#vonkarma2 tag
lycanthrology · 10 months
and I was bitching about like 2 frank castle gifsets
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i saw the greatest transsexuals of my generation destroyed by pro wrestling 🙏
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loverboy-ish · 1 year
🗣️Talk about your favourite WIP
Oh, I think I have a few.
One of them's just a one-shot, a snippet in childhood, about Naoko and Katagawa Jr. from Borderlands. I've currently left it at a turning point of violence (school bullying... rip), literally on a comma -- anyway it's about me headcanoning Naoko being a bit weird with Bibles just because, and coming into trouble with another kid. Also it happens at a boarding school and I'm like yeah mixed-gender/co-ed BS's (lol) are real. Doesn't matter if they're not they are now for this sillyness.
❌What WIP do you find the most challenging? Why?
All of them <:) Writing.... difficult.... augh [collapses and dies of secret diseases]
OK but besides the commitment part (will I ever finish anything...), I think if I kept up with that Grarchivist (Graham Archivist) AU idea, that would be the most challenging. Like yes I have a couple other things I'd have to make up literal plots for, make up new characters, wrangle aspects of established canon and decide whether I comply or ignore it for my own reasons, but because I wanted Grarchivist to still follow a similar plot - downfall of Some Guy because he opened up an evil portal - but still keep it fresh and new... yeah I think that'd be a challenge.
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jumbo ask game
Answering for both Echo and Griselda :3
⭐ What is your OC afraid of? Any phobias or some such? How do they act when scared and what helps them calm down? Does anyone ever find your OC scary? Why?
Echo is scared of no longer existing, which sort of replaced his prior fear of death, but seeing as he’s already dead as a ghost... yes. Total non-existence is a scary idea, even though he says he’d like to move on. And also demons. Don’t ask him about them tho. It is a bit difficult to tell when he is scared, but usually he’s a tad more skittish, and he will straight up just leave a situation, or try to.
It’s very rare that anyone finds Echo himself scary, but sometimes he will mess with objects and things. That said, he is also able to take control of people, and that can be terrifying to someone who doesn’t know what his intention is -- usually he’s just having a laugh, possessing a limb for a few seconds. And since people usually can’t see ghosts, even when they want to be seen, it can be very scary. Very rarely does he actually fully control someone, and that’s only when he wants to hurt someone, which he’s done once -- to the man (his biological father) who killed him, and so killed him in return.
Griselda is also scared of dying, although it’s not exactly a phobia. What is a phobia is large predator animals (like actual wolves and such, and bigger), since she was thought to have been attacked by one (which turned out to be a werewolf) one night while she was on a drive. She tries breathing exercises to keep herself calm if she sees one (in real life; if they’re on TV, it doesn’t feel as threatening).
She’s also terrified of hurting people she cares about, although she remains in control even as a werewolf.
The only time that anyone would find her scary is when she is in full werewolf mode -- on the full moon, which she can’t help (although she is in control of her actions, just not whether she transforms or not on the full moon). Even then, it’s rare that anyone ever sees her like that (apart from her friends, that is).
🌠 Who was your OC’s first friend? Do they remember them or are they still friends now? Talk about some of the people your OC has lost contact with over the years. Do they have any regrets about losing these people and would they revist them if they could?
Echo’s first friend was Owen, they met in primary school and stayed best friends up until Echo’s death; they even had the same job as construction workers and odd-job handymen. There are other friends that he’s had, but he doesn’t miss them as much as he misses Owen, or his family -- mum Nerys, half-sister Tiwlip, and his step-dad (Tiwlip’s dad) Mihangel. He does visit them all sometimes, but because they can’t see ghosts, it just makes him miserable, especially since his mum’s still not done grieving over him, but it does hurt regardless whether it appears they’re still mourning him, or if they’ve moved on.
Griselda’s first friend was a girl called Shadi, also having met in early primary school. They don’t talk these days -- Shadi moved away after high school, and they didn’t really keep in touch, sadly. But they’ve had other friends throughout: Farrah and Isra, also at primary school; Faysal and Anwen, in high school; Roderick and Hadil in uni; and currently, her fellow teachers, Ghufran and Madeline. They do miss their friends from school, but it happens, and they’re not too sad about it, but yeah they’d try and visit them if possible.
📀 How easy is it to shock your OC? To confuse them? To lie to them, to manipulate them? How are they with feelings of trust? Can your OC be trusted?
I’d say it’d be pretty easy to shock the both of them, but Echo is more likely to take it in stride, like water off a duck’s back, whereas Griselda is more likely to be outright stunned. Same as being confused by anyone.
I would say that Echo is more difficult to lie to or manipulate (at least not without any consequences), but Griselda might be more susceptible, I think.
Griselda is very trustworthy, but Echo can be... well. I said before that he can control people for a laff, and he loves a joke and a prank, so... mostly trustworthy, I’d say, except for when he feels like doing all that.
