#vulnerable Kise
peachonified · 9 months
Also, re: my previous ask about Bo (ship/trope obsessions) – any current ship/trope obsessions for Kise?
Right now my Kise kink is filled with Kise hiding who he is.
Now, you know me - omega in hiding, sub in hiding, all of that ticks all of my boxes all of the time, but for Kise while I love all that, I also love when he hides his vulnerability, doesn't think he's important, but his friends are ready to show him that is not the case. (emotional porn is valid and important xD)
For some reason that is what I gravitate to!
Butttt... I also love a subby, slutty Kise who flirts his way around not realising that he about to be claimed and very very soon !
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nsfw knb part 1: (Akashi, Midorima, Murasakibara, Aomine)
Thank you for the request, the other half kuroko, kagami, kise (the kkk?!?) will be up in a few days. knb was my first sports anime that I fell in love with. Takao supremacy.
He is very dominant in bed and gets off on a sense of control.  It does matter to him if you are feeling good though, and Akashi checks in regularly to make sure you’re still on board. 
Both personalities like bondage. Seeing you all helpless and needy is a major turn on for him.  Akashi usually keeps a tight lid on his alter ego, but it does slip out in the bedroom sometimes. 
Heterochromic Akashi greedily claims you as his prize, methodically stripping you of your dignity. 
Akashi secretly likes exhibition, but will never let anyone actually see either of you vulnerable.  
He insisted on binding you for a generation of miracles reunion.  The rope harness under your clothes dug into you, as you tried to look as normal as possible.  Suddenly you were aware of everyone’s gazes and praying they wouldn’t hear the soft vibration coming from under your clothes.  “Be a good girl.” he whispers, turning the vibrations a degree higher.  It’s likely no one suspects a thing, but it still feels like everyone can see right through you.  Akashi carries on as usual, but the hungry looks he gives you feel like he’s lighting a beacon for everyone to see.
Midorima is repressed as all hell and tries to control himself and be proper, but as soon as he slides in you he can’t stop himself from pounding into you relentlessly.  
Is not one to curse in his day to day life, but has a dirty mouth and spews profanity in the bedroom.
He holds a strong conviction that you are meant to be his, and will never let you go.
Eye contact is a thing for him, he likes to stare at you and the expressions you make.
While daydreaming, the idea of pictures popped in his head, but he was too embarrassed to bring it up and he hasn't worked up the courage yet.
“You’re tight,” he hisses, as he slides all the way in.  His fingers are leaving indents in your thighs as he pulls you up instinctively, forgetting everything except the urge to go deeper, to be inside of you. 
“Fuck! S-stop clenching like that…  feels too good” 
motherfucker can't keep his hands to himself.  I think that as he grows older and matures his love of big boobs dies down to just a love of all boobs.  He still likes them big of course, but he learns to appreciate all sizes of boobs. 
Will lay his head on your chest to nap, making you unable to do much besides scroll on your phone.  Withholding sex is a great way to motivate him, but when he finally has you after being pent up he’s 10x more aggressive.  
Oddly though Aomine is more on the vanilla side of things. He likes rough sex but has no notable kinks. It would be more accurate to say that the only real sexual need he has is a soft and squeezable body.
"Baby... please lemme fuck you I can't take it anymore my cock is about to bust out of my pants!" He's already got one hand down his pants, the other undoing his belt.
"For the last time, no! We both need to finish our work! We can have sex afterwards." Unfinished emails and documents sit in front of you, as you literally push your horny boyfriend off of you.
lazy mf doesnt want to do shit but he’s fucking enormous.  His favorite pastime is eating you out over and over until you’re properly ready to take his cock.  It's not a problem for him because he loves to eat you out if he’s in the mood. 
The oral fixation is real.
He is easy to rile up and prone to childish jealousy, feeling the need to stake his claim on you at the slightest hint of competition.  Of course nobody in their right mind would pick a fight with him, but he still perceives anyone you talk to as a threat.  He doesn't want to share your attention with anyone.
If you want sex, you gotta get him in the mood. If he wants sex he's picking you up and hauling you to the nearest room with a lock on the door. You've been unceremoniously kidnapped several times already.
It's always a little scary when your boyfriend is in a foul mood. The inkling of fear turns both of you on though.
"I told you, he wasn’t flirting with me!  He wasn’t even talking to me!"
"He was looking at you. I could tell he wanted to fuck you." His voice is lower than usual, eyes narrowing to a glare. He inches closer, tying up his hair as he goes.
"Atsushi, I can take care of myself." A nervous wobble creeps into your voice though, and he backs you into a wall. His frame fills your line of sight, as he looms over you.
"No. My job is to take care of you."
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cloudyzeusy · 7 months
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Omega Kise
He smells of flowery scents and sweetness, probably because of how much time he spent around his older omega sister.
He is quite confident and puts a front in front of others, but he is quite vulnerable in front of you.
He is obsessed with planes, and if he didn't become a basketball player, he would become a pilot.
He lovess hugs, and he is very clingy. If you work at your desk, he is the type to sit on your lap as you work.
He is definitely the type to get into a sugar baby/domestic discipline type relationship (he doesn't even need the money).
He's always trying to get you involved with his shenagins, so it's great he has someone more mature than him.
He tends to act manipulatively and use his looks to get what he wants.
He tried to make you jealous once, but he drew no results except a red ass.
He hates pain but would gladly accept spankings or the paddle.
-Unsuprisingly, his skin care and face routine takes ages.
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ryusuisloveinterest · 4 months
Valentine Headcanons about (almost) every fictional character I love 💕 
happy Valentine’s Day to everyone! I hope you know you are appreciated and cared for! Here are some Headcanons on how my fictional crushes would spend Valentine’s Day 💓
featuring: Daiki aomine, Sasuke Uchiha, Takumi Fujiwara, Rindou Haitani, Jean Kirstein, Ryusui Nanami, Spike Spiegel, Hisashi Mistui, Matt Holt, Taehoon Seong, and Damian Wayne
Daiki Aomine:
He’s playing basketball 💀
You’re 100000% sure he forgot what today was because when you gave him a handmade lunch AND a net for catching bugs he just stares at it like “what is this for?”
So as you sadly sit on the bench watching him play
But then he falls idiot
You sigh and walk over to him. “You ok Daiki?”
He groans and kneels with a bracelet in his hand blushing
“H-happy Valentine’s Day…”
You’re speechless. Only for a short moment of course, you quickly begin laughing your ass off
“W-what’s so funny?! Damn Kise telling me to do dumb shit…”
“I love it Daiki! Where’d you get it?” 
“S-satski taught me…”
This man has the largest amount of pride but will always throw it aside for you!
Sasuke Uchiha:
You both would either stay home or be somewhere private 
You both have this secret spot in the woods that you guys have been going to ever since you were kids
So it’s no surprise on your 15th valentines together that’s where the two of you would be
With the little snacks and dinner entrees the both of you made to surprise each other and the nice lighting and river it was perfect
This is also the time he’s most vulnerable with you; kissing your hands, neck, cheek, arms, and of course your lips ;)
He whispers sweet things in your ear and tells you how he’s never loved like this and won’t with anyone else 
“You’re my everything (y/n). I look at you and see a future brighter than all the stars out tonight.”
It’s safe to say he only and will only ever love you
Takumi Fujiwara:
You’ve always went on Tofu runs when you could with Takumi, and it was no different for Valentine’s Day 
When he arrives at your house he’s standing there with a small bouquet 
“Is there anything you want to do today?” He asks you as he drives to the hotel
You shake your head. “It doesn’t really matter as long as I’m with you!”
