#vlad x comte x leonardo
nuttytani · 10 months
Would you love me if I were a worm? Featuring ikemen vampire cast. (With gender neutral reader)
(a/n: when you have too much free time and need your hands to be occupied. Some random bullshit begins to form on your notes)
He finds it funny, why would you turn into a worm?
After seeing your frown tho, he says ok ok yes I will love you
Makes a disgusted face and turns you down
First of all, you won't turn into a worm. So why should he answer?
"if people can turn into vampires, why can't I turn into a worm?"
He kicks you out of his piano room
Dude has some thoughts to organise
Laughs at you and says, "what will you do if I say no?"
Pretends to forget about it but after some hours, he comes back to you
"no matter how and what you are or will turn into, I'll still love you"
"is this some sort of trick question? Well the answer is obviously yes, my love!"
Thinks deeply about it and smiles at you
"of course, I'll still love you. I think you'd make a cute worm too."
Scoffs at you and calls you an idiot
Why would you turn into a worm?
And by chance, you DID turn into one, how was he going to take care of you? There's so many worms out there in the world. What if you get lost and he gets some random worm instead and you, are lost and out in the cold, ready to be squashed by big feet.
Uno reverses you instead
Now you're trapped
Would you love him if he was a worm?
Gets sad if you don't answer quickly enough
"I am not doing this right now. If you're free, wash those potatoes instead. I'm already busy as it is"
Stays silent for a while and then sighs
"no matter what, I'd love you always and forever"
Chuckles a bit at the thought and immediately replies yes
He'd give you a good environment to live in. Some really nutritious soil and compost. Maybe a tiny rock for you to play with
"Comte, you just need to say yes... No need to.... Elaborate on what else you'd do"
"Alright. Well, would you love me if I were a worm?"
Is fascinated that you even came up with such a question
His answer is yes
But at the same time, he's coming up with scripts that include a dramatic romance between worms. For his own pleasure
Says yes immediately.
Thinks you'd look like a cute worm
Maybe he'd put roses next to your habitat or in it.
"of course! In fact, we can both be worms together! We'll be a happy worm couple"
He's actually taking the idea too seriously and goes ahead making worm habitats and gets a book on "how to raise a worm"
"I'm not sure. Though I suppose researching on a worm wouldn't be that bad"
Seeing you look unimpressed, he just chuckles while patting your head
"I'm only joking. Of course I'd love you"
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cloudcountry · 9 months
SUMMARY: little things the ikevamp suitors love about you.
WARNINGS: none!! :D
COMMENTS: this is kinda to get me back in the writing groove again. i thought this was really cute as i was writing it hehe
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napoleon adores your voice, the sweet sound of it carrying in the wind as you cheer him on when he spars. your voice goes higher when you talk to jupiter and lower when you talk to the kids he teaches, and although he’ll never tell you he notices these things, it’ll be evident when you look over at the teasing smirk on his face.
mozart adores the contrast between your klutziness and your grace, he’s caught you swaying to his music when you clean before, now that you two often find yourself sharing the same space. his eyes wander to you as he plays under the guise of making sure you don't slip on the sleek floors and injure yourself...but really, he is enraptured by you.
leonardo adores your lips, even more so when they’re on his own. ever the flirt, he makes sure your lips are always turned upwards in a bashful smile, the one that makes the corners of your eyes crinkle and your cheeks warm up. he touches your cheeks, brushing his fingers along your skin before kissing you, leaving you both smiling.
arthur adores your eyes, the way they’re always trained on him, the way he can see himself reflected in yours and just knows you see yourself in his. he loves how soft they look as they gaze upon him, a hopeless man, a sinner, a weak and helpless person that couldn’t save the ones he wanted to save most. you can still look at him, and that's all he could ever ask from you.
isaac adores your neck and the way it looks when you wear necklaces and different collared shirts and different hairstyles. he finds himself flustered at the thought of pressing his lips to where your neck meets your shoulder, sprinkling the skin with his kisses and dusting it with soft whispers for the both of you to cherish.
vincent adores your smile and the way it makes him happy, too. he loves that you never shy away from your feelings and you aren’t scared of his. you smile when he expresses what he wants, as if him craving and needing and wanting makes you happy, and oh if that’s what it takes to see you beam like you’ll love him forever, vincent will embrace every part of him.
theo loves your arms and how they work hard every day, only to wrap around him at the end of it all. it melts his heart when your head finds itself over his heartbeat, listening to his pulse as you shut your eyes. he’s never felt more weak in the knees in his life. you’ve ruined him, but he doesn’t care just so long as you keep holding him and working hard at his side.
dazai adores your waist and all of the uses it has. he loves kneading the flesh he finds there, making you squeal because those spots may be a bit ticklish. he finds himself placing a hand there as he walks with you, holding you close to his side, just close enough to catch your scent. it’s cheesy when he grabs your waist to lift you into the air, swinging you around in an impromptu dance, but his heart melts with love for you when your hands find themselves over his, keeping him latched onto you.
jean adores how you wake up in the morning, all sleepy and confused. every little noise you make makes his heart skip a beat, and so he captures every single one and places them in the corner of his mind labeled with your name for safekeeping. maybe then, even when you’re gone, he’ll still be able to know you. the heart that pounds so vehemently for you nearly pops out of his chest when you throw an arm over him and snuggle into his chest, a delicate smile on your face.
will adores how you smell when you come out of the shower, all freshened up. the fragrances of all the products you two picked out together waft throughout the villa, and will doesn’t find himself minding that he can smell you everywhere. after all, you’ve left your mark on this place, and furthermore, his heart.
