#vs the silver ones i gave them as captain. so now they have a pale gold eye. and ofc the fancy post-oe teal eye
nightseeye · 4 months
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Ive been struck w a ton of Captain 3 thoughts lately so! Here he is!!! My legally dead nonbinary prettyboy who doesn't! Have a name yet!!!
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sswwimagine · 5 years
Let’s Bet On It || George Weasley
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Original Post: on ssimagines
Pairing: George Weasley x slytherin!reader
Word Count:
Summary: You and George are really close even though you aren’t in the same house. You are a chaser on the Slytherin quidditch team. On the morning of your match against Gryffindor, you make a bet with George over who would win the game, but things don’t exactly end up in your favor.
Warnings: major fluff as requested, stubbornness, embarrassing moments, quidditch
Request: Hi! I wanted to request a George Weasley imagine x slytherin!reader in which they both play in their house quidditch team (she’s a chaser) and are super competitive so they make a bet. The one from the loser team has to do something embarrassing in front of the whole school but when her team loses George says that he doesn’t want to embarrass her and fluff
Note: I really thought this was a cute request, so thank you for that. They aren’t together in this, but they end up together!! This takes place during Prisoner of Azkaban.
This is obviously already been posted, but since I started my smaller blogs, I wanted all my work for each fandom in one place. Instead of just reblogging everything I figured that I would repost it.
It was as normal as a morning in the great hall could be right before a quidditch match. Today was the great Slytherin vs. Gryffindor game. To say you were excited would have been a serious understatement. You were sitting at the Slytherin house table talking with your teammates about strategies for today. For the most part, you loved the game. The only real downside of it was that it often leads to aggressive competition between houses that you didn’t really like. You were more for the playful side of competition and you really pushed your team to taking the game less seriously and just have fun with it. That wasn’t always received all that well especially by Draco Malfoy who just viewed quidditch as another way to try to beat Harry Potter. 
When the conversation turned towards the crushing side of quidditch, you started to zone out and looked over to your “competitors” table. You saw the two, bobbing, red tops of your best friends’ heads. You smiled as you saw how animated they were about whatever story they were telling. You decided to join them. 
You grabbed an apple before standing up and making your way around the large tables to the spot in between the jokester twins. The two moved so you could sit between them without a second thought. You really enjoyed the company of the Weasley twins. They were joyous pranksters, and you loved that about them.
No one really minded that you were at the Gryffindor table because it wasn’t really all the unusual for you to sit with there. You weren’t really a fan of the whole segregation by houses thing especially between Slytherin and the rest of Hogwarts. Slytherin was always perceived as this evil group of people, but you didn’t believe a whole house should be described by a few people who came from it. 
Of course, you loved your house, but that didn’t mean that the other houses were awful. Just like your house, Slytherin, wasn’t evil, no house was what it appeared based on their very basic traits. You really judged people by who they were. For example, you weren’t Marcus Flint’s biggest fan. He was far too rude when it came to the way he coached your team. The littlest things like messing around with a fellow chaser, Adrian Pucey, got you in so much trouble that you had to sit out a whole practice while Cassius Warrington, who you were far superior to, got to practice in your place.
There were other people from other houses you also didn’t like. Percy Weasley being one of them because he was always getting you in trouble when you were with the twins. There was a girl your year from Ravenclaw, Juliet, who was always asking questions no stop in your arithmancy class. She made an hour-long class go into your lunch nearly thirty minutes more than once. There was also a boy in Hufflepuff, Douglas, a year older than you that would follow you around and ask if he could take your books all the time. No matter how many times you told him to back off he would follow you from class to class like a lost puppy. 
“You ready for the match today?” you asked George as Fred took over the story telling. He looked at you with large smiling eyes. You could tell that he was excited for the match today. As you took a bit of your apple, he brought his gold and silver goblet up to his lips nodding slightly.
“I can’t wait to beat you,” He said chuckling. You laughed heartily. You pushed your shoulder into his causing his goblet move and some of its contents to spill out. The orange juice splashed onto both your legs. 
