the flag soon had the opposite effect. It kept getting caught on scaffolding broken by the collapse of the South Tower. Seeing an American flag ripped to shreds upset some of the workers below.
"It became an issue with some of the construction workers after a couple of weeks because the deterioration it was suffering by blowing in the wind against some collapsed scaffolding," says Charles Vitchers, a construction manager who was assessing the safety of buildings damaged by the collapse of the Twin Towers.
So, Vitchers had one of his crews take the flag down in October 2001. "It was shredded pretty good," he says.
The crew folded the flag and put it in a plastic bag. Vitchers put it in a shed outside a country home he owns in Pennsylvania, where it stayed until he took it out 7 years later. He laid it out on his lawn, and tried to put it back together like a puzzle, but couldn't.
Parts of both the stars and stripes were missing. The rest was in 13 pieces. The white stripes were gray with dust. The flag still smelled like smoke.
"When I took the flag out of the bag that it had been in," says Vitchers, "it brought back all of the smells that were prominent down here at Ground Zero."
Vitchers was going to have the flag honorably retired, until another disaster struck: a tornado wiped out most of Greensburg, Kan., in May 2007. In 2008, Vitchers traveled to Kansas with "New York Says Thank You," a group of New Yorkers touched by 9/11 who now travel the country helping other disaster victims. He brought the flag with him, and that's where The National 9/11 Flag started its journey back to life.
"We're letting local service heroes and communities around the country stitch it back together," says Jeff Parness, founder of New York Says Thank You Foundation and The National 911 Flag Oragnization.
It started when a group of women in Greensburg, Kan., saved flags that survived their town's tornado, and used them to patch the Ground Zero flag together, like a good old-fashioned quilting bee.
Now the flag is traveling cross-country, scheduled to hit all 50 states by the 10th anniversary of the terror attacks.
"There are so many things we will never be able to make whole again," says Parness, "but this we can make whole."
This Fourth of July, the flag will hit its 35th state, when it visits a church in North Carolina. In the past three years, the stars and stripes have started looking less like a patchwork quilt and more like its original, 13 striped self.
The flags that were originally used as patches have been replaced with matching pieces of red, white and blue taken from other retired flags.When it is complete, it will contain parts of flags from all 50 states.
"It is truly the fabric of America," says Parness.
One person at a time, makes one stitch at a time, as the flag crisscrosses the country. It has been on aircraft carriers and on the fields of ballparks. It has brought hope to other towns touched by tragedy, like Pearl Harbor, Hawaii; Fort Hood, Texas, and Oklahoma City, Okla.
"When we're all done, we're going to have somewhere between 20,000, maybe 30,000, stitches," says Parness.
Veterans and other local heroes are nominated to take up the needle and thread first in special ceremonies. But anyone can line up to take a turn. Each zigzagged stitch made on the flag is as individual as the people who make them.
Kathryn Cross left more than a stitch….”
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agfx-blog1 · 7 years
Geen: nice vitcher wideo...
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