comte adores you for staying by his side, even though he knows it’s hard. he’s been so painfully lonely for most of his life, and even now he doesn’t feel he fits anywhere. but you come along and take him into your arms, gently collecting all of his broken pieces, and you bring him back together with your embrace. this. this is where he belongs. he is certain of it.
sebastian adores your laughter and the way you seem to infect the mansion with it. he hears it ringing in his ears even when you aren’t around, the sweet sound carrying through his memories as he busies himself with chores and thoughts of you. it isn’t easy running an entire mansion, but with you by his side, bumping him with your hip as the two of you wash dishes, he couldn’t be happier.
vlad adores how you love vampires just as much as he loves humans. you have always tried to get him to bridge the gap with comte and trust humans again, and although it's not easy he sees your efforts and he loves you for it. you’re strange for not fearing him, for staying by his side throughout all he has done, but he’s glad for it.
faust adores how you’re so honest. you set boundaries and mean them, you tell people off when they’re encroaching on your space, and you make sure the environment you foster around yourself is as lovely as it can be. it makes him smug, knowing you’re so capable and he’s the one that gets to call you his. 
charles adores your fingertips and the way they map out his body, pressing into his scalp to soothe him and trailing down his back when he wants a hug. you’re always so gentle with him, treating him like he’s precious like he’s loved, and he knows he can never get enough of it. you’re so sweet, indulging him like this. he will never be able to stop loving you.
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gunraekae · 11 months
a day in the mansion for you
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Santa Rosalia by Roberto Ferri
>ikemen vampire
>mansion residents x reader
>a/n: for context, i'm the sort who enjoys seeing the casual interactions between the residents and the mc, so these are some hcs on what I imagine a day looks like for you. i sorta placed this as being in the first week mc arrives, before anything too serious happens, but you can interpret this whichever way you choose!
also apologies, i wasn't able to write for every single suitor as i haven't played most of their routes yet! I'll do a follow-up post when i finally finish them :))
Restrains Jean when he attacks you in the middle of the night
Comte enlists him to guard you and show you around Paris with Vincent, being the one that you trust the most in the beginning
Accompanies you and Isaac to the école, to help you be more at ease in the town
Part of your morning rounds: you wake him up
Part of your evening rounds: you talk about each other’s days, has dinner with you if you haven’t
After asking Sebastian to fetch him Rouge, he prevents you from escaping (sorta does a reverse psychology thing)
Rightfully blaming himself for your dislike, he charms you with his intelligence through the lounge games; he wins a conversation with you and apologises on your date
When you encounter him on your town visit, the two of you are caught with a mysterious case that employs the two of you in your mystery solving adventures. 
Part of coffee addicts: your best customer, kisses you for every cup of coffee you bless him with
Part of breakfast gang: either there because he didn’t sleep or there because he slept too early
Spooked by the first night in the mansion, you lock yourself in your room until lunch, only to realize that Leonardo had stood guard outside your door the whole night
Remains quite protective, he calls himself your companion; finds you cooped up in the library and takes you with him on town visits
Part of coffee addicts: will come later, but will always be there
Part of your afternoon rounds: he magically finds you when you’re sad and will find some random event to cheer you up with
Starving and not in control, he unknowingly attacks you on your first night and incites you to escape
Overwhelmed, self-conscious, and wary, you spend much of the first week’s evenings in the library. To your shock, Jean is also there, learning how to write. Believing that it may be best for the two of you to reconcile, you teach him how to write. 
Helps you as much as possible with your chores, especially if it’s reaching high places or something that requires strength. 
Joins the residents in meals because of you
Listens to Mozart’s pieces with you
Part of your morning rounds: you have to remind him to eat
Sympathetic to your predicament, he comforts you and shows you around Paris with Napoleon, being one of the few that you feel safe around
Invites you to a picnic with Theo
Enjoys your singing in the gardens while he paints and will frequent the outside the more you do it
Part of coffee addicts: might experiment with different roasts and enjoys it, but will like his coffee as black as possible
Part of breakfast gang: really only there to join Theo in the morning
Like a good sugar daddy, he takes you shopping and constantly spoils you. On the second day, he takes you to the town
Will ask for tea on the daily and constantly checks in on you; a most protective father figure, he keeps the residents in check
You’re his automatic partner any time he has to attend a social event (and of course he takes you shopping before). You’re his rumoured partner, and Comte does not quell those rumours he keeps them up. 
Part of your afternoon rounds: you have tea with him
After cooping yourself up in your room, Dazai is the second you confide your troubles to. He’s always attuned to your emotions and understands your mental health struggles; always ready to lend an ear (because he’d rather everyone be happy before himself ahh) He’s almost invasive with how aware he is of you
Another frequent player in the lounge games, he doesn’t play seriously and is only really there to bring everyone’s mood up; don’t include gambling though, because he gets sorta crazy
Part of breakfast gang: horrible sleep schedule has him join the morning
Part of your afternoon rounds: any time you have errands in the garden, he’ll join you 
Partly due to his brother, and partly out of his own heart, he enlists you as an apprentice and they get to know the town
To bridge the gap between you and Arthur, he invites you to the lounge after dinner to play games
Teaches you the ropes of living in Paris: warns you, keeps you aware of current events, probably even helps you with your finances
Part of coffee addicts: likes your experimental sweet lattes
Part of breakfast gang: always present in the morning because he has to
Cooped up in his room as well, Sebastian asks you to deliver his food to his room, believing him the most harmless. Isaac awkwardly welcomes you in his own way, accompanying you and Napoleon to their école
Also a frequenter of the lounge games, he attempts to impress you and win a date against Arthur
Part of breakfast gang: has to be there for his job, but enjoys whatever you make
Part of your evening rounds: sometimes he’ll be outside with his telescope, observing the stars. Once you felt comfortable, he asked you to join him
Most intimidated by him, Sebastian forces you to deliver lunch to him. He’s cold, fussy, but would rather spend time with you than anyone else. Whenever he needs feedback or an audience for a piece, he’ll ask you first along with Jean. 
