#voltron season 2 spoilers
princessallura052 · 2 years
Voltron Season 2 (Review)
Season 2 is a season that did better in terms of creating complexity for the characters. Allura’s whole arc with Keith had me on edge the whole time and I was mad at her even though I understood but I also just really wanted their friendship to work out. That hug! Omg, that hug! Season 2 was good for the hugs. Broganes and Kallura hugs all in one season. It is a better season than 1 just cause of that alone.
In a world where everyone is about Klance or Sheith, my little heart melted from the platonic and wonderful Broganes. The unconditional love and support between the brothers in their toughest moments – Shiro in the first episode and Keith finding out he was Galra and dealing with that. They truly were there in each other’s worst moments, which was beautiful.
Also, this season converted me to Kallura. They are not picture perfect but they help each other grow and omg I love that. Allura naturally has a lot of prejudice towards the Galra and Keith helps her not only question that but face her demons regarding this and open up, it was so cute! I loved it and did I mention the hug? I loved the hug they shared. Keith definitely starts to grow on me this season, its still not my favourite characterisation of him as he’s still a bit too hot-headed and rough around the edges, but he definitely grows on me more here.
Another character that became my favourite – started to in season 1 but more so in season 2 was the Black Lion. Yeah, she’s not a Paladin but I love the depth and complexity that was given to abuse. Her going back to Zarkon, allowing him to find them, wanting to go back to what was familiar is so true to abuse and I loved that. It was incredibly sad but also, so true! I’ve seen so many people leave relationships because they were toxic and come back to them. I’ve done the same with friendships and I feel Black’s pain. Even when we realise someone is toxic, its not as easy to leave them as one thinks. There are memories and attachments and it takes a lot of self-compassion and self-love. Something I am still learning and something Black had to learn too, with everyone’s help because she had the right friends or at least made them.
I loved the foreshadowing of her and Keith’s bond too. There were a lot of good individual episodes in this season and this season was definitely an improvement over season 1. I am not a big fan of monster of the week, episodic type of episodes but these ones I feel added to the show a lot so I can rewatch my favourites in this season at least. Like Pidge gaining new abilities as well as Hunk. Lance and Keith using Fire and Ice more often was nice to see especially in smaller moments like the cube reflecting Blue’s ice attack back on Lance and Keith/Red helping out.
The final battle with Zarkon was also intense. His obsession with Black was so typical of an abuser who doesn’t want to lose control and the end to that battle. Poor Shiro. Gave me chills to be honest because we don’t know whether Shiro is dead at this point or just missing. Very amazing end to the season.
Favourite characters this season is hard because they all had good moments but I suppose Keith and Allura stood out the most, their combined arc was amazing to me and it really increased my respect for Keith. He was so patient with Allura! It was awesome.
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oh the flashbacks the word "buddy" triggered in me when i laid eyes on a blue and red coded pairing
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my live reaction:
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robylovi · 14 days
I watched Voltron when I was like 12 so 90% of its image in my brain is entirely based off (1) my rewatch of the first 2 seasons and (2) fanfic, so I just keep getting repeatedly sucker punched with the information that recurring characters were, indeed, killed off, and not randomly fever dreamed by my 12 year old self
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soullessjack · 2 months
i love maws but every time they reveal that some twink is actually a classic comic book character it makes some small part of me die a tiny bit
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26aspen-edits · 1 year
No but like its so weird to watch rhys go from being the comedic relief in voltron legendary defender and infinity train
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to then being the badass dramatic protagonist in our flag means death
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like this man HAS RANGE and I literally didn't realize until i finally watched our flag!
