vvardenfellcat · 4 years
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[Happy New Year! :D]
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vmountainsv · 5 years
The first group leaders
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∆Scouts eye; Makers of Stone∆
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∆Odd eyes; Moving Ivy's∆
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vvardenfellcat · 4 years
Time In A Bottle - Jim Croce
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vvardenfellcat · 5 years
[Sorry for up and vanishing, I’m at my werewolf boys’ blog right now, but I know I’ll eventually come back to J’hasi. I always do.
If it’s my turn on a RP with you, just reply to this post and I can mark those in my drafts to work on when J’hasi comes back.]
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vvardenfellcat · 6 years
boarchasers replied to your post : Hide - for a Boar-Chaser or a Scamp, whichever...
Even if the various clues already listed had not been enough to give away Trond’s position to all and sundry, the yelp which escaped him when J'hasi spoke would have alerted anybody between Whiterun and Cyrodiil as to his whereabouts. When he had regained his countenance - what there was of it - he turned the full glare of his helmet on J'hasi. ‘How am I doing? How am /I/ doing? What do you think /you’re/ doing?’
The Khajiit grinned cheekily at Trond, his tail curling in amusement behind him, still trying to stifle giggles at the outburst he’d caused. He finally bit his lip with a grin, taking a breath to calm himself enough to respond.
“Testing your skills. A good guardsman should always be prepared and alert for danger at any turn, of course.” A small snort of laughter made it out into the air, J’hasi pulling his scarf up to hide the huge grin he couldn’t hold back anymore.
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vvardenfellcat · 6 years
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[J’hasi, post-Winterhold getup (UPDATED)]
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vvardenfellcat · 6 years
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[J’hasi, post-Winterhold getup (UPDATED)
Mostly bc it’s fucking cute and I love it.]
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vvardenfellcat · 6 years
18. Has being a werebeast generally effected your moral system in any way?
“Not…really? I’ve been eating people long before I was bit, just…not so often and not nearly so much. I only scavenge off those that are already dead in a pinch, and usually I get my fill from bandits and what have you on the roads. With the war going on…it’s nearly impossible for m-…my wolf to go hungry.” He fiddled with the edges of his bandages.
“Other stuff…I don’t know. I’ve been a werewolf for so long, I’ve spent more of my life as one than…normal. I don’t go around starting fights without cause, and largely I stay out of trouble with the law. But I’ve always been like that. Eh…” J’hasi rubbed the back of his head.
“Well, I was more…vocal…back then. But at the time it felt necessary. I was a hotheaded kid who grew up in bad situations. Took me a while before I mellowed out.”
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vvardenfellcat · 6 years
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[J’hasi, post-Winterhold getup (OLD)]
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vvardenfellcat · 6 years
A low groan emanated from a pile of snow, the wet clumps of flakes parting to reveal a messed patch of black fur. Green eyes cracked open only after a mildly-frustrated rubbing that in turn spread over the face of an extremely hungover Khajiit. J’hasi let out the rest of the air in his lungs in a drawn-out hiss, closing his eyes to the blinding sunlight.
“Xuth...” he grumbled. He was freezing, and wet where the snow melted, which in turn made his ass feel like a block of goddamn ice. He wouldn’t be surprised if he had icicles on his whiskers. He sneezed, shaking his head before regretting that instantly, his head screeching for stillness. The Khajiit pressed his knuckles to his skull until the bits between his ears calmed down. He opened his eyes again, looking over the area he must’ve passed out in.
A fresh blanket of snow attempted to cover his tracks from last night, but where he’d fallen and tried to get back up left quite a mess, too much for even a decent snowfall to cover up. At least he’d be able to find the road again, because he had no clue where he was. Hopefully not too far from Winterhold. He’d picked up a book for Urag out of some musty old barrow, and a necklace from a grumbling Dunmer in Riften for Sergius to enchant. He checked his pack to make sure he still had both items, finding them wrapped up securely in his cloak, dry and unharmed. He let out a slow sigh of relief, fingers finding a bottle inside his pack and pulling it out with a small start of curiosity. He didn’t recall getting this...
J’hasi popped open the cork and the familiar scent from within hiked his brows up in surprise.
Well, no wonder he’d gotten so hammered. He’d somehow stumbled upon someone who either sold or gave away sujamma. If only he could remember their face, or the city... The Khajiit’s brows furrowed, trying to remember what had happened the night before. He’d stopped at an inn along the road, had a few drinks, then headed out again. He remembered meeting someone along the road, but for the life of him, he couldn’t remember anything other than their voice, akin to a lighthearted flute, a huge grin...
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vvardenfellcat · 6 years
stolen from: @deadeyedrifter
~ Crow ~
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The Crow is a very interesting, complex familiar to have, and seems to have a lot of personality to its behavior. Though it is seen by some as representing evil, it is in fact a sign of luck as well, either good or bad, and is strongly tied with magic as well. Despite its worse side of its reputation, it is not a trickster, but in fact very wise and adaptable. In the same way, you are a very intelligent and creative individual, though you may be misunderstood by your peers.