He can’t help but smile
When he’s done with the deliveries he pulls into a parking lot in front of Lake Akina 
“Can w-we just sit here for a while then? I really just want to be with you.”
You smile at him and lean your head as close as you can to his shoulder. “I’d love that Takumi.”
Rindou Haitani:
Rindou takes you dancing
You both love to dance so it was a win
But of course after that he takes you home
You both cuddle on each other and watch random movies
Rindou has the finest liquor out and the sweetest chocolate and all your other favorite sweets 
He kisses up and down your shoulder as you sit in his lap holding one of his hands
“You’re mine (y/n). And you’re gonna be for my next valentine and the one after that…”
Jean Kirstein 
He cooks for you!
He makes you sit there patiently while he scrambles around creating the perfect meal
“Jean, i don’t mind helping you. I think it’ll be a lot easier if-“
“I got this (y/n)! Just sit there and look beautiful! Tell me about your day. You know I love to hear your voice.”
After he’s FINALLY done cooking, you dine together in the not so fancy living area, but the both of you don’t care
Jean did his best to clean up and set the sweet, loving tone and that’s all that matters to you.
“I love you (y/n). Thank you for making me so happy.”
Ryusui Nanami:
This man goes all out💀
As soon as you wake up it’s the most perfect breakfast in bed
He has to leave to work but literally leaves you his black card to treat yourself and constantly has people arriving with beautiful flowers every 5 minutes
He comes back for lunch and talks to you
“Has your valentines been well? I’ll make sure that you have the best day ev-“
“I really like all the things Ryusui really i do, but…I just really want to spend time with you…”
He pauses
Then calls in like it’s nothing!
The rest of the day is the two of  you lay in bed together and act all cutesy!
“I’m glad you’re my valentines dear. It’s been one amazing day.”
Spike Spiegel:
This broke man does his best I’ll give him that
He buys you flowers and takes you to a pretty nice restaurant. Nothing too fancy but it’s nicer than you normally go to
He lets you order first and gets him something small, which is weird for this man
You both talk for hours the waitstaff is so annoyed
After you two are FINALLY done you both walk back to the Bebop
“Why did you eat so little Spike? You’re normally chowing down!”
He chuckles and keeps walking, “wasn’t that hungry.”
“Come on spike, we’re practically married, I can tell when you’re lying!”
He sighs and mumbled something 
“I wanted to make sure I had enough money for you to eat…”
You stop in your tracks
You kiss him lovingly 
“Thank you Spike. I love you so much.”
He smiles, “ditto.”
Hisashi Mitsui
You’re probably his first valentines tbh
He waits at a cafe with flowers in his hand
When you show up he’s bright red. You’re not even wearing and saying anything spectacular he’s just so nervous lol
You sit next to each other and talk snack and laugh about everything and anything 
After the cafe you head to the park
And after that you go to little stores you see along the way
Mitsui buys you a stuffed animal you were looking at and you bought him a chain necklace he glanced at
It was a really great valentines, especially since it was first
“T-thanks for being my valentine (y/n). I’m glad i get to spend it with you.”
Matt Holt:
He makes this super cool heart shaped projector thing!
He hands you this heart 
It rises shifts into being a projector that displays all of your favorite memories together
It shows the new inductee dance and how the two of you jumping around without a care in the world
Then it shows a lazy night of the both of you “studying” for an exam as the camera zooms into Matt’s face and your giggles from behind the camera
And one of your favorite memories of all, your day at the beach together. Throwing water at each other, making sand castles, resting you head in his shoulder as the sun goes down 
“Matt…this is beautiful… I-I’m speechless…!”
“It’s alright.” He begins, “I know what you’re gonna say. I love you too.”
Taehoon Seong
Mans has no idea what to do
He acts like he doesn’t care as Hansu tries to give him ideas but really he’s terrified of messing something up
So when the day comes you hear a knock on the door you’re surprised to see a nicely dressed Taehoon with a rose in his hand
“Happy Valentine’s Day idiot.”
You smile and kiss his cheek. “Thank you Tae Tae!”
You Motion for him to come in
When he does there’s a nice breakfast for two in the dining room
“I know you don’t like to go out Tae, so I thought we could stay in for the day.”
Oh my gosh that sounds perfect
“Heh, I guess so. At least I’m with you.”
Damian Wayne:
Spoils you with acts of service 
As soon as you wake up you’re greeted with the smell of a nice breakfast in the dining room 
Then you sit in bed as he feeds you chocolate cover strawberries, watching silly movies and drawing pictures for each other 
At the end of the day he prepares a bath for the both of you
You wash each other not like that weirdos and you even blow some bubbles at him
When it’s finally time to sleep he massages your back and whispers about how much he loves you 
Then of course you fall asleep on his chest as he holds you
“Goodnight beloved. I hope you understand how much I love you.”
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lilambs · 2 years
hi could i request an inexperienced reader and a soft experienced eddie having their first time together? i love ur writing sm :)
hi peach, i hope this is okay. if not you are more than welcome to resubmit and i’ll try again
“i’m gonna touch you now okay sweetheart? that okay with you?” eddie muttered ever so softly.
you couldn’t really understand why you were so afraid, this is something you had been begging eddie for.
he had always told you no before; stating that you were everything to him, and that things like this took time.
he could sense the fear radiating off of you, “we don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. just say the word and i’ll uhm. i’ll give you some space alright?”
you took a deep breath before parting your lips, “i trust you. i know that you won’t hurt me and i want you to be my first.” you replied.
eddie felt like his heart was threatening to beat out of his chest and make a run for it, stunned at the pure vulnerability you were giving him.
he lifted his hand to gently cradle his palm against your jaw, his ring laced thumb resting on the soft fat of your cheek.
growing with desperation his eyes met yours, searching for another piece of consent.
he could never be too sure.
“please.. i want this.” you mewled, and those four words alone was all it took to rev up his engine.
eddie practically consumed your lips with his, not leaving any chance for a non-verbal argument over dominance.
you could tell he was holding back, the fear of doing something that would make you regret choosing him still lingering in the back of his mind.
so you slipped your tongue into his mouth, causing him to let out of soft groan. while leaving a fiery burning in the pit of his stomach.
he shifts both of your bodies so that he’s on top of you.
your mouth involuntarily continues to let out the most delicate sounds ever known to man.
or at least that’s what eddie thinks.
he mindlessly starts to roll his hips against yours, the rough denim material and the thin pleated skirt not enough to block the feeling of his painfully hard erection.
twitching ever so slightly at every noise that leaves your cute little mouth.
he slides his hand down from his jaw to your neck, giving it a small squeeze.
he starts to continue his journey of exploring your body, his hand traces your collarbone in continuation towards your stomach before arriving at his desired destination.
your precious cunt, protected by both your skirt and glorious cotton panties with a cherry that was placed right in the middle.
his fingers begin to slowly creep their way to the warm supple flesh, as if they had a mind of their own.
he had knew everything there is to know about your body, he would even go as far to say he knew you more than you knew yourself.
starting to feel self conscious as he becomes face to face with your aching slit, you bring your hands down to cover whatever was exposed.
eddie’s eyebrows furrowed, he crawled down to leave gentle wet kisses along your thighs. “so fucking beautiful honey. my pretty girl, would do anything for her.” he muttered against your soft skin.
you let out a whine, needing to feel his lips against yours, “kiss me. want you to kiss me.”
he grinned, leaning up to take his shirt off before devouring your lips. to eddie you tasted like everything right with the world, there was no other way to explain your taste other than pure euphoria.
his warm tatted flesh against yours sent fleeting waves of an indescribable sensation throughout your entire body.
the same body you had seen hundreds of times now holding a different sight, you couldn’t even begin to explain.
from eddie’s soft russet hair to his captivating hands that were littered with bulky silve rings.
he was beautiful.
you started to reach behind your back and unclasp your bra while eddie left a line of kises across your jaw.
he could feel every bit of self control that he was holding onto slowly leave his body. he needed to control himself for you, you were his pretty little petal and had to make sure you felt good in every way possible.
self restraint seemed impossible when your perky nipples are practically taunting him, begging to be touched, licked, pinched, anything.
you can feel your heart beating out of your chest, moving a mile a minute as eddie placed his hand on top of your slick riddened slit, his fingertips ghosting over your clit.
you flinched as eddie started to rub his thumbpad against the wet spot on your panties, driving him to edge of insanity.