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evil-but-refined · 10 months
Fuck characters that made you question your sexuality. What character made you question your gender? I'll go first (Btw I haven't gotten past season 2, I tried watching the show 3 or 4 times growing up and I never did for some reason. I'm trying to finish the show now but I feel like I'm cursed)
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fisherrprince · 2 years
i feel like a lot of miscommunication between criticisms of a thing and praise for a thing comes from how you interpret its core. Like, especially in sequels or prequels or continuations of whatever came first, you have to understand that the core of a medium or a story is usually going to stay the same throughout, unless it changes teams, at which point the core may evolve or change slightly, and you can point to that or learn to accept it as part of a criticism. I don’t know how to explain this without examples, so sorry to everyone who thinks this’ll be a universally rebloggable post, but splatoon/ninjago/kingdom hearts really come to mind when I think abt this bc there’s a lot of conflicting opinions about how the series have grown. (Also, splat 3 spoilers ahead)
Kingdom Hearts at its core is sort of melancholy, sort of deeply touching, and a LOT very goofy and sincere in how stupid (affectionate) it can be — it’s dramatic and reads like a longform DND game because it’s just WEIRD and builds off of itself because it likes the world it made. Every game is like this. Every game is going to do something kinda cringy, very sincere, and weirdly additive and retconny at the same time because that’s how it works. Criticism that refuses to acknowledge that it just does that, and that’s part of its soul, tends to get caught up in continuity or logical details that don’t matter because kingdom hearts’ core is emotional, emotional symbolism, Disney magic, not stone cold logical. It’s not going to ever “grow out” of this, because that would kill the core. And also, probably be boring. Splatoon 3 was always going to have a bear as the final boss, and the story mode is extremely consistent with past story modes because of its goofy, street kids counterculture This Weapon Is Called The Bloblobber core. Ninjago has changed cores, slightly, since wildbrain took over, and I bet you it’ll change again — I don’t know how to explain this one, my brain is rapidly running out of coherent words. The vibes are different. It’s not just “new writer different dialogue”, it’s “new directors new core personality”. You can like or dislike the new core all you want, but it’s not necessarily fair to compare the two without realizing that it’s changed.
you feel….??? I think this could have all been summed up with I think a lot of media criticism is built off of what the video essayist would PERSONALLY like to see, rather than what’s consistent with the series as a whole or what the author likes to see. A lot of fan speculation over long periods of time swings in a different direction than the pre written story, and lots of media series work together when seen all at once better than it works for someone who’s been in it for years and years. That’s why people getting into longform media NOW near the end of its lifetime are much more open to the newest addition to the series than old fans, on average.
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gay-baby-brig · 11 months
ICYMI: Both Finn and Theo voice younger versions of their father at the 3:00 mark and it's more adorable than you think
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episodeoftv · 10 months
Round 1 of 6, Group 1 of 4
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propaganda is under the cut (223 words) - may contain spoilers
summaries (pulled from imdb or wikis)
Brooklyn Nine-Nine - 8.09 The Last Day
The squad takes stock of their eight years together and look towards their future.
It just... season 8 had been so bad as a whole, it attempted to touch on the blm movement and did it in an okay at best way and in the wake of it all, i think a lot of people just weren't here for cop shows. The finale tried to bring the magic back with one last heist and it did pull out all the stops but I don't know, it just left me feeling really cold. And the ending being that even though the main character wasn't a cop anymore, that he would return to the station every year for the heist... it just never escapes the cop narrative even after he's left.
Voltron: Legendary Defender - 8.13 The End is the Beginning
Voltron and Honerva come together at the source of all realities in the ultimate battle between good and evil for the survival of the universe.
1) god what to say. for the resolution to one of the most popular shows of the time boy did it not resolve much. it was!!!! so bad!!!! the decisions they made for the characters post-canon, the cop out marriage with some nameless guy, the way the show just ended in ruin. truly, a relic of its time.
2) where do i even begin. such a shitshow and basically destroyed any last vestige of my love for the show. i assume someone else has nominated it and can give a better explanation since im running on about two hours of sleep after being up for 25 hours straight.
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drowninginblox · 1 year
Season one
Season two
Season three
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God.. this season… so much in so little time fr. B u t. I am a committed woman, and I will continue what I started.
So. Let’s get into this.
Keith’s heritage
I’m beginning to take back what I said in one of my prior posts about how I want to redo Keith’s heritage. Specifically about it being a secret to everyone on the team. I’m learning to love the way the show reveals that fact about him to the audience. Truly.
