quinnscyn · 2 years
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❖ Part 6: I decided to post up all my old art of Some of the fandoms I was in, Sucha as Voltron Legendary Defender
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sharpkatsudon2-0 · 10 months
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🛏️ Room for two - page 8 !
It's happening 👹
New page
- I'll try to post each Wednesday/Friday so that it's 2 pages each week -
PLOT : The castle of Lions faces a temporary power failure and some paladins must share a room for the night, including Keith and Lance ! (fluff/angst)
#klance #klancefanart #keithxlance #vldklance #vldlance #vldkeith #keithkogane #lancemcclain #vld #voltronfanart #voltron #voltronlegendarydefender #fanart #webcomic #webtoon #webtooncanvas #voltroncomic #vldallura #voltronallura #princessallura #vldshiro #voltronshiro #takashishirogane #vldhunk #voltronhunk #hunkgarrett
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crookedghosts · 25 days
this isn't even necessarily about any of my recent posts or reblogs I just love the abundance of reluctant "guys I know it's 2024... it's not my fault vldklance looked at ME first"
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anonamagal · 3 years
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Heeeey... It’s been a while, I know, but I hope everyone is well!! I have a new comic that I’ve been working on that I've been posting on my other social media and I completely forgot to post it here, I’m currently on part 4 so I’ll post part 2 tomorrow just so I’m not spamming your feeds with my art. <3 :) x 
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purleskeletons · 3 years
happy valentine’s day 🌺❤️
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yndaab · 4 years
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Klance AU Month (edition 2021) Day 19 Tatoo Artist/Florist
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tkkeith · 3 years
my life currently is karate rivals who are obssesed with each other and space gays 
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I am now going to be posting fanfic recs. specifically klance ones. because i had an obsession.
I have a shit ton of fanftion in my bookmarks and since i no longer read klance fanfiction i thought i’d share them because theyre all really good and it’s be a waste not to. so uh 
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itsthearthipelago · 5 years
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“You’ve been out here too long, haven’t ya Kid?”
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sweetmascherari · 4 years
I Faced Oblivion
Good news, everyone! /Prof.FarnsworthVoice
I finally managed to work through that stupid spot in my smut fic that had me stuck for... *checks watch* over a month. And the damn thing still isn’t finished. The final part shouldn’t be as heavy-hauling though, so hopefully won’t take an inordinate amount of time.
I’m seriously ready to get back to my other fic because I’m itching to start working on the next Klance blurby, I have in mind. I’m beginning to think, too, that my imagination is starting to run away because I’ve thought up at least two different KLance ideas and - gasp- is that... SHADAM?! I’m both excited and terrified, if not simply overwhelmed with the prospects.. 
Alright! Enough blabbing! 
I Faced Oblivion With the Taste of You On My Lips
The Castle of Lions is in need of repair. Lance is on a solo mission to prove his worth to the team. He's determined to pull through and, unfortunately, has to do much of the leg work on his own. Luckily, his best tool is his winning personality. The pressure is on for him to pull it off without a hitch... Until there is one.
Keith is... somewhere. Certainly not anywhere good. He's broken, disoriented, and disconnected. A Blade mission gone wrong has left him without a team and without control. Left on his own, he has nothing but time to figure out how to get out of this predicament. Except, his mind is forced to deal with other matters.
-> Chapter Two
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wertdifferenz · 4 years
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Today I present you some mer-boys, so I can properly celebrate mermay! ***Do not repost!!!*** #klance #laith #kick #vldklance #klancevoltron #klancefanfic #lancexkeith #keithxlance #klancedrabbles #keith #keithkogane #keithvoltron #vldkeith #lance #lancemcclain #lancevoltron #vldlance #vld #voltronlegendarydefender #voltron #fanfic #vldfic #wertdifferenzdrabble #wertdifferenzart #mermay #mermay2020 #klancemermay https://www.instagram.com/p/B_2L97hgXOs/?igshid=13303k4sgxnlq
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quinnscyn · 2 years
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❖ Part 7: OK Sorry for the Klance Spam, But this is the last of it! (as far as I can tell in my files lol) I hope you all enjoy!!
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dollyrose09 · 5 years
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Bestowed this VERY late Klance to a friend for our discord holiday exchange. My first time drawing snow and big background. I hope you like it All my love to these boys 🙏🏼💕 #klance #digitalart #vldklance #Klance #voltronfanart #illustration #Fanart #voltron #vldlance #vldkeith #vldfanart #vld #lancevoltron #lancemcclain #keithvoltron #keithvld #keithkogane #Dollyart https://t.co/f1HFlTvxZe https://www.instagram.com/p/B8mx6qXAZ30/?igshid=1vy0cxd86tyu
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anonamagal · 4 years
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Keith had a lot of favourite moments, a mental scrapbook of memories built and carefully preserved of the years spent with the team, and all the years that had followed. Especially the years that had followed. The years with Lance. 
Falling in love, getting together, moving in together, getting married... All unforgettable moments in his life but his favourite moments were ones like these  
Early dawn fanned out across them through the gaps in the blinds, that Keith never closed fully because he liked waking to the warmth of sunlight on his skin. Lance was still asleep, curled into Keith's chest, a hand cupping his jaw as if even in his sleep he couldn't help but touch Keith in some way. 