You’re his automatic partner any time he has a performance, partly because you comfort him in carriage rides, partly because he just wants you around
Part of coffee addicts: crawls to get coffee from you
Part of your evening rounds: you have to remind him to sleep
Part of your breakfast gang: organized routine but also terrible sleep schedule
You met him after he gave you and Vincent tickets for one of his upcoming plays. When he approached the two of you, he gave such good banter and was so amicable, you swear it almost sounded practiced (haha)
He’ll sometimes join the residents for dinner. He’s begun to join a lot more often because having you around made Arthur and Theo much less hostile. After dinner, he makes a practice of talking to you in private, endlessly charming, but oddly invasive—like he’s studying you
Any time he has a new play, you're the first to get invited to watch it. Sometimes, if he's particularly frustrated or uninspired, he'll ask you to come to rehearsals with him.
You and Vincent sometimes visit him in his villa to make sure he's not writing himself to death.
A sweet florist you met in town while you were miserable in the first week. He gave you a flower to cheer you up and was the epitome of charming, so charming in fact, that you accidentally revealed you lived in the mansion. Once you’ve revealed that fact, he began seeing you every time you were alone in town (for no ulterior motive at all)
General HCs for All!
Writes you letters daily/weekly; a habit picked up after the first night and seeing how spooked you were
Help you and Sebastian as much as they can; they can obviously clean up for themselves and even cook when they feel inclined
More residents have meals together than ever before; your presence sort of unites them and they’re super grateful for that
You’ve achieved the point where every resident is together during dinner
Birthdays, special occasions, and achievements are celebrated because you organize them for everyone
Since Halloween is your favourite holiday, the residents make an effort to dress up for it
Valentine’s Day is a bit of a mess, with you making a gift for every resident
White Day was used by the residents to give you their gifts, and it’s overwhelming, to say the least
They’re huge gossips, so any and every update on you is spread like wildfire to everyone. Good luck having an off-day
Dazai is the first to notice, being the most emotionally intelligent
Leonardo is the quickest one to take action, quite literally scooping you from whatever you’re doing to cheer you up
Napoleon is also another quick one to constantly check in on you and look for you if you come home too late
Sebastian usually keeps track of who you’re with or where you are if you guys are separated
Buys you random presents, usually connected to something between the two of you, but also sometimes follows current trends
Isaac buys you a hairclip he thinks looks darling on you
Dazai buys you a notebook to use as a diary, especially after noticing your journal’s almost full (and no he totally doesn’t peek in your writing)
Jean will always find something in town to bring to you in your night lessons
Comte… do I even need to say anything
Supports you in anything you pursue (I believe the canon says that you’re starting out as a writer, so I’mma use that)
You keep notes of your every day in your diary, sort of like a vlog and a lot of the snoopy residents read it. Eventually they suggest that you publish some of it
Being a huge fan of literature, the authors organize a writer’s night where you come up with a prompt and they share how they’d write it
If you ever end up writing something, they’re the first to hear and are your biggest fans
You’re a frequent guest teacher in Napoleon’s and Isaac’s école
You always thought you weren’t good with kids, but seeing how much the children like you reassured you
Napoleon teases you on how much you say you dislike children but secretly enjoys the time with them
Isaac is extremely grateful for how much you like organizing his lesson plans
if you've made it this far, thank you so much for reading! i hope you have a wonderful day and leave a like/reblog <3
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koco-coko · 7 months
Cain & | Ikemen Vampire Fic
-> Two halves of a whole, seperated by fate.
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Tags/Warnings <--> Past Relationships, Fluff and Angst, Vlad/Comte, Comte/Leonardo (not a threesome), Longing, Grief, Comte is babygirl-coded in this, Spicy Scenes (nothing graphic so viewer discreation advised), Heavy Spoilers for Vlad and Comte!!!
Word Count: 1,981
A/N <--> I wanted to post this on valentines, but then I realized maybe a tragic love story wouldn't be great for valentines... but i mean someone needs to bring down the mood right
i think they might like this: @natimiles @yanderepuck and @azulashengrottospiano (I thought you would like seeing comte be sad and moody and also vlad being silly soo) @drewadoodle
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“Hello, Abel.”
Is that what Cain said the morning before he killed his brother?
God always favored Abel. No matter what Cain brought, God always favored his brother. So, enraged, Cain killed his brother Abel. And there was no turning back from that, was there?
The smell of cigarillos and book pages forever clung to the man next to him. The light snores he made were all too familiar. Comte knew the five senses of Leonardo better than he knew his own, really. They were ever-comforting in their mundanity.
As he finished buttoning up his shirt, pants still missing (mysteriously lost in the sea of the wood floor, in the tide of other discarded clothes), he turned to Leonardo and threw his arm over the man’s broad chest. (Though Comte did squint when he  realized Leonardo was already asleep– it hadn’t even been five minutes! How was he meant to take this man seriously…) 
Ah– he smiled. He knew that feeling, too; the steady beating of his heart, the rising and falling of his lover’s chest. It was all so normal to him. Homely, domestic, all sensation he craved for.
Though, one wouldn’t be able to tell that from the quickly-healing scratch marks on Leonardo’s back, nor the many bruises on Comte’s collarbone and waist.
As le Comte snuggled closer to the Renaissance man, a vision hit him like a stray carriage. He’d been here before, but the senses of familiarity were much different. There had been plentiful bottles of wine that night, too. There had been affection, pleasure, warmth… but there were a few sensations that were unique about that night.