But I think he should know. Not everything, just that he's not fully human. And I still stand by the fact that his galra side should be more physical. Fucking love the galra Keith HC so much wE WERE ROBBED MEN-
Growing pains- Heavy spoilers. Watch Voltron already if you haven't bc I will be talking about (arguably) the best arc of the series
This is going to be something.
As of starting the third season, I really like the change. Purely because of how uncomfortable it is for everyone involved. It’s gonna be painful. The best kind though. Because even though we aren’t expecting it, we know that through the context of the show- this could’ve happened at any time, to any of the paladins
Voltron is out here saying actions have consequences, and that is very compelling. Both in concept and in execution.
I think this plot point is fucking amazing.
The question of where tf Shirio is after the season 2 finale is great, the natural progression of the lions is a stark but needed change (love prioritizing the narritive, I hope this keeps happening in the future), hell- the character growth is fucking phamominal (will talk about that after this point)
I fucking love it man. I'm rocking with what season 3 is giving me. But I'm afraid of what season 4 has to offer. I remember how Shiro's missing/dead arc resolves itself (in season 4ish) but i dont fully remember the indetween bits and the stigma of Voltron falling off by that point is blarring through my mind
Looking forward to that Shiro/Keith fight tho!
Now let’s take some time for the characters during this transition
Keith... god what can I say about him that hasn't already been said? probably nothing honestly. His responce to all of this is so natural and realistic. Of course he doesn't want the responciblity of the Black lion. Shiro was qualified to be leader, not him! Just because this is what Shiro wanted, dosent mean it's what he wants for himself. The struggle is delicious!
Lance is really mature about this AND I AM LIVING FOR IT. Its moments like this that reminds me that Lance is a wonderful addition to Voltron. A needed addition even. (I really wanna ramble about the five man band dynamic, but I'll link a video about it when I find it again right here) I want to see more of this!!!! Give me serious Lance for more than just a minute!!
Hunk and Pidge are bystanders. I’m sorry but other than comic relief and voices of reason, they are secondary to Keith, Lance and Allura. Bless them both. They deserve better. I can feel it as soon as the first episode- they are slowly being ushered into the background. It leaves a sour taste in my mouth with hindsight.
Allura is radiating vibes that I can’t describe other than- “o k a y girl I see you.” In all honesty, the more I watch the show the more distain I have for Allura comes out. That bratty privileged princess that acts on impulses rather than thinking things through is grating. Now this could easily be fixed with intervention in the form of someone more mature than her- for the first two seasons, it was Shiro. But now that he’s gone, that aspect of her is showing more and more and no one is actually going against her like Shirio did. When it was at its worst, Shiro was the only one to put himself in danger as a kind of surogate bodyguard while the rest of the group is on standby. But ever since Keith became leader, there’s this mentality of “if the princess is going we’re all going.” And it’s Stupid. Stand your ground man! Be the stuburn dude you are!! Pleasae, ctually think about this for a moment! The worst part is that if anyone brought up Allura's implusivity then it would be amasing character development to the person that dose and to Keith and Allura as well! Keith would have to repremend/ talk to Allura about how dangerous that is to her and the team and Allura would have to learn the consequences of her actions!
Coran, Im so sorry that you are given crumbs my man. I love you so much- You are THE FUCKING FATHER FIGURE WE NEED!!! IM SO SORRY YOU ARE TASKED WITH LORE DUMPING, YOU ARE MORE THAN JUST A PLOT TOOL
Forming voltron
Bitches got this down too quick ngl. More team bonding rather than trauma bonding please
It’s fucking irritating
And yes, I think it’s cool that Allura wears pink and pink is a color that Alteans used to honor those who fought for them. That’s cool. But it pisses me off to see Allura with a freaking blue bracer, and in the blue lion wearing pink like it’s Wednesday. Get with the program bitch. There is a uniform.
