#vocal synth is the only requirement
daily-vocaloid-mvs · 9 months
Very new to this type of thing, but mainly just here to showcase music I like! Will be learning as I go. Also might(?) make playlists periodically so old songs aren't forgotten but we'll see!
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stardustcleaningguy · 4 months
having completionist autism and my special interest being vocaloid/vocal synth is actually torture like . i need to listen to every song ever or i explode
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realchivalrix · 2 years
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going crazy about this one robot in particular
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Submission Rules (OPEN!)
❥ Submissions will be sent through the ask box! Please include both the name of the song and the producer (links not required but are helpful)
❥ Please avoid repeating songs! You can see who has been posted by looking through the list of featured songs or our YouTube playlist.
❥ Original songs only please! No covers, even if they're by other vocal synths or are super iconic.
❥ When submitting multiple songs, PLEASE SEND EACH AS A SEPARATE ASK! Makes it easier to organize :)
❥ 3 songs max! I can't REALLY enforce this, but I'd appreciate if y'all would be courteous regardless ;; ❥ Feel free to add commentary with your ask! I'll post it along with the results and credit you (either with your @ or as anon)
I typically write little blurbs when posting the results, so if you'd like to add something when submitting the song, feel free to include it in your ask! I will credit any contributions (or just anonymously thank you) but this is completely optional and in no way required for submission! It's just something extra you can do for fun if you wish :)
And that's it! My ask box will be open even when submissions are closed, so please be mindful of when I'm accepting them! Thank you so very much for your interest!
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peggycatrerr · 1 year
i think it’s really really important that we keep reminding people that what we’re calling ai isn’t even close to intelligent and that its name is pure marketing. the silicon valley tech bros and hollywood executives call it ai because they either want it to seem all-powerful or they believe it is and use that to justify their use of it to exploit and replace people.
chat-gpt and things along those lines are not intelligent, they are predictive text generators that simply have more data to draw on than previous ones like, you know, your phone’s autocorrect. they are designed to pass the turing test by having human-passing speech patterns and syntax. they cannot come up with anything new, because they are machines programmed on data sets. they can’t even distinguish fact from fiction, because all they are actually capable of is figuring out how to construct a human-sounding response using applicable data to a question asked by a human. you know how people who use chat-gpt to cheat on essays will ask it for reference lists and get a list of texts that don’t exist? it’s because all chat-gpt is doing is figuring out what types of words typically appear in response to questions like that, and then stringing them together.
midjourney and things along those lines are not intelligent, they are image generators that have just been really heavily fine-tuned. you know how they used to do janky fingers and teeth and then they overcame that pretty quickly? that’s not because of growing intelligence, it’s because even more photographs got added to their data sets and were programmed in such a way that they were able to more accurately identify patterns in the average amount of fingers and teeth across all those photos. and it too isn’t capable of creation. it is placing pixels in spots to create an amalgamation of images tagged with metadata that matches the words in your request. you ask for a tree and it spits out something a little quirky? it’s not because it’s creating something, it’s because it gathered all of its data on trees and then averaged it out. you know that “the rest of the mona lisa” tweet and how it looks like shit? the fact that there is no “rest” of the mona lisa aside, it’s because the generator does not have the intelligence required to identify what’s what in the background of such a painting and extend it with any degree of accuracy, it looked at the colours and approximate shapes and went “oho i know what this is maybe” and spat out an ugly landscape that doesn’t actually make any kind of physical or compositional sense, because it isn’t intelligent.
and all those ai-generated voices? also not intelligent, literally just the same vocal synth we’ve been able to do since daisy bell but more advanced. you get a sample of a voice, break it down into the various vowel and consonant sounds, and then when you type in the text you want it to say, it plays those vowel and consonant sounds in the order displayed in that text. the only difference now is that the breaking it down process can be automated to some extent (still not intelligence, just data analysis) and the synthesising software can recognise grammar a bit more and add appropriate inflections to synthesised voices to create a more natural flow.
if you took the exact same technology that powers midjourney or chat-gpt and removed a chunk of its dataset, the stuff it produces would noticeably worsen because it only works with a very very large amount of data. these programs are not intelligent. they are programs that analyse and store data and then string it together upon request. and if you want evidence that the term ai is just being used for marketing, look at the sheer amount of software that’s added “ai tools” that are either just things that already existed within the software, using the same exact tech they always did but slightly refined (a lot of film editing software are renaming things like their chromakey tools to have “ai” in the name, for example) or are actually worse than the things they’re overhauling (like the grammar editor in office 365 compared to the classic office spellcheck).
but you wanna real nifty lil secret about the way “ai” is developing? it’s all neural nets and machine learning, and the thing about neural nets and machine learning is that in order to continue growing in power it needs new data. so yeah, currently, as more and more data gets added to them, they seem to be evolving really quickly. but at some point soon after we run out of data to add to them because people decided they were complete or because corporations replaced all new things with generated bullshit, they’re going to stop evolving and start getting really, really, REALLY repetitive. because machine learning isn’t intelligent or capable of being inspired to create new things independently. no, it’s actually self-reinforcing. it gets caught in loops. "ai” isn’t the future of art, it’s a data analysis machine that’ll start sounding even more like a broken record than it already does the moment its data sets stop having really large amounts of unique things added to it.
