#tom šŸŽ¬
pretty-little-mind33 Ā· 4 months
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Tom Ryder x fem!reader
Summary: You're Tom's makeup artist for a movie he's shooting and you absolutely hate him. However, one round of karaoke later, your feelings temporarily shift.
Genre: Fluff, smidge of angst, Enemies to Lovers (very one-sided lmao)
Warnings: Tom is a stupid asshole (but he's also just a mess), swearing, reader is described as shorter than Tom, light misogyny, slapping, alcohol, being drunk/high.
The bar is dimly lit and the loud music resounds in your ear as your knee bounces. You stir the straw around your drink, sighing as you turn to Vanessa, your co-worker. "He left me another post-it note on the desk yesterday telling me he wants a new lip oil because his now tastes weird!? His last one is only from last week and it's the same brand he always uses! I'm so sick of his bullshit, V," you drop your head in your arms and then peek up at Vanessa again, "He's such a dick."
Vanessa laughs, sipping on her margarita, as she shrugs, "Didn't you know that when you took the job, honey?"
"I mean, sure. But those could have been rumors," you pout and sit up, moving some hair behind your ear as you look around the room, where other crew members have gathered around the karaoke machine.
"Listen, don't think about Tom Ryder. You're off the clock and everyone knows he's a world-class assholeā€”a pretty world-class asshole, I will let him have that," Vanessa hums and also turns her attention to the rest of your friends and co-workers as she claps her hands.Ā 
You look down at your drink, your cheeks feeling warmer than usual. Not thinking about Tom Ryder was easier said than done when you had to work on his face 5 days a week. He was so infuriating most times, either talking down to you when you worked or wouldn't cooperate with anything you told him to do because he was on his phone. Sometimes he really makes you want to stab the mascara stick into his eye.Ā 
Still, you can't deny he's extremely handsome and that just annoys you more.Ā 
Suddenly, you hear a bunch of cheers and hoots from outside, directly accompanied by the sound of the door slamming open. When you hear an all too familiar voice, your eyes widen and you snap around to make sure you hadn't just imagined it.Ā 
Tom Ryder coming to one of the crew parties? No fucking way. Obviously, he's always invited to them but in a very arrogant fashion he never shows upā€”which is one of the reasons you do, because he never does.Ā 
Only this time he did and he's not alone.Ā 
Tom is dressed in another one of his boisterous outfits, his shirt loosely unbuttoned to reveal his chest and a peak of his toned abs. Pink-tinted sunglasses sit on his nose and his dirty blond hair curls messily around his face.
He looks drunk, or high, when he walks in and you can't tell which one it is because he's constantly moving and laughing. He's accompanied by a few other low A-list actor friends he has and a pretty blond model hangs on his arm, her giggles instantly infuriating you.Ā 
How can she stand to be near him for more than a minute? Even less hold his arm and be his eye-candy?Ā 
You turn back around, desperately attempting to calm the bile rising in your throat. God, you hate him. You feel even worse when he leans beside you at the bar and orders a drink from the bartender, snapping his fingers as he does. He doesn't even address your presence beside him and your blood boils.Ā 
Your anger immediately turns to disgust when you hear the man hosting the karaoke scream out Tom Ryder's name.
"Tom Ryder everyone! I loved your new movie, man, it was awesome! How about a song?" the man asks, eyebrows wiggling as the crew clap (mostly out of politeness) and his friends make loud, drunken noises like a bunch of animals.Ā 
"C'mon! One songā€”for all the pretty ladies in the crowd!"
Tom seems intrigued when the man mentions the girls. You roll your eyes and your hand tightens around your glass as he walks up to the host, raising his hands in surrender and feigning humbleness. "Alright, alright, I have to give the ladies what they want, don't I?" Tom boasts, winking at one of the camera girls he never looks at otherwise.Ā 
Someone put you out of your misery now.
The host seems ecstatic to have someone this famous next to him and asks Tom for a quick photo, which Tom obviously doesn't turn down. You pretend to gag when Vanessa turns to look at you and smirks at Tom's behavior..Ā 
"How about a duet, Ryder?" The host asks as he hands him the mic.Ā 
"Nah, I usually sing solo," Tom says, his words slightly slurred, and then he leans in to whisper something in the host's earā€”which probably goes something like, "Unless she's got a nice rack, then by all means invite her up here."Ā 
You lean in and whisper into Vanessa's ear, "Ten bucks he takes home the girl he ends up singing with," you say with a frown, your voice a little strained. Vanessa laughs and then the worst thing happens.
"You," the host shouts and you look up alarmed. Your eyes are wide when you realize everyone, including Tom, is staring at you. "The angry-looking girl in the back. Why don't you come up and join him? I doubt he'd bite."Ā 
Laughter, including some nervous ones from your friends, resounds around the room as Tom's smirk widens. You'd be surprised, you think. You find your voice again and say, "Um, can't you ask one of them?" you point to the group of eager fangirls swarming around the small stage as they ogle Tom.Ā 
"C'mon, sweetheart," Tom slurs, squinting at you, "One song won't kill you."Ā 
But you might just kill him.
Vanessa, the traitor, nudges you again and you stumble from the stool. You glare at her but when all your friends, including Tom's more obnoxious friends, chant encouragements you feel completely trapped.Ā 
The walk to the small stage feels eerily similar to a walk of shame as you look to your co-workers in hopes someone will save you. No one does and you ignore the stares from all the girls who wish they could take your place.Ā 
You're blinded by the lights as you step on the stage and approach the host. "Atta girl," the man smirks patronizingly as he hands you the second mic. You scrunch your nose at him and then look up at Tom, expecting him to be ignoring you like he usually is, but instead, he's staring.Ā 
His cheeks are pink from being intoxicated and he tilts his head, watching you clutch the mic nervously.Ā 
The host doesn't warn you when the song begins to play and he walks away. You realize too late you and Tom are now alone and everyone is watching you as dread slowly fills your stomach.Ā 
You don't even know how to sing! This is so humiliating.Ā 
Ā The familiar melody of, "Don't Go Breaking My Heart," fills the air and you feel the heat rise in your chest and up to your ears. Your heart is pounding so loudly you can only faintly hear Tom start to sing the song. He sounds fairly good and you aren't surprised considering he's an actor.Ā 
Your voice catches in your throat and you feel tears rise. You don't sing when it's your turn and the crowd is silent.Ā 
Suddenly, you jump when you feel a strong hand on your hip and you snap your head around to look at him. Your hand finds Tom's hand immediately, gripping it, and just as you're about to pull it away, he leans in and whispers, hot against your ear, "Baby doll, you're making me look bad," he states, his tone as condescending as it always is, and your heart does a somersault in your chest.
He looks down at you this time, his blue eyes lock with yours for a moment and his hand falters on your hip. For an actor, Tom Ryder has surprisingly no poker face because when he sees your distressed state, his demeanor shifts, and instead of frustration, he takes on a different approach.Ā  Ā 
He takes your hand, suddenly twirling you around and you make a small sound as you stumble. It's been a few seconds since anyone has sung the song, so he sings again and this time, his eyes stay on yours as he sings your lyrics.
