#vocabulary d
krillissue · 7 months
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matching set
(punisher was drawn by @karmacat107)
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blmpff · 8 months
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smug (adj): having or showing an excessive pride in oneself or one's achievements
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hellfire-fist · 1 year
Is it just me, or is there a lot of symbolism going on with Zoro and Luffy's costume designs lately???
Just look at their fits in Wano and Egghead, it's very complementary. I'm not mad Oda, just really curious 😩💖
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bulletproof-korean · 1 year
Agust D - 사람 (People) Pt.2 ft. IU
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So time is yet now Right here to go I know you know Anything does know So time is yet now Right here to go Nobody doesn’t know anymore
사랑이라는 말 어쩌면 순간의 감정의 나열 조건이 붙지 나는 무얼 사랑하는가 충분히 사랑받지 못한 아이 그래서 무엇보다 신중한 타입 나는 말야 원해 진중한 사이 알잖아 영원은 모래성 잔잔한 파도에도 힘없이 쉽게 무너져 상실은 무엇 때문에 슬픈 걸까 사실은 두려운 게 슬픈 거야
⁕ 사랑 - love ⁕ 감정 - emotion ⁕ 나열 - list, enumeration ⁕ 조건 [조껀] - condition ⁕ 붙다 - to attach ⁕ 충분히 - enough ⁕ 사랑받다 - to be loved ⁕ 아이 - child ⁕ 신중하다 - to be careful / to be discreet ⁕ 사이 - relationship ⁕ 모래성 - sand castle ⁕ 잔잔하다 - to be calm ⁕ 파도 - wave ⁕ 힘없이 - with no power ⁕ 무너지다 - to collapse ⁕ 상실 - loss ⁕ 사실 - truth
So far away, you’re gone Getting far away Too far away, you’re gone I know I have to know
당신은 무엇 땜에 슬픈 걸까 사실은 두려움이 큰 거잖아 함께 미래를 그리던 우리는 없고 쌓은 모래성들을 부숴 버린 것은 우린 거야 승패가 없는 게임이라지만 난 언제나 game loser 모든 걸 주겠다던 우린 모든 것을 부셔 그리고 떠나지 사랑이든 사람이든 모두가 이기적이기 때문이야
⁕ 두려움 - fear ⁕ 미래를 그리다 - to draw up a future ⁕ 쌓다 - to pile up ⁕ 부수다 - to break ⁕ 승패 - victory and defeat ⁕ 떠나다 - to leave ⁕ 이기적이다 - to be selfish
떠가는 사람 떠가는 사랑 사랑의 끝은 과연 무엇일까 수많은 사람 스쳐간 사랑 사랑은 사랑으로 완벽할까 그래 말야 이타적인 게 어쩌면 되려 이기적이네 널 위해 한다는 말은 곧 내 욕심이기에 욕심을 버리면 행복해질 건가 채우지 못한 반쪽짜리 허상
⁕ 떠가다 - to float away ⁕ 스치다 - to graze ⁕ 완벽하다 - to be perfect ⁕ 이타적이다 - to be altruistic, selfless ⁕ 곧 - in other words ⁕ 욕심 - greed ⁕ 버리다 - to throw away ⁕ 행복해지다 - to become happy ⁕ 채우다 - to fill ⁕ 반쪽짜리 - half, here it's more of "half-baked" ⁕ 허상 - delusion
삶은 저항과 복종 사이의 싸움이라는데 내가 보기에는 외로움들과의 싸움이네 눈물이 터져 나오면 그대 울어도 돼 당신은 사랑받기에도 이미 충분한데
⁕ 저항 - resistance ⁕ 복종 - obedience ⁕ 싸움 - a fight ⁕ 외로움 - loneliness ⁕ 눈물이 터져 나오다 - for tears to burst out
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lierrelearns · 3 months
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天守閣 小田原城天守閣 「天守」とはお城の象徴ともいえる建物で、お城の内外を見張るための物見櫓や蔵などとして用いられました。江戸時代までは「殿主」「殿守」などとも記され、「天守閣」と呼ばれるのは明治時代になってからのことです。江戸時代の小田原城は江戸の西を守る要の城とされ、徳川将軍家の宿所としても用いられました。寛永11年(1634)には、京都へと向かう途中の三代将軍徳川家光が天守に登り、武具を見たり展望を楽しんだりしたという記録が残っています。 元禄16年(1703)の大地震で、天守を含めた小田原城のほとんどの建物が倒壊・焼失しますが、天守は宝永2年(1705)に外観三層内部四階の「天守櫓」、入り口の「付櫓」、両者を結ぶ「続櫓」の三棟からなる櫓群として再建され、明治3年(1870)の廃城・解体までその姿を保ちました。 現在の天守閣は、昭和35年(1960)に市制20周年の記念事業として鉄筋コンクリート造で復興されたものです。復興に際しては、江戸時代の天守引図(設計図)や模型を参考に外観が復興され、最上階には周囲の景色を楽しめるように高欄が設けられました。 そして、平成28年(2016)には耐震改修工事と展示の全面的なリニューアルが行われました。天守閣内部では古文書や甲冑・刀剣、発掘調査による出土品などを展示し、小田原城の歴史を紹介しています。 標高約60メートルの位置にある最上階からは相模湾が一望でき、晴れた日には三浦半島や伊豆大島、遠く利島、房総半島までを望むことができます。