“doing so well baby. so well.” he said, his voice being then vocal replication of honey as he rubbed continuous circles through the fabric.
muttering endless amounts of praise about how beautiful you are and how well you’re doing.
you’re met with vigorous shocks of pleasure waving through your body. adrenaline building in your fingers and toes.
pure ecstasy stuttering over you as eddie slid your underwear off before slowly sliding in the tip of his index finger.
he starts to gently pump his finger in and out of you, leaving just enough room to cause friction but never completely taking it out.
by now you had completely lost the ability to form any sort of words, all you could do was thrash around and whine every other two seconds.
“there’s my pretty girl, how’re you feeling sweetheart?” he asks.
you looked up at him, all the answers he needed were in your eyes. he grinned, loving the sight of pure pleasure on his girls face. and it was all because of him.
“words baby. tell me what want.” he leaned down to place a kiss on your forehead, his cool lips sending a relieving revelation onto your risingwarm skin.
tiny bits of drool were slipping out of your mouth, making it nearly impossible to speak. so all you could do was miserably nod your head.
he chuckled, fortunately for him his palm was facing upward. so he started to play with your clit with his thumb, rubbing in a circular motion.
by now your discomfort was entirely out the window and replaced with pure bliss.
he started to increase his speed, the feeling of your warmth clenching around him giving him the okay to do so.
“still with me baby? hi honey.” he murmured, raising his free hand to move the hairs that were stuck on your forehead to the side. letting you rest your head against his arm.
your body started to thrash around as the pleasure started to burn in a good way,leaving you with a feeling that was tightening deep inside the pit of your stomach.
eddie let his finger plunge deep inside you, while you whined strings of “uh..uh..uh..” into the room.
you lock eddie’s arm into a death grip as you let go, him continuously finger fucking you throughout this gratifying process, gradually slowing his pace until you’re practically panting like a lovesick puppy beneath him.
he eventually slowly but surely slides his finger out of you before submerging it into his mouth, savoring the taste of your sweet slick; enjoying it so much that he goes back for another taste. dipping his finger into your slick before bringing it back up and popping it into his mouth.
your legs started lashing as you rode of out the aftershocks of your high.
eddie stood up and crossed his arms against his chest, admiring the result of his “lightwork.”
you meekly raised your hand and let out a desperate whimper, signaling to him that you wanted to continue.
he grinned before beginning to tug his jeans off, resulting in his erection creating a tent in his boxers.
you let out a small gasp as eddie pulled his boxers down, his cock finally springing from its clothed prison.
you had taken plenty of bathes and showers with him before, he was your boyfriend for christs sake you knew his body inside out.
but you still couldn’t help but be stunned by how big he was. panic rose in your chest as you began to question how he could fit that inside of you.
eddie attempts to distract you by smothering you with kisses, grinning as you started to giggle uncontrollably.
even while your mind raced relentlessly you couldn’t help but slowly feel soothed at the thought you couldn’t be with anyone better than him.
“hi pretty girl.” he murmured in your ear before placing a gentle kiss on your temple. “look at me honey, in no way do we have to go through with this okay? need my girl to feel safe.”
you weakly nod, “i’m okay.”
his heart jumps out of his chest at those two simple words, “my peach.”
he leaned down so his forehead could meet yours, you softly shut your eyes while eddie took the chance to admire you and all your ground breaking features.
you inhale before you try to brace yourself for what comes next. fear creeping up your spine as eddie aligns himself with your entrance and slowly pushes in.
“look at me sweetheart, there you go. just look at me yeah? just like that honey.” he cooed, he could feel your walls stretching, slowing down in fear of hurting you.
he starts to slowly rut his hips, slipping the tip of his cock in and out, allowing you to get comfortable and used to the burning sensation.
he leaned down and started to pepper your face in an endless amount of kisses, successsfully distracting you.
he attempts to bottom out, slowly plunging into you for a little longer before sliding further in.
there is a shock of agnozing pain causing you to sharply inhale. tears track down your cute little face as you start to dig your nails into his arms causing him to slow his movements even more than before.
“i know honey i know.” he whispers as he leaned down to kiss your tears.
after a while the pain quickly gives way into pleasure, “uh..uh..uh..” the reoccurring mumbling stumble from your mouth without a thought behind them.
eddie feels as if he is on the borderline of hysteria as he tried to fight the urge to not pound into your newly touched cunt.
eddie successfully managed to bottom out, his hips coming to a halt as your walls tightened around him. your face crumpled in pain, cheeks growing a fiery red as tears began to fall.
he raised his hand up gently wipe your tears with his pinky, “look at me baby, are you okay? do you need to stop?”
your eyes flutter open up and are met with his beautiful doe eyes, face scrunched up in worry and concern.
“keep going. please keep going” you reassured him, you could take it, he was making this experience nothing but pleasurable for you. smiling at the sound of your sweet voice he slowly continues to glide into you.
the more that time passed the more the pleasure became absolutely delicious. your poor little cunt finally relaxed around him, giving him the leisure to pick up his pace.
the hurt felt so good, to the point where you were eternally greatful for the most perfect boyfriend anyone could possibly receive.
he adores you. he gave you a small smile as he starts to take in how ethereal you are, he had truly hit the jackpot with you.
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tetsunabouquet · 4 months
When Eyes Meet - Kuroko Tetsuya
A/N: I picked Kuroko next, considering I don't write for him often! Disclaimer: the soulmate concept belongs to Elfquest!
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Aomine Murasakibara Kise Kagami Akashi Midorima
You knew the words as well as anyone did. The history books have been telling you them since childhood, how humans have two names. How the second name is the name of your soul. That there will be an earth-shaking event called Recognition, where you'd lock eyes with someone and they'd instantly know the name, the moment you knew who your soulmate was supposed to be. Perhaps those words were easier to swallow, on days when you crush hadn't Recognized one of your closest friends. Now, you just felt miserable, like the universe was rubbing them in your face. Which is why you were currently hanging out with another close friend of yours, because Kuroko was that friend you went to when you wanted to be comforted and have someone who listened to you. Kuroko was gifted in that department and you honestly felt blessed to have him in your life. He had even been so sweet to treat you on a milkshake. You drank your f/flavor as he consumned his vanilla one at a bench nearby the Maji Burger. "You know, the two of you were incompatible anyways. He''s too impatient and impulsive for a girl like you. A relationship with him would eventually have gotten on your nerves." Kuroko's words were wise and calm, the way he patted you on the head was so gentle too. You honestly felt like you were coming down from the worst of it all. "Yeah, it wouldn't have worked out, right?" You said, trying to cheer yourself up. Kuroko smiled reassuringly at you, and you sighed, letting it all wash away from your mind. He rubbed your shoulder and you thanked him for being such a wonderful friend. "It's nothing. I just want to be there for you." You smiled at him, truly you didn't knew what you would do in a world without Kuroko. "You're the best." Kuroko looked away, slightly flushed. "Eh, what's this?" You teased lightly, poking him in the cheek. "Nothing, really." You looked at him, trying to look into his eyes and read his emotions, something you always failed to do because Kuroko was so good at having a pokerface. You wondered wether you should be considered selfish for being too emotionally drained to push further, but you let it go. You threw away your now empty cup. "Still, you're the best." Kuroko smiled softly and threw his own cup away too. "Let me walk you home." "Oooh, I am getting the full gentleman treatment. Do you honestly feel that sorry for me?" Kuroko looked over at you. "I just want to make sure that you're okay." "I am. I mean, I'm feeling a little vulnerable but further I am fine." "It's that 'a little vulnerable' that I am worried about." "Awe, that's so sweet." You smiled, genuinely touched. Has your brain thanked Kuroko silently for being there for you the millionth time just now? Yes it did. Honestly, Kuroko was way better at calming you down then Iseyama had ever been. Now that you actually thought about it, you didn't really knew why you liked him, other then him being a cute guy that could make you laugh. There were way more things you liked about Kuroko. That thought made you halt. "Hey Kuroko-san," You said, hesitantly as you wanted to ask him something, and just when the two of you made eye contact, it happened. "Teyrn?" The name escaped your lips with ease, as if you had been made to say it. Kuroko smiled broadly, "I knew it was you, Ram. I always knew." Your heart fluttered and you didn't knew what to say, so Kuroko looped his arm with yours like the polite sneaky bastard he was and started gently walking, making you move along. "I guess we should tell your mom that we Recognized." "She would be overjoyed." You squeezed his arm and your night honestly couldn't have ended better.
