noamuth · 5 months
(continued from reply on this post) @boarchasers
After a short time, the rat returns. It seems to have noticed that it has company, as its movements are much slower: no longer scampering but creeping, almost sideways in its approach, fur puffed out from its body, taking a sniff after every few cautious steps. As it draws within biting distance of the mushroom it watches Dalamus with an oddly fixed stare. [Tumblr won't let me reply with a different account so I guess the Boar-Chasers have temporarily adopted a rat.]
Dalamus is patient, red eyes focused on the small creature before him. He does not see a brain, so it is not a Cranium Rat, not an Illithid spy. With a tadpole behind his eye, a spy may not be necessary.
The rat does not appear diseased or cursed, does not have the awkwardness or fright of a young one. Perhaps surface rats are simply small. Still.. its stare unsettles him.
While one hand holds the mushroom steady, the other hand whips out in an attempt to snatch the rat from above--not to harm it just yet, but hold it securely and examine it. If only he had Animal Speaking, this would be simpler.
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dalamusrex · 1 year
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"Did you ever meet a pirate?" - Amelie (@boarchasers) "Let me see... I have, indeed, met a pirate!" - Dalamus
A welcome distraction from aching bones
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butleroftoast · 11 months
Following a conversation with @esraeh: TES OCs meet BG3.
Hjolrin is a ranger. Trond is a fighter. Haaki might start off as a vengeance paladin... but probably changes class multiple times.
Out of the three of them, it would be Haaki who ends up with a tadpole - because of course it would - but I am toying with the idea of it being Amelie, who is largely unconcerned by this development and enjoys the chance for a big adventure with her family, even if she thinks their panic and insistence on guarding her is an overreaction at first. She could definitely explore on her own. She's ten years old! That's two whole numbers!
Fria is a bard. Isn't she? Bards have eldritch blast, right? Yeah, that's normal.
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She comes from a family of wizards, but was much less interested in her studies than she was goofing off to learn about puppetry and performance. Her parents gave up on trying to force her, or on paying her much attention at all, after her younger sister turned out to be a sorcerer.
Frithjofr is a rogue who doesn't understand his class at all and usually rolls awfully... yet has an uncanny ability to roll nat20s when it really, really matters. He's convinced his pet chicken is a polymorphed dragon.
Morinah is a wizard specialising in magical artefacts, which she collects and preserves. She and Gale DO NOT GET ALONG.
The pirates are mostly rogues, of course, with a few wizards, fighters, and barbarians mixed in, plus Ethysil the cleric. Rumour has it there's also a bard among them. Anyone who accuses Vilayn of being this bard ends up mysteriously strangled to death by a spare violin string.
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tortulja · 2 years
"I don't want to do it." [Hjolrin]
Of course he wouldn’t, and Tortulja would never force him. With how frequently Arlain was off - fighting dragons and saving the world - she knew it took it’s toll on Hjolrin, and she only wanted to try and distract him.
But asking him to stray away from home was too much.
“Then we don’t have to go far at all. We can set up right outside the house if you want and I can go get the supplies from town myself,” she offered, a small, hopeful smile on her face. “All you’d have to do is get a fire going and maybe put down a blanket for us to sit on. Is that okay?”
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honortoprove · 2 years
"What are you doing here?" [From a Boar-Chaser?]
“Lookin’ for Tort,” he called out towards the man - a hunter by the looks of him - and Shad raised a hand the approximate distance from the ground as if measuring someone’s height. 
“Bout this tall? Talks almost nonstop, makes bad jokes all the time and juggles whatever she can get her hands on when she’s bored?” Shad offered, hoping the man had seen her pass by.
“She’s supposed to be meetin’ some friends out this way, so I was stoppin’ by to see her.”
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dragonbleps · 1 year
Happy birthday! :D
Thank you!!! :3
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scoundrelsfolly · 1 year
❝ Why does everyone ignore me? Why will no-one help me? ❞
“S’cause yer a guard,” Asher replied flatly, taking a bite of jerky and leaning against the gate wall. “No one likes the guards.”