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one thing about the vocaloid take that really bothers me is how the submitter clearly knows nothing about the vocaloid scene. the quality vocal synths have improved So Much over the years, and with that, so many new producers have emerged with unique styles and takes on the classic vocaloid sound.
saying that vocaloids lack any distinct vocal techniques and sounds is just flat out wrong. if you take a look at any popular producer nowadays, they all have their own special way of tuning using different techniques. two different producers can make the same vocaloid sound extremely different, in the same way that any two composers will have a different way of arranging pieces for the piano, and every singer has a unique tone to their voice. one of my favorite examples of that is this video.
^ this song is an arrangement of a vocaloid song called ‘dance robot dance’, originally by nayutalieN, featuring 14 different vocaloid producers all covering the song with their own signature tuning. it shows so much creativity and is a clear example of how vocaloid music is not all repetitive.
it also completely ignores the fact that these producers are multitalented to the extreme. not only do they have to learn to compose music and play/tune a new instrument (because that’s what vocaloids ARE), but they also often write their own lyrics, make their own art and music videos (most common in smaller producers who may not even be getting PAID for their work and are doing it out pure love for the medium and creative passion), learn music software in order to mix their own songs, and oftentimes self-cover their own songs which requires vocal training and talent as well.
this person is acting like vocaloid is lifeless and bland, when it is really the exact opposite. people make vocaloid music because of their overwhelming love for the producers who came before them. it’s a community all about creativity and love, and oftentimes a way for people to find others they can relate to through music. a lot of vocaloid songs touch on topics of mental health, societal issues, and other heavier topics that people can find a sense of comfort in, and it has helped so many people. whether these stories are told through the form of a fairytale, or a down to earth explanation of how the writer is feeling, people can connect to them and continue the cycle by covering these songs and creating new ones for even more people to enjoy and relate to.
it can’t get much more human than that.
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redcomet-stims · 5 months
Hullo internet people, I've decided to make a sideblog to try making stimboards, just wanna keep everything organised :)
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This blog has NO DNI, and will take ALMOST any request you want. With that, though, comes no discourse. Or arguments. I want to make visually stimulating moodboards, not fight with you.
I'm not completely child-safe all the time...but I'm not NSFW at all...I'll take requests with "adult" sources, but won't use blatantly adult content at all :)
Do not expect consistent posting, but I try to post frequently!
Also, if you are requesting a character that isn't from something in my fandoms list, I would prefer you add a theme(s) (or maybe tell me a bit about the character if you so desire 🤫). It's not required, but it would be nice and would help me out! If you don't, I'll be fine though, but I might have a few inaccuracies, may go more off of appearance, or generally may not make something as high-quality as I could. I'll try my best to gather information and make it accurate nevertheless ^^
And just a note: if the things I write on my stimboards don't make sense, are rambly, or sound weird, it's probably because I make pretty much all of my stimboards late at night 😭 I am a massive night owl and like working on them later in the day because I feel like I can focus better on them, but sadly I am also not always the greatest at putting out my thoughts coherently at night 🙏 And yeah my image IDs might not always be the best due to working on them later too
Inbox: 6
Jermbonation (Regretevator) stimboard for anon
Pocoyo (titular character) stimboard with blue, toy blocks, and numbers for anon
Stimboard based on myself(?) for anon
Titanic stimboard with thalassophobia, broken metal, fog, and an anxious theming/aura for anon
Paimon (Genshin Impact) stimboard with orange, brown, and alarm clocks for the anon who requested Centorea Shianus :3
Vinchen Adencia (Guide to Reincarnation) with blue/black, fire, lightning, and combat theming for @/pennyroyald
Requests: Open ^^
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If I forget warnings, I'm so sorry and I'll edit it in as soon as possible.
I don't warn for hands, food, and uncommon phobias, but I will ALWAYS warn for blades/other weapons, medical imagery, gore/blood (fake or not), and flashing images!!!
My older boards don't have alt texts as of the moment!