The firelight traced Leonardo’s face in such a romantic way, the pureblood couldn’t help but lean up and kiss his cheek. Comte tried to exude such images from his mind. The past only brought sorrow and longing, and yet… The fireplace crackled.
The fireplace…
The fireplace crackled. “A-And– And-!” Abel hiccuped, a drunken grin on his face while he wobbled about on the floor. It had been a while since he drank so much, wine bottles as old as them littered about the floor. Vlad was barely conscious at this point, giggling like a madman at every word his companion said.
“She didn’t,” Vlad cooed, barely staying upright in his seating position. He leaned against the fireplace several times, his cheeks flush and his forehead beaded with sweat as he reached for Abel’s bottle.
“She did!” he laughed. Then, a short whine as he tried to take the bottle from Vlad’s grasp. When Vlad tugged again, Abel tumbled to the ground next to him. They both couldn’t stop laughing, far beyond the lines of sobriety. 
When the cackling died to loose giggles, Abel looked back at Vlad through teary eyes. “My, it truly has been an eternity since I’d seen you,” he said, wiping his wet eyes. 
When he looked back, all he saw was a pale red staring at him. The man before him was… entranced, even. Maybe it was the drinks getting to him. Maybe they really were just a bit too drunk. Maybe this was a mistake that he’d regret all his eternal life.
But the next thing Abel knew, his back was against the fur rug and his lips were smashed against Vlad’s. Liquor and Rouge blended into a terribly sweet, terribly addictive taste. A hint of strawberries in there, somewhere. “I missed you, too,” Vlad whimpered, his hands roaming across Abel’s hips. It was just a glimmer, but Abel saw some indescribable sorrow behind the vivid crimson. 
Abel opened his mouth, but all words were cut off when Vlad pulled his collar down and peppered kisses across his neck. Abel giggled nervously, his fingertips gliding across Vlad’s back. “You know…” he started, “Despite my ‘prestigious’  reputation, I haven’t–”
Abel’s breath hitched as a bite was placed right on the side of his neck. His fangs didn’t penetrate, though he could tell that the way they graced his skin was intentional.
Vlad lifted himself up, caging in Abel beneath him. His face was flush with alcohol and affection, but that boyish smile seemed stolen straight from the days long gone. “Me neither,” he chuckled, “It’s been awhile since old men like us have done something new, hasn’t it? Tonight seems like a good opportunity.”
It was strange, Comte thought, how he could barely recall anything else about that beloved night. The night he discovered Vlad still lived, that those years spent longing for him weren’t for naught… That the tears he shed may not have been completely useless… It was all just a blur. 
Perhaps it was the alcohol, fogging the memory of inexperienced touches and passionate kisses, tongues tying only to break apart so the other could giggle at a mishap. Belt buckles and shoes seemed so hard to take off at that time, filled with silly jokes and laughs, plenty of fiddling, everything felt so… new. Experimental, even. It was rare Abel felt particularly young but never unwelcome.
It may also have been Vlad’s touch, gentle and delicate, but so enticing. He was dedicated to him, as if he were painting a fine masterpiece. Each caress came with passion, though their experience was clear as day. Porcelain fingertips traced their way towards Abel’s face and gently covered his eyes, a soft mantra repeated and infested. A rose field appeared in his mind’s eye, a single whisper from the man on top of him. “Dragă mea…” Sharp fangs sunk into his neck with tender care, a soft caress on his side.
From there, it was a blur of pure bliss.
Comte crawled out of bed with a slight sore in his back, though he knew he would dissipate in minutes. Only once he stood up and searched the floor for his pants did he figure out that his shirt was a size too big. The cigarillo musk was just as prominent despite leaving Leonardo’s side. Ha, really, was his lover so possessive as to hand him his own shirt? Comte shook his head fondly as slid his pants back on.
Comte went about cleaning the area, folding up lost clothing articles and picking up the empty bottles of wine littered across the floor. Maybe they overdid it tonight, but sometimes it was nice to recreate their rebellious and reckless phases from bygone days. 
When Comte gazed at the fireplace, memories swirled through his head. It was vivid and blurry, amorous and lonely, everything and nothing. He spent years mourning Vlad, sobbing into his mother’s arms when the news of the Draculęsti family’s death arrived. He remembered acting out constantly, he remembered the longing, the primal need to see him smile one more time.
Abel sighed dreamily, the rose field in front of him seemingly endless. Snow-tipped flowers swayed back and forth like tides on the sea. Despite the wonderful sight in front of him, all he could focus on was the golden pocket watch in his hands, caressing it like a lover. “Is it naive of me to say I’m excited?”
Vlad, laying on his lap, while he played with the split tail of his long coat, merely hummed in vague amusement. “May I ask why you wonder this?”
Golden eyes flitted between the watch and the pureblood snug on his thighs, smiling fondly at each. “It’s nothing, really. Though, often I wonder if my psyche is too human. A newly built home for us both, the expecting of children… I feel like a newlywed wife!” he laughed, his free hand running through Vlad’s silky white hair.
Vlad quickly took Abel’s hand, reverently laying pecks across his fingertips. “I think it’s beautiful. Humans, vampires… I’ve never been able to distinguish us so easily. Well, until that day…” A pause came. Vlad’s smile remained ever gently, not even a flicker in his expression. “No matter, I feel the same, though perhaps I’m too old and jaded to act as giddy,” he chuckled. “Is there anyone you’ve had an eye on, Abel?”