IF ANYTHING- give these bitches highlights for the lions they used to pilot. For example, give Keith a black uniform with red highlights along the shoulders or arms
Mans said reading is fundamental 💅✨
I love his introduction. Manipulating the people into this unification that’s obviously distinct from his fathers but at the same time so traditional. Dude knows what he’s doing and he is going to do it for as long as he can.
This man also having combat prowess is fucking scary. He feels like more of a threat than his dad.
I also love his task force. Having a entourage that is distinctly other from the majority of the population is such a bold choice, whether it be from an audience or in universe point of view, it shows that the prince isn’t like the king. He is willing to make use of what's given to him with little public fuss.
Only critism I have is that I don't know any of these bitches names. Yall have them- please use them?
Believe it or not, I can see more groundwork for the ship at the start of this season
With the passing over of the lions in Shiros absence, it’s allowing more neuance given the current plot.
Even though Keith and Lance don’t like it, they have to change because they’re in a time of change. War forces change.
I wish we can see that bleeding over to Coran, considering that his surrogate daughter is now on the front lines. But c’est la vie ig
Im rambling- Allurance
I can see this ship being built up but I don't know how to feel about the foundation yknow? I understand that the lion change would force Lance to mature. I love that shit. Good shit.
The slight role reversal Lance has with Alurra is refeshing. Love serious Lance
But like I said before- I don't like Alurra this season.
It also doesn't help that lance is still on his loverboy shit. Wich is fine! I have nothing against the trademark! I swear! It's just annoying that Lance has a specail place in his heart for Allura but continues on to swoon to/over every pretty girl he sees.
For the love of god- say dedicated Lance!! If you did maybe you'd get the girl!!
“Hole in the sky”
Desusex Machina the episode but I kind of like it
I hope someone made a fanfic out of this episode
The other reality is honestly v compelling it’s such a waste we only see it once
Honest that whole episode makes up for the fact that dDeamworks had a Shirio bias my GOD
That episode was such a good lesson in (mostly) show don’t tell
And it still leaves the question of WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO SHIRO MY GOD
All of this to say, I’m torn.
Part of me wants the finality of Shiros death but the idea of Shiro clones is so good to me
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Eh, I’ll figure it out.
So babes, rather than ramble about how long it’s been since I’ve done this I’d like to get an opinion from y’all.
Anyways that’s it. Take care of y’allselves
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hellcifrogs · 11 months
Besides Naruto, do you like other series/animes? Like Miraculous or Hunter x Hunter, Voltron?
Miraculous, yes! But haven't watched the last season so shhh with spoilers lol
I was OBSESSED with Voltron when it was coming out! I think I watched the first 2 seasons 4 times each. Still lowkey like it, but it's kinda cold now haha Not HunterxHunter though... I read a few volumes in high school, loved Kurapika, then never looked at it again. Then there's Bleach that since high school I've tried to read like 4 times ;-;
Hmm I am also back on my TGCF brainrot. Literally about to go pick up the actual books because I listened to all the available episodes from the audiobook I found ;-;
One easy answer for me is "sports animes" so you get the vibe of what I like, silly, cute, low stakes and friendship~
One Piece & RWBY. Does Vocaloid count? Idk I've just been listening to Vocaloid a lot since halloween :')
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nofacednerd · 1 year
You know what I loved the most about My Adventures With Superman? The fact that it's evidence that every serialized story has to be as dark and gritty as burnt toast.
Yeah, sure, it has it's dark moments.
Like when Lois [CENSORED FOR SPOILERS] Clark because he's Superman.
Or when Jimmy got himself [CENSORED FOR SPOILERS] all alone.
Or when the General and Amanda Waller [CENSORED FOR SPOILERS] together near the end of the season.
But it's still a really lighthearted show most of the time. Meanwhile, most serialized shows get darker and darker to the point where you need f*cking night-vision goggles to actually watch the damn thing.
And despite how many shows go down the tubes because of this style of depressing storytelling--Friendship Is Magic, Star Vs, Steven Universe, Miraculous Ladybug, Voltron: that one Loonatics show that's become nothing but a joke to everyone including Warner Bros themselves--despite ALL THAT, people still insist that making shows dark and gritty through serialization is a good idea. And by "people", I mean:
A. Insecure man-children who want to convince you that watching a kid's show about magical ponies makes them smarter or more mature than average.