"You know this," he mouths, encouraging you as he does this weird, clearly drunk-induced shimmy that makes you laugh despite your better judgment. He points to the small screen where the lyrics are displayed.
You take a breath and then sing, focusing on him instead of the crowd and your head feels light. You would have never guessed there would be a day when you'd find comfort in Tom Ryder. Your friends clap with amusement and laughter swirls around the bar as you both continue to sing and dance.Ā 
Occasionally, Tom will pull you in closer but you'll move away, flustered, and when the song finally ends, you move back and almost trip on the mic's cord.Ā 
With a gasp, you expect to fall flat on your ass but instead, Tom wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you into him as your palms press on his chest. You're breathing heavily and so is he, his hand is still on your back as his eyes roam over all your features until you push him away and walk down the small stairs and back to the ground where all your friends are whispering and clapping.Ā 
You feel like you can't breathe, your heart beating so quickly. You mumble a quick "excuse me" to Vanessa, snatch your purse from the bar counter, and open the door to outside. The cool air calms your burning skin and you lean against the building.Ā 
What the fuck was that? Why was he looking at you like that?Ā 
"You know, it's normal to be nervous around someone like me," Tom's voice interrupts your panic and you spin around, not expecting to see him. "But running from me? Now, darling, that's truly a first," he finishes with a chuckle and an obnoxious smirk.Ā 
"You're so full of yourself," you whisper automatically but then your eyes round as if you've realized what you'd said.Ā 
Tom looks surprised but he also remains cool as he strokes a hand down his jaw and puts it on his hip. "Mm, I assume you're not a fan then."Ā 
You cross your arms and look anywhere but directly at him because fuck, why did someone so incredibly stupid and pretentious have to be so darn hot? "You could say that, sure," you shrug. "Not everyone likes you, Tom Ryder." You shut yourself up as soon as the words leave your mouth. This isn't exactly something you should say to someone who you work with.
However, Tom's expression sours and he lifts his eyebrow. "You don't like me?"
You turn to him, eyes locking with him this time. "That isn't what I said."
Tom's eyebrows crease and he squints at you, removing his stupid sunglasses and they push back his blond hair. "You're confusing me." He sounds genuine.Ā 
You can't help but chuckle at his idiocy and surprisingly for you, your laughter makes him smile. He leans in and you lean away, eyes round when you realize how close he's becoming. "You have such a sexy laugh," he says cockily, "Bet I can make you do it again."
You hate to admit this but your heart does flutter at his words. Can anyone really blame you? It's Tom. Fucking. Ryder. You try to remind yourself how much of a dick he isā€”and always has beenā€”but as you look into the blue of his eyes, his reassuring touch burns imprints on your skin and you feel dizzy.Ā 
"You look familiar," Tom straightens himself, "Have I seen you somewhere? You been in any magazines? You certainly have the look."
You ignore the so-called complement and stare at him. He has to be kidding. You've been doing his makeup for over six months now and he supposedly sees you almost every day. You worked on his face every single dayā€”how could he not recognize you? You open your mouth to ask if this is a joke but he interrupts you.
"Seriously, I must know you from somewhere. Gimme a hint, baby,"
Your stomach sinks and you feel so so stupid. Tom doesn't sense your shift as he's still focused on whatever fleeting emotion may have been between you before as his hand finds your hip.Ā 
Instantly, your palm connects with his cheek, and the sound cracks into the air. "Don't touch me," you say harshly, ignoring how shaky your voice is.
Tom looks at you, his hand over his bruised cheek, "You hit me?!" he says in disbelief, "What the fuā€”"Ā 
You don't stick around to hear his whining as you turn around and run from him.Ā 
"Heyā€“wait!" you hear Tom's shout but why would you turn around now? Tears of frustration brim your eyes as you hastily walk down the empty sidewalk.
There is no way you're fucking crying over Tom fucking Ryder right now, you tell yourself and pinch the inside of your eyes.Ā 
No way.Ā 
You ignore Vanessa's incessant calling and her worried texts when you arrive at your apartment. You scream in frustration, throwing your heels across the room and scaring your poor cat, Pumpkin, as she sprints into the living room, her claws against the floorboards.
Quickly, you follow her and scoop her into your arms, "'M sorry, baby," you coo and nuzzle your nose into her fur. "I'm sorry Mommy scared you."
You hear Vanessa's fifth call from your purse but you're too exhausted to deal with her and the fallout from what had happened tonight, so instead you sit on the couch and cuddle with Pumpkin, scratching behind her ears.Ā 
*Ā *Ā *Ā 
When you pull into the parking lot of the new set the next morning, you haven't slept well and you feel like shitā€”it doesn't help that they're filming outside today, in the summer heat, and grainy sand infiltrates into your Converse.Ā 
You groan as you walk over to the makeup trailer and see Vanessa waiting for you. You almost called in sick this morning until you realized how guilty that would make you look, so you sucked it up.Ā 
"Y/n?!" Vanessa shrieks and pulls you behind the trailer. "Where have you been?! I've called you a hundred times, why haven't you answered any of them? I was worried Ryder somehow took you home and that I'd lost 10 bucksā€”"Ā 
"Gross, why would you think that?" you say with disgust as if you weren't surprised to hear that after you left Tom hadn't returned to the bar.Ā 
"I mean, for one, Ryder was missing and no one knew where he went. And second, are you shitting me? Girl, the tension was more than palpable! You were practically dry-humping Tom Ryder in front of everyone!"Ā 
You feel like someone has just punched you in the stomach and your voice comes out high and nervous when you exclaim, "I was not! It wasn't like that, V! Is that what everyone thinks?" Vanessa nods as an answer and you want to scream.Ā 
"I swear, I- nothing happenedā€”even outsideā€”I- funny story I slapped him because he's a jerk and I- I don't like him!" you ramble and your heart thumps quicker when Vanessa looks behind you and her mouth curls into a devious smirk.
"Don't look now, sweetie, but your boyfriend just arrived," she pauses and checks her watch, "An hour late. As usual." Vanessa looks you dead in the eyes and then she teases, "Chop chop, time to put makeup on your man."Ā 
Your eyes widen and you pull Vanessa further behind the trailer so Tom won't see you or her. You hold her shoulders. "Please switch with me for today. He won't even notice the difference, and Allie doesn't need to have her makeup done until noon so that way I don't have to see him! Please, V, I'll do anything!"Ā 
Vanessa crosses her arms, "Nothing happened with him, hm?"
You look at her, your eyes round and pleading, "Please."
"Fine, but you're paying for my lunch later," she says and taps your nose, "and giving me a detailed rundown on what happened with Ryder."
You nod reluctantly, whispering a small thank you under your breath as she turns to walk into the makeup trailer behind Tom. You let out a breath, leaning against the trailer. You know you'll have to face him at some pointā€”just not now.