Abel looked out into the sea of roses. A gentle breeze made his long, golden hair sway across his face, though Vlad was quick to sit up and remove it. In this new position, lazy pecks were put against his neck and shoulders. Those everlasting roses, this everlasting love…By any other name, they would smell just as sweet.
“I’ve always had a liking to the works of Shakespeare.”
A yawn elicited Comte to return to his bed, only having a quick tug-of-war with Leonardo for his blankets back. Usually it took longer… He quickly realized that his partner’s relent was due to the arm thrown around his shoulders, forcing Comte close to Leonardo’s chest. He sighed contently as he nuzzled close to his lover.
Comte had never been a fan of the past, at least in recent years. The present was far more constructive, more real than the years he lived. He was never one for reminiscing, and yet, even with his dearest, the man he’d given his heart to, beside him… His mind betrayed all logical thought.
Was it foolish, even moronic, of Abel to sit alone in his room and cry that day? The years of longing and grief had been for naught. Vlad had returned and died again. The mournfulness seemed to infect the halls of the mansion, each wall and painting mocking him. The mansion used to be so warm, so full of expectation and hope.
Now all that lingered was the never-wilting flower, alone and abandoned. Vlad had died twice. Abel’s mourning period seemed to know no end.
Comte desperately tried to purge the memories from his mind. First with Will, his firstborn son, and then the others who followed. Leonardo had been a constant figure, someone to rely on. While a love with Vlad was youthful, Leonardo’s affections were much more mature. Ha! Mature, Leonardo? What an oxymoron, Comte thought.
Still, he couldn’t deny the truth. He was carefree with Vlad by his side, making love whenever the time was right and sharing kisses and cuddles whenever it felt right. They were teenagers in love, hanging on by the loose idea of a bright future with one another. Vlad was the eternal honeymoon.
But Leonardo… The eternal marriage. Affinity was much more subdued. Deep, longing gazes and the lighting and sharing of cigarillos had replaced the passionate and messy kissing. Amorous exchanges only for private viewings replaced the rather indecent affection Vlad would perform close to the public eye. Not to say these things were gone from their relationship, their intense tryst tonight proof of such, but even these impulsive acts were done meticulously, years of trust and deeply-rooted adoration in their every thrust and rub.
With the arrival of the other residents, the mansion had suddenly grown warm again. Perhaps his giddiness over reviving historical greats as his own was a more specific issue of his, but the fact couldn’t be denied: a void was filled. The mansion, the home he had built with Vlad, was now filled with laughter and friendship, bonds between great men (and a woman) that would most certainly last their long lifetimes. The mansion was as it was meant to be: the floors painted with life, the walls etched with memories.
The castle was cold. Quiet, empty. The walls were etched with unwanted, disgraceful memories. Abel had only visited once, and never returned. He couldn’t bear seeing his oldest companion reanimated, yet possessed by a different soul. Vlad had died twice, in Comte’s eye, yet never buried.
“Hello, Abel.”
That’s what Vlad said the morning he killed Abel. 
Comte rose from his ashes, staring at the friend he once knew. “It’s been an eternity since I’ve seen you.”
He looked so lonely as he bore an ephemeral smile. “I’ve missed you, too.”
Comte sighed, unable to respond to the stranger before him.
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natimiles · 7 months
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You’re free to use the icons and wallpapers. The only thing I ask is: don't re-upload them as your own.
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12 Days of Arthur (Day 9: something new/blue) Happy Birthday
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Birthday Countdown Isaac&MC Wedding
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Picnic Date
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Birthday Countdown
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Sunflower Happy Birthday
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Sugar (Happy Birthday)
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Their Wedding Day
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Join me upon the stage, my muse
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Mitsuki (MC)
She’s like a summer snowflake
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Songs that remind me of them:
Arthur, Charles & Leonardo Jean & Dazai Alice, Mai & Mitsuki (The MCs)
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The “get yourself a man who can do both” (Isaac, Mozart, Arthur, Jean, Vincent, Theo and Napoleon) The “get yourself a man who can do both” - Part 2 (Charles, Comte, Dazai, Faust, Leonardo, Sebastian, Shakespeare and Vlad)
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Jean's Wallpapers (Birthday Celebration) Voice Actors: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 Arthur&Isaac matching piercings Arthur&Isaac matching nails Arthur's eyes appreciation (birthday celebration)
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Side blog for edits:
@natimiles-edits (headers, dividers and graphics for ikemen)
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y4h3l1n · 7 months
Amigo, no puedo parar de imaginarme a Mozart escuchando la música de la actualidad, o Napoleón enterándose sobre la reliquia de su pene 💀 Digamos (En el Universo de Ikemen) que al final alguien hizo pasar el miembro de alguien como si fuera de Napoleón, yo lo nombraría la gran estafa...
Puedo oír las voces de Arthur, Dazai y los demás residentes riendose de esto, también me uno a la causa. Principalmente Arthur y Dazai, Sebastian estaría contando sobre eso alegremente, mientras atras de él se estan cagando de la risa.
Le Comte lo sabía antes definitivamente. Se esta riendo detras de su taza de té.
De seguro le hacen burla a Napoleón por una semana. Isaac se siente aliviado por que deja de ser el foco de atención de las burlas, pero también se siente un poco mal al ver que se burlan de Napoleón como el con las manzanas. Recurre a Sebastián para sacar datos vergonzosos de Arthur o Dazai, no sabe por qué no se le ocurrió antes...
Después de eso dejaron las bromas a parte no solo por los datos vergonzosos, si no mas bien por qué estamos hablando de Napoleón Bonaparte, el tipo que lleva una espada con él a todas partes, el ex emperador de Francia, blabla, le temen como también lo respetan de alguna manera.
Ahora nos vamos a enfocar en Mozart escuchando la música de la actualidad, reggaeton, metal, Hip Hop, etcétera.
