#vivia dlc spoilers
loremaster · 11 months
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the meaning of life
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kazinsblog · 6 months
Happy Birthday Vivia~!
It’s Vivias Birthday in my time zone :D
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renavi0 · 11 months
And another couple of my thoughts after Vivia’s DLC
Spoilers for Vivia's DLC and Chapter 4
Looking at how Vivia behaves in the DLC, as well as looking back at his behavior and actions in the main game, I'm very touched by the fact that Vivia grows as a character throughout the story
He finds someone who cares about him and thanks to whom he decides to give life a chance. Gradually he finds what he wanted in the Nocturnal Detective Agency.
He gradually becomes attached to Yakou, and when he is on the verge of death, Vivia does everything he can to protect and save him.
And when he realizes that he cannot hide from the truth about Yakou’s actions and that he can no longer be saved, not immediately, but he decides to accept it and continue to live. He finally decides that he wants to live with his head held high and begins to recognize himself as a detective.
All this was already in the game, but thanks to the DLC, it all hits even harder and makes me feel like 😭😭😭😭
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koko-heads · 1 year
i just finished rain code and i think i might cry (spoilers ahead!!)
first of all
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I CALLED IT !!!!! I CALLED IT I CALLED IT I CALLED IT I CALLED IT I FUCKING CALLED IT i knew yuma number one and makoto were all connected EVER SINCE yuma and makoto first met and the latter joked abt being number one's son then when yuma left and makoto said "so that's my..." the gears were turning in my head
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these shots just go hard no opinion
i was like so close to sobbing when yuma was abt to sacrifice himself but he realised he needed to protect the ppl he loved and cared about + I KNEW MAKOTO WAS A WELL-INTENTIONED EXTREMIST i would've been on his side anyway bc he's so mwah
OH AND WHEN YUMA AND SHINIGAMI SEPARATED LIKE NEOOOOOWWWWW all of a sudden i wanted to apologise for ever calling her annoying those two leaving each other was a punch to the gut but AT LEAST!!! yuma's becoming a detective on his own 🥹
the epilogue made me choke up,,, the others leaving the headquarters,,,, saying goodbye to yakou,,, when they all said goodbye to kurumi i was THIS 🤏🏾 close to crying + the fact yuma was almost never mentioned until towards the end like THATS MY MAN!!! SAY HIS NAME
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number one! yuma was kinda.... idk 😵‍💫
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VIVIAAAAAAAA yeah i cried he's so lovely i'll miss him forever
AND THE ENDING!!!!! i know sequelbait when i see it there's no way we're leaving yuma behind that quickly
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in conclusion: an absolutely stunning whirlwind adventure of a game that actually had me on the edge of my seat; the mysteries were thrilling, the humour was top-tier and the character writing was truly excellent. i'm just glad my big four (yuma, desuhiko, halara and vivia) survived 🙏🏾
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yakool-foolio · 11 months
Well fellas, I just finished Vivia's DLC tonight (gonna save Yakou's for tomorrow hopefully) and all I can say is...
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pr1ncessavar0se · 11 months
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he’s no longer sopping wet ❤️‍🩹
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mayashesfly · 11 months
Do you ever think about how Makoto still retains all of his memories clearly while Yuma has lost his memories twice?
One of the things that intrigues me before was Makoto's comment about a bath when Yuma first met him.
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It's quite a strange thing to say to a stranger
If you didn't know about the fact that Makoto is Yuma's homunculi
He describes a bath as a fleeting dream. Something temporary and neverlasting.
And attributes a bath, a fleeting dream according to his words, as "Washing away your sweat and past" and "Being born anew"
Taking sweat literally, it's a given. As the purpose of a bath is to cleanse ourselves as well as wash away the sweat we accumulated over time.
But taking sweat a bit more metaphorically, we can say that sweat represents the hardships one has experienced. Taking a bath is also our way to give ourselves a break from a busy day and relieve ourselves from the hardships we had experience during the day.
However, the past thing is a bit more strange and less straightforward in its reasoning. While a bath can wash away our past physical filth, it can't actually wash away our actual past.
And while a bath is refreshing and makes us feel rejuvenated, it does not actually "born us anew". In a way, to say that a bath can wash away our sweat and past and born us anew is a lie. An illusion. A temporary placebo effect if you will.
