#vronsky šŸ©µ
pretty-little-mind33 Ā· 4 months
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FEM!READER WITH AN ABUSIVE/TOXIC EX (ft. aaron taylor johnson characters)
warnings: mentions of being in a toxic/emotionally and physically abusive relationship with someone, mentions of violence, sexual themes
includes - in said order
~ James Potter - harry potter marauder's era (yes ik it's technically a fancast but šŸ„ŗ he's my baby)
~ Tangerine - bullet train
~ Dave Lizewski - kick-ass
~ Count Alexei Vronksy - anna karenina 2012
~ Tom Ryder - the fall guy
~ @trollsareadorable hope you like this lovie! šŸ«¶ ~
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ā€¢ James is very intuitive. It doesn't seem like he is, but he is. He's just a really caring person so he notices things that others don't.
ā€¢ If you were friends first, he would have definitely already known that your ex was toxic/abusive and would have hated his guts. "You deserve better than him," or "he doesn't treat you like a gentleman should," type of conversations.
ā€¢ If you weren't friends first and you were flirting after your break-up, he wouldn't initially think your shyness or your nerves were because anything bad had happened. Instead, he'd find it cute and would be super patient with you and be down to take things at your pace.
ā€¢ James is a gentleman. His mom raised him right (Euphemia is a queen!) and so the idea of hurting a woman, especially one you're supposed to love, is unthinkable.
ā€¢ So when you tell him about your ex, about his emotional/physical abuse, he'd be livid.
ā€¢ James is extra careful with you after that, to the point where you have to tell him you're fine so he'll stop treating you like you're made of glass.
ā€¢ When you run into your ex one night at a party, James notices you're acting strangely. "Love, are you alright? You look like you're gonna be sick," he'll say as he rubs small circles on your back.
ā€¢ When you don't answer, he'll ask again. If you snap at him, he'll be hurt but he'll know something is wrong instantly.
ā€¢ "You can tell me, dove. What has happened?"
ā€¢ At the first sight of your tears, James's heart breaks and he ends up ushering you into a bathroom and soothingly caresses your cheeks with his thumb. When you tell him you saw your ex, it takes everything in him not to leave you and beat his sorry ass. He couldā€”he has the build for it (okay Quidditch Captain šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«)
ā€¢ Instead, he stays by your side and hugs you as you cry into his shirt.
ā€¢ You're embarrassed for making a mess and crying like a baby but James isn't having it. "Don't be sorry, lovely. It's okay to have feelings and to show them," he'll reassure you. Maybe your ex didn't like when you cried so you tried to hide it from him but James knows you better.
ā€¢ "C'mon, let's continue having some fun so you can forget about that bloody wanker," he'd kiss your forehead and take your hand, making sure you're next to him all evening. You've never felt happier and safer and your ex is completely forgotten.
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ā€¢ Tangerine has a temper. We all know thisā€”and we all know he also has a potty mouth.
ā€¢ Maybe you were coworkers first and he noticed how sensitive you were when he would raise his voice, or use some curse-words, but he starts to notice something is really wrong when you're visibly afraid to talk to guys at bars, even if it's just for fun.
ā€¢ So, he would talk to you about it in private when he has the chance. "Hey, darlin', are ya okay? 'Cause you don't seem okay, y'know that guy at the bar wasn't tryin' to hurt ya, he just wanted to flirt. Did he make ya uncofmrotable," Tangerine's voice would be softer than usual.
ā€¢ You open up to him, touched he cared enough to ask, and the moment he hears about your ex, he sees red. Tangerine is many things but he would never emotionally hurt or lay a hand on someone he loved ever.
ā€¢ He looks at you with wide eyes, imagining your fearful expression at the hands of your ex, and his blood boils even more.
ā€¢ He makes it his mission to help you feel safer around menā€”around himā€”and eventually, he falls in love with you and you fall in love with him. It takes you some time to fully trust him, but Tangerine eventually earns your trust because he shows you genuine love.