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Blacklist, whitelist, and fandom list under the cut so that this post doesn't IMMEDIATELY look a mile long!
My blacklist and whitelist! My blacklist is stuff I either don't feel qualified to do or just don't WANT to do. My whitelist is stuff I would love to do or am interested in.
Blacklist (only a few things):
Countryballs/Countryhumans (Hetalia is cool, though ^w^)
Agere/petre boards for fandoms I'm not familiar with or don't have a theme
Shipping real people
Zoophilic, incestuous, or large minor/adult age-gap ships (This rule does not apply to vocal synths, since they usually have no canon.) (Also, if you want to request a ship that falls in this criteria and is from a fandom in my fandoms list, you're free to ask, just know I might decline.)
Anything on my fandoms list, of course
Pride flags
Ships, as long as it's easy to find information on them!
Alterhuman stuff (FYI, alterhumans (fictionkin and otherkin specifically), I'm one of y'all 😁👍)
Real people and V-tubers, as long as it's not in a weird way.
NSFW sources, but only if it would be relatively easy to find SFW pictures
Sources that people usually don't accept (whatever people put on their blacklists all the time, idk. I see Hazbin Hotel and Boyfriend to Death and stuff like that all the time on those lists so stuff like that?)
Niche medias!!! I wanna know!!!
Music-themed boards
Slightly suggestive themes (no sexual nudity involved please why would I want to put that)
Vocaloid/vocal synths in general
Touhou Project
Mobile Suit Gundam
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Cowboy Bebop
Toilet-bound Hanako-kun
Project Diva
Needy Streamer Overload
Project Sekai
If what you wanted to request doesn't fit the whitelist or fandom list but isn't in the blacklist, STILL feel free to request!!!
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mywifeleftme · 7 months
330: Clara Rockmore // Theremin
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Theremin Clara Rockmore 1977, Delos (Bandcamp)
100 years since its invention, the theremin remains an oddity. It is in every respect an antiquated piece of technology, and yet like the Tesla coil and the plasma globe it still provokes the primal wonder of science-as-magic. The advancements of a modern synthesizer unit are hidden from the eye—if you presented it to an unthawed person from the 19th century, they would at least be able to infer that the device is controlled using the buttons and keys. But the theremin player creates sound by coaxing an invisible magnetic field with their bare hands, as though they are pulling its warbling voice from the air itself—and indeed, inventor Léon Theremin’s artful original name for his instrument was the ætherphone.
To watch a performance by Clara Rockmore, the instrument’s foremost practitioner, is to see something that resembles a scene from a séance or a German Expressionist film. A petite, dark-haired woman with the eyes of an Orthodox Virgin Mary, she would stand ramrod straight behind the lectern-like theremin, nearly motionless save for the almost palsied-looking convulsions of her knotted hands and the tensing of her eyebrows, the only sign on her otherwise slack features of the intensity of her concentration. She looks as though she is forcing down the song attempting to leap from her throat until it screams through her fingertips like steam from a kettle. As synth pioneer Robert Moog explains in his liner notes to Rockmore’s 1977 LP Theremin, her absolute stillness was not a theatrical device but a requirement of playing the instrument: the theremin’s magnetic field encompasses not only the performers hands but their entire upper body, meaning that even a minor motion of the head will influence the instrument’s pitch. But the austere figure she cut no doubt contributed to her allure, the sense that she was herself as unearthly as the instrument she played.
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Rockmore, a violin prodigy since age 5, took to Theremin’s invention sometime in the late 1920s. Her concerts popularized and legitimated the instrument, but it would be nearly a half-century before the Theremin LP, her first, was finally released. Produced by Shirleigh Moog and engineered by her husband Robert, one gets the sense that the Moogs are fans trying to correct an oversight, to record the album as it would’ve sounded if it had been made her during her prime. The results are captivating, even haunting. At times you may be fooled into thinking you’re listening to a recording of a human soprano from some decayed shellac disc; in other moments, you will be moved by how world-weary an electronic tone can sound.  Rockmore is accompanied, as she had been since the beginning, by her sister Nadia Reisenberg on piano, and her selections focus on 19th and early 20th century compositions, with a heavy emphasis on the Romantics. A majority of the pieces here come from her fellow Russians, including Tchaikovsky, Glazunov, Rachmaninoff, and Stravinsky. My personal favourite of these is her take on Joseph Achron’s “Hebrew Melody.” Inspired by traditional laments, Rockmore’s theremin evokes the sobbing characteristic (krekhts) of Jewish vocal music, while her sister thunders and pirouettes on her piano in a classically Romantic style.