Both of you jumped a little when the cold liquid made contact with your leg. You bumped into Fred on your other side. He stopped his story to look at the two of you.
“George, I told you needed to ease into asking her out,” Fred said. “When you jump right in, you scare the girls away. Play it cool, man.”
“Quit it, Fred,” George said. George’s cheeks tinted with red. It almost matched his pale red color. He reached around you to smack the back of Fred’s head. You looked between the two twins. Fred’s face was painted with a sheepish grin as he looked at his twin. 
Fred had this long-standing joke with no one in particular that George was into you. It really wasn’t funny because it only ever seemed to make George embarrassed and made you quite uncomfortable. Truth be told you really liked George, but you didn’t want anyone to find out. There was no way that he would lie you back because you were a Slytherin and he was a Gryffindor. 
“Sooo,” you broke the slightly awkward silence that had settled between the three of you. “When my house wins, what are you boys going to get me to celebrate my victory?”
“As I said earlier princess, I can’t wait to beat you,” George said bumping your shoulder like you had done to his earlier. You shock your head taking another bite of your apple.  
“Yeah there’s no way your team will win against us,” Fred chimed in. You looked between them and rolled your eyes. There were so many things you could have said right then.
“You wanna bet?” you snarked back after swallowing. The small crowd of fourth years that were listening to Fred and George’s story before you interrupted were all now staring at you as you challenged the rambunctious twins. The deal had caught Angelina Johnson and Katie Bell’s attention as well. They were sitting across from the twins and somehow you hadn’t noticed them until now.
“I don’t think that is a good idea Y/N,” you heard from a few people down. 
You looked to find that Ron was the warning voice. He was the youngest Weasley brother and often got picked on by the twins. You had witnessed it too many times to count. You had heard numerous horror stories from Ron about their behaviors at home. You had a feeling you were about to hear another one. 
“The last time I made a bet with those two…” Ron trailed off with a look of horror gazing over his face. “Let’s just say that they always win their bets. I’m pretty sure they cheat no matter what it is. Don’t put your stakes too high.”
The twins let out loud, bombing laughs that filled the surrounding area like a warm blanket. Angelina rolled her eyes, and Katie let out small chuckle. You looked to George who settled down and let a small smile grace his lips lightly. He placed a hand gently on your lower back. It was a feather light touch, but that along with his smile made your heart flutter. The touch was gone as soon as it came. He turned back to his place to shovel a bite of eggs into his mouth.  
“Okay, let’s bet on it,” George said after he swallowed his food and Fred settled down on your other side.
“And what Miss Y/N of Slytherin do you purpose the stakes be?” Fred chirped happily. You took a moment to think before concocting the perfect scenario. 
Fred took a swing from his goblet of orange juice as he waited for you to share your idea. 
“When Slytherin beats Gryffindor, you boys have to sing This is the Night by Weird Sisters at dinner tonight in the great hall,” You smirked as you took a big bite of your apple. 
Fred started choking on his juice cause a bit off it to splatter on Angelina’s fancy, she looked at him in disgust. You knew for a fact that Fred liked Angeline. 
There was a good chance his plan for asking her to Hogsmeade for the next trip were now damaged if not ruined. You gave Fred’s back a few hard pats to help him clear his airway. 
“If you will we will sing the Weird Sisters in front of anyone, but,” George started once Fred had caught his breath. 
“When Gryffindor wins, you have to ask Douglas the Hufflepuff out on the first date during dinner,” Fred finished. 
Out of the corner of your eye, you see George tense as he brought another forkful of eggs to his mouth. You too stiffened. The idea grossed you out, but you were confident that Slytherin would beat Gryffindor. You had superior brooms, and you guy were on the field practicing as often as you could. You were more prepared for this. 
“Deal,” you said offering a hand to each of the re headed boys. They both took the hand offered to them and all three of you shook on it.
“Deal,” They said together.
“The score is sixty to twenty. Gryffindor in the lead,” called Lee Jordan.
