sugaryspirits · 30 days
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Post Campaign Shenanigans:
Penna fucked around and found out Vorno's wild magic can turn him into his old demon form
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davidhudson · 5 months
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Tony Vorno, April 12, 1927 – February 13, 2010.
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gatutor · 8 months
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Tony Vorno-Rue McClanahan "Walk the angry beach" 1968, de John Hayes.
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spookyfoxdreamer · 4 months
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darklordazalin · 2 years
Azalin Reviews: Ivania and Vorno
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Darklords: Ivania and Vorno Domain: Sunderheart Domain Formation: Unknown Power Level: 💀💀💀 ⚫⚫ (3/5 Skulls) Source: Dragon Magazine 368 article: “Domains of Dread: Sunderheart, The Funeral City”
The Domain of Sunderheart, not to be confused with Casimir Lukas’s moniker “Sundered Heart”, was formed by our tormentors after the events that lead to the end of Ivania Dreygu and Vorno Kahnebor’s love affair. Before they were claimed by the Mists, Ivania and Vorno lived within the Bael Turath Empire. As Bael Turath was falling from its former greatness, The Emperor and the noble families that served him sealed a pact with the Nine Hells to ensure the Empire thrived. To fulfill their bargain, they performed a month long ritual known as the Bloodfire Moon Ritual and in doing so the noble families found themselves transformed into Tieflings and forever marked by their dealings with the Nine Hells.
The noble families of Dreygu and Kahnebor were at odds with each other for as far back as any could remember. When Ivania and Vorno became lovers, the two noble houses found common ground in their attempts to separate the pair. The Dreygus referred to Ivania as a ‘troubled girl’ and the Kahnebor spent more than enough gold and time covering up Vorno’s less than savory pleasures, such as the consumption of human flesh. The families agreed that the havoc the pair could cause together would destroy both households.
The noble houses forcefully separated the couple, but this only encouraged them. Vorno escaped, slaughtering many of his own family and rescued Ivania from her own household. The two ran away together, seemingly content to spent out the rest of their days in poverty. This is the tale the bards tell, yet there is ample evidence that they were not content with such a lifestyle and brought about the deaths of all their living relatives without being provoked into doing so. The bards, with their natural inclination towards romance, would have us believe otherwise.
Ivania and Vorno became the last living descendants of the Noble houses of Dreygu and Kahnebor, respectively and after the convenient drowning of the City of Harrak Unarth’s major, the two petitioned to the Emperor to rule it. The Emperor granted their request and the two ran the city as if it were a never ending party of pleasure and debauchery that put Ivan Dillisnya’s gatherings to shame and made my brother Ranald look like a competent ruler.
Harrak Unarth became known as the City of Carnival and these endless festivals attracted exotic goods and riches from throughout the empire. This, in turn, drew the attention of the Emperor who wished to secure his rule over the land by forming an infernal pact and believed the pair were best suited to assist him. I am inclined to believe that this Emperor must have been rather weak to resort to such bargaining to maintain his hold over his people.
When the Emperor came to Ivania and Vorno, they readily agreed to summon of a fiend to secure his pact for they wished to form their own bargain. The Emperor made his bargain as Ivania and Vorno made their own with the chain devil, Nephigor. The couple traded their souls for eternal youth and to stay by the other’s side forever.  If my eyes were capable of such physics, I would be rolling them right now.
Codependent relationships rarely survive and it is no surprise that as the years passed, the star-crossed lovers grew apart. Vorno was prone to deep melancholic episodes and became increasingly paranoid for he knew that in time he would die and face eternal punishment in the Nine Hells. Which, of course, he would…seeing as he made that bargain himself.
Ivania, on the other hand, continued to enjoy her life of pointless pleasure parties. She grew tired of her spouse lurking in the shadows and refusing to join in her revelry. So, to rid herself of Vorno and damn him to the Nine Hells, she brought the most beautiful woman in all of Harrak Unarth to their home and lured her into a state of narcotic stupor, then left her for Vorno to find. Vorno, unable to resist his lust for human flesh, consumed the girl. Ivania had, of course, laced the woman with poisons, so upon consuming her, Vorno died.