Theremin stands apart from other electronic classical records like Wendy Carlos’ Switched-On Bach because it never sounds wholly like a novelty despite the theremin’s high camp potential (and, for that matter, Rockmore’s). It is peculiar, and my fascination with it definitely originated in a perverse nostalgia for esoteric junk—but the somber beauty of the sisters’ performance wiped the smirk from my face from virtually the moment I dropped the needle.
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amplexadversary · 3 months
#If I was to do OC x Canon the only way I could do it would probably be vocal synth related #Because it's so broad it could be anything and characterization doesn't matter #Also because I want a little fansynth to run around with Meiko and Gumi and Miku and Yukari and FruityLoop
@spacedustpan I mean, if you aren't comfortable with doing center-stage OC romance, you can also start small and work your way up.
Usually people talking about OCxCanon are thinking of a prominent OC in a relationship with a main character that is the center focus of the story, but the term also applies to like, making up a love interest for a side character that doesn't have one.
In fact doing something as ... let's say "un-intrusive" as introducing a new character, who a main character would be affected by, through a relationship with a minor character could potentially be used to build some confidence in one's fictional matchmaking prowess.
For example, maybe I want to give Saette from G Gundam a love interest, but make the character interesting to people invested in the main characters.
I might introduce Anjali - a nanotechnology researcher from Neo India (I'm doing this off the cuff and matching a last name to a first name requires a little more care and research there).
Rain has an opportunity to catch up with Saette on the last day of an academic conference, and he introduces Anjali, who he met on the first day of the conference. Conversation reveals that Anjali has submitted a research paper on DG cell research very similar to the research Rain has been conducting, and in fact submitted her paper for publishing about a week before Rain did.
Now, Rain's father, Dr. Mikamura's issues with academic jealousy were key to the plot; we also see that Rain struggles (a LOT) with romantic jealousy (see: how she interacts with Allenby). It's not a huge reach to think that Rain's attitude about academics was influenced by her father, and the fact that she deals with similar feelings in another situation could become interesting.
So we introduce an ethical dilemma. Both research papers are currently in review. Rain knows that Anjali published her paper before meeting Saette. Rain also knows that Saette had been previously infected with DG cells, the subject of both womens' research. Finally, Rain is also aware that if Anjali's paper gets approved for publishing, Anjali will receive the credit for the findings of both papers.
Rain realizes that she could raise a concern about conflict of interest in Anjali's paper - a concern made in bad faith given the knowledge Rain possesses. If Rain claims that Saette and Anjali were together when Anjali was performing her research, and that Saette had input, she could invalidate Anjali's study - or at least force her to prove that her methods were unbiased, potentially buying the time for Rain's paper to pass review while Anjali makes clarifications.
Rain is, here, in a very similar position to her father at the beginning of G Gundam. She has the opportunity to utterly betray someone close to her (Seatte, through betraying his new paramour), in order to secure academic prestige. Doing so could backfire and bring increased scrutiny on Rain's own research, given that she was also infected with DG cells previously, but if Rain does nothing, in all likelihood Anjali's paper will pass review first. Rain not only has to wrestle with the temptation her father faced, but also her own personal conflict; another woman picking up her ex *and* her academic prestige would likely drive her up the wall.
While Rain wrestles with the above, Anjali has discovered evidence that someone has adulterated her data*. She begins investigating, and discovers that the state of the DG cells she has been studying had had additional malicious functions inserted into their code, replacing what had "evolved" naturally over the course of her study!
With her data compromised, Anjali turns to the questions of who, and why. Her side of the story is mainly investigative with a contrasting viewpoint on her now-almost-certain loss of the publishing race to Rain. Anjali is devastated, but avoidant; she compartmentalizes, and focuses on a problem she thinks she can solve, rather than mitigating the consequences of the one that is already a lost cause.
Anjali, with some help from Saette (who is very much the sidekick in this endeavor) eventually tracks down the saboteur, a former upperclassman of hers who meddled with her study at the behest of a large medical implant company; in exchange for generously funding a business run by the researcher's wife, he slipped strategically altered DG cells into Anjali's cultures, and then used a spoofed user account to falsify data collection timestamps and ensure that the code from the added cells believably overwrote the original cultures.
The implant company that paid the saboteur is multinational. Knowing this, Anjali gets Rain's contact information from Seatte to warn her of potential meddling in her research. At this point Rain has typed up her conflict of interest accusation, but not sent it. She has worked through some shit, however, and has resolutely decided to not harass Anjali. She is surprised to get an email from the other researcher though.