The Crow familiar brings good luck to their master, acts as a mentor or guidance to them, and inspires them with bright and creative ideas.
This familiar represents:
-Creativity -Closeness to magic -Luck -Intelligence -Wisdom -Adaptability -Being misunderstood
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vvardenfellcat · 6 years
Choose: the ability to cast all magic flawlessly, or the ability to go anywhere undetected.
“That’s an easy one.” J’hasi folded his arms across his chest, his hands balled up into loose fists both to combat the cold seeping into his joints, and to protect his palms, covered in still-stinging, freshly-bandaged burns.
“There’s loads of magic and spells that were lost over the years, especially once the Mage’s Guild was disbanded. Either the bulk of the spells I knew about 200 years ago were lost then or Winterhold just never…bothered to be in contact with the Mage’s Guild. From what little contact I’ve had with the Synod and the College of Whispers, they don’t have much in the way of spells other than the ones to firmly plant oneself up the ass of the Emperor.” The Khajiit scoffed quietly, shaking his head as if to forget about it, his enthusiasm returning once his thoughts returned to magic.
“With the right spell, I could do damn near whatever I wanted. Including the ability to get into any place I wanted, undetected, all without having to plaster myself against walls or jump down flues or have to touch sewer water ever again. It’s an easy choice.”
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vvardenfellcat · 6 years
Choose: your duties as a Blade, or your duties as the Nerevarine.
The Khajiit shook his head minutely, a slight scowl on his face.
“I’d rather have neither. If I had to choose one? Nerevarine. Martin’s…” J’hasi paused as if in thought, his ears dropping for a moment before flicking back in irritation, his gaze shifting to the side and down as his voice quieted.
“Martin’s long gone. The Blades are without purpose, hiding and waiting to be hunted down by the Thalmor, abandoned because we screwed up and couldn’t let go, and once we had purpose again? We lost.” His face was bitter before he sighed, continuing.
“As the Nerevarine…my duties are to protect the people of Morrowind, which I did a shit job at. Azura can choke for all I care.” he spat the last line with more than a touch of venom, his tail giving a sharp swish behind him.
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vvardenfellcat · 6 years
14. How you deal with the side-effects of your beast side (sensitivity to silver, herbs, insomnia, etc.)?
“…avoid them?” J’hasi sighed, rubbing at his jaw.
“I’ve got an alchemist in Skyrim working on something to help me with the sleep thing, and I’m careful around wolfsbane. It’s more painful than deadly if you’re just touching it, I more worry about it getting in my eyes or my mouth or something. I’m not too keen on finding out what it does to my insides, after reading up on it…it doesn’t sound pretty. But…it’s also poisonous to people, so I usually don’t have a problem with it unless it’s used in potions or I run into a patch while traveling or hunting.” He shrugged.
“It’s sort of the same with silver, at least for me. I’ve known some weres that just touching silver burns them, while for me, it has to touch the inside of a wound or cause one before it burns. Handling it doesn’t usually make me nervous…unless it’s sharp.”
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vvardenfellcat · 6 years
2. How do you feel after a transformation?
The Khajiit rubbed the back of his neck, looking away with a mildly-uncomfortable look on his face.
“It…kinda depends on why I’m shifting. If it’s to protect myself, I’m usually trying to not outright panic and lose control. It hurts like hell to shift, and that feeling doesn’t really go away for the first few moments after you completely shift. It hurts way worse when you’re still new to shifting, but it never really gets comfortable enough to consider it not painful.” J’hasi rubbed at his ribcage as if the ache was present even now.
“When it’s for hunting or long-distance travel through empty wilderness… Well, it still hurts.” He made a face, ears flicking back.
“But I don’t have to worry so much about losing control. It’s just me and the ‘wolf, running, hunting… Neither of us is really fighting the other. It’s probably the only time we aren’t at odds.” The Khajiit grimaced a bit more.
“That…sounds really weird to say, but…it’s the best I can describe it.” He sighed.
“Full moon shifts are…always like shifting for the first time. Painful, often bloody, and when the ‘wolf drags you under…you have no idea what you’ll come back to.” He swallowed.
“That fear…that never goes away…”
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vvardenfellcat · 6 years
3. If you could jump back through time to save a loved one’s life, would you? Despite what it might to do the timeline? To everyone else? Do you believe it is their fate to die regardless?
“If he’d change the timeline, it would only be for the better.” he snapped. The Khajiit’s muzzle was wrinkled, ears flicked back and his tail swishing sharply behind him. Yet if one looked past that, they’d see the pain lingering deep in his eyes, contrasting with the sharpness of his voice.
“He didn’t deserve to die like that, and the idea of ‘fate’ is just something people take comfort in when they’re complacent with their lives, or an excuse for shoving a burden onto someone else. We’re in charge of our own lives, anyone who says different is selling something.” J’hasi was trembling slightly, his hands flexing out of the curl he’d taken unconsciously, his breathing slowly...slowly...returning to normal. His voice went quiet.
“I would save him in a heartbeat. He was a good kid, a good friend... He at least deserved the chance to go back home to his family.”
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