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aomine-ryo · 1 year
been rewatching attack on titan and decided to headcanon the knb characters in that universe bc I thought it would be quite fun
also I’d like to add: HOW AMAZING IS ATTACK ON TITAN OH MY GOD. probably one of the best works of fiction ever— rewatching it is making me fall in love with it all over again
Headcanons: GOM + Kagami in the attack on titan universe
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• probably not the best in combat physically
• so he most likely works in the garrison
• does have the advantage of titans not being able to notice him though
• so I guess he wins with stealth
• constantly having his ass saved by kagami
• but he’ll claim afterwards that he “had it under control” when everyone (including him) knows he would’ve died instantly
• would be the first to master the gear and everyone would be so impressed
• probably the captains’ favourite
• joined the survey corps because it seemed the most challenging
• kind of extra when he kills titans though
• he’d probably not be the most efficient with the gear because he likes to do unnecessary extra spins because it’s “fun and looks cool”
• adding flair to his kills distracts him from how grim the situation is
• extremely systematic and efficient with the way he moves
• most likely in the military police brigade
• but if he were a part of the survey corps, he’d probably be one of the main formation and plan makers
• absolutely hates getting titan blood on him
• decent in terms of combat, so his body count is fairly average because he’s not thirsty for kills
• will always roll his eyes when he watches how Kise moves with his gear because he thinks he’s being wasteful
• a very good fighter— would probably be at the top of the class during training
• he’s quick and strong so he cuts down titans like it’s nothing
• probably in the survey corps because it’s the best use of his strength
• has a competition going on with Kagami for kill count (and he usually has the lead)
• it keeps him from going insane knowing his comrades are dying around him
• probably has nightmares about it when he’s alone though, but he wouldn’t dare let anyone see him vulnerable
• sticks with Kise a lot and hopes that his cheery attitude would transfer to him
• has very good instincts when it comes to combat
• but he’d rather not engage in it
• one of the best fighters in training, but would probably opt for the military police brigade because the survey corps seems like more of a hassle
• got very frustrated with the gear on the first day because he didn’t understand it and almost quit
• but Akashi talked him out of it
• would constantly complain during missions and just keep questioning when it was gonna be over
• also probably the captains’ favourites in training
• quickly became the leader of a squad
• excellent in combat and also very good at devising plans
• knows how to motivate his comrades
• part of the survey corps and probably makes a lot of progress in terms of research and unveiling the truth
• has a strange attachment to his horse; would do anything to keep it safe and well groomed
• often gets dumped with handling Aomine, Kise and Kagami because he’s the only one that can keep them in check
• good fighter, in the survey corps
• has one of the highest kill counts because of his competition with Aomine
• despises titans with a passion and is fuelled by it
• very noble, strives to be everyone’s saviour
• goes and comes back from missions with his head held high, knowing that he’s making a contribution
• constantly has to watch over kuroko if he’s involved so that he doesn’t die
• gets in a bit of trouble with the captain because he gets carried away in his determination to get rid of titans
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redheadspark · 1 year
could i request 6 with jack russell, love your work and think this prompt sounds cute 🫶🫶
A/N - AWWW, I do like this for Jack! Thanks for requesting this, anon!
Summary - Jack tends to let his eys linger on you. For the right reasons
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Warnings - Just some cute fluff for our wolf boy :)
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Jack tends to stare off into space when his mind wanders.
Maybe it was a habit that he's had since he was young, not being able to focus on one thing instead of several things. Or maybe it was his anxiety that would step in from time to time when things got tough. His eyes would simply sit on one object and his mind would just....take a trip so to speak.
Of course he had things on his mind, being a werewolf was one of them. For most of his time having this curse Jack was worried. Worried about huting another being, worried about being seen as simply a monster when he knew deep down he wasn't, worried that his future was so uncenrtain. Worry flooded his life and he hated it, but he never showed it with his clients or other monster hunters he would encounter and work with.
That's where you came in.
Your monster-hunting reputation was not as famous as Jack's, but it was good enough to be on the radar when you two connected. He saw you as intimidating when you talked to him with daggers on your thighs and hips and your eyes drilling his, you were more forward in what was on your mind and how you were thorough. Yet on your end, you saw how gentle he was and more empathetic with any monsters he would hunt. It made you realize you both were so opposite from one another.
No wonder you fell for another so hard and so quick.
Jack found you reading a book, curled up in your shared bed one late spring night as the soft pattern of rain was heard on your rooftop. You loved having the window open to hear the rain, and as you flipped to another page in your book and hummed to yourself, Jack zoned out yet again.
But in the best way, with a soft gaze in his eyes and on his smiling lips
Once you two got together, you brought out the opposite or another another to make your hearts whole and as one. For Jack, you brought out his boldness and his directive communication, although you did love his endearing and meek moments since it showed the kinder and vulnerable sides of Jack.
Jack brought out the softer side of you, the side you buried for some time since you've lost so much in such a small time. He knew you were kind and broken at the same time, and over time he showered you with love and with affection. The kind you never thought you had and would ever get in your life. It scared you to get that from him, and yet you welcome it since you knew Jack was a dime a dozen, and you could never let him go.
He'd never let you go either.
"What are you staring at?"
Jack blinked, noticing that you were staring at him with your book now in your lap. He had to grin widely, shaking his head since he saw you give him a small look of concern.
"Nothing at all, just the most beautiful girl in the world, Amor," He answered, you grinning as he walked over to sit with you in bed, "And to think of what I can get you for our anniversary coming up,"
"I didn't think monster hunters who are dating get each other an anniversary gift, at least I didn't remember learning that," You joked as he leaned over and pecked your cheek.
"Well consider this a lesson then," He smoothly replied, taking the book from your lap while he was still kising your cheek, then moved to kiss your jawline and then down to your neck. You knew he was disracitng you, and he was somewhat wokring since you were feeling your breath get shorter and your pulse quicken. You leaned into him, feeling one of his hands reach up then to cradle your neck and moved your jaw for a better angle to kiss your pulse point.
You never thought you be a vulnerable mess at the hands of another monster hunter.