Anjali, having reached the end of her investigation, now faces the now pressing reality of having to retract her paper. She cannot think of an excuse that she wouldn't be mortified to give, and out of hope for an out, or even some sympathy, asks Rain if she intends to retract her paper, and if so, what reasoning she plans to use to save face. Rain has found evidence of tampering to her side of things as well, but hasn't had the time yet to consider her next steps. When she sees this email from Anjali, Rain realizes that the excuse she had thought up to invalidate Anjali's research could actually work to invalidate *both* of theirs, with a little bit of alteration.
Both women write to the publishers reviewing their paper saying that they had discovered a potential issue with their samples of DG cells; both had obtained a sample from an individual personally known to them, and claim that that knowledge could have influenced their findings. Though it hadn't been invented with the best of intentions, Rain's excuse allows both of them to gracefully bow out of the upcoming publication in a way that makes them look upstanding rather than incompetent. The two decide that they are likely to have better results if they begin again with a joint study under harsher security than either of their own.
*I did think through the "how" of her discovering this, I just want to keep things from getting longer than they need to be, so that's going under the cut.
And ^^^that is a new OCxCanon ship created in about three and a half hours, with a break for dinner. With a bonus friend!ship as well, hopefully. Rain *really* needs some female friends and I'm not sure the Neo America Gals and Nastasha are enough.
I uhhh... expected this to be a lot shorter and to the point. I intentionally made this to highlight my point, and it kind of spun into being a little long. I hope this proves its own point in that there's a lot that can be done here even if the initial idea is just "let's make some OCs to smooch a hot character."
Anjali's desktop computer in her lab experiences a failure that forces her to use system restore to get it back into a workable state; fortunately, she is careful enough to routinely back up her work to a server in the lab, so she should be able to simply copy her computer, in the state it was in a few days after she submitted her paper for review. Before that though, she has to get the desktop running in a stable state and figure out what went wrong, so that it doesn't simply break again.
Several of the most recent restore points on the desktop are unsuccessful in getting the computer working. Anjali scrolls all the way to the oldest restore point on the list, resolving to simply replace the computer if she can't get it working. The oldest restore point, made about four months before the present, works. Anjali goes through and one by one, opens, tests, and closes all of the programs she regularly uses, and notices an incongruity between the data and her memory when she opens the virtual machine she was using to examine her DG cell samples. She checks the backup on the lab server using a different computer, and discovers after several steps that someone has granted researcher privileges to an undergrad who had lost their bag (complete with their ID and un-sanitized login information), and modified the code of the DG samples themselves, passing it off as the cells own "self-evolution!"
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red-dyed-sarumane · 9 months
i know im the one constantly complaining about people who say sv is the superior software & every vocal should have an sv bank but im a voca scene defender first & foremost & if u start trying to exclude it and other "ai" programs just because u let the internet train u into recoiling from any mention of ai then maybe u shouldnt be starting events u claim are centered around the community as a whole. its ai in the sense of an algorithm so the default tuning isnt quite as "robotic" it's still ur same ethically sampled voice it still requires quite a bit of user effort. it is so fucking far from one click and done auto generation. if ur saying this i know uve never worked with or seen anyone actually working with them because damn the "ai" is so off and so bad sometimes looking at default pitch lines is one of my favorite pastimes because of it. perhaps its making the process just a bit easier but its still so immensely different from going to an ai generation site to make say squidward sing a britney spears song. even tools like voice to midi or vocalochanger arent really touching that. its not the same thing. if u really know what ur doing u can do everything those 2 tools do only manually its really just helping streamline the process. its not even mandatory u can forego them entirely. are you really going to sit there and say songs with hours of effort put into the vocal synth, to get the notes in, tune everything, keep it timed, edit the phonemes so it sounds more like the intended words, all of that means nothing because it has a few tools with a name you dont like. im not sitting here and arguing for ai learning like chatgpt or whatever. there is in fact a difference from mass sourcing information or art from nonconsenting and often completely unaware people and taking a few more hours of samples from a paid consenting voice provider to make an instrument sound a little more like them with a little less user effort. these are still SYNTHS these are INSTRUMENTS just because one guitar plugin sounds more like a real guitar than a different one doesnt mean u need to boycott the more realistic one. also, hell, for a lot of if not all of (i havent kept up with all of them) v6 voicebanks there are, in terms of use, things that they tell you not to have them sing about. very specifically saying thats what they do and do not consent to having their voices used for. and it Does vary per synth its not a cover all. some of u need to learn to stop jumping at buzz words and actually learn what it is ur dealing with.
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visibleclosedeyes · 2 years
Sevika Cyberpunk 2077 Solo AU
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Sevika hates this side of Night City, the NID that is—a district of lightness, strangely silent with an occasional steady hum of factories run by machines. With choices, she wouldn't set her feet anyway near Northside—unfortunately, this gig pays well and Sevika isn't a woman known to say no to some easy eddies. 