A fleeting dream.
Just like Makoto had said.
Applying his words on himself, Makoto acknowledges that a bath which he attributes to "washing away your sweat and past" and "being born anew" is nothing but a fleeting dream. A temporary thing to relief himself.
The thing about Makoto is that he cannot wash away his past. He still remembers and knows that he is Number One's homunculi and nothing can change that. He also knows that he is the only perfect homunculi to ever be made in existence.
No matter how much he may try, he cannot change that. Nor forget it. As it is a part of his memory, inherited or not.
As for the born anew part, I want to talk about something else first before delving into that.
When Makoto first entered Kanai Ward, he created the rain machine to stop the Blank Week Mystery. At this point of time, he would've already known that he was Number One's homunculi and that the new residents of Kanai Ward are also homunculi.
Rain can also be taken as a sort of symbolic bath.
There are times that people do take a bath in the rain for fun. With their clothes on of course.
And Makoto did mention that he also sometimes takes a bath with his clothes on.
And also, Makoto doesn't even use an umbrella or even a raincoat to protect himself from the rain when he's outside.
(My guy you are going to get sick. Get a hat or something! Why are my favs like this??)
The rain washed away the literal blood, sweat and tears of the previous human residents of Kanai Ward. And washed away the past atrocities the new residents had done in their mindless rampage away from their mind.
This was the moment Makoto Kagutsuchi's past of being an escaped lab experiment of the UG had been washed away.
And the moment Makoto Kagutsuchi was born anew as Amatarasu Corporation's CEO and the defacto leader and protector of Kanai Ward.
But like how the rain didn't completely washed away the aftermath of the Blank Wrek Mystery, the rain didn't completely washed away Makoto's past and memories.
Makoto is still stained and soiled from the past, regardless of how many baths he may take, it will never wash away.
A bath is nothing but a fleeting dream after all.
It is used to merely soothe. Never to completely erase away.
Now onto Yuma!
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Applying these words on Yuma, we get a different result.
An intriguing thing about Makoto's words is that he uses to pronoun "Your" and "You're" while talking to Yuma.
While we can say that he's just using the pronoun "your" and "you're" to refer to an ambiguous you.
It's much more interesting if he is actually directing these words at Yuma himself.
"Your sweat and past are washed away. You're born anew"
Looking at it in this way, it's seems more like Makoto acknowledging the fact that Yuma is his original and that Yuma has lost his memories.
Upon entering Kanai Ward, the cage of rain, Yuma's sweat and past has been washed away. And with his memories and experiences of hardships during his time as Number One disappearing, he had quite literally been born anew.
He's quite different from how Number One acts after all. He's more trusting, more naive. More innocent. Unlike Number One.
Shinigami even comments on this, even indirectly.
He doesn't remember his past or his time at the WDO or being Number One. He doesn't remember anything and he was convinced that his real name is Yuma Kokohead.
That's quite unlike Makoto.
His contract with Shinigami had been so effective at washing away his past that he practically acted like a completely different person. Completely different from the Number One others knew.
Unlike Makoto's crude rebirth, Yuma's was a complete one.
His past had been washed away effectively, leaving behind no stains or soil. While we do see that Yuma retains his strong sense of justice and detective skills among other things, his memories on the matter are blurry. He feels the vague sensation of familiarity but not the actual memory associated with that sensation. It's fascinating.
Unlike Makoto whose memories still cling onto him, Yuma's memories are like the murky water that was washed away. He can try to cling onto the water as much as he likes but it eventually seeps out and away with only the sensation of wetness being left.
Not that Yuma actively searches for his memories. Though we do see Yuma wondering about his knowledge and his past self at times, finding his memories isn't his main goal. Finding his purpose and reason to find the truth is his main goal.
And it's because of this that he grew more than Makoto ever did. He surpassed the restrictions the past has given him and was born anew.
It makes Yuma recovering his memories as Number One but also losing his memories as Yuma after breaking his contract with Shinigami rather intriguing, but also in a way, tragic.
He was born anew yet again. But we're uncertain if Yuma's growth transferred to the newly reborn Number One.