At the moment Vorno saw in his lover’s eyes that not only did she plan his demise but ensured his eternal damnation, a maelstrom of shadow and ice descended upon the Harrak Unarth. People fled as the City of Carnival was transformed into the City of Curses. Once the storm lifted, no one remained. Not  even a single corpse marked the ground where thousands once dwelt. Any who fled found themselves and their families forever cursed and those who entered the abandoned city and stole from it, became cursed as well. In time, enough stories were told that all but the bravest or most foolish individuals avoided the once great city of Harrak Unarth.
As Harrak Unarth fell, Ivania was claimed by the Mists. She found herself in an unfamiliar palace and as she wondered aloud, “Where am I?” the voice that answered was Vorno’s.
“Sunder…heart,” he said and has yet to speak another word since. Ivania, frightened of her the voice of the lover she had slain, tried to find him…and eventually discovered, upon looking into a mirror, that his undead corpse was fused to her back. They had, after all, bargained their very souls to remain youthful and together forever. It’s best to be as specific as possible when making such deals…Trust me, I should know…
Sunderheart or the Funeral City is ruled by Ivania during the day and Vorno, who is only known as The Ghoul to all but a few individuals, rules during the night. Ivania does all she can to ignore the literal corpse growing out of her body by pretending he does not exist. Not only does she surround herself with beauty and continuous parties, but she has also outlawed mirrors that cannot be held in one’s hand and ordered all windows to be made of stained glass so she never has to look upon him again. Anyone who points out her obvious companion its met with her extreme displeasure and often star in her ‘entertainment’ for the day.
The living go about their daily business while Ivania rules, trying their best to avoid their mistress’s wraith. At night, they hide in their homes as the undead flood out of the sewers and waterways, taking over the city as the Ghoul rules. Only on the night of a New Moon does this change. On those nights, the living of Sunderheart flood the streets with light, hide beneath hideous masks, and honor the dead. Much like the Festival of the Dead in my own Domain…
The two former lovers mostly ignore the other’s existence, feigning sleep while the other is awake, yet the each experience everything the other does. This, of course, makes defeating them rather difficult as Ivania brings in her cunning and shadow magic whereas Vorno brings in his brute strength and undying hunger. There are tales of a lich that inhabits a tall tower in the Funeral City who could defeat this Darklord should he be so inclined, but, for the time being, he is simply entertained by watching Ivania suffer.
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booping-noses · 11 months
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Vorno and Ten meeting one of the new BBEGs in the campaign epilogue
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eroticartman · 2 years
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🚶‍➡️ LE PAROLE D’ORO. LUCCA L’itinerario delle “Parole d’Oro” offre agli escursionisti un’esperienza ricca di storia e bellezze naturali. Questo percorso di trekking, segnato dal sentiero n. 128, ha inizio presso la chiesetta romanica di San Quirico a Guamo. Da qui, un breve tragitto conduce alla valle del Rio San Quirico, un’area conosciuta per il suo antico acquedotto e i suoi impianti di captazione dell’acqua. Il nome “Parole d’Oro” deriva da una scritta in ottone che adorna un ponticello lungo il percorso, il cui lucente riflesso ha ingannato i contadini dell’epoca, facendoli credere che fosse d’oro. Questa incisione commemora la costruzione dell’acquedotto progettato per portare acqua alla città di Lucca, un’opera iniziata sotto la supervisione del Regio Architetto Lorenzo Nottolini su incarico di Maria Luisa di Borbone, Duchessa di Lucca. L’iscrizione, che ancora oggi si può leggere, recita: KAR.LVD.BORB.I.H.DUX.N.AUG.AQUIS.E.PLURIBUS FONTIUM ORIBUS. COLLIGENDIS. ET AD URBANOS PONTES LARGIUS PERDUCENDIS.MONUMENTO.AETERNO.PROVIDIT.DUCATUS. SUI. ANNO. VI Tradotta, la scritta celebra Carlo Ludovico di Borbone, il quale provvide, nel sesto anno del suo ducato, a raccogliere le acque da molteplici sorgenti e a portarle, tramite l’acquedotto, fino alle fontane della città, un’opera concepita per durare in eterno. L’escursione di 7 chilometri, con un dislivello di 570 metri, si snoda attraverso un paesaggio verdeggiante, risalendo la valle fino al crinale sovrastante, dove il sentiero si incrocia con la carrareccia che collega Vorno a Santallago. Lungo il cammino, gli escursionisti possono ammirare le casette di Gallonzora e, poco oltre, l’osservatorio astronomico ambientometrico. La camminata prosegue aggirando il Monte Vallone fino al valico di Prato a Sigliori, per poi incontrare la strada forestale che porta a Sant’Andrea e, successivamente, quella di Santallago. 