The day drags on and on as the heat is becoming almost unbearable. You stand to the side, your makeup kit secured to your hip as you watch the scene from under a tent. It's another action sequence and it's very obvious Tom's makeup is fading from the warmth and his sweat.Ā 
Shit, you realize, he needs a touch-up. Vanessa didn't use the correct primer.Ā 
You look around, hoping to see Vanessa and tell her Ryder needs a touch but the director's voice cuts in and you tense, "Cut! Someone come to fix his face!" Jody turns to you, her eyes kind as her voice becomes a little less stressed when she sees you're prepared for this, "Can you fix his makeup?"Ā 
Shit, shit, shit.Ā 
This is your job, you can't say no so you walk out onto the set where Tom is leaning against a prop rock. He straightens himself and when he turns, he doesn't have the chance to process your presence as you guide him down and fumble with your kit.Ā 
He's taller than you so he's leaning down so you can fix him up properly. You put your hand on his jaw, near his ear, to steady him as you touch up under his eyes and near his cheekbones.Ā 
He's staring at you and you know he recognizes you this time, his blue eyes wide and puppy-like.Ā 
Silently, you add some powder on his cheeks and nose so the product sticks better this time and when you let him go, Tom opens his mouth to speak, but you shake your head no, and then you turn your head and hurry back behind the camera.Ā 
Your ears are burning from embarrassment as you walk directly to the makeup trailer, without looking back at anyone.Ā 
You've barely closed the door when it slams open and you scream. You spin around just as someone tries to hold onto your arm and on instinct you grab the hairspray that's in your kit and spray it directly intoā€¦ Tom's eyes.Ā 
He screams too, his voice high-pitched and very un-sexy, as he clutches his eyes. Seeing him only causes you to scream again. "Ryder?!" you exclaim and immediately take his arm, pulling him inside the trailer as he wails like a child and rubs at his eyes.Ā 
You slap his hands away and push him down under the faucet, pouring water into his eyes and in the process drenching his blond hair and ruining his mascara.Ā 
"Fuck," he groans as he sputters out water as he jerks away from you. You move closer to him and without thinking hold both of his cheeks in your hands, looking directly into his, now slightly irritated, eyes.Ā 
"Does it hurt?" you whisper, clearly concerned.Ā 
Tom rests his hands on yours and pulls them away, "What do you think?" he groans and blinks a few times. "You're the girlā€”" he mutters and pinches his nose, "at karaoke. I remember you now."
You realize how close you are to him now and, overwhelmed, you step back. "Lucky me," you mumble sarcastically and take his arm, pulling him to one of the seats. "I have to fix your face again or someone is gonna fire me."Ā 
He's weirdly docile as he looks at your work as you dry his hair. Once you're done, he speaks up, "Why'd you run from me? I mean, c'mon, the way you looked at me with those fuck-me eyesā€”"Ā 
Tom has no shame and of course, he wouldn't. He's probably never really been rejected in his entire life and women have most likely let him speak to them like this. You pause and pull his chin harder so he's looking at you as you continue with his mascara.Ā 
"Tell me honestly Ryder, do you even hear yourself when you speak?" you ask, your voice strained.Ā 
"What?" Tom asks, sounding genuinely confused.Ā 
"You're an asshole. That's why I ran from you." You drop his chin and your word vomit comes out without you being able to help it as you cross your arms, "I meanā€”I have been doing your makeup for months! And you've only ever left me your stupid post-it notes when you have a demand! No "Hi," "Good morning," "How are you?" No. Nothing like that. And I tried! I really tried in the beginning because like everyone else on this fucked up planet I thought you were awesome."
Tom opens his mouth to make a snide comment but you instantly press your finger to his lips.Ā 
"I really thought, "I'm so lucky to be Tom Ryder's makeup artist!" and then I found out Tom Ryder is a shit person that doesn'tā€”"Ā Ā 
"I'm not a shit person," Tom deadpans and stares at you as if your words have hurt him.Ā 
You tilt your head and drop your arms to your side. You don't even know what to say to him anymore.Ā 
"Okay, okay, I'm sorry I made you feel shitty, okay?" Tom defends and his cheeks are pink, "I justā€”I am really bad with facesā€”and I-I was completely shit-faced and high onā€“"Ā 
He pauses, stands, and wraps his hand around your jaw, his thumb stroking your bare cheek as your eyes widen and you tense. Something about his charm makes it impossible for you to move and because his touch is gentle, you aren't too worried. For now. "'M sorry. I am. Can't we call it even since you hit me and sprayed me in the face with whatever that fucking was?!"
He continues, "ā€”listen, I liked karaoke with you and I was shit-faced so I know I must have been a dick."
"You're always a dick, Ryder," you comment, your tone less mad than earlier.Ā Ā Ā 
"Then, you don't know me very well," Tom shrugs, "or like at all."Ā 
"Soā€”you're saying all this dick-ishness is a persona?" You sound very skeptical and Tom just shrugs as his thumb strokes over your skin once more and then he drops his hand, putting some distance between you and him.Ā 
"No. Not entirely. But, you know, that doesn't mean I'm incapable of genuine feelings, Y/n."
You're surprised when you hear your name fall from his lips. Tom sees your expression and another one of his smirks curls at his lips, "As I said, I remember you now. Always didā€”my hot makeup artistā€”ask anyoneā€”ask Gail, I mention you a lot. I was just hammered, you know? High out my mindā€”and it heightened all my fucking senses that I couldn't get your laugh out my head for hours."Ā 
"If you're joking," you say and glare at him, "it isn't funny."Ā 
Tom puts a hand on his heart dramatically, "'M not. Scouts fucking honor."Ā 
You look at him and for once, you can't read him. "Well, either way, that doesn't change how much of an asshole you've been to me. You never said "hi" but you told Gail about me? Sorry, but that doesn't impress me."
You walk up to him and tilt his head using his chin, examining his make-up once more, and then you take his arm and try to pull him out of the trailer, "Now, c'mon, you have a job to doā€”go do it," you hiss.
"No," you start but he won't move. He turns around and stares at you. Fuck, he's strong. "Why won't you leave?" you ask, breathless as you step away from him.Ā 
"Do you hate me so much that you won't even consider that I genuinely find you interesting?" he asks with a hint of insecurity in his voice again. "That I liked spending time with you and I think you're pretty."Ā Ā 
Your chest tightens and you sigh, "I- I don't know," you admit and you look up at him. You can't deny that your feelings have shifted and a little voice in your head screams that this is a trap and he'll eventually break your heart.Ā 
"Here," Tom fumbles with the pants of his costume and pulls out a pen and a post-it note.Ā 
"You seriously just carry those on you?" you crack a smile, finding that weirdly endearing.Ā 
"Yeah," Tom says like it's the most normal thing ever and then he writes down something on the paper. When he hands it to you it's the name of a restaurant. You frown, it's your favorite restaurant. He'd written a time beside the name.Ā 
"How do you know this is my favorite restaurant?" you ask.Ā 
Tom looks up, his smirk turning into a smile. "I didn'tā€”it's mine."