You were flying in the air doing your best to avoid the bludger that was heading toward your head. You quickly swooped down to move out of the pathway of the flying ball. A beater on your team, Peregrine Derrick, hit the bludger away before its path changed to head toward you again. You nodded a small thanks before continuing on you path. 
“Fred Weasley hit a bludger in Marcus Flit’s direction.” 
You snuck a brief glance in your captain’s direction to see him be smacked into with a bludger hard. It took you a second to recover from the sight and you moved toward the Slytherin goal posts where Angelina was preparing to score. You quickly flew to intercept the path of the quaffle as it left Angelina’s hand. 
“Y/N Y/L/N has the quaffle.”
You rushed to the other side of your field maneuvering gracefully around bludgers headed your way. You went to throw the quaffle when you heard the Lee announce something you really didn’t want to hear. 
“Harry Potter has caught the snitch! Gryffindor wins!”
You felt your shoulders slump in frustration. You lost. Your team lost. Slytherin lost. You returned to the ground hovering just over it. You couldn’t believe it. You were struck speechless.
Fred landed beside you and pushed your shoulder. He was saying something but you weren’t understanding it. You couldn’t think of anything besides that you had lost. You were so sure that you were going to win this. You had put n so much work. You didn’t understand how you had lost. 
You didn’t even realize that you hadn’t moved. You hadn’t touched down. You still held your broomstick knuckles turning white, and the quaffle was tucked under your arm. 
Not only had you just lost this game, but you lost the inter-house quidditch cup for this year. If you had just been able to score more points. 
Slowly you lowered your broomstick the rest of the way to the ground and stepped off it.  You dropped the quaffle onto the grass and looked around the pitch the Gryffindor quidditch team was cheering with Harry on their shoulders. You looked at your team that was finishing the collection of the balls to put them away. They all looked disheartened. You looked back to the Gryffindor team and saw George who was watching you. He ran across pitch to you. 
“Hey are you okay?” He asked. His voice was soft and steady. You felt a warm hand on your elbow that slowly moved up and down your arm.
“We lost,” you said. “I was so sure we were going to win. I practiced so hard; I even practiced on days off. I practiced with you and it still wasn’t enough. I can’t catch a break. Now I have to go ask out Douglas. He just creeps me out.”
You felt tears running down your face. They were warm, but a hand came up to your cheek to brush them away.  That caused the tears to come down hard. The tears turned into sobs, and George pulled you into his chest.
“It’s okay, you did amazing out there,” He said as he ran circles up and down your back as you cried into his shoulder. 
He pulled you off the pitch and into the throngs of people heading back to the castle. He guided you along with him into a small unused staircase off the side of the pendulum. You sat down on the window seal and he sat beside you holding you. 
“I really don’t want to ask Douglas out.” You blubbered through your tears. “I know we made a bet, but he makes me really uncomfortable.”
“It’s okay. You don’t have to. Fred will understand,” he said over and over again. You kept sobbing into him. Tears drenched his shoulder and as gross as it was there was snot there as well. He didn’t seem to mind as he sat there talking calmly and rubbing your back and arm.
“Thank you,” you said after about ten minutes. You had stopped crying and used your sleeve to wipe your nose. You looked up at him from your spot under his right arm. He took his other hand and wiped the remaining tears off your face.
“I wish you had told me how you felt about Douglas,” he said; his voice got quieter after every few words. “I wouldn’t have made that bet. I wouldn’t have let make bet. I would have walked you to class more. I’m sorry.”
The two of you sat in silence. His right hand still ran up and down your arm. You watched students slowly trickle in until there were no more. You knew that it was nearing the end of lunch by now, but you weren’t ready to face your team who would put all the blame on you or Fred who would expect you to go to Douglas and ask him out. You just weren’t ready. George seemed to know that as he didn’t speak he just sat next to you. 
He placed a slow kiss on your head. When he pulled away you turned to look up at him. His features were softer than you had seen them before. He cared and that warmed you. He brought his left hand to your cheek and ran his hand under your eye slowly and gently.
“Thank you, George,” You said for the second time in an hour. He let a small smile dance across his lips. You felt his gaze shift between your eyes and your lips. 