🇬🇧 🚶‍➡️ THE “PAROLE D’ORO” TRAIL. LUCCA The “Parole d’Oro” itinerary offers hikers a journey rich in history and natural beauty. This trekking route, marked as trail no. 128, begins at the Romanesque church of San Quirico in Guamo. From here, a short path leads to the valley of the Rio San Quirico, an area known for its ancient aqueduct and water collection systems. The name “Parole d’Oro” (Golden Words) comes from a brass inscription that adorns a small bridge along the route. Its shiny reflection once deceived local farmers, making them believe it was gold. This inscription commemorates the construction of the aqueduct designed to bring water to the city of Lucca, a project initiated under the supervision of the Royal Architect Lorenzo Nottolini on the orders of Maria Luisa of Bourbon, Duchess of Lucca. The inscription, which can still be read today, states: KAR.LVD.BORB.I.H.DUX.N.AUG.AQUIS.E.PLURIBUS FONTIUM ORIBUS. COLLIGENDIS . ET AD URBANOS PONTES LARGIUS PERDUCENDIS.MONUMENTO. AETERNO.PROVIDIT.DUCATUS.SUI.ANNO . VI Translated, the inscription celebrates Charles Louis of Bourbon, who, in the sixth year of his duchy, provided for the collection of water from multiple springs and its conveyance through the aqueduct to the city’s fountains, a work conceived to last forever. The 7-kilometer hike, with a 570-meter elevation gain, winds through lush landscapes, climbing up the valley to the ridge above, where the trail intersects with the cart track connecting Vorno to Santallago. Along the way, hikers can admire the small houses of Gallonzora and, just beyond, the environmental-astronomical observatory. The walk continues around Monte Vallone to the Prato a Sigliori pass, then meets the forest road leading to Sant’Andrea, and finally to Santallago.
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gaetaniu · 5 months
Un'antropologa documenta come le donne e i pastori abbiano storicamente ridotto il rischio di incendi nell'Italia centrale
Boschetto di pino marittimo con erica arborea sottostante. Vorno, Monte Pisano. Negli ultimi decenni, gli incendi boschivi di grandi dimensioni hanno sempre più minacciato le comunità del Mediterraneo. Si prevede che il cambiamento climatico renderà questi incendi più grandi, più caldi e più pericolosi in futuro. Ma le lezioni di gestione degli incendi del passato potrebbero aiutare a migliorare…
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Torniamo sui #MontiPisani con questa serie di scatti di oggi pomeriggio, che ci inviano @leogrossi7 e @samupala01 dalle località di #Vorno e #Santallago (presso Monte Pisano) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtRKl_WB_Bf/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=e8l3fn5dxb1b
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hannahyate · 6 years
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Tuscan landscapes, watercolour mixed media
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sugaryspirits · 1 month
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Some Orus epilogue doodles
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indians-craving · 4 years
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india vorno
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predpreydatabase · 2 years
So we know of preds having a higher rate of going into the "adult funtime" sector what about prey, and how can they earn a living if they are eaten on set, or what if a scene gets messed up
You bring up a good point anon, we have found that preds who specialise in vornos typically develop the skill to hold off digestion, and for the prey its made clear to the pred who and when they are aloud to digest and make sure to regurgitate the prey after stoots finished or for reshoots if they're told to do but the director. But some times directors will just let the pred digest the prey if they had asked for too much to be in the scene or are hard to work with in general.
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tonightimalive · 3 years
Dnd character questions 1-60, thanks!
Doin this piecemeal babeyyy
For context: answering all of these for my aasimar grave cleric Kiernan, she's a former pirate and sad gorl
1. why did they choose their class(es)? their subclass(es)?
Well I chose cleric because I thought y'all didn't have healing which wasn't true at all but I'm very happy with it :)
2. before they met their party, what was their main goal?