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marklikely · 1 year
tagged by @jester-mereel ty :) idk if its the rules but i used a half circle for like. things i listen to but not enough to really be a "fan"
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tried to make mine a bunch of artists that have more of a fanbase so it might be easier to get a bingo? idk hopefully
tagging a bunch of people so feel free to participate if u wanna !! or not if u dont wanna.
@nat-20s @loverboy-ish @vonkarma2 @stillmother @mymarifae @holydivers @jodieliker @summeryears @padjals @gendergenius @electricxmayhem @mouthmoodz
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skoople · 1 year
tagged by the wonderful @gevalts for 10 songs on shuffle. i admit i wasnt a purist- walls are closing in shuffled twice, but i also had to discount any of the mp3s of wolf 359 and audio of myself screaming or jabbering about the cold war and the walking dead. anyway my top ten shuffles are as follows
how i taught myself to scream - los campesinos!
closerflies - neil cicierega
once in a lifetime - talking heads
walls are closing in - laura les
its the end of the world as we know it - REM
dont tell me to do the maths - los campesinos!
and we exhale and roll our eyes in unison - los campesinos!
dog food - osno1
can i sleep in your brain - ezra furman
in media res - los campesinos!
tagging @turochamp @mavigator @vonkarma2 @sybilvimes and @63
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theritual2017 · 3 years
my under five minutes playlist shuffle
hello hello hello my mutual vonkarma2, you get- oh you get recover by chvrches
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vonkarmic · 2 years
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@taketheringtolohac tagged me to make myself in this picrew !! i’ll tag @razbb @laevateinn @vonkarma2 & anyone else who wants to!
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lycanthrology · 1 year
7, 8, and 14?
7) The hardest and easiest boss for you?
Easiest was Maria!! I was expecting a really tough battle but I beat her on the first attempt. I love you Maria. Toss up between the Orphan of Kos and Ludwig for hardest boss. In the main game, Rom was very tricky for me. I took a few months break from the game because of how much I was struggling against her
8) Your favorite zone?
Central yharnam :) I like walking around there sometimes just to sightsee and unwind. The way the dlc takes the normal map and makes it evil is really cool too
14) The most annoying enemy for you?
I have no enemies in bloodborne they are all my best friends. I hate the snake men in the forest + the sharks in the hamlet + the baghead people in the hospital + the sluggy mutant orphans + the vampire mosquito men + the gargoyle men + BRAINSUCKERS
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lycanthrology · 2 years
Guts from Berserk and Lennox from ocs for the character ask thing?
Here we go
Sexuality Headcanon: He’s bi but a) doesn’t understand the concept of bisexuality b) is 90% attracted to women so doesn’t dwell on it
Gender Headcanon: Cis man. But trans guts is an incredible concept. Congrats on the top surgery king
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A ship I have with said character: Guts and Casca. After the eclipse, I don’t like how Guts treats her. I know it’s more to do with how Casca’s behaviour has dramatically changed and Guts is struggling to adapt but he’s done some really nasty things to her. Meanwhile, Golden Age Casca and Guts <333. Before the eclipse, Casca/Guts/Griffith wouldve been legendary. All three of them were so obsessed with each other. They could’ve stopped the whole eclipse
A BROTP I have with said character: PUCK!!!!!! Again, as it’s gone on, I think Puck is becoming less relevant and interesting which is such a shame because he’s literally puck. I like how he lightened the tone and acted as an audience insert. Guts needed someone to prove to him that people were still willing to fight by his side and Puck delivered + also the entire band of the hawk I guess 🙄
A NOTP I have with said character: Farnese. Post-eclipse Griffith/Femto. A lot of the characters. If Guts ever has a sex scene imagine me shaking my head and tutting to show I disagree with it
A random headcanon: Ofc Guts is traumatised that’s obvious. But I think his rage comes from unprocessed abandonment issues. He’s constantly in a heightened state of fear and unease so small things push him into anger as a defence mechanism. I don’t think he’s an intrinsically angry person, I think it’s his way of protecting himself. He gets so incredibly, incredibly upset at himself when he rages at the people he cares about because he pushes people away and creates the very situation he’s terrified of
General Opinion over said character: He’s the worst man in the world. He’s my best friend. Reading about Guts Berserk’s horrific life inspired me to get my own life together for two weeks then I got lazy and it went back to normal
My friend Lennox
Sexuality Headcanon: Bisexual!!!! And everyone wants him
Gender Headcanon: Transgender man. He’s been on hrt for around 7 years. Can’t be bothered with surgery
A ship I have with said character: Lennoxbaize truthers where are you?!?!? I’m joking ok ok. hanging my head in shame. Crow. It’s not healthy for either of them. I could discuss this for hours, but I won’t. Lennox can’t stand by and let Crow kill people, but he can’t intervene without putting the both of them in serious danger. Am I using this guy like everyone else or do I genuinely care about him and what does that mean for me and my culpability. Am I becoming complicit in the oppressive system I intended to disrupt etc etc. The amount of turmoil and guilt here. It’s palpable. Anyway we all know the only true ending for Crow is death. So whatever. Does any of this even matter
A BROTP I have with said character: Kaleela!!!!! They’re friends :) They really do care and try to look out for each other. I think they’re the only true friendship in the main cast. That’s so sad but I’m glad it’s them <3 Welcome to werewolf story everyone is miserable everyone has an ulterior motive everyone is so deeply horrifically flawed but kaleela and lennox are friends so its all ok
A NOTP I have with said character: These should be fairly obvious but Kaleela, Dashwood, Matthew, Romulus, William. I’m probably forgetting someone
A random canon: Errrr I’m not sure. His mum calls him Lenny and it embarrasses him. He once bought one of those expensive replica lightsabers. His brother and him used to watch sport on tv together when they were younger (mostly football and cricket)
General Opinion over said character: I love him SO MUCH. I know I created him but he’s so much fun I love him to death. He’s so good to write for I love thinking about him
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lycanthrology · 2 years
24, 26, 30, and 31?