“This is probably not the time, but can I kiss you?” George asked. His voice was breathy and seemed to dance around in your head like a wispy cloud. You nodded just slightly, but he got the message and shyly came in to press a gentle kiss to your lips. It didn’t last for more than a second but ignited everything in you. When he pulled away, a smiled stretched across your cheeks. 
“This was worth the year and a half of Fred’s teasing,” He said chuckling. You let out a small giggle and brought your lips back to yours. Though you had spent almost twenty minutes crying over the stupid bet, you were glad you mad it. Had you not you wouldn’t be there kissing your dream guy, and maybe he would not have had the courage to confess his feelings that his twin had already spilled so many times. 
When you pulled away this time, you were more out of breath. After a few seconds, you stood up from where you had been sitting and stretched your stiff limbs. George did the same before catching your hand in his. Your stomach let out a small growl that signified you were hungry that you both laughed at.
“Can we go get some food?” you asked softly. He just nodded as he gestured for you to lead the way. 
“Can we do the kissing more often? I really liked that” George asked. You laughed at him as you pulled him out of the little staircase towards the direction of the great hall. 
“Yeah, we can as long as we don’t make any more dumb bets,” you say. He just nods furrowing his eyebrows for a second.
“Unless it pertains to a prank?” George asked. You thought for a second before answering.
“Unless it relates to a prank.” With that you walked to the great hall hand in hand.
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thessalian · 6 years
The Cupcake Coterie vs Belarys
The first thing that happened when the Cupcake Coterie hit the Belarys train yard was that Clarity (tiefling rogue, @lindira) made a new friend in the form of a huge ginger cat who got the, “Hello, kittyyyyyyyy!” and face-butted her a few times. The first thing they did was try to decide where they were staying, with Remi (human paladin, @hyperewok1) suggesting a largely mercenary-catering tavern called the Bravo’s Boast. On the carriage there, Sigwald (human wizard, @egoroffie) gave a bit of a tour, outlining some of the points of interest throughout the city. Clarity immediately decided that now that she knew where they were staying, she was going to head for a tavern / bookshop / library called the Leaf and Legend to have some alone-time and read things. (There turned out to be cats and really nice pastries. Clarity is going to be there all damn day. Yes, largely because we had to write her out for the day owing to player schedule conflict, but I wanted there to be a Clarity Mecca in Belarys anyway.)
After getting a view of the city from the roof of the four-storey-tall Bravo’s Boast, and hearing some stories about Sigwald at university, and also hearing about how the captain from Remi’s old mercenary company was bad-mouthing her as a ‘god-bothering...’ (word beginning with C that I will only say in-character because it makes me profoundly uncomfortable), they got two rooms (each sleep four, so it was easier to go three and three), which will run them four gold a night, two meals included.
(Also, @lindira? We picked up on a misconception that we needed to correct in-session. 1 gold = 10 silver, not 100 silver. Basically gold is to silver as dollars are to dimes, and silver is to copper as dimes are to pennies. So your party funds are now ... well, minus the four gold for the first night, it’s 383 gold, 9 silver.)
Anyway, there was a lot of fun had as the party got their first taste of yak, and met Mori the proprietor of the Bravo’s Boast, and Orin the half-orc cook (may or may not be related or married to Edra, the half-orc mercenary who works as bouncer to supplement her pay, and who dunked Hazel (half-elf cleric, @true0neutral) head-first into a barrel when Hazel would not stop talkiiiiiiiiiiiing... And because Darvin (human bard, @fauxfire76) wanted to get Flitty their blue faerie dragon mascot something he liked, and knowing how Flitty liked cookies ... well, when they heard about a bakery named Crestwind’s...