Hay dos versiones de él, hechando espumarajo por la boca, o neutral.
Imagina el nació en el 1756 y murió en el 1791, y fue revivido por finales del 1886 por ahí (Creo, no recuerdo muy bien su ruta) me baso en la exposición Universal de Paris en los 1900 del 15 de abril hasta el 12 de noviembre que aparece en la historia de Interlude. (Cumpleaños de Leonardo el 15 jiji) Así que ambientado a la música de los 1900 debe estar.
Me esta dando ganas de hacer un fanfic, Ikemen Vampire x reader, pero que todas las rutas esten en una sola, Reader se quede un año en la mansión, y sería tan entretenido, los cumpleaños, eventos importantes, etcétera en uno solo, los pretendientes compartiendo Mc, conviviendo juntos. Me imagino que el Mc llega a comienzos de Enero o Febrero en los 1900.
Avise si hay algún tipo de error ortográfico, o comenté sobre esto, apreciaría mucho su opinión. 💕
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kittreaper · 2 years
Hmmm. So Comte, Vlad and Leonardo are purebloods and purebloods are born, so theu could in theory knock up MC and they would have a baby. So my thought is, WHAT IF that would happen AND then MC would actually turn to pure blood too? Or what if when having sex while her having her days she would turn to pureblood? So that is how purebloods would actually being made, having sex when human having her days. Which would be why there aren't so many purebloods because not many like having sex while on their days. I would LOVE to read a fic where one of them would have sex while MC is on her days and Boom, she turns slowly to pureblood. I especially would want to see Leonardo's reaction! And of course Vlad's and Comte's reactions too. Because i bet they wouldn't know about it either.
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ikemenlibrary · 7 months
My Ikémen Valentine Gift Exchange Masterlist
Thank you all once again for another great and successful exchange! I can't wait to see you all soon :) <3
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The Gentle Stag Spell of Love | Keith Howell x MC | by @queengiuliettafirstlady for keithsandwich
A Sweet Taste | Silvio Ricci x Emma (MC) | by @keithsandwich for goustmilk
Love Letters (Artwork) | Nokto Klein x Noele (OC) | by @goustmilk for drachonia
Chocolates & Cake (Artwork) | Jin Grandet x Lenore (OC) | by @drachonia for randonauticrap
Silent Letters to My Beloved | Rio Ortiz x Gender Neutral Reader | by @randonauticrap for coderealizes
A Chance Event | Clavis Lelouch x Female Reader | by @coderealizes for pondlilies00
A Trip Away (Artwork) | Nokto Klein x MC | by @pondlilies00 for maeko-kun
Give Me The Smile in Your Heart (Artwork) | Vlad x MC | by @maeko-kun for tacogawa
Under The Trees (Artwork) | Leon Dompteur x Julie (OC) | by @tacogawa for queengiuliettafirstlady
Together | Cyran Rose x AU Emma (MC) | by @violettduchess for readerinsertfiction
Fate | Comte de Saint Germain x MC | by readerinsertfiction for ikemenlibrary
Valentines in Wonderland | Luka Clemence x Alice (MC) | by @readerinsertfanfiction for bluejay-writes
Puppy Love Picnic | Silvio Ricci x Airin (OC) | by @bluejay-writes for airin-queenz
Sweet's Love (Artwork) | Keith Howell x Emma (MC) | by @airin-queenz for ridiculouslly-ridiculous
Finding Home Within You | Leon Dompteur x Emma (MC) | by @ridiculouslly-ridiculous for chirp-a-chirp
Revolve | Isaac Newton x Mitsuki (MC) | by @chirp-a-chirp for fang-and-feather
A Taste of Domesticity | Isaac Newton x Reader | by @fang-and-feather for bicayaya
How To Take Care of a Sick MC | Keith Howell x Emma (MC) | by @bicayaya for pillowpillowillow
Love Potion for Two | Clavis Lelouch x Emma (MC) | by @pillowpillowillo for kalims-pessimist-bestie
Take a Break | Jin Grandet x Oliver (OC) | by @kalims-pessimist-bestie for olivermorningstar
Evening Ride With You (Artwork) | Licht Klein x Emma (MC) | by @olivermorningstar for xbalayage
A Hidden Feeling | Silvio Ricci x Reader | by @xbalayage for violettduchess
It's You. You're My Kink | Clavis Lelouch x Emma (MC) | by @ohtomatotome for kokorokai
Sweeter Than Chocolate | Lancelot Kingsley x Alice (MC) | by @kokorokai for daegupaksu
Tempering Chocolate (Artwork) | Sebastian x Mitsuki (MC) | by @daegupaksu for ohtomatotome
Smarty Pants | Leonardo da Vinci x MC | by @sunnyikemen for technicolorbirds
Haunted Dreams | Licht Klein x Emma (MC) | by @technicolorbirds for midwinterrmomento
Flower Language | Leonardo da Vinci x MC | by @midwinterrmemento for sunnyikemen
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yanderepuck · 1 year
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Welcome to my blog~
I only write for Ikemen Vampire, but I'd like to let you know that this isn't a fandom blog, it is a personal blog, its just that Ikemen Vampire has been my hyperfixation for the last four years so that's really all that is on here.
I really appreciate it if you could comment and reblog the work of mine that you like so that I can keep writing for you guys.