Your frown deepens, "Hm, I didn't take you for a low-priced family-run Chinese restaurant kinda guyā€”don't you have a personal chef or something," you say and look at the time he's written down, "What is this anyway?"Ā 
Tom shrugs and adjusts his hair. "I do but I like this place. The family who owns it never tells anyone I've been there, it gives me some privacy," he sounds serious and he walks closer to you, "Don't tell anyone, it might ruin my reputation and then your favorite restaurant might be swarmed by a bunch of fangirls," he smirks, pleased with himself.Ā 
You can't help but chuckle.Ā 
"And this," he points to the time, "is where I'll be tomorrow evening if you'd like to join me," he says nonchalantly and then opens the trailer door. Just as he does, he takes his phone and takes a picture of the time so he remembers it and he sends you a wink. "I won't wait long but if you do come, it's on me."Ā 
You stare at the paper and realize Tom Ryder has just asked you on a date. You look up but he's gone and your heart does about ten thousand summersaults as your brain screams in agony. Your cheeks feel warm as you fold the paper up and put it in the pocket of your jeans.Ā 
You're so very screwed.
You hear a ding and then a text from Vanessa saying, "Ryder's mic was onā€”crew heard absolutely everythingā€”we didn't wanna interrupt your moment," she adds a mocking winking emoji but you don't care.Ā 
That's the least of your worries now that you have a date with Tom Ryder.
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tygerland Ā· 3 months
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Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy 2011
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destinyc1020 Ā· 1 year
Tumblr šŸ’«"Uncharted" Movie "Watch Party"šŸŽ‰ (Official Chat Post)
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Hey everyone! Feel free to comment in the comment's section (below) of this post during the movie! (I will keep the post pinned during the movie)
What We're Watching: "Uncharted"
When: Sunday, April 30th, 2023 (TODAY)
Time: 8pm ET/5pm PST
How to Watch: Netflix, ROW8, Prime Video, Vudu, Apple TV or Redbox.
Bring your popcorn, your wine, your candy, your dinner, your WHATEVER, and join in the fun! šŸ˜
Be respectful of everyone's opinions
If you disagree, just feel free to disagree in a CALM and KIND manner
Most Importantly: Just RELAX and have FUN! "Watch Parties" are just supposed to be for fun...nothing to be taken too seriously.
See you all soon! šŸ˜ƒšŸ˜ƒ
Enjoy! šŸ‘šŸ¾
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bluerosesdiary Ā· 11 months
dunkirk (2017) dir. christopher nolan
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watched: 12/11/2023
my rating: 5/10
#152 movie watched in 2023
"Allied soldiers from Belgium, the British Commonwealth and Empire, and France are surrounded by the German Army and evacuated during a fierce battle in World War II." via. IMDb
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randgugotur-6 Ā· 4 months
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May 13, 1986
On this day 38 years ago the ā€œTop Gunā€ soundtrack was released. It includes songs from Cheap Trick, Kenny Loggins, Loverboy, and others. The soundtrack would peak at number one on the Billboard charts and sell over twelve million copies worldwide.
The song ā€œDanger Zoneā€ was offered to Toto, Bryan Adams, REO Speedwagon, and Corey Hart before Kenny Loggins ultimately recorded the song.
Additionally Judas Priest, RATT and The Cars were considered for a song in the movie or on the soundtrack.
Do you have this record in your collection?
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gloraeye Ā· 8 months
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like for a starter from the stoic king himself mr. tom collins šŸ¤
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katesbridgerton Ā· 1 year
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ā€“ via tomrhysharries stories.
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dreamlandcreations Ā· 2 years
Congrats on 600 followers!! šŸ„³ You deserve them!!
For your celebration could I have šŸŽ¬ for Ben Barnesā€™ characters please?
About me: Iā€™m very short (5ft) and introverted but can talk for hours with the right people. I love reading and writing (obviously šŸ˜‚). My favourite book genre is fantasy, and my favourite films are romance and fantasy. I also love going to museums and art galleries.
600 follower celebration - I ship you withā€¦
šŸŽ¬ Aleksander Morozova
You are the light in his life. The darkness that consumed his heart fades with every smile of yours.
You make him feel young again and he loves to tease you, especially about your height, making you stand on your tiptoes to get a kiss.
He would be helpless to resist you. He'd share his secrets with you and would tell you about his past and the history he witnessed first-hand. He would feel free to talk about everything that he cannot even think about mentioning to anyone else.
He would (try to) teach you languages and would read for you at nights when you insist he needs to rest but the best compromise you get is that he puts away his work for a while. It would be his not-at-all-well-kept secret that he waits for those moments with you all day long.
He loves to hold you, touch you, caress you and spoil you. You make him feel normal and accepted, never even hinting that his power affects you.
Aleksander can be stubborn and cruel but he would never hurt you (on purpose), you are his Sun, the only light in his life and he would make sure you remain by his side for his seemingly endless life.
600 follower celebration - I ship you withā€¦
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dangregreal Ā· 1 year
TEEHEE i have been so so sappy all day its grossz
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obsessive-jan Ā· 11 months
I want for there to be a fandom for at death's door (1999) so I'm becoming the president of this fandom now, idc how stupidly niche this is, I will be planning fanart (and *perhaps* fics) of the characters
and you know I love a rare pair so of course I ship young reaper (Cillian Murphy) and Tom (Keith McErlean) - I have headcanons for these two that I'll share another day
but just know, I'm out there, plotting...
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pretty-little-mind33 Ā· 4 months
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Tom Ryder x fem!actress!reader
Summary: Tom books a role in a musical with the only one goal in mind. He wants to work with an actress he's been crushing on foreverā€”you.
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: arrogant/asshole Tom (duh), swearing
~ thank you for requesting this, anon šŸ«¶šŸ’– ~
Tom Ryder doesn't like singing. He doesn't even like musicals! He'sĀ an action star, goddamnit!Ā  ThisĀ meant that when his agentĀ came up toĀ him one day and said he'd gotten him an audition for a new musical, Tom laughed at him.Ā 
"A musical, Danny,Ā andĀ it's a romance?! What theĀ flying fuckĀ do I even pay you for?" he complains as he lies on the couch of his trailer, his arms flexed behind his head.
"It's good for publicityĀ andĀ itĀ shows you have someĀ range, Ryder!" Danny explains as calmly as he can, already annoyed with Tom's childish behavior.
Tom waves his hand as if to shoo him away.
"I have range. IĀ don't need to prove anything to anyone," he saysĀ condescendingly.Ā Danny pinches the bridge of his nose in annoyance. He walks over toĀ Tom and drops a magazine into his lap.Ā 
"Y/n Y/l/n already took the part. She's the lead. They're casting her love interest," he says with a knowing smirk as Tom scrambles into a sitting position. He quickly reads the headlines as his eyesĀ roam around yourĀ picture.
Tom's crush on you isn't a secret to anyone who works with/for him.Ā He's madly in love with youĀ to the point it's embarrassing because you've spokenĀ maybeĀ twiceĀ at an award show and nothing more.