Kidnapped case, need solo for a rescue, Maelstrom as our culprit, no stealth required—sounds like free money to her. She pulls out her phone again, looking at your photos—the girl who she was supposed to rescue. Clean face, nice clothes, has some chrome in your body but very minimal and done rather tastefully. Hmm, looks like some corpo daughter, whose last name is Fischer. Probably running away from home, having fun, and being rebellious on Friday night, then the shit hits the fan and gangers go too far—Sevika thinks filling in the blank of the basic premise of what might happen. It might not be the case but who cares? The solo was only hired to retrieve the girl then delta with eddies. 
"So where should we chrome her up then? " 
"Remove her arms and chip her in with the one we got from that cyberpsycho bitch yesterday, that would be funny as fuck, " 
"Ugh, her 'ganic eyes' are so watery when they move. So fucking annoying, we should pluck it out first,"
"Hey, be careful with the brain this time. If you fuck it up and she went brain dead, it wouldn't be fun otherwise,"
You hear a digitized human voice that seems to come right out of second-grade metal synth vocal cords. It took you several minutes for you to realize it came from one of the female Maelstromer. They're chatting among themselves about where exactly in your organic body they should replace, which part should be the most fun—most painful for her. 
You slowly gain more consciousness, and the brain starts working again, taking all the sensory stimulation far from anything nice. Fuck, well—should have actually gone back home when things started getting rougher, should have listened to your friends who still had some in that chrome skull of hers. But that's just that—shoulda, coulda, woulda. Your fate here is sealed—daughter of the Fischer family, died at the age of 22, stuck with ugly scavenger-grade cyberware by Maelstromers lunatic. Oh, yeah—you can see the headlines now. Actually, you might not be discovered at all. Nah, there's no way, you're their sole heiress—you're important. So, whoever sent by your parents better be hurried then 'cause you're about to be ripped apart—literally speaking. 
" Sleeping beauty 'wakes," one of the gangers announces as she sees your eyes rolling frantically in desperation for an exit. Then you hear something—like the sound of something getting hit hard by a blunt object, the other 'borg fuckers immediately lost focus on her to focus on whatever is attacking them right now. You're praying, whoever that is will not consider you a target as well. 
You look from beyond your tired body on a ripper chair to see someone who appears to be a muscular and rather well-chrome individual, she is an edgerunner that's for sure. She dressed rather…plainly, just a simple shirt with leather pants and a jacket. Then it all happened in a span of a few seconds, the first ganger was dropped to the ground by the sheer force of the woman's fist into their guts. The other Maelstrommers come to their comrades' aid but the results are pretty much the same. Soon enough, no one was left standing against her anymore.
"You Fischer?"
"And you? A solo? Did my kins send you?"
"Yeah, and we should delta quickly. Before more will come, " the woman with a dark and the most handsome features you have ever seen on women extends her arm to you. You take it, take a mental note on how toned her organic arm is—although the other one seems to be just a regular prosthetic that was a few decades behind the current market. Damn, She was a really fucking good fighter then—underchrome but yet highly effective. Badass. 
I'm sorry this is really short and not of the best quality I could write. I have been struggling to even write anything for some time now and I feel like I have to get something out there for my own sanity.
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thebeastlypichu · 3 months
Music Commissions: Closed for now.
Listen to my portfolio here.