Commission info
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Napoleon Mozart Leonardo Vincent Theo Arthur Isaac Jean Dazai Shakespeare Comte Sebastian Vlad Faust Charles Drake Galileo
Headcanons for All Things that might as well be canon The Pets
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Trying sushi When mom and dad aren't home Charles x Vincent Platonic: Part 1 - Part 2 Vincent x Dazai Platonic: Part 1 - Part 2 Will x Vincent genderbend Evil Trio group chat Everyone is babies Hunter AU Sword lessons The guys in Twisted Wonderland dorms Me snapping their suspenders Mc with mental illness Secret Santa
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Spicy things Masterlist Just Writer Trio Things Masterlist Pirate AU Masterlist Kiss Event Lines Masterlist Sleepwalking Isaac Masterlist Depressed Vincent Masterlist Charles Route Release Campaign Ikevamp OC Masterlist OC Masterpost Catboy Cafe AU: Part 1 - Part 2 - Mini Story - Cafe Layout Salai Route Masterlist
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How old the guys were when they died How their ages work Vincent's Romantic Life: Part 1 - Part 2 Drake's route chapter 1&2 / Drake's Route chapter 23&24 Why doesn't Leonardo like Will? So how old are the purebloods?
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No one believes each other They actually have vampire abilities No one understands French - Bonus I - Bonus II They have a social media following Mc is a pureblood - Bonus I Mc has an underfunded American public education
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Who is eating the peas with their fish and chips Coffee or Tea? Biting Jude Canon vs Fanon heights
Free to use character sheet
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fang-and-feather · 7 months
Nostra Unica Famiglia
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Ikemen Vampire - Leonardo & Pureblood! Reader
(background Charles x Reader)
Written for Fluffbruary from @fluffbruary Day 13 Prompt: Choice and the Shapes of Love Creation Challenge by @violettduchess and @lorei-writes Prompt: Storge (Familial Love)
Words: 687
Summary: You thought Leonardo would be mad about your relationship with Charles, but when you finally talks to him, you're in for a surprise
IkeVamp Masterlist / General Masterlist / AO3 Link
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You found Leonardo smoking on the balcony. Nothing new, but this time you felt apprehensive of approaching.
The Christmas party went well. Or so you thought. But now that the party is over and Charles has gone home, you feel like all the masks will come off, and you are afraid of what lies underneath. You still brace yourself and call out.
“Ciao cara. Why are you still awake?”
“I drank a little too much to sleep.” Not a lie. You did drink a little more than you’d ever had. You weren’t drunk, but still a little buzzed.
“It doesn't seem like it did you any good, Piccolina. You don’t look too cheerful.”
“I’m not that little!” You never could help complaining when he treated you as a child.
But this time, your answer did not lead to the usual banter. Instead, he turns to you with a smile that looks strangely sad, puts out his cigarillo, and ruffles your hair gently.
“I know. You have never been. Not even when I met you. But you are young, and I know how the famiglia is. Rebellion can be tempting, but it can lead to hastily made, poor decisions you might regret later.”
“Is this about Charles?” You knew he would talk about it, but any preparation you had made beforehand seemed to escape your mind when you finally needed it.
Leonardo turns back to look at the starry sky, and you walk to stand beside him, doing the same.
“You’re old enough to make your own choices, and I don’t doubt you when you say he is a good person. But the others he’s with mean trouble, and he chose to follow them. He chose his own path, and I’m afraid you’ll end up caught in it."
He was right. Vlad is a weird pureblood, who wasn’t too satisfied with your relationship with Charles either. Comte had promised to tell you about his relationship with Vlad later, but had said they were friends who had a fallout because of Vlad’s ideals.
But you also had a good feeling about the interactions you had with them while trying to build this relationship with Charles.
Not an easy or short task. You had a lot of time.
You were about to tell him that, when he started to speak again, turning to smile at you.
“But I saw you today, and this relationship sure seems real. You are young, but I trust your judgment. Just be careful, and know you can come to me if anything happens, okay?”
You were not expecting such support. Such trust. Your relationship as a family barely had a year, either. It had been fine, but you often had this impression Leonardo saw you as a little child. How long had you longed for a little of that love? How lucky you were to end up in this time and place, as strange of a coincidence as it was? Fighting back tears, you hug Leonardo.
“Thank you for trusting me, uncle. You are the only famiglia I currently have, of course you are the one I will turn to if I turn out to be wrong. But I am confident in my choice.”
Hands on your shoulders, Leonardo gently puts some distance between you.
“I know. You sure don’t need it, but you have my blessing.” He leans down to kiss your forehead. “And I hope whatever choices you make from now on will make you happy. Not make you regret it.”
You only hug him back. You know it’s hard for him to say that, but he chose to trust and believe you, like no one in your family ever did. And you know it’s because supporting you is important for him too, who never had a true family either. He chose to be that family to you. It wasn’t just a coincidence that you met; it was fate. Who said destined bonds were only for romantic partners?
That doesn't mean your boyfriend will escape without a talking to, not only from your uncle, but it's already more support than you expected.
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Tag List: @tele86, @nightghoul381, @natimiles, @bicayaya, @eventinelysplayground, @queengiuliettafirstlady
If you want to be tagged/untagged on future writings, you can reply to this post or send me a message
IkeVamp Masterlist / General Masterlist
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chirp-a-chirp · 8 months
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How the Wind Blows (Reader x Suitor)
Suitor Obey Me: Asmo, Belphie, Diavolo, Solomon
Suitor Ike Pri: Jin, Leon, Rio, Alter!Keith
Suitor Ike Vamp: Napoleon, Leonardo, Le Comte, Vlad
Suitor Court of Darkness: Fenn, Roy, Grayson, Lou
He loves me; he loves me not; he loves me…
The words float, carried away by the wind that caresses your hair. A flower is slowly plucked of its petals as you say these words. Your lover lays by your side in a field of wildflowers, eyes closed, lips curved upward.
He loves me not—a petal falls. He loves me—another petal falls.