"When's the audition?" he asks Danny immediately.Ā 
* * *
Tom is grateful for his naturally decent voice and the year of vocal training he'd taken a few years ago because that means while he doesn'tĀ usually sing, he doesn't completelyĀ suck.Ā 
He's never,Ā in all his years of acting, tried so hard for a roleĀ soĀ when Danny tells him he got the part, he makes aĀ very unattractiveĀ squeal as he celebrates.
He's over the moon until his first day whenĀ he realizes heĀ has toĀ actuallyĀ workĀ with you now. Color drains from his faceĀ andĀ he pushes up his cool-dude pink-tinted sunglasses to hide how anxious he must look.
He sees you sitting in your chair, scrolling your phone. Shit,Ā you're as gorgeous in person as he remembers,Ā he thinksĀ andĀ he internally panics as he feels like he's floating.Ā Ā Ā 
"Sup," he saysĀ nonchalantly,Ā taking a seatĀ in his chair next to yours.
Sup?Ā What the fuck.Ā 
You look up, smiling at him, "Oh, hi," you turn to him and outstretch your hand, "I'm Y/n."
Tom blinks as he stares at your hand.Ā 
Do you really think he doesn't know who you are?! Or do youĀ justĀ introduce yourself to everyone you meet?Ā 
With a confused expression, he clears his throat and shakes your hand.Ā 
"Ryder," he says, "Tom Ryder."
You smile at him. "Okay,Ā James Bond," you joke.
Tom flushes pink, "I was just introducing myselfā€”y'knowā€”being humble and all. I don't know why it'sĀ neededĀ though," he sniffs arrogantly, "YouĀ obviouslyĀ know whoĀ I am, and I obviously know who you are," he says, his douchiness involuntarily slipping out.
You narrow your eyes at him. "Obviously," you echo, your tone curt as you turn to look down at your phone again.Ā 
Tom panics. No girl has ever justĀ ignoredĀ him like this. He leans closer, clearing his throat. "Sorry, did I say something wrong?" he asks, pretending your lack of interest in him isn't bruising his enormous ego.
You huff, sending him a look. "No, your lack of self-awareness just rendered me speechless for a moment, Tom Ryder," you say sarcastically and then grin. "But, you'want some friendly advice? Co-star to co-star?Ā Pull your head out of your fucking ass and realize not everyone here worships the ground you walk on because you can learn a few lines."Ā 
Tom's entire face burns crimson as his mouth opens in shock. You stand and clap your hands on your thigh as if you'd forgotten somethingĀ andĀ then you turn to look at him once more. "Oh, and introduce yourself to people around here. It's common courtesy.Ā Toodles," you wave teasingly and spinĀ on your heelsĀ to the makeup department.Ā 
Tom's never felt more like an idiot in his entire life.Ā Somehow, he managed to make a fool of himself andĀ alsoĀ make you hate himĀ allĀ inĀ one simpleĀ interaction.Ā 
Fuck this. He rubs a hand over his jaw and composes himself. At least work will go wellā€”as it usually does.Ā 
* * *
He's so so wrong.Ā 
Turns out,Ā working on a musical and a romance is muchĀ harderĀ than action star Tom RyderĀ everĀ imagined.Ā By the end of the day, he'sĀ completelyĀ embarrassed by not only his table reading but how croaky his voice sounded when in the studio, and he's so so close to calling Danny and begging him to bail him out of this.Ā 
He stares at himself in the mirror of his dressing roomĀ andĀ heĀ prepares to bang his head on the wall when he hears a knock on his door.
"What?" he mutters, slumping down on his couch as he pops an ibuprofen in his mouth to calm his headache.
When the door opens, you're standing there, holding up two bubble-milk drinks. "I come in peace," you whisperĀ andĀ Tom sits up instantly.Ā 
"Y/n," he whispers, blushing.Ā 
"Tom Rdyer," you smile and hand him one of the drinks. "Rough day, huh?"
Tom coughs. "Wasn't that bad," he shrugs and sips on the drink, looking up at you behind his silly sunglasses. "Thanks for this," he says, a little confused because he'd definitelyĀ gotten the impressionĀ youĀ hatedĀ him.
You nod and sit next to him, "You'll doĀ fine" you reassure him, looking around his dressing room and then back at him, "you're just not used to this type of movieā€¦yet. But I think it's admirable to change your scene so drastically so if you ever need me, I'm here for you. After all, what are co-stars for?" you smile kindly.
Tom feels his heartĀ leapĀ in his chest as his pupils dilate.Ā Ā 
"Thanks," he mumbles again, unsure how to deal withĀ aĀ situationĀ like this.Ā Usually, he'd make a snide comment or even a crude joke to calm his nerves, but he doesn't want to do that with youĀ soĀ heĀ justĀ sits in silence.
He'sĀ trulyĀ not used to this awkward silence with women. He doesn't have to thinkĀ veryĀ hard to know that byĀ nowĀ he'd usually have his tongue shoved down their throats, his hand under their shirts as he whispers meaningless praises in their ears.Ā 
But,Ā you're different. Tom doesn't want that with youā€”not so soon anywayā€”and he hates this new feeling he has whenever you're around. It makes him feelĀ weakĀ andĀ mushy.
"I saw your last movie," you say, making conversation. "I was really diggin' the gold cowboy outfit," you laughĀ andĀ if Tom pretends reallyĀ hardĀ he hears some flirtation in your voice.
His lips curl up into a smirkĀ whichĀ eventually morphs into aĀ smile.Ā 
"Ah-ha," you grin and playfully poke the soft dimplesĀ that appearĀ on his cheeks. "I was wondering when you'd drop that douchey smirk and smile at me."Ā 
Tom looksĀ stunnedĀ by how easily you read him.
"What douchey smirk? I don't have a douchey smirk," he defends and scrunches his nose in disgust, staring at you like you've gone insaneĀ butĀ you just bend your knee on the couch and turn to him.Ā 
"YouĀ definitelyĀ do," you laugh and pull out your phone as you type something.Ā 
"What're you doing?" Tom moves closer, suddenly anxious.
You pull your hand away as he leans inĀ andĀ when you muffle a laugh and turn your phone screen to him, you giggleĀ and his face falls.
"Douchey smirk," you say and point at theĀ screen;Ā which displays a random picture of him from Google during some red-carpet event he doesn't even remember.Ā 
"Google is absolute shit," Tom exclaimsĀ andĀ he debates retaliating with a picture of you, but he knows he wouldn't find one where he would find you ugly.Ā 
You're always gorgeous.
"Now you're just being mean, sweetheart," he saysĀ andĀ the pet names slip past his lips unconsciously. Luckily, you don't mention it or seem put off. Tom's shoulders relax.Ā 
"What? You don't like it?" you turn your phone again and swipe the screen, looking at more pictures. "It's not like you could ever lookĀ bad."