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boarchasers · 10 months
Amelie is now ten years old in real time.
Out of the many things which make me feel old, this is definitely one of them.
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lostnord · 7 months
Incredibly, after a ridiculous amount of detective work, I have managed to recover this blog.
Frithjofr is clearly no longer active, but if you want to find me, head over to boarchasers, where Frithjofr occasionally crops up, or my personal blog butleroftoast, where I ramble about video games, D&D, cats, and random things which catch my interest.
To anyone still around, thank you for the stories we told together. This community changed my life and I will always remember everyone I met here fondly. So will Frithjofr, as he enters a quiet and gentle retirement.
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92825 · 2 years
This is a Flight Rising blog for PrivateDetective. Sideblog to @boarchasers, personal blog @butleroftoast.
Mostly for planning and posting G1 and breeding projects.
Clan/Lore Dragons: #clan of the windswept earth
G1 Projects: #windswept earth g1s
OC Dragons: #toasty ocs
There is a page for the lore clan, including G1s and late gens, but I haven’t bothered to format it yet.
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spellsword-archer · 4 years
11 - In what situation was your character the most afraid they’ve ever been? (For anyone?)
Character select: Azaron
Azaron would argue that he once knew no fear. Even as he aged, and began to mellow out a little (making a few good friends, reconnecting with old ones, getting married, etc.), no foe - be they man, mer, or beast - was ever enough of a challenge to make him doubt the worthiness of their clashing. At best, perhaps he knew regret for the consequences of loss, but surely, not fear…
…but then came the day that he tripped over the family dog in the kitchen of Towerlight Castle, and accidentally doused his tiny wife in hot soup.
And in that moment, Azaron knew true fear.
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vvardenfellcat · 6 years
boarchasers replied to your post : Hide - for a Boar-Chaser or a Scamp, whichever...
Even if the various clues already listed had not been enough to give away Trond’s position to all and sundry, the yelp which escaped him when J'hasi spoke would have alerted anybody between Whiterun and Cyrodiil as to his whereabouts. When he had regained his countenance - what there was of it - he turned the full glare of his helmet on J'hasi. ‘How am I doing? How am /I/ doing? What do you think /you’re/ doing?’
The Khajiit grinned cheekily at Trond, his tail curling in amusement behind him, still trying to stifle giggles at the outburst he’d caused. He finally bit his lip with a grin, taking a breath to calm himself enough to respond.
“Testing your skills. A good guardsman should always be prepared and alert for danger at any turn, of course.” A small snort of laughter made it out into the air, J’hasi pulling his scarf up to hide the huge grin he couldn’t hold back anymore.
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dalamusrex · 1 year
"Did you ever meet a pirate?" [Asks Amelie, who doesn't know Dal is a vampire but probably goes around asking everyone she knows this question after being read a bedtime story about pirates.]
Ah, a friendly face. One who did not know of his battle with a troll and, certainly, did not need to. The mer did his best not to raise suspicion or alarm, although it meant moving and speaking carefully.
"Let me see... I have, indeed, met a pirate! His name was... Amon, I believe." Technically a sailor, Dalamus was pretty sure. Same difference. It served the same purpose for this story.
"We were not close friends.. as he sailed often, you know. Pirate things to do. He was a Redguard. Dark hair and beard." Dalamus made a gesture as if stroking facial hair, which he did not have at all.
"He liked to drink, ah.." He did not know how much Amelie knew about liquor, and did not want to be hunted down for giving her too much of a curiosity about it. "He enjoyed juice." What kind of juice did Skyrim have?
This story was quickly becoming an impromptu fairy tale. But it was distracting him well enough, aside from the breathing he had to do.
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butleroftoast · 3 years
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I do not have the courage to get out my watercolours and I’m too lazy to plug in my tablet, but I’ve done a sort of colour-test thing, so I’m calling that today’s progress.
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tortulja · 2 years
"I want something in return for that." [Haaki]
“Obviously,” came the reply, and she turned to face the Nord, her mouth set in a firm line. “What is it you’d be wanting, then?”
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3 ~ Write how you feel about your character’s canon
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