ā€¢ He refrains from yelling around you and he doesn't use curse words that would remind you of the disgusting things your ex would call you. He adjusts.
ā€¢ He's adaptable šŸ˜šŸŠ
ā€¢ If you see your ex at the bar while you're refilling your drink one evening, you come back to Tangerine and you're friends and you're really quiet. More quiet than usual.
ā€¢ In the beginning Tangerine is oblivious because he's joking with his friends. However, when you grasp his arm, watching your ex move across the room, he knows something is wrong. He sees where you're looking and turns you towards him gentle, one hand cupped under your chin.
ā€¢ "Where'ya lookin', luv?" he'd ask and frown when he sees your glossy eyes.
ā€¢ Tangerine hates when you cryā€”not because he's mad at you but instead because he hates knowing you're sad enough to cry. It makes him feel helpless, like he'd failed you.
ā€¢ When you lean into him for comfort and tell him you saw your ex, he frowns and his eyes snap up to find your ex in the crowd. You tell him you're okay and you just want to go home, but Tangerine isn't having it.
ā€¢ "That bastard hurt you. He doesn't get to get away with it," Tangerine hisses and kisses your forehead, "I'm just gonna go have a little chat with him."
ā€¢ By little chat he means punching your ex so hard he breaks his noseā€”which leads to you, Tangerine, and your friends being kicked out of the bar.
ā€¢ You're secretly very pleased to see your ex in pain and you feel all warm and fuzzy inside knowing Tangerine is willing to protect you like that. You aren't mad at him, especially when he cuddles you back at your shared apartment.
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ā€¢ Dave is shy just like you, so in the beginning of your relationship he doesn't take your shyness as something bad. He likes that you're nervous, because he's also nervous.
ā€¢ However, he also picks up on cues that something is really wrongā€”like when you over apologize, or do anything in your power to please him when he's being snappy/in a bad mood.
ā€¢ Alarm bells ring in Dave's head and he asks you why you feel the need to constantly apologize or make yourself small when you think he wants it.
ā€¢ Because he could never want that.
ā€¢ When you tell him, he doesn't know how to react. His blue eyes go wide and his mouth opens. He feels angry and sad and confused all in one overwhelming ball of emotion.
ā€¢ Who would dare hurt someone as kind and lovely as you? Dave simply doesn't understand.
ā€¢ "Baby, I'm so sorry that happened to you," he whispers and holds your hand, squeezing, "I promise you I will never ever do anything like that to you. Ever, you hear me? You don't have to walk on eggshells around me."
ā€¢ If you saw your ex at a party?! Dave would know immediately because you would find him and tell him. You trust him more than anyone and would need him comfort instantly.
ā€¢ "Shh, you're okay, baby. We can leave if you want, yeah?" he'd say and kiss your cheek, holding your closer to him and ignoring his friends wanting him to stay.
ā€¢ You see, Dave doesn't confront your ex. Dave isn't a confrontational person. Plus, he'd much rather make sure you're okay than go fight someone. He doesn't want you to see him be violent because it's such a contrast to his usual sweet self.
ā€¢ But Kick-Ass? Kick-Ass can teach your ex a lesson without any questions or hesitation (he'll def ask Mindy for help bc she'd also be livid that someone hurt you).
ā€¢ So that's what happens.
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ā€¢ Alexei is a very composed person. He's doesn't often show his anger and he never screams at you. Perhaps you were friend's first and then eventually he asked you to marry himā€”and that's when he began to see the signs that someone had been very ungentlemanly with you.
ā€¢ You flinch when you accidentally break his crockery and it makes your cryā€”apologizing more than necessary which to Alexei isn't normal.
ā€¢ He's wealthy after all! He can easily afford a new set and something like this shouldn't cause you any distress.
ā€¢ Then, he sees how you cling to him during social events and always reassures him that when you speak to other men, you have no intention of being unfaithful and they're just friends. You would sound desperate, your eyes pleading with him to understand.
ā€¢ Alexei never imagined you would and he frowns. "Whatever makes you think I'd assume you would play with another man? I trust you, sweetheart," he would whisper in your ear that evening, kissing your cheek.