Tom bites the inside of his cheek.Ā Again, if thisĀ wasĀ any other girl,Ā he would take that as an invitation to flirt heavily.Ā With you? He's a blushy mess that doesn't seem to have any smooth movesĀ anymore.Ā 
You put your phone away and smile. "No snarky comment, Mister Big-Shot?"Ā 
He chucklesĀ andĀ hisĀ realĀ smile returns. "Not tonight."Ā 
You sit up and look into his eyes. You don't seemĀ by any meansĀ nervous when you say, "You're an intriguing character, Tom Ryder.Ā I do like that.Ā How about you take meĀ outĀ to dinner tonightā€”if you can clear yourĀ clearlyĀ very busy schedule."Ā You gesture to whatever he had been doing in his dressing room (which had only been some self-loathing).Ā 
Tom's neverĀ been asked outĀ by a woman. He's usually the one asking them outĀ andĀ he'd assumed he'd hate not being the one to take chargeĀ butĀ this feels so natural. "Like aĀ date?"
You laugh and stand up, sipping on your bubble milk. "Like dinner. I'll see if I'll give you anĀ upgrade byĀ theĀ end of the night," you say with a winkĀ andĀ Tom melts right then and there.Ā 
He accepts instantly,Ā also likingĀ the challenge, andĀ heĀ takes you to dinner.Ā He takes you to your favorite restaurant, ignoring that heĀ very muchĀ dislikes Thai food, andĀ heĀ plays the perfect gentlemanā€”or rather, he doesn't even have toĀ playĀ a gentleman because youĀ seem to bring it out of him naturally.Ā 
It's almost midnight as he walks you back to your car, his armĀ almostĀ touching yours as youĀ bothĀ walk side-by-side, stuck in a light-hearted debate about book adaptations turned into movies.
Occasionally, he'll check to make sure his security team is walking behind youĀ butĀ hisĀ hand with twitch to steady around your waist in case he also needs to keep youĀ safeĀ from some crazy fans or unsuspected paparazzi.
"You don't seem like the type to read much," you say, feeling content as your heels click against the pavement. You feel safe around himĀ andĀ you smile at the feeling of his fingers sometimes skimming your waist.Ā 
"I read," he frowns and then pauses, "I read a lot ofĀ scripts."
You laugh, liking his blunt honesty.Ā 
Tom's chest swells at the sound of your laugh. He'd managed to bring it out of you on more than one occasion tonightĀ and he wears each time like a badge of honorā€”even if he's 95% sure you're laughingĀ atĀ him.Ā 
When you arrive at your car, you turn to himĀ andĀ Tom opens his mouth to ask the questionĀ that has beenĀ on his mind all night, "So, was this a date?" but instead, your arms wrap around himĀ andĀ you kiss his lips. It's quick, almost fleetingĀ and he wonders if he'd imagined the entire thing.Ā 
"I don't usually kiss anyone on the first date," you say, slightly more nervous now, "so don't make me regret it, Tom Ryder," you whisperĀ andĀ his hand almost clutches at your waist to pull you in for another kissĀ butĀ instead he holds the door for you to climb into your car.Ā 
He sends you a nervous smile and then watches as your car disappear around the corner.Ā "I promise I won't," he whispersĀ into the airĀ knowingĀ he means every word.Ā 
He's never taken his time with anyone, but he'll stop time entirelyĀ justĀ to spend every second he can withĀ you.
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ghostfacd Ā· 10 months
PAIRING. tom blyth x fem!actress!reader
SUMMARY. in which you and tom have finally revealed your relationship!
AUTHOR NOTE. another one cause yā€™all seemed to love the first part. can be read as a stand-alone but you should check out first part bc itā€™s pretty awesome šŸ˜ OH AND here is third part!
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ynuser so excited to announce that the ballad of songbirds and snakes is available in theatres NOW! it was definitely such a rollercoaster of emotions and so fun and exciting to be able to play balleona laurent, a crazy, power and love infatuated teenage girl from the academy. i want to thank all my costars, they really are amazing and helped me throughout the entire movie!
tagged @/lionsgate, @/tomblyth, @/rachelzegler, @/hunterschafer, @/joshandresrivera
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user1 you really brought balleona to life girly! i pictured her exactly how you made her to be
āž„ ynuser oh im crying this means so much šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
āž„ user1 you deserve all the recognition and love!!!
tomblyth fave villain
āž„ user2 get out theyā€™re so cute
user3 inlove with the way you sang, literal chills
jenniferlawrence youā€™ll never take my spot!! šŸ§šŸ§ (all jokes aside, you did AMAZING.)
āž„ ynuser HAHHA i love you, so grateful i was able to meet you the other day!!
rachelzegler round of applause to us !!!
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tomblyth coryo, janus, leona, and lucy gray behind the scenes šŸŽ¬
tagged @/ynuser, @/rachelzegler, @/joshandresrivera
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user4 everyone say thank you tom for feeding us with yn, rachel and josh content!
ynuser really had to do me like that
āž„ tomblyth wdym youā€™re so pretty, i love u in this pic
āž„ user5 hello?? his response. šŸ˜ŖšŸ˜Ŗ im crying
user6 bye rachel looks so done in first pic
user7 their friendship :(
ilovetomblyth everyone getting nicknames and then thereā€™s just lucy gray HAHAH
āž„ rachelzegler very hard to give lucy a nickname šŸ¤•
āž„ ilovetomblyth OMG RACHEL ILY
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lionsgate new behind the scenes interview with our favorite people, rachel zegler, tom blyth, and yn avocot!
tagged @/rachelzegler, @/tomblyth, @/ynuser
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tomblythswife girlies after seeing the way tom looks and talks about yn
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user9 bro looked at her like she is the love of his life Iā€™m done
user10 ā€œbabe, im literally from the UKā€ STOPPP THEYRE TOO CUTE šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
ilovetomblyth literally felt it in my guts
user12 when the credits rolled and you can hear tom saying ā€œsheā€™s like the sun and more.ā€ GOSH.
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ynuser carpet ready ļæ½ļæ½ā€šŸ’«
tagged @/tomblyth
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tomblyth šŸ˜ššŸ˜š
iloveyn oh gosh theyā€™re so šŸ’”šŸ’”
rachelzegler enougghhh
āž„ ynuser oh shh as if this isnā€™t u and josh
āž„ joshandresrivera cruel yn, cruel. (true tho!)
tomholland so pretty!
āž„ tomblyth im the only tom she needs in her life btw
āž„ yndaily EXCUSE ME HELLO
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wh0reforcoriolanussnow Ā· 9 months
Billy the Kid set (insta feed) || Tom Blyth x actress!reader
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Summary: this is literally just a bunch of insta posts of you and Tom on set of Billy the kid also mixed with abit of Dad!Tom cause I couldnā€™t resist myself <33 THIS WAS SO FUN TO MAKE
Warnings: fem!reader noneee
Wc: 743
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divider by @pommecita
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Liked by tomblyth, billythekidmgm, danielwebber, alexmroe and 6,037,158 others
Got dragged in to this šŸ˜ fishing is not my forte.
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tomblyth: darling, you loved it.