Or B. Creative hacks in showbiz who want to pander the aforementioned man-children because that's always easier than actually writing a story.
But if all of those shows are evidence as to why making shows too dark is a bad idea, My Adventures With Superman is evidence that having a balance, or even arguably a majority of lightheartedness, is a winning strategy.
anon I prommy it's okay. I, the OP, can tag this post as spoilers. You don't need to censor yourself here bud
2. not to go all animation major on this post but I think that in terms of 'grittiness' in cartoons within the last decade, it's kind of important to think about how media affects our views of the world and how, in turn, world events affect media.
To put it lightly, the last decade has fucking SUCKED. The 2016 presidential election, the sudden shift on social media to give platforms to racists, misogynists, and homophobes, the rise of neo-nazis. Not to mention a global pandemic and multiple major crises around the world. Children these days are VASTLY different to how children were when I (and maybe even you, anon) were that age. They have social media now where they're exposed to the worst of the world at a near-constant basis. It's traumatizing.
Cartoons have always been about giving kids a reflection of themselves. The world is darker and kids are developing mental illnesses and trauma, so the media they watch reflects that.
I also think that it isn't particularly fair to the shows you have listed here to say that they have 'depressing' storytelling and implying the only people who like those sorts of shows are man-children or hacks. I like those shows and I'm neither of the above. It's also unfair to completely reduce those shows to being gritty when.... they really aren't? Not any more than My Adventures with Superman is, really. My Little Pony is especially mostly lighthearted adventures about love and friendship. Miraculous' more serious moments are, at best, a B-plot as far as I'm aware and are only really discussed majorly in fanon spaces. Star Vs was SO much fucking around randomly that I got bored of the show after a while. The only real outlier here that I can comment on (I haven't and will not watch Voltron) is Steven Universe, but when talking about it's core messaging, it's important to remember Rebecca Sugar's identity as a queer Jewish person, and how that affects it's themes of love and oppression.
MAWSM's 'lightheartedness' also comes from an extremely long-lasting era of gritty superhero stories in general (thanks alan moore and also that one guy who called the dc hotline like 40 times because he fucking hated jason todd). It's intentionally supposed to be majorly lighthearted because darker stories is the only (and in my opinion, incorrect) way that Superman has been allowed to be presented within the last few decades.
I think that, perhaps dear anon, what you really are looking for is more diversity in content. And that's fair! But there are plenty of shows that don't (as far as I'm aware) focus too heavily on heavy themes, but the truth is, mawsm does. There are lots of heavy themes of imperialism, identity, diaspora, and trauma all within the first season of the show.
Not particularly sure where I was going with this. Sorry for replying with a full essay.
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fantisci · 1 year
Welp. That was...something.
Obviously, major spoilers for the Good Omens Season 2 finale under the cut.
I'm disappointed and a bit depressed by the ending, but I have to admit that I'm not really surprised. Something about this season just felt...sad. i know a lot of people spent 5 episodes happily squeeing and then got gut-punched by the ending, but, to me at least, there wasn't the playfulness and levity of season 1 - not even in the happier/more comedic scenes. There was always a melancholy undercurrent: Nina's relationship isn't healthy, Maggie's interested in Nina but the timing is off, the flashbacks focus on the intense loneliness of Crowley and Aziraphale's existence throughout history, Aziraphale's terrified he's a bad angel and he's going to Fall, Crowley doesn't seem to have a clue what he's doing half of the time...Lots of focus on insecurity, unhealthy codependence, bad timing and sheer miscommunication.