One last petal remains. He loves me n—your voice catches. An arm snakes around your waist, pulling you down on top of him. He nibbles your ear, whispering on your skin.
I love you. Now and always.
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valkyyriia · 4 months
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🌟Relationship 🌙Pre-Relationship 🌑Platonic
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Ikemen Villains
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Harrison Gray
🌟Preferential Mischief 🌟Sincerity
Ellis Twilight
🌟Dayspring Kisses 🌟Birthday Jam-Bouree 🌟Growth
🌟Four Letters
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Ikemen Vampire
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Leonardo Da Vinci
🌟A Brief Respite (OC) 🌟Take A Break!
Arthur Conan Doyle
🌟A Study in Green (NSFW) 🌙The Adventure of the Doctor's Orders (OC)
Comte de Saint-Germain
🌟Try This On For Size (NSFW) 🌙Stormy Days 🌟A Deluge of Feelings
Theodorus Van Gogh
🌟Gradually | Suddenly (OC) 🌟Five More Minutes (OC)
Isaac Newton
🌟Potential Energy
🌟Hellotrope and Yellow Tulips
Leonardo x Comte x Reader
🌟Trecento (NSFW)
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Dairoku: Ayakashimori
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🌟Technicolor Plumage
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Dividers by @/saradika
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welp-back-on-my-bs · 2 months
Ikevamp x TWST
Napolean: Heartslabyl
Mozart: Diasomnia
Leonardo: Ignahyde
Arthur: Octanavile
Vincent: Diasomnia
Thedorus: Octanavile
Dazai: Diasomnia (fuckin besties with Lilia-)
Isaac: Pomfiore (I WONT TAKE THAT BACK)
Jean: Scarabia
Willy Shakes: Diasomnia
Comte: Diasomnia
Sebastian: Heartslabyl
Vlad: Diasomnia
Faust: Pomfiore
Charles: Scarabia
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koco-coko · 9 months
the rarest pair (even cybrid doesnt know about it)
listen to me guys
We all know the mozart x jean or (the basically canon) comte x leonardo/vlad and the many arthur ships and blah blah blah
MY question is... where is the most underrated most unthought of most ignored rarepair
Jean x Vincent
Sunshine x Gloom
Both very naive and in need of a cuddle + self-worth
Jean often refers to the love interest as an angel or beacon of light in his darkness and * looks over * Vincent is Vincent
Jean is called beautiful a lot and I have no doubt Vincent would love to paint someone who's beauty had them mistaken for a woman (#MakeJeanMoreAndrogynous)
They're both banned from the kitchen they can be horrible cooks together!!!!! They can try to cook for each other and end up almost making the kitchen explode (romantically)!!!!
Please someone has to see where I'm going with this AND YET THEY NEVER INTERACT. They're interactions could be SO good but noooo cybrid doesnt want to full my specific type of delulu
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natimiles · 7 months
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🤍 Platonic/Friends | 💖 Romance | 💔 Angst
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Fanfics & Scenarios:
💖 Strange Feelings (soulmate au) 💖 A Summer Birthday 🤍 Safer With You (can be platonic or pre-relationship) 💖 Sweet Surprises 💖 Lazy morning with Isaac 💖🤍 Comfort
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💖 Winter Cuddles 💔 Just let me adore you 💖 Lazy morning with Arthur
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💖 A Shiny Christmas Eve 💖 First Day 💖 All of Me 💖 Mimos
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💖 How Traditions Start 💖 Lazy morning with Mozart
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💖 Are you here with me? (soulmate au) 💖 Sharing clothes with woman!Jean 💖 Lazy morning with Jean 💖 Worthy
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Mitsuki (MC)
💖 She could be the one
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💖 Warmth
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More than one suitor
🤍 What is that? (a tattoed reader) 💖 Come a Little Closer: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 (final) (reader x Arthur; f!MC x Mozart)
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Lazy Morning Series
Isaac Mozart Arthur Jean Theo Vincent Comte Leonardo Sebastian Shakespeare Dazai
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Chronology and random facts in Ikemen Vampire
🤍 gn!reader with a sibling-like relationship with them (Isaac, Mozart, Jean, Arthur, Theo and Vincent, and Napoleon)
🤍 A hippie, vegetarian and marijuana-user reader (Comte)
🤍💖 gn!reader with a sibling-like relationship with them starts to date Dazai (Isaac, Mozart, Jean, Arthur, Theo and Vincent, and Napoleon)
Bringing Mozart into the 21st century and making him travel by modern transportation
💖 Arthur & Isaac: relationship headcanons
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y4h3l1n · 7 months
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Mi gringe masterlist, no llores sangre por favor.
Disfruta ~
★ Headcanons
♪ One-shots
↻ AU
❀ series
♡ Fluff
♤ Angst
♧ Random
♢ Smut
Ikemen Vampire
The mansion
Le comte of Saint Germain
(Probablemente ❀ en un futuro/Probably ❀ In the future)
Nothing Yet
Leonardo Da Vinci
Nothing Yet
Napoleón Bonaparte
Nothing Yet
Arthur Conan Doyle
Nothing Yet
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Nothing Yet
Vincent Van Gogh
Nothing Yet
Theodorus Van Gogh
Nothing Yet
Isaac Newton
Nothing Yet
Osamu Dazai
Nothing Yet
Jean D'arc
Nothing Yet
Sebastian/Akihiko Satou
Nothing Yet
Castle of Vlad
Nothing Yet
Nothing Yet
Charles-Henri Sanson
Nothing Yet
Johann Georg Faust
Nothing Yet
William Shakespeare
Nothing Yet
Francis Drake
Nothing Yet
Galileo Galilei
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