Long story short: they met Remi’s worried, protective, somewhat-disapproving-of-her-life-choices parents. Baked goods and worried hugs and concerned flailing happened, as did ... well, in at least one case it didn’t go all that well. There was one good thing - a side note was made of a silver dragonborn buying eggs at the Coopers’ down the road ... when everyone had been under the impression that all the silver dragonborn were dead. Following that line of questioning, it came out that not all of the governors of Equitas’ provinces are necessarily human. For one thing, Cal Etienne of Egref in Kobrea-Val ... rumours mark them as a potential archfey. But the reports about the governor of Eun-Bac, in Damyl its capital ... some mention a very pale human with very pale hair ... but some say ‘silver dragonborn’. Probably recently, given that Torinn didn’t know anything about it. And the silver dragonborn who turned up in Belarys did so after Torinn would have left it to investigate matters in Baronsvere. So that’s a potential thing. Particularly for Froseth (dragonborn monk, @miaaoi) who is not sure what to make of this but suddenly has a vested interest in seeing the frozen north of Equitas. At least Clarity will be on his side for that one with three words: World’s. Largest. Library.
After that, though, Sigwald sort of rubbed Amel Crestwind, Remi’s father, up the wrong way with a couple of comments and Amel didn’t respond well. The final straw came when Amel invited them to dinner the night after next, and Amel talked about getting a goose - Remi’s mother Corri had mentioned that they would be sure to make Remi’s favourite, but Sigwald missed it. He was trying to say, “Don’t put yourselves out on our account”. It came out more, “Don’t bother; I’ll eat pretty much anything”. Amel basically said he didn’t give a shit about what Sigwald liked or didn’t, that he was doing it for his daughter ... and Sigwald stormed out, using Misty Step to ensure that Hazel, Darvin and Froseth couldn’t follow him easily as he made his way back to the Bravo’s Boast alone.
He forgot about Flitty, who managed to track him as the faerie dragon flies. Flitty listened to Sigwald have a much-needed vent, and offered advice, and comfort. Because Flitty is awesome. Eventually, things were calmed down enough that Sigwald felt emotionally up for going to the Book, Bow and Dragon, another tavern in Belarys ... this one where the bards hang out. The Book, Bow and Dragon, incidentally, stands in honour of three halfling mercenaries - a wizard (the book), a ranger (the bow) and a cleric with a penchant for faerie dragon rescue (the dragon). Torinn, the bronze dragonborn bard who gave the Cupcake Coterie a lot of their initial information that started them on their current path, had said he’d be waiting for them in Belarys ... though Torinn had said he’d be there for two weeks but waited for more than three. So apparently he had something to tell them.
What he also managed to do was what none of the Cupcake Coterie were in a position to think of doing, much less actually doing it: making an appointment to see Hial Fortinbras, the governor. Apparently they are country enough to think that they could just walk in there, ask to see the governor of a huge province and not be told, “Come back next month”. Torinn drew Darvin aside (once Remi had put her own foot in it by seemingly dismissing the effort Torinn went to make their lives easier by attributing it to the gods - entirely a reaction a paladin would have, but not the most socially graceful thing to say with the person who clearly called in significant favours on their behalf within earshot) and demanded discretion, because things were going to get ... heavy. He didn’t explain how, but he’ll be wanting a full report when they meet for drinks after their meeting with Governor Fortinbras.
So their schedule is - morning appointment with the Governor, probably some shopping, drinks and information sharing with Torinn, sleep, next day dinner at the Crestwinds’... We shall see how all that goes.
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ssimagines · 7 years
Let’s Bet on it ||George Weasley
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Pairing: George Weasley x slytherin!reader
Word Count:
Summary: You and George are really close even though you aren’t in the same house. You are a chaser on the Slytherin quidditch team. On the morning of your match against Gryffindor, you make a bet with George over who would win the game, but things don’t exactly end up in your favor. 
Warnings: major fluff as requested, stubbornness, embarrassing moments, quidditch
Request: Hi! I wanted to request a George Weasley imagine x slytherin!reader in which they both play in their house quidditch team (she's a chaser) and are super competitive so they make a bet. The one from the loser team has to do something embarrassing in front of the whole school but when her team loses George says that he doesn't want to embarrass her and fluff
Note: I really thought this was a cute request, so thank you for that. They aren’t together in this, but they end up together!! This takes place during Prisoner of Azkaban.