That said, I got unpleasant "gotcha!" elements from the way thinga played out, and I hate it when the writers prioritise wrong-footing their audience over story flow - hated it in Voltron, hated it in Sherlock, hated it in the umpteen webcomics I used to read in the 2000s. I'm not going to call it baiting yet - this season was clearly made with one eye firmly on a potential S3 - but with all the publicity, the impression we're left with is "This is a love story! Look, see these two protagonists who adore each other and who you're so invested in? Surely it's time for them to move their relationship forward?PSYCHE! - they're separated, miserable and everything is terrible! See these cute new characters who are clearly a parallel to our heroes, the ones we've focused a lot on in the publicity? PSYCHE! - they were never going to happen, becaise we wanted to make a point about meddling in relationships and sensible time frames after a break up!" (Admittedly, while anvilicious, the moral here was definitely sensible). "Oh but the antagonists, the ones who tried to wipe our heroes from existence last season? THEY get the cute love story and happy ending!"
I admit, plenty of fans saw the Ineffable Bureaucracy coming a mile off. And many point out - quite correctly - that if GO is a three season show following the beats of a love story, this is the second act break-up. I also suspect that, with the signiicant overlap between GO and Our Flag Means Death, the fandom's rabid reaction to OMFD's romantic cliffhanger may have inspired the GO team to bank on a similar reaction to secure season 3...but OFMD is aiming to put its fandom out of its misery in about a year and a half from its angsty ending. Good Omens had a four year gap between S1 and S2. If it sticks with that, I suspect viewer apathy and/or disillusionment may set in before S3.
All in all, I personally feel like I'll be able to enjoy S2 fully only after S3 arrives (and provided it's not equally/more miserable). Which smarts a bit after being so delighted and wound up about Crowley and Aziraphale's return. A waste of anticipation, if you will.
One thing I will say though, is that I believe the kiss was deliberately bad. (If you want to see a kiss where the actors REALLY look like they're being held at gunpoint, have a look at Red Dwarf's Season 7 episode "Blue"). Crowley's furious and desperate and heartbroken - his kiss is aggressive and unforgiving. Aziraphale is miserable and guilty and totally blindsided - he has no clue what to do, alternating between wincing away and pulling Crowley close. I don't think this is an "the actors are finding this tremendously awkward" kiss - it's an "these two characters are in a terrible headspace and between them, have all the romantic experience of a particularly naive potato" kiss. If Season 3 turns things around, I would expect Kiss Number 2 to be even more epic and heartwarming as a result of contrasting iuth this car-crash lip-lock...as long as not too much time has passed between seasons.
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darthkvznblogs · 1 year
Hello! I've just finished reading (or letting Chrome read to me...) "Changing of the Guard" (which is super awesome) and it was the first story of this universe you've made I've consumed. I'm seeing that the very first installment mainly involves The Owl House, which is a show I'm far from being done with (Hunter has just entered the picture for me), so what can be read without being majorly spoilt? Thanks in advance!
Hey there! Thank you so much for saying so, you're very kind :)
I'll try my best to tell you what you probably should watch/read/play before consuming each of the works in the series:
-She Stole My Heart (and most of my valuables): you should watch all of TOH and Gravity Falls first, there's spoilers for both series' finales.
-The Girl Who Could Knock Out the Hulk: for the most part, you'll be fine just having some pop culture osmosis about the early MCU and DC lore regarding Kryptonians. In later chapters, the story has crossover points with other stories in the series (a POV of the major battle in Changing of the Guard as well as a series of chapters that involve characters from A Cold Day in Erebus and Thanatos Scowled), so refer to those.
-Just Another Day at the Office: definitely some major spoilers for the Mass Effect trilogy, especially ME3
-The Royal We: no real spoilers here yet
-To Rule Alone, To Built Together: minor references to canon spoilers for Miraculous Ladybug, but the story is mostly a reinterpretation of the show.
-A Cold Day in Erebus: major spoilers for the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series
-Thanatos Scowled: spoilers for PJO and Danny Phantom
-Refusal of the Call: major PJO, Danny Phantom, and also Harry Potter.
-That Which Drives Nerds to Change the World: minor spoilers for Big Hero 6: the series, though for the most part it's a retelling of the BH6 movie.