It's quite tragic that we don't know what happened with Yuma after losing and regaining his memories yet again. While Makoto still retains his memories and knowledge of Number One Yuma.
It's quite unfair, isn't it?
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cheesecakemermaid1048 · 11 months
Us Yakou x Vivia fans are definitely eating good tonight!!
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chiefyakousdilftits · 11 months
Vivia’s DLC Spoilers !! ✨
Vivia’s literally just describing escapism as a coping mechanism, nobody is surprised that you disassociate, goth boy. Vivia has Derealization / Depersonalization Disorder, send tweet.
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https-simphub · 1 year
Couldn't sleep so I decided to edit Vivia with fangs and glasses. Lmao ignore my lazy attempt for the glasses but lowkey Vivia would wear them like that-
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shinigamichan · 3 months
fubugami… (i explode)
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loremaster · 10 months
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(fubuki only knows the superior version)
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brightstarblogs · 8 months
RainCode Honorifics!
First let me preface this by saying I'm not Japanese so there may be a few mistakes in this post.
I haven't seen anyone else make a post on this so I figured I'd do it myself. I've always found honorifics interesting in Japanese media and often include them in my fics. RainCode is a little different however because all characters go by their first names instead of surnames which most Japanese media typically use (since most surnames are westernized/wacky). This interested me so I wanted to do a little research!
But yeah, if you want to use honorifics in your own fics or just find Japanese linguistics interesting, I hope you enjoy this post! It has taken me 3-4 months to compile this list.
Spoilers ahead!
Yuma: Typically Yuma uses -san when referring to other characters. However there are a few exceptions to this. Yuma uses -chan to refer to Shinigami (because she asked him too) and with Kurumi. He also changes to using -kun for Desuhiko after they arrive at Aetheria Academy in chapter 2/Gum shoe gab 2 to show they're friends (but this could be to reciprocate the fact Desuhiko changed from using Rookie to My man). He does not use any honorifics for the peacekeepers (Yomi, Martina, etc) to show he doesn't respect them and Makoto (Although he will use -san when talking to Makoto). He also doesn't use honorifics on Aiko, Karen, Waruna, Yoshiko and Kurane, although he does use -san when speaking to other students in the investigation.
Shinigami: She tends to not use any honorifics and instead uses nicknames. Most notably Akuma-chan for Halara (Hellara in the dub). When she does use a character's name it is with no honorific. I did notice she uses -dono in the gum shoe gabs when saying Yuma's bond with a character has deepened. -dono is often used in writing letters/emails, but also is used in a lot of fantasy media/JRPGs. Shinigami does reference Dragon Quest in the dub so perhaps this is just her being a nerd (Special thanks too @/rararazaquato for pointing this out). If you want to know more about the nicknames she gives the NDA in Japanese, please look at this post!
Halara: They use no honorifics for any character. The only time I heard them use one was in their DLC when they use -san for their client (They do not use Tetra's name though. They say Ojo-san).
Desuhiko: He also doesn't tend use honorifics. Unlike Halara though he uses nicknames. He refers to Fubuki as Ojou, which translates as Young lady/princess. He uses -chan for Shinigami and Kurumi but also when referring to female characters like Guillaume and NPCs where he'll say neko-chan. He also calls Yuma Rookie until they arrive at Aetheria Academy, where he changes to My man for the rest of the game.
Fubuki: Uses -san for every character.
Vivia: Uses -kun for most characters. He doesn't use honorifics for Yomi or Makoto, and uses -chan for Kurumi
Yakou: Like Halara and Desuhiko, Yakou tends not to use honorifics but there are a few exceptions. He uses -chan for Fubuki and Kurumi. He also calls Seth -sensei when he was trying to deescalate the situation in chapter 1. He uses -san for Tetra, so I think he uses honorifics with clients. I don't know for certain but that's my theory.
Kurumi: Now, Kurumi tends to use -san for most characters. She used -san with Yuma when they first meet, but switches to -chan when he is in disguise in the school to help blend in. She then uses -kun from chapter 3 onwards (and once in chapter 2 when she's held by a peacekeeper, but Yuma doesn't hear her). She doesn't use honorifics with Akio, Karen, Waruna, Yoshiko, Kurane and Shachi.