It was as normal as a morning in the great hall could be right before a quidditch match. Today was the great Slytherin vs. Gryffindor game. To say you were excited would have been a serious understatement. You were sitting at the Slytherin house table talking with your teammates about strategies for today.
For the most part, you loved the game. The only real downside of it was that it often leads to aggressive competition between houses that you didn’t really like. You were more for the playful side of competition and you really pushed your team to taking the game less seriously and just have fun with it. That wasn’t always received all that well especially by Draco Malfoy who just viewed quidditch as another way to try to beat Harry Potter.
When the conversation turned towards the crushing side of quidditch, you started to zone out and looked over to your “competitors” table. You saw the two, bobbing, red tops of your best friends’ heads. You smiled as you saw how animated they were about whatever story they were telling. You decided to join them.
You grabbed an apple before standing up and making your way around the large tables to the spot in between the jokester twins. The two moved so you could sit between them without a second thought. You really enjoyed the company of the Weasley twins. They were joyous pranksters, and you loved that about them.
No one really minded that you were at the Gryffindor table because it wasn’t really all the unusual for you to sit with there. You weren’t really a fan of the whole segregation by houses thing especially between Slytherin and the rest of Hogwarts. Slytherin was always perceived as this evil group of people, but you didn’t believe a whole house should be described by a few people who came from it.
Of course, you loved your house, but that didn’t mean that the other houses were awful. Just like your house, Slytherin, wasn’t evil, no house was what it appeared based on their very basic traits. You really judged people by who they were. For example, you weren’t Marcus Flint’s biggest fan. He was far too rude when it came to the way he coached your team. The littlest things like messing around with a fellow chaser, Adrian Pucey, got you in so much trouble that you had to sit out a whole practice while Cassius Warrington, who you were far superior to, got to practice in your place.
There were other people from other houses you also didn’t like. Percy Weasley being one of them because he was always getting you in trouble when you were with the twins. There was a girl your year from Ravenclaw, Juliet, who was always asking questions no stop in your arithmancy class. She made an hour-long class go into your lunch nearly thirty minutes more than once. There was also a boy in Hufflepuff, Douglas, a year older than you that would follow you around and ask if he could take your books all the time. No matter how many times you told him to back off he would follow you from class to class like a lost puppy.
“You ready for the match today?” you asked George as Fred took over the story telling. He looked at you with large smiling eyes. You could tell that he was excited for the match today. As you took a bit of your apple, he brought his gold and silver goblet up to his lips nodding slightly.
“I can’t wait to beat you,” He said chuckling. You laughed heartily. You pushed your shoulder into his causing his goblet move and some of its contents to spill out. The orange juice splashed onto both your legs.
Both of you jumped a little when the cold liquid made contact with your leg. You bumped into Fred on your other side. He stopped his story to look at the two of you.
“George, I told you needed to ease into asking her out,” Fred said. “When you jump right in, you scare the girls away. Play it cool, man.”
“Quit it, Fred,” George said. George’s cheeks tinted with red. It almost matched his pale red color. He reached around you to smack the back of Fred’s head. You looked between the two twins. Fred’s face was painted with a sheepish grin as he looked at his twin.
Fred had this long-standing joke with no one in particular that George was into you. It really wasn’t funny because it only ever seemed to make George embarrassed and made you quite uncomfortable. Truth be told you really liked George, but you didn’t want anyone to find out. There was no way that he would lie you back because you were a Slytherin and he was a Gryffindor.
“Sooo,” you broke the slightly awkward silence that had settled between the three of you. “When my house wins, what are you boys going to get me to celebrate my victory?”
“As I said earlier princess, I can’t wait to beat you,” George said bumping your shoulder like you had done to his earlier. You shock your head taking another bite of your apple.  
“Yeah there’s no way your team will win against us,” Fred chimed in. You looked between them and rolled your eyes. There were so many things you could have said right then.