She was out for #1, get as much money as possible with a side of disrupting rich people. As long as she got out okay it was a success in her eyes.
3. what is their goal right now?
Keep the party alive (and if I'm being honest dispatch some high elves).
4. if they could learn one spell that isn’t available to them at present, which spell would it be?
I want polymorph but I think Kiernan would like something like fortune’s favor or tether essence (”suggestion” would be catastrophic for her personal development, she’d like it though). I have ideas for how to use some later cleric spells if we ever get there >:)
5. do they follow a higher power? what are their thoughts on divinity?
She's a cleric to the campaign's god of emotion, and it's messy in such a lovely way. She has the WORST instincts and only slightly better intentions most of the time and he doesn't really give guidance so much as go "you know those terrible feelings you're having? They're trying to tell you something and sometimes what they're telling you is horseshit but you've gotta hear it to figure that out."
I think she has a sort of double vision of the gods because of how out of reach they were for most of her life vs being lifted out of desolation by a kindly old man who plays so many board games and oh yeah is a god. She's very conflicted about how being a follower of a god will look for her long term (I still think about that conversation with Ardentia where he jokingly asked her if she was proselytizing, it was first of all very funny but also showed really starkly how much she's been walking around like "my god is just Some (really nice) Guy") but right now she's somewhere between debt and devotion, where debt is something she understands and is comfortable with and devotion very much isn't, but functionally the way you act in both is pretty similar, right??? But it doesn't feel like debt as in something she's saddled with but that she's been given something that so defies quantification or repayment that there is very little she wouldn't gladly do if asked. And now I'm just thinking about how that is a position that could really be abused but it's 100% making her better because he came in and went "this thing that you've kept down for so long that's now overwhelming you is YOURS and here's what you can do with it.” She actually cares about disappointing someone for once because he invested in her at her lowest and she's not gonna dig herself another pit. But how do you worship an incredibly powerful man you sit down to play cards with? She’s almost waiting for him to ask something of her but he doesn’t and I think it’s going to take some reckoning for her to figure out what her faith looks like after all of this is over and she has to choose what to do next. (Alex if you're reading this Yes I have made up a bunch of Ardentia lore that may or may not fit with canon it's just been in my head, I wrote this part at 1am)
Also yes her god is Some Guy but it REALLY bothers her that Vorno is meh about Ardentia.
6. which party member do they relate to the most?
Penna, probably. She definitely feels safest with her even though they're very different, and looks up to her in terms of how Penna deals with people. She's probably most similar to Ten but that cross-section is friendly antagonism lol.
7. which party member do they understand the least?
It depends what you mean by understand, she doesn't have a clue what's going on with Bram and at this point is too afraid to ask, but they don't really have misunderstandings. Then there's Ten (I still think it's so funny that I blindly made a character that was going to annoy the hell out of yours and vice versa). It's so delightful, it's like they speak two different languages that just happen to have all the same words.
8. what are three songs that suit them?
Ship in a Bottle by fin--this is absolutely the most representative song for her especially right when the rest of the party found her and honestly listening to it inspired a lot of my thoughts on what Ardentia teaches as god of emotion.
I Was an Island by John-Allison Weiss
I’m having trouble nailing a third one down but a pre-game one is I Get By by Distant Cousins, another I’ve been vibing with for her is Blood On My Name by The Brothers Bright
Bonus: my song for the whole campaign is Promiseland by MIKA
9. do they care about their appearance? how much effort do they put into presentation?
She's vain as hell but also goin thru it right now. I'm having so many thoughts about how physical changes from before she died and after fit into this question and I cannot make it coherent...I think beforehand she cared a lot about appearance in how she presented herself and how that affected her work and life, but in a deliberate way not necessarily an effortful way. She still postures the same but is pretty aware that the way she takes up space is different?
10. how often do they lie? what situations cause them to be dishonest?
She doesn't outright lie super often but is very dishonest through omission and half truths. Very much a "the best lies are based on truth" type. She’s sneaky often though.
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churndale · 3 years
You're a total man-eater, Akiko!
“Listen, apparently eating folks on camera and playing videogames while my gut mashes them into slush is something that people want to watch and give me money for so... yeah I guess I am~” Akiko states as she slap her flabby gut, “Not like I’ll ever be in a vorno vid or something, not professionally at least.”
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