ā€¢ When you finally tell him the cause of your distressā€”an ex-husband (maybe he died)ā€”and you tell him how he'd treat you extremely poorly and was extremely jealous and possessive.
ā€¢ Alexei is shocked and disgusted but he is also offended that you would think so low of him and think he'd treat you the same way.
ā€¢ However, he doesn't become angry and instead sees you need comfort and he whispers soothing words into your ear. "My darling dove, I would never lay a hand on you or make you feel dirty and less than me because you have friends. I am secure in this marriage. I know you only have eyes for meā€”as I only have eyes for you."
ā€¢ Steamy, gentle, passionate sex to remind you that you deserve to be praised and worshiped and as your husband it's his duty to do just that. šŸ˜›
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ā€¢ Tom is an asshole. His ego is through the roof, he's immature, he mostly thinks of himself, he can be stupid, and he can be inconsiderate and crude. All these things are very very true.
ā€¢ However, he also craves genuine intimacy and love. He's insecure like that (probably wasn't hugged enough as a child) so he's immediately drawn to your kindness.
ā€¢ Say you're on the crew of his new movie (a camera girl? Makeup artist? Low ranking actress) and you're visibly nervous around him both because he's Tom Ryder and simply because of his reputation as a player.
ā€¢ Players make you uncomfortable.
ā€¢ He sees this and in the beginning, he likes teasing you. He thinks it's funny seeing you become flustered and hide from him.
ā€¢ He thinks it's funny until one of his jokes goes too far and he makes you cry. Now, it's anything but funny and he feels like an asshole. He's not used to feeling like he's an asshole (he usually thinks too highly of himself).
ā€¢ So, reluctantly he decides to apologize to you.
ā€¢ He finds you outside the bathrooms, eyes teary and puffy. "Listen, babe, I didn't mean to make you cry so hard, kay? You look much prettier without all that snot on your face so gimme a smile, huh?" he say, still sounding like a bit of a jerkā€”he can't help himselfā€”but he's trying.
ā€¢ You're vulnerable so you end up spilling with a shaky voice that his joke reminded you of something your ex would say and you ramble on and on, unable to calm your mind.
ā€¢ Tom's speechless (for once) as he listens.
ā€¢ He may be an asshole, but he isn't abusive towards anyone he truly cares for so he doesn't understand your ex. He's now mad at himself and he's also secretly honored you opened up to him.
ā€¢ He isn't use to sincerity or someone truly revealing themselves to him. He likes the feeling.
ā€¢ Over the next weeks, he's kinder to you and he writes you little sticky notes and leaves them in your trailer/locker/wherever your stuff is with weirdly endearing messages.
ā€¢ It's kinda sweet and eventually you crack.
ā€¢ Tom Ryder is a surprisingly decent boyfriend. Sure, he still has an ego and he's still sometimes a jerkā€”but it's obvious he genuinely cares for you.
ā€¢ He's by your side whenever you can be, reassures you when you're insecure and nervous around him and he's gentle with you.
ā€¢ He knows you need that.
ā€¢ "My sweet girl," he whispers in your ear between takes, making you feel like the only girl in the world, "So good for me, aren't you? I love you so much."
ā€¢ And if he ever sees your ex and you end up crying or upset because of the jack-ass, he'll get his security team to hurt him. Badly.
ā€¢ And then he'll buy you whatever you want to make you feel better! He likes spoiling you and he obviously has the money to do so.
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cyhsal Ā· 1 year
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Rus lit colour wheel! šŸŽØ
Saw that art trend going around and wanted to do it with my RL character designs; quite refreshing to come back and draw them again after so long. It was interesting to see them in my current art style as well! Character list under cut.
This was originally posted on my literature focused art account on IG/Twitter/VK (handle in picture); Iā€™ll link to those socials this time for the links below!