“You wanna bet?” you snarked back after swallowing. The small crowd of fourth years that were listening to Fred and George’s story before you interrupted were all now starring at you as you challenged the rambunctious twins. The deal had caught Angelina Johnson and Katie Bell’s attention as well. They were sitting across from the twins and somehow you hadn’t noticed them until now.
“I don’t think that is a good idea Y/N,” you heard from a few people down.
You looked to find that Ron was the warning voice. He was the youngest Weasley brother and often got picked on by the twins. You had witnessed it too many times to count. You had heard numerous horror stories from Ron about their behaviors at home. You had a feeling you were about to hear another one.
“The last time I made a bet with those two…” Ron trailed off with a look of horror gazing over his face. “Let’s just say that they always win their bets. I’m pretty sure they cheat no matter what it is. Don’t put your stakes too high.”
The twins let out loud, bombing laughs that filled the surrounding area like a warm blanket. Angelina rolled her eyes, and Katie let out small chuckle. You looked to George who settled down and let a small smile grace his lips lightly. He placed a hand gently on your lower back. It was a feather light touch, but that along with his smile made your heart flutter. The touch was gone as soon as it came. He turned back to his place to shovel a bite of eggs into his mouth.  
“Okay, let’s bet on it,” George said after he swallowed his food and Fred settled down on your other side.
“And what Miss Y/N of Slytherin do you purpose the stakes be?” Fred chirped happily. You took a moment to think before concocting the perfect scenario. Fred took a swing from his goblet of orange juice as he waited for you to share your idea.
“When Slytherin beats Gryffindor, you boys have to sing This is the Night by Weird Sisters at dinner tonight in the great hall,” You smirked as you took a big bite of your apple.
Fred started choking on his juice cause a bit off it to splatter on Angelina’s fancy, she looked at him in disgust. You knew for a fact that Fred liked Angeline. There was a good chance his plan for asking her to Hogsmeade for the next trip were now damaged if not ruined. You gave Fred’s back a few hard pats to help him clear his airway.
“If you will we will sing the Weird Sisters in front of anyone, but,” George started once Fred had caught his breath.
“When Gryffindor wins, you have to ask Douglas the Hufflepuff out on the first date during dinner,” Fred finished.
Out of the corner of your eye, you see George tense as he brought another forkful of eggs to his mouth. You too stiffened. The idea grossed you out, but you were confident that Slytherin would beat Gryffindor. You had superior brooms, and you guy were on the field practicing as often as you could. You were more prepared for this.
“Deal,” you said offering a hand to each of the re headed boys. They both took the hand offered to them and all three of you shook on it.
“Deal,” They said together.
“The score is sixty to twenty. Gryffindor in the lead,” called Lee Jordan.
You were flying in the air doing your best to avoid the bludger that was heading toward your head. You quickly swooped down to move out of the pathway of the flying ball. A beater on your team, Peregrine Derrick, hit the bludger away before its path changed to head toward you again. You nodded a small thanks before continuing on you path.
“Fred Weasley hit a bludger in Marcus Flit’s direction.”
You snuck a brief glance in your captain’s direction to see him be smacked into with a bludger hard. It took you a second to recover from the sight and you moved toward the Slytherin goal posts where Angelina was preparing to score. You quickly flew to intercept the path of the quaffle as it left Angelina’s hand.
“Y/N Y/L/N has the quaffle.”
You rushed to the other side of your field maneuvering gracefully around bludgers headed your way. You went to throw the quaffle when you heard the Lee announce something you really didn’t want to hear.
“Harry Potter has caught the snitch! Gryffindor wins!”
You felt your shoulders slump in frustration. You lost. Your team lost. Slytherin lost. You returned to the ground hovering just over it. You couldn’t believe it. You were struck speechless.
Fred landed beside you and pushed your shoulder. He was saying something but you weren’t understanding it. You couldn’t think of anything besides that you had lost. You were so sure that you were going to win this. You had put n so much work. You didn’t understand how you had lost.
You didn’t even realize that you hadn’t moved. You hadn’t touched down. You still held your broomstick knuckles turning white, and the quaffle was tucked under your arm.
Not only had you just lost this game, but you lost the inter-house quidditch cup for this year. If you had just been able to score more points.
