#vs wanting so badly for someone else to pick up the emotional and social burden for once
majoringinsarcasm · 8 months
Eldest siblings who are the mouthpiece for not just you but your siblings. Who take the brunt when someone doesn’t call, who is lumped into the lectures, who feel equal parts resentment and compassion. Anger and sadness. Hurt from many sides but cannot express that. Those who are so far into the Reliable or Accountable. The y’all when it’s not your fault. The both of you when you do everything right. Who get lectured on the phone for something your sibling Didn’t do. Those for whatever reason are stuck at home and cannot move out. Who don’t have reliable transport and rely on rides either from family or ride share. Who is and the best for siblings and also wish to sometimes be far far away so you can finally feel like you are not part of a collective.
We’re gonna be okay.
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