24) Are there any preexisting characters that your OC gets compared too a lot?
I’m going to put the big Crow-like character list you graciously compiled here and leave it at that
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26) What's your favorite relationship/dynamic between a set of OCs?
THIS is so difficult. I’m going to list some characters that I like together (not necessarily romantic)
Lennox + kaleela, imad + matthew, dashwood + romulus, baize + kaleela, baize + aidan, kaleela + romulus, lennox + crow, hollyhock + crow, lennox + baize, matthew + romulus, dashwood + crow, dashwood + matthew, lennox + imad, lennox + khenan, william + crow
I think when a character knows information about another from before the story, things can be really interesting, especially when it’s stuff the audience doesn’t know. It’s interesting when characters are antagonistic towards each other but do really care underneath it all. Also when characters parallel or mirror each other
30) Which OC has been the hardest to develop/design so far?
Answered here
31) Which OC do you wish you had more art of? (Recieved, making yourself, etc.)
All of them 😔 No. Maybe Romulus. I haven’t spent as much time on her as I should do and I reckon she’d be very fun to write about. Past and present events in her life are very dramatic. The type of woman to splash water on her face and look in the mirror while her inner monologue is like this person.. staring at me.. i have my suspicions.. she’s not longer me… then she’ll go downstairs, pour herself a coffee and be normal again
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lycanthrology · 1 year
11, 20, 23, and 25?
11) Something you want to do again next year?
I would like to go to the festival again because even if it was insanely stressful and busy and evil and the drinks were a million pounds a bottle, it was actually quite fun
20) What’s something you learned this year?
The world is a cruel, dark place. No. That’s a joke. All the college stuff I guess + I’ve gotten back into learning French. I’m always on wikipedia its like my second home. Learned I’m shit at messaging people i know irl. I’ve been trying to work out what kind of media I enjoy so I have a better understanding of what I should invest time in. I used to try to finish everything I started regardless of whether I liked it or not but I’m learning to drop things without guilt
23) If you could send a message to yourself back on the first day of the year, what would it be?
Don’t get excited about the moon knight show it is not worth it. And the Queen is going to die on the 8th of September
25) Did you create any characters (in games, art, or writing) this year? Describe one
Khenan <3 I haven’t done much with him yet but he’s been in my head recently. He’s Lennox’s older brother and one of the few werewolf story characters you’d actually want to hang out with in real life. He’s funny, confident, reassuring. Even if he doesn’t know what he’s doing, he can make you feel like he does.
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loverboy-ish · 1 year
I feel like you might be shadowbanned again maybe
i did a quick check - i can still message people, send asks, i can see my posts in my tag. i haven't replied to any poasts yet but i Might Not be shadowbanned. o7 thank u for checking/alerting me tho jic mwah
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lycanthrology · 1 year
obliterated by a bunch of frenchmen 😔 how sad for you
anglophobia in my askbox 😤
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lycanthrology · 2 years
100, 99, 98, and 10 for the Spotify thing :P
100) Delicious Things by Wolf Alice
99) The Mother We Share by CHVRCHES
98) Spit. by WARGASM (UK)
10) Undercover Martyn by Two Door Cinema Club
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royal blood, oblivion
Gravity's pulling me down It's time I got myself found But just before I turn out the light
and also the chorus but ^
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lycanthrology · 2 years
will and lyra from hdm and also baize for the character thing?
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will + lyra + baize
I was going to do bastard for lyra but that seemed to mean. She has done her fair share of bastard-esque behaviour though
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