-Close Encounters of the Gem Kind: spoilers for Voltron: Legendary Defender up to season 2-ish
-Eternity in Promise: major spoilers for all of She-Ra and the Princesses of Power and for VLD up to season 3
-You and Me, and the Woman We Could Be: no real spoilers to speak of here
-Like a Puzzle Piece: some spoilers for Gravity Falls and Infinity Train Book 1
I've probably missed some stuff, since the series has grown so large, but those are the major things I can think of! There's a lot of franchises in there, so don't worry if you can't/don't want to read everything! I've tried to structure the Kverse so you can pick and choose most of the stories according to what piques your interest (though there's obviously a couple of direct sequels and connective tissue binding everything together). I hope you have a good time in the Kverse! And don't hesitate to ask any more questions you might have :) aside from major plot beat spoilers, I'm happy to answer anything about the series.
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californiannostalgia · 10 months
My Voltron Speedrun through Vid Recs (Part 4/4)
[ Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 ]
hi this is my allura&lance / post-season-8 grief vid playlist that I only recommend if you want to feel like your heart's being ripped out
first 3 vids are allurance centric, next 2 vids are for the entirety of team voltron (flashing warning for all of them)
why would I do this to myself? well I thought the grief had faded. I was wrong. but if there's anything I'm more obsessed with than happy fictional couples, it's sad fictional couples who can't be together after saving the fucking world. (vaxleth mains represent!) also their traumatized superhero teams.
[VLDMV]If I Lose Myself // Lance & Allura: Establishes their commonalities and dynamics early on in the show. They miss their homes.
blue lion & her paladins | pay no mind | amv: Blue paladins make unconventionality their strength. Laugh-out-loud freedom.
lance & allura • listen [season 8 spoilers]: She made him quiet. He made her comfortable. Sincerity and trust, to you're my priority. I'm sorry.
This is Home || Voltron AMV: I am devastated. Destroyed. My babies.
(AMV) Goodbye, Voltron: Crying at 3am. I can't take this. I'm never gonna be over them.
+ an extra allura vid under the break
VLD - Allura / If I Die Young (S1-8): Thanks for saving the world, lion goddess.
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historyhermann · 1 year
My Adventures With Superman Season One Spoiler-Filled Review [Part 2]
Continued from part 1
The voice cast is talented. Jack Quaid lent his voice to Peter Parker / Lizard in Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse and more prominently as Ensign Bradward "Brad" Boimler in Star Trek: Lower Decks. This series marks one of Alice Lee's first voice roles, apart from voicing a character in Mickey Mouse Funhouse. She has played characters in TV series since 2009. Ishmel Sahid has been working on similar series since around the same time. In an exclusive interview with Lee and Sahid, both said they were excited to see fanart, but also said it was challenging to maintain the high energy of Lois and Jimmy. Both noted the writers and producers helped them. They described how they had to adjust their speaking voices to the characters and explained the flair they gave each character through the voices.
One member of the voice cast, Kari Wahlgren, is well-known. She voiced Martha Kent, and young Clark Kent, in this series. She has done dubbing of anime characters since 2002, and has voiced iconic characters in Western animation. This includes Electronique in Kim Possible,  Suzy Johnson in Phineas and Ferb, Tigress/Sheena in Carmen Sandiego, Callie in the somewhat underrated Cleopatra in Space, and Zatanna in DC Super Hero Girls. She also lent her voice to characters in Sym-Bionic Titan, Young Justice, Infinity Train, Dota: Dragon's Blood, The Ghost and Molly McGee, The Owl House, Velma, and OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes.
Wahlgren is voice actor powerhouse in her own right. There are few voice actors, in the cast, who have voiced as many characters as Wahlgren. One exception is Zehra Fazal. She is recognized for voicing Nadia Rizavi in Voltron: Legendary Defender and Halo/Violet in Young Justice. She also voiced Faraday and Shannon in Craig of the Creek, Mara in She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, Zahra and Sabrina in Glitch Techs, General Yunan in Amphibia, and Tassia in Dragon Age: Absolution.
Reprinted from Pop Culture Maniacs and Wayback Machine. This was the forty-ninth article I wrote for Pop Culture Maniacs. This post was originally published on September 21, 2023.