"It looks like I'm getting a distraction and not a lesson," You teased, though it was out of breath and almost a whimper as he kissed a sensitive spot along your skin. He chuckled, the stubbed on his chin and cheek grazing your neck was almost a bit too much.
"Lesson number one: how to properly love a monster hunter," Jack whispered in your ear as he then wrapped you in his arms and you two sunk into the bed with ease.
The End
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Spring Prompt Session
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hoshi-y · 2 years
May I ask for a vulnerable Amane who's had a s/o go on like a... Vacation or something, and the s/o returns to him, and what that interaction is like.
(Maybe he's a little clingy and territorial, but in a sexy way. And very touchy as usual, maybe even more so since they've been away so long, he craves a little more than usual -- very little personal space -- making his s/o very very flustered and red. Maybe playing with hair and repeatedly saying their name. Just some ideas 🤭 but I'd appreciate if you'd bring something like that to life, thank you 💕)
I love your work btw!!!
genre : Fluff with a hint of Lime
Characters : Yugi Amane
TW : Heated Content
A/N : AWW Im glad you love my work!! It makes me really happy to know that you love it!
Lime is just heavy kissing scenes please don't sue me—
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You were gone for too long my love..
You were off to a family vacation for a few weeks!
You told Amane about this and he just was not happy with you being gone for who knows how long
But yk, Its a week for you to enjoy
You would call and text him during your vacation
But that wasn't enough for him
"[F/N] I miss yoouuu.. When are you gonna come bacckk?.." He sulked over the phone, Using a bolster as substitute to cuddle with as you weren't there
"Im gonna be home next week Amane, Cmon you can survive 2 weeks without me yeah?" But in return you heard a groan
Touch starved
He is very touch starved lmao
wants your attention too
He wanted to go and call or text you again but he had to keep it to himself, I mean you are on vacation it would be rude of him to keep on disturbing you
You sent him loads of photos
Before you finally went home you bought him gifts! to make up the lost time you had with him
And Amane? Well he also has a surprise for you
"Mom, Dad I'm just gonna go head over to Amane's House!" You said peeking in the dinning room
Your parents and, His parents?? What are his parents doing here? "Ah! Hello [F/N] I hope you enjoyed your vacation?" Ayumi, Amanes Mom asked
After your conversation with them you head over next door to his house and let yourself in "Amannee—" Before you could even finish your sentence a pair of arms hugged you
"You're finally home.." he snuggled onto you hugging you a little tighter "Mmm.. I missed you so much.." Looking at you as he kised your forehead "I missed you too, Amane.." He was leaning in closer but a joyful and loud voice shouted at the top of the stairs making him halt on what he was doing
Amane moved you farther from Tsukasa and he stood their dumbfounded "Heeyy Amane! You're not the only one who misses [F/N]!!" He said as he eyed his Older brother, He wasn't answering as he just digged his face into your neck
"A-ahh, Sorry about your brother Tsukasa haha... Oh! I brought both of you gifts but It's in my room"
Tsukasa's eyes lit up when he heard 'gifts' He was about to grab your hand to drag you back to your house but Amane carried you bridal style "A-amane?!"
Tsukasa's eyes widened at his brothers actions, as it slowly turned into a Mischievous grin "Well aren't you a bit needy Amane—" Tsukasa snickered, not wanting to hear his brothers teasing, Amane carried you up to his room and shuts his door
Tsukasa cupped his hands together beside his mouth "HEY [F/N] ONCE YOU'RE DONE MAKING OUT WITH AMANE COME GIVE ME MY GIFT THAANNKKSS" He shouted as he ran out to go to your house incase your parents bought home any chocolate
You heard what he said and your face began to turn red "A-amane I was talking to Tsukasa.." You looked back at him who was giving you no to little personal space, Your cheeks burn at how close the two of you are
He sat you on his lap as he rested his chin on your shoulder hugging your waist "Amane?.." He hugged you tighter as he mumbled something that you didn't hear "Did you say something? If you're saying something rude about your brother I'm not gonna be happy—"
"Mine." He said as he pinned you down to the bed startling you a bit "Okay A-amane aha don't you wanna see the gift I got for you?.." Trying to change the topic but he can see right thru you
"Mm.. You coming home is already a HUGE gift for me..~" Slowly leaned in to the side of your ear feeling his lips slightly brushing against your ear to whisper something "A-Amane wait, I'm sensitive there.."
"You hair smells nice my dear.. ~" He said in a husky tone as he started peppering your neck with kisses all the way down to your collarbone "Amane w-wait"
You couldn't focus on the amount of pleasure you are receiving from him as he kept on peppering your neck with kisses "My I didn't know you were this sensitive my love~"
"Amane I think we should— A-ah!" He bit you, Leaving a hickey behind, You could feel him smile against your neck as he continued to give you more lovebites
"A-amane.." Running your fingers thru his hair as he continued to give you more marks "You taste sweet.." Nibbling on your skin leaving another mark, He pulled away and admired his work, You breathing heavily, hair disheveled and your cheeks were blooming with red
"[F/N].." He leaned down once again bitting your lower lip softly "[F/N].. I need you.." Capturing your lips into a kiss
"Amane..—" Trying to pull away but he brought you back in, He bit your lower lip asking for permission to slip in but you denied, He slides his knee in between your legs making you squeak giving him the opportunity to slip his tongue, He loved hearing your mewls as he knows you only make those sounds because of him.
Pulling away, a trail of saliva left behind as the both of you breath heavily "Amane.." He laid down beside you, Hugging your waist "Sorry, Love.. I got carried away.." Kissing your head, You jugged him back and looked up at him with a small smile
"It's okay.." As you kissed his cheek
He peppered your face with kisses making you giggle, He held your cheeks with his hands as he rested his forehead on yours, staring at you lovingly "Mine.. " He whispers.
Holding onto his hands that were gently placed on your face "Yours.." You whisper back, as the two of you cuddled and watched a movie for the rest of the afternoon
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Funny how it did not turn out how I wanted it to be 😞 Why cant we just scan the ideas in our head then paste it on a piece of paper ygm?
Edit : Aha, I wasn't satisfied with what i originally wrote so I rewrote it
It still sucks but yk
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Shattered Reflections
The gymnasium was filled with the fervent cheers of basketball fans, echoing off the walls as the match between Kaijō High and their fierce rivals intensified. Among the spectators, you stood on the edge of the court, watching the game unfold with a mixture of excitement and trepidation.
Kise Ryouta, the star player of the Kaijō basketball team, dazzled with his skillful moves and charismatic presence on the court. His charismatic aura drew people in, leaving them in awe of his talent. You, too, found yourself captivated by his prowess, an unspoken admiration blossoming within your heart.
As the game reached its climax, the tension in the air was palpable. Each possession and every shot held the weight of victory or defeat. But amidst the heat of competition, a different kind of battle waged within you—a storm of emotions you struggled to contain.
The final buzzer sounded, and the game ended with Kaijō emerging victorious. The deafening roar of the crowd celebrated their triumph, yet amidst the jubilant chaos, tears welled up in your eyes. It was a peculiar mix of happiness, relief, and an overwhelming surge of emotions that threatened to consume you.
Unbeknownst to you, Kise had noticed your tears from the corner of his eye. Concern etched across his face, he made his way through the jubilant crowd, his determination unwavering. He reached your side, gently placing a hand on your shoulder.
"Why are you crying?" he asked, his voice laced with genuine worry.
You blinked back tears, struggling to find words to explain the torrent of emotions coursing through your veins. "I… I don't know. It's just… It's overwhelming, Kise. Seeing you give it your all out there, the intensity of the game… It got to me."
