When Chiu kicked Angela Chan off the Police Commission...
Angela Chan was by all measures an intelligent, no nonsense advocate who fought for the public interest. David Chiu liked her at first -- then voted to kick her off the Police Commission, at a time when tensions around police misconduct are high. He still hasn't offered an explanation.
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Why Chiu meets with lobbyists...All. The. Time.
David Chiu has met with lobbyists at least 594 times since 2010 -- reps from AirBnB met with him some 61 times before writing legislation to regulate the business. Because the fox is guarding the henhouse.
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How Chiu plays dumb about Ron Conway's anti-Campos slush fund...
Republican billionaire Ron Conway is pushing out mailers saying Campos is basically a murderer. Money from other tech moguls is pouring in to support the effort. Chiu is playing dumb -- "If Conway’s going after real progressives, I hope he’s not going after me" -- but has his fingerprints all over it.
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How Chiu feels about his friends at the Chamber of Commerce...
Says he's a "progressive" who has workers' rights in mind -- but scores high with the conservative Chamber of Commerce. Because he's the type of Democrat who says he's got your back while making corporate-friendly backroom deals.
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When Chiu uses domestic violence as political football ...
David Campos and Jane Kim both voted to keep Ross Mirkarimi in office -- for David Chiu, that vote makes Campos unqualified for office, but doesn't mean anything when it comes to Kim's endorsement of his campaign. The worst example of doing wrong by a serious issue because you need to resort to dirty politics. (It's important for domestic violence victims to have ownership over their own story--exploiting someone else's experience for political gain is revolting.)
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When Chiu explains his stance on Affirmative Action...
On a pending affirmative action bill in the State Assembly, Chiu says in March that the "State Legislature needs to take more time to bring people together on this issue," and then in April says if he were in office, he would vote to move the bill forward.
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When Chiu claims the Twitter tax breaks were just about "keeping jobs" ...
Riiiiiiight. Funny how these tech billionaires are lining up behind him, no?
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When Chiu flipped on the healthcare loophole...
David Chiu voted to allow businesses to pocket funds intended to provide healthcare for their employees. After initially trying to close the loophole, the Chamber of Commerce got his ear -- and he switched sides.
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