Instagram // Twitter // VK
ā¤ļø Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov (Crime and Punishment, Fyodor Dostoyevsky)
šŸ§” Evgeny Bazarov (Fathers and Sons, Ivan Turgenev)
šŸ’› Pyotr Verkhovensky (Demons/The Possessed, Fyodor Dostoyevsky)
šŸ’š Alyosha Karamazov (The Brothers Karamazov, Fyodor Dostoyevsky)
šŸ©µ Alexei Vronsky (Anna Karenina, Leo Tolstoy)
šŸ’™ Evgeny Onegin (Eugene Onegin, Alexander Pushkin)
šŸ’œ Grigory Pechorin (A Hero of Our Time, Mikhail Lermontov)
šŸ©· Anatole Kuragin (War and Peace, Leo Tolstoy)
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pretty-little-mind33 Ā· 3 months
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Count Alexei Vronsky x wife!reader
Summary: Your marriage with Alexei is new and wonderful. However, this means your body has changed since you'd first met him and one evening the sudden realization overwhelms you.
Genre: Fluff, hurt & comfort, kinda burb
Warnings: insecurities from weight gain, maybe shitty russian translation (pls tell me and i'll fix the problem!)
~ anon who sent this in today, i love you sm āœØšŸ¤ ~
As Alexei waits for you in the parlor, his knee is now bouncing as he becomes more and more anxious as time passes and you still don't show up.
It wasn't until your maids hurry from the bedroom, sending him an alarmed look, that his worry spikes enough to warrant him checking in on you. He stands up, his hands elegantly held behind him.
HeĀ makes his way toĀ your newly shared bedroom, his knuckles rasping against the door. "Y/n? Darling, It's me," his voice is calm and your name sounds like honey on his lips. "May I come inside?"
A tense silence falls upon him as you don't answer for a moment.Ā 
"N-no," you whisper, your voice barely audible, "Please. Leave without me," you sound so sad and his heart breaks.
"Leave without my new, gorgeous Ā wife? Nonsense, ŠœŠ¾Ń Š»ŃŽŠ±Š¾Š²ŃŒ (my love), who would I show off?" he teases, his tone light and airy as he leans his palm flat on the door.
You'd only been married a month now and Alexei still tookĀ prideĀ in parading you around on his arm, showing off his devotion to you and proclaiming his love to anyone who listened. You were Mrs. Count Vronsky now and he'd be damned if not everyone at theseĀ tediousĀ social events knewĀ the wonderful news.Ā 
You don't answer or let him in so his worry increases. He shakes his head and opens the door, luckily finding itĀ unlocked. Once Alexei steps inside, he's met with piles of dresses of various colors and styles on the floor.
Hair accessories and jewelry are scattered messily across your vanity and you'reĀ satĀ in the middle of the mess as tears fall silently down your cheeks. He is quick to kneel in front of you, his large hand pressed on your knee (which is hidden under theĀ amountĀ of dresses you'd tried on) and he looks you up and down.Ā 
You're still dressed in your undergarments, your corset bound soĀ harshlyĀ he's afraid you can't breathe anymore. "Oh, my darling," he whispers and strides over to stand behind you, careful not to walk on any of the dresses, and he kneels again, nimbly undoing your corset. He relaxes when he seesĀ yourĀ shoulders relax. He rubs them, his touch gentle, "Š’ чŠµŠ¼ Š“ŠµŠ»Š¾, Š»ŃŽŠ±Š¾Š²ŃŒ Š¼Š¾Ń. (What's the matter, my love?)"
Alexei leans his forehead on your shoulder, his blond curls tickling your neck as he tilts his head andĀ presses a kiss toĀ your neck. "Talk to me. You're upset. How can I make it better?"
HeĀ feelsĀ you shift and he pets your hair, waiting patiently for you to tell him what's wrong.Ā 
"You can't make it better, Alexei," you whisper and grip your hand in some of the dresses, resisting the urge toĀ ripĀ them apart and never look at them again.Ā 
Your husband chuckles deeply and shakes his head. "Unless someone died, I can make it better."