“Tenshukaku” means “Castle tower”, the symbolic structure of a Japanese castle. This castle tower served as storehouse, watch tower, or others in Edo period. Having a role to protect the west of Edo, the capital of Japan, the Odawara Castle was a special castle that even the Tokugawa shogunate family stayed at. Although having been demolished during the Meiji period, it was restored in 1960. Since a large-scale renewal completed in 2015, various historical materials such as armors, swords, etc. have been exhibited inside the structure. From the topmost floor of the Castle tower, the superb view of the entire Sagami-wan Bay can be enjoyed.
文久図(小田原城天守閣蔵) 文久年間(1861~1864)に作られたとされる絵図で、幕末期の天守の姿が描かれています。
天守閣入場料 Admission fee 個人 - person | 団体 - Group (more than 30 people) 大人 - (over 15 years old) 500円 (500 en) | 400円 (400 en) 小中学生 - Elementary/Junior high school student 200円 (200 en) | 160円 (160 en)
開館時間:AM9:00~PM5:00 (入館はPM4:30まで) 9:00A.M. - 5:00P.M. (Last admission 30 minutes before closing time)
Vocab 天守閣(てんしゅかく)castle tower, keep, donjon 天守(てんしゅ)castle tower 象徴(しょうちょう)symbol, emblem, representation 内外(ないがい)interior and exterior 見張る(みはる)to stand watch, guard 物見櫓(ものみやぐら)watch tower 用いる(もちいる)to use, make use of 殿主(でんす)(Buddhist) priest in charge of a temple’s clerical duties 殿守(とのもり)palace guard [same for 主殿(とのも)] 記する(きする)to remember, to note とされる )…is considered to… 将軍家(しょうぐんけ)family positioned to accede the shogunate 宿所(しゅくしょ)address, lodgings, accomodations 途中(とちゅう)en route 徳川家光(とくがわいえみつ)Tokugawa Iemitsu 武具(ぶぐ)arms, weapons 展望(てんぼう)view, outlook 元禄(げんろく)Genroku era (9.30.1688-3.13.1704) ほとんど almost all (of) 倒壊(とうかい)destruction, collapse 焼失(しょうしつ)destruction by fire, being burnt down 宝永(ほうえい)Hoei era (3.13.1704-4.25.1711) 外観(がいかん)outward appearance 付櫓(つけやぐら)attached turret/watchtower 両者(りょうしゃ)pair, two people, two things 続櫓(ぞくやぐら)a row house watchtower that continues from the gate watchtower)(櫓門) 棟(とう)counter for buildings 群(ぐん))group 廃城(はいじょう)abandoned castle 解体(かいたい)demolition, taking down 保つ(たもつ)to keep, preserve 市制(しせい)municipality 鉄筋コンクリート(てっきんコンクリート)reinforced concrete 復興(ふっこう)reconstruction, restoration に際して(にさいして)at the time of, during 設計図(せっけいず)plan, blueprint 模型(もけい)model 最上階(さいじょうかい)top floor 高欄(こうらん)railing 設ける(もうける)to prepare, provide 耐震(たいしん)resistant to earthquakes 改修工事(かいしゅうこうじ)repair work 展示(てんじ)exhibition, display 全面的(ぜんめんてき)total, complete, extensive 古文書(こぶんしょ)historical document, archives 甲冑(かっちゅう)armor and helmet 刀剣(とうけん)sword 発掘(はっくつ)excavation 出土品(しゅつどひん)artefact, archaeological find 標高(ひょうこう)elevation 相模湾(さがみわん)Sagami Bay 一望(いちぼう)sweeping/unbroken view 三浦半島(みうらはんとう)Miura Peninsula 伊豆大島(いずおおしま)Izu Oshima 利島(としま)Toshima Island 房総半島(ぼうそうはんとう)Boso Peninsula 望む(のぞむ)to expect, hope for, look forward to 入場料(にゅうじょうりょう)admission fee 入館(にゅうかん)entrance (into a library, museum, etc.)