Details and Terms:
❥ To commission me, email me at [email protected] ❥ I may not always be open for commissions, so just send me an email and I'll let you know if my commissions are open ❥ I will try to get your commission done within 6 weeks of ordering ❥ I will send work-in-progress renders of your track and listen to any feedback you provide ❥ I only take one commission at a time; if I'm busy with someone else's commission, I'll try to let you know when I'm done with theirs so you can commission me afterwards ❥ You can only commission one track at a time, although I'm open to discussing paid work on larger projects ❥ I generally charge around $90 per minute of music, although this depends on the complexity of the track ❥ I require you to pay 50% upfront and the other 50% before receiving the final lossless copy of the track ❥ I would prefer you pay with PayPal, although this can be negotiated ❥ You have the rights to use your commissioned track for anything you want as long as: a) It isn't hateful or illegal content b) You credit me in some form or another ❥ I cannot guarantee that you won't face any legal trouble for use of any commissioned works that use another party's intellectual property in your content ❥ Although not required, I would appreciate if you allow me to include your commissioned track in my portfolio
❥ Original compositions ❥ Covers/arrangements/remixes ❥ High quality rips in the vein of SiIvaGunner (whether I can make a rip concept depends on a variety of factors, so I may have to turn down your rip commission) ❥ Experimental electronic ❥ “Real” breakcore (not the Sewerslvt/Goreshit/Machine Girl-style jungle that’s been labelled as breakcore by people on TikTok, although I'd probably be able to make that too) ❥ Chiptune/8-bit, including Gameboy tracks made using LSDJ and recorded off my original Gameboy (model DMG-01), and hardware-playable SNES/SPC700 tracks ❥ Non-chiptune video game music (like the stuff you’d here in Undertale or other indie games) ❥ Vocals using Synth V (as of right now, the only paid voicebank I own is Natalie, although I can also use any of the lite voicebanks)
What I Can't Do:
❥ Orchestral scores ❥ Mainstream EDM (e.g., dubstep, house, and trap) ❥ Any genre of hip-hop ❥ Anything using live instruments ❥ Real, non-synthetic vocals ❥ Any synthesized vocals that you don't provide the lyrics for ❥ Anything requiring hardware or software that I don't own
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Request Rules, Info, FAQ, DNI
Requests Are Currently: OPEN
Unfinished Requests: 6
Transparent Images
Any kind of exclusionist to the LGBTQ+ Community
Ship anything pedophillic/incestuous
Judge others for harmless things/participate in "cringe culture"
Just the type of person to be rude to others for no reason
About Me:
You can call me Mod Klein or Mod Shiver
I'm also Mod Shiver on @splatoon-edits
Any pronouns are good w me :3
Soul Eater
Madoka Magica
Mlp (any gen, but please specify what gen a character is from)
Pokemon(any gen, but please specify what gen if its a human character)
Invader Zim
Wander Over Yonder
Honkai Impact 3rd
Animal Crossing
Ruby Gloom
Vocaloid/Utauloid/Vocal Synths in general(I might not know some obscure ones but ill try my best)
Sailor Moon
*sighs*..... TF2.....
A Hat In Time
The Marvelous Misadventures Of Flapjack
Obey Me! Shall We Date?
Love Nikki
Steven Universe
Umaru Chan
Panty and Stocking (will pretty much only do panty and stocking, not any other characters. oh wait scanty n kneesocks can be included as well)
Awful Hospital
Over The Garden Wall
Final Fantasy 13
Final Fantasy 3
Fairy Tail
Hands Up
Wakfu(show and game)
Vtubers(i don't know every single one but i watch too many to list individually. i mostly watch indie and hololive.)
Chainsaw Man
One Piece
And a lot of other things that i will add as i remember they exist. Feel free to ask if i'll do smth. I haven't seen everything on this list but i have seen a good chunk of them.
How to Request?
Just send me an ask on this blog detailing what you what like! It's that simple. Include as little or as much info as you would like. The more specific you are, the more likely you are to get exactly what you want. But vague requests aren't necessarily a problem. And anon asks ARE turned on, so don't feel shy!
What Can You Request?
Icons of a specific character
Icons of a specific character with a pride flag/s
Send me a screenshot and i'll edit out the background for you
Themed icons(ex: webcore, a specific color scheme, glittery, etc)
Wallpapers/lock screens of a certain dimension/ratio
A past thing I made but edited in some way
Transparents of a certain character i haven't done yet
Matching icons with 2 or more characters. I'll try to make them look as similar as possible/give them a cohesive theme.
Color picked pride flags
If something seems like i could do it, feel free to request it even if it may not be listed here. Worst thing that happens is i politely let you know i can't do it.
Userboxes stating you kin a character/are that character
Userboxes saying a character is your comfort character
Userboxes saying a character is your F/O
What Info Should I Include In My Request?
The following are extra pieces info you could include in your request to make it easier on me:
What size to make a wallpaper. This can be exact measurements or if you have an image that is the right size than feel to send that to me as well. (I'm not sure if you can send media through requests, but if not then feel free to dm this blog. If you want to remain anonymous on the request then i won't share your blog)
If the character you are requesting has multiple outfits, specify which ones you do/don't want. If you don't specify, i'll usually just use a mix.
What icon/edit i've done in the past do you want me to base it on? This isn't required, but if you want a guarantee that it will turn out a certain way then feel free to give the link to a specific thing i've done in the past. If nothing is specified i'll do what i usually do: whatever i want. Which i like to think usually doesn't turn out bad but it does mean you get a certain level of unpredictability when it comes to the little details.
What pride flag to use if there are multiple version.(ex. The sunset aroace flag vs both the aro and ace flags)
What Happens If I Don't Like How My Request Turns Out?
Simply let me know! Send another ask politely letting me know what I did wrong and i'll fix it!