You turn to him, bringing your knees down as you show him all the dresses. Your eyes are wide and teary. "Alexei, they don't fit me anymore! They're tooĀ tightĀ andĀ can'tĀ breathe in them. I look stupid and no matter how much I tighten my corsetā€”it's no use. I cannot go out into society anymoreā€”I have nothing presentable to wear!"
Alexei's arms wrap around you instantly when he senses how distressed you are.
HeĀ shushesĀ you, pressing your body into his chest as he holds you. "Darling, don't cry on me like this. Not because of silly dresses," he kisses your temple and his hand finds your waist and stomach, loosening the corset even more. You panic and hold his hand, trying to push him away from you.Ā 
"ŠœŠ¾Ń Š»ŃŽŠ±Š¾Š²ŃŒ (My love)," Alexei holds your hand in his instead, reprimanding you softly, "you have nothing to be ashamed of. You're beautiful."
You look at him, eyes still watery. "Butā€“"
Alexei shakes his head. "No. You're beautiful now and forever. We can buy you new dresses as soon as you want them. That's not a problem, dove. In the meantime, you must have some less fancy dress you can wear around the house. Hm," his eyes light up with realization, "why don't we go riding? You do like riding? I can ask the maids to pack us a picnic and we can catch the sunset if we hurry."
You look at him, taking in his adoration and his suggestion as you mumble, "You don't mind that we don't goĀ to Lady Kozlov's dinner?"
"And listen to her husband's insistent rambling about his countless affairs? I'd much rather ride with youā€”and spend some time with Frou-Frou," he adds with a smile and nuzzles into your neck, catching your lips in his.
You reward the gesture with a giggle and push some blond curls away from his striking blue eyes. "You and that horse," you whisper, kissing his lips again as your worriesĀ fadeĀ into nothing.Ā 
Alexei laughs and continues to caress your hair. "I love you, my darling, so so much. You know what I think? I think this is a good thing," he caresses your stomach, "It means you're comfortable and you're feeling myĀ loveĀ andĀ adoration.Ā I'm treating you well. MyĀ beautifulĀ wife," he kisses your lips and looks into your eyes. "You are happy, aren't you?"
You nod. "I am very happy, Alexei."
He hums, feeling like he'd just won something much more valuable than any race. Smiling, he kisses your neck and holds you closer to him.
"Good. That's all that matters. That you're healthy and happy," he says with such determination you have no choice but toĀ believeĀ him.
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pretty-little-mind33 Ā· 4 months
okay hi my loves! i have a question!
~ this is just because i'm curious and i've been getting SO many requests lately (ily all) and i wanna know what you like the most šŸ’•šŸ«¶ no promises with anything because mostly the lengths just happen BUT šŸ˜š we'll see ~
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pretty-little-mind33 Ā· 3 months
congrats on 2k!!! you really deserve it i LOVE ur writing ! <3
i know you were asking for vronsky requests, i was wondering if you were interested in doing one on how he would react toward reader not feeling well, either because sheā€™s sick or maybe on her period? (totally not cuz i started my period today lol)
OMG THANK YOU SM DARLING!! šŸ„ŗšŸ«¶ that means so much to me, like i seriously get all giddy and smiley whenever i read something like that so you're an angel!
i will DEFINITELY write this for you! so look out for it in the near future (very soon hopefully!) šŸ’–
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pretty-little-mind33 Ā· 3 months
pls pls pls if ANYONE has any vronsky requests PLEASEEEEEE i miss writing for baby girl šŸ˜©
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pretty-little-mind33 Ā· 4 months
oh my god i discovered your blog recently and i have the biggest crush on atj also the fact you write count vronsky!!! please i love you and your writing it is so good i love this blog
i mean, what can i say? i am also extremely guilty of crushing on atj šŸ˜‹ and i'm so glad you like my writing and my blog!!
(vronsky is so baby girl it's unbearable in the best way! šŸ˜£)
ps: speaking of baby girl, if any of you have any Vronsky requests so i can dive deeper into the hell hole that is my drafts rn i wouldn't mind! i miss him šŸ˜ƒšŸ«¶
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