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miwachan2 · 23 days
can we get one more fic crumb? please please please if you have one to spare
here u go owo
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hellogoodbyegirl · 2 months
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Supertramp in Melody Maker
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warrior-cats-junk · 3 months
I ended a phone call with a friend and the last thing he heard me say was
“I’ll keep hitting on nurses in-“
Honestly what a way to hit the end call button too soon
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 1 year
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY @jann-the-bean!!!!!
you know i had to draw this lil precious baby again because my GOSH-!!! too adorable<333 (i believe she is capable of murder with how full of rage she is tho- gremlin behavior<;3333)
there's only so many ways i can say how much i adore your art and writings before i become a broken record because SERIOUSLY!!!! you are my biggest inspiration when it comes to writing and i swear if i hear you saying ANYTHING otherwise i'm breaking into your house no matter how far away you are cause i'm not tolerating such lies!!!! you are an AMAZING bean and i would hug you to death if i could >:'Dc <333
mocha belongs to jann
mobster au is both by @help-im-a-gay-fish and jann
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I am so excited I finally ordered manga in German that I have wanted for quite a while now and it should be arriving on Wednesday that is so cool I am literally bouncing with joy!!!
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theyuniversity · 8 months
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🏴‍☠️ Monkey D. Luffy, one of my favorite manga/anime protagonists of all time, is both lithe and blithe.
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technofinch · 3 months
Actually speaking of OCs one of your guys helped me finish the crossword the other day because I knew what mendacious meant
This might actually be my crowning achievement as a person
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bulletproof-korean · 1 year
Agust D - 해금 (Haegeum) [lyrics+vocab]
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이 노래는 해금, yeah 올라타 봐 지금, yeah 복작대는 리듬 어쩌면 이 또한 또 다른 해금
⁕ 해금 - to lift a ban 해금 is also the name of a single stringed traditional Korean instrument but the hanja for "lifting a ban" is the following: - 解 풀 해 - to lift, free - 禁 금할 금 - to ban ⁕ 올라타다 - to get on ⁕ 지금 - now ⁕ 복작대다 - to bustle, swarm ⁕ 리듬 - rythm ⁕ 어쩌면 - maybe ⁕ 또한 - also
이 노래는 해금, yeah 올라타 봐 지금, yeah 복작대는 리듬 어쩌면 이 또한 또 다른 해금, yeah 해석들은 자유, yeah 개소리는 아웃, yeah 표현들의 자유 어쩌면 누군가의 죽음 사유 그것 또한 자유일런지 당신의 판단과 추측엔 확실한 신념들이 있는지 당신의 자유와 타인의 자유가 동일하다 믿는지 그렇다면 주저 말고 올라타 봐 금지된 것들로부터의 해방 각자의 취향조차 이해들을 못 하는 불행한 이 시대를 살아가는 이들을 위한 이 노랜 금지된 것을 푸는 것뿐이지 허나 자유와 방종의 차이쯤은 부디 구분하길 이 노래는 해금 올라타 봐 지금 복작대는 리듬 또 다른 해금