Keith tightened his grip on Lance, bringing him closer and memorising the sleepy pleased lift of Lance's lips, painted gold by a strip of sunlight. Brighter than the glint of gold under Lance's chin where his left hand was tucked. 
Keith used to jump out of bed, ready for the day, but these days he woke up early just so he could bask in these easy and peaceful moments.     
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kashi-and-kitten · 5 years
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Shiro: Hey Pidge What-? Pidge: Pscht! You ruin it! Shiro: What are you talking about? Pidge: There! Keith and Lance have a date and- Shiro: And youre spying them? Pidge: Of course. The sexual tension was awful. And now they almost kiss each other. Shiro: Yeah you're right. But spying them? Pidge: I just want a proof, nothing more. Shiro: So you can blackmail them? Pidge: No...I would never do that. Shiro:... Pidge: Okay, maybe. But... Oooh it's happening! Shiro: You're unbelievable... . *** . Shiro: Hey Pidge! Was-? Pidge: Pscht! Du versaust es noch! Shiro: Wovon redest du? Pidge: Da. Lance und Keith haben ein Date und- Shiro: Und du beobachtest sie? Pidge: Natürlich! Nachher versauen sie es noch und die sexuelle Anspannung zwischen den beiden war schrecklich. Und jetzt sind sie kurz davor sich zu küssen. Shiro: Da hast du recht, aber sie beschatten? Pidge: Ich will nur ein Beweis, nicht mehr. Shiro: Um sie zu erspressen? Pidge: Nein...Das würde ich nie tun. Shiro:... Pidge: Okay vielleicht. Aber...Oooh es passiert! Shiro: Du bist unglaublich. . *** . Credits: 📸: Kashi Wigs: @ardawigs Edit: Kashi and Kitten Keith: Kashi Lance: Kitten #voltron #cosplay #voltroncosplay #keithcasual #keith #germancosplaygirl #keithcosplay #keithkogane #klancecosplay #lance #lancemcclain #klance #vldklance #lancecosplay #vldkeithcosplay #vldlancecosplay #vldkeithkogane #vldlancemcclain #voltronklance #lancecasual #klancecosplay #klancecosplayers #klancevld #klancecosplayau #voltroncosplayers #ardawigs #voltronlegendarydefendercosplay #cosplayerofinstagram #sharelovenothate @german_cosplay_club #german_cosplay_club @german.cosplaypartners (hier: Nannhofen, Bayern, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4aaCSMqjRG/?igshid=ovum85dlizsv
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yndaab · 4 years
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Klance AU Month (edition 2021) Day 21/22 Theaters/actors and Coffee shop AU Español Keith ultimamente no ha descansado mucho, con la obra que se acerca han estado muy ocupados en el tratro a lo cual su hermano le ha insistido que deberia relajarse más Keith suspira ante este pensamiento. -Es más facil decirlo que hacerlo-comenta mientras va camino a su casa, la ciudad esta completamente oscura pero las luces de la misma nos dan un panorama hermoso de la ciudad, Keith iba disfrutando la vista hasta que se encuentra un peculiar local, una cafeteria que nunca habia visto antes y eso que solia usar esta ruta cuando iba camino a su casa. -¿Quizas sea por la hora? no lo creo ya es muy tarde para que un local de este tipo este abierto-Pienso para sus adentros pero en ese momento un deliciosa aroma proveniente del mismo le llama la atención, ganandole la curiosidad decide asomarse al local. Al entrar se oye el sonido de una campana anunciando su llegada, Keith queda sombrado del local, tiene un aspecto realmente hogareño y el dulce olor del cafe y de pan recien horneado invade el lugar, andaba tan concentrado observando el establecimiento que no observo al dueño acercandose a recibirlo. -Buenos dias-Dijo el propietario y cuando Keith volteo a verlo se quedo sin palabras, un hermoso hombre de tex morena y la mas brillante sonrisa que Keith habia visto en su vida lo estaba recibiendo, se quedan observando en silencio por unos segundos que aprecen eternos  antes de que keith pueda formar una palabra coherente.
Y asi comienza una historia de un actor que comienza  a visitar una cafeteria y no solo precisamente por la comida. English (Thanks so much a deepl for traduction english) Keith hasn't had much rest lately, with the work coming up they've been very busy at the theater, to which his brother has insisted he should relax more. Keith sighs at the thought. The city is completely dark but the city lights give us a beautiful view, Keith was enjoying the view until he found a peculiar place, a coffee shop that he had never seen before in spite of used to use this route when he was on his way home. -Maybe it's because of the time? I don't think so, it's too late for a place like this to be open- he thought to himself, but at that moment a delicious aroma coming from the place caught his attention, winning his curiosity he decided to peek inside. As he enters, he hears the sound of a bell announcing his arrival, Keith is amazed by the place, it looks really homey and the sweet smell of coffee and freshly baked bread invades the place, he was so focused on observing the establishment that he did not notice the owner approaching to greet him. -Good morning," said the owner and when Keith turned to see him he was speechless, a beautiful man with brown skin and the brightest smile Keith had ever seen in his life was greeting him, they stood watching in silence for a few seconds that seemed eternal before Keith could form a coherent word.
And so begins a story of an actor who starts visiting a coffee shop, and not just for the food.
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