ā†˜ļø y/n_y/l/n: did I though?
danielwebber: specifically loved the part where you tripped and landed on your ass in the water, very entertaining šŸ‘šŸ‘
ā†˜ļø y/n_y/l/n: maybe if you guys had told me that we would be going fishing, I wouldā€™ve worn more appropriate foot attire šŸ˜ƒ
alexmroe: a day I will never forget!
ā†˜ļø y/n_y/l/n: please do.
user24: I love this cast smmm
user947: who else is here from tbosas after finding out that these two are each otherā€™s love interest once again šŸ™‹ā€ā™€ļø
ā†˜ļø user109: yup.
ā†˜ļø user13: MEEEE šŸ™‹ā€ā™€ļø
ā†˜ļø user005: I couldnā€™t get enough of them in tbosas so here I am šŸ˜‚
user464: I love it when y/n posts bts content, she knows what we want.
user87: y/n feeding us more Tom content šŸ«”
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Liked by tomblyth, joshandresrivera, billythekidmgm, horatio.james and 5,243,936 others
My fav look <33 (fun fact: the dress was hand painted šŸ„¹)
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tomblyth: my gorgeous gorgeous girl šŸ˜
ā†˜ļø y/n_y/l/n: šŸ„°
user150: ā€˜my gorgeous gorgeous girlā€™ heā€™s actually talking abt me hehehehe
user328: Dulcinea was serving looks the entire season, and thatā€™s on periodt.
ā†˜ļø y/n_y/l/n: šŸ¤­ couldnā€™t agree more
ā†˜ļø user25: FACTS
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Liked by y/n_y/l/n, nuriaavegaa, billythekidmgm, rachelzegler and 8,932,451 others
Past couple of weeks šŸŽ¬
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user672: oh to be y/n y/l/n šŸ˜«
siobhan: will miss u all!!!
ā†˜ļø tomblyth: it was nice knowing ya Mrs Riley šŸ¤ 
ā†˜ļø siobhan: wish I hadnā€™t gotten shot in the head by my dbag husband (all your fault @shaunmbenson)
user19: the last picture awhhhh @y/n_y/l/n
ā†˜ļø tomblyth: sheā€™s actually a horse whisperer
ā†˜ļø y/n_y/l/n: I am šŸ¤«
user465: Billy the Kid makes me weak in the knees oml
user348: omw to rewatch BTK for the millionth time šŸƒā€ā™€ļø
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Liked by rachelzegler, y/n_y/l/n, danielwebber, dakotadaulby and 10,397,262 others
Elsie when I first started filming s1 of BTK in 2021 and Elsie now during s2 šŸ„¹ Happy birthday my love <3 love you with all my heart!
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y/n_y/l/n: time flies šŸ˜­
ā†˜ļø tomblyth: our little girl isnā€™t so little anymore!
billythekidmgm: happy birthday Elsie! we LOVE seeing your happy face at set šŸ’ž
danielwebber: i remember holding her for the first time as a baby like it was yesterday šŸ„¹
rachelzegler: HAPPY BIRTHDAY ELS! I need to see you soon sweetheart šŸ˜­
ā†˜ļø y/n_y/l/n: she misses u and josh like crazy!!
user932: Elsie is so freakin cute!!
user02: imagine being able to say Tom Blyth and Y/n Y/l/n are your parentsā€¦. nepo baby!
user461: the first picture of y/n and Elsie šŸ˜­ this post is too adorable!
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Liked by y/n_y/l/n, tomblyth, horatio.james, danielwebber and 1,937,261 others
Yeehaw šŸ¤ 
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y/n_y/l/n: i took the fifth pic šŸ™‹ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤­
ā†˜ļø alexmroe: yes, yes, fifth pic creds goes to u
y/n_y/l/n: oml my tan in the last picā€¦ā€¦
tomblyth: weā€™re so cute @y/n_y/l/n
ā†˜ļø y/n_y/l/n: we are arenā€™t we šŸ¤­
ā†˜ļø user109: u guys r literally so wholesome i cant w it
user88: AWEEEE the last pic!!!
user163: excuse me- the third pic- DAMN TOM IS FINE
user847: I love seeing Tom in a cowboy hat šŸ«¶
ā†˜ļø y/n_y/l/n: same.
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Liked by tomblyth, siobhan, ashleyjliao, billythekidmgm, joshandresrivera and 9,789,252 others
life recently. Alberta, ily!
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ashleyjliao: šŸ˜šŸ˜
ā†˜ļø y/n_y/l/n: Miss u bb x
joshandresrivera: 3rd pic šŸ¤£
ā†˜ļø y/n_y/l/n: yk how he is with the cold šŸ„¶
ā†˜ļø tomblyth: oh hush, I was being reasonable unlike you who was wearing a tank and shorts.
user63: Tom and Elsie šŸ˜­
user912: Y/n wearing Tomā€™s hat in the first pic šŸ¤­
ā†˜ļø tomblyth: she steals it all the time
ā†˜ļø y/n_y/l/n: SHHHH
user108: why do I sometimes forget that Tom has a literal 4 year old daughter
user143: yessss keep feeding us Tom x Elsie content!!!!
user622: sheā€™s hot, she has an even hotter boyf, a cute daughter, sheā€™s rich, popular, an AMAZING actress, sheā€™s literally winning at life šŸ˜«
user150: lol I wondered why their chemistry was so good in tbosas and btk. ITS CAUSE THEY LOVE EACH OTHER IRL.
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bluerosesdiary Ā· 1 year
top gun: maverick (2022) dir. joseph kosinski
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watched: 08/07/2023
my rating: 8/10
#80 movie watched in 2023
"After thirty years, Maverick is still pushing the envelope as a top naval aviator, but must confront ghosts of his past when he leads TOP GUN's elite graduates on a mission that demands the ultimate sacrifice from those chosen to fly it." via. IMDb
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angelicdanvers Ā· 9 months
a charlie bushnell x fem!reader social media fic.
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liked by iamcharliebushnell, walker.scobell, leahsavajeffries, and others
y/n ā€” life lately šŸŽ¬šŸŽžļø
leahsavajeffries AINT NO WAY THE FILMING'S STARTED?? ā†³ y/n šŸ˜
walker.scobell can i be a part of your film šŸ«¢ ā†³ y/n sure kidlet
dior.n.goodjohn IM SCREAMING RN WHY TF IS EVERYONE SILENT ā†³ walker.scobell pretty sure that's why everyone's silent di ā†³ y/n ITS OKAY I LOVE THE SILENCE WHEN IT'S CAUSED BY YOU
dior.n.goodjohn but can we pls address the photoshoot omg šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø
iamcharliebushnell you're pretty ā†³ dior.n.goodjohn SQUIRRELS. IN. MY. PANTS. ā†³ iamcharliebushnell yo you're the bigger simp here ā†³ aryansimhadri both of y'all just confessed to being simps
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liked by iamcharliebushnell, dior.n.goodjohn, leahsavajeffries, and others
y/n ā€” mgmtā€™s 'oracular spectacular' should be the official soundtrack for this film just sayin
walker.scobell CAN I CAMEO ā†³ y/n yes ā†³ walker.scobell can i do the floss to time to pretend ā†³ y/n YES
user walker and y/n's antics are the best fr
user2 the last shot is gorgeous ā†³ user3 lowk looks like charlie but isnt ā†³ user2 charlie could be inspo??