Slowly you lowered your broomstick the rest of the way to the ground and stepped off it.  You dropped the quaffle onto the grass and looked around the pitch the Gryffindor quidditch team was cheering with Harry on their shoulders. You looked at your team that was finishing the collection of the balls to put them away. They all looked disheartened. You looked back to the Gryffindor team and saw George who was watching you. He ran across pitch to you.
“Hey are you okay?” He asked. His voice was soft and steady. You felt a warm hand on your elbow that slowly moved up and down your arm.
“We lost,” you said. “I was so sure we were going to win. I practiced so hard; I even practiced on days off. I practiced with you and it still wasn’t enough. I can’t catch a break. Now I have to go ask out Douglas. He just creeps me out.”
You felt tears running down your face. They were warm, but a hand came up to your cheek to brush them away. That caused the tears to come down hard. The tears turned into sobs, and George pulled you into his chest.
“It’s okay, you did amazing out there,” He said as he ran circles up and down your back as you cried into his shoulder.
He pulled you off the pitch and into the throngs of people heading back to the castle. He guided you along with him into a small unused staircase off the side of the pendulum. You sat down on the window seal and he sat beside you holding you.
“I really don’t want to ask Douglas out.” You blubbered through your tears. “I know we made a bet, but he makes me really uncomfortable.”
“It’s okay. You don’t have to. Fred will understand,” he said over and over again. You kept sobbing into him. Tears drenched his shoulder and as gross as it was there was snot there as well. He didn’t seem to mind as he sat there talking calmly and rubbing your back and arm.
“Thank you,” you said after about ten minutes. You had stopped crying and used your sleeve to wipe your nose. You looked up at him from your spot under his right arm. He took his other hand and wiped the remaining tears off your face.
“I wish you had told me how you felt about Douglas,” he said; his voice got quieter after every few words. “I wouldn’t have made that bet. I wouldn’t have let make bet. I would have walked you to class more. I’m sorry.”
The two of you sat in silence. His right hand still ran up and down your arm. You watched students slowly trickle in until there were no more. You knew that it was nearing the end of lunch by now, but you weren’t ready to face your team who would put all the blame on you or Fred who would expect you to go to Douglas and ask him out. You just weren’t ready. George seemed to know that as he didn’t speak he just sat next to you.
He placed a slow kiss on your head. When he pulled away you turned to look up at him. His features were softer than you had seen them before. He cared and that warmed you. He brought his left hand to your cheek and ran his hand under your eye slowly and gently.
“Thank you, George,” You said for the second time in an hour. He let a small smile dance across his lips. You felt his gaze shift between your eyes and your lips.
“This is probably not the time, but can I kiss you?” George asked. His voice was breathy and seemed to dance around in your head like a wispy cloud.
You nodded just slightly, but he got the message and shyly came in to press a gentle kiss to your lips. It didn’t last for more than a second but ignited everything in you. When he pulled away, a smiled stretched across your cheeks.
“This was worth the year and a half of Fred’s teasing,” He said chuckling. You let out a small giggle and brought your lips back to yours. Though you had spent almost twenty minutes crying over the stupid bet, you were glad you mad it. Had you not you wouldn’t be there kissing your dream guy, and maybe he would not have had the courage to confess his feelings that his twin had already spilled so many times.
When you pulled away this time, you were more out of breath. After a few seconds, you stood up from where you had been sitting and stretched your stiff limbs. George did the same before catching your hand in his. Your stomach let out a small growl that signified you were hungry that you both laughed at.
“Can we go get some food?” you asked softly. He just nodded as he gestured for you to lead the way.
“Can we do the kissing more often? I really liked that” George asked. You laughed at him as you pulled him out of the little staircase towards the direction of the great hall.
“Yeah, we can as long as we don’t make any more dumb bets,” you say. He just nods furrowing his eyebrows for a second.
“Unless it pertains to a prank?” George asked. You thought for a second before answering.
“Unless it relates to a prank.”
With that you walked to the great hall hand in hand.
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