⁕ 해석 - interpretation ⁕ 자유 - freedom ⁕ 개소리 - bullsh*t ⁕ 표현 - expression ⁕ 죽음 - death ⁕ 사유 - cause ⁕ 판단 - judgement ⁕ 추측 - assumption ⁕ 확실하다 - to be sure ⁕ 신념 - belief ⁕ 타인 - others ⁕ 동일하다 - to be the same ⁕ 주저하다 - to hesitate ⁕ 금지되다 - to be forbidden ⁕ 해방 - liberation ⁕ 각자 - each ⁕ 취향 - taste ⁕ 이해하다 - to understand ⁕ 불행하다 - to be unhappy ⁕ 시대 - generation ⁕ 풀다 - to undo ⁕ 허나 - however ⁕ 방종 - self-indulgence ⁕ 차이 - difference ⁕ 부디 - please ⁕ 구분하다 - to differentiate
쏟아지는 정보들은 상상의 자유들을 금지시킴과 동시에 사상의 통일성을 원해 꽤나 머리 아픈 각종 노이즈는 눈을 가리고 이제는 생각의 자유조차 범해 각종 논란들은 판단들의 혼란들을 야기시키고 또 쉴 틈 없이 생산되네, uh 과연 우릴 금지시킨 건 무엇일까 어쩌면은 우리 자신 아닐까 자본의 노예, 돈들의 노예 증오심과 편견 혐오의 노예 유튜브의 노예, 플렉스의 노예 이기심과 탐욕이 미쳐 날뛰네 눈 감으면 편해, 모든 게 뻔해 이득에 따라서 뻔히 갈리는 견해 시기와 질투에 다들 말야 눈들이 머네 서로가 서로에게 족쇄를 거는 것도 모른 채
⁕ 쏟아지다 - to pour, spill ⁕ 정보 - information ⁕ 상상 - imagination ⁕ 동시에 - at the same time ⁕ 사상 - thought ⁕ 통일성 - unity ⁕ 원하다 - to want ⁕ 각종 - various ⁕ 눈을 가리다 - to cover one's eyes ⁕ 논란 - controversy, dispute ⁕ 혼란 - chaos, mess ⁕ 야기시키다 - to cause havoc ⁕ 쉴 틈 없이 - without a rest ⁕ 생산되다 - to be produced ⁕ 우리 자신 - ourselves ⁕ 자본 - capital ⁕ 자본주의 - capitalism ⁕ 증오심 - hatred ⁕ 편견 - prejudice ⁕ 혐오 - loathing ⁕ 노예 - slave ⁕ 이기심 - selfishness ⁕ 탐욕 - greed ⁕ 날뛰다 - to leap ⁕ 편하다 - to be comfortable ⁕ 뻔하다 - to be obvious ⁕ 이득 - profit ⁕ 갈리다 - to be split ⁕ 견해 - point of view, opinion ⁕ 시기 - jealousy, envy ⁕ 질투 - jealousy, envy ⁕ 눈이 멀다 - to be blind ⁕ 서로 - each other ⁕ 족쇄를 걸다 - to shackle
정보의 쓰나미에서 쓸려 내려가지 말길 우린 자유와 방종의 차이쯤은 모두 구분하니
⁕ 쓰나미 - tsunami ⁕ 쓸리다 - to be swept away ⁕ 내려다가 - to go down
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wetchickenbreast · 8 months
you okay? :( you beast?
i am so so okay and i am so so beast i am a human of the world and that’s awesome
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loyal-logik · 11 months
I write like:
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Kurt Vonnegut:
Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. (November 11, 1922 – April 11, 2007) was a 20th century American writer. His works such as Cat's Cradle (1963), Slaughterhouse-Five (1969), and Breakfast of Champions (1973) blend satire, gallows humor, and science fiction. As a citizen he was a lifelong supporter of the American Civil Liberties Union and a critical leftist intellectual. He was known for his humanist beliefs and was honorary president of the American Humanist Association.
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Tagged: Stole it! Tagging: You!
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forbidden-sleuth · 1 year
I keep drawing him the same way, it is fun :]
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