Makoto: He uses a variety of honorifics. He tends not to use any for Yuma, but also does say -kun. He also uses -kun for both Yomi and Martina/Suwaro. He also uses -chan for Kurumi.
Now onto minor characters where it gets a little difficult due to screen time.
Pucci: Uses -san for Zange so maybe uses -san for other cast members.
Melami: I didn't hear her use any honorifics as she doesn't refer to others by name and tends to use nicknames.
Zange: He didn't call any character by their name so I have no idea unfortunately.
Aphex: Used nicknames so again, I am not sure.
Zilch(?)/Hitman: In chapter 1 he uses -kun for both Yuma and Aphex. He did not address the rest of the cast by name so I have no idea if he'd use -san or -kun for Pucci or Melami. Even then I don't know if that was an act as he is an imposter. He uses -sama however for Yomi in chapter 5 when you find him as a zombie.
Martina: Fun fact, she is actually called Suwaro/Swallow in the Japanese sub! I don't know why her name is changed but this was a fun surprise. She uses -sama for both Yomi and Makoto. She doesn't use names for the NDA.
Swank: He didn't use any names, but I included him because like Martina, his name was changed. Originally he was called Spank in the Japanese sub.
Yomi: Only ever called Martina by her name with no honorific.
Seth: Like most peacekeepers he calls Yomi by -sama.
Guillaume: She tends to refer to Dominic by just his name, along with Shachi. She however does use -sama for Yomi like the other peacekeepers.
Priest: Uses -san for the clock-maker
Teacher: Although this is Desuhiko, in disguise he calls Kurumi by -san.
Yoshiko: No honorifics
Kurane: No honorifics
Waruna: No honorifics
Shachi: No honorifics
Iruka: Uses -san for Yuma but no honorifics for Shachi.
Servan: Doesn't use honorifics for other resistant members, but uses -kun for Yuma
Icardi: No honorifics
Margulaw: No honorifics
Ramen man: Uses -chan for Kurumi. Not sure what he'd use for other characters.
Enyne: Before she reveals her identity she uses -san for Desuhiko
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renavi0 · 3 months
A few days ago, I bought Vivia and Yakou's dlc and I was always wondering... what kind of description do their profiles have during these stories
During Vivia's story, his profile repeats a little information about himself and is also updated as the story progresses. This is a small piece of his profile at the end of his story. Unfortunately, I only saved part of the piece. sorry for that
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And Yakou ones. I like how even his basic information changes a little as the story progresses
At the beginning of his dlc story:
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When the story tells about the events of 5 years ago:
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And in the end of his dlc story:
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highoncatfood · 11 months
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viviakouers we r winning
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he is not even hiding it anymore r u joking
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screams and dies
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what the fuck
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tell me he wasnt tryna hold his hand. the hestitation. im not okay
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this dlc changed my life. goodbye
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yakool-foolio · 11 months
OH! It was your “Vivia is actually dead/a ghost” theory sorry for being vague. 😂
Ah, I see! Thank you for clarifying, it's no worries. Ya had to keep it vague for a reason so it's totally alright heh.
Oh yes, the infamous 'M Night Shyamalan' theory. While the DLC may somewhat frame Vivia as dead, it honestly doesn't completely hold water considering what the DLC is all about. Vivia is alive, but his Forte keeps him in a constant state of limbo between life and death. And as such, it gets to the point where the lines blur and he can't even tell what world he's in at times. Hence why Ryo appeared to look like a normal person rather than a ghost at first, since Vivia's perspective is warped from the use of his Forte. And it's not like he can just turn his paranormal abilities off. He constantly hears the voices of spirits whispering to him information he doesn't want to know. It's an inverse of 'dead men tell no tales.' The ghosts that haunt his every waking moment can only tell him horrid truths, and it drove him to uphold his sole desire of peace and quiet. He used to want attention, but after these spirits became so prevalent and only got worse as he trained his Forte, he grew to despise the hollow eyes glaring at him from every unseen angle.
Vivia being alive rather than dead also serves the overall theme of the story told. That could've been the moment where he truly died, where this theory actually came true. But he refused. He understands now that he has a reason to survive: to protect his chief. He'll abstain from death as long as he can hold on to the security of the agency and carry Yakou's kindness with him. He'll follow his voice till the end of time.
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