Others have voiced just as many characters. Chris Parnell voiced characters in Gravity Falls, BoJack Horseman, Elena of Avalor (Migs), Samurai Jack, and Dogs in Space (Ed). Debra Wilson previously voiced characters in Cannon Busters (Lady Day), Final Space (Quinn's mother), The Casagrandes, The Owl House, Star Trek: Prodigy, Black Dynamite, and The Proud Family. Catherine Taber voiced her share of animated characters including Padmé Amidala in Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Lori Loud in The Loud House. Lucas Grabeel voiced characters such as Jiku in Elena of Avalor and the haughty scammer Julian in Spirit Riding Free.
The voice cast includes other prominent voice actors. Vincent Tong voiced characters in 16 Hudson, Ninjago, LoliRock (Mephisto), My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Polly Pocket, and The Dragon Prince (Prince Kasef). André Sogliuzzo voiced King Bumi in Avatar: The Last Airbender and King Verago in Elena of Avalor. He also voiced characters in Samurai Jack, Star Wars Rebels, and The Owl House. Darrell Brown previously lent his voice to characters in Gabby's Dollhouse and Madagascar: A Little Wild. Azuri Hardy-Jones voiced Jade in Deer Squad. Kenna Ramsey voiced various characters in video games.
Apt viewers may recognize Jake Green, Laila Berzins, Jesse Inocalla, David Errigo Jr., Max Mittleman, and Andromeda Dunker. Errigo Jr. is known for voicing Ferb in the 2020 film, Candace Against the Universe. The film is the most recent iteration of the Phineas and Ferb franchise. Inocalla voiced Soren in The Dragon Prince. Berzins voiced characters in indie animations such as Satina, Wild Card: Shuffled, and Monkey Wrench.
Other well-known individuals voice bit characters in the seventh episode: Kimberly Brooks as Jalana Olsen, Osric Chau as Lewis Lane, and Lauren Tom as Leader Lois. Brooks is best-known as Princess Allura in Voltron: Legendary Defender and the rough-and-tough Jasper in Steven Universe. Some may remember Chau as the one who voiced the villainous computer hacker known as The Troll in Carmen Sandiego. Tom voiced Mop Girl in recently ended a mature animation, Disenchantment, and Amy Wong in currently airing Futurama, another mature animation. This differs with actors such as Reid Scott, Joel De La Fuente, Melanie Minichino, and Michael Emerson (as Brainac). All four do wonderful voice work on this show, but have almost exclusively, or exclusively, previously done live-action TV series.
Warner Bros. Animation is a subsidiary of the Warner Bros. Discovery conglomerate. This subsidiary produced Velma, Harley Quinn, DC Super Hero Girls, Young Justice, Justice League Unlimited, Teen Titans, Justice League, Static Shock, Superman: The Animated Series, and Batman: The Animated Series. Rooster Teeth, another subsidiary, is recognized for RWBY, its flagship series. The CRWBY is doing all they can to ensure RWBY gets a tenth season. The RWBY superhero crossover film (part 2) is coming out this fall. It may include a version of Superman, like part one.
A largely-circulated spreadsheet in which people anonymously described their conditions in animation studios mentions Warner Bros. Animation. In one entry, Warner Bros. Animation is said to have too much work and treat workers badly. However, it acknowledges that each production is different. People on Glassdoor praised Studio Mir for high-quality projects and talented colleagues. Others were more critical.
Whatever the second season of My Adventures with Superman brings, the number of fans will continue to grow (including the  10,000+ fans across two subreddits), regardless of the corporate decision to air it on Adult Swim rather than Cartoon Network, possibly because of "dark moments" in the series. Hopefully the next season goes above and beyond what the first season delivered. Even so, I can't rate this series high enough, as it is just as strong as Harley Quinn and superior in many ways to the sometimes-convoluted Young Justice and mediocre Velma.
My Adventures with Superman can be streamed on Max or Spectrum. It can also be purchased on Prime Video, either as an entire season or individual episodes, iTunes, Vudu, Google Play, or Microsoft Store.
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