iamcharliebushnell hey i need pic creds >:( ā†³ y/n guys charlie took the first two pics
dior.n.goodjohn good golly you're a fine woman ā†³ y/n babes you need to get your prescription checked i'm literally a mirror wdym
iamcharliebushnell when can i come backkk ā†³ y/n when you don't try to peek at the script ā†³ iamcharliebushnell hey that's mean! ā†³ y/n oliviarodrigo make a song called "hey that's mean!" ā†³ oliviarodrigo YOU BET BBG
aryansimhadri i feel funny ā†³ y/n WHAT šŸ˜­ ā†³ aryansimhadri liv's "hey that's mean!" is gonna be the next i feel funny and i'm LIVING for it ā†³ y/n LMFAO YOURE RIGHT
iamcharliebushnell i'm back wanna go get acai bowls ā†³ y/n bro i'm in canada . . . ā†³ iamcharliebushnell im coming back
leahsavajeffries THIS COMMENT SECTION IS THE FINEST FORM OF CHAOS ā†³ dior.n.goodjohn what can i say she's a fine woman ā†³ leahsavajeffries dior your love's boiling up šŸ¤­
user4 i love this girl sm ā†³ iamcharliebushnell i wish i could relate :( ā†³ y/n i love you user4
user5 LOL CHARLIE šŸ˜­
ā€” taglist.
@shokocoded @istillremberthefirstfallofsnow @surftrips @svtsimp22 @gcidrvsh @idontevencare1223 @thames-fig @captainshischier @reggieslifeboat @multifandom-loser @wheelerslover @mermaid-mqtel @randomnpc456 @kaithoughs @isab3lita @mariposa555 @sunshinessky @myr-cheri @thedeadlynights @ella33 @c1nn4mng1rl @poppysrin @breadbrobin @lucy-the-ant @jules-loves-lukecastellan @taloulalila @tom-pls-fuck-me @mia-luvs @iknowyoureabigfan
i tagged everyone i could find thus far! i love you so much, thank you for all the support <33 i will update the taglist if more people wish to join :)
i hope you enjoyed chapter one, stay safe and drink water!
i love you and iā€™m proud of you <333
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blythsholland Ā· 8 months
No More Secrets!
Pairing: Tom Blyth x Actress!reader
Warnings: None.
Summary: You join the cast of TBOSAS, sparks fly between you and Tom, and fans are quick to notice some things.
AN: For the sake of this social media au, letā€™s pretend spiderman: no way home was being filmed as well!
part 2
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thehungergames posted a photo
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liked by youruser, variety, tomblyth, zendaya and others.
thehungergames Rising Star @ youruser has joined the cast for the upcoming Hunger Games prequel: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, lead by Tom Blyth and Rachel Zegler. Character details still unknown. (šŸ“ø Getty)
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youruser Iā€™m so happy and excited to join such wonderful cast! šŸ¤šŸ¤šŸ¤
tomblyth Welcome to the hunger games! šŸšŸ•Šļø
ā†Ŗļø youruser Canā€™t wait to work with you! šŸ«¶šŸ»
ā†Ŗļø user The hands heart emojiā€¦ oh I ship it already!
rachelzegler Fans arenā€™t ready! šŸ‘€
userfan If I have to guess, Iā€™d say sheā€™s playing someone from the academy. Maybe even have a relationship with Coryo.
comment liked by youruser
ā†Ŗļø youruser You just have to wait and see!šŸ¤«
user1 AHHHH IM SO HAPPY. I just know sheā€™s going to be amazing in this!
youruser posted a photo
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Liked by tomblyth, tomholland2013, jacobbatalon, zendaya and others.
youruser Thatā€™s a wrap on No Way Home! šŸŽ¬ Grateful for this amazing opportunity! Catch me in the FoS crew!!! Iykyk šŸ•øļøšŸ•·ļø
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zendaya Iā€™m going to miss youuuu šŸ„ŗ
ā†Ŗļø youruser Iā€™m gonna miss you too :(
jacobbatalon FoS crew letā€™s goooooo!! šŸ¤™šŸ½
tomholland2013 now why would you post that pic of me giving the finger šŸ˜‚
ā†Ŗļø youruser your beautiful girlfriend told me to post and I follow orders!
ā†Ŗļø zendaya you bet I did! sorry love @ tomholland2013 šŸ˜‚šŸ©·
userfan1 FoS?!?!? What does that mean???
user @ userfan1 It means friends of spiderman. If you saw FFH they mention this towards the end!
blythloverrrr This is like the 4th consecutive post Tom has liked of youruser šŸ‘€
ā†Ŗļø youruserfans1 right šŸ‘€ apparently he also liked one or two edits of her not too long ago.
ā†Ŗļø blythloverrrr thatā€™s interesting āœšŸ¼
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liked by user1, blythloverrrr, userfan22, and others.
youruserupdates_ @ youruser posted on her story this morning on her way to Berlin . And surprise, a fan spotted Tom Blyth picking her up at the airport. The two of them shared a hug that looked very cozy. šŸ‘€
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blythloverrrr thatā€™s a cozy hug indeed. āœšŸ¼
userfan2 relax guys, theyā€™re just friends!
user1 @ userfan2 whoā€™s saying they arenā€™t?
youruserfans okay but can we acknowledge the fact that he went to pick her up? thatā€™s so sweet!
user23 I ship them idc!!!
user3 him liking almost all her posts, liking some of her edits and now heā€™s picking her up??? Something is happening idk. šŸ«¢
blythfan can a guy and girl be just friends? let them be!
youruser posted a photo
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liked by tomblyth, tomholland2013, zendaya, rachelzegler and others.
tagged: tomholland2013, zendaya, rachelzegler, tomblyth
youruser Life lately šŸ¤
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tomholland2013 gonna tell Sony to make that pic of me the official poster for nwh šŸ˜‚
ā†Ŗļø youruser youā€™re so unserious šŸ˜­
hunterschafer Iā€™m going to meet you as soon as I get on set next week!
ā†Ŗļø youruser YES PLEASE! šŸ„¹
rachelzegler šŸ©·šŸ©·šŸ©· that pic tho, tom canā€™t never be serious.
lionsgate Coriolanus snow, part time model!
user1 that pic of Tom belongs on an art museum!
blythloverrrr okay but the last pic??? Is everyone seeing this??? šŸ‘ļø
user Yeah theyā€™re definitely dating, I have no proof but I also have no doubts šŸ‘€
tomblyth šŸ¤šŸ¤šŸ¤
comment liked by youruser
ā†Ŗļø youruser šŸ„°
part 2? šŸ‘€
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