Kise's expression softened, a hint of understanding in his eyes. He pulled you into a comforting embrace, his presence a balm for your turbulent emotions. "I understand," he murmured. "Sometimes, the pressure and intensity can become too much. It's okay to let it out, to feel."
In that moment, the floodgates of your emotions opened, and tears streamed down your cheeks. It wasn't just the game that moved you; it was the journey, the sacrifices, and the resilience of the players that resonated deep within your soul.
Kise held you tight, his embrace grounding you amidst the chaos of the world. His steady heartbeat became a soothing rhythm, a reminder that vulnerability and tears were not signs of weakness but of the profound connection forged through shared experiences.
As the tears subsided, Kise released his hold, a soft smile gracing his features. "You know," he said, his voice gentle, "basketball isn't just about the game itself. It's about the emotions, the passion, and the bonds we create. And in this moment, I feel closer to you than ever."
You nodded, a newfound appreciation for the depth of your connection with Kise taking root within your heart. His words resonated, reminding you that vulnerability and tears could strengthen the bonds between two people.
From that day forward, as you watched Kise shine on the basketball court, you no longer held back your tears. Each drop became a testament to the shared triumphs and struggles, the unspoken emotions that weaved a tapestry of connection.
In the realm of basketball and tears, where vulnerabilities were embraced and bonds were forged, you and Kise found solace. And in that shared vulnerability, your admiration for him transformed into a profound love—a love that thrived not only in moments of victory but in the tears shed along the way.
a/n: this one is embarrassing on y/n's part. love the comfort though. might try this one again with aomine because i like him more than kise.
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prettyboykatsuki · 1 year
fang which blorbos do you think would ruin an enemies-with-benefits situationship with feelings and trigger embarrassment at the both of you being vulnerable? like 'lay you down on a bed of roses' type feelings months after insisting 'this is purely physical. we're nothing?'
there is a correct answer to this question imo and its sunarin hq lol. kuroo too i think
in bllk, chigiri for sure hes so bad about it. bnha…im gonna say sero and probably kirishima. jjk its getou and that is simply not up for debate to me like getou is going to fuck it up bad.
aot…jean lmao. knb is kagami and kise i think
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rebeldia · 2 years
como ke he estao sin ganas de na u.u ni de llamar a mi familia, k a todo esto debería d hacerlo, ni de pedir ayuda, ni de absolutamente nada, pero sé que saldré de este estado y que sanaré, debo calmar mis aguas, debo reconciliarme conmigo, sé que no tengo culpa de nada, pero de todas maneras aún me cuesta trabajo no abandonarme cuando todo está muy gris y pesado, llevo la pena en mi alma y en mis ojitos aunque mantengo la risa, que sin ella ya no habría nada de mí, toy triste, enojada, frustrada, decepcionada y tanto más, pero wenop, no debo olvidarme, no debo olvidar k soi una persona buena, bacan, piola, q ta full en su vola, no me interesa nadie, no me interesa más esa persona que tanto kise, y al final fue eso, te quise en pasado, ya no te quiero, ni un pokito de cariñito, ni una ayuda cuando te estés cayendo, yo ya no estoy para personas que me han dañado, soy un alma frágil y vulnerable, y la empatía a veces la uso con quien no corresponde, pero ya no seré esa, solo toy pa les k me cuidan y me aman d forma genuina, nunca más para los k dicen quererte y después ahí están haciéndote sentir culpable, sin siquiera pedir perdón
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riminiscensce · 3 months
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a/n … here r my two cents on judging these guys’ potential on either being fluffy or angsty (btw it’s paper rings & you’re losing me)
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“I’d marry you with paper rings.”
he wouldn't think twice of marrying you, daydreaming about it in broad daylight and smiling out of nowhere just by the thought of it until someone points it out and he becomes a flustered mess. day and night would be filled with loving kisses, soft hugs, and vulnerable moments with one another. he wants your complications and he will accept them, he’ll learn how to live with them. living a life filled with the thought of you is a chance he will never let slip away.
akaashi, bachira, BOKUTO, caelus, chigiri, cyno, diluc, gaming, gepard, heizou, hoshiumi, ITADORI, itto, izuku, jing yuan, kaminari, kazuha, kirishima, kise, kuroo, LEV, luka, nanami (haha…), NISHINOYA, satoru, shoyo, THOMA, toge, VENTI, wriothesley…
“I wouldn’t marry me either.”
self-aware men who know that marrying you would only bring unnecessary pain to both you and him. he knows who he is, how he acts, and how he wants to continue with life—and he knows that, no matter how much he tries to think about it, he can’t have a normal life with you without causing you pain in more ways than one. and when he does, he knows he won’t be able to fix you once he breaks you.
aether, akashi, albedo, AVENTURINE, ayato, BLADE, childe, dainsleif, dan heng il, hawks, kaeya, katsuki, KAVEH, luocha, lyney, megumi, neuvillette, rin, sae, satoru, suguru, touya, wanderer, XIAO…
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storytimewithnova · 9 months
Harmonizing Shadows
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kuroko was off his game his boyfriend Akashi Seijuro was worried even the team could feel it Momoi not liking the team losing Motivation decided to face the prolem head on she started singing
Momoi:🎶Looking back at yesterday I thought I gave it everything But still there's so much road ahead of me🎶
Kise looks at her as to say are you sure Momochi
She smiled and carried on
Momoi:🎶When I looked into your eyes I guess I didn't recognize Who we are and all that we can be🎶
Kuroko no looking at her was still in his head
Momoi sighed and Akashi got up and started
Akashi:🎶Sometimes it's hard to find yourself But it's worth it in the end 'Cause in your heart is where it all begins🎶
Kuroko could hear him but the negative thoughts still clouded his mind Aomine thought
Aomine: 💭 this better work Momo
Aomine:🎶We gotta be boldWe gotta be brave We gotta be free🎶
Momoi: Dai chan?
Akashi:🎶We gotta get loud Making that change You gotta believe (whoa)🎶
Momoi: Sei chan
Akashi smiled it was a genuine smile
Momoi:🎶We'll look deep inside And we'll rise up and shine We can be bold We can be brave🎶
Kise joined finally getting in to the spirt of what their manager was trying to do and continued
Kise:🎶everyone see It starts with you and me (whoa-oh, whoa-oh, hey) It starts with you and me (whoa-oh, whoa-oh, hey) It starts with you and me🎶
Midorima: this better get Kuroko out of whatever slimp he is in because we need our Phantom right now so you better listen up Phantom 🎶There's something special that I've learned It's together we can change the world Everybody's got something they can bring When you take a look inside yourself🎶
Momoi: Shin chan😊
Atsushi: fuck it so we are doing this you owe me snacks Tetsu chin 😤 🎶Do you wish that you were something else? But who you are is who you need to be Sometimes it's hard to find yourself But it's worth it in the end 'Cause in your heart is where it all begins🎶
GOM:We gotta be bold We gotta be brave We gotta be free We gotta get loud Making that change You gotta believe (whoa) We'll look deep inside And we'll rise up and shine🎶
Kagami gets up and says
Kagami:you better snap out of it Kuroko i need my partner back I can't be light with out my shadow so listen up buddy🎶 We can be bold We can be brave Let everyone see It starts with you and me (whoa-oh, whoa-oh, hey) It starts with you and me (whoa-oh, whoa-oh, hey) It starts with you and me🎶
Momoi felt her heart swell up and Akashi looked at Kuroko he went to him
Akashi:🎶We all can do a part We know that it can be the start To bring about the difference that we need (yeah) I promise we can work this out I promise we can see it through Don't you know it's up to me It's up to me and you🎶
Kuroko grabbed Akashi and Hugged him
While Momoi and the team sang the last verse of "You and Me" from Disney's Descendants, the team couldn't help but feel a surge of motivation and unity. They knew that in that moment, they had come together not only as a team but also as a family. Kuroko, overwhelmed by the love and support he felt from his teammates and his boyfriend, felt the negative thoughts and doubts slowly fade away.