When Do Requests Close?
Requests will close whenever i am busy/overwhelmed with my life. I will also probably close requests once i reach a certain amount so that i can catch up before getting new ones. Remember that i am a real person and have others things to do than just run this blog.
How Long Will My Request Take?
Depends on how interested i am in it. I will try to get to every request when i can, and the amount of requests i currently have affects that. If it is something I find very fun to work on it will probably get done faster. ;3 Of course after I finish the request It will be thrown in the queue. I sometimes have a backlog of posts but i try to queue requests to pop up within a couple days of me finishing them.
Can I Request More Than Once?
Yep! There is no limit whatsoever on how many requests you can submit. So go wild :)
Do I Have To Credit You?
You never have to directly credit me if you use something i've made, but rebloging it IS appreciated! It's how my work gets spread around to other people. But if you do want to credit me in your bio or whatever because you're using one of my icons i will always appreciate it :) THE EXCEPTION IS MY ICONS/EDITS USING ANOTHER PERSON'S ARTWORK! It is imperative that if another artist has been gracious enough to let me use their work that you properly credit them if using something i've made with it!!! Just a simple "credits to: link to artist" in your bio or pinned post should be enough!
What Do You Use To Make These?
A combination of Canva and Ibis Paint X!
Can Reblog With "Kin/Me/F/O" Tags?
Yep yep!! That's 100% allowed!
#Icons- Icons
#Wallpapers- Wallpapers
#Userboxes- Userboxes
#Transparents- Transparent Edits of characters
#Misc Edits- Anything Else that doesn't fit into those categories
#Mod Speaks- Posts that aren't edits
#Others Work- stuff i reblog
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Submission Rules
❥ Submissions will be sent through the ask box! Please include both the name of the song and the producer (links not required but are helpful)
❥ Please avoid repeating songs! You can see what has been posted by looking through #featured songs or the Youtube Playlist.
❥ Original songs only please! No covers, even if they're by other vocal synths or are super iconic.
❥ 1 song per ask! And please don't submit more than 3! I can't REALLY enforce this, but I'd appreciate if y'all would be courteous regardless ;;
I typically write little blurbs when posting the results, so if you'd like to add something when submitting the song, feel free to include it in your ask! I will credit any contributions (or just anonymously thank you) but this is completely optional and in no way required for submission! It's just something extra you can do for fun if you wish :)
And that's it! My ask box will be open even when submissions are closed, so please be mindful of when I'm accepting them! Thank you so very much for your interest!
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idolsystem · 5 months
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These sources will only be used for 'big' edits only. Any other edit you are welcome to send in any character or fandom.
As a heads up this list will probably be widened or deleted entirely once we get 'into the swing of things' and chronic fatigue stops fatiguing so hard.
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The edits that require the listed sources include:
Regular icons
Pride icons
Tumblr media
The sources are:
Anything idol related ever (ie Love live, D4DJ, Bandori, Project Sekai, ect)
Bungo Stray Dogs
Genshin Impact
Honkai Star Rail
Magical girl raising project
Moriarty the Patriot
My little pony
'Objects' like dolls, plushies, nendoroids, and anime figures
Pretty Cure
Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Magia Record
Revue Starlight
RPG horror (p much any and all games under this category including Hello Charlotte, Omori, Yume Nikki, ect)
Sailor moon
Vocaloid and other vocal synth software (including songs using these softwares)
Whisper Me a Long Song
Yuri Espoir
This will be added to once we remember what our interests are lmao
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vocaism · 5 months
are there any specific beliefs vocaists should follow? (other than the 1s mentioned in ur pinned...) also is there a flag for it?
Thanks for the questions!
I was actually meaning to write more about this, so this is actually really convenient! I'm gonna ramble a bit so excuse the cut ~
For beliefs, it's really mostly up to interpretation. The only real "requirement" is believing in the vocal synths as conscious beings- I personally think of them as deities of sorts though I wouldn't consider that necessary. I also have a small personal belief (not necessary just a thought!!) about the synths being 'patrons' of things. Like- how Miku's character item is a Leek- she'd be the patron of leeks! Similar to Meiko with Alcohol or Len with Bananas.. It's not a thing I think of often, and it doesn't really contribute much to my own worship. Of course, with this religion a lot of it is subjective- picking and choosing things is a-okay!
As for a flag, I've been glancing around the radqueer community to look for a blog that accepts requests for neoreligion flags,, since I was inspired to make a religion like this by @equestriaism (sorry for ping!) I was really interested in requesting from the person who made their religion flag, but that blog is quite dead. If anyone would want to make a flag for it, I'd deeply appreciate it! ^^
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