Tears welled up in Kuroko's eyes as he tightened his embrace around Akashi. He finally understood that he wasn't alone in his struggles, and that his friends were there for him. Aomine, seeing Kuroko's vulnerability, walked up to them and patted Kuroko on the back, offering his silent support.
Momoi, watching her plan unfold successfully, smiled proudly as tears of joy streamed down her face. She felt a deep sense of fulfillment in being able to motivate and bring her team closer together.
As the song came to an end, the team members wiped away their tears and stood tall with renewed determination. They knew that it would take hard work and unity, but together, they would overcome any obstacle that stood in their way.
Kagami, his usual fiery spirit back in full force, grinned at Kuroko and shouted, "Let's show them what we're made of, partner! We won't back down!"
The gymnasium was filled with cheers and excitement as the team huddled up, ready to face their next challenge head-on. Kuroko felt a surge of confidence and knew that with his friends by his side, he could conquer anything.
From that day forward, Kuroko's game improved drastically. His passes were sharper, his presence on the court more impactful, and his teammates were amazed by his newfound determination. The team became unstoppable, winning every game with ease.
But the victories they celebrated weren't just about basketball. They were about friendship, love, and the unwavering belief in each other. The bonds between the players deepened, and they carried their newfound unity and motivation with them both on and off the court.
Kuroko realized that his worth as a basketball player and as a person wasn't solely determined by his skills or his ability to contribute to the team. It was about the love and support he received from his teammates, his boyfriend, and his friends.
And so, as Kuroko continued to grow and excel in his basketball career, he never forgot the power of unity and the strength that came from standing together as a team. As the last note of the song faded away, the gymnasium was filled with a moment of silence. And then, Kuroko slowly released his grip on Akashi and stepped back, his eyes filled with determination.
Kuroko: "Thank you, everyone. I needed that. I've let my doubts consume me, but you all reminded me of who I am and what we can achieve together."
Midorima nodded, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "We believe in you, Kuroko. You are an essential part of this team, and we can't afford to be without you."
Aomine chimed in, a rare softness in his voice. "You're right, Tetsu. We've faced countless challenges together and surpassed them. This is no different. We're here for you every step of the way."
Kise added, his eyes gleaming with determination. "And don't forget, Kurokocchi, we're the undefeated Generation of Miracles. We have the power to overcome any obstacle."
Momoi nodded in agreement, her eyes shining with pride. "You're not alone, Tetsu . We'll stand by your side and support you, just like you've always supported us."
Feeling the unwavering support and love of his teammates, Kuroko felt a spark of determination ignite within him. He knew that he had to let go of his doubts and embrace his true potential. This was the moment for him to rise above his own limitations and rediscover his signature playing style.
Kuroko: "Thank you, everyone. I won't let you down. From this moment on, I'll give my all and become the Phantom once again. Let's show everyone the strength of our team!"
With renewed determination, the team gathered together, ready to face any challenge that came their way. Kuroko's slump was replaced with a burning passion and unwavering focus. They knew that together, they could conquer anything.
As they stepped onto the court for their next game, the energy in the air was electrifying. The spectators could sense the change, the fire that burned in their eyes. Kuroko, now fully present and driven, led his team fearlessly, weaving his way through opponents and making the impossible passes that only he was capable of.
The match was intense, filled with breathtaking plays and fierce competition. But at the end of the day, it was the unity and unwavering spirit of the team that prevailed. Kuroko's revived presence on the court inspired his teammates to push their limits, and together, they emerged victorious.
From that day forward, Kuroko and the team continued to excel, accomplishing one victory after another. Their bond grew stronger, and they became an unstoppable force in the basketball world. Kuroko's slump was but a distant memory, replaced with a legacy of resilience and unwavering determination.
And as they celebrated their victories, Kuroko knew that it was the love and support of his teammates that made all the difference. With them by his side, he had discovered a strength within himself that would last a lifetime. As the season came to a close, the team stood proudly on the championship podium, their hands clasped together, and their victorious smiles shining bright. The bond they had forged had not only made them champions on the basketball court but also in their hearts.
The title of their story? "Resurgence: The Unbreakable Unity of the Phantom and the Miracles." It symbolized the journey they had undertaken together, overcoming challenges, rediscovering themselves, and becoming an unbreakable force that inspired others.
In the years that followed, the team continued to achieve greatness, both individually and collectively. But it was the memory of their unity and the unwavering support they had shown each other that remained the most profound. They knew that beyond the triumphs and accolades, their true victory lay in the unwavering friendship they had forged, a bond that would last a lifetime.
As Kuroko and his teammates stood together, basking in the glory of their achievements, they knew that regardless of what challenges lay ahead, they would always have each other. And with the unity and resilience that had become their trademark, they were ready to face whatever came their way.
Together, they were an unstoppable force.
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miyuwuki · 3 years
Knb boys and how they help their girlfriend who has ptsd and anxiety pretty please??? Q.Q
will do love! i hope you’re okay! :) instead of head cannons i hope shirt drabbles are fine.
warnings: ptsd and anxiety; slight angst
GOM x reader, kagami taiga x reader
comforting you
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prologue: it was one of those days were you just weren’t feeling okay— all those feelings and wounded memories were all flooding back to you, and you didn’t know what to do. your head feels hazy, and your chest feels tight; the only thing you can turn to was your loving boyfriend, but even then you were insecure of how he’d react.
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kise ryouta:
these didn’t happen often, but on the days where you felt like the entire world was against you, your boyfriend was always there to prove that even if that’s the case, he was always rooted to you. “is there anything specific you want to do?” kise asked you, holding you in his arms while rubbing your back. your body softly rattled against his, finding relief in his scent and warmth. “rom com.. i wanna watch a rom com..” he smiles and pulls back a bit, just enough where he can cup your face and plant a kiss on your lips; a kiss so soft but is loud with his love.
“a rom com it is. whatever helps you get through the day today, y/n-cchi.”
midorima shintaro:
he softly hummed as tears streamed down your face, waking up from a nightmare you never thought you’d face again. midorima situated yourself on his lap, his palm drawing large circles on your bare back. “i’m here, i’m here,” he whispers, continue to trace out the shapes. in times like these, he’d drop his tsundere persona just so he can be the person you need during these moments. he places soft kisses on your cheek, mumbling “i love you’s in between.”
“i won’t ever leave you alone, alright y/n?”
aomine daiki:
his panic settles when he sees so so vulnerable in front of him, as if you were made of glass— one touch and you’ll shatter. your body softly shivered and your breathing became unsteady. you didn’t know what triggered it, but it happened all in the spur of the moment. aomine gently pulls you into the bed, with your body on top— and no, you aren’t crushing him, because he’s perfectly fine as long as you’re comfortable in his arms. one arm is around your waist, and the other is playing with your hair, running the tangles through his fingers. he plays some soft music in the back and cradles you even more. he doesn’t know articulate the right words, but he tries his best to show you that he truly cares about you through his actions.
“hey, if you want we can take a little nap and find out what’s bothering you later, whatever you want. i’m all yours.”
a nap sounded great.
murasakibara atsushi:
you constantly fidgeted on the couch, anxiety racking your bones after your darkest memories creeped into your mind again, like it didn’t even bother to knock. you bit at your lip and scratched at your arms, but that came to a halt when your boyfriend grabbed you by your wrist and frowned. “what’s wrong, y/n-chin?” you shook your head, afraid to talk about it and continued to pick at your lips. murasakibara carried you bridal style to the kitchen, as you aren’t heavy to him despite whatever you weighed, and set you on the counter. he rubbed the red patches that formed in your arms and softly pecked at your neck before putting on an apron and some baking supplies.
“will cream puffs make y/n-chin feel better? i’ll make a ton, and then we can watch your favourite show and then sleep.” he smiled.
akashi seijuro:
the minute your breath was hitched in your throat, akashi knew that your anxiety was out to trouble you again. your teeth clenched against each other, and your chest was quickly rising and falling. “what’s the matter, love?” he softly asked, looking at you with his loving eyes. “just.. not feeling too good.” you replied. “come with me,” he whispered, softly pulling your arm to your room. you two sat at the edge of the bed, his hand finding placement on your cheek, his thumb stroking the soft tears away.
“i’m all ears, love.” he says, kissing your forehead. and you couldn’t help but tell him what was bothering you, even if it didn’t come out correctly; whatever scattered words you spewed out of your mouth, he understood, because no one understood you more than he did. he pulled you into his chest and repeatedly placed kisses on your head.
“i’ll set a bath for you and then we can do whatever you’d like, my love. i’m so proud of you for getting through today. that’s all that matters.”
kuroko tetsuya:
walking in on you sobbing under your sheets, he quickly placed the two vanilla milkshakes on your desk before rushing to your side. he pats your head over the covers, “y/n?” he softly asks before pulling the covers off. the sight was heartbreaking; your body juddered and a frown was plastered across your face. your hands covered your ears as if it was loud, and you couldn’t help but hiccup. “tetsuya..” you croaked, reaching out a hand which he immediately took. he stroke the back of your palm with his thumb, something he did that showed that he was by your side. he dipped his head as he covered you under the comforter again, pecking your lips.
“it’s okay, y/n,” he muttered, “i’ve got you, i’ve got you..” and though you couldn’t see him because it was dark under your blanket, you couldn’t help but smile.
and the vanilla milkshakes definitely helped, too.
kagami taiga:
his immediate reaction were breathing techniques; you both stood in the middle of the living room, his hands on your waist and yours on his chest. “one, two..” kagami softly counted, trying to get you to match his breathing with his. once he observes by your face that you’ve calmed down a little, he places a kiss on each side of your temple. he whispers sweet nothings into the air, occasionally rubbing the spot right over your heart to soothe the aching. then, he cooks something quick but delicious and feeds you slowly.
“i don’t know what’s going on in that pretty head of yours, but i love you, and i’ll always catch you if you fall. let me take care of you, y/n..”
once again, i hope all is well. anxiety + ptsd is definitely not something easy to go through, but i always know that i love you and that as long as you get through the day, that is more than enough. i felt compelled to write this because i find a lot of comfort to things like this :) i hope it comforts you as well, love
**✿❀reblogs and likes are appreciated❀✿**
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tenkasato · 2 years
Kise Ryota x fem!reader (or gn, i dont mind) where reader faces depression and her darling boyfriend comforts her?
Hello, dearest anon! I am so sorry it took me forever to finally write this. I wanted to make sure I could write this the best I could. Thank you for waiting! And thank you for requesting! ^^
You Are Strong
Pairing: Kise Ryouta x reader
There you are, bundled in your comforter, knees drawn to your chest in an effort to make yourself smaller.
A sharp ache shoots through Kise Ryouta at the sight. He tiptoes towards you so as not to startle you and sits on your bed. The cushion dips under his weight but you pay him no heed.
Kise tries to choose his words carefully, but after a few minutes of silent albeit troubled contemplation, he sighs. He calls your name gently instead.
There’s a pase. Kise wonders if you heard him at all, but after a shift and a barely audible whimper, you call back, “Ryouta?”
His lips curl up to a small, fragile smile despite the sadness filling his veins. “Do you want to talk about it?”
You shiver underneath you comforter before you finally decide to sit up. You wrap the blanket around your shoulders and deliberately avoid his worried gaze. Your eyes were dry, but he sees the reddened patches of skin underneath them.
“No,” you croak.
Kise knew you’d say that. So instead of prying, he reaches out for your hand underneath the blanket. He cups your freezing hand with his, enveloping his warmth around you as he glances affectionately at you.
You let him play with your fingers for a while, then, “Ryouta, I’m sorry. I’m—”
“Shh, shh,” he hushes and squeezes you. “You have absolutely no reason to apologize, you hear me?”
“No, it’s just that… this hasn’t happened in a while now. I didn’t mean to… to… feel this way again. I didn’t mean to be weak—”
“Who says you are?” Kise interrupts you. “You are not weak. You’re strong. You might not think so, but everyone else, especially me… we see you. We see the strength you have. It’s like—like…”
Kise trails off. You look up at him and arch your brows as you watch him run his hand through his hair. He blinks a couple of times before grabbing your hand again. This time, you squeeze back and interlock your fingers together.
“You know that time when I sprained my ankle?” he blurts out.
“So that time, remember what I told Kasamatsu-senpai when the coach benched me?”
You frown. “You cursed yourself for being weak.”
“Exactly. That’s it!” he beams, looking glad you remembered even if it had been years ago. “Senpai smacked my head, you know. The usual show of violence he does when he thinks I’m talking nonsense or being an idiot. It hurt. He was a little more forceful that time ‘cause he was mad and—”
You stare at him glumly as he blabbers on and on, until he finally realizes he’s rambling. “...what I mean is… do you, uh, do you get it? I was injured because the floor was slippery. Because the Shutoku guy was a little rough. Because I made a miscalculation and turned the wrong direction.”
He looks you in the eyes.
“It wasn’t because I was weak.”
He waits for your reply expectantly, but you could only stare back, mouth slightly agape and brows knitted, as if you’re trying to crack some riddle.
An embarrassed look crosses his face. “I’m not very good with analogies, or words.”
“No, I get it.”
“Really?” he asks, dubious.
“Yes, I needed to hear that,” you whisper forlornly. Kise begins to trace the creases on your hand as you continue, “Sometimes, I can’t point out a specific cause or reason to blame for these episodes. It just happens. I’d feel so empty that it’d be so unbearable. It’s like there’s a void in me that saps out my energy. I can’t even explain it. That’s why… I can’t help but think I’m weak.”
“But you aren’t,” Kise repeats, this time more firmly. “And for the record, we’re human beings. We’re allowed to be vulnerable sometimes.”
You rake your nails across his knuckles. “I don’t want to feel this way anymore.”
“I know,” he replies before bringing your hand to his lips. When he raises his eyes, he sees the love reflected in the way you regard him softly, a ghost of a smile that speaks of so much devotion. He feels another ache in his heart, but this time, he revels in the pleasant sensation.
“I’m here. We’ll get help together, and I’ll be there in every step.”
He kisses your hand again.
“I’m here.”
Those were simple words. Uttered almost casually and naturally. They were cliche. But Kise meant it with every fiber that made up his heart.
Instinctively, you reach out and trail your fingers from the ridge of his brow, to his cheek, to the angle of his jaw, then to his lips. You slowly bring your face closer. Kise leans forward to meet you halfway.
You both stay still as your mouth contacts his—a feathery touch, a delicate contact. Your hand is still on his face, with his on your knee. Your lips don’t even move, yet you swear you’ve never felt as connected as you do right now.
When you pull away, your fingers still planted on his jaw, you sigh, “Thank you.”
Kise nods and takes your writs. He presses another kiss in the palm of your hand and replies, “Thank you, too.”
To everyone suffering depression or other mental/emotional problems, thank you for fighting and staying strong. You are loved. You are wonderful. I hope you’d always remember that.
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